UTS - Quantitative Research & Statistics - 2024
UTS - Quantitative Research & Statistics - 2024
UTS - Quantitative Research & Statistics - 2024
Name: Tangkas P.
Instructions: Read the questions carefully before you answer them. Sharing answers to the
questions with classmates is strongly prohibited. Answer the questions in the box. DO
NOT write more than 75 words in your answers for each sub-number.
1. Read the following research questions carefully. What types of research designs are best
applied? (Scores: 20)
a. What is the effect of peer tutoring on speaking proficiency in English as a second
language among elementary school students?
b. Is there a relationship between learner motivation and language proficiency levels in
adult English language learners
c. What are the preferred language learning strategies among adult learners of French as a
second language?
d. How does the effectiveness of corrective feedback vary between different language
teaching methodologies, such as communicative language teaching and grammar-
translation approach?
2. What quantitative research method would you use to investigate the following
hypotheses? (Scores: 20)
a. Using multimedia-enhanced language learning materials improves vocabulary
acquisition among intermediate-level English language learners.
b. There is a positive correlation between students' self-assessment of their language
proficiency and their actual language proficiency levels.
c. Students who participated in a study abroad program demonstrate greater improvement
in their language skills compared to students who did not participate.
d. The frequency of vocabulary use in writing tasks is positively correlated with overall
writing proficiency among ESL students.
Graha Widya Mandala Lt. 6, Jl. Dinoyo 48A (samping Plasa Telkom) Surabaya 60265
Telp. (031) 5682223 ext. 202
b. Correlational Research:
c. Correlational Research
3. Read the following research problems, and then write the respective research questions and
hypotheses. (Scores: 20)
Students’ vocabulary is low that they are in difficulties understanding and expressing
simple ideas. You want to assess the effectiveness of incorporating multimedia tools in EFL
learning among senior high students.
Good luck