Processing Agents in Black and Non-Black Compounds: Technical Report No. 56 - Processing Promoters
Processing Agents in Black and Non-Black Compounds: Technical Report No. 56 - Processing Promoters
Processing Agents in Black and Non-Black Compounds: Technical Report No. 56 - Processing Promoters
56 – Processing promoters
Paper presented at the ACS Meeting, October 17–20, 1995, Cleveland, USA (Literally)
„Rhein Chemie offers two lines of processing promot- The reason for these distinctions will become clear as
ers that can be described as soaps and blends. These we progress through this presentation. If we analyze the
rubber soluble soaps, known as the Aktiplast® products, composition of the Aktiplast types, we find that the
are the reaction products of saturated and unsaturated products consist of blends of saturated and unsaturated
C18 fatty acids with zinc oxide (Fig. 1).The blends, in fatty acids ranging from the highly saturated stearic
contrast to the soaps, are mainly rubber insoluble and acid to the high unsaturated linolenic acid (Fig. 3).
are blends of plasticizers from the families of fatty There is also a third series of processing promoters
acids, fatty acid esters, calcium salts of fatty acids, known as Rhenosin® (Fig. 4), which are thermoplastic
polyethylene, and high MW esters (Fig. 2). aromatic hydrocarbon resins. They function as homoge-
nizing agents, both discoloring and nondiscoloring.
Fig. 1: Processing Promoters from Rhein Chemie Fig. 3: Processing Aids fatty acid derivatives
The Aktiplast Series (Soaps)
Fatty Acids
Aktiplast T Molecular weight distribution
Zinc salts of mainly C-18 unsaturated fatty acids
Aktiplast PP
Zinc salts of mainly C-18 saturated fatty acids f.a. 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 C-No.
Aktiplast F 18’
Activated version of Aktiplast T 18’’
Aktiplast M Character e.g. for C=18
Activated version of Aktiplast PP unsaturated saturated
Aktiplast GT
Zinc salts of both high and low mainly saturated fatty
acids linolenic a. linolic a. oleic a. stearic a.
Aktiplast 8 18’’’ 18’’ 18’ 18
Activated mixture of fatty acids, soaps of fatty acids and
fatty alcohols Structure
In the first example (Fig. 6), we compared two blends; Aflux 12 EPDM NR CR NBR
Aflux® 42 and Aflux 12. We will discuss the solubilities Esters** 0 1 2 5
Wax 5 1 0 0
of the many components of these blends in the various CaCO3 0 0 0 0
polymers and describe how they function in these same Water 0 0 0 0
polymers to show you the correlation between polymer Total 5 2 2 5
solubility and the effect of these processing aids in a
The ratings are from 0 to 10 where 0 means total
rubber compound. insolubility and 10 means total solubility
Starting with Aflux 42, we begin our study by identify-
*Esters of fatty alcohols and fatty acids
ing the exact components of the process aid. The Aflux **Pentaerythrityltetrastearate
42 is a blend of fatty alcohols, acids and esters. In ana-
lyzing the behavior of these individual chemicals in
EPDM, we see that the alcohols have no solubility in Let us examine a couple more examples. For easy ref-
EPDM. The fatty acids, and similarly the esters, show erence, I have copied the solubility chart of Aflux 42 on
the bottom of Figure 7. The first example is showing
Fig. 8: Aflux 12 in a white NR/BR compound
the performance of Aflux 42 in a CR stock, where it is Tennis Shoe Sole
relatively soluble. Due to this solubility, it behaves as a
Recipe (phr): A B
dispersing aid, allowing for dramatically lower mix
temperatures and thus longer scorch times. As the Aflux SMR 20 70 70
Cis-BR 30 30
42 is increased from zero phr in the control to 6 phr in HiSil 233 55 55
increments of 2 phr, the Mooney scorch increases from Zinc oxide 4 4
7.5 minutes to 11.6 minutes. The Mooney scorch is Flexon 845 4 4
Diethylene glycol 3.5 3.5
increased about 50% by the time four parts of Aflux 42 Ti-Pure R101 10 10
are added to the compound. Antilux® 654 0.6 0.6
Vulkanox KB 1.5 1.5
Stearic acid 1.5 1.5
Fig. 7: Aflux 42 in a white Polychloroprene compound TMTM 0.3 0.3
MBTS 1.0 1.0
Recipes (phr) A B C D MBT 0.5 0.5
Baypren® 210 50 Sulfur 1.5 1.5
Baypren® 215 50 Aflux 12 – 2.5
Vulkanox® AFC 1
Vulkanox KB 1 ML(1+4)100C: 68 57
Stearic acid 1 Extrusion rate (cm/min.): 69 91
OSW 110 3
Vulkasil® S 50
TiO2 (Anatase) 2 therefore, it behaves as an external lubricant, resulting
Disflamoll® DPK 13 in very good flow properties.
