30116-90886-1-PB 3
30116-90886-1-PB 3
30116-90886-1-PB 3
Salah satu cara perguruan tinggi mengaktualisasi tenaga pendidik adalah melalui perkuliahan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi program Perkuliahan mekanika fluida melalui
model evaluasi Context, Input, Process and Product (CIPP). Penelitian ini merupakan
penelitian evaluatif yang dilakukan di salah satu universitas islam di Pekanbaru. Teknik
pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi, kuesioner dan dokumen. Instrumen
penelitian yang digunakan adalah pedoman wawancara, lembar observasi, lembar kuesioner
dan lembar telaah dokumen yang disesuaikan dengan standar Panduan Kurikulum
Pendidikan Tinggi Kemendikbud. Teknik analisis data menggunakan model triangulasi data.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis data ditemukan pada dokumen RPS bahwa tidak tercantumnya
keterampilan khusus pada RPS, terdapat satu sub-CPMK yang tidak menunjukkan
keterampilan berpikir kritis. Berdasarkan obervasi perkuliahan, hanya satu mahasiswa yang
bertanya dan mempresentasikan hasil jawaban soal latihan. Berdasarkan hasil kuesioner
ditemukan bahwa 69,7% mahasiswa masih kesulitan dalam topik Fluida Dinamis. Berdasarkan
wawancara, mahasiswa masih kesulitan dalam penggunaan rumus. Kesimpulannya adalah
perkuliahan mekanika fluida masih perlu perbaikan pada rancangan RPS terutama dari apek
strategi perkuliahan dan penilaian sehingga nantinya dapat meningkatkan keterampilan
berpikir kritis mahasiswa.
A way to actualize an educators in universities is through lectures. The present study aims to
evaluate the fluid mechanics through the CIPP model. Conducted through evaluative research at
one of the universities in Pekanbaru, the data were collected through interviews, observation,
questionnaires and documents. The current research employs interview guidelines, observation
sheet, questionnaires and document review sheets. The data analysis technique uses the data
triangulation model. Based on results obtained in this line of research, there are no specific skills
listed in the SCP, there is one sub-CLO that does not disclose critical thinking skills. Based on
lecture observations, only one student asked questions and presented the answers to the exercise
questions. Based on the results of the questionnaires, it was found that 69.7% of students still
have difficulties in the topic of Dynamic Fluids. Based on interviews, students still have difficulty
in using formulas. The conclusion is that fluid mechanics still need improvement in the SCP
design, especially from the lecture strategy and assessment aspect thus it can later improve
students’ critical thinking skills.
Education is one of the pillars to build the civilization of a nation. A developed
nation can be seen from the progress of its education. Empirical experience has proven
that nations that have enjoyed the welfare and prosperity of their people are nations
that begin their development through education even though they do not have
sufficient natural resources (Muhardi, 2004). With quality human resources and
mastering science and technology, they can enjoy the prosperity of their nation. As an
example are countries such as Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, China, Malaysia, Singapore,
Thailand, Vietnam, and so on (Mohamad Surya in Muhardi, 2004).
Higher education is an important part of advancing education. This is because
universities have an important role in producing competitive human resources.
Universities are important to provide a workforce that has the skills and competencies
needed by the market. In addition, quality universities will also be able to produce
leaders and thinkers of a nation who determine the development of their country in
the future (Nulhaqim et.al., 2016). One of the Islamic University in Riau plays an
important role and responsibility in building civilization with science, Islamic values,
and technology as a means for the advancement of education in Indonesia. In
particular, Education Faculty at one of University in Riau, which is a faculty of
education, aims to produce educators who are pious, moderate, intelligent and
academically qualified and have an Islamic worldview. The way to actualize the roles
and responsibilities in producing educator graduates is through lectures.
The lecture program is a teaching plan as a guide for lecturers in carrying out
lectures, so that lectures can run well (Putra, 2017). In Law Number 12 of 2012
concerning Higher Education, the definition of learning is the process of student
interaction with lecturers and learning resources in a learning environment. There are
three main variables that are interrelated in the strategy for implementing learning in
higher education. The three variables are curriculum, lecturers and learning process.
