Ansi-C 12 PDF
Ansi-C 12 PDF
Ansi-C 12 PDF
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ANSI C12.1-2008
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ANSI C12.1-2008
ANSI C12.1-2008
ANSI C12.1-2008
A ..................................................................................................................................................... 64
B ..................................................................................................................................................... 74
C..................................................................................................................................................... 93
D..................................................................................................................................................... 95
E ..................................................................................................................................................... 96
F ..................................................................................................................................................... 97
ANSI C12.1-2008
1 Portable and Reference Standards Percent Errors ....................................................................... 14
2 Table of Failures Based on the Number of Metering Devices Tested........................................... 19
3 List of Tests.................................................................................................................................... 20
4 Starting Load Test.......................................................................................................................... 21
5 Load Performance Test ................................................................................................................. 21
6 Effect of Variation of Power Factor for Single-Element Meters ..................................................... 22
7 Effect of Power Factor for Two-Element Meters:........................................................................... 22
8 Effect of Variation of Power Factor for Two-Element Three-Phase Four-Wire Wye Meters ......... 23
9 Effect of Variation of Power Factor for Three-Element Three-Phase Four-Wire Wye Meters .......... 23
10 Effect of Variation of Voltage ......................................................................................................... 24
11 Effect of Variation of Voltage on Solid-State Auxiliary Devices ..................................................... 24
12 Effects of Variation of Frequency................................................................................................... 25
13 Equality of Current Circuits in the Three-Wire Element for Single-Element Meters...................... 25
14 Equality of Current Circuits in the Three-Wire Element for Multi-Element .................................... 26
15 Equality of Current Circuits between Elements for Multi-Element Meters..................................... 26
16 Temperature-Rise Test Specifications........................................................................................... 27
17 Effect of Internal Heating ............................................................................................................... 32
18 Effect of Tilt .................................................................................................................................... 33
19 Test for Independence of Elements in Two-Element Meters......................................................... 35
20 Test for Independence of Elements in Three-Element Meters ...................................................... 36
21 Effect of External Magnetic Field ................................................................................................... 38
22 Effect of Variation of Ambient Temperature................................................................................... 39
23 Effect of Variation of Temperature on Solid-State Auxiliary Devices............................................. 40
24 Effect of Temporary Overloads on Accuracy ................................................................................. 40
25 Effect of Current Surge in Ground Conductor................................................................................ 41
26 Test Modes, Voltage, and Application for Each External Connection Group—Oscillatory
Test ................................................................................................................................................ 44
27 Variable Interval Plan..................................................................................................................... 56
28 Performance Test—Pulse Devices................................................................................................ 60
29 Portable Standard Watthour Meter ................................................................................................. 90
30 Reference Standard Watthour Meters ........................................................................................... 92
1 Dimensions for jumper bars of simulated meter temperature-rise test for single-phase
and polyphase meters (maximum rating 100 A) ............................................................................ 29
2 Dimensions for jumper bars of simulated meter temperature-rise test for single-phase
and polyphase meters (maximum rating 101 – 200 A rating)........................................................ 30
3 Dimensions for jumper bars of simulated meter temperature-rise test for single-phase
and polyphase meters (maximum rating 201 – 320 A rating)........................................................ 31
4 Electrical Fast Transient/Burst Test # 25....................................................................................... 42
5 Electrical Fast Transient/Burst Test # 25....................................................................................... 43
6 Typical test layout for radiated susceptibility—Test 26 and radiated and conducted
emissions—Test 27 ....................................................................................................................... 46
7 Typical wiring detail for self contained meters for radiated susceptibility —Test 26 and
radiated and conducted emissions —Test 27 ............................................................................... 47
8 Typical wiring detail for transformer rated meters for radiated susceptibility —Test 26 and
radiated and conducted emissions —Test 27 ............................................................................... 48
9 Typical GTEM test layout for Radiated Susceptibility Test............................................................ 49
10 Sunlight Interference Test.............................................................................................................. 62
11 Variable Angles Sunlight Interference Test ................................................................................... 63
B.1 Traceability path diagram............................................................................................................... 76
ANSI C12.1-2008
ANSI C12.1-2008
This version of C12.1 has been modified in several areas in an effort to respond to a changing industry
and to improve the clarity of some of the tests. The changes, while not extensive, aim to improve the
consistency of test procedures and improve the quality of the metering products. This standard continues
to form the basic requirement for all kilowatthour metering instruments – both electronic and
electromechanical. Another standard in this series, ANSI C12.20, provides different test tolerances and a
few different tests that are required for higher accuracy metering devices.
Most of the meter specifications have been retained from the previous edition. Comments about the
significant changes follow. To help insure that new electronic equipment is as dependable as possible, an
oscillatory surge withstand test was added. Also, the requirement when retesting a new meter type was
made more restrictive. Minor changes to the temperature rise test were made to make testing more
uniform. Supplementary information was added to the equality of current circuits test, the electrostatic
discharge test, and the relative humidity test to clarify the testing process. For several of the tests specific
details for successful passing criteria have been included. References to external documents were
The Secretariat of the Accredited Standards Committee on Electricity Metering, C12, is held by the National
Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology. At the
time this standard was processed and approved, the C12 Committee had the following members:
ANSI C12.1-2008
The following members of the C12.1 Committee were actively involved in the revision of this standard:
S. Weikel , Chairman
M. Anderson G. Mayfield
N. Balko J. McEvoy
L. Barto H. Millican
B. Cain A. Moise
R. Collins T. Morgan
B. Cook T. Nelson
C. Crittenden D. Nguyen
J. DeMars V. Nguyen
L. Durante D. Nordell
D. Ellis L. Pananen
T. Everidge C. Partridge
C. Gomez A. Rashid
W. Hardy A. Snyder
Bob Hughes D. Tandon
Brent Hughes A. Thompson
B. Kingham J. Thurber
L. Kotewa J. Voisine
T. Lawton S. Weikel
R. Lokys J. West
E. Malemezian
In addition, the following comprised the Editorial Committee for the current Revision of C12.1:
L. Barto
E. Malemezian
P. Orr
A. Snyder
S. Weikel
ANSI C12.1-2008
This Code establishes acceptable performance criteria for new types of ac watthour meters, demand
meters, demand registers, pulse devices, and auxiliary devices. It describes acceptable in-service
performance levels for meters and devices used in revenue metering. It also includes information on related
subjects, such as recommended measurement standards, installation requirements, test methods, and test
schedules. This Code for Electricity Metering is designed as a reference for those concerned with the art of
electricity metering, such as utilities, manufacturers, and regulatory bodies.
1.2 References
The following publications shall be used in conjunction with this standard. When they are superseded by an
approved revision, the revision shall apply:
ASQ Z1.9-2003, Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Variables for Percent Nonconforming
ASTM B117-2003, Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus
ASTM G155 2005, Standard Practice for Operating Xenon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of Non-
Metallic Materials
Code of Federal Regulations (Telecommunication) CFR 47, Part 15—Radio Frequency Devices, Subparts
A—General and B—Unintentional Radiators
Chapter 13 “The Customers’ Premises, Service and Installations”, Handbook for Electricity Metering, 10th
Edition, Washington, D.C.: Edison Electric Institute, 2002
IEEE 1-2000, IEEE Recommended Practice: General Principles for Temperature Limits in the Rating of
Electric Equipment and for the Evaluation of Electrical Insulation
IEEE C37.90.1-2002, IEEE Standard Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Protective Relays and
Relay Systems Associated with Electric Power Apparatus
IEEE C62.41.1-2002, IEEE Guide on the Surge Environment in Low-Voltage (1000 V and less) AC Power
IEC 60068-2-6 (1995), Environmental Testing - Part 2: Tests, Test Fc: Vibration (Sinusoidal)
ANSI C12.1-2008
IEC 60068-2-27 (1987), Environmental Testing, Part 2: Tests, Test Ea and Guidance: Shock.
IEC 61000-4-2 (2001), Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-2: Testing and Measurement
Techniques - Electrostatic Discharge Immunity Test
IEC 61000-4-4 (2004), Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Part 4-4: Testing and Measurement
Techniques - Electrical Fast Transient/Burst Immunity Test
International Safe Transit Association, Test Procedure 1A, Performance Test for Individual Packaged-
Products Weighing 150 lb. (68 kg) or Less, (revision date: 2001) , Vibration and Shock
ANSI C12.1-2008
2 Definitions
The definitions given apply specifically to the subject as treated in this American National Standard. Most
of them are grouped under general terms, such as watthour meter, and all are given numbers for
identification. For additional definitions, see IEEE 100.
2.1 accuracy: The extent to which a given measurement agrees with the defined value.
2.2 alternate disp lay: A display sequence usually containing constants and diagnostic information.
2.3 auxiliary device: An add-on device mounted under the meter cover that adds functionality to the
meter device.
2.4 Blon del's theorem: In a system of N conductors, N-1 meter elements, properly connected, will
measure the active power or energy taken. The connection must be such that all voltage coils have
a common tie to the conductor in which there is no current coil.
2.5 calibration: Comparison of the indication of the instrument under test, or registration of the meter
under test, with an appropriate standard.
2.6 certifi ed meter type: A metering device which is tested and certified to meet the certification
testing as specified in this standard for a specific meter type. It shall include any optional circuit
boards, devices, or modules enclosed within the meter cover as part of this certified meter type.
2.7 coup ling -capacitor voltage transfor mer (CCVT): A voltage transformer comprised of a capacitor
divider and an electromagnetic unit so designed and interconnected that the secondary voltage of
the electromagnetic units is substantially proportional to, and in phase with, the primary voltage
applied to the capacitor divider for all values of secondary burdens within the rating of the coupling-
capacitor voltage transformer.
2.8 class designati on: See watthour meter-class designation (2.94).
2.9 creep: A continuous apparent accumulation of energy in a meter with voltage applied and the load
terminals open circuited.
2.10 custo mer alert: A switching output used to indicate events or conditions.
2.11 demand: The average power or a related quantity over a specified interval of time. Demand is
expressed in kilowatts, kilovolt-amperes, kilovars or other suitable units.
2.12 demand const ant (pulse receiver Kd): The value of the measured quantity for each received
pulse, expressed in kilowatts per pulse, kilovars per pulse, or other suitable units.
2.13 demand interval: The specified interval of time on which a demand measurement is based.
Intervals such as 15, 30, or 60 minutes are commonly specified.
2.14 demand interval deviation: The difference between the measured demand interval and the
specified demand interval, expressed as a percentage of the specified demand interval.
2.15 demand interval – rolli ng (RDI): An interval of time, the beginning which progresses in steps of
sub-intervals and where the interval length is equal to an integer multiple of sub-intervals.
2.16 demand-maximum: The highest demand measured over a selected period of time.
2.17 demand meter: A metering device that indicates or records demand.
2.18 demand meter – block interval (integrating ): A meter that integrates power or a related quantity
over a fixed-time interval, and indicates or records the average.
2.19 demand meter – lagged: A demand meter with an approximately exponential response.
ANSI C12.1-2008
2.20 demand meter (lagged) – time characteristic : The nominal time required for 90% of the final
indication, with constant load suddenly applied.
NOTE—The time characteristic of demand meters (lagged) describes the exponential response of the meter to
the applied load. The response is continuous and independent of the selected discrete time intervals.
2.21 demand register: A device for use with an electricity meter, that indicates and/or records demand.
2.22 demand register – bloc k interval: A demand register that indicates and/or records the maximum
demand obtained by arithmetically averaging the meter registration over a regularly repeated time
2.23 demand register – conti nuou s cumul ative: The sum of all previous billing period maximum
demands and the highest demand to date for the present billing period.
2.24 demand register – cumul ative: A register that indicates the sum of the previous maximum
demand readings prior to reset.
NOTE—When reset, the present reading is added to the previously accumulated readings. The maximum
demand for the present reading period is the difference between the present and previous readings.
2.25 demand register – indi cating singl e-pointer form: An indicating demand register from which the
demand is obtained by reading the position of a pointer relative to the markings on a scale.
NOTE—When reset, the single pointer returns to zero.
2.26 demand register – dual range (single poin ter form): An indicating demand register having an
arrangement for changing the full-scale capacity from one value to another, usually by reversing the
scale plate.
NOTE—For example, Scale Class 1/2; Scale Class 2/6. An interlock assures proper scale and scale-class
2.27 demand register – full -scale value: The maximum scale capacity of the register. If a multiplier
exists, the full-scale value will be the product of the maximum scale marking and the multiplying
2.28 demand register – scale class: Denotes, with respect to single-pointer form, dual-range single-
pointer form, or cumulative-form demand registers, the relationship between the full-scale value of
the register and the test kVA rating of the meter with which the register is used.
2.29 display: A means of visually identifying and presenting measured or calculated quantities and other
2.30 electricity meter: A device that measures and registers the integral of an electrical quantity with
respect to time.
2.31 element: An element is the combination of signal sensing units, resulting in an output proportional
to the measured quantities.
