Machine Learning Approach For Face Recognition Based Attendance System
Machine Learning Approach For Face Recognition Based Attendance System
Machine Learning Approach For Face Recognition Based Attendance System
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All content following this page was uploaded by Kiran Kumar Kommineni on 13 April 2024.
Abstract: In this project we have implemented the automated attendance system using Python . We have projected our
ideas to implement “Student Attendance System Based on Facial Recognition”, in which it imbibes large applications. The
application includes face identification, which saves time and eliminates chances of proxy attendance because of the face
authorization. Hence, this system can be implemented in a field where attendance plays an important role. Face is the
representation of one’s identity. Hence, we have proposed an automated student attendance system based on face
recognition. Face recognition system is very useful in life applications especially in security control systems. We are living
in a world where everything is automated and linked online. The internet of things, image processing, and machine
learning are evolving day by day. Many systems have been completely changed due to this evolve to achieve more
accurate results. The attendance system is a typical example of this transition, starting from the traditional signature
on a paper sheet to face recognition. This Project proposes a method of developing a comprehensive embedded
class attendance system using facial recognition with showing whether the face of the person is the student for that
specified class or not. The system is based on the machine learning algorithm which is to be implemented on python
language and using computer/laptop camera for the input image of the students or a normal outer camera can also be used
which has to be connected to the system which is programmed to handle the face recognition by implementing the
Local Binary Patterns algorithm LBPs.The average accuracy of recognition is 100 % for good quality images, 94.12 % of
low-quality images and 95.76 % for Yale face database when two images per person are trained.
speed and power are used in face recognition systems. The face recognition problem. Many studies on face recognition
human face is a unique representation of individual were then conducted continuously until today (Ashley
identity. Thus, face recognition is defined as a biometric DuVal, 2012).
method in which identification of an individual is
performed by comparing real-time capture image with 2. LITERATURE SURVEY
stored images in the database of that person (Margaret
Rouse, 2012). To maintain the attendance record with 1)Stress and anxiety detection using facial cues from
day-to-day activities is a challenging task. The videos. AUTHORS:G. Giannakakis, D. Manousos, F.
conventional method of calling name of each student is Chiarugi
time consuming and there is always a chance of proxy This study develops a framework for the detection and
attendance. The following system is based on face analysis of stress/anxiety emotional states through video-
recognition to maintain the attendance record of students. recorded facial cues. A thorough experimental protocol
The daily attendance of students is recorded subject wise was established to induce systematic variability in affective
which is stored already by the administrator. As the time states (neutral, relaxed and stressed/anxious) through a
for corresponding subject arrives the system automatically variety of external and internal stressors. The analysis was
starts taking snaps and then apply face detection and focused mainly on non-voluntary and semi-voluntary facial
recognition technique to the given image and the recognize cues in order to estimate the emotion representation more
students are marked as present and their attendance update objectively. Features under investigation included eye-
with corresponding time and subject id. We have used related events, mouth activity, head motion parameters and
deep learning techniques to develop this system, heart rate estimated through camera-based photo
histogram of oriented gradient method is used to plethysmography. A feature selection procedure was
detect faces in images and deep learning method is used employed to select the most robust features followed by
to compute and compare feature facial of students to classification schemes discriminating between
recognize them. Our system is capable to identify multiple stress/anxiety and neutral states with reference to a relaxed
faces in real time. The main objective of this project is to state in each experimental phase. In addition, a ranking
develop face recognition based automated student transformation was proposed utilizing self reports in order
attendance system. In order to achieve better performance, to investigate the correlation of facial parameters with a
the test images and training images of this proposed participant perceived amount of stress/anxiety. The results
approach are limited to frontal and upright facial images indicated that, specific facial cues, derived from eye
that consist of a single face only. The test images and activity, mouth activity, head movements and camera based
training images have to be captured by using the same heart activity achieve good accuracy and are suitable as
device to ensure no quality difference. In addition, the discriminative indicators of stress and anxiety.
students have to register in the database to be recognized. 2) Attendance System Based on Facial Recognition
The enrolment can be done on the spot through the user- Automated Attendance System Based on Facial
friendly interface.Nowadays, face recognition system is Recognition AUTHORS: S R Dhanush
prevalent due to its simplicity and awesome performance. In this project we have implemented the automated
For instance, airport protection systems and FBI use face attendance system using python . We have projected our
recognition for criminal investigations by tracking ideas to implement “Automated Attendance System Based
suspects, missing children and drug activities (Robert Silk, on Facial Recognition”, in which it imbibes large
2017). Apart from that, Facebook which is a popular social applications. The application includes face identification,
networking website implement face recognition to allow which saves time and eliminates chances of proxy
the users to tag their friends in the photo for entertainment attendance because of the face authorization. Hence, this
purposes (Sidney Fussell, 2018). Furthermore, Intel system can be implemented in a field where attendance
Company allows the users to use face recognition to get plays an important role. I am also adding the link to the
access to their online account (Reichert, C., 2017). Apple code I used for the project since a lot of students have
allows the users to unlock their mobile phone, iPhone X by asked me the codes so far.
using face recognition (deAgonia, M., 2017). The work on 3) Reconstruction of Human Faces from Its Eigenfaces
face recognition began in 1960. Woody Bledsoe, Helen AUTHORS:Subhajit Bhattacharyya
Chan Wolf and Charles Bisson had introduced a system Eigenface or Principal Components Analysis (PCA)
which required the administrator to locate eyes, ears, nose methods have demonstrated their success in face
and mouth from images. The distance and ratios between recognition, detection and tracking. In this paper we have
the located features and the common reference points are used this concept to reconstruct or represent a face as a
then calculated and compared. The studies are further linear combination of a set of basis images. The basis
enhanced by Goldstein, Harmon, and Lesk in 1970 by images are nothing but the eigenfaces. The idea is similar
using other features such as hair colour and lip thickness to to represent a signal in the form of a linear combination of
automate the recognition. In 1988, Kirby and Sirovich first complex sinusoids called the Fourier Series. The main
suggested principle component analysis (PCA) to solve
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