Lecturers occupy a central position, because their role is very decisive, they must be
able to translate and describe the values contained in the curriculum (Hidayat, 2002).
Lindgren (1967) asserts that the focus of the education system includes three aspects,
namely: (1) students, (2) the learning process, namely, what students live when they
learn, not what lecturers do to teach teaching materials but what students must do to
learn them and (3) learning situations, namely, the environment where the learning
process occurs and includes all factors that influence students or the learning process
such as lecturers, classes and interactions therein.
The quality of the teaching and learning process will be influenced by the
lecturer in using the material presentation system, the role of the lecturer in teaching
and learning, the level of participation and the type of learning activities that students
live in and the atmosphere of the teaching and learning process. Lecturers make
technical decisions such as how the syllabus will be interpreted in terms of what
teaching materials should be given, how the course is structured and presented.
Lecturers in higher education mostly see themselves as experts in history or other
fields of study, so the reference used in making these kinds of decisions is usually the
lecturer who taught him when he was a student, especially those who he thinks have
been successful in teaching (Kozma in Hidayat, 2002). Lecture programs made by
lecturers cannot always be implemented properly. In connection with this, so that the
lecture program that has been made does not have weaknesses that occur in the next
lecture program, it is necessary to evaluate the lecture program, especially for fluid
mechanics courses in the Science Education Program. The existence of a lecture
program evaluation review is important because it is to achieve the objectives of the
fluid mechanics lecture. This lecture program, needs further guidance and direction
based on data in the field regarding planning, process and assessment. In addition, it
is a recommendation for improvement and improvement to improve the quality and
quality of fluid mechanics lectures for the following years.
Learning process planning is prepared for each course and presented in the SCP
or other terms determined and developed by lecturers independently or together in a
group of expertise in a field of science and/or technology in the study program. Other
terms include Semester Learning Plan (SCP), Lecture Guidelines, or Lecture Contract.
In this research, the term used is SCP in accordance with Permendikbud No. 3 of 2020.
Each lecturer prepares the SCP for the course he/she teaches. The SCP contains at
least includes the logo and name, Faculty, and Study Program, course identity which
includes name, code, family, weight and semester, document ratification authority
including date of preparation and ratification, name and signature of lecturer and
course coordinator, Learning Outcome (LO), Course Learning Outcome (CLO), sub-
Course Learning Outcome (sCLO) and matrix, course description, lecturing materials,
learning methods, time, student learning experience, assessment which includes
indicator criteria and assessment, list of references used.
This SCP is useful for lecturers in (a) designing lectures holistically and
systematically, (b) preparing unit of meeting program (c) evaluating and improving
the quality of ongoing lecture activities, and (d) designing lectures for the next
semester. For students, the SCP provides information about (a) the course as a whole,
(b) the task load and course (c) the appropriate learning style, and (d) the learning
outcomes assessment system. For other purposes, the SCP is useful as (a) a reference
for other lecturers when they have to replace the lecturer in charge of the course
concerned, (b) a reference document for monitoring the implementation of lectures,
and (c) a supporting document when accrediting study programs or institutions. In
the national standards of higher education, there is no provision that states that the
draft of the SCP must be discussed and agreed with students. However, considering
that the lecture approach in higher education is centered on the interests of students
and uses an adult learning approach (andragogy). It is natural that the SCP concept
and design are discussed and agreed with students. In discussing the concept of SCP,
lecturers explain and ask for students' opinions, especially regarding lecture objectives,
topics, lecture strategies, reference, and assessment criteria (Sitepu & Lestari, 2018).
The existence of participation in preparing the SCP, students engage more in the
lecture plan, and feel their wants and needs are accommodated so that they are
motivated to learn and have responsibility in achieving course goals.