1 For example, if one input signal is voltage and the other input signal is current, then the output is power
2 The term element is also referred to as stator.
3 Electricity meters normally include 1, 1-1/2, 2, 2-1/2, or 3 elements.
4 The 2-1/2 element meter refers to 2 stator 4-wire wye meter as described in section A.2.7.2.
5 The three wire element is a single element using the sum of two current circuits and one potential circuit.
2.32 electronic stor age register: An electronic circuit where data is stored for display and/or retrieval.
2.33 end-of-interval indi cator (EOI): An indicator for the end of the demand interval for non-
rolling(block)-interval demand, or the end of the sub-interval for rolling-interval demand.
2.34 energy: The integral of active power with respect to time.
ANSI C12.1-2008
2.35 energy flow : Energy flow from line to load terminals shall be considered as energy delivered to the
load terminals of the meter. Energy in the opposite direction, i.e., from load to line terminals, shall be
considered as received. The line and load terminals are as specified in the Handbook for Electricity
Metering, (Chapter 13).
2.36 firmware: A control program stored in non-volatile memory and considered to be an integral part of
an electronic device.
2.37 homo geneous meter grou p: A lot or population of meters from which a random sample is selected
that, as far as is practicable, consists of meters of the same basic type or model designation, have
the same general construction, produced by the same manufacturer, and have the same
relationship of parts.
2.38 interface: The means for transmitting information between the meter or register and peripheral
2.39 laborator y - meter: A laboratory responsible for maintaining reference standards and assigning
values to the working standards used for the testing of electricity meters and auxiliary devices.
2.40 laborator y – independent standards: A standards laboratory maintained by, and responsible to, a
company or authority that is not under the same administrative control as the laboratories or
companies submitting instruments for calibration.
2.41 metering devices: Equipment used in energy revenue metering; such as watthour meters, demand
meters, demand and TOU registers and various forms of pulse initiating, receiving and totalizing
2.42 normal mode: The operating mode of the register usually displaying the billing data.
2.43 phase-shiftin g transfo rmer: An assembly of one or more transformers intended to be connected
to a polyphase circuit so as to provide voltages in the proper phase relations for energizing
varmeters, varhour meters, or other measurement equipment. This type of transformer is
sometimes referred to as a phasing transformer.
2.44 phasor: A complex number, associated with sinusoidally varying electrical quantities, such that the
absolute value (modulus) of the complex number corresponds to either the peak amplitude or rms
value of the quantity, and the phase (argument) to the phase angle at zero time. By extension, the
term "phasor" can also be applied to impedance and related complex quantities that are not time-
2.45 pow er – active: The time average of the instantaneous power over one period of the wave.
NOTE—For sinusoidal quantities in a two-wire circuit, it is the product of the voltage, the current, and the cosine
of the phase angle between them. For nonsinusoidal quantities, it is the sum of all the harmonic components,
each determined as above. In a polyphase circuit, it is the sum of the active powers of the individual phases.
2.46 pow er – apparent: The product of rms current and rms voltage for any wave form in a two-wire
circuit. For sinusoidal quantities, apparent power is equal to the square root of the sum of the
squares of the active and reactive powers in both two-wire and polyphase circuits.
2.47 pow er – reactive: For sinusoidal quantities in a two-wire circuit, reactive power is the product of the
voltage, the current, and the sine of the phase angle between them, using the current as reference.
2.48 pow er factor: The ratio of active power to the apparent power.
2.49 precision: The repeatability of measurement data, customarily expressed in terms of standard
2.50 pulse: A change of state of an electrical signal that conveys an event or information.
NOTE—A sudden change of voltage or current produced, for example, by the closing or opening of a contact.
2.51 pulse amplifi er or relay: A device used to change the amplitude or waveform of a pulse for
retransmission to another pulse device.
ANSI C12.1-2008
2.52 puls e capacity: The number of pulses per demand interval that a pulse receiver can accept and
register without loss.
2.53 puls e device (for electricit y metering): The functional unit for initiating, transmitting,
retransmitting, or receiving electric pulses, representing finite quantities, such as energy, normally
transmitted from some form of electricity meter to a receiver unit.
2.54 puls e init iator: Any device, mechanical or electrical, used with a meter to initiate pulses, the
number of which are proportional to the quantity being measured. It may include an external
amplifier or auxiliary relay or both.
2.55 puls e-initiator outp ut const ant (Ke or KWHC): The value of the measured quantity for each
outgoing pulse of a pulse initiator, expressed in kilowatt hours per pulse, kilovarhours per pulse, or
other suitable units.
2.56 puls e-initiator outp ut ratio (R/P or Mp): The number of revolutions of the meter rotor per output
pulse of the pulse initiator.
2.57 pulse rate – maximum: The number of pulses per second at which a pulse device is nominally
2.58 pulse receiver: The unit that receives and registers the pulses.
2.59 puls e recorder: A device that receives and records pulses over successive demand intervals.
2.60 puls e-recorder channel: One individual input, output, and intervening circuitry required to record
pulse data.
2.61 Q-hour meter: An electricity meter that measures the quantity obtained by effectively lagging the
applied voltage to a watthour meter by 60 degrees. This quantity is used with watthours in
calculating quadergy (varhours).
2.62 quadergy: The integral of reactive power with respect to time.
2.63 shop – meter: A place where meters are inspected, repaired, tested, and adjusted.
2.64 simul ated meter: A meter cover, base, and jumper bars constructed to represent the thermal
characteristics of a specific class of watthour meter to be used in the testing of a meter socket and
in determining the empirical temperature rise of the test meter for temperature rise at continuous
ampere rating.
2.65 standards – national: Standard electrical quantities that are maintained by the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST).
2.66 standard wattho ur meter – basic current range: The current range of a multirange standard
watthour meter designated by the manufacturer for its calibration (normally the 5 A range).
2.67 standard watth our meter – basic voltage range: The voltage range of a multirange standard
watthour meter designated by the manufacturer for its calibration (normally the 120 V range).
2.68 standard wattho ur meter – rated current: The nameplate current for each range of a standard
watthour meter.
NOTE—The main adjustment of the meter is ordinarily made with rated current on the basic current range.
2.69 standard wattho ur meter – rated voltage: The nameplate voltage for a meter or for each range of
a standard watthour meter.
NOTE—The main adjustment of the standard meter is ordinarily made with rated voltage on the basic voltage
2.70 test – acceptan ce: A test to demonstrate the degree of compliance of a device with the purchaser's
ANSI C12.1-2008
2.71 test accuracy – in-service: A test made during the period that the meter is in service. It may be
made on the customer's premises without removing the meter from its mounting, or by removing the
meter for test either on the premises or in a laboratory or meter shop.
2.72 test – accur acy – referee: A test made by or in the presence of one or more representatives of a
regulatory body or other impartial agency.
2.73 test – accuracy – request: A test made at the request of a customer.
2.74 test amperes (TA): The load current specified by the manufacturer for the main calibration
2.75 test – approval: A test of one or more meters or other items under various controlled conditions to
ascertain the compliance of the type of which they are a sample with the appropriate standard.
2.76 test mode: A separately activated sequence that saves billing data while displaying test data. It
reactivates the billing data to the register when the normal mode is resumed.
2.77 timebase prim ary: A timing system established from the frequency of the power line or other
reference source.
2.78 timebase secondary: A timing system established from an alternate source when the primary
source is not available.
2.79 time-of-use register: That portion of a watthour meter that, for selected periods of time,
accumulates and may display amounts of electric energy, demand, or other quantities measured or
2.80 time-of-use register – period : A selected period of time during which a specified rate will apply to
the energy usage or demand, typically designated as A, B, C, and D.
2.81 time-of-use register – swi tch point : The transition from one time-of-use period to another.
2.82 total harmoni c disto rtion (THD): The ratio of the root-mean-square of the harmonic content
(excluding the fundamental) to the root-mean-square value of the fundamental quantity, expressed
as a percentage.
2.83 totalizing: A device used to receive and sum pulses from two or more sources for proportional
transmission to another totalizing relay or to a receiver.
2.84 transducer: A device to receive energy from one system and supply energy (of either the same or
of a different kind) to another system, in such a manner that the desired characteristics of the
energy input appear at the output.
2.85 transfo rmer-loss compens ation: A method that adds to or subtracts from the meter registration to
compensate for predetermined iron and/or copper losses of transformers and transmission lines.
2.86 varhour meter: An electricity meter that measures and registers the integral, with respect to time, of
the reactive power of the circuit in which it is connected. The unit in which this integral is measured
is usually the kilovarhour.
2.87 varhour test const ant: The expression of the relation between the reactive energy applied to the
meter and corresponding value of the test output.
NOTE—For electromechanical meters, one test output equals one disk revolution.
2.88 voltage-wit hstand tests: Tests made to determine the ability of insulating materials and spacings
to withstand specified overvoltages for a specified time without flashover or puncture.
2.89 watth our meter: An electricity meter that measures and registers the integral, with respect to time,
of the active power of the circuit in which it is connected. The unit in which this integral is measured
is usually the kilowatthour.
2.90 watth our meter – bott om-connected: A meter having a bottom-connected terminal assembly.
ANSI C12.1-2008
2.91 wattho ur meter – calibratio n: Adjustment to bring the percentage registration of the meter to
within specified limits.
2.92 watth our meter – basic reference standards: Those standards with which the value of the
watthour is maintained in the laboratory.
2.93 wattho ur meter – class designatio n: The maximum specified continuous load in amperes.
2.94 watth our meter – detachable (socket moun ted): A meter having bayonet-type (blade) terminals
arranged on the back side of the meter for insertion into matching jaws of a meter socket (or
detachable meter-mounting device).
2.95 watth our meter – field standard: A portable meter that is used as a standard meter to calibrate
the utility's billing meters and is traceable to NIST. This meter is also known as a portable standard
or working standard.
2.96 wattho ur meter – form designatio n: An alphanumeric designation denoting the circuit
arrangement for which the meter is applicable and its specific terminal arrangement. The same
designation is applicable to equivalent meters of all manufacturers.
2.97 wattho ur meter – full load: Full load is a test condition using test amps, rated voltage and unity
power factor.
2.98 watth our meter – gear ratio (Rg): The number of revolutions of the meter’s rotor for one revolution
of the first dial pointer.
2.99 watth our meter – indu ction : A motor-type meter in which currents induced in the rotor interact with
magnetic fields to produce the driving torque.
2.100 wattho ur meter – ligh t load: Light load is a test condition using rated voltage, 10% of test amps
and unity power factor.
2.101 wattho ur meter – load range: The maximum range in amperes over which the meter is designed
to operate continuously with a specified accuracy.
2.102 wattho ur meter – multi stator: A watthour meter containing more than one stator.
2.103 wattho ur meter – percentage error: The difference between percentage registration and 100%.
NOTE—A meter whose percentage registration is 95% is said to be 5% slow, or its error is (-) 5%.
2.104 watth our meter – percentage registrati on: The ratio of the actual registration of the meter to the
true value of the quantity measured in a given time, expressed as a percentage.
2.105 watth our meter – reference perform ance: test, used as a basis for comparison with
performances under other conditions of the test.
2.106 watth our meter – register: A device for use with an electricity meter that indicates or records units
of electric energy or other quantity measured.
2.107 watth our meter – register constant (Kr ): The multiplier used to convert the register reading to
kilowatthours (or other suitable units).
NOTE—This constant takes into consideration the watthour constant, gear ratio, and instrument transformer
2.108 watth our meter – register ratio (Rr ): The number of revolutions of the first gear of the register for
one revolution of the first dial pointer.
2.109 wattho ur meter – registr ation: The amount of electric energy (or other quantity being measured)
that was recorded by the meter.
NOTE—It is equal to the product of the register reading and the register constant. The registration during a
given period is equal to the product of the register constant and the difference between the register readings at
the beginning and the end of the period.
ANSI C12.1-2008
2.110 watth our meter – rotor: That part of an induction meter that is directly driven by electromagnetic
2.111 watth our meter – self cont ained: A meter in which the terminals are arranged for connection to
the circuit being measured without using external instrument transformers.
2.112 watth our meter – sing le stator: A meter containing only one stator.
2.113 watth our meter – stator: An assembly of an induction watthour meter, which consists of a voltage
circuit, one or more current circuits, so arranged that their joint effect, when energized, is to exert a
driving torque on the rotor.
2.114 watth our meter – transpor t standard: Standard meters of the same or better level of uncertainty
as the basic reference standard meters that are used for transferring the value of the watthour
between standards.
2.115 watth our meter – test const ant (Kt): The expression of the relationship between the energy
applied to the meter and the corresponding occurrence of one test output indication expressed as
watthours per test output indication.
2.116 watth our meter const ant (Kh ): The expression of the relationship between the energy applied to
the meter and one disk revolution or equivalent, expressed as watthours per revolution or watthours
per equivalent revolution.
ANSI C12.1-2008
3.1 Scope
To outline an appropriate chain of intermediate steps between the national standards and watthour meters.