Rhenomag® P2 4
Zinc oxide 5
Rhenogran® ETU-75 0.7 The next example (Fig. 9) is a comparison between
Aflux 42 – 2 4 6 Aflux 12, which has very limited solubility in NBR,
Mooney Scorch at 120°C: and Aktiplast T, a soap, which is totally soluble in NBR.
t5 (min.): 7.5 8.7 10.7 11.6 Referring again to the solubility matrix, we can defi-
t35 (min.): 14.5 18.5 21.2 23.0
nitely see that Aflux 12 generates an incredible surface
Extrusion at 180°C: lubrication resulting in greatly increased injection
speed (cm/min.): 97 99 93 101
output (g/min.): 135 140 133 142 molding speed and a much higher loading of the injec-
tion spider mold. These properties are somewhat
Physical properties (cured 30 minutes at 150°C):
improved over the control with the use of Aktiplast T,
Hardness (Shore A): 65 62 64 63 which is totally soluble in NBR.
Elasticity (%): 35 34 32 32
Modulus 100% (MPa): 2.1 1.9 1.7 1.7
Modulus 300% (MPa): 5.2 5.1 4.4 4.2
Modulus 500% (MPa): 8.7 8.9 7.6 7.3 Fig. 9: Internal versus External Lubricants in NBR
Tensile strength (MPa): 14.2 15.0 15.0 15.1 Recipes (phr):
Elongation at break (%): 690 710 770 690
Tear (Die C) (N/mm): 26.1 23.7 29.1 27.1 Perbunan® N 3307 100 100 100
Carbon Black N-550 65 65 65
Vulkanol® 85 10 10 10
Stearic Acid 0.5 0.5 0.5
It simply shows that Aflux 42 in polar polymers has a Vulkanox HS 1.5 1.5 1.5
Vulkanox MB 2 1.5 1.5 1.5
decent solubility. This solubility improves filler disper- Zinkoxyd Aktiv 5 5 5
sion, and because of enhanced filler dispersion, physi- Sulfur 0.4 0.4 0.4
TMTD 2.5 2.5 2.5
cal properties are improved. However, you do not see Aktiplast T – 3 –
the dramatic improvement in extrusion rates that you Aflux 12 – – 3
would have obtained with Aflux 12. What is important Mooney viscosity
to note is that even with the increases in Aflux 42 con- ML(1+4) 100°C 85 80 70
centration, which is essentially adding more plasticizer Physical properties (cured 10’ @ 160°C):
to the compound, physical properties are maintained. Hardness (Shore A) 73 70 70
Elasticity (%) 31 30 30
Tear strength (N/mm) 24.4 22.9 27.2
The next example is Aflux 12 in a typical tennis shoe 100% Modulus (MPa) 4.9 4.1 4.3
sole (Fig. 8). Again, I refer to the bottom of the page to 300% Modulus (MPa) 16.3 13.6 13.8
Tensile strength (MPa) 19.8 20.1 19.1
review the solubility of Aflux 12 in NR. The recipe is a Elongation at break (%) 400 500 435
simple NR/BR blend, loaded with HiSil, and the normal
Extrusion speed (cm/min.) 118 140 144
standard thiazole cure system. The control stock does Extrusion output (g/min.) 100 125 140
not contain Aflux 12. The most obvious differences be- Rheovulkameter (180°C/50s/80 bar)
tween the two stocks are that in the Aflux 12 containing IM volume (mm3) 305 580 863
stock, the ML(1+4) is greatly reduced and the extrusion IM speed (mm3/s) 11.3 16.5 24.5
rate is greatly increased.