In terms of effectiveness, SCP as a lecture contract is the most effective way to
help students diagnose learning needs, design learning activities, define and select
relevant learning materials and appropriate learning methods, and become trained to
conduct personal evaluation (Sitepu & Lestari, 2018). An effective SCP has two main
characteristics (a) flexibility, and (b) focus. Flexibility is being able to meet the various
needs and learning styles of students. Focus is effectively helping students focus their
attention on achieving certain/specific learning outcomes and achievements. These
two key characteristics are necessary for an effective learning contract. Without
flexibility, most of the benefits of a learning contract are lost. Without focus, students
easily lose their way (Boak, 1998).
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the context aspect through the CIPP
(Context, Input, Process, and Product) model in the fluid mechanics course program
at the Science Education Department at one of Islamic Univeristy in Riau.
Research Method
This research uses evaluative research. It aims to design, improve, and test the
implementation of educational programs. The evaluation referred to in this study is
the activity of collecting data and information to make decisions about the running
programs, the decision is in the form of continuing the program, expanding the
program, improving a program. Evaluation models are very important in evaluating a
program. According to (Ritonga et al., 2019) an evaluation model is a framework used
to evaluate a system or program. Evaluation models can be used to evaluate various
aspects of a system or program, such as effectiveness, efficiency, reliability, and safety.
Evaluation models can also be used to evaluate the quality of a system or program
(Adila & Dahtiah, 2020). Evaluation models can be used to evaluate various types of
systems or programs, such as information systems, management systems, and
government programs. Evaluation models can be used to evaluate existing or newly
created systems or programs or systems by considering costs and benefits (Rama et al.,
The evaluation model used in this research is the Context, Input, Process, and
Product (CIPP) model. The CIPP model was proposed by Stufflebeam which consists
of four stages of evaluation, namely context evaluation, input evaluation, process
evaluation and product evaluation (Fahruddin, 2020). The CIPP model is based on the
view that the most important goal of program evaluation is not to prove, but to
improve (Ihwan, 2011). Therefore, this model is also categorized as a program
improvement-oriented evaluation approach.
This research uses a qualitative research approach, with the consideration that
the evaluation of the implementation of the fluid mechanics course process using the
CIPP model in the Science Education Department at one of Islamic Univeristy in Riau
can be carried out according to actual conditions through the natural setting paradigm
and the researcher himself can be a research instrument. So, this research procedure
produces description data, in the form of description data, in the form of a description
of the people concerned about the fluid mechanics lecture process as it is. The
location of this research was carried out at the Science Education Department at one
of Islamic University in Riau with the research subjects being one lecturer who taught
the course, 29 students who had contracted the course, one study program
administrator, and the head of the department.
The current research employs two research materials primary and secondary
data. In primary data, the researchers took from informants directly in the field
through critical thinking skill test, interviews, questionnaires and documents. Primary
data sources through interviews with lecture and the head of department and answers
to a list of questionnaires (questionnaires) by students that have been made by
researchers. Secondary data sources were obtained through documents. The
documents collected include the Semester Learning Plan (SCP), practice questions,
and lecturer background. All documents will be reviewed through the guidelines for
Implementing the Higher Education Curriculum Based on Permendikbud No. 3 of
Tabel 1. Scope of Observation of Higher Education Curriculum Implementation Based
on Permendikbud No. 3 of 2020
Aspect Minimum Standars
Administrative • SCP is developed by lecturers independently/team
• SCP at least contains the identity of the university including logo and name,
Faculty, and Study Program, course identity which includes name, code, family,
weight and semester, document approval authority including date of preparation
and approval, name and signature of lecturer and course coordinator, Learning
Outcome (LO), Course Learning Outcome (CLO), sub- Course Learning Outcome
(sCLO) and matrix, course description, study materials, learning methods, time,
student learning experience, assessment which includes indicator criteria and
assessment weight, list of references used
Academic and Learning outcomes that include Learning Outcome (LO), Course Learning Outcome
pedagogic (CLO), sub- Course Learning Outcome (sub-CLO), course descriptions, study
materials, references, media, forms of lectures and assessments
Student Study • Learning load is expressed as credits
Load • The learning process is at least 16 weeks (including middle and final examination)
• The maximum undergraduate study period is 7 years with a minimum load of 144
The Miles and Huberman technique is also used to process interview data,
observations and document reviews. Qualitative data analysis is reducing data,
presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The stages in analyzing data are data
reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. At the data reduction stage,
data obtained from interviews, questionnaires, and documentation, researchers
grouped the data in a simpler form and focused on the research. Furthermore, the
presentation of data is carried out in the form of descriptions as a collection of
information that allows drawing conclusions and taking action. The presentation of
data in this study is a description of all information related to how the evaluation of
fluid mechanics lectures using the CIPP model in the Science Education Department
at one of University in Riau. Drawing conclusions or verifying data is the final process
in data analysis by researchers and is the main objective of the research results that
have been made. Drawing conclusions aims to answer the formulation of the problem
that has been set by the researcher and it is hoped that there are new things that can
be taken from this research so that it can be utilized or reassessed in the next research.
