Introduction To AI Assurance

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Department for

Science, Innovation
& Technology

to AI assurance
February 2024

Department for Science, Innovation and Technology ©2024 Introduction to AI Assurance ©2024 — 1

Ministerial foreword 3

1. Executive summary 4

2. AI assurance in context 7

3. The AI assurance toolkit 14

4. AI assurance in practice 27

5. Key actions for organisations 39

6. Additional resources 42

Department for Science, Innovation and Technology

Ministerial foreword

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly impacting AI assurance can help to provide the basis for
how we work, live, and engage with others. AI consumers to trust the products they buy will work
technologies underpin the digital services we use as intended; for industry to confidently invest in new
every day and are helping to make our public services products and services; and for regulators to monitor
more personalised and effective, from improving compliance while enabling industry to innovate
health services to supporting teachers; and driving at pace and manage risk. A thriving AI assurance
scientific breakthroughs so we can tackle climate ecosystem will also become an economic activity in
change and cure disease. However, to fully grasp its own right – the UK’s cyber security industry, an
its potential benefits, AI must be developed and example of a mature assurance ecosystem, is worth
deployed in a safe, responsible way. nearly £4 billion to the UK economy.

The UK government is taking action to ensure that However, building a mature AI assurance ecosystem
we can reap the benefits of AI while mitigating will require active and coordinated effort across the
potential risks and harms. This includes acting to economy, and we know that the assurance landscape
establish the right guardrails for AI through our agile can be complex and difficult to navigate, particularly
approach to regulation; leading the world on AI safety for small and medium enterprises. This Introduction
by establishing the first state-backed organisation to AI assurance is the first in a series of guidance
focused on advanced AI safety for the public interest; to help organisations upskill on topics around AI
Viscount Camrose and – since 2021 – encouraging the development of a assurance and governance. With developments in
Minister for Artificial Intelligence flourishing AI assurance ecosystem. the regulatory landscape, significant advances in AI
and Intellectual Property capabilities, and increased public awareness of AI,
As highlighted in our AI regulation white paper it is more important than ever for organisations to
in 2023, AI assurance is an important aspect of start engaging with the subject of AI assurance and
broader AI governance, and a key pillar of support for leveraging its critical role in building and maintaining
organisations to operationalise and implement our trust in AI technologies.
five cross-cutting regulatory principles in practice.

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Department for
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& Technology

Executive summary

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01 Executive summary


The Introduction to AI assurance provides a grounding In March 2023, the government published its The guidance will cover:
in AI assurance for readers who are unfamiliar with the AI governance framework in a pro-innovation
subject area. This guide introduces key AI assurance approach to AI regulation. This white paper set • AI assurance in context: Introduction to the
concepts and terms and situates them within the out a proportionate, principles-based approach to background and conceptual underpinnings of
wider AI governance landscape. As an introductory AI governance, with the framework underpinned AI Assurance.
guide, this document focuses on the underlying by five cross-sectoral principles. These principles
concepts of AI assurance rather than technical detail, describe “what” outcomes AI systems must achieve, • The AI assurance toolkit: Introduction to key AI
however it will include suggestions for further reading regardless of the sector in which they’re deployed. assurance concepts and stakeholders.
for those interested in learning more. The white paper also sets out a series of tools that
can be used to help organisations understand “how” • AI assurance in practice: Overview of different AI
As AI becomes increasingly prevalent across all to achieve these outcomes in practice: tools for assurance techniques and how to implement AI
sectors of the economy, it’s essential that we ensure trustworthy AI, including assurance mechanisms assurance within organisations.
it is well governed. AI governance refers to a range and global technical standards.
of mechanisms including laws, regulations, policies, • Key actions for organisations: A brief overview of
institutions, and norms that can all be used to outline This guidance aims to provide an accessible key actions that organisations looking to embed AI
processes for making decisions about AI. The goal introduction to both assurance mechanisms and assurance can take.
of these governance measures is to maximise and global technical standards, to help industry and
reap the benefits of AI technologies while mitigating regulators better understand how to build and deploy
potential risks and harms. responsible AI systems. It will be a living, breathing
document that we keep updated over time.

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01 Executive summary

Why is AI assurance
Artificial intelligence (AI) offers transformative However, there are also concerns about the risks and AI assurance is consequently a crucial component of
opportunities for the economy and society. The societal impacts associated with AI. There has been wider organisational risk management frameworks for
dramatic development of AI capabilities over recent notable debate about the potential existential risks developing, procuring, and deploying AI systems, as
years, particularly generative AI - including Large to humanity but there are also significant, and more well as demonstrating compliance with existing - and
Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT - has immediate, concerns relating to risks such as bias, a any relevant future - regulation. With developments
fuelled significant excitement around the potential loss of privacy and socio-economic impacts such as in the regulatory landscape, significant advances in AI
applications for, and benefits of, AI systems. job losses. capabilities and increased public awareness of AI, it is
more important than ever for organisations to start
Artificial intelligence has been used to support When ensuring the effective deployment of AI engaging with AI assurance.
personalised cancer treatments, mitigate the worst systems many organisations recognise that, to unlock
effects of climate change and make transport more the potential of AI systems, they will need to secure
efficient. The potential economic benefits from AI are public trust and acceptance. This will require a multi-
also extremely high. Recent research from McKinsey disciplinary and socio-technical approach to ensure
suggests that generative AI alone could add up to that human values and ethical considerations are
$4.4 trillion to the global economy. built-in throughout the AI development lifecycle.

