Boscher Et Al - 2009
Boscher Et Al - 2009
Boscher Et Al - 2009
Received: 14 January 2009 Revised: 19 February 2009 Accepted: 17 April 2009 Published online in Wiley Interscience: 14 August 2009
BACKGROUND: Poly[(vinyl alcohol)-co-(vinyl acetate)] (PVA) copolymers obtained by partial hydrolysis of poly(vinyl acetate)
are currently used as industrial stabilizers in the suspension polymerization of vinyl chloride monomer (VCM). Their molecular
characteristics, mainly the average degree of hydrolysis (DH) and average degree of polymerization (DPw), have a major
influence on the monomer droplet size and the properties of the final poly(vinyl chloride) resin.
RESULTS: The average droplet size and size distribution of chlorobutane/water emulsions, as a model system for VCM/water
emulsions, were studied using acoustic attenuation spectroscopy on-line with an agitated laboratory reactor. The emulsions
were stabilized by PVA with DH values between 73 and 88 mol% and DPw values between 450 and 2500. The effects of
agitation speed, stirring time and concentration of the PVA copolymers were investigated. An attempt was made to correlate
the interfacial tension and the droplet size.
CONCLUSION: On-line acoustic spectroscopy appears to be a suitable technique for the real-time control of the droplet size
of monomer suspensions. The advantages and limitations of the technique are outlined. The validity and the application
limits of the commonly cited correlation between the droplet size and the Weber number are established for polymeric
surfactant-stabilized emulsions.
c 2009 Society of Chemical Industry
Keywords: PVA; emulsion stabilization; on-line acoustic attenuation spectroscopy; droplet size distribution; interfacial properties
liquid–liquid dispersions prepared in agitated reactors. The An emulsion drop should break up at a critical Weber number
droplet characteristics were then determined off-line using either (We) which is a function of different parameters, such as stirring
microphotographic3,4 or laser diffraction5 techniques. The main speed, volumic mass, interfacial tension, etc. For defined reactor
limitation of these techniques is that in general the emulsions have characteristics, the maximum stable drop size Dmax above which
to be diluted and coalescence cannot always be avoided under the drop will definitively break up is given by Dmax = KWe−0.6 ,
static conditions, especially for relatively unstable emulsions of where K is a constant for a given system.16
large droplet size. Moreover, sampling techniques can often be Within this context, the emulsifying efficiency of the PVA
non-representative and should be treated with care. polymeric surfactants was evaluated and an attempt was made to
For these reasons, the on-line monitoring of droplet size has correlate the interfacial tension of the ClBu/water system with the
appeared to be the most appropriate technique for suspension average droplet size.
polymerization studies. Chung and Wasan,6 by using a specially
designed in situ microphotographic technique, monitored the
evolution of the droplet size distribution for a VCM model emulsion. EXPERIMENTAL
Recently, in situ real-time measurements of droplet sizes and size Materials
distributions of various liquid dispersions have been made possible Chlorobutane (>99%), supplied by Acros, was selected as organic
by the development of new particle size analysers based on in situ phase model for VCM. This model has been used quite extensively
video microscopy,7,8 on laser backscattering9,10 and on ultrasonic by different authors,5,19,20 as its characteristics such as density,
spectroscopy.11 – 13 This latter technique, also called acoustic refractive index and solubility are close to those of VCM, with the
attenuation spectroscopy, is based on the frequency-dependent advantages of easier handling and less toxicity.
extinction of ultrasonic waves arising from particles. It offers The continuous phase of emulsions consisted of demineralized
the unique opportunity for the characterization of concentrated water with the required amount of PVA. The PVAs examined in
dispersions and emulsions in their original states, without any this study were commercial samples supplied by Kuraray, Nippon
further dilution that may change the dynamic equilibrium of the Gohsei and Synthomer. Hereafter, these samples, used without
system.11 It is with the commercial development of ultrasonic further purification, are identified by their DH and DPw values; for
spectrometers that this technique has become available for the instance, PVA-73-700. These PVA main characteristics, determined
on-line or in-line particle size analysis in industrial environments, using 1 H NMR and SEC, are summarized in Table 1.