Fig. 10: Aflux 16 versus Aflux 42 in an EPDM Injection a) Fast mastication process
Molding Compound
Recipes (phr): A B
a) Dispersion problems with small amounts of peptizer
EPDM 100 100
b) Masterbatch is not homogeneous
Carbon black N-550 85 85
c) Masterbatch stickier and not easy to process
Rhenopren® EPS 5 5
d) SBR and NR/SBR blends tend to form gel
Paraffinic oil 85 85
Rhenogran ZNO-85 3.6 3.6
Stearic acid 1 1
Rhenosorb® C/GW 5 5 compound with very good flow properties. Since mini-
Vulkanox OCD 1.3 1.3 mum damage was done to the molecular weight, the
DPTT 0.5 0.5 vulcanizate has very good physical properties. The
ZDBC 2 2
TDEC 0.3 0.3
disadvantage of the procedure is that is is very time
TMTD 0.3 0.3 consuming and requires a lot of energy.
MBTS 1 1
Sulfur 1.5 1.5 On the other hand, the outstanding advantage of chemi-
Aflux 16 – 3
Aflux 42 3 – cal mastication is the fast rate of mastication. The main
disadvantage is the inherent dispersion problem caused
Mooney Scorch at 270°F (min.): 10.0 9.3
by trying to disperse small amounts of peptizer homo-
Physical properties (cured 10 minutes at 350°F):
geneously throughout the bulk of the rubber, because
Hardness (Shore A): 50 50 most chemical peptizers are used at 0.2 to 0.3 phr
100% Modulus (Mpa): 1.9 2.0
200% Modulus (Mpa): 4.1 4.2
levels. From this information it is not too difficult to
300% Modulus (Mpa): 5.9 6.1 realize that the batch has to be very unevenly peptized.
Tensile strength (Mpa): 12.1 12.5 Masterbatches masticated with chemical peptizers are
Elongation at break (%): 540 520
generally stickier and difficult to process. In addition,
NR and NR/SBR blends tend to form a gel pretty
Another topic of discussion, of particular interest to the quickly. If we compare this with the diluted activated
tire industry, concerns the differences between me- zinc soaps that RCC offers as diluted chemical pepti-
chanical and chemical mastication (Fig. 12). The zers, one will see that the activated or boasted zinc
advantage of mechanical mastication, is a homo- soaps show extremely high efficiency even at low
geneous mastication of the rubber resulting in a smooth temperatures.
Other advantages include greatly reduced mixing times The reason for combining a highly viscous material
with faster and more homogeneous dispersion of the with activated zinc soaps was to avoid slippage in the
active chemicals and carbon black (Fig. 13). You will mixer before the chemicals could dissolve in the poly-
surely avoid the “hot spots” because the carrier will dis- mer matrix and begin breaking down the polymer
solve first into the rubber matrix to release the small chains.
amount of oxidizing agent. Consequently, there is less
surface tackiness, less mold fouling in injection mold- In this next example (Fig. 15) you will see a direct com-
ing, and better processibility overall. Due to the solubi- parison of Aktiplast M against Renacit® 7. The test was
lity of the carrier, you have very good filler or carbon designed to use a 40% fill factor in a normal Farrell lab
black dispersion. Also zinc soaps protect, e.g. the aspi- Banbury featuring a 60 second mix time at a defined
rin, for preventing cyclization for NR and NR/SBR rotor speed. In each case, the NR was either mixed with
blends. And finally, the polymer matrix will retain a 0.3 phr Renacit 7 or with 2 phr Aktiplast M. You may
much higher MW that will enable the compound to recall that Aktiplast M is 99% a process aid with only a
have much better overall physical properties. minute amount of a chemical oxidizing agent. There-
fore, the comparison of 0.3 phr against 2.0 phr is com-
pletely realistic.
