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Immovable property – concept and definition
Definition in Section 3 is not exhaustive. It says only that ‘immovable property’ does not
include standing timber growing crops or grass. Definition of immovable property in Section
3(26) of General Clauses Act, 1897, is also not exhaustive. It defines immovable property as it
shall include land, benefits to arise out of land, and things attached to earth. Thus we find that
while Transfer of property excludes certain things. General Clauses Act, includes certain things
under the head ‘immovable property’. By combing both definitions, we may say that, the term
includes land, benefits to arise out of lands, and things attached to the earth, except standing
timber, growing crops and grass.
(A)Land: It means a determinate portion of the earth’s surface, which may be covered by
water, the column of surface above the surface, the ground beneath the surface. All the objects
which are on or under the surface in its natural State are included in the term land. Also all
objects placed by human agency on or under the surface with the intention of permanent
annexation are immovable property, e.g., Building, wall, fences.
(B) Benefits to arise out of land: Apart from physical point of view, every benefits arise out of
land is also regarded as immovable property. Registration Act also includes as immovable
property benefits to arise out of land, hereditary allowances, right of way, lights, ferries and
fisheries. In Anand Behera v. State of Orissa, AIR 1956 SC 17, the right to catch away fish from
chilka lake, over a number of years, was held to be an equivalent of profits a pendre in England
and a benfits to arise out of land in India. Similarly, a right to collect a rent and profits of
immovable property, right to collect dues from a fair or heat or market on a land are immovable
(C)Things attached to earth: Section 3 of transfer of property defines the expression
‘attached to earth’ as including (1) things rooted in the earth, (2) things embedded in the earth,
(3) things attached to what is so embedded, and (4) chattel attached to earth or building.
(1) Things rooted in earth include trees and shrubs, except standing timber, growing crops and
grasses (Section 3, TPA). Whether tress regarded as movable or immovable depends upon the
circumstances of the case. If the intention is that trees should continue to have the benefit of
further sustenance or nutriment by the soil (land), e.g., enjoining their fruits, then such tree is
immovable property. But if the intention is to oust them down sooner or later for the purpose
utilizing the wood for building or other industrial purpose, they would be timber and of
accordingly be regarded as movable property (Shantabai v. State of Bombay, AIR 1958 SC 532)
determining whether the tree is movable or immovable, the intention if party is important if the
parties intend that the tree should continue to have the benefit of further nutriment to be afforded
by soil, the tree is immovable property. But if intention is to withdraw the tree from land, and the
land is providing it only as a warehouse, it is to be treated as movable property.
(2)Things embedded in earth: It includes such things as house, buildings, etc., however certain
things like an anchor imbedded in the land to hold a ship is not an immovable property’ to
determine whether such things are movable or immovable property, depends upon circumstances
of each case and there are two main conditions to indicate intention.
(3) Things attached to what is so embedded must be for the permanent beneficial enjoyment of
the to which it is attached, as section says for, e.g., door and windows of a house are immovable
property to be permanent, like electric fans or window blinds, they are movable property.
(4)Chattel attached to earth or building if a chattel, i.e., movable property is attached to earth or
building, if is immovable property. The degree, manner, extent and strength of attachment are the
main features to be regarded in determining the question. Standing timber, growing crops and
grasses are regarded as severable from land and they are regarded as movable property. However
if they and the land on which they stand is sold,
d) Standing timber: The word standing timber includes Babool Tree, Shisham, Nimb, Papal
Banyan, Teak, Bamboo, etc. The fruit berating tree like Mango, Mahua, Jackfruit, Jamun, etc.,
are not standing timber, and they are immovable properties ( Fatimabibi v. Arrfana Begum, AIR
1980 All 394). But if intention is to cut them down sooner or later for the purpose utilising them
as timber, and not to use them for the purpose of enjoying their fruits, they are regarded as
movable property. (T.A. Sankunni v. B.J. Philips, AIR 1972 Mad 272).
(e) Growing crops: Growing crops includes creepers like pan, angoor, etc., millets (Wheat,
Sugarcane, etc.), Veg like Lauki, Kaddo, etc. These crops don’t have any own independent
existence beyond their final produce.
(f) Grasses: It can only be used as fodder, and no other use is possible. Therefore it is movable.
But a contract to cut grass will be an interest in chattel, so is immovable property. The following
has been judicially recognised as immovable property:
Minerals: Upon transfer of immovable property, things not only rooted to it, but also anything
found deep down below the property goes along with the transfer. All minerals below the land
sole are immovable property.
Movable Property
Transfer of property does not define movable property. In General Clauses Act, it is defined as
“Property of every description except immovable property”. Some examples are right of
worship, royalty, machinery not attached to earth which can be shifted, a decree for arrear of rent