mainly for process control involving solid dispersions.11,14 The value of DH with a precision of ±1 mol% was determined
Ultrasonic spectroscopy has been applied for the characteri- using 1 H NMR (Bruker AC-400F operating at 400 MHz) in
zation of bromobenzene, silicone oil or vegetable oil aqueous dimethylsulfoxide-d6 at 70 ◦ C according to Van der Velden
emulsions, but, to the best of our knowledge, on-line acoustic and Beulen.21 The SEC measurements were carried out with
spectroscopy has not been studied so far for the suspension a Shimadzu LC-20AD liquid chromatograph equipped with
polymerization of VCM, which in its initial step consists of dispers- two Varian PL gel 5 µm MIXED-C columns (column, injection
ing liquid VCM in an aqueous medium containing the required and refractometer temperature: 30 ◦ C; injection volume: 100 µL;
amount, generally below 0.15 wt% with respect to VCM, of PVA solvent: tetrahydrofuran at 1 mL min−1 ) and a refractive index
stabilizer. The starting point of the process corresponds therefore detector (Shimadzu RID-10A). The PVA samples were previously
to VCM dispersions with a droplet size of 20–100 µm. Thus, the reacetylated as recommended by Bugada and Rudin22 and the
aim of the study reported here was at first to determine the ‘universal calibration technique’23 with polystyrene standards was
conditions under which attenuation acoustic spectroscopy can applied for the calculation of Mn and Mw .
be adapted to the characterization of chlorobutane (ClBu)/water
emulsions of large droplet size, as a model for the initial VCM/water Interfacial tension
emulsions. The average droplet size and size distribution of these The dynamic and equilibrium interfacial tension between ClBu
turbulence-stabilized emulsions were examined, on the one hand, and aqueous PVA solutions was measured at 20 ◦ C using a
as a function of the reactor parameters, such as agitation speed pendent drop tensiometer (Krüss DSA 100). The PVA solutions
and time, and, on the other hand, as a function of the PVA charac- were separately prepared by solubilization of the polymer in water
teristics, in particular their DH, DPw and concentration. A second at 70 ◦ C. The evolution of the interfacial tension as a function of
objective of practical interest, as suggested by Lazrak et al.,15 was time was calculated from the change of the aqueous drop shape,
to determine to what extent the interfacial tension generated by formed in a ClBu continuous medium.24 The average accuracy of
polymeric surfactants such as PVAs would allow one to predict the the measurements was typically 0.1 mN m−1 .
droplet size of emulsions. Hence, according to Hinze,16 Shinnar17
and more recently Jahanzad et al.,18 it was demonstrated that Emulsion preparation
in liquid–liquid dispersions the size of the drops is determined ClBu/water emulsions were prepared at 20 ◦ C in a standard
by the balance between the rates of breaking and coalescence. conformation 1 L vessel of 0.082 m internal diameter (Fig. 1). This
DH (mol%) 73 78 80 88 88
Mw (g mol−1 ) 37700 39000 109000 22050 121300
Mn (g mol−1 ) 18400 11150 50450 9200 57800
DPw 700 720 2100 450 2500
c 2009 Society of Chemical Industry Polym Int 2009; 58: 1209–1216
Acoustic attenuation spectroscopy of stabilized emulsions
82 mm
42 mm
software. This equipment, commercialized by Sympatec, is of interest to examine a larger concentration range, even below
40 30
35 25
30 20
25 15
20 10
15 5
10 0
0 100 200 300 400 0 50 100 150 200 250
Time (s) PVA concentration (ppm/water)
PVA-88-2500 PVA-88-450 PVA-80-2100
PVA-88-2500 PVA-88-450 PVA-80-2100
PVA-78-720 PVA-73-700
PVA-78-720 PVA-73-700
Figure 4. ClBu/water interfacial tension at 400 s (γ 400 ) as a function of
Figure 3. ClBu/water interfacial tension γ as a function of time for the concentration for the various PVAs.
various PVAs at a concentration of 20 ppm/water.
Emulsion characteristics
50 ppm, with PVAs of different DH and DPw, this latter parameter The turbulence emulsification processes in agitated reactors have
having not directly been taken into account by He et al.27 been quite extensively studied in order to correlate the drop size
An example showing the decrease with time of the interfacial distribution of the dispersion to the physical characteristics of
tension for ClBu/water for the various PVA samples at a concen- the liquids and to the mixing conditions.33,34 From these studies,
tration of 20 ppm/water is shown in Fig. 3. This concentration of carried out for aqueous dispersions of organic solvents, mostly in
20 ppm/water corresponds for the present emulsion formulation the absence of surfactants, it turns out that for isotropic turbulence
to a concentration of 0.1 wt%/ClBu, which is a typical PVA concen- conditions in the reactor, and if the droplet break-up with respect
tration for industrial VCM polymerizations. It can be noticed that to droplet coalescence is the predominant effect, the maximum
in the time interval 0–400s and whatever the PVA type, the inter- stable drop Dmax is defined according to Hinze16 as follows:
facial tension decreases with time without reaching a complete −0.6
equilibrium. This observation is in agreement with the results of Dmax N2 d 3 ρ
= KWe−0.6 = K
Lankveld and Lyklema,28 as well as He et al.,27 who have shown d γ
that the real equilibrium is only obtained under static conditions
after 20–30 h. = KN−1.2 d−1.8 ρ −0.6 γ 0.6 (1)
The initial rapid decrease of the interfacial tension with time
corresponds to a diffusion-controlled adsorption of the copolymer where We is the Weber number, N (rpm) the agitation speed, d
at the liquid–liquid interface. This is followed by a decrease of (m) the impeller diameter, ρ (kg m−3 ) the volumic mass, γ (N m−1 )
minor importance generally attributed to conformation changes the interfacial tension and K a constant.
