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All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021

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Test CODE : TD-4

[All India Test & Discussion Series]

TEST DATE : 08-Jan.-2021
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All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021

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All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021

TOPIC : Circular motion

1. A mass of 2 kg is whirled in a horizontal circle by 1. , d nksfdxzk0 nzO;eku {kS
frt o`Rr es
a, d Mks
j hdsekè; e l s
means of a string at an initial speed of 5 revolutions 5 pDdj i zfr feuV dhpky l s?kw e jgkgSf=kT; kfu; r j[ kus
per minute. Keeping the radius constant the tension i j Mks
j hes
aruko nqxukgkst krkgSAu; hpky yxHkx gks xhA
in the string is doubled. The new speed is nearly :
(A) 14 rpm
(A) 14 rpm
(B) 10 rpm
(B) 10 rpm
(C) 2.25 rpm
(C) 2.25 rpm
(D) 7 rpm
(D) 7 rpm
2. ; fn , d oLrqfu; r pky v l sr f=kT; kdsoR̀r kdkj i Fki j ?kw
2. If a body is moving in a circle of radius r metres jgkgSrksml dkdks . kh; os
x gS%
with a constant speed v metre/ sec. The angular
velocity is : (A) r/v
(A) r/v (B) v r
(B) v r (C) v2/r
(C) v /r
(D) v/r
(D) v/r
3. ?kMhds?ka
Vsdhl qbZdsdks
. kh; os
x dki fjek.krFkki F̀ohds
3. The ratio of magnitudes of angular velocity of the vi us
av{kdsi fjr%ds?kw
eusdsdks . kh; os
x dkvuqi kr gks
hour hand of a watch to that of earth’s rotation gSA
about its own axis is :
(A) 1 : 1
(A) 1 : 1
(B) 1 : 2
(B) 1 : 2
(C) 1 : 3
(C) 1 : 3
(D) 2 : 1
(D) 2 : 1
4. When a particle moves along a curved path then
4. t c dks
bZd.koØh; i Fki j xfr djrkgS
Arc bl dkos
its velocity is :
(A) Tangential to its path
(A) i FkdsLi ' kZ
j s[kkdsvuq
fn' kgksrkgS
(B) Normal to its path
(B) i FkdsyEcor ~gksrkgS
(C) Constant
(C) fu; r jgr kgS
(D) None of the above is true
(D) dksbZl R; ughgS

5. A body of mass m is moving in a circle of radius r 5. ,d m nz

O;eku dkfi .Mf=kT; kr dso`Rr es
afu; r pky v ds
with a constant speed v. The force on the body is mv2
l kFk?kw
e jgkgS
] fi .Mi j cy gSvkS
j ; g ds
mv r
and is directed towards the centre. What is
r gS
] t c fi .MoR̀r dhv/ Zi fj/ hes
erkgSrc bl cy }kjk
the work done by this force in moving the body fd; kx; kdk; ZgS%
over half the circumference of the circle :
mv 2
mv 2
(A)  r
(A)  r r
(B) Zero
(B) Zero
mv 2
mv 2 (C)
(C) r2
r 2
r 2 (D)
(D) mv 2
mv 2
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
6. What is constant for a body moving in a horizontal 6. {kS
frt oR̀r i j , d l eku dks
. kh; pky l sxfr djrsgq
; sfi .M
circle with a uniform angular speed : dsfy, D; kfu; r gks r kgS%
(A) Velocity (A) osx
(B) Acceleration (B) Roj.k
(C) Force (C) cy
(D) Kinetic energy (D) xfr t Åt kZ
7. A cyclist moves around a circular path of radius
7. , d l kbfdy l okj 39.2 ehdhf=kT; kdsi Fki j 19.6 eh@l sa
39.2 m with a speed of 19.6 ms–1. He must lean A og  dks
d hpky l sxfr d j r kgS . ki j vUnj dhvks
j {kS
inwards at an angle  with vertical given by : dsl kFkfdruk>q d s%
(A)  = tan–1 1 (A)  = tan–1 1
(B)  = tan–1 2 (B)  = tan–1 2
(C)  = tan–1 3
(C)  = tan–1 3
(D)  = tan–1 4
(D)  = tan–1 4
8. A stone tied to the end of a 20 cm long string is
whirled in a horizontal circle. If the centrpetal 8. 20 ls
ehdh, d Mksj hl s, d i RFkj dkscka
/ dj {kS
frt o`Ùkes a
acceleration is 9.8 ms–2, its angular speed in radian/ ?kq
A; fn vfHkdsUnzh; Roj.k 9.8 eh@l s- gksrksdks
. kh;
sec is : pky gksxh%
(A) 7 (A) 7

(B) 14 (B) 14

(C) 49 (C) 49

(D) 98 (D) 98.

9. A particel makes ‘f’ revolutions per sec in a circular 9. , d d.k‘f’ vkof̀Ùkl sr f=kT; kdsi Fki j ?kw
e jgkgS
Abl dk
path of radius r. Its centripetal acceleration is : vfHkds
Unzh; Roj.kgS%
(A) 4f 2 r2 (A) 4f 2 r2

(B) 4f 2 r (B) 4f 2 r

(C) 4f 2 r (C) 4f 2 r

(D) 4f 2 r2 (D) 4f 2 r2

10. A particle is moving in circle of radius r centred at 10. , d d.kds UnzO l sr f=kT; kdsoR̀r h; es
ai Fki j fu; r pky
O with constant speed v. The change in velocity in v l s xfr dj jgk gS AA l sB rd os x i fjorZ u gS%
moving from A to B (AOB  40o ) is : (AOB  40o ) :

O v O v

o B o B
V 40
(A) 2v cos 40o (A) 2v cos 40o
(B) 2v sin 40o (B) 2v sin 40o
(C) 2v cos 20
(C) 2v cos 20o
(D) 2v sin 20
(D) 2v sin 20o
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
11. A particle moves in a circle of radius 25 cm at two 11. , d d.k25 l s
ehf=kT; kdso`Ùkh; i Fk2 pDdj i zfr l s
revolutions per second. The acceleration of the 2
l sxfr dj jgkgS
Ad.kdkRoj.keh@l s gks xk%
particle in metre per seond 2 is
(A) 
(A) 
(B) 82
(B) 82

(C) 22 (C) 22

(D) 42 (D) 42

12. A bucket tied at the end of a 1.6 m long string is 12. , d ckYVh1.6 eh0 dhMks jhl scka
/ dj ÅèokZ
/ j oÙ̀kes
afu; r
whirled in a vertical circle with constant speed. pky dsl kFk?kq
ek; kt krkgSU;wure pky D; kgksuhpkfg, fd
what should be the minimum speed so that water
from the bucket does not spill when the bucket is
i kuhckYVhl sckgj u vk; s
at c ckYVhmPpre fcUnqi j gks%
at the hightest position? (take g = 10 ms–2) : (take g = 10 ms–2) :

(A) 4 m/sec (A) 4 eh0@l s0

(B) 6.25 m/sec (B) 6.25 eh0@l s0
(C) 16 m/s
(C) 16 eh0@l s0
(D) None of these
(D) mi jksDr esadksbZugha
13. Find the maximum velocity with which a train can
be moved on a circular track of radius 200 m. the
13. Vªs
u dhvf/ dre pky D; kgks xhft l l sog 200 eh0 f=kT; k
banking of the track is 5.71o and tan 5.17o = 0.1 : dsi Fki j xfr dj l ds a
d dk>q d ko 5.71o rFkktan
(g = 9.8 m/s2) 5.17o = 0.1 gS: (g = 9.8 m/s2)

(A) 1.4 ms–1 (A) 1.4 eh0@l s

(B) 14 ms–1 (B) 14 eh0@l s
(C) 140 ms–1 (C) 140 eh0@l s
(D) 0.14 ms–1 (D) 0.14 eh0@l s
14. Two particles of equal masses are revolving in 14. nksl eku nzO;eku dsd.ko`Ùkh; i Fki j Øe' k%r1 rFkkr2
circular paths of radii r1 and r2 respectively with the
same speed. The ratio of their centripetal force is : f=kT; kdsi Fki j l eku pky l s?kw
e jgkgSbudsvfHkds
cyksadkvuq i kr gS%
(A) r2
(B) r2
r1 (B)
2 2
 r1   r1 
(C)   (C)  
r  2 r  2

2 2
 r2   r2 
(D)   (D)  
r  1
r  1

All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
15. A mass of 100 gm is tied to one end of a string 2 m 15. , d 2 ehVj yEchMks j hds, d fl jsi j 100 xzke nzO;eku dk
long. The body is revoling in a horizontal circle fi .MyVdkgq v kgSfi .MdkÅèokZ / j o`Ùkesa200 pDdj
making a maximum of 200 revolutions per min. i zfr feuV pDdj yxkrkgSMks jhdkvxykfl jkpDdj yxkus
The other end of the string is fixed at the centre of okysoR̀r dsds Unzi j LFkkbZfd; kx; kgSvf/ dre ruko t ks
the circle of revolution. The maximum tension in
Mks j hogu dj l drhgS%
the string is. [approximately]
(A) 8.76 N
(A) 8.76 N
(B) 8.94 N (B) 8.94 N
(C) 89.42 N (C) 89.42 N
(D) 87.64 N
(D) 87.64 N
16. In a vertical circle of radius r, at what point in its
path a particle has tension equal to zero (when
16. r f=kT; kdsÅèokZ/ j o`Ùkes
abl i Fkdsfdl fcUnqi j ruko
particle just complete the circle) : ' kw
U; gksxkA( t c d.ko`Rr i j i w
j kpDdj dj ysa
) %
(A) Highest point (A) mPpr e fcUnqi j
(B) Lowest point (B) fuEur e fcUnqi j
(C) Any point
(C) fdl hHkhfcUnqi j
(D) At a point horizontally from the centre of circle
of radius r. (D) dsUnzl s{kS
fr t fcUnqi j
17. The tension in the string revolving in a vertical 17. Mks
j hdsNks j i j ca/ snzO;eku dsd.kdksÅèokZ / j o`Ùkes
circle with a mass m at the end when it is at the ?kq
ekusi j ruko gks xkt c ; suhpsdhvks
j fLFkr gks%
lowest position. m2
2 (A)
m r
m 2
m 2 (B)  mg
(B)  mg r
m 2 m 2
(C)  mg (C)  mg
r r

(D) mg
(D) mg
18. The angular speed of a fly wheel making 120
revolutions/minute is. 18. 120 pDdj i zfr feuV dhnj l sxfr djrsgq
, i fg; s
. kh; pky gS %
(A) 2 rad/s
(A) 2 rad/s
(B) 42 rad/s
(B) 42 rad/s
(C)  rad/s
(C)  rad/s
(D) 4 rad/s
(D) 4 rad/s
19. A cane filled with water is revolved in a vertical
circle of radius 4 meter and the water just does 19. i kuhl sHkjs, d i k=kdh4 eh0 dhf=kT; kdsi Fki j ÅèokZ
not fall down. The approximate time period of o`Ùkesaxfr dj jgkgSvkS j i kuhuhpsughfxjrkgS ApDdj
revolution will be (g = 10 m/s2): dkvkorZ d ky yxHkx gksxk%(g = 10 m/s2):
(A) 1 sec (A) 1 sec

(B) 10 sec (B) 10 sec

(C) 8 sec (C) 8 sec

(D) 4 sec (D) 4 sec
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
20. A particle of mass m is executing uniform circular 20. m nz
O;eku dk, d f=kT; kdsi Fkes
a, d l eku oR̀r h;
motion on a path of radius r. If p is the magnitude
of its linear momentum. The radial force acting xfr fu"i kfnr djrkgS
A; fn p bl dsjs
[ kh; l a
x dki fjek.k

on the particle is gS
] j dk; Zdjusokykcy gks

(A) pmr (A) pmr

rm rm
(B) (B)
p p

mp2 mp2
(C) (C)
r r

p2 p2
(D) (D)
rm rm

21. The average acceleration vector for a particle 21. , d l eku o`Ùkh; xfr djrsgq
; sd.kdsfy, vkS
l r Roj.k
having a uniform circulur motion is l fn' kgks
(A) A constant vector of magnitude n2/r
(A) fu; r osDVj gSft l dki fjek.kn2/r gS
(B) A vector of magnitude n2/r directed normal to the
plane of the given uniform circular motion. (B) r y dsyEcor ~n2/r i fjek.kdk
(C) Equal to the instantaneous acceleration vector at
(C) r kRdkfyd Roj.kosDVj dscjkcj
the start of the motion.
(D) A null vector. (D) ' kw
U; osDVj
22. A motor cyclist moving with a velocity of 72 km/
22. 72 fdehi z
fr ?ka
Vsdhpky l sxfr djrsgq, eksVj l kbfdy
hour on a flat road takes a turn on the road at a
point where the radius of curvature of the road is l okj dksfi Q
l yusl scpusdsfy, ÅèokZ/ j l sde l sde
20 meters. The acceleration due to gravity is 10 m/ fdrukdks . kcukukpkfg, Ai Fkdhf=kT; k20 eh0 gSrFkk
sec2. In order to avoid skidding, he must not bend g = 10 eh 0@l s 02.
with respect to the vertical plane by an angle
greater than- (A)  = tan–1 6