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AI assurance in context

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02 AI assurance in context

The importance
of trust
The term ‘assurance’ originally derived from They also might not adopt AI for fear of facing
accountancy but has since been adapted to reputational damage or public backlash. Without
cover areas including cyber security and quality trust, consumers will also be cautious about using
management. Assurance is the process of measuring, these technologies. Although awareness of AI is very
evaluating and communicating something about a high amongst the public and has increased over the
system or process, documentation, a product or an last year, their primary associations with AI typically
organisation. In the case of AI, assurance measures, reference uncertainty.
evaluates and communicates the trustworthiness
of AI systems. When developing and deploying AI AI assurance processes can help to build confidence
systems, many organisations recognise that to unlock in AI systems by measuring and evaluating reliable,
their potential, a range of actors – from internal standardised, and accessible evidence about the
teams to regulators to frontline users – will need to capabilities of these systems. It measures whether
understand whether AI systems are trustworthy. they will work as intended, hold limitations, and pose
Without trust in these systems, organisations may potential risks, as well as how those risks are being
be less willing to adopt AI technologies because they mitigated to ensure that ethical considerations are
don’t have the confidence that an AI system will built-in throughout the AI development lifecycle.
actually work or benefit them.

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02 AI assurance in context

The relationship between trust,

trustworthiness and justified trust

Trust: Justified trust: Trustworthiness:

Whether a person or
group trusts the use of
Where a person or
group trusts the use
The use of an AI system that
is deserving of trust, based Justified trust
an AI system. of an AI system based on reliable evidence.
on reliable evidence.
Trustworthiness without
trust can lead to lost By building trust in AI systems through effective
opportunities. communication to appropriate stakeholders, and
ensuring the trustworthiness of AI systems, AI
assurance will play a crucial role in enabling the
responsible development and deployment of AI,
unlocking both the economic and social benefits
of AI systems.

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02 AI assurance in context

AI assurance In March 2023, the UK government outlined its approach to AI governance through its
white paper, a pro-innovation approach to AI regulation, which set out the key elements

and governance
of the UK’s proportionate and adaptable regulatory framework. It includes five cross-
sectoral principles to guide and inform the responsible development and use of AI in all
sectors of the economy:

Safety, Security and Appropriate Fairness Accountability Contestability

Robustness Transparency and Governance and Redress
and Explainability AI systems should not
AI systems should undermine the legal Governance measures Where appropriate, users,
function in a robust, AI systems should be rights of individuals should be in place to affected third parties and
secure and safe way, and appropriately transparent or organisations, ensure effective oversight actors in the AI lifecycle
risks should be continually and explainable. discriminate unfairly of the supply of AI should be able to contest
identified, assessed against individuals, or systems, with clear lines an AI decision or outcome
and managed. create unfair market of accountability across that is harmful or creates
outcomes. the AI life cycle. material risk of harm.

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02 AI assurance in context

AI risks:
e.g. privacy and fundamental rights UK regulatory
Addressed by
AI assurance will play a critical role in the
AI governance: implementation and operationalisation of these
e.g. UK AI regulation white paper principles. The principles identify specific goals – the
“what” - that AI systems should achieve, regardless
of the sector in which they are deployed. AI assurance
Supported by techniques and standards (commonly referred to as
“tools for trustworthy AI”) can support industry and
regulators to understand “how” to operationalise
these principles in practice, by providing agreed-upon
processes, metrics, and frameworks to support them
to achieve these goals.
SDO-developed standards: Sector specific rules
e.g. through ISO, IEC, IEEE, ETSI and guidance

measured by
Assurance mechanisms:
e.g. audits, performance testing

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02 AI assurance in context

AI governance
and regulation
Due to the unique challenges and opportunities Through AI assurance, organisations can measure Outside of the UK context, supporting cross-
raised by AI in particular contexts, the UK’s approach whether systems are trustworthy and demonstrate border trade in AI will also require a well-developed
to AI governance focuses on outcomes rather than this to government, regulators, and the market. They ecosystem of AI assurance approaches, tools,
the technology itself – acknowledging that potential can also gain a competitive advantage, building systems, and technical standards which ensure
risks posed by AI will depend on the context of its customer trust and managing reputational risk. On international interoperability between differing
application. To deliver this outcomes-based approach, one hand, using assurance techniques to evaluate regulatory regimes. UK firms need to demonstrate
existing regulators will be responsible for interpreting AI systems can build trust in consumer-facing risk management and compliance in ways that are
and implementing the regulatory principles in their AI systems by demonstrating adherence to the understood by trading partners and consumers in
respective sectors and establishing clear guidelines principles of responsible AI (fairness, transparency other jurisdictions.
on how to achieve these outcomes within a particular etc.) and/or relevant regulation/legislation. On the
sector. By outlining processes for making and other hand, using assurance techniques can also
assessing verifiable claims to which organisations can help identify and mitigate AI-related risks to manage
be held accountable, AI assurance is a key aspect of reputational risks and avoid negative publicity. This
broader AI governance and regulation. helps to mitigate greater commercial risks, in which
high-profile failures could lead to reduced customer
trust and adoption of AI systems.

