Math 2
Math 2
Math 2
Mechanical Engineering—ME
456 Mechatronic System Design 478 Product Development 497 Biomechanical Design in Product
Fall. 3(2-3) P: (ECE 345 or concurrently) Spring. 3(3-0) P: ME 477 R: Open to juniors Development
and (ME 391 or concurrently) R: Open to or seniors in the Materials Science and En- Spring. 3(3-0) Interdepartmental with Bio-
juniors or seniors in the Department of Me- gineering Major or in the Mechanical Engi- medical Engineering. Administered by Me-
chanical Engineering. neering Major. SA: MSM 482 chanical Engineering. P: ME 371 or concur-
Application of imbedded microcontrollers to the Simulation of industrial environment for product rently R: Open to juniors or seniors in the
design of mechatronic systems. Introduction to development. Product concept, design, and manu- Department of Mechanical Engineering. SA:
feedback and feedforward control concepts. Design facturing. BME 491A, MSM 445
of software and hardware for systems with mechani- Biomechanical product design with application to
cal, electrical and fluid components plus imbedded people or animals. Synthesis, prototyping, and
control systems. Laboratory exercises and design 481 Mechanical Engineering Design Projects analysis of designs. Project management. Market
projects. Application to automotive, consumer, in- Fall, Spring. 3(1-6) P: (ME 410 and ME 471) research.
dustrial and commercial systems. and completion of Tier I Writing requirement
R: Approval of department; application re- 800 Engineering Analysis
quired. Fall. 3(3-0)
461 Mechanical Vibrations Application of design concepts in mechanical engi- Use of analytical methods of mathematics in engi-
Fall, Spring. 3(3-0) P: ME 361 and ME 391 neering. Problem definition, design specifications. neering applications. Applications of partial differen-
R: Open to juniors or seniors in the Mechan- Modeling and analysis methods. Design optimiza- tial equations to thermal-fluid and vibration prob-
ical Engineering major. tion, economics, reliability. Manufacturing considera- lems, vector calculus and tensor analysis in fluid and
Modeling and analysis of oscillatory phenomena tions in design. Capstone design projects. solid mechanics, and analytical function theory in
found in linear discrete and continuous mechanical mechanics.
489 Technical Communication for Engineers 802 Advanced Classical Thermodynamics
Spring. 2(2-0) RB: Engineers R: Open to Fall. 3(3-0) RB: ME 391 and ME 411
464 Intermediate Dynamics juniors or seniors or graduate students in Postulational treatment of the laws of thermodynam-
Fall of even years. 3(3-0) P: (ME 361) R: the College of Engineering. ics. Equilibrium and maximum entropy postulates.
Open to students in the College of Engi- Investigation of technical communication in the Principles for general systems.
neering. SA: MSM 403 engineering workplace. Drafting, revising, and
Kinematics and kinetics of particle and rigid body editing communications directed at a variety of 804 Micro-Scale Fluid Mechanics and Heat
systems. Virtual work, Lagrangian method, and audiences. Includes team writing activities, presen- Transfer
Euler equations. Basic vibrations of discrete and tations, style, and flow. Spring of odd years. 3(3-0) RB: ME 332 and
continuous systems. Elementary wave propagation. ME 410
Basic concepts of micro-scale processes. Molecular
490 Independent Study in Mechanical derivation of the conservation equations of fluid
465 Computer Aided Optimal Design Engineering dynamics, Boltzmann equation and Monte-Carlo
Spring. 3(3-0) P: (ME 222 and ME 280) and Fall, Spring, Summer. 1 to 4 credits. A stu- methods of modern micro-applied science. Theory
(ME 371 or concurrently) R: Open to juniors dent may earn a maximum of 6 credits in all of micro-scale heat transfer. Applications to fluid
or seniors in the Mechanical Engineering enrollments for this course. R: Open to sen- mechanics, heat transfer, combustion.