(A)  = tan–1 6 (B)  = tan–1 2

(B)  = tan–1 2
(C)  = tan–1 25.92
(C)  = tan–1 25.92
(D)  = tan–1 4 (D)  = tan–1 4
23. A motorcycle is going on an overbridge of radius
R. The driver maintains a constant speed. As the
23. , d eks
Vj l kbfdy l okj i q
y dsÅi j l sfu; r pky l st kjgk
motorcycle is ascending on the overbridge, the gSAft l dhf=kT; kR gSAt S ls
&t S
l seks
Vj l kbfdy l okj i q
normal force on it. dsÅi j t krkgS ] yEcor~cy %
(A) Increases (A) c<+r kgS
(B) Decreases (B) ?kVr kgS
(C) oghjgr kgS
(C) Remains the same
(D) cnyr kgS
(D) Fluctuates
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
24. A weightless thread can bear tension upto 3.7 kg 24. , d Hkkjghu Mks
j h3.7 fdxzkrd ruko l gu dj l drhgS A
wt. A stone of mass 500 gms is tied to it and revolved 500 xzke dsnzO;eku dkscka / dj 4 eh0 f=kT; kdsi Fki j
in a circular path of radius 4 m in a vertical plane. ?kq
ekrsgSA; fn g = 10 eh@l s
0–2, gksrksvf/ dre dks
. kh; os
If g = 10 ms–2, then the maximum angular velocity
of the stone will be.
(A) 4 radians/sec (A) 4 radians/sec

(B) 16 radians/sec (B) 16 radians/sec

(C) 21 radians/sec (C) 21 radians/sec

(D) 2 radians/sec (D) 2 radians/sec
25. A body of mass 100 g is rotating in a circular path
25. 100 xz
ke nzO;eku dh, d oLrqr f=kT; kdsi Fki j fu; r os
of radius r with constant velocity . The work done
l s?kw
e jghgS
A, d pDdj gks
usi j fd; kx; kdk; Zgks xk%
in one complete revolution is :
(A) 100 rJ
(A) 100 rJ
(B) (r/100) J
(B) (r/100) J
(C) (100/r) J
(C) (100/r) J
(D) ' kw
(D) Zero
26. A particle revolves round a circular path. The
26. , d d.ko`Rrh; i Fki j ?kw
e jgkgSd.kdkRoj.kgks
acceleration of the particle is : (A) oR̀r dhi fjf/ dsvuq
fn' k
(A) Along the circumference of the circle
(B) Li ' kZjs[kkdsvuq
fn' k
(B) Along the tangent
(C) Along the radius
(C) f=T; k dsvuq
fn' k
(D) Zero (D) ' kw
27. Two particles having mass ‘M’ and ‘m’ are moving 27. ‘M’ vkS j ‘m’ nzO;eku dsnksd.kR vkS
j r f=kT; kdsi Fki j
in a circular path having radius R & r. If their period pDdj yxk jgs agS
A ; fn mudsvkorZd ky l eku gks] rc
are same, then the ratio of angular velocity will dks
. kh; os xks
adkvuq i kr gks
be : r
r R
R r
(C) 1
(C) 1
R (D)
(D) r
28. , d l kbfdy l okj 27 fdehi zfr ?kaVsdhpky l st kjgkgS A
28. A cyclist is riding with a speed of 27 km/h. As he
tSl sghog 80 eh0 f=kT; kdseksM+i j i gq
¡prkgS ] og czsd yxk
approaches a circular turn on the road of radius
80 m, he applies brakes and reduces his speed at
nsr kgS
arFkkml dhpky 0.50 eh0 i zfr l s 0 l si zR; s
d ls
the constant rate of 0.50 m/s every second. What de gkst krhgS Ao`Rrh; eksM+i j l kbfdy l okj dsi fj.kkeh
is the magnitude of the net acceleration of the Roj.kdki fjek.kD; kgks xk%
cyclist on the circular turn (A) 1.86 eh0@l s
(A) 1.86 m/sec2 (B) 3.86 eh0@l s
(B) 3.86 m/sec2
(C) 0.86 eh0@l s
(C) 0.86 m/sec2
(D) 0.086 eh0@l 0
(D) 0.086 m/sec2
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
29. A car is moving with speed 30 m/s on a circular 29. , d dkj 500 eh0 f=kT; kdsi Fki j 30 eh0@l s
0 dhpky l s
path of radius 500 m. Its speed is increasing at the xfr dj jghgSAbl dhpky 2eh0@l s 02 dhnj l sc<+jghgS
rate of 2 m/s2. Find approximate acceleration of dkj dkyxHkx Roj.kgks xk%
car :
(A) 4.7 eh0@l 0
(A) 4.7 m/s2
(B) 18 m/s2 (B) 18 eh0@l s
(C) 3.3 m/s2 (C) 3.3 eh0@l s
(D) 2.7 m/s2 (D) 2.7 eh0@l s
30. A particle is kept at rest at the top of a sphere of
30. , d d.k42 eh0 dsO;kl dsxks ysdsmPpre fcUnqi j j[ kk
diameter 42 m. when disturbed slightly, if slides
kl kfoLFkkfi r djusi j h nw
j huhpsf[ kl d t krkgS
down at what height h from the top, the particle
rFkkxksysdksNksM+ns r kgS
Ah dkeku gks xk%
will leave the sphere:
(A) 2 m (A) 2 eh0

(B) 5 m (B) 5 eh0

(C) 7 m (C) 7 eh0

(D) 35 m (D) 35 eh0

31. A particle moves in a circle of radius 30 cm. Its 31. , d d.k30 l s

eh0 dsf=kT; kdso`Ùkh; i Fki j xfr djrkgS A
linear speed is given by v = 2t where t in sec & vin bl dhpky v = 2t gS
At = 3 l si j f=kT; h; vkS
j Li ' kZjs
[ kh;
m/s. Find out its radial & tangential acceleration Roj.kKkr dfj; as
at t = 3sec.
(A) 120, 2 eh0@l 0
(A) 120, 2 m/s2
(B) 120, 20 eh0@l 0
(B) 120, 20 m/s2
(C) 100, 2 eh0@l 0
(C) 100, 2 m/s2
(D) 420, 2 eh0@l s
(D) 420, 2 m/s2

32. The distance between the rails of a railway line is

32. Vs
adsi Vfj; ks
adschp nwjh1 eh0 gSAckgj okyhi Vjhdks
1m. How much should the outer rail be raised vUnj okyhi Vjhl sfdrukÅi j mBk; s afd Vªs
u 20 eh0@l s 0
relative to the inner one so that a train may cross dhxfr l s400 eh0 f=kT; kdsi Fkdksfcuk?k"kZ
. ki kj dj t k;s
over a turn of radius 400 m with a speed of 20 m/ (g = 10 m/s2) :
s without friction. (g = 10 m/s2) :
(A) 15 l e
(A) 15 cm
(B) 10 l e
(B) 10 cm
(C) 35 l e
(C) 35 cm
(D) 40 l e
(D) 40 cm

33. If a particle covers half the circle of radius R with

33. ; fn , d d.kfu; r pky l sR f=kT; kdsoR̀r i j v/ Z
constant speed then : cjkcj nwj hr; djrkgS] rc%

(A) Momentum change is mvr

(A) la
osx esai fjor Z
u mvr gS
(B) Change in K.E. is 1/2 mv 2 (B) xfr t Åt kZesai fjor Z
u 1/2 mv2
(C) Change in K.E. is mv 2 (C) xfr t Åt kZesai fjor Z
u mv2
(D) Change in K.E. is zero (D) xfr t Åt kZesai fjor Z
u ' kU
w; gS
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
34. A 500 kg car takes a round turn of radius 50 m with 34. 500 kg dh, d dkj 50 m f=kT; kdso`Ùkesa36 km/hr dh
a velocity of 36 km/hr. The centripetal force is : jÝrkj l spDdj yxkjghgS ] rksvfHkds
Unzh; cy gks
(A) 250 N (A) 250 N
(B) 750 N (B) 750 N
(C) 1000 N (C) 1000 N
(D) 1200 N (D) 1200 N
35. An electric fan has blades of length 30 cm as 35. , d fct yhdsi a [ ksdhi a
[ kq
; ks
adhyEckbZml dh?kw
. khZv{k
measured from the axis of rotation. If the fan is l seki usi j 30 cm gS A; fn i a
[ kk1200 pDdj@feuV l s?kwe
rotating at 1200 r.p.m. The acceleration of a point jgkgS ] rksi a
[ kq
hdhuks d dkyxHkx Roj.kgks xk%
on the tip of the blade is about
(A) 1600 m/sec2
(A) 1600 m/sec2
(B) 4740 m/sec2
(B) 4740 m/sec2
(C) 2370 m/sec2 (C) 2370 m/sec2

(D) 5050 m/sec2 (D) 5050 m/sec2

36. In a circus stuntman rides a motorbike in a circular 36. l dZl dk LVa Vesu ÅèoZry es
af=kT; k dso`Ùkh; i Fk i j
track of radius R in the vertical plane. The eksVj&l kbfdy pykrkgSAi FkdsmPpre fcUnqi j bl dk
minimum speed at highest point of track will be : U; w
ure os x gks
(A) 2gR (A) 2gR
(B) 2gR (B) 2gR
(C) 3gR (C) 3gR
(D) gR (D) gR
37. The string of pendulum of length ‘l’ is displaced 37. ‘l’ yEckbZdsyks
yd ds/ kxsdksÅèokZ
/ j l s90o dsdks
. ki j
through 90 from the vertical and released. Then
yst kdj Nks
kt krkgS
yd dhekè; fLFkfr es
aruko dks
the minimum strength of the string in order to
withstand the tension, as the pendulum passes l Urq
fyr djusdsfy, / kxsdkU; w
ure i zkcY; gks
through the mean position is: (A) mg
(A) mg
(B) 3 mg
(B) 3 mg
(C) 5 mg
(C) 5 mg

(D) 6 mg (D) 6 mg

38. If the equation for the displacement of a particle 38. oÙ̀kkdkj ekxZes
eusokysd.kdsfy, foLFkki u dkl ehdj.k
moving on a circular path is g iven by
()  2t3  0.5 gS
At gk¡ js
fM;u es
arFkkt l s
ds. Mes
()  2t  0.5 , where  is in radians and t in
seconds, then the angular velocity of the particle
rc xfr vkjEHkl s2 sec i ' pkr~d.kdkdks
. kh; os
x gks
after 2 sec from its start is : (A) 8 rad/sec
(A) 8 rad/sec (B) 12 rad/sec
(B) 12 rad/sec
(C) 24 rad/sec
(C) 24 rad/sec
(D) 36 rad/sec
(D) 36 rad/sec
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
39. A fan is making 600 revolutions per minute. If 39. ,d ia
[ kk600 pDdj yxkjgkgS
N l e; i ’ pkr~; g
after some time it makes 1200 revolutions per
200 pDdj yxrkgS
Arc bl dsdks
. kh; os
x es
aof̀¼ gS
minute, then increase in its angular velocity is:
(A) 10  rad/sec
(A) 10  rad/sec
(B) 20  rad/sec
(B) 20  rad/sec
(C) 40  rad/sec (C) 40  rad/sec
(D) 60  rad/sec
(D) 60  rad/sec
40. A stone is tied to one end of a string 50 cm long is 40. 50 cm yEchMks
j hl s, d i RFkj dksck¡/ dj {kS
frt o‘ Ùkkdkj
whirled in a horizontal circle with a constant ekxZes
afu; r pky l s?kq
ek; kt krkgS
A; fn i RFkj 20 s es
speed. If the stone makes 10 revolutions in 20 s,
pDdj yxkrkgS
] rksi RFkj dkRoj.kdki fjek.kgks
what is the magnitude of acceleration of the stone:
(A) 990 cm/s2 (A) 990 cm/s2