The duties of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (formerly named the National
Bureau of Standards), U.S. Department of Commerce, include the following functions assigned by Public
Law 619 of the 81 Congress (63 Stat 371, 5USC 271-286): "The custody, maintenance, and development
of the national standards of measurements, and the provision of means and methods for making
measurements consistent with these standards." In addition, Public Law 617 (Section 12) of the 81st
Congress (Title 15, USCA Sec 223, 223) reads as follows: "It shall be the duty of the National Bureau of
Standards to establish the values of the primary electric units in absolute measure, and the legal values for
these units shall be those represented by, or derived from, national reference standards maintained by the
National Bureau of Standards."
It is the responsibility of the utility to establish and maintain the traceability of the watthour standard to the
national standard either directly or indirectly. This traceability plan shall document the relationship between
the billing meter and the national standard. Described below are some common methods for establishing
this traceability.
ANSI C12.1-2008
Independent Lab
Field/Working/Portable Standard
Customers Meter
It may be equipped and staffed to make calibration tests at some or all of the sequential steps intermediate
between the national standards of resistance, EMF, and time interval, and a local reference standard of
energy measurement (such as a group of watthour meters).
ANSI C12.1-2008
The meter shop is concerned with the routine testing, repair, and calibration of electricity meters and the
auxiliary devices and equipment essential to the metering of electric energy and power.
Laboratory standards are those standard meters that are used to verify the accuracy of working standards.
The standards in the laboratory are the basic reference standards and the transport standards.
Watthour meters used as reference standards to maintain the unit of energy shall be intercompared at
appropriate intervals.
Portable/field/working standards are commonly used interchangeably. These standard watthour meters are
in constant use and accuracy should be verified at least annually.
Historical records should be kept of the performance of each standard. Where this record shows excessive
variation between tests, the standard should then be subjected to special investigation to determine the
ANSI C12.1-2008
cause of the variation. If the cause cannot be determined and corrected, use of the standard shall be
3.10.2 Accur acy tests for port able and reference standards Insulation
The insulation between current-carrying parts of separate circuits and between current-carrying parts and
other metallic parts shall be capable of withstanding the application of a sinusoidal voltage of 2.3 kV rms, 60
Hz for 1 minute with the leakage current not to exceed 0.005 A per circuit. Accuracy specificatio n for the effect of variation of voltage and current Reference con dit ion s
Voltage 120V
Current 5.0 A
Frequency 60 Hz
Power Factor Unity and 0.5 Lagging
Temperature 23 C
ANSI C12.1-2008
Percent Error
@ 1.00 PF @ 0.5 PF
Portable Standard 0.1% 0.2%
Reference Standard 0.05% 0.1%
ANSI C12.1-2008
4.1 General
ANSI C12.1-2008
4.3.1 Sealing
Metering devices shall be provided with facilities for sealing to detect unauthorized entry.
4.3.2 Enclosures
The enclosure, if intended for indoor application, shall meet the performance specifications described in
NEMA 250, for Type 2 enclosures.
The enclosure, if intended for outdoor application, shall meet the performance specifications described in
NEMA 250, for Type 3R enclosures.
ANSI C12.1-2008
4.5.2 Configuration
Metering devices shall be complete assemblies.
ANSI C12.1-2008
4.6.1 Tolerances
Due to possible errors in observations and in the test equipment employed, a tolerance should be applied to
the specified limits of percent deviation for any test condition involving a determination of the accuracy of the
metering device. A metering device shall be considered to be within the allowable limits if the measured
deviation does not exceed the specified maximum deviation from reference performance by 0.1% or by one
tenth of the maximum deviation, whichever is greater. The above reference points shall be as close as
practical to zero error and in no case shall exceed 0.5% error. Failure
A test metering device shall be designated as failed if any of the following events occur during or after any
certification test: Failure of the metering device to perform all functions as specified in a valid test procedure
( – and – The metering device has signs of physical damage as a result of a test procedure. The metering device fails to remain within accuracy limits of a valid test procedure, either as
defined by the test procedure, or as the result of the Accuracy Performance Check as defined in 4.7.3. Meter Type Certifi catio n Rejectio n Criter ia
The meter type certification will be rejected if any of the following events occur: The metering devices fail the certification tests as specified in Table 2 below:
ANSI C12.1-2008
TESTED 0 1 2 3 or mor e
4 F A IL
9 or more
Examples The following examples explain how to apply Table 2. Also, reference to “the series tests“ in this
paragraph means tests required to be performed in the series manner as specified in Section 4.1.6., and
reference to “the parallel tests“ means testing is not required to be performed in any particular sequence
(either series or parallel).
Example 1: If 3 metering devices are selected for the series testing and one failure occurs in any test
procedure, the meter type certification will be rejected and the entire eight series tests will be started over
from the beginning.
Example 2: If 9 metering devices are selected for the series tests and the first, second, and third failures
occur separately in three different tests or test procedures, the meter type certification will be rejected.
These failures described here mean that a failure of the first metering device during one test procedure, a
failure of a second metering device during another test procedure, and a failure of a third metering device
during another test procedure different from the tests that the first two metering devices have failed
previously. Once such failures occur, the entire eight series tests will be started over from the beginning.
However, if 3 metering devices are selected for a parallel test performed concurrently with the 9 metering
devices selected for the series tests, the rejection criteria for the 3 metering devices tested in a parallel test
shall not apply to the 9 metering devices tested in series, or vice versa. In addition, if a group of metering
devices tested in a parallel test(s) fails according to the rejection criteria, only the particular failed test(s)
needs to be repeated. The failure of two or more metering devices during the same test or test procedure.
Unless otherwise specified, all tests shall be made with the metering device under test mounted in a
conventional manner on a suitably rated meter mounting device (example, socket or load box), free from
vibration. All alternating current tests shall be conducted on a circuit supplied by a sine-wave source with
a distortion factor not greater than 3%. Where the metering device has more than one voltage and current
circuit, it shall be tested with the voltage circuits effectively in parallel and the appropriate current circuit(s)
energized effectively in series, unless otherwise specified. For metering devices with auxiliary devices
ANSI C12.1-2008
powered line-to-line, the metering device shall be tested with the voltage and current circuits individually
energized to power the auxiliary device as it would be in normal operation.
o o
All tests shall be made at 23 C 5 C, rated voltage 3%, rated frequency 1 Hz, test amperes 3%,
and unity power factor 2 , unless otherwise indicated in specific tests. The metering device shall be
stabilized at ambient temperature before performance tests are made. A list of all the required tests is shown
in Table 3.
Tests ( )
Descriptions Of Certification Tests ANSI C12.1
Performed In Series
No Load Test #1
Starting Load Test #2
Load Performance Test #3
Effect of Variation of Power Factor Test #4
Effect of Variation of Voltage Test #5 or 5a
Effect of Variation of Frequency Test #6
Equality of Current Circuits Test #7
Internal Meter Losses Test #8
Temperature Rise Test #9
Effect of Register Friction Test #10
Effect of Internal Heating Test #11
Effect of Tilt Test #12
Stability of Performance Test #13
Independence of Elements Test #14
Insulation Test #15
Voltage Interruptions Test #16
Effect of High Voltage Line Surges Test #17
Effect of External Magnetic Field Test #18
Effect of Variation of Ambient Temperature Test #19 or
Effect of Temporary Overloads Test #20
Effect of Current Surges in Ground Conductors Test #21
Effect of Superimposed Signals Test #22
Effect of Voltage Variation-secondary Time Base Test #23
Effect of Variation of Amb. Temp.-second. Time Base Test #24
Effect of electrical Fast Transient/Burst Test #25
Effect of electrical oscillatory SWC test Test #25a
Effect of Radio Frequency Interference Test #26
Radio Frequency Conducted and Radiated Emission Test #27
Effect of Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Test #28
Effect of Storage Temperature Test #29
Effect of Operating Temperature Test #30
Effect of Relative Humidity Test #31
Mechanical Shock Test #32
Transportation Drop Test #33
Mechanical Vibration Test #34
Transportation Vibration Test #35
Weather Simulation Test #36
Salt-spray Test #37
Raintightness Test #38
ANSI C12.1-2008
ANSI C12.1-2008 Two-element network meters, two -element three-phase three-wire meters, two -element
three-phase four-wire delta meters, and tw o-element tw o-phase five-wire meters
The effect of variation of power factor upon the performance of the metering device shall not exceed the
maximum deviation specified in Table 7.
ANSI C12.1-2008
ANSI C12.1-2008 Test No. 5a: Effect of variation of vol tage on the so lid-state auxiliary device
A solid-state auxiliary device can be tested for accuracy of the auxiliary device and its input pulse initiator,
using electromechanical watthour meter disk revolutions as the input source for Test 5a. For testing the
accuracy of the solid-state auxiliary device only, an auxiliary input pulse source may be used, bypassing the
input pulse initiator. A minimum count of 1000 for the measured quantity is required to establish the test
accuracy. The test recognizes the ambiguity of ± 1 least significant digit. This test shall be made with the
solid-state auxiliary device and meter combination energized with rated voltage and rated frequency, at an
ambient temperature of 23 C ± 5 C.
The accuracy of the measured quantities shall not differ from the input source by an amount exceeding that
specified in Table 11.
ANSI C12.1-2008
Table 13 – Equality of Current Circui ts in the Three-Wire Element for Single-Element Meters Multi-element metering device - Equality of cu rrent circu its in th e three-wir e element
In a multi-element, polyphase-metering device, with a three-wire element, the change in performance
produced by using only one current circuit of the three-wire element, as compared with the performance
when both current circuits of the three-wire element are used, shall not exceed the maximum deviation
specified in Table 14. These tests shall be made on each element separately with no current flowing in the
current circuits of the remaining element(s) but with the voltage circuits of all elements energized effectively
in parallel.
ANSI C12.1-2008 Multi-element metering device – Equality of current circu its betw een elements
In a multi-element, polyphase metering device, the change in performance produced by using only one
current circuit, as compared with the performance when all current circuits are used, shall not exceed the
maximum deviation specified in Table 15. These tests shall be made with the voltage circuits of all elements
energized effectively in parallel.
The current circuits that are not common to both elements of a two-element, three-phase, four-wire wye
metering device shall be loaded with twice the test current specified.
If the metering device has any three-wire elements, they shall be connected in series and treated as one
Table 15 – Equality o f Current Circu its betw een Elements fo r Multi-Element Meters
ANSI C12.1-2008 Test o n c lass 10, 20, 100, 200, and 320 meters
The temperature-rise test shall be made by means of temperature detectors in intimate contact with the
metal of the current circuit and located at its approximate center.
In the case of metering devices provided with terminal compartments (type "A"), the test shall be conducted
under the test conditions specified in until the current-circuit temperatures have stabilized. The
temperature rise shall be considered the difference in degrees Celsius between the stabilized temperature
and ambient (room) temperature.
For detachable metering devices (type "S") Class 100, 200, and 320, the test installation shall be
standardized using a simulated meter as specified in figures 1, 2, and 3. The simulated meter shall have the
same cover and number of current jumper bars as current circuits in the metering device to be tested.
Where the use of “the same cover” of the metering device precludes respecting the height dimension of the
mechanical profile of the simulated meter jumper bars as shown in Figure 1 - Figure 3, the test may be
performed with the minimal amount of bending of the jumper bars necessary to eliminate contact between
the simulated meter jumper bars and the metering device cover, as well as between the simulated meter
jumper bars themselves. A temperature-rise test shall be conducted on the simulated meter by applying the
test current to all jumper bars in series until the temperature as indicated by the temperature detector has
stabilized. This temperature shall then be recorded and the simulated metering device replaced by the
metering device to be tested. When the temperatures of the metering device current circuits have stabilized,
ANSI C12.1-2008
the temperatures shall be measured and the empirical temperature-rise values of the meter device current
circuits shall be calculated as follows:
m = Measured final temperature rise of current circuit of metering device under test
s = Measured final temperature rise of current circuit of simulated meter jumper bar for the same
current phase
T 251 ( 1) for aluminum windings
T = temperature rise in degrees Celsius
Rh = hot resistance
Rc = cold resistance
To determine the temperature rise at the time of de-energization, the temperature rise corresponding to the
resistance values for each current circuit shall be plotted against time. The graph shall be extrapolated to the
time of de-energization.
ANSI C12.1-2008
ANSI C12.1-2008
Figure 2 – Dimensions for ju mper bars of sim ulated meter temperature-rise test for
singl e-phase and po lyphase meters (maximum rating 101 – 200 A rating )
ANSI C12.1-2008
Figure 3 – Dimensions for ju mper bars of sim ulated meter temperature-rise test for
singl e-phase and po lyphase meters (maximum rating 201 – 320 A rating )
ANSI C12.1-2008
ANSI C12.1-2008
ANSI C12.1-2008
For test conditions (7) through (12) in Table 19, a current shall be applied to Element B. The currents in
Element A and Element B shall be equal in magnitude, and each shall be substantially in phase with the
voltage applied to the respective element. For these test conditions, both the voltage circuit and the current
circuit of Element B shall be connected as follows:
Reference performance — Phase 1 direct
Conditions (7) and (8) — Phase 1 reversed
Conditions (9) and (10) — Phase 2 direct
Conditions (11) and (12) — Phase 2 reversed
For a two-element three-phase four-wire wye metering device, the current circuit common to both elements
shall not be connected. The currents used shall be twice the values indicated in Table 19. The circuits of any
three-wire element shall be connected in series and shall be tested as one circuit.
