March 2024 ACE UPPSC Current Compilation

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If you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed


1. International 1-3
2. National 3-13
3. Agreements 13-17
4. Appointment & Resignation 17-21
5. Awards 21-25
6. Books 25-26
7. Economy, Finance & Banking 27-30
8. Days & Events 31-34
9. Defence 34-38
10. Index & Reports 38-42
11. Obituary 43-44
12. Schemes & Initiatives 45-50
13. Science & Technology 50-57
14. Sports 57-61
15. Summits, Conference & Miscellaneous 61-70



March 2024 Current Affairs

If you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed
approved by all existing NATO
members.Finland officially became a member
International of NATO in 2023 April last year due to
Q. Recently, which South American country concerns over Russia's invasion of Ukraine
has declared a health emergency due to the Headquarters – Brussels, Belgium
rising cases of dengue fever?
Answer: Peru Q. Where is the world's first 3D printing
mosque located?
Q. Recently, which country discovered a Answer: Saudi Arabia
5,000-year-old cemetery belonging to a
Copper Age society? Q. Chapchar Kut festival, recently seen in the
Answer: Italy news, is celebrated in which state?
Italian archaeologists recently uncovered a Answer: Mizoram
5,000-year-old cemetery from the Copper Mizoram's Chapchar Kut festival, celebrated
Age, shedding light on this transitional period at the Assam Rifles Ground in Aizawl, showed
between the Neolithic and Bronze Age. vibrant Mizo traditions with Cheraw and Chai
dances. The spring festival, marked by
Q. ‘SAMOA Pathway’, recently seen in the clearing forests for jhum cultivation, featured
news, is associated with which one of the locals in colorful attire, engaging in folk
following groupings? dances and songs. Chapchar Kut, observed
Answer: Small Island Developing States (SIDS) annually in March, attracted a diverse crowd,
The UN Secretary-General emphasizes the highlighting the rich cultural heritage of the
urgent need for increased funding to support Mizo community in a day-long celebration.
Small Island Developing States (SIDS) facing
climate change. Comprising 39 States and 18 Q. Recently, Maldives has signed a defense
Associate Members, SIDS, located in the agreement with which country for obtaining
Caribbean, Pacific, and AIS regions, exhibit non-lethal weapons and training?
unique vulnerabilities. Answer: China

Q. Which country has become the first Q. Which has become the 97th member
country to recognize abortion in its country to ratify the International Solar
constitution? Alliance?
Answer: France Answer: Panama
Also, on March 5, Malta became the 119th
Q. Recently, which country’s parliament voted country to join the International Solar Alliance.
to approve Sweden's bid to join the NATO,
making it the 32nd nation to join the alliance? Q. Kinmen Islands, recently seen in the news,
Answer: Hungary is located in which country?
Hungary's parliament voted to ratify Sweden's Answer: Taiwan
bid to join NATO, making Sweden the 32nd Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council urged China
member of the alliance. Sweden applied to to maintain the "status quo" in waters near
join NATO in 2022 after Russia's full-scale Taiwan-controlled Kinmen islands, cautioning
invasion of Ukraine. New members must be