(B) 720 cm/s2 (B) 720 cm/s2

(C) 860 cm/s2 (C) 860 cm/s2

(D) 493 cm/s2 (D) 493 cm/s2

41. If a particle of mass m is moving in a horizontal 41. ; fn m nzO

; eku f=kT; kds{kS
frt oÙ̀kes
circle of radius r with a centripetal force (k / r 2 ) , cy (k / r ) dsl kFk?kw
e jgkgSAbl dhdq y Åt kZgS%
the total energy is : k
(A) 
(A) 
2r k
(B) 
(B)  2k
r (C) 
(C)  4k
r (D) 
(D)  42. 0.25 kg nzO;eku dh, d xs a
n] ft l s1.96 m yEchMks
jhds, d
42. A ball of mass 0.25 kg attached to the end of a fl jsl st ks
M+kx; kgS
] , d {kS
frt o`Ùkes axfr dj jghgS
A; fn
string of length 1.96 m is moving in a horizontal Mksjhes aruko 25 N l svf/ d gks ] rksog VwV t krhgS
circle. The string will break if the tension is more
vf/ dre pky l sxa s
n dks?kqek; kt kl drkgS %
than 25 N. What is the maximum speed with which
the ball can be moved : (A) 14 m/s
(A) 14 m/s (B) 3 m/s
(B) 3 m/s
(C) 3.92 m/s
(C) 3.92 m/s
(D) 5 m/s
(D) 5 m/s
43. In a vertical circle of radius r, at what point in its 43. r f=kT; kdsÅèokZ / j o‘ Ùkesa
] ekxZdsfdl fcUnqi j Mks j hes a
path a particle has velocity equal to zero if it is osx 'kw
U; gksxk] ; fn ÅèokZ / j o‘ Ùkes aBhd , d pDdj i w ‘ kZ
just able to complete the vertical circle :
djrkgS %
(A) Highest point
(A) mPpr e fcU nqi j
(B) Lowest point
(B) fuEur e fcU nqi j
(C) No where
(C) dHkhugha
(D) At a point horizontally from the centre of circle of
radius r (D) r f=kT; kdso‘Ùkdsds Unzl s{kS
fr t esafLFkr fcUnqi j
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021

44. For a particle in a non-uniform accelerated circular 44. vl eku Rofjr o‘ Ùkh; xfr es
afdl hd‘ kdsfy, %
(A) osx f=kT; h; gSr FkkRoj.kdsoy vuq
(A) Velocity is radial and acceleration is transverse only

(B) Velocity is transverse and acceleration is radial only (B) osx vuq
i zLFkgSr FkkRoj.kdsoy f=kT; h; gS
(C) Velocity is radial and acceleration has both radial
(C) osx f=kT; h; gSr FkkRoj.kdsf=kT; h; o vuq
i zLFknksuksa?kVd
and transverse components
(D) Velocity is transverse and acceleration has both

radial and transverse components

(D) os
x vuq
i zLFkgSr FkkRoj.kdsf=kT; h; o vuq
45. Radius of the curved road on national highway is
R. Width of the road is b. The outer edge of the 45. jk"Vªh; ekxZdhf=kT; kR gS
Al M+
d dhpkS
kbZb gS
Al M+
d dk
road is raised by h m with respect to inner edge ckgjhry vUnj dsry l sh eh0 Å¡pkgSrFkkdkj v pky l s
so that a car with velocity v can pass safe over it.
The value of h is :
lqj f{kr eq
M+t krkgS
Ah dkeku gksxk%

v 2b v 2b
(A) (A)
Rg Rg

v (B) Rgb
(B) Rgb
v 2R
v 2R (C)
(C) g
v 2b
v 2b (D)
(D) R

All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021

TOPIC : Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

46. p-l ew
g dsrRoks
adhvf/ dre l a
; ks
t drkcjkcj gks
46. The maximum covalency of p-block elements is
(A) v; q
fXer p-bysDVªksUl dhl a
[ ; k dscjkcj
equal to :
(B) ; q
fXer d-bysDVªksUl dsl a
[ ; k dscjkcj
(A) the number of unpaired p-electrons
(B) the number of paired d-electrons (C) v; q
fXer s r Fkk p-bysDVªksUl dhl a
[ ; k dscjkcj
(C) the number of unpaired s and p-electrons (D) ew
y voLFkk ; k mRr sft r voLFkk esami fLFkr dq
y v; q
(D) total number of unpaired electron in ground bysDVªkW
u dhl a
[ ; k dscjkcj
state or in excited state 47. C3O2 es
u dk l a
d j. k gS%
47. Hybridization of carbon in C3O2 is : (A) sp

(A) sp (B) sp 2
(B) sp 2 (C) sp 3
(C) sp 3 (D) sp 3 d
(D) sp 3 d 48. fuEufyf[ kr es
al sfdl dk fHkUukRed ca
/ dks
fV ughagS%
48. Which have non fractional bond order : (A) O2+
(A) O2+ (B) O 2 -
(B) O 2 (C) NO
(C) NO (D) H2+
(D) H2+ 49. fdl dsf}/ zq
o vk?kw
. kZ' kw
U; ughagS%
49. Which has non zero value of dipole moment : (A) XeF 4
(A) XeF 4 (B) CHCl 3
(B) CHCl 3 (C) CO 2
(C) CO 2
(D) Cl Cl
Cl Cl
50. , d vk; fud cU/ A B  curkgS

50. An ionic bond A B  is most likely to be formed (A) A dk vk; uu foHko T; knk o B dhbys
DVªku cU/ q
r k de gks
(A) the ionization energy of A is high and the electron (B) A dk vk; uu foHko de o B dhbys
DVªku cU/ q
r kT; knk gks
affinity of B is low
(B) the ionization energy of A is low and the electron (C) A dk vk; uu foHko r Fkk B dhbys
DVªku cU/ rqk T; knk gks
affinity of B is high
(D) A dk vk; uu foHko r Fkk B dhbys
DVªku cU/ q
r k de gks
(C) the ionization energy of A and the electron affinity
of B is high 51. fuEu es
al sprq
u l k; kS
fxd T; knkvk; fud gks
(D) the ionization energy of A and the electron
affinity of B is low (A) PbCl 2
51. Which of the following compounds of elements in
group IV is expected to be most ionic ? (B) PbCl 4
(A) PbCl 2
(B) PbCl 4 (C) CCl 4
(C) CCl 4
(D) SiCl 4
(D) SiCl 4

All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
52. The hydration of ionic compounds involves : 52. vk; fud ; kS
fxd dsgkbMªs
' ku es
r k gS%
(A) Evolution of heat
(A) Å"ek mRiUu gks
r hgS
(B) Weakening of attractive forces
(B) vkdZ
"k.k cy esadeh
(C) Dissociation into ions
(C) vk; ukses
(D) All of these
(D) bues
al sl Hkh
53. In which of the following species the bonds are non-
53. fuEu es
al sfdl ; kS
fxd es
afn' kkghu cU/ gS%
directional :
(A) NCl3
(A) NCl3
(B) RbCl
(B) RbCl
(C) BeCl2
(C) BeCl2
(D) BCl3
(D) BCl3
54. Most ionic compounds have : 54. T; knkrj vk; fud ; kS
(A) high melting points and low boiling points (A) vf/ d Xyuka
d o de DoFkuka
d gksrk gS
(B) high melting points and nondirectional bonds (B) vf/ d Xyuka
d o fn' kkghu ca
/ gksrk gS
(C) high solubilities in nonpolar solvents and low (C) v/ z
oh; foyk; d esaT; knkfoyk; dr ko / zq
q oh; foyk; d esade
solubilities in polar solvents foyk; dr k gksrhgS
(D) three-dimensional network structures, and are (D) f=kfoe l a
j pukvkS
j Bksl voLFkkesafo| q
r dsvPNsl q
pkyd gksrs
good conductors of electricity in the solid state
55. A sigma bond may be formed by the overlap of 2
55. nksi jek.kqA o B dsi jek.kqvkfcZ
VyksdsvfrO;ki u l scU/
atomic orbitals of atoms A and B. If the bond is formed
] ; fn cU/ s-d{kdsvuq
: i curkgS
] rksfuEu es
along as the x-axis, which of the following overlaps
l k vfrO;ki u gks
xk %
is acceptable ?
(A) A dss d{k o B ds p z
(A) s orbital of A and p z orbital of B
(B) px orbital of A and p y orbital of B (B) A ds px d{k o B ds p y d{k

(C) p z orbital of A and p x orbital of B (C) A ds p z d{k o B ds p x d{k

(D) p x orbital of A and s orbital of B (D) A ds p x d{k o B dss d{k
56. No X  X bond exists in which of the following 56. , d ; kS
fxd dkl kekU; l w
=kX2H6 gS
] fuEu es
al sfdl es
aX–X cU/
compounds having general form of X 2 H 6 ? ughgks
(A) B2 H 6
(A) B2 H 6
(B) C 2 H 6
(B) C 2 H 6
(C) Si2 H 6
(C) Si2 H 6
(D) None
(D) bues
al sdksbZugh
57. Which of the following has a geometry different from
57. fuEu es
al sfdl dhT; kferh; vU; rhu l sfHkUu gks
the other three species ?
(A) BF4 (A) BF4

(B) SO42  (B) SO42 

(C) XeF4 (C) XeF4

(D) PH 4 (D) PH 4
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
58. Maximum bond energy is in : 58. vf/ d cU/ Åt kZgks
(A) F2 (A) F2
(B) N 2 (B) N 2
(C) O2
(C) O2
(D) equal in all
(D) l c es
59. Among the following species, identify the
59. fuEu es
al sdkS
u le la
j pukRed ; q
Xe gks
xk %
isostructural pairs : NF3 , NO3 , BF3 , H 3O  , HN 3
NF3 , NO3 , BF3 , H 3O  , HN 3
(A) [ NF3 , NO3 ] and [ BF3 , H 3O  ]
(A) [ NF3 , NO3 ] and [ BF3 , H 3O  ]
(B) [ NF3 , HN 3 ] and [ NO3 , BF3 ]
(B) [ NF3 , HN 3 ] and [ NO3 , BF3 ]
(C) [ NF3 , H 3 O  ] and [ NO 3 , BF3 ]
(C) [ NF3 , H 3 O  ] and [ NO 3 , BF3 ]
(D) [ NF3 , H 3O  ] and [ HN 3 , BF3 ]
(D) [ NF3 , H 3O  ] and [ HN 3 , BF3 ]
60. Number and type of bonds between two carbon
60. C22– es
a2 dkcZ
u dschp fdruso fdl rjg dscU/ gks
atoms in C22– are :
(A) , d fl Xek() vkS
j , d i kbZ() cU/
(A) one sigma () and one pi () bond
(B) one  and two  bonds (B) , d fl Xek() vkS
j nksi kbZ() cU/
(C) one  and one and a half  bond (C) , d fl Xek () vkS
j , d vk/ si kbZ() cU/
(D) one  bond (D) , d fl Xek() cU/

61. In the context of carbon, which of the following is 61. dkcZ

u dks?; ku es
aj[ kdj fuEu es r ½.kkRedrkdkl gh
al sfo| q
arranged in the correct order of electronegativity : Øe gks
(A) sp  sp 2  sp 3 (A) sp  sp 2  sp 3

(B) sp 3  sp 2  sp (B) sp 3  sp 2  sp

(C) sp 2  sp  sp 3 (C) sp 2  sp  sp 3

(D) sp 3  sp  sp 2 (D) sp 3  sp  sp 2

62. The shapes of IF5 and IF7 are respectively : 62. IF5 o IF7 dhl a
j pukØe' k%gks
(A) square pyramidal and pentagonal bipyramidal . (A) oxZfi jkfeMo i s
Vkxksuy f}fi jkfeMh;
(B) octahedral and pyramidal (B) v"Vi Q
ydh; o fi jkfeMy
(C) trigonal bipyramidal and linear (C) f=kdks
. kh; f}fi jkfeMh; r Fkk jS
f[ kd
(D) distorted square planar and distorted octahedral (D) fodr̀ oxZ
l er yh; o fodr̀ v"Vi Q
63. Carbon atoms in C 2 (CN ) 4 are : 63. C 2 (CN ) 4 es
u i jek.kqgS%
(A) sp-hybridized (A) sp-l a fjr
(B) sp 2 -hybridized (B) sp 2 -l d
a fjr
(C) sp- and sp 2 hybridized (C) sp- and sp 2 l a
d fjr
(D) sp, sp 2 and sp 3 - hybridized (D) sp, sp 2 and sp 3 - l a
d fjr
64. There is change in the type of hybridisation when: 64. fuEu es
al sl a
d j. kes
ai fjorZ
u gks
xk] t c %
(A) NH 3 combines with H  (A) NH 3 , H  l st q
(B) AlH 3 combines with H  (B) AlH 3 , H  l st q
(C) NH 3 forms NH 2 (C) NH 3 , NH 2 cuk; s
(D) All of these (D) mi jks
Dr l Hkh
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
65. In which of the following, bond angle is maximum: 65. fuEu es
afdl es
acU/ dks
. kvf/ dre gS%
(A) NH3 (A) NH3
(B) NH4+ (B) NH4+
(C) PCl3
(C) PCl3
(D) SCl2
(D) SCl2
66. In the aqueous solution of orthoboric acid the
anionic species present will be : 66. vkFkks
fjd vEy dst yh; foy; u es
a½.kkRed l ew
g mifLFkr
xk %
(A) BO3–3
(A) BO3–3
(B) [B(OH)4]–
(B) [B(OH)4]–
(C) [HBO3]–
(C) [HBO3]–
(D) All of these
(D) mi jksDr l Hkh
67. Using MO theory predict which of the following
species has the shortest bond length 67. MO fl ¼kU
r dki z;ks
x djrsgq , crkb; sfd bues
al sdkS
l cl sNks
VhcU/ dks
fV j[ krkgS%
(A) O 22
(A) O 22
(B) O2
(B) O2
(C) O2
(C) O2
(D) O 2
(D) O 22
68. Which of the following is not isostructural
68. bues
al sdkS
u l kl el ja
puh; ughgS%
(A) PO34
(A) PO34

