Lesson Plan of Mine

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Republic of the Philippines


Taytay, Rizal

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:
A. Determine the advantage and disadvantage of modern technology.
B. Value the importance of communication.
C. Express ideas, opinions and feelings about communications technology
through different activities.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: For Conversation, Press #1 by Michael Alvaer
References: Almonte, Liza R. et al; A Journey through Anglo-American Literature
Grade 9 (English-Learners Material) pp. 265-266; Department of Education 2014
Materials: Cartolina, Manila paper, picture puzzles, PowerPoint presentation

III. Learning Activities

A. Daily Routine
Checking of Attendance

B. Pre- Activity

Teachers Activity Learners Activity

- Before we start, I have here an - The volunteer pairs arrange the

activity called Fix Me Im puzzles.
Broken. Now I need 3
pairs of volunteer to
arrange this puzzle.
The first pair to arrange
their puzzle first gets 10
points in performance.

- Gadgets maam!
- What
are those
- Yes maam
- Yes maam
- Ok very good! Do you have all
of them?
- For leisure, for communication
- Would you be happy to have maam.
them all?

- Why do you use computers?

- Ok. Thank you!

C. Activity

Teachers Activity Learners Activity

- I have here picture of a man and - He has a lot of modern gadgets,
he has something to say, what yet he is still lonely.
can you say about this picture?

- Maybe maam because that is

all that he have. But he has no

- Ok very good! Why do you think

this is so?

- Ok very good! That could be

one, but well find out why later.

D. Analysis
Unlocking of Difficulties

Teachers Activity Learners Activity

- I have here some words that we
might find difficult to understand
while we go on with our lesson
today. Please read everybody.
1. Untethered Untethered 1. Untethered means
internet connection is all she unlimited

Any idea about what does it

mean? 2. Problems that make
progress difficult.
2. Setback- Despite the Struggle
setbacks, the company still
manages to be successful.

In this sentence what does

setback means? 3. This is the state of
being together

3. Intimacy- He loves the

intimacy he has with his
4. Anti-technological
In this sentence what does change
intimacy means?

4. Luddite- The man denies

being a Luddite.

In this sentence what does 5. feel disgusted

Luddite means?

5. Cringe- Seeing her friend

with her ex-boyfriend makes
her cringe.

In this sentence what does

cringe means?

- Ok very good! Those are the

words that we might encounter
with the selection we are about
to read.
1. Maam its about the negative
side or effects of technology to
- Now, Let us read the selection us. When we no longer
entitled For Conversation, Press communicate with the people
#1 by Michael Alvear. On pages that is around us.
- All the boys will read the first
part aloud, and all the girls will
2. The author wants to tell us that
read the second part. Begin.
too much technology can be
dangerous. It can destroy our
relationship with our families and
Guide Questions
1. What is the selection 3. No maam it is important that I
all about? How? can see them. Personal
presence is important to me.

4. I can see my parents even if

they are abroad. I dont miss
2. What do you think them very much.
does the author want
to tell us?
5. Yes maam, we can easily
understand our lesson with the
help of technology and also we
3. When it comes to
can watch movies related to our
relationships, would it
be fine if you dont
actually see each

4. How about within your

family for those whose
parents are working
abroad. How does
technology help you?

5. How about in our

school, is using these - Because he feels isolated
gadgets give because of the gadgets that is
advantage to you as a supposed to make him feel
student? connected.

- Ok very good! We can see there

are advantages and
disadvantages of technology
when it comes to

- Now let us take a look at the

picture I presented a while ago.

- - Now, why is the man


E. Abstraction
Teachers Activity Learners Activity
- Let us all take a look at these
pictures. Lets see if it is an
advantage or disadvantage.

Picture 1

- Disadvantage maam. Because

the family is no longer paying
attention to each other,
specially the parents, they are
- Do you think this is an advantage supposed to be eating happily
or disadvantage? How? with their child, yet all they do is
stare on their gadgets, leaving
their child unnoticed.

- Ok very god! You got it right!

They do not even notice their
child, making him feel that he
doesnt even exist.

- Next picture.

- Advantage maam, because it

helps in studying. It is a big help
in our education.
- Do you think this is an advantage
or disadvantage? How? - Gadgets are used for
communicating with those not
around us, not to isolate
ourselves to the real world and
- Use gadgets to communicate, forget how do we really
not to isolate. Anyone who could communicate, which should be
explain this quotation? personally, not to make those
around us feel absent.

- None maam.

- Ok very good!

- Do you have any questions about

our topic for today?

F. Application

Lets have a group activity, there will be three groups. Group 1 is One Call Away,
Group 2 is Marvin Gaye, and Group 3 is We Dont Talk Anymore. Now each
leader from each group will pick a task and will read in front of the class. Each
group has 5 minutes to finish the task. When youre done, clap your hands 5
times and say your group name. Be ready to present your work after 5 minutes.

Group 1
Create a poster showing the disadvantage of communications technology.

Group 2
Create a short skit about the advantage of using technology during emergencies.

Group 3
Create a slogan on how a disadvantage in communications technology can affect

Connection to the topic 10pts.
Creativity 10pts.
Teamwork 5pts.
Total: 25 pts.

G. Evaluation
Directions: On a sheet of paper, write ADV if the statement about
communications technology is an Advantage and DIS if the statement is a
ADV 1. Helps in communicating with friends that are not around us.
DIS 2. Tolerates the laziness to talk personally.
DIS 3. We just settle having friends online.
DIS 4. Makes the people around us feel absent.
ADV 5. Could use as a way of asking help for emergencies.
H. Homework
On a short bond paper write a paragraph with at least 5 sentences on how you could
be of more help to other people in danger using the advantages of communications

Prepared by:
Gabon, Marisol T.

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