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02 AI assurance in context

AI assurance
and frontier AI
AI assurance, the process of measuring, evaluating The UK’s AI Safety Institute (AISI) – the first state-
and communicating the trustworthiness of AI backed organisation focused on advanced AI
systems, is also relevant at the “frontier” of AI. safety for the public interest – is developing the
sociotechnical infrastructure needed to identify
The Bletchley Declaration, signed by countries that potential risks posed by advanced AI. It will offer
attended the November 2023 UK AI Safety Summit, novel tools and systems to mitigate these risks, and
recommended that firms implement assurance support wider governance and regulation, further
measures. This includes safety testing, evaluations, expanding the AI assurance ecosystem in the UK.
and accountability and transparency mechanisms to
measure, monitor and mitigate potentially harmful
capabilities of frontier AI models.

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The AI assurance toolkit

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03 The AI assurance toolkit

Measure, evaluate
1. Measure

Gathering qualitative and quantitative data on how an AI system functions, to ensure that it performs

and communicate as intended. This might include information about performance, functionality, and potential impacts in
different contexts. Additionally, you may need to ensure you have access to documentation about the
system design and any management processes to ensure you can evaluate effectively.

Assurance requires robust techniques that help

organisations to measure and evaluate their systems
and communicate that their systems are trustworthy 2. Evaluate
and aligned with relevant regulatory principles. More
detail on this is provided to the right. Activities encompassing techniques to assess the risks and impacts of AI systems and inform further
decision-making. This might include evaluating the implications of an AI system against agreed
Given the complexity of AI systems, we require a benchmarks set out in standards and regulatory guidelines to identify issues.
toolbox of different products, services, and standards
to assure them effectively.

3. Communicate

A range of communication techniques can be applied to ensure effective communication both within
an organisation and externally. This might include collating findings into reports/presenting information
in a dashboard as well as external communication to the public to set out steps an organisation has
taken to assure their AI systems. In the long-term this may include activities like certification.

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03 The AI assurance toolkit

AI assurance Risk assessment: (Algorithmic) impact

Bias audit:

Used to consider and Assesses the inputs and
identify a range of potential Used to anticipate the wider outputs of algorithmic
risks that might arise from effects of a system/product systems to determine if there
the development and/or on the environment, equality, is unfair bias in the input data,
deployment of an AI product/ human rights, data protection, the outcome of a decision or
system. These include bias, or other outcomes. classification made by the
There is a spectrum of AI assurance mechanisms
data protection and privacy system.
that can, and should, be used in combination with
risks, risks arising from the use
one another across the AI lifecycle. These range from
of a technology (for example
qualitative assessments which can be used where
the use of a technology for
there is a high degree of uncertainty, ambiguity and
misinformation or other
subjectivity, for example thinking about the potential
malicious purposes) and
risks and societal impacts of systems, to quantitative
reputational risk to the
assessments for subjects that can be measured
objectively and with a high degree of certainty, such
as how well a system performs against a specific
metric, or if it conforms with a particular legal Compliance audit: Conformity assessment: Formal verification:
requirement. The table on the right details a sample
of some key assurance techniques that organisations Involves reviewing adherence The process of conformity Formal verification establishes
should consider as part of the development and/or to internal policies, external assessment demonstrates whether a system satisfies
deployment of AI systems. regulations and, where whether a product or system specific requirements, often
relevant, legal requirements. meets relevant requirements, using formal mathematical
prior to being placed on methods and proofs.
the market. Often includes
performance testing.

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03 The AI assurance toolkit

In addition, a key baseline requirement of AI

assurance is ensuring that your data and systems
are safe and secure. The National Cyber Security
Centre (NCSC) has developed a range of resources
and courses, including the Cyber Essentials
certification to help organisations develop their
cyber security capabilities.

There will never be a silver bullet for AI assurance.

Rather, multiple assurance techniques will need to
be used in combination with one another across
the lifecycle. It is therefore an important challenge
for organisations to ensure that suitable assurance
techniques and mechanisms are adopted, depending
on the context in which a system is being deployed.
However, this also allows for a proportionate
approach to assurance, with low-risk use-cases able
to rely on a smaller range of assurance techniques,
and high-risk use-cases utilising a more robust
combination of assurance techniques.