(B) NH 4
(B) NH4
(C) SCl4
(C) SCl4
(D) SO 4 (D) SO24
69. Among LiCl, BeCl2, BCl3 and CCl4, the covalent 69. LiCl, BeCl2, BCl3 vkS
j CCl4 es
al g l a
; ks
t hcU/ y{k.kdk
bond character follows the order l ghØe gS%
(A) LiCl < BeCl2 < BCl3 < CCl4 (A) LiCl < BeCl2 < BCl3 < CCl4
(B) LiCl < BeCl2 > BCl3 > CCl4 (B) LiCl < BeCl2 > BCl3 > CCl4
(C) LiCl > BeCl2 < BCl3 < CCl4 (C) LiCl > BeCl2 < BCl3 < CCl4

(D) LiCl > BeCl2 > BCl3 > CCl4 (D) LiCl > BeCl2 > BCl3 > CCl4
70. Which of the following species contains three 70. bues al sfdl l ew
g dsdUnzh; i jek.kqdspkjksvkS
j rhu
bond pairs and one lone pair around the central cU/ h; q
Xe o , d vcU/ h; ; q
Xe gS%
(A) H2O
(A) H2O
(B) BF3
(B) BF3
(C) NH2

(C) NH 2
(D) PCl3
(D) PCl3
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
71. What will be hybridisation of nitrogen in cationic 71. ukbVªks
fu; e ukbVªs
V es] / ukRed , oa½.kkRed fgLl ses
and anionic part of nitronium nitrate respectively: ukbVªks
t u dhl ad j.kvoLFkkØe'k%gksxh%
(A) sp and sp2 (A) sp , oasp2

(B) sp2 and sp2 (B) sp2 , oasp2

(C) sp2 and sp3 (C) sp2 , oasp3

(D) sp3 and sp3 (D) sp3 , oasp3

72. The bond angles of NH3, NH4 and NH2 are in the 72. NH3, NH4 vkS
j NH2 dscU/ qdks
. kks
adkØe gS%
(A) NH2  NH3  NH4
(A) NH2  NH3  NH4
(B) NH4  NH3  NH2
 
(B) NH  NH3  NH
4 2
(C) NH3  NH2  NH4
 
(C) NH3  NH  NH
2 4

(D) NH3  NH4  NH2
(D) NH3  NH  NH2
73. XeO3 dhT; kferhgS%
73. The geometry of XeO3 is :
(A) js[kh;
(A) Linear
(B) l er yh;
(B) Planar
(C) fi jkfeMh;
(C) Pyramidal
(D) T-vkdkj
(D) T-shaped

74. Which contains both polar and non-polar bonds :

74. fuEufyf[ kr es
afdl ; kS
fxd es
a/ q
oh; o v/ q
zoh; nks
mi fLFkr gS%
(A) NH4Cl
(A) NH4Cl
(C) H2O2
(C) H2O2
(D) CH4
(D) CH4
75. Molecular shapes of SF4, CF4, XeF4 are :
75. SF4, CF4, XeF4 dhvkf.od la
j puk; s%
(A) the same with 2, 0 and 1 lone pairs of electrons (A) l eku gksxhft uesaØe' k%2] 0 o 1bysDVªku
W; q
Xe mi fLFkr
(B) the same with 1, 1 and 1 lone pairs of electrons (B) l eku gksxhft uesaØe' k%1] 1 o 1bysDVªku
W; q
Xe mi fLFkr
(C) different with 0, 1 and 2 lone pairs of electrons (C) fHkUu gksxhft uesaØe' k%0] 1o 2 bysDVªku
W; q
Xe mi fLFkr
(D) different with 1, 0 and 2 lone pairs of electrons (D) fHkUu gksxhft uesaØe' k%1] 0 o 2 bysDVªku
W; q
Xe mi fLFkr
76. In which of the following only -bonds are present: 76. fuEufyf[ kr es
afdl es
oy -cU/ i k; kt krkgS%

(A) N 3 (A) N3–
(B) C2 (B) C2
(C) H3O+ (C) H3O+
(D) NO+ (D) NO+
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
77. In * molecular orbitals : 77. * vk.kfod d{kd es
(A) 2 nodal planes are present (A) 2 uks
Mh; r y gksxsa
(B) 1 nodal plane is present (B) 1 uks
Mh; r y gksxsa
(C) No nodal planes is present (C) dksbZuksMh; r y ughgksxk
(D) 3 nodal planes are present (D) 3 uks
Mh; r y gksxsa
78. In which of the following hybridisation of central 78. fuEufyf[ kr es
al sfdl es
adsUnzh; i jek.kqrRo dkl a
d j.ksp2
elements is sp2 and -bonds are formed by p-p gSvkSj p-p vkS j p–d vfrO;ki u }kjk-cU/ cukrsgS%
and p–d overlaping :
(A) S3O9
(A) S3O9
(B) HPO3–2
(B) HPO3–2
(C) ClO2+
(C) ClO2+

(D) All of these (D) mi jksDr l Hkh

79. Both BF3 and NF3 are covalent compound. BF3 is 79. BF3 vkS
j NF3 nks
uksl gl a
; ks
t h; kS
gSABF3 v/ zq
oh; ; kS
non polar compound but NF3 is polar. The reason fdUrqNF3 / zq
oh; gS
Abl dkdkj.kgS%
is :
(A) cksjkW
u Bksl gSvkS
j ukbVªkst u xS
l gSLor a
(A) Boron is a solid and nitrogen is a gas in free state

(B) Boron is a metalloid while nitrogen is non metal (B) cksjkW

u , d mi / kr qgSt cfd ukbVkªst u v/ kr qgS

(C) BF3 is planar but NF3 is pyramidal in shape (C) BF3 l er yh; gSt cfd NF3 fi jkehM
y vkdkj dkgS
(D) Atomic size of boron is smaller than that of nitrogen (D) ckjskW
u dki jek.kfod vkdkj ukbVkªst u dhvi s{kkNksVkgS
80. Which of the following species does not follow 80. fuEufyf[ kr es
u l kv"Vd fu; e dki kyu ughdjs
octate rule :
(A) CH4
(A) CH4
(B) PCl5
(B) PCl5
(C) CO2
(C) CO2
(D) SiCl4
(D) SiCl4
81. fuEufyf[ kr es
avl R; dFku gS%
81. Identify the incorrect statement.
(A) N2 es
anks vkS
j ,d  ca
/ gksrkgS
(A) There are two  and one  bond in N2.
(B) H2O es
Dl ht u dkl d
a j.ksp3 gksrkgS
(B) The hybridisation of oxygen in H2O is sp3
(C) Bkls NaCl fo| q
r dkcq
j kl a
pkyd gS
(C) Solid NaCl is a bad conductor of electricity.
(D) NaCl dkvl kuhl st y vi ?kVu gkrskgS
(D) NaCl get easily hydrolyes
82. fuEufyf[ kr es
al sdkS
u l k; kS
fxd gkbZ
t u ca
/ ughi znf' kZ
82. Which among the following compound does not
show hydrogen bonding :

(A) Phenol (A) fi Q

(B) Ethyl alcohol (B) , fFky , Ydksgy
(C) Acetic acid (C) , l hfVd vEy
(D) Diethyl ether (D) MkbZ
, fFky bZ
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
83. In which of the following lattice energy dominates 83. fuEufyf[ kr es
al sfdl es
at kyd Åt kZvf/ d gks
xht y; ks
over hydration energy : Åt kZl s%
(A) BeSO4 (A) BeSO4

(B) NaCl (B) NaCl


(D) BaSO4 (D) BaSO4

84. XeF6 dhl a jpukdksi z;ks

xkRed : i l sfodr̀ v"Vi Q
yh; ds
84. The structure of XeF6 is experimentally determined
to be distorted octahedron. Its geometry according
: i es
afu/ kZ
fjr fd; kt krkgSAVESPR fl ¼kUr dsvuq l kj
to VESPR theory is :
; g T; kfefr; gS%
(A) v"Vi Q
(A) Octahedron
(B) ip
adksf.k; f}fi jkfeMh
(B) Pentagonal bipyramid
(C) f=kdk.skh; f}fi jkfeMh
(C) Trigonal bipyramid
(D) pr q
"i Q
ydh; f}fi jkfeMh
(D) Tetragonal bipyramid
85. vk; fud xfr'kkhyrkdkl ghØe gks
85. Correct order of ionic mobility :
(A) Li+(aq) > Na+ (aq) > K+(aq)
+ + +
(A) Li (aq) > Na (aq) > K (aq)
(B) Li+(aq) > Be++ (aq) > Mg++(aq)
+ ++ ++
(B) Li (aq) > Be (aq) > Mg (aq)
(C) Li+(aq) > Mg++ (aq) > Be++(aq)
(C) Li+(aq) > Mg++ (aq) > Be++(aq)
(D) Li+(aq) > Mg++ (aq) = Be++(aq)
+ ++ ++
(D) Li (aq) > Mg (aq) = Be (aq)
86. bues
al sdkS
u vf/ dre xyuka
d j[ krkgS%
86. Which of the following has highest melting point
(A) BeCl2
(A) BeCl2
(B) MgCl2
(B) MgCl2
(C) CaCl2
(C) CaCl2
(D) BaCl2
(D) BaCl2
87. bues
al sdkS
u l eku cU/ dks
fV j[ krsgS%
87. Which of the following have identical bond order
I. CN—
I. CN—

II. O2— II. O2—



(A) I, III (A) I, III

(B) I, II (B) I, II

(C) II, IV (C) II, IV

(D) I, II, III (D) I, II, III

All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
88. Match the following 88. lq
fyr djs

List-I List-II fyLV - I fyLV - II

(Molecule) (No. of lone pairs on (Molecule) (No. of lone pairs on

central atom) central atom)

A. BeF3– 1. Two A. BeF3– 1. nks

B. H2O 2. Three B. H2O 2. rhu

C. XeF2 3. Zero C. XeF2 3. ' kw


D. SiCl4 4. Four D. SiCl4 4. pkj

5. One 5. ,d

The correct answer is l ghmRrj gks


(A) A-5, B-1, C-3, D-2 (A) A-5, B-1, C-3, D-2

(B) A-3, B-1, C-2, D-5 (B) A-3, B-1, C-2, D-5

(C) A-3, B-1, C-2, D-3 (C) A-3, B-1, C-2, D-3

(D) A-1, B-5, C-3, D-4 (D) A-1, B-5, C-3, D-4

89. Among the following, the pair in which the two 89. bues
al sml ; q
Xe dkspq
fu, t ksl el a
j puh; ughgS%
species are not isostructural
(A) IO 3 vkjSXeO3
(A) IO 3 and XeO3
(B) PF6 vkS
j SF6

(B) PF and SF6

(C) BH4– vkjSNH4+

(C) BH4 and NH4
(D) CO32– vkjSNO2–
2 
(D) CO 3 and NO 2

90. CH3+ vkS

j CH3 es
al da
j .kgS%
90. Hybridisation of CH and CH3 are

(A) Øe' k%sp vkjSsp2

(A) sp and sp respectively
(B) Øe' k%sp2 vkS
j sp2
(B) sp2 and sp2 respectively
(C) Øe' k%sp2 vkS
j sp3
(C) sp2 and sp3 respectively
(D) Øe' k%sp3 vkS
j sp3
(D) sp3 and sp3 respectively
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
BIOLOGY : Sexual reproduction in flowering plant
91. In the given figure what is A : 91. fn, x, fp=kes
aA D; kgS


