Sec 1 Rainforests
Sec 1 Rainforests
Sec 1 Rainforests
Tropical Rainforest
How Can We Save The
Think about this!
How did the name tropical rainforest come about?
Tropical Rainforest
In this section, you will explore these Guiding
1. What are tropical rainforests?
2. What is deforestation?
3. Where are tropical rainforests found and which
areas have been deforested?
4. Why does deforestation occur?
5. How does deforestation impact people and the
6. How should we manage deforestation?
Tropical Rainforest
In this section, you will explore these Guiding
1. What are tropical rainforests?
2. What is deforestation?
3. Where are tropical rainforests found and which
areas have been deforested?
4. Why does deforestation occur?
5. How does deforestation impact people and the
6. How should we manage deforestation?
1. What are tropical rainforests?
Seeps into the ground and is Flows as runoff into the rivers
stored as groundwater or reservoirs
Contributes to water supply
1. What are tropical rainforests?
Uses of tropical rainforest
Water catchment (Singapore)
• Central Catchment Nature
Reserve lies within one of the
biggest water catchment in
• Supplies water for our daily
needs through four reservoirs
• Forests surrounding these
reservoirs are protected to
maintain the quality of water
1. What are tropical rainforests?
Uses of tropical rainforest
Green lungs of the earth
– Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
and release oxygen (photosynthesis)
– More than 20% of the earth’s oxygen is generated by
the Amazon rainforest
• Dense vegetation of tropical rainforests keeps the
earth cool
1. What are tropical rainforests?
Uses of tropical rainforest
Green lungs of the earth
• Tropical rainforests act as the earth’s natural air
– Absorb about 2.4
billion tonnes of
carbon dioxide in
one year (includes
almost 1/3 of the
CO2 emissions given
off when fossil fuels
are burnt)
1. What are tropical rainforests?
Uses of tropical rainforest
Habitat to flora (plants) and fauna (animals)
• Home to more than 2 million species (1/2 of world’s
1. What are tropical rainforests?
Uses of tropical rainforest
Habitat to flora (plants) and fauna (animals)
• Abundance and diversity of flora and fauna
– Ample sunlight is converted by the plants into energy
and food (photosynthesis) which allows plants to
In turn, the plants are eaten by animals for survival
– Continuous canopy is a habitat where other plants can
grow and animals can live in
1. What are tropical rainforests?
Uses of tropical rainforest
Habitat to indigenous people
• 60 million indigenous people
(original inhabitants of a country)
are wholly dependent on the
tropical rainforest
• Many of them have been living in
tropical rainforests for thousands
of years
e.g. Yanomami in the Amazon rainforest,
Penan in the rainforest in Sarawak
An indigenous group living in the
Amazon rainforest
1. What are tropical rainforests?
Uses of tropical rainforest
Habitat to indigenous people
• Tropical rainforests provide these people with daily
necessities such as food, clothing and medicine
• They obtain food by either hunting and gathering
(hunt fish, gather wild fruit and nuts), or agriculture
(growing of crops)
[As such, they are known as hunter-gatherers or shifting
1. What are tropical rainforests?
Uses of tropical rainforest
Habitat to indigenous people
• Shifting cultivation
– They grow their own plants for food and medicine
(just enough for themselves)
– They first clear the land by burning the vegetation
– When the nutrients in the soil are used up and the
soil cannot support the growing of any more plants,
they would move to another plot of land in the
– The original plot is left to regain its fertility naturally
1. What are tropical rainforests?
Uses of tropical rainforest
Source of timber
• Timber refers to the the wood (e.g. teak, ebony,
mahogany and meranti) used to build or make things
such as doors, window frames and furniture
• Tropical rainforests supply about 1/5 of the world’s
industrial timber
• Also, tropical rainforest provide fuel wood to people
for cooking
1. What are tropical rainforests?
Uses of tropical rainforest
Medical application
• Tropical rainforests are known as ‘the world’s largest
pharmacy’ Many of the foods (e.g. Brazil nuts) have
cancer-fighting properties
• In Amazon rainforest, nearly 3,000 plant species have
been identified to have such properties
• Potential medicinal value of tropical rainforest plants
is still largely untapped (99% have yet to be tested)
1. What are tropical rainforests?
Uses of tropical rainforest
Medical application
1980 1990
Tropical Rainforest 19.1 mil km2 17.9 mil km2
Tropical Rainforest
In this section, you will explore these Guiding
1. What are tropical rainforests?
2. What is deforestation?
3. Where are tropical rainforests found and which
areas have been deforested?
4. Why does deforestation occur?
5. How does deforestation impact people and the
6. How should we manage deforestation?
3a. Where are tropical rainforests
Global distribution of tropical rainforests
• Less than 5% of the earth’s land surface
• Equatorial climate (between latitudes 20° N and 20°
S) where there is abundant sunlight, high
temperatures and heavy rainfall throughout the year
• High temperatures (of more than 26oC, with a range
of 2–3oC) and high rainfall (1,500–2,500mm)
3a. Where are tropical rainforests found?