The difference between the performance of the metering device under the test conditions specified and the
applicable reference performance shall not exceed the maximum deviation in Table 19.
ANSI C12.1-2008
For test conditions (5) through (8) in Table 20 current shall be applied to the current circuits of Element B
and Element C.
These currents shall be equal in magnitude with the current applied to Element A, and each shall be
substantially in phase with the voltage applied to the respective element. For these test conditions, both the
voltage and current circuits of Element B and, similarly, the voltage and current circuits of Element C shall be
connected as follows:
Reference performance — Both Element B and Element C, Phase 1 direct
Conditions (5) and (6) — Element B, Phase 2 direct; Element C, Phase 3 direct
Conditions (7) and (8) — Element B, Phase 3 direct; Element C, Phase 2 direct
The difference between the performance of the metering device under the test conditions specified and the
applicable reference performance shall not exceed the maximum deviation in Table 20.
ANSI C12.1-2008
The requirement to perform an Accuracy Performance Check before and after each individual test
procedure may be relaxed for the following group of test procedures: Mechanical Shock, Transportation
Drop, Mechanical Vibration, and Transportation Vibration. An Accuracy Performance Check shall be
required before and after this entire group of tests is performed.
ANSI C12.1-2008
The standard 0.5 µs – 100 kHz Ring Wave applied to the metering device, shall be for Location Category
B, as described in IEEE C62.41.2-2002, Table 2. 1.2/50 mic ros econd – 8/20 micr oseco nd Combi natio n Wave
This test subjects the AC power input of the metering device to a 1.2/50 µs – 8/20 µs combination wave
with a peak voltage of 6 kV and peak current of 3 kA.
The standard 1.2/50 µs – 8/20 µs combination wave applied to the metering device shall be for Location
Category B, as described in IEEE C62.41.2-2002, Table 3.
ANSI C12.1-2008
– Condition (2). Directly behind the center-line of the metering device in a vertical position. The
middle of the conductor shall be 10 inches (254 mm) directly behind the center and on a level
with the center of the metering device. The loop shall be in a vertical plane perpendicular to the
test board.
– Condition (3). Vertically at the same distance in front of the test board as the center of the
metering device. The middle of the conductor shall be on the same level with the center of the
metering device and 10 inches (254 mm) to the right or left. The loop shall be in a vertical plane
parallel to the test board.
For conditions (1) through (3), the change produced in the performance of a metering device by application
of a 100 ampere-turn external magnetic field shall not exceed the maximum deviation specified in Table 21.
Available nominal voltage and current can be used for the duration of this test except when the metering
device is undergoing the specified accuracy test.
– Conditions (7) through (12). Repeat conditions (1) through (6), respectively, except that
metering devices shall be placed in a space having a temperature of -20 C 5 C. The effect of
variation of temperature upon the performance of the metering devices shall not exceed the
maximum deviation specified in Table 22. Available nominal voltage and current can be used
for the duration of this test except when the metering device is undergoing the specified
accuracy test.
ANSI C12.1-2008
The time, program and register reading requirement of 4.7.3 shall not apply.
o o
Condition (2) 2.5 2.5 15 30 50 1.0 50 C 5 C 1.0
o o
Condition (3) 5 10 50 100 150 1.0 50 C 5 C 1.0
o o
Condition (4) 0.5 0.5 3 6 10 0.5 lag 50 C 5 C 3.0
o o
Condition (5) 2.5 2.5 15 30 50 0.5 lag 50 C 5 C 2.0
o o
Condition (6) 5 10 50 100 150 0.5 lag 50 C 5 C 2.0
o o
Condition (7) 0.25 0.25 1.5 3 5 1.0 -20 C 5 C 3.0
o o
Condition (8) 2.5 2.5 15 30 50 1.0 -20 C 5 C 2.0
o o
Condition (9) 5 10 50 100 150 1.0 -20 C 5 C 2.0
o o
Condition (10) 0.5 0.5 3 6 10 0.5 lag -20 C 5 C 4.0
o o
Condition (11) 2.5 2.5 15 30 50 0.5 lag -20 C 5 C 3.0
o o
Condition (12) 5 10 50 100 150 0.5 lag -20 C 5 C 3.0
* When the actual temperature difference between two tests differs from the nominal temperature difference
specified for the two tests, the deviation shall be adjusted proportionally.
ANSI C12.1-2008 Test No. 19a: Effect of variation of ambient temperature on the solid-state auxili ary
A solid-state auxiliary device can be tested for accuracy of the auxiliary device and its input pulse initiator,
using electromechanical watthour meter disk revolutions as the input source for Test 19a. For testing the
accuracy of the solid-state auxiliary device only, an auxiliary input pulse source may be used, bypassing the
input pulse initiator. A minimum count of 1000 for the measured quantity is required to establish the test
accuracy. The test recognizes the ambiguity of ±1 least significant digit.
This test shall be made with the solid-state auxiliary device and meter combination energized with rated
voltage and rated frequency. The auxiliary device, while energized, shall be exposed to each specific test
temperature for at least two hours prior to the test. The accuracy of the measured quantities shall not differ
from the input source by an amount exceeding that specified in Table 23.
ANSI C12.1-2008
To meet the mechanical structure requirement of this test, the metering device shall meet the constraint
To meet the insulation requirement of this test, the metering device shall pass Test No. 15, Insulation,
immediately following the completion of this test. The application of Test No. 15 in this manner shall not
excuse the metering device from the application of this test in the series test sequence. Test No. 24: Effect of variation of ambi ent temperature-secondary time base
This test shall be conducted with the metering device in the battery carryover mode. The accuracy of the
secondary time shall be within 0.02% (2 minutes per week) at ambient temperatures of -30 C 5 C and
70 C 5 C. The metering device shall be exposed to each specified temperature for not less than 2 hours
prior to testing.
ANSI C12.1-2008
This test shall be conducted on all metering devices containing solid-state components excluding LED
voltage indicators. This test may be omitted for electromechanical meters and registers.
1.0 METE R 0.05
1.0 MET ER 0.05 0.1 METER
ANSI C12.1-2008 Test No. 25a: Effect of electr ical osci llato ry SWC test
The metering device shall meet the Electrical Oscillatory SWC Test requirements of IEEE 37.90.1. This
test subjects the power inputs and the I/O circuits of the metering device to repetitive bursts damped
oscillatory waves with an initial crest of 2.5 kV for a duration of 2 minutes.
The test shall be conducted utilizing the test equipment configurations and test conditions specified in
IEEE C37.90.1. The application points shall be Current, Voltage, Power supply, Input circuit, output, Data
communications and Signal circuit as defined in ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1-2002, and be per Table 26 below.
In addition to the definitions of these terms in ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1-2002, “Data communications” and
“Signal circuit” shall be defined for a metering device as follows:
Data communications shall include: TIP and Ring on an output from a Modem, any RS232/485
lines, plus any other communications type output/inputs. The application of the waveform would
be capacitively coupled to the lines. These lines shall not be considered as “Input circuit” or
“Output”, requiring a direct application to the ports.
Signal circuit shall include: KYZ outputs, KYZ inputs, customer alert lines, EOI outputs, EOI
inputs, plus others. The application of the waveform would be capacitively coupled to the lines.
These lines shall not be considered as “Input circuit” or “Output”, requiring a direct application to
the ports.
ANSI C12.1-2008
Table 26 – Test Modes, Voltage, and Appl ication for Each External Connection
Group—Oscillatory Test
Ap pl ic ati o
Test modes test Voltage
External n
to be applied
connection group
Common Transverse
This test shall be conducted on all metering devices containing solid-state components excluding LED
voltage indicators. This test may be omitted for electromechanical meters and registers.
ANSI C12.1-2008
to allow both horizontal and vertical irradiation of the front, left side, right side, top, and bottom of the test
Below 1 GHz, the signal shall be 90% amplitude modulated with a 1.0 kHz sine wave. A continuous wave
signal is used above 1 GHz. Beginning at 200 kHz, the scan rate will double the frequency no faster than
every 200 seconds (.005 octaves/second) through 10 GHz.
One test sample is used to determine the orientation which provides the greatest sensitivity.
With a field strength set to 15 +/- 5 V/m, test the test samples over a frequency range in the most sensitive
In each orientation above, the fixture shall place the test sample in a test volume in which the field strength
remains within acceptable test limits.
When using GTEM testing, power and I/O leads should be only as long as needed to make connection from
the GTEM shielded I/O connectors to the test sample. Leads shall not exceed 5 meters in length. Excess
leads shall be coiled in a 0.4 meter diameter coil and supported 0.02 to 0.1 meter off the floor and other
metal surfaces of the GTEM. Test No. 27: Radio frequency conducted and radiated emission test
The metering device shall conform to all applicable requirements of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
47, Part 15—Radio Frequency Devices, Subparts A—General and B—Unintentional Radiators issued by the
Federal Communications Commission for Class "B" digital devices.
The test shall be conducted with all cables connected, with all options and accessories specified, in a
configuration closely resembling typical field in-service connections. Typical in-service configurations are
provided in Figures 6, 7, 8, and 9. These figures shall be followed as closely as possible, appropriate to the
type of meter tested and test chamber utilized for the test. The LISN can be optionally located on the floor.
For all other aspects of this test not covered by CFR 47, Part 15 A and B, and this standard, refer to ANSI
This test shall be conducted on all metering devices containing solid-state components excluding voltage
indicators. This test may be omitted for electromechanical meters and registers.
The time, program and register reading requirement of 4.7.3 shall not apply.
ANSI C12.1-2008
Figure 6 – Typical test layout f or radiated susc eptibili ty—Test 26 and radiated and co nducted
emissi ons —Test 27. Reference and
ANSI C12.1-2008
Figure 7 – Typical wirin g detail for self cont ained meters for radiated susceptibili ty —Test 26 and
radiat ed and co ndu cted emi ssi ons —Test 27. Reference and
ANSI C12.1-2008
Figure 8 – Typical wi ring d etail for transfo rmer rated meters for radiated susceptib ility —Test 26
and radiated and con ducted emiss ions —Test 27.
Reference and
ANSI C12.1-2008
Figure 9 – Typical GTEM test layout for Radiated Susceptibility Test.— Reference
1 Uniformity of the test field shall be demonstrated to ensure field does not fall below minimum field requirements.
2 All power and cabling exiting the enclosure shall be suitably filtered to prevent RF leakage.
3 Orientation of the test meter is shown for front, horizontal polarization.
4 Field intensity is controlled by septum voltage (direct measurement), or by field probes located in the cell.
5 Field strength shall be determined from the central axis of the meter : voltage on septum divided by septum
height equals field strength. Test No. 28: Effect of electro stati c disch arge (ESD)
This test shall be carried out according to IEC 61000-4-2, under the following conditions:
– test severity level: 4
– test voltage: 15 kV;
– discharge through air
– direct application of discharge
– number of discharges: 10
– voltage and auxiliary circuits energized with reference voltage
– without any current in the current circuits and the current terminals shall be open circuit
Discharges shall be applied only to such points and surfaces of the metering device that are normally
accessible with the cover (and terminal compartment cover when applicable) in place. Discharges shall not
be applied to any point that is accessible only for maintenance purposes, including, but not limited to, the
meter terminals or the conductors connected to the terminals.
This test shall be conducted on all metering devices containing solid-state components excluding voltage
An Accuracy Performance Check shall be performed (4.7.3).
ANSI C12.1-2008
– The metering device enclosure door or cover shall be closed (normal operating position) for the
duration of the test.
– The metering device shall not be powered nor operating for the duration of the test.
– The test duration shall be 168 hours.
– The temperature shall be cycled once each 24 hours, as described below. The temperature
ramping shall be smooth and continuous. The rate of temperature change during ramping shall
not exceed 20 C, per hour.
– The daily temperature cycle shall be conducted as follows:
– Ramp up from room ambient to the Maximum Storage Temperature, Tstor–Max in
approximately 3 hours.
– Soak at TStor–Max for approximately 11 hours.
– Ramp down to Minimum Storage Temperature, Tstor–Min in approximately 6 hours.
– Soak at Tstor–min for approximately 3 hours
– Ramp up to room ambient, in approximately 2 hours
Available nominal voltage and current can be used for the duration of this test when run independent of any
other test.
An Accuracy Performance Check shall be performed (4.7.3).
ANSI C12.1-2008
Available nominal voltage and current can be used for the duration of this test when run independent of any
other test.
An Accuracy Performance Check shall be performed (4.7.3).