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03 The AI assurance toolkit

AI assurance
To provide a consistent baseline, and increase their effectiveness and impact, AI assurance mechanisms
should also be underpinned by available global technical standards. These are consensus-based
standards developed by global standards development organisations (SDOs) such as the International
Standards Organisation (ISO). Global technical standards are essentially agreed ways of doing things,

and standards
designed to allow for shared and reliable expectations about a product, process, system or service. Global
technical standards allow assurance users to trust the evidence and conclusions presented by assurance
providers – without standards we have advice, not assurance. There are different kinds of standards that
can support a range of assurance techniques. These include:

Foundational and Interface and Measurement and Process, Product and

terminological: architecture: test methods: management, performance
and governance: requirements:
Provide shared Define common Provide methods and
vocabularies, terms, protocols, formats and metrics for evaluating Set out clear processes Set specific criteria and
descriptions and interfaces of a system, for properties (e.g., security, and approaches for best thresholds to ensure
definitions to build example interoperability, safety) of AI systems. practice in organisational that products and
common understanding infrastructure, management, governance services meet defined
between stakeholders. architecture and data and internal controls. benchmarks, safeguarding
management standards. consumers by setting
safety and performance

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03 The AI assurance toolkit

Foundational and terminological standards

Bias Audit What do we mean by “bias” and “fairness” in this context? IEEE P7003
What are we trying to measure? ISO/IEC TR 24027
Assessing the
inputs and
outputs of
algorithmic Process, management and governance standards
ISO/IEC 42001
Standards for
systems to What organisational and governance processes do you
determine if have in place to support responsible and fair innovation? ISO/IEC 23894
there is unfair
bias in the
input data, the
outcome of
Measurement and test methods
ISO/IEC TR 24027
bias audit
What are the methods and metrics you’re using to
a decision or
measure bias in your AI system? ISO/IEC TS 12791
made by the All these types of standards can underpin and
system. help to enable a range of assurance techniques.
Product and performance requirements The visual to the left showcases an example
What is an acceptable output of my bias audit, in order for
ISO/IEC TR 24027 of how each of these standard types may be
me to safely deploy this system? Is some bias acceptable? ISO/IEC 12791 relevant when conducting a bias audit.

*This is not an exhaustive list of standards.

Rather, these are an indicative example of the
types of standards that are available.

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03 The AI assurance toolkit

Spotlight: AI
Standards Hub
The AI Standards Hub is a joint initiative led by The Dedicated to knowledge sharing, community and
Alan Turing Institute, the British Standards Institution capacity building, and strategic research, the hub To learn more, visit the AI Standards Hub website.
(BSI), and the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), seeks to bring together industry, government,
supported by the government. The Hub’s mission is regulators, consumers, civil society and academia
to advance trustworthy and responsible AI with a with a view to:
focus on the role that global technical standards
can play as governance tools and innovation • Increasing awareness and contributions to global
mechanisms. The AI Standards Hub aims to help technical AI standards in line with UK values.
stakeholders navigate and actively participate in
global AI standardisation efforts and champion global • Increasing multi-stakeholder involvement in AI
technical standards for AI. standards development.

• Bringing the UK AI community together to

encourage more coordinated engagement in global
AI technical standards development.

• Increasing research and analysis of global AI

technical standards, including with international
partners, to ensure standards are shaped in line
with our shared values.

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03 The AI assurance toolkit

The AI assurance
There is a growing market of AI assurance providers However, AI assurance isn’t just limited to a selection
who supply the assurance systems and services of mechanisms and standards and the assurance
required by organisations who either don’t have in- teams and providers that use them. A range of actors
house teams offering internal assurance capabilities, need to check that AI systems are trustworthy
or who require additional capabilities on top of and compliant, and to communicate evidence of
those they have internally. As with assurance this to others. These actors can each play several
techniques and mechanisms, there is no single interdependent roles within an assurance ecosystem.
‘type’ of assurance provider, with some third-party The next few pages provide examples of key
providers offering specific technical tools, whilst supporting stakeholders and their role within the AI
others offer holistic AI governance platforms. There assurance ecosystem.
are also diversified professional services firms who
offer assurance ‘as a service’, supporting clients to
embed good governance and assurance practices.
Due to its relationship with wider organisational risk
management, AI assurance is often seen as one
part of an organisation’s Environmental, Social and
Corporate Governance processes (ESG).

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03 Key supporting stakeholders

Regulators Accreditation bodies

Role: Role:
To set regulation and best practice in their relevant domains and (where required) To attest to the ongoing competence, impartiality of AI services provided by third party
encourage, test and verify that AI systems are compliant with their regulations. assurance providers against international standards. This will build trust in auditors,
Regulators will also incentivise best practice and create the conditions for the assessors and suppliers throughout the AI assurance ecosystem.
trustworthy development and use of AI.
N.B. Accreditation bodies will not be able to accredit organisations offering ‘assurance as
Example: a service’. The United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) cannot review organisations
Individual regulators will be responsible for developing regulatory guidance and oversight offering services to third-party clients whose services may also be reviewed by UKAS, as
for the deployment of technology in their respective areas. it would represent a conflict of interest.