Major. iors in the Department of Mechanical Engi-
Modeling for mechanical design optimization. Algo- neering. Approval of department. 812 Conductive Heat Transfer
rithms for constrained and unconstrained optimiza- Independent study in mechanical engineering. Fall. 3(3-0) RB: ME 391 and ME 411
tion. Optimality criteria. Optimization using finite Theory of steady and unsteady heat conduction.
element models. Design projects. Derivation of describing equations and boundary
491 Selected Topics in Mechanical conditions. Numerical methods. Nonlinear problems.
471 Mechanical Design II Fall, Spring. 1 to 4 credits. A student may 814 Convective Heat Transfer
Fall, Spring. 3(3-0) P: ME 222 and ME 371 earn a maximum of 8 credits in all enroll- Spring. 3(3-0)
and ME 391 R: Open to juniors or seniors in ments for this course. R: Open to seniors in Analysis of convective transfer of heat, mass and
the Mechanical Engineering Major. the Department of Mechanical Engineering. momentum in boundary layers and ducts. Thermal
Engineering design of machine elements and me- Approval of department. instability. Free convection.
chanical systems. Computer-based analysis in Topics selected to supplement and enrich existing
support of design. Design for static and fatigue courses. 820 Continuum Mechanics
strength, deflection, and reliability. Fall. 3(3-0) SA: MSM 810
Mathematical tools of continuum mechanics, stress
494 Biofluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer principles, kinematics of deformation and motion,
475 Computer Aided Design of Structures Fall. 3(3-0) P: (ME 410 or concurrently) or fundamental laws and equations. Applications in
Fall. 3(3-0) P: ME 471 or concurrently R: (CHE 311 or concurrently) or (BE 350 or linear elasticity and classical fluids.
Open to juniors or seniors in the Mechanical concurrently) R: Open to juniors or seniors
Engineering Major. or graduate students in the College of Engi- 821 Linear Elasticity
Computational methods for analysis, design, and neering. Spring. 3(3-0) RB: ME 820 SA: MSM 813
optimization of structural components. Basic con- Applications of fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and Fundamentals of isotropic linear elasticity. Solution
cepts in geometric modeling, finite element analysis, thermodynamics to biological processes, including of plane elasticity problems. St. Venant bending and
and structural optimization. blood flow in the circulatory system, heart function, torsion. Singular solutions. Basic three-dimensional
effects of heating and cooling on cells, tissues, and solutions.
proteins. Pharmaco-kinetics.
477 Manufacturing Processes 822 Combustion
Fall, Spring. 3(3-0) Interdepartmental with Spring of even years. 3(3-1) RB: ME 490
Materials Science and Engineering. Admin- 495 Tissue Mechanics and ME 802
istered by Mechanical Engineering. P: ME Spring. 3(3-0) Interdepartmental with Bio- Thermodynamics and chemical kinetics. Multicom-
222 and MSE 250 R: Open to students in medical Engineering. Administered by Me- ponent systems. Premixed and diffusion flames.
the Applied Engineering Sciences Major or chanical Engineering. P: (ME 222) R: Open Flame radiation.
in the Materials Science and Engineering to students in the College of Engineering.
Major or in the Mechanical Engineering Ma- SA: MSM 441 823 Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue
jor. SA: MSM 481 Application of solid mechanics to understanding Spring of even years. 3(3-0) RB: ME 821
Fundamentals of manufacturing processes such as mechanical responses of biological tissues. Micro- SA: MSM 816
casting, heat treating, particulate processing, form- structure and biological function for soft and hard Brittle and ductile fracture. Elastic stress fields near
ing, machining, joining, and surface processing. connective tissues and muscle. cracks. Elastic-plastic analysis of crack extension.
Selection of manufacturing processes based on Plastic instability. Cyclic crack propagation. Models
design and materials. of cyclic deformation and fatigue failure. Environ-
mental effects. Case studies.