(A) Epidermis (A) vUrLRopk

(B) Endothecium (B) vUrLFkhfl ; e
(C) Middle layers (C) eè; i jr
(D) Tapetum (D) VsihVe
92. The process of formation of microspores from a 92. , d i jkx ekrd̀ks
f' kdkl sy?kq
cht k.kqos
. kdhi zfØ; kdks
pollen mother cell is called : dgrsgS %
(A) Microsporogenesis (A) ekbØksLi kjskts u
ssfl l
(B) Megasporogenesis (B) es
xkLi kjskst u
ssfl l
(C) Spermiation (C) Li feZ
; ' ku
(D) Oogenesis (D) Åt susfl l
93. What is the diameter of pollen grain about : 93. i jkx d.kdkO;kl fdrukgks
r kgS
(A) 40 – 90 micrometers
(A) 40 – 90 ekbØks
(B) 100 – 200 micrometers
(B) 100 – 200 ekbØks
(C) 25 – 50 micrometers
(C) 25 – 50 ekbØks
(D) 200 – 300 micrometers
(D) 200 – 300 ekbØks
94. Pollen grains are well preserved as fossils
94. i jkx d.kes
afdl dhekStw
nxhdhot g l st hok'e ds: i es
because of the presence of :
vPNhrjg l sl a
jf{kr dj jgsgS
(A) Pectin
(A) i sfDVu
(B) Sporopollenin
(B) Li ksjksiksysfuu
(C) Cellulose
(C) l syw
ykst +
(D) Lignin
(D) fyxuhu
95. Pollen grain can store in pollen bank at which
temperature : 95. i jkx d.k] i jkx ( cS
d ks
) es
afdl rki eku i j j[ kkt krkgS
(A) –190C (A) –190C

(B) +1960C (B) +1960C

(C) –960C (C) –960C

(D) –1960C (D) –1960C

All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
96. The formation of embryo sac from a single 96. Hkw
' kdkfuekZ
. k, dy es
xkLi ks
j l sdgykrkgS
megaspore is :
(A) ckbLi ksfjd fodkl
(A) Bisporic development
(B) , d&cht k.kq
t fodkl
(B) Monosporic development
(C) VsVªkLi ksfjd fodkl
(C) Tetrasporic development
(D) mi jksDr l Hkh
(D) All of the above
97. Hkzw
. kdks
' kos
QvUnj dks f'kdkvks
adkforj.kfof'k"Vrki w . kZgks
97. There is a characteristic distribution of the cells gSAcht ka M}kjhfl jsi j rhu dks
f'kdk, ¡, d l kFkl ew
ghÑr gksdj
within the embryo sac. Three cells are grouped
together at the micropylar end and constitute the:
(A) va
Mmi dj.k
(A) Egg apparatus
(B) i zfr O
; kl ka
(B) Antipodals
(C) os
anzh; dksf'kdk
(C) Central cells
(D) Hkw
(D) Embryo sac

98. Find out correct option among the following : 98. fuEufyf[ kr dschp l ghfodYi [ kks
a. It is genetically similar to autogamy since the a. ; si zk; %yxHkx Lo; q
Xeu t S
l kghgSD; ks
fd bl es
ai jkxd.k
pollen grains come from the same plant – ml hi kni l svkrsgS
a& l t kri q
"i hi jkx.k
b. ek=k; g ghos
oy , d i zd kj dki jkx.kgS
] ft l es
ai jkx.k
b. This is the only type of pollination in which
during pollination brings genetically different
Ql e; vkuq
f' kdr%fHkUu i zd kj os
Qi jkxd.kks
types of pollen grains to the stigma – vkxeu gks
r kgS& i jfu"ks
c. vUr%i zt uu jks
d usdsl k/ u & Lo & vl kea
t L;
c. Device that prevent inbreeding is – self-
d. l gk; dksf' kdk osQ cht kaM}kjh fgLl s i j mi fLFkr

d. Filiform apparatus present at the micropylar

rq: i l eq
Pp; i jkx ufydkos
Qi zos
' kdksfn' kkfuns
f' kr
part of the synergids guides the entry of – djrhgS
pollen tube.
Åi j dks
al sl ghdkp; u djs
Select the correct options from the given aboves
codes (A) dsoy a, b vkjSc l gh
(A) only a, b and c are correct (B) ds
sy b, c vkjSd l gh
(B) only b, c and d are correct (C) dsoy dl gh
(C) Only d is correct
(D) a, b, c vkjSd l Hkhl gh
(D) a, b, c and d all are correct
99. fuEufyf[ kr es
u l k, Ycq
feul cht dkmnkgj.kgS
99. Which of the following are the example of
Albuminous seeds : (A) xsa
j eDdk
(A) Wheat and Maize (B) t kS
(B) Barley
(C) dsLVj
(C) Castor
(D) mi jksDr l Hkh
(D) All of the above
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
100. The characteristic features of angiospermic 100. vkor̀cht hy?kq
cht k.kq
/ kuhdhfo' ks
microsporangium is/are :
(a) l kekU;r%pkj fHkfÙki rks
Zl svkor̀ gks
r hgS
(a) It is generally surrounded by four wall layers
(b) fHkRrhi jr t ksl q
j {kkdkdk; ZdjrhgSi jkxdks
' kos
(b) Wall layers that involve in the function of
Li q
Vu es
aenn dj i jkxd.kvoeq
Dr djrhgS
a(, i hMehZ
protection and also help in dehiscence of
anther to release the pollen epidermis, ckg~
; Ropk] , a
fl ; e ( va
r LFkhfl ; e)] eè; i rZi jr
endothecium and middle layer (c) bl dhl cl svka
r fjd i rZfodkl 'khy i jkxd.kks
adksi ks
(c) The inner most wall layer that helps in ns
r hgS& Vs
i hVe
nourishes the developing pollen grains –
(d) Vs
i hVe dhdks
f' kdk, ¡eYVhU; w
fD; s
r hgS

(d) Cell of tapetum are multinucleated l ghfodYi dkp; u djs

Select the correct option : (A) ds
sy a, c vkjSd l gh
(A) only a, c and d are correct (B) dsoy c vkjSd l gh
(B) only c and d are correct (C) a, b, c vkjSd l Hkhl gh
(C) a, b, c and d all are correct
(D) dsoy b, c vkjSd l gh
(D) Only b, c and d are correct
101. fuEufyf[ kr es
al st ksl eFkS
yl hi kS
/ kughagS
101. Amo ng the fo llowi ng w hich one i s no t a
monoecious plants: (A) dS
l Vj
(A) Castor (B) eDdk
(B) Maize (C) i i hr k
(C) Papaya
(D) nksuksa(B) vkS
j (C)
(D) Both B and C.
102. yxHkx 60 i zfr' kr , fUt ; ks
Li eZdsi jkx d.kfdl vkoLFkkes
102. In over 60 percent of angiosperms, pollen grain
are shed at which stage :

(A) 2 celled stage (A) nksdks'kh; pj.k

(B) 3-celled stage (B) r hu dks'kh; pj.k
(C) 1 celled stage (C) , d dks'kh; pj.k
(D) 4-celled stage. (D) pkj dks'kh; pj.k
103. Autogamy is kind of pollination in which : 103. vks
ai jkxLFkkukUrj.kdkrjhdkdS
l kgks
r kgS
(A) Transfer of pollen grains from the anther of a flower (A) , d ghi kS
/ sads, d i "qi ds, U
sFkj l st c i jkxd.knw
l jsi "qi
to the stigma of another flower of same plant dhfLVXeki j i ga p
qr sgS
(B) Transfer of pollen grains from the anther of a flower (B) , d i "qi ds, U
sFkj l st c i jkxd.kml hi q
"i dhfLVXeki j
to the stigma of same flower. i ga
pr sgS
(C) Transfer of pollen grains from anther to the stigma (C) t c nksfHkUu i kS
/ ksads, d i q
"i ds, sUFkj l st c i jkxd.k
of a different plant nw
l jsi q
"i dhfLVXeki j i ga pr sgS
(D) None of the above. (D) mi jksDr esadksbZugha
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
104. As you know self pollination if continued for many 104. tSl kfd vki Lo%i jkx.kdsckjses at kursgSvxj dbZi hf<+ ; ks
generations will cause inbreeding depression dsfy, t kjhbuczhfMa x vol kn i Qw
y i kS
/ ks
adbZmi dj.kks adks
flowering plants have developed many devices
fodfl r fd; kgSdkj.kLo%i jkx.kgrks Rl kfgr vkS
j rduhd
to discourage self pollination and to encourage
dh , d l w ph gSt ks, d l a
; =k dsfy, Loa ; i jkx.k dks
cross pollination below a list of technique which
a plant uses to discourage self pollination are
grksRl kfgr djusdsfy, mi ; ks x djrkgSuhpsØkW l i jkx.k
given - dksi zks
Rl kfgr djusdsfy, fn; kt krkgS %
a. Self incompatibility a. Lo&vl kea
t L;
b. Production of bisexual flowers b. mHk; fya
xhi q
"i ks
c. Pollen release and stigma receptivity are not c. i jkxd.kks
adkfudyuk, oafLVXekds}kjkxzg.kgks
synchronised vkfn nks
uksa, d l kFkughagks
r sgS
d. Production of unisexual flowers d. , dfya
xh; i Q
Choose the correct option : l ghfodYi dkspq
(A) a, c, d (A) a, c, d
(B) a, b, c (B) a, b, c
(C) c, d, b (C) c, d, b
(D) a, b, c, d. (D) a, b, c, d.
105. Filiform apparatus present at the micropylar part 105. fi Q
keZmi dj.kt ksfl us
ft Z
i by Hkkx es
ai k; k
of the synergids functions as :
t krkgSml dkdk; ZgS%
(A) Guiding agent for entry of pollen tube
(A) i jkx V~
c dhi fzof"V dsfy, xkbfMa
x , t sa
(B) Guiding agent for entry of polar nuclei (B) / zq
oh; ukfHkd dsi zos'kdsfy, xkbfMa
x , t sa
(C) Function as fertilizing agent (C) fu"kp
su , t sa
V ds: i esadk; Z
(D) Both (B) and (C). (D) B vkjSC nksuks
106. Double fertilization is fusion of : 106. f}fu"ks
pu dsl a
y; u gS
(A) One egg with two sperms (A) nks' kq
Øk.kqdsl kFk, d va
(B) sperm nucleus with egg nucleus as well as with (B) va
MsukfHkd dsl kFkl kFk/ zq
oh; ukfHkd dsl kFkds: i esa
polar nuclei vPNhr jg l s' kq
(C) One male gamete with egg and other male gamete (C) , d vkS
j l husjft Mdsl kFkvU; uj ; q
Xed va
Msdsl kFkuj
with synergid ;Xqed
(D) One male gamete with egg and other male gamete (D) f}r h; d ukfHkd dsl kFkvU; uj ; q
Xed r Fkkv.Msdsl kFk
with secondary nucleus. , d uj ; qXed
107. In which of the following fruit, thalamus contributes 107. fuEufyf[ kr es
al sfdl i Q
y dkfuekZ
. kFkS
el ds}kjkgks
to the fruit formation :
(A) Apple (A) l sc
(B) Banana (B) dsyk
(C) Berry (C) csjh
(D) Grape. (D) va
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
108. Below is a structure of seed. Analyse it and label 108. uhpscht dhl a
j puknhx; hgSbl es
aA vkS
j B dksi gpkfu; s
A and B :

