South Africa
South Africa
South Africa
Central Lake
• These plateaus are made up
of ancient, hard and
crystalline rocks.
• Most of Africa is a Plateau.
The Plateaus are higher
towards the south and lower
towards the north
Mountains and Plateaus: .
The High Plateau of the South:
Low Central Plateau:
• The Low central Plateau is It is divided into-
Desert. Africa
b. The central lake plateau in Central
Atlas Mountains • The Tibesti Mountain and
Ahaggar Plateau is a part Africa
• Lies in North Western Africa c. The south African Plateau
of this region
• Young fold Mountains • The Plateau ends with the
• Has 3 Parallel Ranges-Tell Atlas is Drakensberg mountains to the
the tallest, High Atlas in the middle south-east.
and Sahara Atlas to the south. • The Namib and Kalahari Desert are
• Remains snow covered throughout parts of the South African Plateau.
the year. • Mt Kilimanjaro, the highest peak of
• Mt. Toubkal is the highest peak Africa lies in the Central lake plateau.
• The Sahara Desert is the world’s
largest hot desert covering an area
of 8.6 million sq km.
The Desert Areas: • It covers 12 countries of Northern
• It extends from the Atlantic Coast in
• The Namib desert is in the
• The Kalahari desert lies in the west to the red sea in the East.
country of Namibia.
the southern part of the
• It runs along the coast of • It is a sandy and rocky area with
continent in the countries of
South-western Africa oases in between.
Botswana and Namibia
The Great Rift Valley:
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