ME—Mechanical Engineering
824 Plasticity 840 Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat 859 Nonlinear Systems and Control
Spring of odd years. 3(3-0) RB: ME 821 SA: Transfer Spring. 3(3-0) Interdepartmental with Elec-
MSM 817 Spring. 3(3-0) RB: ((ME 410) and program- trical and Computer Engineering. Adminis-
Yield conditions, stress-strain relations, plastic po- ming experience.) and (ME 830 or ME 814) tered by Mechanical Engineering. RB: ECE
tential, hardening theories, torsion, bending. Thick Theory and application of finite difference and finite 851 R: Open to students in the College of
walled shells under internal pressure. Limit analysis. volume methods to selected fluid mechanics and Engineering. SA: ECE 827
Slip line theory. heat transfer models including the full potential flow Second-order systems and fundamental properties
model, the systems of Euler and Navier-Stokes of solutions. Lyapunov stability, input-output stability,
825 Experimental Mechanics equations, and turbulence. Grid generation tech- passivity, absolute stability, and linearization. Design
Spring. 3(2-3) R: Open to graduate students niques. of feedback controllers using integral control, feed-
in the College of Engineering. SA: MSM 805 back linearization, sliding mode control, Lyapunov
Measurement of strain, displacement, velocity, and redesign, passivity-based control, and recursive
acceleration using resistance strain gages, accel- 842 Advanced Turbomachinery methods. Applications to electrical and mechanical
erometers, and related methods. Detailed study of Spring of even years. 3(3-0) RB: ME 442 R: systems.
strain gages and accelerometers. Transducer de- Open only to seniors and graduate students
sign. Basic modal analysis. in Mechanical Engineering and Chemical 860 Theory of Vibrations
Engineering. Fall. 3(3-0)
826 Laminated Composite Materials Application of energy, momentum, continuity and Discrete systems and continua. Analytical mechan-
Fall of even years. 3(3-0) A student may heat transfer equations to energy transfer and trans- ics. Variational principles. Modal analysis. Function
earn a maximum of 6 credits in all enroll- formation in turbomachinery. spaces. Eigenfunction expansions. Integral trans-
ments for this course. P: (ME 820) SA: MSM forms. Stability. Approximations. Perturbations.
Fundamentals of anisotropic elasticity and their 851 Linear Systems and Control 861 Advanced Dynamics
application to laminated composite plates. Unique Fall. 3(3-0) Interdepartmental with Electrical Fall. 3(3-0) SA: MSM 801
states of deformation, stress, and failure not en- and Computer Engineering. Administered by Dynamics of systems of particles and rigid bodies.
countered in isotropic, homogeneous materials. Electrical and Computer Engineering. RB: Energy and momentum principles. Lagrangian and
Undergraduate coverage of linear algebra, Hamiltonian methods. Euler angles. Applications in
828 Advanced Strength of Materials differential equations and control/systems system dynamics and vibrations.
Spring of odd years. 3(3-0) SA: MSM 815 State models and their stability, controllability, and
General theory of torsion, nonsymmetric bending, observability properties. Finding minimal realizations 863 Nonlinear Vibrations
transverse shear, thin-walled beams, beams on of transfer functions. Design of state and output Spring of even years. 3(3-0) RB: ME 461
elastic foundations, thick-walled cylinders. Basic feedback controllers. Design of state observers. LQ Perturbation methods. Weakly nonlinear partial and
contact mechanics. Failure criteria for solids. regulator and the Kalman filter. Time-varying sys- ordinary differential equations. Modal interactions,
tems. internal tuning, saturation, sub/super/combination
830 Fluid Mechanics I resonances, jump phenomenon. Nonlinear normal
Fall. 3(3-0) modes.