Aspect Minimum Standards Findings
Administrative • SCP is developed by lecturers • SCP was developed
independently/team independently by the lecture
• The SCP contains the university's • The university logo still utilizes
identity including logo and name, the old version
Faculty and Study Program, course
identity which includes name, code,
group, credit semester and semester,
document approval authority
including the date of preparation
and approval, name and signature of
lecturer and course coordinator,
Learning Outcome (LO), Course
Learning Outcome (CLO), sub-
Course Learning Outcome (sub-
CLO) and matrix, course description,
lecturing materials, learning
methods, time, student learning
experience, assessment which
includes indicator criteria and
assessment, list of references used.
The Fluid Mechanics is a course conducted in the third semester (3) with a
weight of 2 credits. There are 3 study materials distributed into 16 meetings (including
middle and final examination). The presentation in the SCP includes aspects of
attitude (A), aspects of knowledge (K), aspects of general skills (GS) and CLO. The
formulation of CLO accumulatively describes the achievement of LO imposed on
related courses. In the SCP there is also a mapping of LO and CLO and Sub-CLO
formulated from the formulation of CLO accumulatively contributes to the
achievement of LO.
Based on the Permendikbud 2020 SCP Preparation Guidelines, the elaboration of
LO imposed on courses into CLO, then translated back into sub-CLO must be
constructive alignment. When compiling CLO and Sub-CLO, there are things that
need to be considered, namely how to select and use action verbs. This is considered
important because it is related to the level of qualifications of graduates, measurement
and achievement of SLOs. In addition to action verbs, in the formulation of CLO and
Sub-CLO, you can use capability verbs conveyed by Robert M. Gagne (Driscoll, &
Burner, 2000), which consist of intellectual skills; cognitive strategies; verbal
information; motor skills; and attitudes.
Action verbs can also use the formulation of cognitive areas according to Bloom
and Anderson, consisting of the ability: remember, understand, apply, analyze,
evaluate and create (Wilson, 2016). The affective area according to Krathwohl, Bloom
and Masia (Romiszowski, 1989), consists of the ability: acceptance, responding, giving
values, organizing and characterizing. The psychomotor area according to Dave
(Tomei, 2005), consists of the ability: imitation of motion, manipulation of motion,
precision, articulation and naturalization.
Based on the Permendikbud 2020 SCP Preparation Guidelines, sub-CLO at each
learning stage is specific and measurable, and is demonstrated at the end of the
learning process. A good sub-CLO formulation has specific characteristics, namely the
formulation must be clear, use specific terms that describe the desired abilities:
attitudes, knowledge, and skills, use concrete verbs; Measurable - the formulation
must have a measurable student learning outcome target, so that it can be determined
when it can be achieved by students; Achievable - the formulation states the abilities
that can be achieved by students; Realistic - the formulation states realistic abilities to
be achieved by students; Time-bound - the formulation states the abilities that can be
achieved by students in sufficient and reasonable time according to the weight of the
The sentences in the CLO that are compiled are the same as the sentences in the
LOs. Based on the Permendikbud 2020 SCP Preparation Guidelines, the sentences of
the CLO and LO formulations will be the same if all the abilities in the LO can be
achieved in learning related courses. The sentence of the CLO formulation may differ
from the SLO if only some of the abilities can be achieved in the related course. In
general, the preparation of sub-CLO has generally used action verbs in the cognitive
area according to Bloom and Anderson (Wilson, 2016). This is evidenced that there are
5 out of 7 sub-CLO, which means 72% of sub-CLO that have used action verbs at the
C4 level such as on the topics of static fluids, dynamic fluids, Bernoulli's principle and
Torricelli's Theorem, Viscosity and Poisulle Equation, Surface Tension and Capillarity.