The ICO has already developed regulatory guidance and toolkits relating to how data Example:
protection regulation applies to AI. UKAS is the UK’s sole national accreditation body. It is appointed by the government to
assess a third-party organisation known as a conformity assessment bodies who provide
Regulators are also implementing a range of sandboxes and prize challenges to support a range of services including AI assurance.
regulatory innovation in AI.
Services offered by UKAS include certification, testing, inspection and calibration.

Please review the UK government’s policy on accreditation and conformity assessments

if you want more information.

Audience: Audience:

Affected individuals Affected individuals Government Regulators

Organisations Organisations Organisations Organisations Other assurance

developing AI systems procuring AI systems developing AI systems procuring AI systems providers

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03 Key supporting stakeholders

Government Standards bodies

Role: Role:
Drive the development of an AI assurance ecosystem that supports compliance with To convene actors including industry and academia to develop commonly accepted
laws and regulations, in a way that does not hinder economic growth. standards that can be evaluated against.

Example: Example:
The DSIT AI assurance programme supports the development of a robust and There are both international and national standards bodies. International standards
sustainable AI assurance ecosystem. bodies include the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) and the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) as well as national standards group.
Work to date includes building knowledge of the AI assurance market, its drivers and
barriers, highlighting emerging assurance techniques (through the Portfolio of Assurance The British Standards Institute (BSI) is the UK’s national standards body. BSI represents
Techniques) and supporting the development of novel assurance techniques, for UK stakeholders at specific regional and international standards bodies that are part
example through the Fairness Innovation Challenge. of the standards system. BSI along with the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) and the
UK accreditation service (UKAS) make up the UK’s national quality infrastructure for
standards (see here for more information).

Audience: Audience:

Affected individuals Regulators Regulators

Organisations Organisations Organisations Organisations

developing AI systems procuring AI systems developing AI systems procuring AI systems

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03 Key supporting stakeholders

Research bodies Civil society organisations

Role: Role:
Contribute to research on potential risks or develop leading-edge assurance systems. Through oversight and stakeholder convening, civil society organisations can support
multi-stakeholder feedback and scrutiny on AI systems. They can also keep the public/
Example: industry informed of emerging risks and trends through external advocacy and develop
The Alan Turing Institute is the national institute for data science and AI, working to assurance thought leadership and best practice.
advance research and apply it to national and global challenges – including via a research
programme on AI assurance. Example:
Civil society organisations are working on developing resources and templates to
The Alan Turing Institute is currently collaborating with the University of York on the support AI assurance processes. For example, the Ada Lovelace Institute’s Algorithmic
Assuring Autonomy International Programme to build on and harmonise existing research Impact Assessment in Healthcare project has developed a template algorithmic
into trustworthy and ethical assurance. This project includes the development of open impact assessment (AIA) in a healthcare context. This aims to ensure that algorithms
and reproducible tools to help project teams meet ethical and regulatory best practices that use public sector data are evaluated and governed to produce benefits for
in health research and healthcare for a range of data-driven technologies. society, governments, public bodies and technology developers, as well as the people
represented in the data and affected by the technologies and their outcomes.

Audience: Audience:

Government Regulators Affected individuals Government Regulators

Other assurance Organisations Organisations

providers developing AI systems procuring AI systems

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03 Key supporting stakeholders

Professional bodies
Role: Spotlight: Fairness
Innovation Challenge
To define, support, and improve the professionalisation of assurance standards and to
promote information sharing, training, and good practice for professionals, which can be
important both for developers and assurance service providers.

There are not currently any professional bodies with Chartered Status, with a focus on AI
A range of the above stakeholders are already working together to grow the
UK’s AI assurance ecosystem through the Fairness Innovation Challenge.
However, the UK Cyber Security Council has recently been created and made responsible The Challenge, run by DSIT in partnership with Innovate UK, brings together
for standards of practice for cyber security professionals. This model that could be government, regulators, academia, and the private sector to drive the
adopted for AI assurance in the future. development of novel socio-technical approaches to fairness and bias audit –
a currently underdeveloped area of research, with most bias audits measuring
The International Association of Algorithmic Auditors (IAAA) is another recently formed purely technical or statistical notions of fairness. The Challenge will provide
body, hoping to professionalise AI auditing by creating a code of conduct for AI auditors,
greater clarity about how different assurance techniques can be applied in
training curriculums, and eventually, a certification programme.
practice, and work to ensure that different strategies to address bias and
discrimination in AI systems comply with relevant regulation, include data
protection and equalities law.