Integral and differential conservation laws, Navier- 853 Optimal Control
Stokes' equations, and exact solutions. Laminar Spring of odd years. 3(3-0) Interdepart- 872 Finite Element Method
boundary layer theory, similarity solutions, and mental with Electrical and Computer Engi- Fall, Spring. 3(3-0) Interdepartmental with
approximate methods. Thermal effects and instabil- neering. Administered by Electrical and Civil Engineering. Administered by Mechan-
ity phenomena. Computer Engineering. ical Engineering. SA: AE 809, MSM 809
Static optimization. Nonlinear optimal control of Theory and application of the finite element method
832 Fluid Mechanics II discrete and continuous systems, with specialization to the solution of continuum type problems in heat
Spring of even years. 3(3-0) RB: ME 830 to the LQ regulator and tracking. Extending the transfer, fluid mechanics, and stress analysis.
and MTH 425 deterministic results to the Kalman filter and the
Inviscid flow, vortex motion, flow past bodies. Com- LQG regulator. Dynamic programming and inequali- 874 Analysis of Metal Forming and
plex variables and conformal mapping. One- ty constraints. Convex optimization and LMI’s. Manufacturing Processes
dimensional steady and unsteady compressible Fall of odd years. 3(3-0) RB: ME 471 and
flow, shock waves and Prandtl-Meyer expansion. MSM 809 and MSM 817 and MSM 810
Small perturbations theory and method of character- 854 Robust Control Review of fundamental knowledge in mechanics,
istics. Spring of even years. 3(3-0) Interdepart- materials and numerical analysis. Modeling, simula-
mental with Electrical and Computer Engi- tion and analysis of metal forming and manufactur-
834 Fundamentals of Turbulence neering. Administered by Mechanical Engi- ing processes.
Fall of odd years. 3(3-0) neering. R: Open to graduate students in
Statistical descriptions of turbulent flows: isotropic, the College of Engineering. 875 Optimal Design of Mechanical Systems
free shear and wall bounded. Correlation and spec- Linear systems and norms for signals and systems. Spring of odd years. 3(3-0) RB: ME 461
tral descriptions. Conditional probabilities and co- Investigation of stability and performance of control Optimal design for static and dynamic response of
herent motions. Experimental methods. Scaling systems. Model reduction, uncertainty, and robust- mechanical and structural systems. Necessary and
relationships. ness. Parameterization of stabilizing controllers, sufficient conditions for optimality. Discrete and
Ricatti equations and related factorizations. Applica- continuous parameter problems. Sensitivity of re-
835 Turbulence Modeling and Simulation tion to H-2, H-infinity, and L-1 control. sponse to design variations. Algorithms.
Fall of even years. 3(3-0) RB: (ME 830) and
and familiarity with graduate-level fluid me- 891 Selected Topics in Mechanical
chanics and mathematics. 856 Adaptive Control Engineering
Basic turbulence theory. Transport equations for Fall of even years. 3(3-0) Interdepartmental Fall, Spring. 1 to 4 credits. A student may
calculations of turbulent flows. Current status of with Electrical and Computer Engineering. earn a maximum of 6 credits in all enroll-
modeling and simulation of turbulent flows. Direct Administered by Electrical and Computer ments for this course. R: Approval of de-
numerical simulation. Reynolds-averaged simula- Engineering. partment.
tions. Large eddy simulation. Probability density Real-time parameter estimation. Design of self- Special topics in mechanical engineering of current
function methods in turbulence. tuning regulators and model reference adaptive importance.
controllers. Investigation of robustness and robust
836 Experimental Methods in Fluid adaptive controllers. Extension to nonlinear sys- 892 Mechanical Engineering Seminar
Mechanics tems. Fall, Spring. 1 credit.
Fall of even years. 3(1-4) Attend and present seminars in order to develop
Modern techniques of fluid mechanics measurement research and presentation skills relevant to mechan-
and data analysis. Pressure, temperature and veloc- ical engineering.
ity measurement techniques. Optical diagnostics.
Mechanical Engineering—ME