This test follows Test No. 35: Transportation Vibration, and shall be conducted as described as Shock
Testing in the International Safe Transit Association Test Procedure 1A.
ANSI C12.1-2008
This test exposes the metering device, packaged for shipment, to transportation vibration for
approximately one hour.
This test shall be done on the same metering devices and the same packaging as Test No. 33, and shall be
done before Test No. 33. The metering device, packaged in its intended packing container shall pass the
requirements described as Vibration Testing in the International Safe Transit Association Test Procedure
After this test, covers, terminal covers, etc. shall be readily removable. There shall be no progressive
corrosion or electrolytic action that will adversely affect the functioning of any part of the meter. Also,
there shall be no evidence of deleterious discoloration or fading of finishes or materials. The time,
program and register reading requirement of 4.7.3 shall not apply.
ANSI C12.1-2008
ANSI C12.1-2008
New metering devices shall be either 100% tested by the utility, sample tested by the utility, or 100% tested
by the manufacturer.
5.1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this section is to establish accuracy limits, test plans, and inspection procedures for
alternating-current revenue watthour meters.
Watthour meters placed into service or returned to service shall meet the provisions as set forth in this
All watthour meters and their associated equipment shall be thoroughly inspected at the time of installation
to assure safe and accurate operation.
5.1.3 Tests
ANSI C12.1-2008 General
The performance of watthour meters should be verified by an annual test program such as one of the three
plans listed below. Records shall be maintained on each watthour meter tested. Subsequently, an analysis
of the test results for each group of watthour meters shall be made and appropriate action shall be taken.
The generally accepted plans for testing are:
a) Periodic interval plan
b) Variable interval plan
c) Statistical sampling plan Objectives
The primary purpose of performance testing is to provide information on which the utility may base a
program to maintain meters in an acceptable degree of accuracy throughout their service life.
ANSI C12.1-2008
0–3% 12.5%
> 3% 25.0%
The minimum number of meters to be tested in each group shall be 200 meters or 12.5% of that group,
whichever is less. Statistical sampling pl an
The statistical sampling plan used shall conform to accepted principles of statistical sampling based on
either variables or attributes methods. Meters shall be divided into homogeneous groups, such as
manufacturer and manufacturer's type. The groups may be further divided into subdivision within the
manufacturer's type by major design modifications.
NOTE—Examples of statistical sampling plans can be found in ANSI/ASQC Z1.9, the ANSI version of MIL-STD-414 and
ANSI/ASQC Z1.4, the ANSI version of MIL-STD-105. Method 1
Average percentage registration is the weighted average of the percentage registration at light load (LL) and
at full load (FL), giving the full load registration a weight of four. By this method
Average percentage registration = 4FL + LL
5 Method 2
Average percentage registration is the average of the percentage registration at light load (LL) and at full
load (FL). By this method
Average percentage registration = FL + LL
ANSI C12.1-2008 Method 3
Average percentage registration is the registration at a single point when this single point represents the
registration within the load range. Method 4
Average percentage registration for Polyphase meters is the weighted average of the percentage
registration at light load (LL), Full Load (FL), and Power Factor (PF), giving the full load registration a weight
of four, and the light load registration a weight of two. By this method.
Average percent registration = 4FL + 2 LL + PF
ANSI C12.1-2008 Inspection
When metering installations are inspected the instrument transformers associated with the installations
should receive a close visual inspection for correctness of connections and evidence of any damage.
ANSI C12.1-2008
6.1 General
The usual form of pulse initiators is that of an attachment to a meter device so arranged that the number of
pulses produced is proportional to the quantity measured.
Each pulse initiator, relay, or totalizer shall be subjected to the tests as specified in 6.3, except those that are
a modification of a type already subjected to the tests or selected for special services may be exempted from
certain tests.
ANSI C12.1-2008
All tests shall be made at 23 C 5 C, rated voltage 3%, rated frequency 1 Hz, test current 3%, and unity
power factor 2%, unless otherwise indicated in specific tests. The metering device shall be stabilized at
ambient temperature before performance tests are made.
After each test, a sufficient time interval shall be allowed for the pulse device to come to a stable condition
before making the next observation or test.
6.3.4 Insulation
With the meter device voltage and current circuits de-energized, the insulation between current carrying
parts of separate circuits and between current-carrying parts and other metallic parts shall be capable of
withstanding the application of a sinusoidal voltage of 2.5 kV rms, 60 Hz for 1 minute. The input circuit of the
pulse initiators with independent power supplies power supply shall be tested at 1.5 kV rms, 60 Hz for one
minute. The leakage current shall not exceed 0.005 A per circuit. For both the 1.5 and 2.5 kV rms test, low-
voltage electronic circuits, operating at less than 40 V rms, and all output relay terminals, shall not be
subjected to this test.
ANSI C12.1-2008
6.3.6 Sunligh t interf erence test – pulse devices contain ing opti cal sensors
Pulses devices containing optical sensors, pickups, and similar optical components shall be subjected to the
Sunlight Interference Test. This test verifies the pulse device accuracy and full functional capabilities when
operating under direct sun light.
The pulse device shall be tested under the following conditions:
a) The pulse device shall be installed on a watthour meter of a type representative of its intended
design application.
b) The manufacturer's meter cover shall be installed on the watthour meter during the test.
c) The watthour meter shall be energized and operating at Rated Test Amps, Test Volts, and unity
power factor for a time sufficient to generate at least 100 disk revolutions per test position.
d) The metering device, consisting of pulse device and watthour meter, shall be exposed to a
Smith Vector # 710, or equivalent, incandescent light source to simulate sunlight. The
incandescent light shall be 600 watt and 3,200 K blackbody radiation as a minimum.
e) The metering device shall be exposed to the incandescent light source for a minimum of five
minutes at each position described below.
f) The incandescent light source shall be pointed directly toward the metering device and
positioned at a maximum direct distance of 19 inches (38.1 mm) from the center of the face of
the meter cover as shown in Figures 10 and 11. Tests shall be conducted at each of the
following positions:
g) Twelve positions around the meter base.
h) Eight positions at a 45 angle from the meter base.
i) One position at a perpendicular to the face of the meter.
j) Verify metering device operations and report the direct and remote meter readings before and
after each Sunlight Interference Test
k) An acceptable pulse device shall agree within one pulse from the number of pulses expected, at
each position, after a minimum of 100 revolutions of the watthour meter. A pulse difference of
two pulses at any one position is a failure.
ANSI C12.1-2008
ANSI C12.1-2008
ANSI C12.1-2008
Measurement o f Pow er, Energy, and Related Quantit ies
ANSI C12.1-2008
A.1.4 Sin gl e-phase alt ern ating -cur rent cir cuit s
ANSI C12.1-2008
ANSI C12.1-2008
A.2.2.4 Lar ge-cap aci ty or hi gh -vo lt age di rec t-c ur ren t m eter s
In direct-current circuits carrying heavy currents, shunt-type meters may be used. In circuits operating above
240 V, resistors are used in the voltage-coil circuit of the meter to reduce the values of current and voltage
applied to the meter in known and definite ratios that bring the current and voltage within the range of a
meter having normal current and voltage ratings.
A.2.2.5 Lar ge-cap aci ty or hi gh -vo lt age alt ernat in g-c ur ren t m eter s
In alternating-current circuits carrying heavy currents or operating at high voltages, transformers are used to
reduce the value of current and voltage applied to the meter. These transformers have definite ratios that
bring the current and voltage within the range of a meter's normal current and voltage ratings. Current
transformers should be used in all high-voltage metered circuits for purposes of insulation and safety,
regardless of whether the value of the current necessitates their use.
ANSI C12.1-2008
ANSI C12.1-2008
A.2.7.1. However, if the voltages between each line and neutral are balanced within acceptable limits, the
accuracies generally are considered to be satisfactory. Such a meter has one voltage coil and a two-section
current winding on each stator. This winding consists of two coils wound in opposite directions on a common
core. Thus when each of the coils is connected in its respective circuit, the magnetic effects of the currents
in the two sections of the winding are additive. These windings are connected as follows: One current coil of
the first stator is inserted in one line conductor and its flux reacts with the flux of the voltage coil connected
between that conductor and the neutral. Similarly, one current coil of the second stator is inserted in another
line conductor and its flux reacts with the flux of the voltage coil connected between that conductor and the
neutral. The remaining current coils, one on each stator, are connected in series and inserted in the
remaining phase conductor.
ANSI C12.1-2008
modern materials and techniques are designed to function satisfactorily over a very wide load range. For
these meters the terms nominal or rated load, or some multiple or fraction thereof, have no specific meaning.
As a result, present-day practice classifies such a meter as Class 100 or Class 200. This means that a Class
100 meter is designed to operate continuously with acceptable accuracy up to a maximum current of 100 A,
and a Class 200 meter to 200 A.
Since, however, this maximum current is not a suitable value to use when calibrating or testing a meter, the
manufacturer designates the recommended value of amperes, called the `test amperes,' to be used when
calibrating the meter. For example, a Class 100 meter might have a test-ampere designation of 15 A,
abbreviated as `TA 15,' and a Class 200 meter might have a TA 30 nameplate rating. Because modern
meters are frequently required to perform with acceptable accuracies at values of current, voltage, and
frequency, that may differ appreciably from those used to calibrate the meter, compensating devices have
been developed to maintain, within acceptable limits, the calibration accuracy at the calibrating points and
over wide variations therefrom. Moreover, such devices are used to compensate for environmental
conditions, such as changes in ambient temperature, and for other conditions that are not always ideal. No
compensating device is perfect, but all in current use perform well within acceptable limits.
A.2.11 .1 Li gh t l oad s
Due to certain nonlinear properties of even the best magnetic materials, the accuracy at very light loads
(10% of Test Ampere value or less) would not be generally satisfactory if a device were not provided to
correct for this nonlinearity. This is the primary function of the so-called light-load adjustment. When properly
set, the accuracy at even very light loads is well within acceptable limits. In addition, this device will also
compensate for any constant inherent friction or for any excess friction that might result from requiring the
meter to drive auxiliary equipment such as pulse devices.
ANSI C12.1-2008
in all modern meters. It may be assumed with confidence that all modern meters will function satisfactorily
under all reasonable variations in ambient temperature.
A.2.11 .6 Ext ern al Mag net ic Fiel ds
In all well-designed induction watthour meters, the arrangement, number, and configuration of the various
electromagnet and permanent-magnet circuits, as well as the number and arrangement of the several coils,
are such as to keep the detrimental effect of the external magnetic fields to a minimum. However, care
should be exercised not to place the meter in a strong varying magnetic field of the same frequency as the
rated frequency of the meter.
A.2.11 .7 Lo ad Ran ge
One of the most unique features of the modern induction watthour meter is its ability to accurately measure
loads many times its test-ampere rating. A load-compensating means is a built-in feature of all modern
meters. With this device the test-ampere-calibration accuracy is maintained within very close limits up to and
including the class ampere value. For both accuracy and thermal reasons, care should be exercised not to
exceed the class value for any appreciable length of time.
ANSI C12.1-2008
power factor
P2 Q2
P = active power
Q = reactive power
NOTE—The above formula applies only to sinusoidal waveforms without harmonic content.
The quantity thus defined is not, in general, equal to the average value of the power factor during the
interval, but may be referred to as the interval power factor.
ANSI C12.1-2008
ANSI C12.1-2008
Standards and Standardizing Equipment
B.1 General
The purpose and scope of this section is to specify the standards of electrical measurement and of time
interval to which the metering of electric energy shall be referred, and to outline an appropriate chain of
intermediate steps between the national standards of measurement and the watthour meters used in the
meter shop.
The duties of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), US Department of Commerce,
include the following function assigned by Public Law 619 of the 81st Congress (64 Stat 371, 5USC 271-
286): "The custody, maintenance, and development of the national standards of measurements, and the
provision of means and methods for making measurements consistent with these standards." In addition,
Public Law 617 (Section 12) of the 81st Congress (Title 15, USCA Sec 223, 224) reads as follows: "It shall
be the duty of the National Bureau of Standards”, NIST, “to establish the values of the primary electric units
in absolute measure, and the legal values for these units shall be those represented by, or derived from,
national reference standards maintained by the National Bureau of Standards” (NIST).
B.2.1.1 “The unit of electrical resistance shall be the ohm, which is equal to one thousand million units of
resistance in the centimeter-gram-second system of electromagnetic units.”
B.2.1.2 “The unit of electric current shall be the ampere, which is one-tenth of the unit of current in the
centimeter-gram-second system of electromagnetic units.”
B.2.1.3 “The unit of electromotive force (emf) and of electric potential shall be the volt, which is the
electromotive force that, steadily applied to a conductor whose resistance is one ohm, will produce
a current of one ampere.”
B.2.1.4 “The unit of electric quantity shall be the coulomb, which is the quantity of electricity transferred by
a current of one ampere in one second.”
B.2.1.5 “The unit of electrical capacitance shall be the farad, which is the capacitance of a capacitor which
is charged to a potential of one volt by one coulomb of electricity.”