Amazon Basin in Congo Basin
South America in Africa
3a. Where are tropical rainforests found?
Distribution of tropical rainforests in Singapore
3b. Which areas have been deforested?
Global distribution of deforested areas of tropical
• Rainforests are disappearing at alarming rates
because of human activities:
– Agriculture
– Mining
– Logging
– Land clearance (for housing and industries)
• Remaining rainforests are smaller and broken up into
3b. Which areas have been deforested?
Global distribution of deforested areas of tropical
• For every tree extracted, five are badly damaged
(falling tree will destroy the surrounding trees or
smaller-sized plants)
• Also, the soil is exposed to erosion
4. Why does deforestation occur?
• Japan
– Is one of the world’s biggest consumers of timber
– A lot of wood is used for their buildings and
– Much of this supply comes from the rainforest in
4. Why does deforestation occur?
• China
– Huge demand for timber for making disposable
chopsticks and paper
– Caused heavy logging in the rainforests of Congo
and Cameroon in Central Africa, Brazil and
4. Why does deforestation occur?
• Precious metals and
gemstones (gold, copper and
diamonds) are found
beneath many tropical
• Forests are cleared to
NASA satellite image showing the
establish the mines and extent of deforestation caused by the
Carajás Mine, Brazil
construct roads to transport
the mined materials
4. Why does deforestation occur?
• Carajás Mine in Brazil has a rich variety of mineral
• In 2007: 296 million tonnes of iron ore were extracted
(18 billion tonnes of minerals including gold and
• These minerals are needed to produce electronic
products such as computers and telephones as well as
electrical wires
4. Why does deforestation occur?
Although human activities have led to
deforestation, some may view these activities as
key to development:
• The clearing of forests provides land for
communities to build houses, factories, offices
• Roads can be built and this makes trade and
transport easier
• Also, the land can be converted to agricultural land
to allow the production of more food
Tropical Rainforest
In this section, you will explore these Guiding
1. What are tropical rainforests?
2. What is deforestation?
3. Where are tropical rainforests found and which
areas have been deforested?
4. Why does deforestation occur?
5. How does deforestation impact people and the
6. How should we manage deforestation?
5. How does deforestation impact
people and the environment?
Environmental impact
• Loss of biodiversity
• Loss of water catchment areas
• Increased risk of flooding, soil erosion and
• Enhanced greenhouse effect
Economic impact
• Depletion of natural resources
Social impact
• Effects on indigenous people
5. How does deforestation impact
people and the environment?
Environmental impact
Loss of biodiversity
• Deforestation destroys the habitats of plants and
• Loss of biodiversity = Loss of the variety of plants
and animals
• Millions of plant and animal species have become
• As a result, there is lesser variety of resources that
we can obtain from the rainforest
5. How does deforestation impact
people and the environment?
Environmental impact
Loss of biodiversity
Sediments enter
the sea
Coral reefs get suffocated
Deforestation of
significantly to
the total
amount of
carbon dioxide
released into
the atmosphere
5. How does deforestation impact
people and the environment?
Environmental impact
Enhanced greenhouse effect
• The enhanced greenhouse effect affects people and
the environment
For example
• Increased temperatures can cause ice caps to melt
• Results in a rise in sea levels and flooding of low-lying
coastal areas
• Low-lying islands (Kiribati and Vanuatu in the Pacific
Ocean) may be submerged and disappear into the sea
• As such, people living on these islands may lose their
5. How does deforestation impact
people and the environment?
Economic impact
Depletion of natural resources
• Natural resource: Anything from the natural
environment that people can use to satisfy their
needs such as food, shelter, clothing, air and water
• Tropical rainforests provide important natural
resources (timber, food and water) that contribute
greatly to the economic growth of many countries
• Rapid deforestation often destroys the rainforest
faster than it can replenish itself
5. How does deforestation impact
people and the environment?
Economic impact
Depletion of natural resources
Earnings of
industries that rely
on rainforest
resources get
e.g. timber trade
5. How does deforestation impact
people and the environment?
Social impact
Effects on indigenous people
The Guarani
community is living in
makeshift camps
because parts of the
forest were cleared for
sugarcane plantations,
displacing these people
from their homes in
the tropical rainforest
5. How does deforestation impact
people and the environment?
Social impact
Effects on indigenous people
• Cutting down rainforests to create land for
plantations or mining affects the lives of indigenous
• They lose their homes and are forced to adapt to a
new way of living to survive
• Traditionally, they live in harmony and obtain
everything they need (food, shelter) from the forest
• This displacement often causes indigenous tribes to
disperse and cultures to disappear
5. How does deforestation impact
people and the environment?
• The impact of deforestation can be devastating.
However, people have different views towards this
5. How does deforestation impact
people and the environment?