(A) A-bi hdks
Vkby ew
yv{k, B- i q
"i kl u
(A) A-Epicotyl root axis, B- Thalamus
(B) A-cht i =kk/ kj ew
yv{k, B- cht ka
(B) A-Hypocotyl root axis, B- Micropyle
(C) A-cht i =kk/ kj ew
yv{k, B- Hkzw
. ki ks"k
(C) A-Hypocotyl root axis, B- Endosperm
(D) A-eè; iQ
yfHkfÙk, B- cht i =kk/ kj ew
(D) A-Mesocarp, B- Hypocotyl root axis
109. , LVªs
l hes
afcuk fu"ks
pu os
Qghcht i S
nk djusdhi zfØ; k
109. T here i s a special ph enomenon found in
Asteraceae family which is a type of asexual fodfl r dj yhx; hgS; g , d vfya
xh; i zt uu gSt ksyS
reproduction that mimics sexual reproduction, i zt uu dkvuq
gkjd gS
] bues
al s; g dkS
u i zfØ; kgS
which among the following is that :
(A) fl uxS
(A) Syngamy (B) , i ksfefDl l
(B) Apomixis (C) cgq
. kr k
(C) Polyembryony
(D) i kFkZ
skst fsufl l
(D) Parthenogenesis
110. i kuhekè; e gSxS
feV dksgLrka
r j.kdjusdsfy, %
110. Water is the medium through which gamete
transfer take place in : (A) ' ko
(A) Algae (B) cz
k; ksiQ
(B) Bryophytes
(C) VsfjMksiQ
(C) Pteridophytes
(D) All of these (D) mi jksDr l Hkh
111. In flowering plants after fertilisation ovary 111. iQ w
y okysi kS/ ks
pu dsckn va Mk'k; cukrkgS-----------
develops into ....... and ovule mature into ...........:
--- vkS
j cht ka
Mcukrk gS--------------------- %
(A) Seed, fruit
(A) cht ] i Q
(B) Pollen grain, egg
(B) i jkx d.k] va Mk
(C) Fruit, seed
(C) iQ
y] cht
(D) Seed, pollen grain
(D) cht ] i jkx d.k
112. Important characters of tapetum are :
112. Vsi hVe dsegRoi w . kZfo' ks
"krk; s
(A) Nourishes the egg
(A) va Mki ks"k.k
(B) Middle layer of megasporangium
(B) esxkLi ksjsfUt ; e dheè; i jr
(C) Multinucleate
(C) cgq
d ks'kh;
(D) Both (A) and (C)
(D) nksuksa(A) vkS
j (C)
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
113. Group of compactly arranged homogenous cell 113. ekbØks Li ks js
fUt ; e es a, d t S l sdks f' kdkdsl ew g dksdgrsgS %
in the centre of microsporangium is :
(A) , U Mksft ul År d
(A) Endogenous tissue
(B) dks fVZ yd dkfs' kdk
(B) Cortical cell
(C) Li kjsks ft ul År d
(C) Sporogenous tissue
(D) nks uksa(A) vkS j (B)
(D) Both (A) and (B)
114. et cw r ckgjhi jr , Dl t kbu cuhgks r hgS%
114. Hard outer layer of exine made up of :
(A) i s fDVu
(A) Pectin
(B) Li ks j kiskWyhuhu
(B) Sporopollenin
(C) l s ywykst +
(C) Cellulose
(D) Both (A) and (C). (D) nks uksa(A) vkS j (C)
115. Sporopollenin is unaffected by : 115. Li ks
j ksi kW
yks uhu fdl ds}kjkvi zHkkfor gS %
(A) High temperature (A) mPp r ki eku

(B) Strong acid and alkali (B) et cw r vEy vkS j {kkj

(C) Enzyme (C) , a t kbe
(D) All of these (D) mi jks Dr l Hkh
116. Which is incorrect : 116. fuEu esl sdkS u xyr gS %
(A) Vegetative cell is bigger has abundant food reserve (A) os ft VsfVo l sy cM+ k gksrkgSbl esi zpq j HkkT
s; i nkFkZl afpr
and a large irregular shaped nucleus gksrkgSvkS j , d vfu; fer ukfHkd gkrskgS
(B) Generative cell is small and float in the cytoplams (B) t ujs fVo l ys NkV skgkrskgSvkS j osft VfsVo l ys dsl kbVkIsykTe
of vegetative cell
esar jSr kgS
(C) Generative cell is spindle shape
(C) t ujs fVo l sy / jqhdsvkdkj dk gkrskgS
(D) In 40% angiosperm pollen grain shed at 2 celled
stage. (D) 40 i z fr ' kr , fUt ; kL
si eZesai jkxd.k2 dksf'kdh; voLFkki s
fc[ kjr sgS
117. Parthenium or carrot grass that came into India
with imported : 117. i kFkhZ
fu; e , d dS js
V ?kkl Hkkjr esafdl dsl kFkvk; hFkh%
(A) Rice (A) pkoy
(B) Maize (B) eDdk
(C) Wheat (C) xs gwa
(D) Sugarcane. (D) xU uk
118. The gynoecium consists of many free pistils in
118. t k; ka
x es adbZeq Dr fi LVy gks r sgS%
flowers of :
(A) i iSkoj
(A) Papaver
(B) ekbfpfy; k
(B) Michelia
(C) , Y; ks
(C) Aloe
(D) Tomato. (D) VekVj

119. The number of ovules in an ovary may be one in: 119. va Mk'k; es acht k.kq
v ks
adhl a[ ; k, d gksl drhgS%
(A) Papaya (A) i i hr k

(B) Mango (B) vke

(C) Orchids (C) vkW fdZ M
(D) Both (A) and (C). (D) nks uksa(A) vkSj (C)
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
120. Ovule is a small structure attached to placenta by 120. cht ka
M, d Nks
Vhl a
j pukgSt ksMa
By dsekè; e l sIys
aVkl s
means of stalk called : tqM+
kjgrkgS %
(A) Micropyle (A) ekbØkiskby
(B) Funicle (B) iQ
(C) Hilium (C) gkbye
(D) Integument. (D) bUVq
121. Even in absence of pollinating agents seed-setting 121. i kW
x ,t s
V dhvuq
i fLFkfr es
acht l s
x i Ddhgks
r hgS
is assured in :
(A) l ySfou; k
(A) Salvinia
(B) fi Q
(B) Fig
(C) dkes
(C) Commelina
(D) tw
(D) Zostera.
122. , x midj.kfeydj curkgS
122. Egg apparatus consist of :
(A) , d l hfUt Z
M, d , x l sy
(A) One synergid one egg cell
(B) Two synergids and one egg cell (B) nksl hfUt Z
M, d , x l sy
(C) Three synergids and one egg cell (C) r hu l hfUt Z
M, d , x l sy
(D) One synergid and two egg cell. (D) , d l hfUt Z
Mnks, x l sy
123. Transfer of pollen grain from one anther to the
123. i jkxd.kdkLFkkukra
j .k, s
UFkj l sfLVhxekes
a, d ghi kS
stigma of another flower of same palnt is called :
nwl jsi q
"i es adgykrhgS%
(A) Xenogamy
(A) ft uks xe
(B) Geitonogamy
(B) ft VS uksxS
(C) Autogamy (C) vkW Vksxe
(D) Cleistogamy. (D) DyhLVks xe
124. Which is incorrect : 124. fuEu es al sdkSu xyr gS
(A) Sporogenous tissue undergo meiotic division to form (A) Li kjskft Ulhl År d esafevksfVd foHkkt u gksusl scur kgS
microspore tetrad. ekbØksLi kjs VsVkªjkM
(B) A typical angiosperm embryosac at maturity 8 (B) , d i fji Do , fUt ; ksa
Li eZ, eczkslS
d gksrk gS8 dsUnzd 7
nucleate is 7 celled.
(C) Method of embryo sac formation from a single
(C) , d es
xkLi ksjl sbecS
z;klssd dscuusdhfof/ dkseku
si kfsjd
megaspore is monosporic development.
fodkl dgr sgS a
(D) Wind pollination requires heavy and sticky pollen
grain for easy transportation.
(D) ok; qi jkx.k esafpi fpi k vkSj Hkkjh i jkxd.k vkl kuh l s
l i ksVs'ku dsfy, gkrsk gS
125. A flower is large, colourful, fragrant and rich in
colour. That flower is pollinated by : 125. ,d iq
"i cM+
k] ja
xhu [ kq
' kcq
nkj , s
l ki q
"i i kW
V gks
(A) Water (A) i kuh
(B) Wind (B) gok
(C) Both A and B (C) A vkjSB nksuks
(D) Insect. (D) dhV
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
126. Both, autogamy and geitonogamy are prevented 126. nks
aLo; e&l s
pu vkS
j l t kri q
"i hi jkx.kdksjks
d kt krkgS
(A) dsLVj
(A) Castor
(B) eDdk
(B) Maize
(C) i i hr k
(C) Papaya
(D) ddM h
(D) Cucumber.
127. A, B, C vkS j D dksva
fdr dhft , %
127. Lable the A, B, C and D :

(A) A-Polar nuclei, B-Antipodal, C-Egg cell and (A) A-/ oh; ukfHkd , B-i zfr O
zq ; l ka
d C-va
Mkl ys vkjSD-fl usft Z
(B) A-va
Mkl ys, B-/ q
zh; ukfHkd , C-i fzr O
; l ka
d vkS
j D-fl usft M
(B) A-Egg cell, B-Polar nuclei, C-Antipodal and
(C) A-i fzr O
; l kd
a , B-/ q
zh; ukfHkd , C-va
Mkl sy vkS
j D-fl usft M
(D) A-fl us
ft M
Z, B-/ q
zh; ukfHkd , C-va
Mkl sy vkS
j D-i fzr O
; l ka
(C) A-Antipodal, B-Polar nuclei, C-Egg cell and

(D) A-Synergid, B-Polar nuclei, C-Egg cell and

128. fuEu es
al sdkS
u xyr gS

128. Which is incorrect : (A) dq

N , LVhjs
l hvkS j ?kkl dhi tz kfr ; ksaes
afcukfu"kspu dscht
cukr sgS
aml s, i ksfefDl l dgr sgS a
(A) Some species of Asteracae and grasses produce
seed without fertilization called apomixis (B) LVªkcs
j hvkS
j dkt w, d >w
Bsi Q
y gS
(B) Strawberry and cashew has false fruit
(C) fi Q
yhiQkeZmi dj.kfl uft Z
MdsekbØksikbjy fgLl sesai k; h
(C) Filliform apparatus present at the micropylar part t kr hgSvkS
j i kysuV~
; cwdksfunsZ
f' kr djr sgS
of the synergid guides the entry of pollen tube
(D) fLVxekdksi "qi l sfpeVhl sfudkyusdksdgr sgSbeS
(D) Removal of stigma from the flower bud using a pair
of forceps is emasculation.

All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
129. Lable the A, B, C and D : 129. A, B, C vkS
j D dksva
fdr dhft , %

(A) A-Shoot apex, B-Coleoptile, C-Epiblast and D- (A) A- l w

V ,i S
Dl , B- d ks
fy; ksiVkby , C- bIi hCykLV v kS
Radicle D- ew
(B) A-Coleoptile, B-Epiblast, C-Shoot apexand D- (B) A- d ks
fy; ksiVkby , B- bIi hCykLV, C- l w
V,i S
Dl v kS
D- ew
(C) A-Coleoptile, B-Shoot apex, C- Radicle and D-
(C) A- d ks
fy; ksi Vkby , B- l w
V ,i S
Dl , C- ew
fyd k v kS
D- bIi hCykLV
(D) A-Coleoptile, B-Shoot apex, C-Epiblast and D-
(D) A- d ks
fy; ksiVkby , B- l w
V ,i S
Dl , C- bIi hC
ykLV v kS
D- ew
130. Endosperm is present in seed in :
130. ba
Li eZfdl cht es
n gks
r kgS
(A) Pea
(A) eVj
(B) Groundnut
(B) ea
xi Q
w yh
(C) Castor
(C) dsLVj
(D) Both (A) and (B)
(D) nksuksa(A) vkS
j (B)
131. Seeds of lupine from Arctic Tundra, germinated
131. Y; w
i kbu dscht vkdZfVd Vs
dqfjr vkS
j iq
"i hr-------
and flowered after an ............. of dormancy :
funzkdsckn gksr sgS
(A) 1000 hrs (A) 1000 ?kVsa
(B) 1000 years (B) 1000 l ky
(C) 10,000 years (C) 10000 l ky
(D) 20,000 years. (D) 20000 l ky
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
132. Read the below given statements and select the 132. uhpsfn; sx, dFkuks
al sl R; dFku dkspq
correct statements (a) i h-eksg' ojhusjkW; y l klskbVhdhi Q ysksf'ki (i zQ
l ) i zkIr dh
(a) P. Maheshwari got fellowship of Royal Society of Fkh
France (FRS) (b) , ul hbZ v kjVh }kjk gkW ; j l sd sUMjh Ldw y dsfy, i zd kf' kr
l oZiF
zke t hofoKku dhi kB~ ; iq Lr dsamudsus r R̀o esal aHko
(b) His leadership was instrumental in bringing out the
gqv kFkk
very first text books of biology for higher secondary
(c) mudsi j[ kuyhfu"ks pu , oava r %v.Mk'k; i j fd,
schools published by NCERT
x, ' kks/ va r jkZ
"Vªh; [ ; kfr dsFks
(c) His work on test tube fertilization and intra-ovarian
(d) mU gka
ssofxZ d hesaHkzw
. kh; fpUgksadsi z;ksx dksi zpfyr fd; k
pollination won World-Wide Acclaim
(A) ds oy a, b
(d) He popularised the use of embryological characters (B) ds oy a, b, c
in taxonomy
(C) ds oy a, c
(A) a, b only
(D) ds oy b, c, d
(B) a, b, c only
(C) a, c only
133. isfjl i eZdhIykbZ MhD; kgS\
(D) b, c, d only (A) n
133. Ploidy of perisperm is .......... (B) 3n
(A) n (C) 4n
(B) 3n (D) 2n
(C) 4n 134. eDdk, oai i hrkØe' k%gS
(D) 2n (A) f}fya xh
134. Maize and Papaya are respectively
(B) f}fya xh] , dfya xh
(A) Monoecious
(C) , d fya xh
(B) Monoecious, doecious
(D) , d fya xh] f}fya xh
(C) Doecious
135. , d i zk:i h; f}cht i =kh, oa?kkl dsHkzw
. kes
al et krh; l a
jpuk, W
(D) doecious, monoecious
D; k gS a
135. In the embryos of a typical dicot and a grass, true
homologous structures are (A) dkyh; ks j kbt k, oadkfy; kIsVkby
(A) Coleorhiza and coleoptile (B) dkfy; ks IVkby , oaLdw Vsye
(B) Coleoptile and scutellum (C) dkVhys Mu , oaLdw Vsye
(C) Cotyledons and scutellum (D) gkbi kd s ksVkby , oajSfMdy
(D) Hypocotyl and radicle 136. fn, x, fp=kes a A, B, C Øe' k%D; kgS
136. In the given figures what is A, B, C respectively