Organisations Organisations
developing AI systems procuring AI systems

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03 The AI assurance toolkit

Spotlight: IAPP
Governance Center
The International Association of Privacy Professionals
(IAPP) is the largest global information privacy
community and resource centre, with more than
Through the AI Governance Center, the IAPP
provides professionals tasked with AI governance,
risk, and compliance with the content, resources,
80,000 members. It is a non-profit, policy-neutral networking, training and certification they need of respondents indicated their organisation has
professional association helping practitioners develop to manage the complex risks of AI. This allows AI already established a dedicated AI governance
their capabilities and organisations to manage and governance professionals to share best practices, function or is likely to in the next 12 months.
protect their data. track trends, advance AI governance management

issues, standardise practices and access the latest
In Spring 2023, the IAPP AI Governance Center was educational resources and guidance.
launched, in recognition of the need for professionals
to establish the trust and safety measures that In December 2023, the IAPP AI Governance Center cited a complete lack of qualified AI governance
will ensure AI fulfils its potential to serve society in published a report, based on survey responses professionals as a key challenge.
positive and productive ways. from over 500 individuals from around the world,

on organisational governance issues relating to the
professionalisation of AI governance. The report
covered the use of AI within organisations, AI
governance as a strategic priority, the AI governance indicated they believe their organization does not
function within organisations, the benefits of understand the benefits and risks of AI deployment.
AI-enabled compliance, and AI governance
implementation challenges. Notably, IAPP research To learn more visit the IAPP AI Governance Center.
has found that:

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AI assurance in practice

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04 AI assurance in practice

AI assurance My organisation wants to demonstrate it has...

landscape Good internal

governance processes
Understood the
potential risks of AI
Made sure AI systems
it is building or buying
around AI systems it is buying adhere to existing
regulations for data
There are a wide range of techniques and subjects in protection
scope for AI assurance, with considerable variations in
metrics and methodologies across sectors, situations
and systems. The diagram to the right demonstrates Assurance Conformity Algorithmic impact Compliance audit
how this can look in practice at a high-level. DSIT mechanism assessment assessment
shortly plans to publish additional sector-specific
guidance to provide more detail about AI assurance in
particular contexts.

Provider UKAS accredited UKAS accredited Third party assurance

conformity conformity provider
assessment body assessment body

Measured against SDO-developed (Self) assessment UK GDPR

standards, e.g. against proprietary
ISO/IEC 42001, AI framework or
Management System responsible AI toolkit

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04 AI assurance in practice

AI assurance Given the variety of use-cases and contexts that AI assurance techniques can be
deployed in and the need for assurance across the AI development lifecycle, a broad

range of assurance techniques beyond purely technical solutions will need to be applied.

Within scope of AI assurance techniques are:

Training data: AI models: AI systems: Broader operational

Training data is the information AI models are artefacts of AI systems are the products,
an AI system uses to ‘learn’ from machine learning methods, tools, applications or devices This refers to how AI systems
during its initial development. where the model ‘learns’ how to that utilise AI models to help are deployed within the wider
Additional training data may solve certain tasks by identifying solve problems. They may organisational context – the
be used later in the lifecycle to patterns in the training data. comprise a single model, or broader systems that support
update the model. They are constructed to help multiple models. AI systems decision making and the delivery
analyse, explain, predict, or are the operational interfaces of outcomes. This can include
control the properties of real- to AI models – they incorporate the impact of a system on
world systems. GPT-4 is an the technical structures and groups and individuals and the
example of an AI model. processes that allow models to balance of liabilities between
be used by non-technologists. users and organisations.
ChatGPT is an example of an AI
system, which uses GPT-4.

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04 AI assurance in practice

Use case

Deployment process

Testing Operational data

Algorithm AI model AI system


The diagram to the left demonstrates how the

Development process Model output Tool output development and deployment lifecycles fit together.
The horizontal development process is relevant
where you are building AI systems in-house, and the
vertical deployment process is relevant where you are
deploying procured or in-house AI systems.

Decision Assurance of relevant data, the model and/or the

or policy system, and the governance in place around the
process is relevant in both situations.

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04 AI assurance in practice

Assuring data, Data Models and Systems

models, systems Data is the foundation of AI. Without the

collection of high-quality, robust, and ethically
Assurance techniques and practices designed to
improve justified trust in AI models and systems

and governance
sourced data, AI technologies will be unable will work to ensure that they function as intended,
to operate effectively or maintain trust. and that they produce beneficial outcomes. This
Organisations should put in place robust and includes ensuring that outputs are accurate, and

in practice
standardised processes for handling data, minimising potential harmful outcomes such as
including: unwanted bias. A range of assurance tools and
techniques can be used to evaluate AI models
• An effective organisational data strategy; and systems, including impact assessments, bias
• Clear employee accountabilities for data and; audits and performance testing.
• Robust, standardised and transparent
processes for data collection, processing and When setting metrics, teams should build in
sharing. rigorous software testing and performance
assessment methodologies with comparisons to
All organisations processing data must comply clear performance benchmarks.
with existing legal requirements, in particular,
UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018. All
systems using personal data must carry-out a
data protection impact assessment (DPIA).

A DPIA should consider risks and impacts to

individuals, the rights and freedoms of individuals,
groups and society and map-out planned data
processing activities.

