Ex 7
Ex 7
Ex 7
Exercise 7
Create CrossTabs
Suppose you want to create summary information for the Products. For example, the number of products ordered in a
particular month or the value of inventory shipped for a particular product in a particular month, we use cross tabs to help
us summarize the data as shown in the examples below.
1. Click Queries tab on the Database window and select Create query in Design view
*You will see the sum of Products sold by ProductNo on the Dates of the transaction
Another Option:
If we want to summarize the “Subtotal” instead, we would change the query as follow:
*You will see the sum of the subtotals of Products sold by ProductNo on the Dates of the transaction
NOTE: You can summarize using COUNT, AVG, MIN, MAX for the Totals row.
I. Construct a Cross-Tabulation summary of CustomerID vs ProductNo and the total number of products the
company ordered for that product in the month of January.
Query Exercise
I. List the company, the products and the total number of products the company ordered for that particular product.
II. List the company, the products, the total shipped for that product and the total valuation of all the products
shipped. (Valuation = QtyShip * SellingPrice). In this query, be careful because a product may have been shipped
three times, I only want the sum of all the shipments, not separate shipments information.