(A) ew y ' kh"kZ

] ewfydk] ew y ' kh"kZ
(A) Root tip, radicle, root tip
(B) ' kw
V ' kh"kZesaesfjLVse] ew fydk] ew y dS
(B) Shoot apical meristem, radicle, root cap
(C) Plumule, radicle, shoot apical meristem
(C) Iyw E; w
y] ew fydk' kw V ' kh"kZesfjLVse
(D) Radicle, root tip, root tip (D) ew fydk] ew y ' kh"kZ
] ew
y ' kh"kZ
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
137. Cellular endosperm is infact the part of coconut 137. ukfj; y es adks' kh; Hkzw
. ki ks
"kokLro es
aD; kgS
which is known as
(A) ukfj; y i kuh
(A) Coconut water
(B) Tender coconut (B) eq
yk; e dksd ksuV
(C) Liquid kernel (C) nzo duZ y
(D) None (D) dksbZugha
138. What are the next stages of development of 138. bfEcz;ks
ts uhdsl e; i zks , fEcz;ksdscuusdsckn ; q Xeut l s
zyg ote after proembryo formatio n during
cuusokyhvxyhvoLFkk, W Øe' k%D; kgS a
(A) Heart shaped embryo, globular embryo, mature (A) ân; kdkj Hkz . k] XyksC;ywj Hkzw
w . k] i fji Do Hk.zwk
embryo (B) XyksC;wyj Hk.zwk] ân; kdkj Hkzw . k] i fji Do Hk.zwk
(B) Globular embryo, heart shaped embryo, mature
(C) XySM;~w
a yj Hkzw. k] i fji Do Hkzw .k
(D) dksbZugha
(C) Glandular embryo, mature embryo
(D) None 139. fn, x, dFkuks aea sl sl R; dFku pq fu,
139. Find the correct statements from the given (a) Hkz
. kfodkl dhi zkja
w fHkd voLFkk, W eDdk, oaeVj esal eku
statements gksrhgS
(a) Early stages of embryogeny are similar in maize
(b) gkbi ksd ksVk; y fupysfl jsi j ew y ' kh"kZesacnyr kgS
and pea
(c) vf/ dka ' k; qXeut Hk.w zki ks"kdsi .wkZfodkl dsmi jka r foHkkt u
(b) Hypocotyl terminates at lower end into root tip
djr sgS a
(c) Most zygotes divide after complete endosperm
formation (d) Hkz
. kh; v{kdkHkkx t ksLdw
w VsYye esaBhd uhpsfLFkr gksrk
(d) Part of embryonal axis located just below gS, i hdksVk; y dgykr kgS
scutellum is called epicotyl (A) a, b, c
(A) a, b, c (B) b, c
(B) b, c (C) a, b, d
(C) a, b, d
(D) a, b
(D) a, b
140. pqdanj D; zLrq r djrkgS
140. Beet exemplifies which one of the following
(A) ukWu jsft Mq
v y i fl Z
VsaV U;w l syl
(A) Non residual, persistent nucellus
(B) ukWu jsft Mq
v y i fl Z
VVsa Hkzw. ki ks"k
(B) Non residual, persistent endosperm
(C) js
ft Mq
v y i fl Z
V Hkzw
. ki ks"k
(C) Residual, persistent endosperm
(D) None (D) dksbZugha
141. Select the correct statements 141. l R; dFku pq
(a) No. of integumented megasporangium is one in (a) vkoR̀r esxkLi kjssa
ft ; e dhl a
[ ; k/ ku esa, d gksrhgS
(b) cht k.Mdk' kjhj i Q
uhD; w
y i j gk; ye l sl ;aq
Dr gkst kr kgS
(b) Body of ovule fuses with hilum at funicule
(c) U;w
l ysl eknk; q
nfHkn~esafLFkr gkrskgS
(c) Nucellus is located in female gametophyte
(d) In all members of family of Belladona plant pollen (d) csykMku
ski fjokj dsl Hkhl nL; ka
ai jkxdj.kvi useq
Dr gku
grains lose their vitality within 30 minutes of their ds30 feuV dsva nj vi uht hfor k[ kksnsrsgSa
(A) dsoy a
(A) only a
(B) dsoy b, c
(B) only b, c
(C) All
(C) l Hkh
(D) a, b, d (D) dsoy a, b, d
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
142. What is incorrect 142. D; kvl R
; gS
(a) A typical Microsporangium appears near circular (a) ekbØksLi ksjsa
ft ; e dhvkmVykbu oR̀r h; gkrshgS
in outline
(b) ekbØksLi kjsa
fst ; e dhpkj fHkfRr; kW
alsj dsi Q
al gk; d
(b) Four wall layers of microsporangium help in
dehiscence of anther

(c) Vegetative cell nucleus of pollen grain is irregular

(c) i jkxd.k esadkf; d dks'kk dk dsUnz
d vfu; fer vkdkj
in shape gksrkgS
(d) Pollen grains are about 25-50 Å in diameter (d) i jkxd.k25 l s50 Aº dkgksrkgS
(A) only a (A) dsoy a
(B) only b, c (B) dsoy b, c
(C) All (C) l Hkh
(D) only b, d (D) dsoy b, d
143. In which of these male and female flowers are 143. fuEu es
al sfdl es
auj , oaeknki q
"i , d ghi kS
/ si j gks
r sgS
present on the same plant
(A) dS
(A) Castor
(B) i i hr k
(B) Papaya
(C) eDdk
(C) Maize

(D) A and C
(D) (A) , oa(C)

144. In the given figure what are A and B 144. fn, x, fp=kes
a A vkS
j B D; kgS


(A) Embryosac, cell wall (A) Hkzw

. kdks"k] dks'kkfHkfRr
(B) Endosperm, cell wall (B) Hkzw
. ki ks"k] dks'kkfHkfRr
(C) Central cell, PM (C) dsUnz
h; dks'kk] t honzO
; f>Yyh
(D) PM, central cell (D) t honzO
; f>Yyh, dsUnzh; dks'kk
145. Vinca pollen grains germination can be seen in 145. foudkdsi jkxd.kdkt feZ
' ku fdl ea
[ kl drsgS
(A) 10% sugar solution in ¼ to ½ hrs (A) 10% ' kdZ
j kfoy; u ¼ l s½ ?k.Vsesa
(B) 15% sugar solution in 15-30 seconds (B) 15% ' kdZ
j kfoy; u 15-30 l sd s.M
(C) 10% sugar solution in 15-30 seconds
(C) 10% ' kdZ
j kfoy; u 15-30 l sd s.M
(D) 5-10% sugar solution in 15-30 seconds
(D) 5-10% ' kdZ
j kfoy; u 15-30 l sd s.M
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
146. In the given figure identify mesocarp 146. fn, x, fp=kes
aeht ks
d ki Zdksi gpkfg,



(A) A (A) A

(B) B (B) B

(C) C (C) C
(D) D (D) D
147. Select correct statement 147. l R; dFku pq
(a) Dehydration and dormancy of mature seeds (a) fut Z
yhdj.k, oaMkes
l hi fji Do cht ks
are crucial for storage of seeds vko'; d gks
r kgS
(b) Striga fruit contains thousands of tiny seeds (b) LVªkbxki Q
y es
agt kjks
Vscht gks
r sgS
(c) Coleoptile is solid foliar structure (c) dkfyvks
IVkby Bks
l iQ
fy; j l a
j pukgks
r hgS
(d) Coleorrhiza is a differentiated sheath
(d) dkfyvks
IVkby , d foHks
fnr vkoj.kgS
(A) a, b
(A) a, b
(B) a, c
(B) a, c
(C) a, b, c, d
(C) a, b, c, d
(D) a, b, c
(D) a, b, c
148. Find the incorrect statement(s)
148. vl R; dFkuks
(a) Vallisneria and Hydrilla grow in fresh water/
marine water
(a) oS
fyl us
fj; k , oagkbfMªyk LoPN t y@l eq
nzh; t y es
(b) Zostera is water pollinated
(b) t kLVs
j kes
at y i jkx.kgks
r kgS
(c) In water lily, type of pollination is anemophily
and entomophily (c) okVj fyyhes a, uheks
fi Q
j , UVks
fi Q
yhi zd kj dk
i jkx.kgks
r kgS
(d) In all of water pollinated species pollens are
protected from wetting by mucilagenous (d) l Hkht y i jkfxr t kfr; ks
ai jkxd.kdksxhys
i u l scpkus
covering dsfy, E; w fl ys
t dkdoj gks r kgS
(A) a, d (A) a, d

(B) a, b (B) a, b

(C) c, d (C) c, d

(D) a, b, c, d (D) a, b, c, d
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
149. What set is correct regarding recent record of 149. t hfor cht ks
adsgkfy; kfjdkMZdsfo"k; es
u l kl s
V l R;
viable seed gS
(A) Phoenix dactylifera/2000 years old/King Herod's (A) iQhfuDl MS
DVkbyhiQsjk/ 2000 l ky i jqkuk/ jkt kgsjkMdk
Palace/Near Dead sea fdyk/ er̀ l kxj dsi kl
(B) Phoenix dactylifera/10000 years old/King Herod's (B) iQhfuDl MS
DVkbyhi Q
jsk/10000 l ky i jqkuk/ jkt kgsjkMdk
Palace/Dead sea fdyk / er̀ l kxj
(C) Lupinus/10000 years old/Arctic Tundra
(C) Y; w
i hul / 10000 l ky i jqkuk / vkdZ
fVd Vq
(D) None
(D) dksbZugha
150. Polyembryony is found in
150. i kW
yh,fEcz;ks uhfdl es ai kbZt krhgS
(A) Citrus
(A) l kbVªl
(B) Mango
(B) vke
(C) Ricinus
(C) fjfl ul
(D) (A) and (B)
(D) (A) , oa(B)
151. Which among these is not a pollinating agent
151. fuEu es al sdkS u i jkx.kl gk; d ughagS
(A) Arboreal rodents
(A) o`{kh; dq r jusokyst ho
(B) Gecko lizard
(B) t s d ksfNi dyh
(C) Garden lizard
(C) m| ku&fNi dyh
(D) None
(D) dks bZugha
152. Type of flower(s) in oxalis is
152. vkDt s fyl es adkSu l ki q "i i k; kt krkgS
(A) Chasmogamous
(A) pS LeksxeSl
(B) Flowers which do not open
(B) i Q y t ks[ kq
w yr sughagS a
(C) Cleistogamous
(C) DyhLVks xeSl
(D) All
(D) l Hkh
153. In artificial hybridization, to protect stigma from
153. df̀=ke l a d j.kes aofrZ d kdksl a Øe.kl scpkusdsfy, D; k
contamination what procedure is used
rjhdkvi uk; kt krkgS
(A) Emasculation
(A) beS Ldq ys'ku
(B) Bagging
(B) cS fxax
(C) (A) and (B)
(C) (A) , oa(B)
(D) Decapitation
(D) M hdS fi Vs'ku
154. Fleshy fruits are not found in
154. xw ns
nkj i Q y fdl es aughagks r kgS
(A) Guava
(A) ve: n
(B) Mango
(B) vke
(C) Orange
(C) l rajk
(D) Mustard
(D) l jl ks a
155. A typical angiospermic anther is
155. , d ew y vko`Ùkcht hi jkxdks ' kgks
r kgS
(A) multilobed, bisporangiate
(A) cgq i kfyr ] ckbZLi ksjfsat , sV
(B) unilobed, monosporangiate (B) , d i kfyr ] eks uksLi ksjfa
st , sV
(C) bilobed, tertrasporangiate (C) f}i kfyr ] Vs VjkLi ksjfsat , sV
(D) bilobed, bissporangiate (D) f}i kfyr ] ckbZ Li ksjfsat , sV
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
156. Germ pores are present on outer wall of 156. t uu fNnzfdl dhckg; fHkRrhi j mi fLFkr gks
r kgS
(A) pollen mother cell (A) i jkxd.kekr `dks
f' kdk
(B) dks uhfM;k
(B) conidia
(C) v.M k.kq
(C) ovum (D) i jkx d.k