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04 AI assurance in practice

Governance As a baseline, core governance Mitigations to identified risks and

processes include: issues can include:
As a foundation, all organisations should integrate
robust organisational governance frameworks
for AI systems. There are core steps organisations • Clear, standardised internal transparency and • Internal mitigations, such as metrics designed
should build into governance processes to enable reporting processes and lines of responsibility, to identify, and measures to correct,
the effective evaluation and measurement of with a named person responsible for data poor-performing or unfair algorithms, and
risks and biases associated with AI and to support management and clear governance and amendments to internal governance processes
clear and accurate communication to ensure accountability milestones built into the to improve risk management.
concerns and issues are flagged. project design.
• External (public) redress for affected individuals
• Clear avenues for escalation and staff (at such as through a clearly communicated
all levels) empowered to flag concerns to appeals process. Such mechanisms should be
appropriate levels. simple and – importantly – effective.

• Clear processes to identify, manage and

mitigate risks.
The next few pages lay out some examples of the
assurance mechanisms we introduced previously, • Quality assurance processes built-in throughout
highlighting how they may be used to assure AI the AI lifecycle.
systems, and what outcomes an organisation
could expect from such mechanisms being used • External transparency and reporting processes.
in practice. Further examples of real-world AI
Assurance techniques developed by assurance • Ensuring the right skills and capabilities are
providers can be found in DSIT’s Portfolio of in place and that AI assurance capability and
Assurance Techniques. infrastructure is adequately funded.

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04 AI assurance in practice


Risk assessment An online education platform is exploring ways of using AI to personalise video content presented
to users. The company conducts a risk assessment to explore potential costs and benefits, including
effects on reputation, safety, revenue, and users.

Risk assessments are used to consider and

identify a range of potential risks that might arise
from the development and/or deployment of an
AI product/systems.

Staff are encouraged to share their thoughts and concerns in workshops designed to capture and classify
a range of potential risks. The workshop is followed by more detailed questionnaires. The company’s
internal audit staff then assess the risks to quantify and benchmark them and present their findings in
an internal report to inform future decision-making.


The risk assessment results in a clearer and shared appreciation/understanding of potential risks, which is
used to create mitigation strategies and build resilience to manage future change across the organisation.



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04 AI assurance in practice


Impact A specialist waste collection company is conducting an Impact Assessment before deploying a new AI
system to manage its waste sorting system more efficiently.

Impact assessments are used to anticipate the wider
effects of a system/product on the environment,
equality, human rights, data protection, or other
The company uses a tool to assess different aspects of the potential outcomes of the new AI system.
During the planning phase, the organisation has adapted a toolkit - including a detailed questionnaire
- from a publicly available resource. The toolkit includes categories that cover environmental impacts,
fairness, transparency and inclusivity and guides assessors to map out the rationale for deploying the
new system, as well as potential consequences. Results are published in a report alongside mitigations
and reflections on the findings.


The impact assessment enables the company to develop a clearer understanding of the potential
opportunities and costs from deploying a new AI system. The final report also provides a record of actions
that could help mitigate harmful outcomes.
Models Data

Tools Governance

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04 AI assurance in practice


Bias audit A growing company is using an AI system they have built and trained to sift candidates in a recruitment
campaign. This is to ensure that their approach does not introduce unintended biases to the system.

Bias audits focus on assessing the inputs and outputs

of algorithmic systems to determine whether there is
unfair bias in the outcome of a decision, classification Process
made by the system, or input data.
A third-party auditor works with internal staff to define the scope and objectives for the audit. It then
requests data from the company and access to their systems, to undertake a technical audit to measure
outcomes from the sifting algorithms to identify potential bias.


The audit reveals that the model is more likely to pass candidates who live in a certain area.
This might introduce biases as home addresses may correlate with other protected characteristics
e.g. ethnicity/age/disability.

A third-party auditor collaborates with system developers to analyse findings and present
Models Data recommendations. They also support the developers to implement mitigations and ensure that
systems are designed in a way that minimises unfair bias.
Tools Governance

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04 AI assurance in practice


Compliance audit A UK-based company that uses AI in its manufacturing processes is undertaking work to ensure its
products comply with regulatory requirements overseas. The company is planning to expand to sell a new
product in international markets.

A compliance audit involves reviewing adherence

to internal policies, external regulations and, where
relevant, legal requirements.

The company starts with a compliance audit. They work with a third-party service provider to review
the extent to which their products and processes adhere to internal policies and values, as well as with
regulatory and legal requirements.

The company uses a governance platform, purchased from a specialist third-party provider of AI
assurance systems. This includes features that will update, inform and guide developers of relevant
requirements that apply across different markets.


After applying these assurance techniques, the company has a clearer understanding of how well it
complies with requirements and standards across different markets and regions.


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04 AI assurance in practice


Conformity A large technology company is using a UKAS accredited product certification body to demonstrate that its
products conform with applicable product standards, initially, and on an ongoing basis to give customers/

regulators confidence that normative requirements are being continuously achieved and maintained.