This is reinforced by the results of interviews conducted by researchers with lecturers
who is teaching fluid mechanics courses that the thinking skills taught at the basic
level are explaining the basic concepts of mechanics. After the first meeting, critical
thinking and problem-solving skills will be practiced. In the midterm exam, students
are asked to answer questions related to critical thinking.
The second finding disclosed that the SCP has included the attitude aspects (A),
knowledge aspects (K), general skills aspects (GS) and expected final abilities (sub-
CLO), LO and CLO maps but has not included specific skill aspects (SS).
Figure 1. SCP Components MK Fluid Mechanics
Source: Researcher Document
In accordance with the Regulation Based on the Permendikbud No 3, Th 2020
for Higher Education Standards Article 6 paragraph 3-point b that specific skill
aspects (SS) need to be included because special skills are special work abilities that
must be possessed by each graduate in accordance with the scientific field of study
program. Assessment of special skills is carried out by choosing one or a combination
of various assessment techniques and instruments. In the SCP of the fluid mechanics
course, SS is not included but in the sub-CLO section there is an operational word
'problem solving'. Referring to the study program curriculum document, one of the
specific skill aspects (SS) of the study program that needs to be trained such as
problem solving is in SS4 which reads conducting research by utilizing. Science and
technology that can be used in providing alternative problem solving in the field of
science education (SS4). Based on the results of observations in lectures, the lecturer
stated that the purpose of the lecture was to solve problems on the topic of
Bernoulli's concept.
Based on the results of the interviews, the lecturers wanted to train critical
thinking and problem-solving skills in students. This is achieved by working on
exercise questions during lectures in class and on structured assignments that are
done outside of lectures. According to Tiruneh (2017), problem solving indicators are
indeed part of critical thinking. Lecturers should be clearer in writing CLOs, if they
want to train critical thinking skills then they should just write on the CLOs to train
critical thinking skills. Not just writing one part of the critical thinking indicator.
Lecturer should train critical thinking skills holistically. If it is problem solving skills
that the lecturer wants to train specifically then the lecturer must also use a problem-
solving learning model. Problem solving in science is not only mathematical problem
solving but also problem solving of natural phenomena that occur around human life.
If this is the goal of the lecture to be achieved, then the SCP should include specific
skills (SS) specifically. This is also important because fluid mechanics courses are
needed to achieve the profile of study program graduates as educators at the
school/madrasah level. At the school level, science subject matter related to fluids has
an important essence on the topics of substances and their characteristics, and energy
and its changes. Fluid mechanics is a discipline of applied mechanics that deals with
the behavior of liquids and gases at rest or in motion. The principles of fluid
mechanics are needed to explain why airplanes are streamlined with smooth surfaces
for flight efficiency; why golf balls have rough surfaces to increase their efficiency;
how rockets can provide enormous thrust to carry spacecraft; how information on an
aircraft model can be used to design the real aircraft, and so on (Ghurri, 2014). This
means that thinking and problem-solving skills are two important things that must
be trained in fluid mechanics courses so that later students can create products that
can solve fluid-related problems that exist around them.
The third finding is that one of the general skills to be achieved in the fluid
mechanics course is critical thinking skills. However, there is still 1 sub-CLO that still
uses the word cognitive performance at the C2 level, namely on the topic of basic fluid
Critical thinking is one of the higher order thinking skills. Individual competence
in higher order thinking is a learning approach where students are taught to think
critically, logically, reflectively, metacognitively, and creatively (Syarifah, et.al., 2019).