Fig. 13: Aktiplast M & Aktiplast F
Advantages of Using Diluted Chemical Peptizers
Efficient peptizers even at mill temperatures as low as Fig. 15: Peptizing Effect
60°C Aktiplast M – vs – Renacit 7
Reduce mixing time The conditions were as follows:
Facilitate more homogeneous distribution of the active
chemical 1. Farrel BR laboratory banbury
2. 40% fill factor
● No ”hot spots” 3. 60 second mix time
● Less surface tackiness 4. Rotor speed: 60 RPM
● Less mold fouling in injection molding
Improve overall flow characteristics of uncured stocks
1. SIR 20 Natural Rubber
Facilitate more homogeneous dispersion of fillers/cura- 2. 0.3 phr Renacit 7
3. 2.0 phr Aktiplast M
Eliminate tendency toward cyclization in NR/SBR blends
Test Procedure:
Polymer retains overall higher average molecular weight
1. Each batch passed once through a 1/4’’ open mill
● Better carbon black dispersion due to higher shear 2. Each batch cut into 16 pieces
● Overall improvement in physical properties
3. Mooney Viscosity at 100°C determined on all pieces
from center and edges of ”sheeted” batch
The entire product line of processing promoters that we Test Results (Mooney Viscosity at 100°C):
offer with chemical peptizers is composed of four spe- Renacit 7 Aktiplast M Renacit 7 Aktiplast M
cial products: (1) Aktiplast T, which is a boosted un- 61.3 54.2 63.4 53.4
68.3 55.5 63.6 54.1
saturated C zinc soap; (2) Aktiplast M, which is a
70.9 58.0 67.0 55.8
boosted basically saturated C zinc soap; (3) Rhenosin
18 Mixed 60 sec. at 60 RPM Mixed 60 sec at 80 RPM
402, which is a blend of Rhenosin 145 plus Aktiplast F;
and (4) Rhenosin 403, which is a blend of the Rhenosin
145 with Aktiplast M (Fig. 14). After mixing in the Banbury, each batch was passed
once through a 1/4” open mill to sheet it out. Each sheet
was cut into pieces and the viscosity of each of these
Fig. 14: Processing Promoters of Rhein Chemie
pieces was determined at 100°C. Samples were taken
Containing Chemical Peptizers
from the center and edges of the sheeted batch. It is
The Aktiplast types listed below function as peptizing apparent that those samples containing Renacit 7,
agents, dispersants, and internal lubricants. They increa-
se stock plasticity, improve flow properties in extrusions, mixed under the same conditions as those containing
injection moldings, and considerably reduce mold Aktiplast M, exhibit about twice the Mooney spread of
fouling. The products below contain a very small amount
of chemical peptizer to facilitate mastication.
those mixed with the Aktiplast M. This confirms the
suspicion that even within a single batch, there are
Aktiplast F Mixture of activated zinc salts of mainly areas that are more highly peptized than others, thus
unsaturated higher molecular weight
fatty acids. creating zones of varying degrees of carbon black
dispersion and consequently zones of differing viscosi-
Aktiplast M Mixture of activated zinc salts of mainly
saturated higher molecular weight fatty ties. This is explicit evidence of what we discussed.
Equipment Laboratory Mill
What does that mean? I would like to explain in a few
words the test that we conduct to identify this (Fig. 18).
0 We very simply make up a 1.5 cm thick rubber pad of
0 1 2 3 4 5
M/Mn uncured rubber and, at a defined temperature, identify
or find the weight that pushes or squeezes the rubber
cylinder from 10 mm down to 4 mm. This weight, or
We know that the MW of the NR before mastication that number, i.e. the weight that we identify that does
must be greater than 750,000 because that is the value the job, is called the DEFO Hardness. The weight is
of the mix containing stearic acid. The likelihood that it removed from the rubber cylinder and the rebound is
increases after mastication with stearic acid is virtually measured. The distance the rubber rebounds within 30
zero. Renacit 7 has definitely cut back the most on the seconds is recorded as a reciprocal and that reciprocal
molecular weight, followed by Aktiplast M, which con- value becomes the DEFO Elasticity number. As a
tains a small booster. Next is Aktiplast T, which is very result, the higher the rebound, as a reciprocal number,
soluble in the rubber. It does change the molecular the lower the DEFO Elasticity value, the better the pro-
weight. As you may very well suspect, Aktiplast PP, cessibility of the rubber. As previously shown, the Akti-
being largely saturated and thus less soluble, shows the plast treated NR parts have half the DEFO Elasticity
least aggressive attack on the molecular weight and is values compared to the chemical peptizers.
the closest to the performance of stearic acid.