ANSI C12.1-2008
B.2.1.6 “The unit of electrical inductance shall be the henry, which is the inductance in a circuit such that
an electromotive force of one volt is induced in the circuit by variation of an inducing current at the
rate of one ampere per second.”
B.2.1.7 “The unit of power shall be the watt, which is equal to ten million units of power in the centimeter-
gram-second system, and which is the power required to cause an unvarying current of one
ampere to flow between points differing in potential by one volt.”
B.2.1.8 “The units of energy shall be (a) the joule, which is equivalent to the energy supplied by a power of
one watt operating for one second, and (b) the kilowatthour, which is equivalent to the energy
supplied by a power of one thousand watts operating for one hour.”
B.2.1.9 The unit of time interval is the atomic second, defined in 1967 by international agreement as a
certain number of periods of a specified atomic transition of cesium 133.
The national standards of electrical measurement are those that are maintained by the National Institute of
Standards and Technology. (See Figure B1 for a traceability-path diagram.)
Guidelines for implementing the New Representations of the Volt and Ohm Effective January 1, 1990,
NIST Technical Note 1263, June 1989.
ANSI C12.1-2008
high accuracy (much better than one part in a million), and are appropriate to use without corrections in
verifying the rate of a laboratory standard clock or other reference interval timer.
Calibrations and tests whose purpose is the establishment or maintenance of a local reference standard of
energy measurement (see B.6.9) shall be carried out in a location and manner capable of maintaining the
accuracy required of the standards used in verifying electricity meters. The sequential steps intermediate
between the national standard of resistance and electromotive force and the local means of measuring
energy are carried out at several functional levels, which may, but need not, be within the capabilities of a
single laboratory. In many cases some or all of the steps may be carried out in the local meter laboratory. In
others the local reference standard of energy may be compared (often by transport standards) with the
national standard of electric energy or with standards of an independent laboratory that have been properly
Independent Lab
Field/Working/Portable Standard
Customers Meter
ANSI C12.1-2008
B.4.1 Meter laborator y
The meter laboratory is concerned with two functions:
– Maintaining standards whose values are assigned either directly or indirectly in terms of the
national standards.
– Assigning values to the working standards essential to the measurement of electrical quantities.
It may be equipped and staffed to make calibration tests at some or all of the sequential steps intermediate
between the national standards of resistance, emf, and time interval, and a local reference standard of
energy measurement (such as a group of watthour meters).
In a meter laboratory it is essential that ambient conditions, such as temperature and humidity, be
maintained at values and within limits appropriate to the measurements made in the laboratory; and that
other ambient factors that could interfere with proper measurement, such as atmospheric contaminations,
mechanical disturbances, electrical and magnetic interference, and noise, be held to such levels that normal
measurement techniques and results are not adversely affected.
NCSL RP-10-1991 Establishment and Operation of an Electrical Utility Metrology Laboratory,
Recommended Practice, National Conference of Standards Laboratories.
ANSI C12.1-2008
say 40%. Any system that controls laboratory humidity within specified upper and lower limits should be
designed to avoid excessive humidity in the event of the failure of the control element.
Laboratory reference standards are those standards that are used to assign and check the values of
laboratory secondary standards.
B.6.2.1 Intercomparison
Ideally, the basic reference standards of a laboratory should be maintained in groups of three or more
separate individual units that can be intercompared readily, since three is the minimum number of units for
which a change in one of them can be both detected and located by intercomparison.
ANSI C12.1-2008
In some cases, specially calibrated transport standards are used in a Measurement Assurance Program
(MAP) to aid in the achievement of measurement quality control and to link the measurements in the
laboratory to national standards.
ANSI C12.1-2008
– It shall be designed to avoid or minimize changes in ratio resulting from self-heating at rated
voltage or from ambient temperature changes.
B.6.8.1 Stability
The transfer characteristics of an ac-dc transfer standard (that is, its ac-dc differences) are functions of its
geometry, its electrical parameters, and its operating level, and should not change significantly with time.
Hence, the transfer characteristics of an instrument need be determined infrequently, unless the
components of its measuring circuit are modified or replaced, or their physical arrangement altered.
However, the dc calibration of a transfer instrument should be verified periodically.
ANSI C12.1-2008
The secondary standards of a laboratory are those that are used in the routine calibration tasks of the
laboratory. They are checked in terms of the laboratory reference standards, and are used for calibration of
shop instruments and meters, as well as for other routine measurement tasks for which moderately high
accuracy is required.
ANSI C12.1-2008
ANSI C12.1-2008
Shop instruments are instruments and meters that are used in regular routine shop or field operations. Their
calibrations should be verified in terms of appropriate laboratory secondary standards.
Continuing records should be kept of the performance of each instrument and standard in the laboratory or
shop. Where this record shows excessive variation between tests, the equipment shall be subjected to
special investigation to determine the cause of the variation. If the cause cannot be determined and
corrected, use of the instrument or standard shall be discontinued.
ANSI C12.1-2008
Whenever a standard is suspected of having been subjected to abnormal conditions or treatment, it shall be
checked regardless of the time that has elapsed since its last calibration check. Resistance apparatus that
has suffered an abrupt change in value because of misuse will sometimes drift during a few weeks or
months before stabilizing at a different value.
B.12.1 General
B.12.1.3 Tolerances
The standard meter under test shall be considered to be within the specified limit unless the test result
exceeds the limit by more than the value of the measurement uncertainty assigned to cover the possible
errors in the laboratory reference standards, observations, and procedures.
B.12.2.1 General
All parts that are subject to corrosive influence under normal working conditions shall be effectively protected
against corrosion due to atmospheric causes. Any protective coating shall not be liable to damage by
ordinary handling or injuriously affected by exposure to air under ordinary conditions. The construction of the
ANSI C12.1-2008
meter shall be suitable for its purpose in all respects, and shall give assurance of permanence in all
mechanical, electrical, and magnetic adjustments.
B.12.2.4 Case
The case shall be of sufficient strength to afford to the working parts adequate protection against damage
under normal conditions of handling, usage, and transport; and it shall afford to the interior substantial
protection against the entry of dust. Portable standard meters should be fitted with a detachable cover to
enclose the readout, terminals, and controls, and be equipped with a substantial carrying strap. The inside of
the cover should include a means for attaching a calibration card.
B.12.2.5 Sealing
Provision shall be made for the sealing of the standard meter to detect unauthorized access to working parts
and to electrical and magnetic adjusting devices.
B.12.2.6 Window
A window of glass or other suitable transparent material shall be provided to permit a clear view of the
readout. It shall be substantially dust tight and shall be replaceable.
B.12.2.7 Terminals
Terminal identification shall be adjacent to each terminal and shall be of a permanent nature.
ANSI C12.1-2008
B.12.2.11 Nameplate
A nameplate shall be provided on the outside of the case to show all necessary information, including
manufacturer, type, serial number, voltage ratings, current ratings, frequency, model number, and watthour
constant (Kh) or energy constant (Ke) at basic voltage and current ratings.
B.12.3.1 General
All parts that are subject to corrosive influence under normal working conditions shall be effectively protected
against corrosion due to atmospheric causes. Any protective coating shall not be liable to damage by
ordinary handling or injuriously affected by exposure to air under ordinary conditions. The construction of the
meter shall be suitable for its purpose in all respects, and shall give assurance of permanence in all
mechanical, electrical, and magnetic adjustments.
B.12.3.4 Case
The case shall be of sufficient strength to afford to the working parts adequate protection against damage
under normal conditions of handling, usage, and transport; and it shall afford to the interior substantial
protection against the entry of dust.
ANSI C12.1-2008
B.12.3.5 Sealing
Provision shall be made for the sealing of the standard meter to detect unauthorized access to working parts
and to electrical and magnetic devices.
B.12.3.6 Window
A window of glass or other suitable transparent material may be provided, if applicable, to permit a clear
view of the readout. It shall be substantially dust-tight and shall be replaceable.
B.12.3.7 Terminals
Terminal identification shall be adjacent to each terminal and shall be of a permanent nature.
B.13.1.4 Frequency
The frequency shall be 60 Hz and be constant to within 0.2%.
ANSI C12.1-2008
B.13.1.7 Level
Standard watthour meters of the induction type shall be level to within 0.5 .
B.13.1.9 Insulation
The insulation between current-carrying parts of separate circuits and between current-carrying parts and
other metallic parts shall be capable of withstanding the application of a sinusoidal voltage of 2.3 kV rms, 60
Hz, for 1 minute.
B.13.2.1 Drift
Test Condition (1): With 250% rated current and with the voltage circuit open, the indication shall not change
perceptibly in 1 min.
Test Condition (2): With 100% rated current, the braking device on standard watthour meters of the
induction type shall immediately release the rotor when 70% rated voltage is applied.
B.13.2.4 Effect of variation of volt age at the pow er factors indicated in Table 29
Test Condition (1): With 25% of rated current at 1.0 power factor, the registration at 90% and 110% of rated
voltage shall not differ from the value at 100% of rated voltage by more than the amount specified in Table
Test Condition (2): With 100% of rated current, at 1.0 and 0.5 power factors, the registration at 90% and
110% of rated voltage shall not differ from the value at 100% of rated voltage by more than the amount
specified in Table 29.
NOTE—When a meter is furnished with an external multiplier for the purpose of extending the voltage range, this test
shall include the extended voltage rating with the multiplier connected in the circuit.
ANSI C12.1-2008
ANSI C12.1-2008
Test Conditions
% Maximum
Test %V %I PF Other Deviation
100 100 1.0 0
Reference Conditions
100 25 1.0 0
100 100 0.5 0
open 250 — see text 0 in 1 min.
100 50 1.0 0.25
Current Variation
100 200 1.0 0.25
100 50 0.5 0.40
100 200 0.5 0.60
90 25 1.0 0.20
110 25 1.0 0.20
Voltage Variation 90 100 1.0 0.20
B.13.2.4 110 100 1.0 0.20
90 100 0.5 0.40
110 100 0.5 0.40
100% on all
100 1.0 0.20
Current Ranges Current Ranges
B. 100% on all
100 0.5 0.20
Current Ranges
100% on all
100 1.0 0.20
Voltage Ranges Voltage Ranges
B. 100% on all
100 0.5 0.25
Voltage Ranges
see text
100 100 1.0 0C 0.30
Ambient Temperature
100 100 0.5 0C 0.50
100 100 1.0 50 C 0.30
100 100 0.5 50 C 0.50
Internal Heating 100 100 1.0
see text 0.20
B.13.2.7 100 100 0.5
Tilt 100 25 1.0 0.20
see text
B.13.2.8 100 100 1.0 0.20
Repeatability 100 25 1.0 0.20
see text
B.13.2.9 100 100 1.0 0.20
ANSI C12.1-2008
B.13.3.4 Effect of variation of vol tage at the pow er factors indicated in Table 30
Test Condition (2): With 100% of rated current, the registration at 90% and 110% of rated voltage shall not
differ from the value at 100% of rated voltage by more than the amount specified in Table 30.
ANSI C12.1-2008
Test Conditions
% Maximum
Test %V %I Pf Other Deviation
100 100 1.0 0
Reference Conditions
100 25 1.0 0
100 100 0.5 0
100 90 1.0 0.10
Current Variation
100 110 1.0 0.10
100 90 0.5 0.10
100 110 0.5 0.10
90 100 1.0 0.10
Voltage Variation 110 100 1.0 0.10
B.13.3.4 90 100 0.5 0.15
110 100 0.5 0.15
100% on all
100 1.0 0.10
Current Ranges Current Ranges
B. 100% on all
100 0.5 0.10
Current Ranges
100% on all
100 1.0 0.10
Voltage Ranges Voltage Ranges
B. 100% on all
100 0.5 0.10
Voltage Ranges
see text
100 100 1.0 11 C 0.10
Ambient Temperature
100 100 0.5 11 C 0.15
100 100 1.0 35 C 0.10
100 100 0.5 35 C 0.15
Repeatability 100 25 1.0 0.05
see text
B.13.3.7 100 100 1.0 0.05
ANSI C12.1-2008
Ap pendi x C
Registering Mechanism and Meter Constants
for Electro -mechanical Meters
C.1 General
Descriptions have been given of methods for determining the accuracy of a meter as far as the speed of the
rotor is concerned, and for physically checking register and gear ratios. It is equally important that it be
determined mathematically that the relations between the register (dial) constant, watthour constant, register
ratio, and gear ratio are correct. The register constant shall always appear on the face of the register when
other than one, the register ratio will be found marked on the register or on the nameplate, and the watthour
constant usually will be found marked on the nameplate. Manufacturers generally use one standard shaft
reduction for all ratings of meters of the same type, but the information does not appear on the meter. The
gear ratio is dependent on the shaft reduction and also the register ratio. The gear ratio information also
does not appear on the meter.
C.2 Symbols
Kh (watthour constant): The number of watthours per revolution of the meter rotor (disk).
Kr (register, or dial, constant): The multiplier used to convert the register reading to kilowatthours.
