Symposium Method Teaching Stratagy

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❖ Introduction:

- The word ‘symposium’ had several dictionary meanings.

- Firstly, Plato has used this term for ‘good dialogue’ to present the views towards
- Another meaning of the term is intellectual recreations or enjoyment.
- It is originally referred from Greek verb ‘symposium’ which means “to drink


❖ Definition

- The symposium technique serves as an excellent device for informing an audience,

crystallizing opinion and general preparing the listeners for arriving at decision,
policies, value, judgment or understanding.

❖ Objectives of symposiums

1. To identify and understand various aspect of theme and problems.

2. To develop the ability to decision and judgment regarding a problem.
3. To develop the values and feelings regarding a problem.
4. To enable the listeners to form policies regarding a theme or problem.

❖ Precautions for organizing symposium

1. Firstly

- The moderator should be sure to prepare the speakers or to see that they are
- They should know the rules of procedure, sequence of speaking, and the way in
which the forum will be conducted.
- They should be aware of the ideas and back ground of the other

2. Secondly

- The chairman or whoever is responsible for preparing the

agents, should not attempt to stack the cards by omitting or
i g n o r i n g v i t a l p h a s e o f p r o b l e m a s h e s e l e c t s o r delegates his
- It is not good to take up to an inadvertent misinterpretation or omission. To distort
or omit an important point of view deliberately is to invite disaster.

3. Thirdly

- In all the forum situations the chairman must plan very carefully for the
questioning period that follows the prepared speeches, unless he wishes to take risk
of boredom or detrain.

❖ Techniques of symposium method

1. Teacher should plan the program ahead of time.

2. Each member of class as well as the student speakers should know the objectives and
3. Each student should have a conference with each of the student speakers.
4. The teacher may function as a chairman.
5. The symposium starts with chairman introducing the topic.
6. Next chairman introduce the speaker.
7. Then the topic is presented by students taking 15-20 minutes time.
8. As a conclusion at the end the chairman gives summary of all the speeches and opens
the discussion to the students.
9. Any questions or contributions addressed through the chairman.

❖ Advantages of the symposium method

1. It is suites to a large group or classes.

2. This method can be frequently used to present broad topics for discussion and
organization meeting.
3. Organization is good because of the set speeches prepared beforehand.
4. Gives deeper insight into the topic.
5. This method can be used in political meetings.

❖ Disadvantages o symposium.

1. Inadequate opportunity for all the students to participate.

2. The speech is limited to 15-20 minutes.
3. Limited audience participation
4. Possibility of overlapping of objects.
5. Lack of time.

❖ Difference between seminar and symposium

Seminar Symposium
Topics are related to current trends and Topics are related to controversial issues in
developments in nursing nursing.

Multiple aspects of the under consideration Single aspects of the topics are discussed.
is discussed.

Chairperson has to exert less control. Chairperson has to exert more control.

Less time for discussion involving More time for discussion involving
participants participants.

Comparatively less preparation from the Demand more preparation from the side of
side of participants. participants.


This presentation includes all the details about the instructional strategies seminar
and symposium method definition, objectives, characteristics, types, steps, advantages and
disadvantages for the instructional strategies seminar and symposium method. so this will be
helpful to all the students in practicing all the methods of teaching and developing skill in
conducting these instructional strategies.


Symposium both are the methods for teaching nursing. Knowledge regarding each method
will help the teacher to carry out the teaching actively in a better way. Transferring knowledge is
equally important as generating knowledge.


1. B.T.Basavanthappa. “Community Health Nursing” .2nd edition. New Delhi: Jaypee

Brothers Medical Publishers (P) ltd; 2008.p. 527-577.

2. K.P.Neeraja. “Textbook of Nursing Education”. 1st edition. New Delhi:

Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd; 2007.p.281-282.

3. B. Sankaranarayan. “Learning And Teaching Nursing”. 3rd edition. calicut. Brainfill;





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