Let us discuss in greater detail Aktiplast F and M and
We said earlier that NR compounds processed with ei- chemical peptizers in relation to how long it takes to
ther Renacit 7, a chemical peptizer, or an activated zinc disperse carbon black into an NR/SBR compound (Fig.
soap, will show totally different processibility. One of 19). When you compare stearic acid with a chemically
the ways RCC uses to identify this difference is with the peptized zinc soap, the results are in favor of the zinc
DEFO analyses: DEFO Hardness and DEFO Elasticity soap. It only takes Aktiplast M about a third of the time
Test. to disperse the carbon black compared to the stearic
acid. Aktiplast M, compared to the Renacit 7, the
We have used this test to show the differences between chemical peptizer, shows a mixing time reduction of
Renacit 7, Aktiplast M and a third processing promoter almost 50%.
(Fig. 17). Although they have similar ML(1+4) which is
minor, the rubber does not show any obvious differ- The Figures 20–23 will illustrate through power con-
ences. If numbers measured at 100 °C, with a spread sumption charts what was done. The carbon black
from about 53 to 38, you submit the same piece of rub- dispersion time was measured from the time the ram
ber to a different test method or analysis that we refer to came down, which is shown by the first notch, to the
Fig. 18: DEFO Hardness/DEFO Elasticity – Fig. 20: Stearic Acid
Test method Power Consumption Chart
1. a. Make up 15 mm thick pads of the uncured rubber
at a maximum of 100°C. Then punch out a cylindrical
test piece, 10 mm diameter and 10 mm in height.
b. At 80°C, try to find the weight it takes (in grams)
to squeeze this cylinder from 10 to 4 mm within 30
seconds. This weight is referred to as DEFO Hardness.
c. Remove the weight from the cylinder. After 30
seconds, measure the amount of recovery of the cylin-
der in 1/10 mm. This is referred to as DEFO Elasticity.
2. DH is also a suitable means to measure the plasticity
or the softness of the rubber or a compound. DE is a Carbon Black Incorporation Time: 63 seconds
very suitable measure of the internal elastic properties of
the compound.
Low DE – values point out good processability, smooth Fig. 21: Renacit 7
flow, low die – swelling and shrinkage. High DE number
Power Consumption Chart
points at inner crosslinkage high shrinkage and less
favorable processability.
Fig. 24: Aktiplast M in a Retread Stock In Figure 26 and 27 we will again study our mixing phi-
Recipes (phr): A B losophy using Aktiplast M in a NR batch. The purpose
(3 pass mix) (2 pass mix) of the experiment was to analyze the contribution of
SMR 20 60 60 zinc soaps in terms of carbon black dispersion. Two
BR 40 40
identical stocks were mixed, one with and one without
Rhenosin 145A 1.5 1.5
Aktiplast M – 2 Aktiplast M, for each type of carbon black from low
Tread Black 45.6 45.6 surface area to high surface area. And you can see in
HiSil 18.1 18.1 each of the recipes using Aktiplast M, it enlarges the
Stearic acid 2 2
Zinc oxide 4 4 polymer area resulting in much higher tensile strength
6-PPD 1.5 1.5 values over the control. A closer examination of the
TMQ 1.0 1.0 data reveals that the improvement in carbon black
Antilux 654 0.7 0.7
Oil 15 15 dispersion becomes more evident with increasing car-
TBBS 0.9 0.9 bon black surface area for stocks containing Aktiplast
PVI 0.2 0.2 M versus those stocks without Aktiplast M. The other
Sulfur 1.5 1.5
Total mix time (minutes) 12.0 8.5
physical properties are quite comparable.
ML(1+4)100°C: 70 69
Extrusion speed (cm/min.): 102 111
Extrusion output (g/min.): 97 105 Fig. 26: Improving dispersion of high surface area
300% Modulus (MPa): 11.0 11.7 carbon black with zinc soaps
Tensile strength (MPa): 20.3 20.4
Recipes (phr):
Elongation at Break (%): 530 520
SMR-20 70
Tan Delta (Yerzley): 0.320 0.286
Polybutadiene 30
Dynamic Modulus (MPa): 12.8 11.8
Zinc Oxide 3.5
Stearic Acid 1.6
6-PPD 1.5
Comparing the physicals of the two stocks, it is pretty TMD 1.5
obvious, that they are very similar. The only apparent MOR 0.9
Sulfur 1.5
difference between the two stocks is that the one mixed
with Aktiplast M features a much lower Tan Delta, Mixing Procedure:
which indicates lower heat buildup and thus better life- First Cycle: 80 RPM, water on one-half
time of the tire.