Rg (gear ratio): The number of revolutions of the rotor (disk) for one revolution of the first dial pointer.
Rr (register ratio): The number of revolutions of the first gear of the register for one revolution of the first dial
Rs (shaft reduction): The number of revolutions of the meter rotor (disk) for one revolution of the first gear of
the register.
In some meters a single-pitch worm is used on the rotor, meshing with a worm wheel of 100 teeth on the
register, thus, the shaft reduction is 100. A single-pitch worm is sometimes used with a 50-tooth worm wheel
to give a shaft reduction of 50.
In others, a double-pitch worm is used on the rotor, meshing with a worm wheel of 100 teeth on the register,
thus, the shaft reduction is 50.
In still others, pinions on the rotor meshing with gears on registers result in shaft reductions of 6-1/4, 8-1/3,
Transfer gearing between the disk shaft and the register is used in a few types of meters. In some, it is of 1:1
ratio and has no effect on the shaft reduction. There are instances, however, where the transfer gearing is
either 16-2/3 to 15 or 16-2/3 to 30.
The shaft reduction may be determined from the manufacturer's literature, from tables, by counting teeth in
gears and pinions, or by test.
C.4 Formulas
When the register constant (Kr), watthour constant (Kh), and shaft reduction (Rs) are known, the register ratio
(Rr) may be determined by the following formula:
ANSI C12.1-2008
Rg Rr Rs
Kh Rr Rs Kh Rg
10 1000
, 10,000
Kr 10 1000
Rr Rs
Kr 10 1000
K h Rr
In the foregoing formulas, 10 is the numerical value of one revolution of the first dial pointer.
ANSI C12.1-2008
Periodic Testing Schedule
ANSI C12.1-2008
Phase-Shifting Transformers
E.1 Definition
Phase-shifting transformers are considered to be of the same type if they are produced by the same
manufacturer, bear the manufacturer's same type designation, are of the same general design, and have the
same relationship of parts. They shall have the same phasor diagram and be substantially equivalent in the
following respects to be grouped as one type for approval tests:
(1) Rated volts per turn
(2) Length, cross section, and shape of magnetic circuit
(3) Characteristics of the core material
(4) Arrangement of the coils with respect to the magnetic circuit
(5) Relation of resistance of the windings to the rated voltage
ANSI C12.1-2008
Historical Background
In undertaking 2 years ago to formulate a meter code, it was the ambition of the Meter Committee of the
Association of Edison Illuminating Companies (AEIC) to produce a reliable and up-to-date manual covering
the many phases of electric meter practice as encountered by all companies, both large and small. It was
the Committee's belief that such a Code, if intelligently prepared, would prove of great value not just to those
actually engaged in operating meters, but also to those interested in the practices of metering from other
standpoints, namely, official, legal, etc. There was also felt an urgent need of a closer agreement between
the manufacturers and the operating companies as to reasonable and satisfactory specifications covering
both operation and design.
The development of such a Code with the collecting of the very large amount of necessary data was placed
in the hands of the Electrical Testing Laboratories of New York, and at the Briarcliff Convention of 1909
there was presented the first issue of the Code, covering four sections and representing the first year's work.
As a means of increasing the strength and support of the work, and at the same time avoiding duplication of
effort along similar lines, it was arranged with the consent of the Executive Committee of both Associations
to join hands with the Meter Committee of the National Electric Light Association (NELA) for the further
development of the Code. The second year's work, therefore, represents the combined efforts of the Meter
Committees of the two Associations.
The Code to date as here presented includes with minor revisions and corrections those sections which
have been presented in the reports at the 1909 Edison Convention and the 1910 NELA Convention, and
also two entirely new sections. It is hoped that it may find its place among reliable books of reference in the
hands of those responsible for, and interested in, the purchase, installation, and operation of electric meters.
A considerable amount of ground still remains to be covered, and it is only to be expected that, with changes
and improvements in the art, revisions must from time to time become necessary, but it is the intention of the
Committees to continue the work to its logical conclusion.
While the Code is naturally based upon scientific and technical principles, the commercial side of metering
has been constantly kept in mind as of very great importance, and it is believed that due consideration has
been given to this phase of the problem.
Although the work has been directed very closely by the two Committees, the burden of the undertaking has
been carried by the Electrical Testing Laboratories, to which full credit should be given.
The Committees are indebted to Clayton H. Sharp for his personal interest and cooperation in the conduct of
the work and to W.W. Crawford, also of the Laboratories, for the zeal and discrimination which he has
displayed in preparing the drafts of the Code for the Committee's consideration.
The Committees would also acknowledge most gratefully the hearty and valuable cooperation of the
manufacturing companies and particularly that of F.P. Cox and L.T. Robinson of the General Electric
Company, and William Bradshaw of the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company. It is the
earnest desire of the Committees that the Code may prove its value to all of those interested in the precise
commercial measurement of electrical energy and may contribute to the advancement of the art.
ANSI C12.1-2008
Committee Personnel
J. W. Cowles, Chairman G. A. Sawing, Chairman
O. J. Bushnell W. H. Fellows
G.R. Green W.E. McCoy
J. T. Hutchings
S. G. Rhodes
This edition of the Code for Electricity Meters is a revised and complete compilation of the sections issued
separately during the past 5 years. The revision and arrangement here have been under the supervision of
the Meter Committees of the Association of Edison Illuminating Companies and the National Electric Light
Advantage was taken of the printing of the Code in complete form to make such revisions in the text and to
add such new matter as appeared desirable. The Electrical Testing Laboratories joined with the Committees
in this revision and compilation as they did in the original preparation of the various sections of the Code,
and this revised edition has their approval.
The Code for Electricity Meters has been generally accepted as a standard of reference for meter practice.
Its revision, completion, and appearance in one volume enhance its value for this purpose.
Committee Personnel
S.G. Rhodes, Chairman O.J. Bushnell, Chairman
O.J. Bushnell W.H. Fellows
J.W. Cowles W.E. McCoy
G.R. Green F.A. Vaughn
J.T. Hutchings W.L. Wadsworth
G.A. Sawin
This edition of the Code for Electricity Meters is a completely revised and rearranged compilation of the
Second Edition, issued in 1912, and the section on demand meters, issued in 1920. The 1912-20 edition of
the Code was approved as an American Standard by the American Engineering Standards Committee in
July 1922 (C12-1922). The present revision has been made under the joint sponsorship of the Association
of Edison Illuminating Companies, the National Electric Light Association, and the US National Bureau of
Standards by a Sectional Committee representing all interested organizations, in accordance with the
procedure established by the American Engineering Standards Committee for the revision of American
The sponsors hereby express their appreciation to the members of the Sectional Committee and their
associates for the painstaking and careful manner in which the revision was carried out.
A preliminary draft was presented at a meeting of the Sectional Committee on April 1, 1926. This draft was
approved in general outline, and referred to an editorial committee consisting of Messrs Brooks, Currier,
Doyle, Fellows, Hill, Koenig, Meyer, and Pratt. This committee carefully reviewed the draft, agreed upon a
standard form and arrangement, and appointed H. Koenig, the Secretary of the Sectional Committee, to
prepare the final draft for the printer. A considerable amount of material appearing in the Second Edition has
been omitted, particularly the circuit diagrams in Section VII, all of Section IX, and the maintenance
paragraphs of Section X. The sections of chapters have been renumbered. The omitted material is fully
covered in the Handbook for Electrical Metermen, where it now properly belongs.
ANSI C12.1-2008
This Code, as revised, was submitted in galley-proof form to all the members of the Sectional Committee for
final approval by letter ballot, and it was then formally approved by each of the sponsors. The sponsors,
acting jointly, presented the Code to the American Engineering Standards Committee for approval as
American Standard, and it was so approved February 20, 1928.
Committee Personnel
The Sectional Committee was formally organized March 14, 1924; J. Franklin Meyer, Chairman; E. D. Doyle,
Secretary, later succeeded by H. Koenig.
The actual revision of the Code was done by four technical subcommittees, as authorized by the Section
Committee. These subcommittees were:
(1) Acceptance Specifications: F.V. Magalhaes, Chairman; A. J. Allen, W.M. Bradshaw,
H.B. Brooks, O.J. Bushnell, C.J. Clarke, C.I. Hall, F.C. Holtz, C.H. Ingalls, A.E. Knowlton, W.H.
(2) Installation and Maintenance Methods: B. Currier, Chairman; A. S. Albright, A. J. Allen,
W.H. Fellows, R.C. Fryer, E.E. Hill, C.H. Ingalls, A.G. Turnbull, W.L. Wadsworth
(3) Standards: E.D. Doyle, Chairman; A.S. Albright, C.J. Clarke, H.G. Hamann, E.E. Hill
(4) Definitions: J.F. Meyer, Chairman; W.H. Fellows, F.C. Holtz, F.A. Kartak, C.H. Sharp
This fourth edition of the Code for Electricity Meters was prepared by Sectional Committee C12 of the
American Standards Association. The sponsors were the National Bureau of Standards, and the American
Standards Association — Electric Light and power Group (the Association of Edison Illuminating Companies
and the Edison Electric Institute).
The sectional Committee C12 which prepared the revision was as follows:
J. Franklin Meyer, Chairman
H.C. Koenig, Secretary
The work of revision was divided into six major sections and was done by the following six subcommittees:
(1) Definitions: R.D. Bennett, Chairman; H.B. Brooks, P.G. Elliott, W.H. Fellows, R.E. Johnson,
E.E. Kline, W.H. Pratt
(2) Standards and Metering: H.B. Brooks, Chairman; A.S. Albright, W.M. Bradshaw,
F.E. Davis, Jr., F.C. Holtz, H.C. Koenig, G.R. Sturtevant
(3) Specifications for Acceptance of Types of Electricity Meters and Auxiliary Devices: W.C.
Wagner, Chairman; W.M. Bradshaw, H.B. Brooks, A.B. Craig, W.R. Frampton, E.E. Hill, H.C.
Koenig, R.H. Nexsen, W.H. Pratt
ANSI C12.1-2008
(4) Installation Methods and Watthour Meter Test Methods: O.K. Coleman, Chairman; A.P. Good,
Stanley S. Green, C.B. Hayden, N.S. Meyers, L.D. Price
(5) Laboratory and Service Tests: P.L. Holland, Chairman; J.S. Cruikshank, P.G. Elliott, J.H.
Goss, E.E. Hill, J.C. Langdell, F.L. Pavey
(6) Demand Meters: A.J. Allen, Chairman; F.C. Holtz, R.E. Johnson, E.A. LeFever, R.H. Nexsen,
A.R. Rutter, W.C. Wagner, W.H. Witherow
Following the issuance of the Fourth Edition of the Code for Electricity meters in 1941, a modification of
periodic test schedules (Paragraph 827 -- changing the test period to 96 months for ac meters rated to 12
kVA) was issued as an American War Standard on November 5, 1942. This change was approved by ASA
as an American Standard in 1947. In 1957, American Standard Code for Electricity Meters, C12-1947, and
American Standard Revisions to the Code for Electricity Meters, C12a-1947, were reaffirmed.
Many improvements and innovations in meters and their auxiliary equipment, and in metering practices,
have taken place since the Fourth Edition of the Code was issued. These developments were taken into
account in preparing the present edition. For the first time, the Code recognizes that statistical methods may
be applied to in-service testing of meters to reveal where testing and maintenance effort should be directed;
and guidance is offered toward the selection of sound statistical procedures. The other sections of the Code
have also been broadened and largely rewritten to cover other phases of electricity metering in line with the
present state of the art.
Finally, it should be noted that the name of this standard has been changed to American Standard Code for
Electricity Metering, as the committee believed that this title more accurately described the content of the
This edition of the American Standard Code for Electricity Metering was prepared by Sectional Committee
C12 of the American Standards Association. The sponsors are the National Bureau of Standards and the
Edison Electric institute.
The personnel of Sectional Committee C12 that prepared this revision of the Code were as follows:
F. K. Harris, Chairman
A. T. Hig gi ns, Secretary
The work of revision was done by a number of task forces, and was reviewed by the Sectional Committee.
These task forces and their assignments were as follows:
(1) Definitions: W.J. Piper
(2) Measurement of Power and Energy: D.T. Canfield
(3) Standards: F.K. Harris, Chairman; E.F. Blair
(4) Acceptance of New Types of Meters: G.B.M. Robertson, Chairman; T.D. Barnes, E.F. Blair,
J.D. McKechnie, R.A. Road, R.S. Smith
(5) Watthour meter Test Methods: P. W. Hale, Chairman; J. Anderson, T.D. Barnes,
W.C. Downing, Jr., H.W. Kelley, J.D. McKechnie, E.C. Nuesse, R.A. Road, F.H. Rogers
(6) Installation Requirements: H.W. Kelley, Chairman; E.B. Hicks, H.H. Hunter, L.H. Keever,
R.E. Purucker, A.W. Rauth, L..O. Steger
ANSI C12.1-2008
(7) Instrument Transformers and Auxiliary Devices: J.W. Dye, Chairman; E.F. Blair,
F.R. D'Entremont, B.L. Dunfee, W.H. Farrington, H.W. Kelley
(8) In-Service Tests of Watthour Meters: H.H. Hunter, Chairman; F.K. Harris, A.L. Hobson,
C.L. Lucal, J.D. McKechnie, C.V. Morey, R.E. Purucker, F.H. Rogers, L.O. Steger, G. Wey
(9) Demand Meters (Acceptance, Test Methods, In-Service Tests); G.J. Yanda, Chairman;
R.V. Adams, W.C. Downing, Jr., P. W. Hale, F.M. Hoppe, W.J. Piper, R.A. Road, R.J. Stowel
(10) Editorial: G.B.M. Robertson, Chairman; J. Anderson, P.W. Hale, F.K. Harris, A.T. Higgins, H.H.