Palm oil production in Sarawak, Malaysia
• Malaysia is the world’s second largest producer of palm
• Currently, 40,000 km2 of the land in Peninsular Malaysia
are planted with oil palms
• New plantations have sprouted in Sarawak as land is
used up in Peninsular Malaysia
• In 2010, Sarawak was predicted to become Malaysia’s
largest palm oil producer by the end of this decade
Tropical Rainforest
In this section, you will explore these Guiding
1. What are tropical rainforests?
2. What is deforestation?
3. Where are tropical rainforests found and which
areas have been deforested?
4. Why does deforestation occur?
5. How does deforestation impact people and the
6. How should we manage deforestation?
6. How should we manage
The worrying state of our world’s rainforests
signals a need for action!
The blue line shows the amount of forests that will be lost from 2012 onwards if we do nothing and continue with deforestation.
The red line shows a target we can meet if we take action.
6. How should we manage
International Year of Forests (IYF) 2011
• Named by the UN to raise
awareness about deforestation
and promote forest conservation
around the world
• Conservation: Protecting the
environment and its natural
resources from harm which
involves maintenance,
restoration and wise
management of resources to
avoid permanent depletion of
6. How should we manage
International Year of Forests (IYF) 2011
• Sustainable resource management: Careful use of
resources (e.g. protecting forests) to ensure their
availability in the future
• Governments need to be actively involved in passing
laws to ensure resources are sustainably managed
• Each of us plays an important role in conserving the
6. How should we manage
For example:
• The rainforest in the Singapore Botanic Gardens was
reforested because more than 80% of its plants are
rare or endangered (e.g. Meranti Laut)
• Forests of Giants: Emergent trees are reintroduced to
Singapore forests
6. How should we manage
Conserving tropical rainforests in Singapore
Public education
Singapore government aims to promote people’s
understanding of our forests by:
• Increasing appreciation, awareness and understanding of
nature through public seminars, road shows and events
• Promoting volunteerism through biodiversity interest
• Incorporating elements of biodiversity conservation into
the school curriculum
6. How should we manage
Conserving tropical rainforests in Singapore
Public education
• Trails and guided walks in the nature reserves
– Inform the public about the biodiversity of the
• Internet
– Widely used tool for educating the public about
Singapore’s biodiversity
– Websites contain articles, photographs and
information on upcoming nature-related events in
6. How should we manage
What are the benefits and challenges of
measures that manage deforestation?
• Protection of forested areas
• Reforestation
• Controlled Logging
• Public education
6. How should we manage
What are the benefits and challenges of
measures that manage deforestation?
Protection of forested areas (Benefits)
• Important in the conservation of our indigenous
ecosystems and native biodiversity
• Useful for educational and recreational purposes,
and scientific study
• Has helped to reduce deforestation in the Amazon
6. How should we manage
What are the benefits and challenges of
measures that manage deforestation?
Protection of forested areas (Challenges)
• Protected areas are not fenced and are still
vulnerable to human impact
• In the Amazon, officers responsible for monitoring
the protected areas may give in to corruption and
allow loggers and miners to illegally enter protected
6. How should we manage
What are the benefits and challenges of
measures that manage deforestation?
Protection of forested areas (Challenges)
• There are not enough forest rangers to patrol the
huge areas of the Amazon rainforest families
illegally settling in the protected areas
• In Singapore, there is a need to balance development
and biodiversity conservation
6. How should we manage
What are the benefits and challenges of
measures that manage deforestation?
Reforestation (Benefits)
• Soil fertility can be improved which In the long term
helps sustain plant growth in the area
• Reduces erosion, maintains the water cycle, and
preserves the rainforest habitat and biodiversity
• Creates more jobs for local communities e.g.
producing seedlings to plant, tour guiding
6. How should we manage
What are the benefits and challenges of
measures that manage deforestation?
Reforestation (Challenges)
• Can be expensive and time-consuming
• Depends on the availability of native plants for
6. How should we manage
What are the benefits and challenges of
measures that manage deforestation?
Controlled logging (Benefits)
• Greater control of illegal logging has led to a
decrease in deforestation in the Amazon
• In recent years, Brazil’s environmental enforcement
agency has stopped several illegal loggers
6. How should we manage
What are the benefits and challenges of
measures that manage deforestation?
Controlled logging (Challenges)
• Identifying and logging selected trees is time-
consuming and difficult to implement
• Areas designated for controlled logging in the
Amazon still face threats from illegal loggers as the
rainforest covers a large area, making it difficult to
track illegal loggers
6. How should we manage
What are the benefits and challenges of
measures that manage deforestation?
Public education (Benefits)
• Has far-reaching effects, especially in the long term
where it can help to change people’s mindsets, and
increase awareness, understanding and appreciation
of forests
• Knowledge and awareness can lead to action and
participation from the community
6. How should we manage
What are the benefits and challenges of
measures that manage deforestation?
Public education (Challenges)
• Turning environmental awareness into personal
behaviour and action is difficult
• Raising awareness is difficult in some countries with
low literacy rates
• Many of the countries around the Amazon rely on
the rainforest and these countries obtain income
from exports derived from the rainforest
What can you, as an individual, do to contribute
to the global/local efforts to save the rainforest?