In general, the sub-CLO has used action verbs in the cognitive area according to
Bloom and Anderson. There are 5 out of 7 sub-CLO, which means 72% of sub-CLO
that have used action verbs at the C4 level that led to higher order thinking skills such
as on the topics of static fluids, dynamic fluids, Bernoulli's principle and Torricelli's
Theorem, Viscosity and Poisuille Equation, Surface Tension and Capillarity. The action
verbs in the cognitive area according to Bloom and Anderson are already at the C4
level as evidenced by the word 'examine' in the sub-CLO for the implementation of
lectures from meetings 3 to 15. This already refers to the achievement of KU
achievement, namely critical thinking. The indicators of critical thinking refer to
Tiruneh (2017) including reasoning, hypothesis testing, uncertainty analysis, argument
analysis, making decisions and problem solving. Supported by interview data with the
lecturer, it was mentioned that in fact at the beginning of the lecture only wanted to
review mastery of concepts and then train students' critical thinking skills in
subsequent meetings.
Based on the document review of exercise questions and structured problems,
the word 'problem solving' means problems that are contextual in nature and then
solved with formulas or formulas. This means that the problem solving intended in
this fluid mechanics lecture is mathematical problem solving. Physics problem solving
is the ability of individual students to use their thinking process to solve problems
contained in Physics problems through a process that emphasizes systematic
procedures, steps, strategies, or procedures to find answers (Napis, 2018).
Problem solving is an interaction of mental and intellectual processes in finding
a problem and solving it based on accurate data and information, so that appropriate
and careful conclusions can be drawn (Hamalik, 2010). Problem solving skills are
needed by students, both in terms of learning concepts in the classroom and those
related to everyday life (Adetia & Adirakasiwi, 2022). According to Marzano et al
(1988), educators interpret problem solving more narrowly. Educators commonly use
the term problem solving to denote a particular type of task presented to learners in
math, science and social studies courses. Problem solving involves the act of recalling
rules and applying steps that will lead learners to the expected answer. For example, a
problem in a social science lesson might involve learners predicting the growth of
shops in a local shopping center based on projected housing patterns in the
surrounding area. An example of a problem in mathematics is defined as a condition
where individuals are faced with a mathematical problem but have not been able to
directly obtain a solution (Erni, 2020).
The fourth finding, based on the Guidelines for the Preparation of the 2020
Higher Education Curriculum, one of the characteristics of the learning process is
holistic, thematic, integrative, interactive, collaborative, scientific, contextual, and
effective. Based on the results of the SCP analysis, the lecture form does not meet the
characteristics of holistic, thematic, integrative, interactive, collaborative, and
Nguyen, et. al (2021) found mostly positive affective and behavioral outcomes for
students' self-reports of learning, participation in activities, and course satisfaction.
The identification results show that there are eight strategies to help implement active
learning based on three categories. First, explanation strategies include providing
students with explanations and reasons for using active learning. Second, facilitation
strategies include working with students and ensuring that the activity is functioning
as intended. Third, planning strategies involve activities outside the classroom to
enhance active learning experiences.
Nowadays science learning is also not only to master a certain amount of
knowledge, but also to provide sufficient space to build inductive reasoning skills,
develop scientific attitudes, improve concept understanding, carry out problem-solving
processes, and apply them through technology in real life (Diniya, et.al., 2019).
Teaching involves many methods to achieve good learning outcomes in fluid
mechanics and hydraulic engineering courses that have been carried out like master
courses (i.e., theoretical lessons taught by a professor), project design, practical
activities in the laboratory, and the use of informatics, and others. All actions must
provide students with an integral and continuous connection between fluid mechanics
and environmental problems.
Active learning methods that involve students actively participating in learning
development are highly recommended such as experiments (for example, playing while
learning, project-based learning, role-playing activities) to facilitate students'
understanding at different cognitive levels (low-level thinking skills (LOTS) and high-
level thinking skills (HOTS) (Sánchez & Jimenez, 2020). A similar idea was also found
in research conducted by Liuta, et. al (2019) that an instructor can increase the
educational efficiency of students learning new disciplines by using didactic games.