Hunter, H.W. Kelley, F.H. Rogers, G.J. Yanda
A number of significant advances have been made in the design of watthour meters, in the verification of
their accuracy, and in demand metering, since the Fifth Edition of this Code was issued in 1965.
Improvements in bearings and mechanical construction, and new sealing techniques that exclude dust have
made modern meters remarkably stable, as well as accurate. Sampling methods of in-service testing
sanctioned by the 1965 Code have been shown to be economical and effective.
A new form of auxiliary device, known as a pulse recorder, has come into general use during the past 10
years. It records, on magnetic or paper tape, pulses received from pulse initiators installed on watthour or
other integrating meters. The tapes are processed by automated equipment using computer techniques,
thus reducing human errors and speeding up accounting and data-interpretation processes for both
customer billing and survey installations.
These developments as well as others have been taken into account in this edition of the Code.
Recommended periodic test intervals for modern meters have been lengthened, and sampling methods
have been extended to additional kinds of meters. In addition, performance requirements have been
incorporated for the new types of pulse devices and for the standard watthour meters used as references to
maintain the kilowatthour or to test other meters. Many other changes have been made.
This standard is a revision of American National standard Code for Electricity Metering. C12-1965. The
secretariat of American National Standards Committee C12 is held by the Edison Electric institute and the
National Bureau of Standards.
This standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by the American National Standards
Committee on Code for Electricity metering, C12. Committee approval of the Standard does not necessarily
imply that all committee members voted for its approval. At the time it approved this standard, The C12
Committee had the following members:
F. L. Hermach, Chairman
A. T. Hig gi ns, Secretary
ANSI C12.1-2008
The work of revision was done by a number of subcommittees, and was reviewed by the C12 Standards
Committee. The assignments of these subcommittees were as follows:
(1) Definitions, and (2) Measurement of Power and Energy: E.F. Blair, Chairman; R.S. Turgel,
J.M. Vanderleck, A. Yenkelun
(3) Standards and Standardizing Equipment: F.L. Hermach, Chairman; M.F. Borleis,
W.E. Osborn, J. Roth, E.W. Schwarz, D.M. Smith
(4) Acceptance of New Types of Watthour Meters: A. Fini, Chairman; J. Anderson, D.B. Berry,
E.F. Blair, M.F. Borleis, C.R. Colinsworth, F.G. Kuhn, D. McAuliff, G.F. Walsh
(5) Watthour meter Test Methods: F.J. Levitsky, Chairman; J. Anderson, E.F. Blair, T.J. Pearson
(6) Installation Requirements: B.E. Kibbe, Chairman; D. Berry, A. Browne, M.A. Frederickson,
L.M. Holdaway, H.W. Redecker
(7) Instrument transformers and Auxiliary Devices: T.J. Pearson, Chairman; B.L. Dunfee,
F.A. Fragola, J. Landry, R. Stetson
(8) In-Service Tests of Watthour Meters: H.L. Colbeth, Chairman; E.L. Barker, M.A. Frederickson,
J. Keever, J.C. Liewehr, B. Renz, C.F. Riederer, J. Suridis
(9) Demand Meter and Pulse Devices: C.R. Collinsworth, Chairman, E.C. Benbow,
H.A. Duckworth, R. Hopkins, S.C. McColum, C.F. Riederer, C. Ringold, R.J. Stowell,
G.F. Walsh
(10) Editorial: R.A. Road, Chairman; J. Anderson, F.L. Hermach, A.T. Higgins, F.J. Levitsky,
W.E. Osborn, C.F. Riederer
(This Foreword is not a part of ANSI C12.1-1982, American National Standard Code for Electricity Metering.)
This standard has been enlarged to include performance specifications for a new class of self-contained
watthour meters with increased load range. The specifications for a new class of self-contained watthour
meters with increased load range. The specifications for other meters have been retained from the previous
edition without major changes, but the presentation of some of the data has been rearranged to improve
clarity. The section on standard watthour meters has also been revised to take account of the types of
meters which have come into more widespread use during the last few years. Numerous other revisions are
mainly editorial to correct errors and to bring the text into agreement with current standard terminology.
Since 1976, the C12 Committee has assumed responsibility for developing additional standards related to
the Code for Electricity Metering, some of which were formerly issued by other organizations. By providing
mechanical and other specifications, generally not directly related to performance, these standards
complement the Code for Electricity Metering. The Code, which until this edition has been known as C12,
has now been redesignated C12.1. The other standards issued by the C12 Committee are listed below.
C12.4-1978, American National Standard for Mechanical Demand Registers.
C12.5-1978, American National Standard for Thermal Demand Meters.
C12.6-1978, American National Standard for Marking and Arrangement of Terminal for Phase-
Shifting Devices Used in Metering.
C12.7-1982, American National Standard for Test Switches for Transformer-Rated Meters.
C12.10-1978, American National Standard for Watthour Meters.
C12.11-1978, American National Standard for Instrument Transformers for Metering Purposes,
15 kV and Less.
C12.14-1982, American National Standard for Magnetic Tape Pulse Recorders for Electricity
This standard was developed by the American National Standards Committee on Electricity Metering, C12,
for full consensus approval as an American National Standard. Suggestions for improving this standard are
welcome. They should be sent to the American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY
ANSI C12.1-2008
The Secretariat of the American National Standards Committee C12 on Electricity Metering is held by the
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the National Bureau of Standards. At the time this
standard was processed and approved, the C12 Committee has the following members:
R. S. Turgel, Chairman
V. Condello, Secretary
The following Subcommittees of ANSI C12 were actively involved in the revision of this standard. The
assignments of these subcommittees were as follows:
(3) Standards and Standardizing Equipment: R. S. Turgel, Chairman; W. C. Busch,
P. Cunningham, R. E. Koll, F. J. Levitsky, R. H. Stevens
(4) Acceptance of New Types of Watthour Meters: A. Fini, Chairman; J. Anderson,
A. G. Ashenbeck, Jr., D. F. Becker, C. R. Collinsworth
(10) Editorial: F. J. Levitsky, Chairman; C. F. Mueller, A. Loika, R. S. Turgel
(This Foreword is not part of ANSI C12.1-1988, American National Standard Code for Electricity Metering.)
This standard was developed by the Accredited Standards Committee on Electricity Metering, C12, for full
consensus approval as an American National Standard. This revised edition supersedes ANSI C12.1-1982.
Suggestions for improving this standard are welcome. They should be sent to the American National
Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018.
The technical content of this standard has been brought up to date, and the changes affect nearly all
chapters. In addition, following IEEE editorial policy aimed at avoiding duplication of similar or identical
requirements in their standards, those sections of text from other IEEE standards that had been
incorporated in the previous edition of C12.1 were replaced by appropriate references to those standards.
The other related standards that the C12 Committee has issued, and is continuing to issue, are listed
C12.4-1984, American National Standard for Mechanical Demand Registers.
C12.5-1978, American National Standard for Thermal Demand (R1978) Meters.
C12.6-1987, American National Standard for Marking and Arrangement of Terminals for Phase-Shifting
Devices Used in Metering.
C12.7-1987, American National Standard Requirements for Watthour Meter Sockets.
C12.8-1981, American National Standard for Test Blocks and Cabinets for Installation of Self-Contained
"A" Base Watthour Meters.
C12.9-1987, American National Standard for Test Switches for Transformer-Rated Meters.
C12.10-1988, American National Standard for Watthour Meters.
C12.11-1987, American National Standard for Instrument Transformers for Revenue Metering, 10 kV BIL
Through 350 kV BIL (0.6 kV NSV Through 69 kV NSV).
These publications are available from the Service Center, Institute of Electrical and Electronic
Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, or from the Sales Department,
American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018.
ANSI C12.1-2008
The Secretariat of the Accredited Standards Committee on Electricity Metering, C12, is held by the Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the National Institute of Standards and Technology. At the time
this standard was processed and approved, the C12 Committee had the following members:
R.S. Turgel, Chairman
F. Huber, Jr., Secretary
The following subcommittees of C12 were actively involved in the revision of this standard:
ANSI C12.1-2008
L. Struchtemey
G.F. Walsh
In addition to the Committees listed above, C12 also has the following subcommittees:
Subcommittee Chairman
Subcommittee 1 — Definitions (vacant)
Subcommittee 2 — Measurement of Power and Energy (vacant)
Subcommittee 6 — Installation Requirements (vacant)
Subcommittee 9 — Demand Meters (vacant)
Subcommittee 11 — Safety Requirements F. J. Levitsky
Subcommittee 12 — Solid-State Meters D. Dassman
Subcommittee 13 — Time-of-Day Metering T. C. Drew
Subcommittee 14 — Pulse Recorders T. C. Drew
Subcommittee 15 — Watthour Meter Sockets and Test Blocks F. A. Marta
Subcommittee 16 — Solid-State Watthour Meters D. Dassman
Foreword (This Foreword is not part of ANSI C12.1-1995, American National Standard Code for Electricity Metering.)
The existing standard C12.1 has been rewritten with the intent to bring it up to date in an industry that is
changing dramatically, due in part to technology and economics. The standard has been significantly
reorganized to encompass all metering devices excluding instrument transformers, providing a more logical
flow. The review team has added tests to help insure new electronic equipment is capable of providing the
dependability existing devices have shown.
Areas of the standard dealing with user testing were rewritten to allow more flexibility for individual users
while maintaining current effectiveness. Proven reliability of today's equipment as well as the consistency of
new metering equipment was used as the basis to redefine how, where, and when testing can be
accomplished. The section dealing with standards and standardizing equipment has been revised to be
more in line with current procedures while maintaining existing methods if applicable.
In addition, an effort was made to align this standard with international standards and make reference to
these standards where possible. The existing standard was broadened to include tests and requirements for
ANSI C12.1-2008
all metering, while leaving other standards to provide the details for their specific devices, to avoid
duplication. Parts of the existing standard that were viewed as user practices, not standards, were removed
or placed into the appendices as examples or for references.
The Secretariat of the Accredited Standards Committee on Electricity Metering, C12, is held by the National
Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology. At the
time this standard was processed and approved, the C12 Committee had the following members:
The following members of the C12 Ad Hoc Committee to Revise C12.1 were actively involved in the
revision of this standard:
In addition, the following comprised the Editorial Committee for the Revision of C12.1:
G. Belcher
E. Malemezian
ANSI C12.1-2008
C. J. Smith
R. S. Turgel
The existing standard C12.1 has been rewritten with the intent to bring it up to date in an industry that is
changing dramatically, due to both technology and regulatory matters. The standard has been revised to
form the basic requirement document for all metering devices except instrument transformers. This edition of
the standard has added tests to help insure new electronic equipment is capable of providing the
dependability existing devices have shown.
New to this edition is a methodology for certification of new meter types, which was deemed necessary
because of the more rapid development of meter technology. Other significant additions are specific tests for
meter ancillary devices and tests for wide voltage range meters. Most meter specifications have been
retained from the previous edition without major changes.
The existing standard was broadened to include tests and requirements for all meters, both solid state and
electro-mechanical. Other standards in the C12 series provide the details for their specific devices, thus
avoiding duplication. In addition, an effort was made to align this standard with modern international
standards for electromagnetic compatibility where possible.
The Secretariat of the Accredited Standards Committee on Electricity Metering, C12, is held by the National
Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology. At the
time this standard was processed and approved, the C12 Committee had the following members:
ANSI C12.1-2008
The following members of the C12 Ad Hoc Committee to Revise C12.1 were actively involved in the
revision of this standard:
S. Weikel , Chairman
M. Anderson
J. Arneal
W. Buckley
M. Burns
B. Cook
J. DeMars
W. Germer
C. Gomez
R. Lokys
E. Malemezian
S. Malich
K. McDonald
J. McEvoy
H. Millican
T. Morgan
D. Nguyen
L. Pananen
G. Powers
M. Parc
J. Ruehl
J. Taylor
J Thurber
T. Vahlstrom
S. Weikel
C. S. Weimer
D. Williams
In addition, the following comprised the Editorial Committee for the current Revision of C12.1:
M. Anderson
M. Keys
E. Malemezian
K. Masri
H. Millican
S. Weikel