of the copolymer located at the interface.27 – 29 These trends, typical Different authors3,6,15,35 have shown that the droplet size of
for polymeric amphiphiles, were also observed by other authors polymeric surfactant-stabilized emulsions can be predicted by
for, among others, modified dextrane,30 cellulosic derivatives31 Eqn (1). However, only a few of these studies were related to
and modified chitosan.32 In fact, according to these studies, the dispersions of VCM, or VCM ‘model liquids’, stabilized in aqueous
adsorption of PVA at the ClBu/water interface has to be considered medium by PVAs3,6 and no systematic correlation was established
as a three-step process involving diffusion, surface adsorption and between the interfacial characteristics of the PVAs and the
conformation rearrangement of the polymers at the interface. droplet sizes of the dispersed phase. Our objective was therefore
As the interfacial tension at 400 s (γ 400 ) corresponds primarily to conduct a more detailed experimental study with PVAs of
to the adsorption step of PVA at the interface, and also for practical different DH and DPw by using an on-line acoustic attenuation
industrial reasons, γ 400 will be considered as a standard value in spectroscopic technique.
this study.
From Fig. 3, it appears furthermore that PVA-73-700 is the most Influence of stirring time
surfactive efficient, as it leads rapidly to the lowest interfacial A typical example of the droplet size distribution as a function
tension, followed by the other PVA samples of higher DH. This is a of the stirring time is shown in Fig. 5, for a standard emulsion
first evidence that the efficiency of PVA-type surfactants depends formulation of 2 wt% ClBu and 20 ppm/water of PVA-73-700.
on DH and DPw. From an initial broad size distribution and an average droplet
In order to rank the surfactive efficiency of the different PVAs, size of about 70 µm, these emulsion characteristics decrease
γ 400 was determined as a function of their concentration (Fig. 4). progressively with the agitation time. In fact, both size distribution
As expected, γ 400 decreases and then levels off with increasing and average size level off with stirring time and reach almost
copolymer concentration. Furthermore, in agreement with He constant values after 50–60 min of stirring, which correspond to
et al.,27 it can be noticed that the plateau value of γ 400 increases the dynamic equilibrium between the break-up rate of the droplets
with the DH value of the copolymer. Moreover, it appears that the and their coalescence rate. This evolution towards a steady state
surface activity not only increases with decreasing DH values, but can furthermore be explained by the time required for the PVA
also with decreasing DPw values. molecules to be adsorbed onto the droplet surface, to rearrange
c 2009 Society of Chemical Industry Polym Int 2009; 58: 1209–1216
Acoustic attenuation spectroscopy of stabilized emulsions
Table 2. Droplet characteristics as a function of the weight and
volume ClBu concentration ([PVA-73-700] = 20 ppm/water; stirring
Differential distribution
time = 60 min)
(wt%) (vol%) Cvol (vol%) D50 (µm) PI (µm) Amax (dB)
2 2.27 2.20 49.7 36.9 122
10 3 3.40 3.33 49.7 37.3 134
4 4.52 4.53 48.8 36.4 145
5 5.64 (9.30) (20.2) (34.2) 156
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140
Droplet diameter (µm)
5 min 20 min 45 min 60 min
From these experiments it appears that reproducible and
significant results concerning the size distributions can only be
Figure 5. Evolution of the droplet size distribution with stirring time ( = 2 obtained for ClBu volume fractions up to 4 vol%, which is
wt%; [PVA-73-700] = 20 ppm/water; N = 700 rpm). a serious limitation of this technique. Nevertheless there is the
advantage that at low droplet concentration, nonlinear effects due
to multiple scattering of the ultrasonic wave become negligible.11
Moreover, as pointed out in Table 2, this technique also gives
Mean diameters (µm)
130 120
120 110
Diameter D50 (µm)
90 70
PI = D90-D10 (µm)
80 65
PI = D90-D10 (µm)
70 60
60 55
50 50
40 45
30 40
20 35
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Stirring time (min) 0 20 40 60 80 100
500 rpm 600 rpm 700 rpm 800 rpm PVA concentration (ppm/water)
PVA-88-2500 PVA-80-2100 PVA-88-450
Figure 8. Polydispersity index PI = D90 − D10 as a function of stirring time PVA-78-720 PVA-73-700
for various agitation speeds ( = 2 wt%; [PVA-73-700] = 20 ppm/water).