(D) pollen grain 157. 10 ekbØks

Li ks
j enj l s
y dsfevks
fVd fMfot u l sdq
y fdrus
i jkxd.kcus xsa
157. How many pollen grains will be formed after
meiotic division in 10 microspore mother cells :
(A) 10

(A) 10
(B) 20

(B) 20
(C) 30

(C) 30
(D) 40

(D) 40
158. dqN vukt ksaesat S
l spkoy vkSj xs
¡esi jkxd.kvi useq Dr
158. In some cereals such as rice and wheat, pollen gks
usds30 feuV dsvUnj ghvi uht hoUrrk[ kksns r sgSA
grains lose viability within 30 minutes of their fuEu es
al sfdl esa; svi uht hoUrrkeghuksard cuk; sj[ krs
release, in which of the following they (pollen gS%
grains) maintain viability for months :
(A) jkts slh
(A) Rosaceae
(B) ys
(B) Leguminoseae

(C) l ksysuslh
(C) Solanaceae

(D) All of the above

(D) mi ; Z
Dr l Hkh

159. In An giosperm I f endosperm cell have 24 159. , fUt ; ks

Li eZes
avxj Hkzw. ki ks
"kdhdks f' kdkes
a24 xq
. kl w
chromsomes, what shall be the chromosomes ml dsHkzw . kes
. kl w
=kdhl a [ ; kfdruhgks xh%
number in an embryo :
(A) 36
(A) 36
(B) 24
(B) 24
(C) 12
(C) 12
(D) 16.
(D) 16.
160. , fEcz;ksl S
d i znf' kZ
r djrkgS%
160. Embryo sac represents :

(A) Microsporangium
(A) ekbØkL
si ksjS
fUt ; e

(B) Megaspore (B) es

xkLi ksj

(C) Female gametophyte (C) eknk; X

(D) Female gamete (D) eknk; q
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
161. Production of hybrid seeds is costly and hence 161. lad j cht dkmRiknu ega xkgSvkSj bl fy, l ad j cht dh
the cost of hybrid seeds become too expensive ykxr fdl kuks
adsfy, Hkhea gxkgksx; kgS AD; kvki crk
for the farmers. Can you tell a solution to the l drsgSfd bl dsckn l aLdjkdsfy, , d l ek/ ku] dSl sl a
above, how can the hybrid seeds be used one after cht , d vU; i hf<+
; ks
adsckn bLrs
eky fd; kt kl drkgS %
other generations : (A) , i ksfeDl esal a
d j cht cukus
(A) By making the hybrid seed into apomicts (B) vPNkmoZ
j d dsl kFkl a
d j cht dh[ ksrh
(B) By cultivating hybrid seeds with good fertilizer (C) la
d j cht vkS
j ukW
u&l a
d j cht ?kw
. kZ
(C) By rotating the hybrid seed and non-hybrid seed (D) mi jkD
sr dksbZugha
(D) None of these 162. Hkzw
. kdks
' kvke rkS
j i j , d cht ka
n fdl dhl a
[ ; kgS
162. Number of embryosac generally present in an (A) , d vosQ
. kdks'k
ovule is/are :
(B) nksHkzw
. kdks'k
(A) A single embryo sac
(C) l kr Hkzw
. kdks'k
(B) Two embryo sacs
(C) Seven embryo sacs (D) vkB Hkzw
. kdks'k
(D) Eight embryo sacs 163. fu' ks
pu dsfcuki Q
y dsfuekZ
. kdksdgrsgS%
163. Formation of fruit without fertilisation is known as: (A) i kFkhZ
s ki hZ
(A) Parthenocarpy
(B) Parthenogenesis
(B) i kFkhZ
ukts sfufl l
(C) Apomixis (C) , i ksfeDfl l
(D) None of these
(D) buesal sdksbZugha
164. A bilobed anther contains :
164. , d f}dks
"Bhi jkxdks
' kes
r kgS
(A) Four microsporangia
(A) pkj y?kq
cht k.k/qkuh
(B) Three microsporangium
(B) r hu y?kq
cht k.k/qkuh
(C) Two microsporangia
(C) nksy?kq
cht k.kq
/ kuh
(D) One microsporangium.
(D) , d y?kq
cht k.kq
/ kuh
165. Match the following :
165. fuEufyf[ kr LrEHkdksl q
fyr dhft ; s
Column I Column II
Lr EHk&I Lr EHk&II
a. Syncarpous i. Locule
a. ;q
Dr kM
ai h i. dks"Bd
b. Apocarpous ii. Ovule
b. fo; q
Dr kM
ai h ii. va
c. Ovarian cavity iii. Free pistil
c. xHkkZ
' k; hxq
gk iii. eq
Dr L=khosQ
d. Megasporangium iv. Fused pistil d. xq
: cht k.kq
/ kuh iv. la
xfyr L=khosQ
(A) a-iii, b-iv, c-ii, d-i (A) a-iii, b-iv, c-ii, d-i
(B) a-i, b-iii, c-iv, d-ii (B) a-i, b-iii, c-iv, d-ii
(C) a-i, b-ii, c-iii, d-iv (C) a-i, b-ii, c-iii, d-iv

(D) a-iv, b-iii, c-i, d-ii. (D) a-iv, b-iii, c-i, d-ii.
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
166. Find the correct matching pair : 166. l ght ksM+
hdksfeyku dhft , %
(A) Zostera  Marine sea tree (A) t ks
LVsjk; t yh; o`{k
(B) okWVj fyyh  ok; @ q dhV i jkx.k
(B) Water lily  Wind/insect pollination
(C) ?kkl  t y i jkx.k
(C) Grass  Water pollination
(D) oSfyl uS
fj; k  dhV i jkx.k
(D) Vallisneria  Insect pollination.
167. fuEufyf[ kr es aA, B, C vkSj D i gpkus
167. Identify A, B, C and D in the following diagram :


(A) A-, U
sy, B-i kysj U;fw
, C-fl ujft M
l~, D-fi Q
vki zsVl
(A) A-Antipodals, B-Polar Nuclei, C-Synergids, D-
Filliform apparatus (B) A-fi Q Yyhi Q kW
eZvki zsVl , B-, UVhi kM
sy, C-i kysj U;wfDykbZ, D-
(B) A-Filliform apparatus, B-Antipodals, C-Polar Nuclei, ekbØkiskby
D-Micropyle (C) A-fl ujft M l~, B-i kysj U;fw
DykbZ , C-, UVhiksMy, D-fi Q
(C) A-Synergids, B-Polar Nuclei, C-Antipodals, D- vki zsVl
Filliform apparatus (D) A-, U VhiksMy, B-ekbØksikby, C-fl ujft Ml~, D-fi Q YyhiQkW
(D) A-Antipodals, B-Micropyle, C-Synergids, D-Filliform vki zsVl
168. LrEHkks
adksl q esfyr dhft , %
168. Match the Columns :
Column-I Column-II
(a) va Mk'k; (i) i Q y
(a) Ovary (i) Fruit
(b) Triple fusion (ii) Endosperm (b) fVªi y Ý; w tu (ii) , U Mks
Li eZ
(c) Persistent nucellus (iii) Perisperm (c) i jfl fLVsUV U;w lsyl (iii) i s
jhLi eZ
(d) Removal of anther (iv) Emasculation (d) , UFkj dkgVkuk (iv) beS Ldq ys
' ku
(A) a-i, b-ii, c-iii, d-iv
(A) a-i, b-ii, c-iii, d-iv
(B) a-ii, b-i, c-iii, d-iv
(C) a-i, b-iii, c-ii, d-iv (B) a-ii, b-i, c-iii, d-iv
(D) a-ii, b-iii, c-i, d-iv. (C) a-i, b-iii, c-ii, d-iv
169. Which of the following features are exhibited by (D) a-ii, b-iii, c-i, d-iv.
tapetum cells :
169. VSi hVe dhdks ' kkvks
a}kjkD; ki znf' kZ
r gks
r kgS
(A) Dense cytoplasm
(A) ?kukdks ' kknzO;
(B) Nutritional material present (B) i kS
f"Vd i nkFkZmi fLFkr
(C) Generally more than one nucleus (C) i z
k; %, d l svf/ d dsUnzd mi fLFkr
(D) All of the above (D) mi jksDr l Hkh
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
170. What is not correct about intine: 170. bUVkbu dsfo"k; es
al R; ughgS%
(A) It is a thin layer (A) ; g , d i r yhl r g gS
(B) It has cellulose & pectin (B) bl esal syq
ykst vkS
j i sfDVu gksrkgS
(C) It is a thick layer (C) ; g eksVhl r g gS
(D) A and B (D) A vkS
171. Which came into india as a contaminant : 171. fuEu es
al sdkS
u Hkkjr es
a, d i znw
"k.kds: i es
avk; k%
(A) Carrot grass (A) xkt j ?kkl
(B) Parthenium (B) i kFkhZ
fu; e
(C) Eicchornia (C) bDdkfuZ
(D) A and B (D) A vkS
172. Match the characters of the pollen grains with their 172. i jkxd.kdsy{k.kks
adksfeykb; si jkx.kdsdkjd dsl kFk
agent of pollination.
LraHkA Lra
Column A Column B
(i) gYdsvkS j fpi fpi kgV jfgr (a) t y
(i) light and non-sticky (a) Water
(ii) ya cs] iQhrst S
ls ] ' ys
"ed (b) dh V
(ii) long, ribbon-like, covered (b) Insects
vkoj.k}kjkl a jf{kr
with mucilaginous covering
(iii) fpi fpi k (c) gok
(iii) sticky (c) Air
(A) i - b ; ii - a ; iii- c
(A) i - b ; ii - a ; iii- c
(B) i - c; ii - a ; iii - b
(B) i - c; ii - a ; iii - b
(C) i - a ; ii - c ; iii - b
(C) i - a ; ii - c ; iii - b
(D) i - c ; ii - b; iii - a
(D) i - c ; ii - b; iii - a
173. i kS
/ ksaesaySa
fxd t uu dkLFky gSA
173. Site of sexual reproduction in plants is (A) ba VjuksM
(A) internode (B) i Q y
(B) fruit (C) i Q y
(C) flower
(D) cht
(D) seed
174. i q
"i Øe es agks r kgSA
174. Inflorescence bears the
(A) cht
(A) seeds
(B) i Q y
(B) fruits
(C) i "qi dyh
(C) floral buds
(D) leaflets (D) yhi Q ysV
175. Androecium is 175. , a
fl ; e gS A
(A) female flower (A) eknki q "i
(B) a flower (B) , d i q "i
(C) bisexual plant (C) ckbl s Dl q v y i kS
(D) none of these (D) bues al sdksbZugha
176. How many microspores are formed from single 176. Li ks
j ks
ft ul Ård dh, dy dks f' kdkl sfdrusekbØks
Li ks
cell of sporogenous tissue cursgS A
(A) one (A) , d
(B) two (B) nks
(C) four (C) pkj
(D) eight (D) vkB
All India Test and Discussion Series : Test-4 / [Paper] CRACK NEET 2021 / TD / 08-Jan-2021
177. The ploidy of cells of microspore tetrad and cells 177. ekbØks Li ks
j Vs
f'kdkvksarFkkLi ks
j ks
ft ul Ård dh
of sporogenous tissue will be respectively dksf' kdkvks adhIykMhØe' k%gks
(A) 2n (A) 2n
(B) 2n, n (B) 2n, n
(C) n, 2n (C) n, 2n
(D) n (D) n
178. Parthenium plant introduced in India as a 178. ba
i ks
gqdsl kFki kFkhZ
fu; e i kS
/ kHkkjr es
avkx; kt ksfdl
contaminant with imported wheat is responsible
chekjhdsfy, ft Eesnkj gSA
for which disease
(A) eys
fj; k
(A) Malaria

(B) allergy (B) , yt hZ

(C) typhoid (C) Vkbi Q
(D) diarrhoea (D) Mk; fj; k
179. Pollen grains adversely effects which system of 179. i jkxd.k'kjhj dsfdl ra
jhrjg l si zHkkfor djrsgS
the body
(A) mRlt hZ
(A) excretory
(B) l sUVªy r a
f=kdk r a
(B) central nervous system
(C) l dq
y sVjh
(C) circulatory
(D) respiratory
(D) jsLi kbjsVjh

180. In which of the following plants pollen does not 180. fuEufyf[ kr esal sfdu i kS
/ ks
ai kys
u dhokbfcfyVh, d fnu
remain viable for a day Hkhughsgks r hgSA
(A) Rose (A) xq
(B) pea (B) eVj
(C) wheat (C) xsa
(D) potato (D) vkyq


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