This game can help improve students' understanding and cognitive processes at certain
stages in education. Research by Sánchez and Jimenez (2020) shows that the
implementation of sustainable project-based learning (PjBL) in fluid mechanics and
hydraulic engineering subjects provides positive results. Other research also finds that
Critical Thinking Activities (CTA) can improve critical thinking skills through activity
design considered in the Fluid topic. The use of a problem-solving approach in CTA
that is embedded in real-world oriented assessments, linking theoretical concepts to
daily life contexts and providing opportunities to think outside the box positive impact
on learning outcomes (Cossu, Awidi, & Nagy, 2024).
Based on the review of the exercise questions given and the answers of students
who are only limited to answering through formulas without being accompanied by
images that represent the meaning of the given questions. Students answer the
question with the data given in the question, but there is no claim written by students,
no use of warrant, and backing in student answers. Practicing scientific argumentation
skills in learning is also an important thing to do. Scientific argumentation is an
emerging skill in applying and developing higher order thinking skills such as problem
solving, critical thinking, and decision making. Teaching argumentation skills is an
important goal for every subject and is essential to prepare students for higher and
post-education societal roles (Uçar & Çevik, 2020).
Based on the results of the interview, it was found that the lecturer had
distributed the lesson plan at the beginning of the lecture and explained the lecture
mechanisms that would be held over the next 4 months. Lecturers use the University
Physics book written by Giancoli and several other supporting sources. The lecturer
stated that there were no unit test activities, but there were assignments either
independently or in groups and also problem-solving exercises in the form of
questions during the lesson. Midterm exam questions are designed based on Bloom's
taxonomy for C4 and C5 level. The questions presented are also based on problems
that exist around life and are then solved using formulas that have been studied
related to static fluids. But the difficulty experienced by lecturers is that students are
less able to use formulations in fluid mechanics courses. Students also need to have a
deep mathematical background to solve fluid-related engineering problems
(Minichiello, et.al., 2020). Students face broader challenges in technical reasoning,
such as applying equations with many variables, distinguishing spatial variations from
temporal changes, and understanding the implications of idealization in physics
(Schäfle, 2021). Finally, in the final exam, the difficulty level of the questions was
lowered to C3 and C4 levels. It is necessary to train idea mastery starting from C4-C5
level because that level is the level to train higher-order thinking skills. Critical
thinking is one of the higher order thinking skills. creative thinking, critical thinking
abilities, science process skills, problem solving skills and metacognition, all of which
are categorized as higher order thinking skills (Sugiyanto, Diniya, & Permana, 2019).
Figure 4. Recapitulation of concepts in Fluid Mechanics those students
consider difficult.
mechanics course instructor can establish the most effective learning technique
throughout the lecture.
Thus, lecturers need to design learning with active learning strategies so that
students can be more involved in learning. students not only listen to the media but
also need to use learning media directly. lecturers also need to provide more
meaningful learning so that learning is not only limited to solving mathematical
problems. Although observations were only conducted for two meetings, interviews
and communication with students involved in the course and lecturers were
conducted regularly for four months. The next research should utilize active learning
in fluid mechanic course. Future researchers can also use experimental research with
experimental and control classes so that the research results can be generalized. Fluid
mechanic course is strongly needed for improvement because this is a new course
after the curriculum revision.
Based on results obtained in this line of research, it can be concluded that
lectures use discussion, question and answer and assignment methods. Nonetheless,
based on the results of field observations, the implementation still employed the
lecture method assisted by PheT simulation and students were not involved in direct
use of PheT simulation media. As a result, there seems to be a complete lack of boring
lecture. According to the results of document analysis, lecturer should focus more on
writing sub-CLO. If a lecturer wants to develop critical thinking abilities holistically,
she should simply write "train critical thinking skills," rather than including a single
sign of critical thinking. Furthermore, the learning methodologies that were devised
and implemented did not help the science pre-service teacher develop critical thinking
skills. Lecturer face difficulties since students in fluid mechanics courses are less
capable of using formulations. Lecturer should design an active learning tactics during
teaching not simply gives a bunch list of mathematical question.
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