Figure 11. Polydispersity index PI = D90 − D10 as a function of con-
centration for the various PVAs ( = 2 wt%; stirring time = 60 min;
170 N = 700 rpm).
Diameter D50 (µm)
characteristics of emulsions are not determined by the adsorbed Zerfa and Brooks with laser diffraction measurements.4
c 2009 Society of Chemical Industry Polym Int 2009; 58: 1209–1216
Acoustic attenuation spectroscopy of stabilized emulsions
Correlation between interfacial tension and mean droplet size to around 0.40 with increasing values of DH. These exponents are
For oil/water emulsions prepared in the absence of surfactants systematically below the theoretical one of 0.6 given in Eqn (1).
or to some extent with low molecular weight surfactants, the In agreement with Walstra39 and Williams et al.,40 this is a first
equilibrium droplet size can be estimated by taking into account indication that one has to consider, on a purely phenomenological
the Laplace pressure P defined by the interfacial tension γ and basis, an ‘effective value’ of γ , which is systematically higher than
the drop diameter D:P = 4γ /D. However, as demonstrated by that determined by classical static or dynamic interfacial tension
Lucassen-Reynders and Kuijpers37 and Jones and Middelberg,38 measurements. In fact, as pointed out by different authors,37,40,41
this approach is not directly applicable to emulsification processes the emulsifier adsorbed on the droplet increases the emulsion
and to systems where the surfactant, in particular a ‘polymeric stability and the interfacial viscosity, which makes the break-up
surfactant’, develops a viscoelastic interface around the droplets. more difficult, and thus the drop size is larger than expected from
Another approach is given by Eqn (1), where Dmax , and thus D50 , equilibrium interfacial tension values. This effect can be noticed
varies as γ 0.6 . At this point, it is therefore of interest to check quite clearly in Fig. 12, where, at a given value of γ 400 , different
for PVA-stabilized emulsions the correlation between γ and D, D50 are obtained for the various PVAs, under constant agitation
keeping in mind that γ itself is directly correlated to the surfactant conditions. The comparison of the emulsions obtained with PVA-
88-450 and PVA-88-2500 is illustrative in this respect. These two
Figure 12 shows a graphical representation of ln D50 versus ln
PVAs, of same DH and similar n exponent, differ only in their
γ 400 , according to Eqn (1) with γ 400 as the only variable. For a
DPw. At a given γ 400 (= 17.5 mN m−1 ), the droplet diameters D50
given PVA, Fig. 12 shows a straightforward correlation between ln
obtained with PVA-88-450 (at a concentration of 50 ppm/water)
γ and ln D50 over a wide concentration range, typically between
and PVA-88-2500 (at a concentration of 100 ppm/water) are 52.1
10 and 200 ppm/water, such as D50 ≈ γ n , with n the exponent
of γ for this relationship. The same type of correlation could be and 66.3 µm, respectively. This is evidence that the larger and
established between D90 and γ . A deviation from linearity appears more viscous interphase resulting from PVA-88-2500 limits the
only at very low PVA concentration, typically below 10 ppm/water break-up of the droplets and thus leads to larger droplets.
(not shown) and thus at γ values above 25 mN m−1 , where the Another comparison of interest can be made by considering
dispersions are quite unstable. The corresponding values of the the samples PVA-73-700 and PVA-88-450 at their crossover point,
exponents n for D50 and D90 as well as the correlation coefficients where the two samples lead practically to the same droplet size
R2 are given in Table 3 for the various PVAs. (D50 = 52 µm) and interfacial tension (γ 400 = 17.5 mN m−1 ), with
From Fig. 12 and Table 3, it is worth noticing that each PVA is the only difference being their respective concentrations. It turns
defined by a specific exponent n of γ , which increases from 0.12 out that in order to reach similar viscoelastic surface properties,
one needs to increase the concentration of PVA-88-450 by a factor
of 3.33 with respect to PVA-73-700. Due to the higher amount of
-9.2 ‘hydrophobic’ acetate groups of PVA-73-700, it can be assumed,
-9.3 as suggested by Lankveld and Lyklema,36 that this PVA is more
-9.4 tightly fixed to the interface and thus is in a more flattened
ln D50 (m)
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The authors express their gratitude to Tessenderlo Group and the 40 Williams A, Janssen JJM and Prins A, Colloids Surf A 125:189–200
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41 Tadros TF and Vincent B, Emulsion stability, in Encyclopedia of Emulsion
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J Lionet for their interest and advice, Mr. C Behrens and G Mischel pp. 129–285 (1983).
(Sympatec) for their technical assistance, as well as the various
PVA suppliers.
c 2009 Society of Chemical Industry Polym Int 2009; 58: 1209–1216