Load rubber and Aktiplast M (if present) ram down
0’ Start time
Aktiplast M is especially suitable in very highly loaded 50’’ Raise ram, add all ingredients except
compounds, which is demonstrated in a typical bead Santocure MOR and sulfur
2’ Raise ram, sweep, ram down
filler stock (Fig. 25). This compound is a highly loaded
3–1/2’’ Raise ram, discharge
NR/SBR compound with low oil. As you will note, Pass through open mill
the compound containing Aktiplast M mixes easily in Second Cycle: 80 RPM, water off
eleven minutes.
Load all ingredients, ram down
0’ Start time
50’’ Raise ram, scrape, ram down
Fig. 25: Aktiplast M in a Bead Filler Compound 1–1/2’’ Raise ram, discharge
Pass through mill
Recipes (phr): A B
SMR 20 75 75
SBR 25 25 Now we will look at the contributions of Aktiplast
Aktiplast M – 2.5 M-50 dispersion in combination with other process aids
Rhenosin 145A – 2.0
Carbon Black N 660 75 75 as it applies to rubber compounding (Fig. 28). In this
Zinc oxide 5 5 demonstration, an engine mount compound was mixed
Naphthenic oil 4.5 4.5 where flow properties are of the utmost importance.
Stearic acid 1.0 1.0
TMQ antioxidant 2.5 2.5
We will attempt to show a correlation between carbon
Hardening resin 13.5 13.5 black distribution and flowability of the compound. The
Sulfenamide 1.0 1.0 properties will be compared between the control stock
Sulfur 1.7 1.7
mixed with a chemical peptizer versus a stock mixed
Hexa 1.5 1.5
Total mix time (min.): 13.5 11.0 with a combination of a diluted chemical peptizer
Undispersed carbon black: yes no known as Poly-Dispersion® Aktiplast M-50, a saturated
ML(1+4)100°C: 88 75 zinc soap designed to improve flow and Aflux 12.
Mooney Scorch @ 270°F (min.): 8.0 9.0
200% Modulus (MPa): 10.3 11.7 Remember, the Aflux 12 is very poorly soluble in NR.
Tensile strength (MPa): 11.7 14.5
Elongation at break (%): 250 280 From the data presented here, you can see that the
Extrusion speed (cm/min.): 156 169
Extrusion output (g/min.): 120 122 ML(1+4) numbers are very close. The modulus values
of the compound mixed with the blend of processing
promoters is higher due to the removal of part of the oil
Fig. 29: New Aktiplast Products for Improved Silica
to compensate for the plasticking effect of the soaps Dispersion
and the blends that were added. The important conclu-
Recipe (phr): 1 2 3 4
sion is a much improved flowability as illustrated by
Buna VSL 1955–S25 96
the spider mold. Buna CB 24 30
Vulkasil N 70
Carbon black N-110 10
Fig. 27: Zinc Soaps excel in dispersing high surface SI 69–50% 12.5
area Carbon Blacks ZnO 3
Stearic Acid 1
A A’ B B’ C C’ Vulkanox HS 1
Compound 110.4 110.4 110.4 110.4 110.4 110.4 Vulkanox 4020 1.5
Aktiplast M 2 – 2 – 2 – Antilux 654 1.5
Carbon N-330 65 65 – – – – Aromatic Oil 20
Carbon N-220 – – 65 65 – – Aktiplast ST 5 – – –
Carbon N-110 – – – – 65 65 Aktiplast GT – 5 – –
Naphthenic Oil 15 16 15 16 15 16 Aflux 12 – – 5 –
ML1+4(100°C) 89 >200 >200 >200 >200 >200 Sulfur 1.5
Cure @ 330°F CBS 1.5
Mooney Scorch @ 120°C (min.)
