AI Regulations Trends
AI Regulations Trends
AI Regulations Trends
Trends in
Guidelines and
PwC Japan Group
April 2024
Organization for
Explanatory Memorandum on Economic The memorandum provides that it expands on the definition of
the Updated OECD Definition Cooperation and an artificial intelligence (AI) system contained in the 2019 March 2024 Link
of an AI system Development OECD Recommendation on AI.
G7 Department of
The declaration outlines the G7's collective approach to
countrie Science Innovation
Declaration on the use of AI leveraging AI and other technologies to enhance productivity, March 2024 LInk
s and Technology
and innovation while promoting sustainable development.
Sweden The Guidance consists of two parts, a technical part and a legal
part, which the IMY intends to update on an ongoing basis. The
Guidance on the General technical part titled 'Technical description of AI' discusses the
Swedish Authority
Data Protection Regulation technical aspects of AI, including explanations of the terms
for Privacy February 2024 Link
(GDPR) and Artificial 'AI,' 'machine learning,' and 'deep learning,' as well as insights
Protection (IMY)
Intelligence (AI) on different AI training methods. The legal part, titled 'GDPR
and AI' discusses how to determine when the GDPR is
applicable in the development or use of AI.
The Bill passed its second reading in the House of Lords. While
Artificial Intelligence Under discussion
UK Parliament the Committee stage is anticipated to follow, an official Link
(Regulation) Bill in Parliament
schedule for this stage is yet to be determined.
PwC 6
Trends in AI regulations / guidelines
(North America)
Name of law / Enforcement /
/ Enacting body Outlook Link
regulation / guideline revision date
US This plan defines the major research challenges in AI to
Select committee
National artificial intelligence coordinate and focus federal R&D investments. It follows
on AI of the
research and development national AI R&D strategic plans issued in 2016 and 2019,
National Science May 2023 Link
strategic plan reaffirms eight strategies and adds a ninth to underscore a
and Technology
2023 Update principled and coordinated approach to international
collaboration in AI research.
The bipartisan framework is said to be a comprehensive
legislative blueprint for real and enforceable artificial intelligence
(AI) protections.
It will establish a licensing regime administered by an
Bipartisan framework for the Government of the independent oversight body for companies developing
Under Discussion Link
US AI Act US sophisticated general-purpose high-risk AI models. In particular,
in Parliament
the licensing requirements would include registration of
information about the AI models and would be conditioned on
developers maintaining risk management, data governance, and
incident reporting.
The Act aims to set best practices in place to educate those
Government of the
AI Training Act tasked with procurement, logistics, project management, etc., October 2022 Link
about AI, its uses, risks, and key considerations among others.
The Act will create a blue-ribbon commission to ensure that,
through regulation, the United States mitigates the risks and
Government of the
National AI Commission Act possible harms posed by AI and takes a leading role in Proposed Link
establishing necessary, long-term guardrails to secure AI’s
alignment with the country's values.
The bill requires the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
to issue guidance requiring agencies to incorporate the National
Bill on Federal Artificial Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) AI Risk Introduced to
Government of the
Intelligence Risk Management Framework (AI RMF) into their artificial intelligence parliament on 10 Link
Management Act (AI) risk management efforts. The bill also requires the OMB to January 2024
establish a workforce initiative that enables agencies access to
diverse expertise.
PwC 7
Trends in AI regulations / guidelines
(North America)
Name of law / Enforcement /
/ Enacting body Outlook Link
regulation / guideline revision date
US The bill calls on the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), in
consultation with the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST), the Copyright Office, and the Office of
Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) to set transparency
standards for foundation model deployers, by asking foundation Introduced to
AI Foundational Model Government of the
model deployers to make information publicly available. Such Congress in Link
Transparency Act US
standards would be published nine months from the entrance December 2023
into effect of the bill. In addition, the bill calls for companies to
provide consumers and the FTC with information on the model's
training data, model training mechanisms, and whether user
data is collected in inference.
US – Bill S.31
Massach An Act drafted with the help
usetts of ChatGPT to regulate
On December 28, 2023, Bill S. 31, which was introduced by to
generative artificial
the Massachusetts Senate on February 2023, was accompanied
intelligence models like Commonwealth of Introduced to Link 1
by Bill S.2539 for an Act relative to cybersecurity and artificial
ChatGPT Massachusetts Senate in
December 2023 Link 2
The bills would impose certain operating standards for
Bill S.2539
companies operating a large-scale generative AI models.
An Act relative to
cybersecurity and artificial
US- Senate Bill 150 for Artificial The Act provides for the creation of an artificial intelligence (AI) 1 July 2024
Indiana Intelligence and task force, the adoption of cybersecurity and related policies in
Indiana Senate Link
Cybersecurity the public sector, and the requirement for an AI inventory in the
public sector.
US- Senate Bill 149 for the The bill provides for establishing administrative controls and 1 May 2024
Utah Artificial Intelligence Policy Utah Legislature policy development relating to artificial intelligence (AI), including Link
Act the formation of an Office of Artificial Intelligence Policy (OAIP).