Conformity assessment activities that are performed

by a person or organisation that is independent of the
product, process, system, claim etc and has no user
interest in that object. Used to demonstrate that a
product, process, system, claim etc conforms with
An accredited certification body has developed a scheme that applies to the products produced by the
specified requirements that are defined in normative
technology company. The requirements of the scheme include (but are not limited to) the methodology
documents e.g. regulations, standards and/or technical
to be used for performing the conformity assessment activities. The product scheme incorporates
requirements, in addition to those specific to the products, that relate to the consistent operation of a
management system to give confidence in the ongoing conformity of production.
Conformity assessment may include activities such
as testing, inspection, validation, verification and
certification. Contingent on the level of risk, conformity
assessment activities should be undertaken by an
independent third-party conformity assessment body.
It is UK government policy that where third-party Outcomes
conformity assessment services are sought, they should
be obtained from an organisation accredited by UKAS. The resulting product certificate(s) demonstrate that the products produced by the technology company
continue to conform with the requirements of the certification scheme (for as long as the certificate(s)
remain valid).


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04 AI assurance in practice


Formal verification A bank is using formal verification to test a newly updated AI model that will support the assessment of
mortgage applications to ensure the models are robust and any risks associated with its use
are verified.

Formal verification establishes whether a system

satisfies specific requirements, often using formal
mathematical methods and proofs.

The bank is working with a consultancy to provide a robust assessment of its software prior to
deployment. The use of a third-party assurance provider helps to ensure that the assessment is impartial
and allows the bank to assess its algorithms thoroughly by making use of specialist expertise. The
verification process uses formal mathematical methods to assess whether the system updates satisfy
key requirements. Following the assessment, the consultants present results in a detailed report, which
highlights any errors or risk factors the assessment has flagged.


The thorough scrutiny of the formal verification process ensures that any potential risks or errors are
identified before the system is in use. This is particularly important in financial services, where errors could
have severe consequences for users, the bank’s reputation and ability to meet regulation. The results also
Models provide an objective and quantifiable measurement of the model’s functionality. This enhances security,
and confidence from users and shareholders.

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Key actions for
Department for Science, Innovation and Technology Introduction to AI Assurance ©2024 — 39
05 Key actions for organisations

Steps to build AI
1. 2.
AI assurance is not a silver bullet for responsible and Consider existing regulations Upskill within your organisation
ethical AI, and whilst the ecosystem is still developing
there remain limitations to, and challenges for, While there is not currently statutory AI regulation Even whilst the ecosystem is still developing,
successfully assuring AI systems. However, early in the UK, there are existing regulations that are organisations should be looking to develop their
engagement and proactive consideration of likely relevant for AI systems. For example, systems understanding of AI assurance and anticipating
future governance needs, skills and/or technical must adhere to existing regulation such as UK likely future requirements. The Alan Turing
requirements can help to build your organisation’s GDPR, the Equality Act 2010 and other industry- Institute has produced several training workbooks
assurance capabilities. specific regulation. focused on the application of AI governance in
practice, and the UK AI Standards Hub has a
If you are an organisation interested in further training platform, with e-learning modules on AI
developing your AI assurance understanding Assurance.
and capability, you may want to consider the
following steps:

Department for Science, Innovation and Technology Introduction to AI Assurance ©2024 — 40

05 Key actions for organisations

3. 4. 5.
Review internal governance and risk Look out for new regulatory guidance Consider involvement in AI
management standardisation
Over the coming years, regulators will be
Effective AI assurance is always underpinned developing sector-specific guidance setting Private sector engagement with SDOs is crucial
by effective internal governance processes. It’s out how to operationalise and implement the for ensuring the development of robust and
crucial to consider how your internal governance proposed regulatory principles in each regulatory universally accepted standards protocols,
processes ensure risks and issues can be quickly domain. For example, the ICO has developed particularly from SMEs who are currently
escalated, and effective decision-making can be guidance on AI and data protection for those in underrepresented. Consider engaging with
taken at an appropriate level. The US’s National compliance-focused roles. The UK government standards bodies such as BSI. Visit the AI
Institute for Science and Technology (NIST) has also published initial guidance to regulators Standards Hub for information and support for
has developed an in-depth Risk Management as part of its response to the AI regulatory white implementing AI standards.
Framework (RMF) that can support the paper consultation.
management of organisational risk.

If you’d like more information about AI

assurance and how it can be applied to your
own organisation, don’t hesitate to get in
contact with the AI assurance team at:
[email protected]

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& Technology

Additional resources

Department for Science, Innovation and Technology Introduction to AI Assurance ©2024 — 42

06 Additional resources

Additional resources for Department for Science, Innovation and Technology UK AI Standards Hub: Upcoming Events

those interested
(2023): A pro-innovation approach to AI regulation
UK AI Standards Hub: AI Standards Database

in understanding more Department for Science, Innovation and Technology

(2023): Accreditation and Certification: Six Lessons for Burr, C., & Leslie, D. (2022). Ethical assurance: A
about AI assurance an AI Assurance Profession from Other Domains practical approach to the responsible design,
development, and deployment of data-driven
Department for Science, Innovation and Technology technologies
(2022): Industry Temperature Check: Barriers and
Enablers to AI Assurance National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST):
AI Risk Management Framework
Department for Science, Innovation and Technology
(2023): Portfolio of Assurance Techniques National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC):
Cyber Essentials

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