T2 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.9
t5 28:10 25:50 32:41 24:44
T90 4.4 4.0 4.7 4.2 4.3 4.3
T35 38:22 36:03 36:07 35:03
Minimum 19.3 24.0 23.6 26.7 29.4 32.5
Maximum 79.7 79.0 79.2 75.2 78.4 75.8 Rheometer data @ 160°C
Cure 10’ @ 330°F t10 (min.) 2.56 2.52 1.52 1.48
t90 (min.) 6.32 6.36 6.28 6.08
Modulus, PSI
Fmin (Nm) 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.07
100% 590 610 750 750 630 720
Fmax-Fmin (Nm) 0.51 0.53 0.61 0.61
200% 1480 1480 1750 1680 1530 1500
300% 2410 2350 2760 2620 2530 2410 Physical properties (cure 20 min. @ 150°C)
Tensile PSI 3410 3270 3450 3220 3650 2940 Hardness Sh A 59 57 58 58
Elongation% 430 420 370 370 430 360 Elasticity, % 37 37 36 39
Shore A 71 71 72 71 74 74 Modulus, MPa
Die C Tear1 471 450 434 440 432 402 100% 2.19 1.97 1.96 1.99
Rebound% 47 45 42 42 42 42 300% 8.34 6.96 8.12 8.40
Ibsf/in Tensile Strength, MPa 14.65 14.87 16.12 15.94
Elongation, % 473 555 497 480
Fig. 34: Comparison between Process oil and Redrawn Rheometer Cure Curves
Aktiplast T Time = 6 Range = 100 Temp = 360
last 25 batches of 1987
Compound 165.9 165.9 with “Aktiplast T”
Naphthenic Oil 13.0 10.0
Aktiplast T – 3.0
178.9 178.9
Mooney ML(1+4)100°C 37 37
Mooney Scorch 120°C
t5 – min. 40:39 39:22
t35 – min. 45:05 43:23
Vulcanizate 150°C/20 min.
Hardness – °ShA 53 59
Modulus – MPa
100 1.5 1.9
300 6.0 9.0
Since this was a CBS, i.e. sulfenamide cure, the like-
500 11 16
Tensile – MPa 20 24 lihood that the sulfenamide did not disperse is very,
Elongation – % 830 690 very low. In the next 25 batches of the run, we show the
Tear – N/mm 69 58 same compounds; however, these contain Aktiplast T.
Compression Set – %
168h/70°C 55 42 For these mixes, you can see that nothing has been
24h/70°C 34 25 changed about the compound, about the Banbury, about
24h/RT 16 15 the mixing, etc., yet you can see that the ODRs all fall
Hot Air Aging – 7d/70°C
Hardness – °ShA 57+4 60+1 much tighter together. We theorize that this is very sim-
Modulus – MPa ply a consequence of the Aktiplast being a soluble zinc
100 1.8 +20% 2.3 +21% stearate mixed up front in the compound which means
300 12 +53% 10 +9%
500 22 +73% 17 +3%
that time after time you are looking at the same activa-
Tensile – MPa 25 +10% 23.5 –2% tion for the cure.
Elongation – % 580 –37% 685 –1%
Tear – N/mm 50 –28% 57 –3%
In the conventional zinc oxide/stearic acid mix, the for-
Rheovulcameter (100°C/150°C Mold) mation of the zinc stearate is a function of the homoge-
Volume – ccm 1930 2165
Velocity (max) – ccm/sec 86 99
neity of the stock, which is probably different every
Registered trademarks of Rhein Chemie Rheinau Registered trademarks of Bayer AG:
GmbH resp. Rhein Chemie Corp.:
Aflux® Baypren®
Aktiplast® Disflamoll®
Antilux® Perbunan®
Poly-Dispersion® Renacit®
Rhenogran® Vulkacit®
Rhenomag® Vulkanol®
Rhenopren® Vulkanox®
Rhenosin® Vulkasil®
® = registered trademarks
Our technical advice – whether verbal, in writing or by our control and, therefore, entirely your own responsibil-
way of trials – is given in good faith but without warranty, ity. Should, in spite of this, liability be established for any
and this also applies where proprietary rights of third damage, it will be limited to the value of the goods deliv-
parties are involved. It does not release you from the ered by us and used by you. We will, of course, provide
obligation to test the products supplied by us as to their products of consistent quality within the scope of our
suitability for the intended processes and uses. The appli- General Conditions of Sale and Delivery.
cation, use and processing of the products are beyond