Voluntary code of conduct The code identifies measures that should be applied in advance
relating to advanced Government of of binding regulation pursuant to the Artificial Intelligence and
September 2023 Link
generative AI systems Canada Data Act by all firms developing or managing the operations of a
generative AI system
PwC 12
Trends in AI regulations / guidelines (APAC)
Name of law / Enforcement /
/ Enacting body Outlook Link
regulation / guideline revision date
China Provisions for privacy protection, data legitimacy, and the
Internet Information Services National Internet
presentation of the use of depth synthesis algorithms with
Depth Synthesis Algorithm Information Office November 2022 Link
prominent signage in reasonable locations in the content to be
Management Rules (CAC)
generated or edited.
PwC 14
Trends in AI regulations / guidelines (APAC)
Name of law / Enforcement /
/ Enacting body Outlook Link
regulation / guideline revision date
Proposed advisory guidelines
re Personal Data The focus is to clarify how the PDPA applies to the collection Public
on use of personal data in AI
Protection and use of personal data by organizations to develop and consultation Link
recommendation and decision
Commission deploy systems that embed machine learning (ML) models. concluded
A.I. Verify - AI Governance Infocomm Media Touted as the world’s first AI Governance Testing Framework
Testing Framework and Development and Toolkit for companies who want to demonstrate responsible May 2022 Link
Toolkit Authority AI in an objective and verifiable manner.
PwC 15
Trends in AI regulations / guidelines (APAC)
Name of law / Enforcement /
/ Enacting body Outlook Link
regulation / guideline revision date
Indonesi The Circular contains three policies, namely ethical values,
Ministry of
a Circular Number 9 of 2023 implementation of ethical values, and responsibility in the use
Communication and Signed in
concerning the Ethics of and development of artificial intelligence (AI). More specifically, Link
Information December 2023
Artificial Intelligence Kominfo stated that the Circular will apply to businesses in AI-
based programming activities in the public and private sectors.
The task force will serve as a focal point for communication and
Personal cooperation between the government and the private sector in
Information the field of privacy in AI. Additionally, the task force will provide Launched in
AI privacy task force Link
Protection interpretation of personal information protection laws for October 2023
Commission individual cases in the rapidly changing AI environment, and
aim to resolve uncertainty by presenting specific standards.
PwC 16
Trends in AI regulations / guidelines (Others)
Name of law / Enforcement /
/ Enacting body Outlook Link
regulation / guideline revision date
Brazil The comprehensive bill emphasizes human rights and creates a
Ministry of Science, civil liability regime for AI developers. Among others , The
Technology and proposed Bill would establish a regulatory body to enforce
Innovation; the law and create civil liability for AI providers etc.
National Data
AI Bill Under discussion Link
Protection Authority On October 24, 2023, the Brazilian data protection authority
(Autoridade (ANPD) published its technical note No. 16. The ANPD
Nacional de proposed legislative changes to the bill on matters of
Proteção de Dados) supervision and inspection
PwC 17
(Reference) Policy Trends on AI (EU)
Name of law / Enforcement /
/ Enacting body Outlook Link
regulation / guideline revision date
EU Mind the Gap in
European Union ENISA published this assessment of standards for the
Standardization of
Agency for Cyber cybersecurity of AI and issues recommendations to support the April 2023 Link
Cybersecurity for Artificial
Security (ENISA) implementation of upcoming EU policies on AI.
Centre for Data The portfolio features a range of case studies illustrating
Portfolio of AI Assurance
Ethics and various AI assurance techniques being used in the real-world to June 2023 Link
Innovation support the development of trustworthy AI.
PwC 18
(Reference) Policy Trends on AI (North America)
Name of law / Enforcement /
/ Enacting body Outlook Link
regulation / guideline revision date
US In particular, the report defines generative artificial intelligence
(AI) as a type of AI that can generate new content, such as text,
Generative Artificial Congressional
images, and videos, through learning patterns from pre-existing
Intelligence and Data Privacy: Research Service May 2023 Link
data. Accordingly, the report focuses on privacy issues
A Primer (CRS)
stemming from generative AI and policy considerations for the
U.S. Congress.
Office of Management and The Memorandum follows the issuance of the Executive Order
Budget Memorandum for the on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy AI (EO). More specifically,
Heads of Executive the Memorandum establishes new agency requirements and
The White House March 2024 Link
Departments and Agencies guidance for AI governance, innovation, and risk management,
on mitigating the risks of including risk management practices for uses of AI that impact
artificial intelligence the rights and safety of the public.
PwC 20
(Reference) Policy Trends on AI (APAC)
Name of law / Enforcement /
/ Enacting body Outlook Link
regulation / guideline revision date
Singapo In particular, the paper highlights the risk of generative artificial
Generative AI: Implications for Infocommunications
re intelligence (AI) models making mistakes, including
Trust and Governance Media Development June 2023 Link
'hallucinations,' ranging from erroneous responses to generated
(Discussion paper) Authority (IMDA)
software that is susceptible to vulnerabilities.
PwC 22
(Reference) Policy Trends on AI (Others)
Name of law / Enforcement /
/ Enacting body Outlook Link
regulation / guideline revision date
Israel Ministry of
Innovation, Science
Policy for regulation and The policy aims to form a uniform risk management tool,
and Technology,
ethics in the field of artificial establish a governmental knowledge and coordination center, Published in
and the Consulting Link
intelligence and maintain involvement in international regulation and December 2023
and Legislation
Department at the
Ministry of Justice
Confronting Bias: BSA’s The framework details how organizations can perform impact
BSA | The Software
Framework to Build Trust in assessments to identify and then mitigate risks of bias that may June 2021 Link
AI emerge throughout an AI system’s lifecycle.
PwC 25
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