against coast guard incursions into restricted

Q. Which country has devalued its currency

Short Notes:
Answer: Egypt
- India has successfully brought the rate of
Q. Which country recently launched the new extreme poverty below 3% of its
arts and cultural destination, IMMERSEE, population: World Poverty ClockThe
within the Sustainable City? percentage of the population living in
Answer: United Arab Emirates extreme poverty has declined from 3.3% in
2022 to 2.4% in 2024.
Q. Nepal's Prime Minister Pushpa Kamla
Dahal has declared which of the following as - The government has decided to impose
its tourism capital? anti-dumping duty on cast aluminium alloy
Answer: Pokhara wheels coming from China.
The declaration was made during a special
ceremony held at the Barahi Ghat on the - Gyaltsuen Jetsun Pema Wangchuck Mother
shores of the Phewa Lake. and Child Hospital was inaugurated. The
Gyaltsuen Jetsun Pema Wangchuck Mother
Q. Which country became India's fifth-largest and Child Hospital was inaugurated by
crude oil supplier in February 2024? Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and
Answer: Venezuela Prime Minister of Bhutan H.E. Tshering
Venezuela became India's fifth-largest crude Tobgay.
oil supplier in February 2024. Venezuela is the
country with the world's largest proven oil - The Red Sea crisis has spurred interest in
reserves (300 billion barrels). the Eastern Maritime Corridor (EMC), a
proposed trade route connecting Chennai,
Q. On March 26, the Francis Scott Bridge in India, to Vladivostok, Russia. The corridor
Baltimore collapsed. Where is it located? aims to shorten transportation time
Answer: Maryland between Indian and Russian ports in the Far
On March 26, the Francis Scott Bridge in East by up to 16 days. Once operational, it
Baltimore collapsed. The 1.5 mile (2.4 km) will reduce the shipping duration from India
long bridge collapsed after a container ship hit to Far East Russia to 24 days, compared to
the pylon, causing the vehicle and eight over 40 days via the Suez Canal.
people to fall into the cold water below. A
container ship named Dali was heading for Sri - Hong Kong recently passed a new national
Lanka from the Patapsco River. The power security law that expands government
went out completely and all its lights went powers to suppress dissent and imposes
out.Baltimore Port is the busiest U.S. port for life sentences for treason and insurrection.
car shipments, handling at least 750,000 The law also includes life sentences for
vehicles in 2023, sabotage and "colluding with foreign
according to data from the Maryland Port forces".
- Chris Brown of Britain achieved a historic
Q. Which country is poised to become the first feat by becoming the first person to reach
country in Southeast Asia to allow same-sex Point Nemo, the oceanic pole of
marriage? inaccessibility in the Pacific Ocean. Located
Answer: Thailand far from land, Point Nemo sits at
coordinates 48°52.6′ South latitude and


123°23.6′ West longitude. Brown - The Union of the Comoros and the
announced his accomplishment via Democratic Republic of Timor–Leste have
Instagram on March 20, 2024. The nearest formally became the members of the World
landmasses, Ducie Island, Motu Nui Island, Trade Organisation (WTO).
and Maher Island, are thousands of
kilometers away. - The New Zealand government has
announced a ban on disposable e-
- The UN General Assembly adopted a cigarettes or vapes. The move comes less
resolution championing safe, secure, and than a month after the country repealed a
trustworthy AI systems in alignment with law that aimed to phase out tobacco
sustainable development goals. It stresses smoking.
human rights in AI development and
recognizes its potential for advancing the - Simon Harris, a prominent figure in Irish
Sustainable Development Goals. politics, has emerged as the sole candidate
in the race to become Ireland’s next prime
- China unveils Z-20, a 10-tonne attack minister following the unexpected departure
helicopter dubbed Z-21, to bolster aerial of Leo Varadkar. At 37 years old, Harris is
capabilities surpassing Z-10 and Z-19. poised to become the youngest prime
Primarily aimed for close air support and minister in Ireland’s history.
anti-armor missions, Z-20 amalgamates
features from AH-64 and Mi-28 helicopters. - Rumi Alqahtani, a 27-year-old model and
Vital for potential conflicts with Taiwan or influencer from Saudi Arabia, announced on
India, filling a firepower gap compared to Instagram that she will be the first
Z-19 and Z-10, akin to OH-58 Kiowa and participant from the country in the Miss
AH-1Z in roles. Strategic move anticipated Universe competition. Alqahtani was born in
by military analysts for regional dynamics. Riyadh and has previously won the titles of
Miss Saudi Arabia, Miss Arab World Peace
- Six heritage sites in Madhya Pradesh (MP) 2021, and Miss Woman (Saudi Arabia). This
were included in the tentative list of the will be the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s first
United Nations Educational, Scientific and appearance in the Miss Universe pageant.
Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World
Heritage Sites (WHS). Gwalior Fort is also
known as the ‘Gibraltar of India’, located in
the Gwalior district of Madhya Pradesh.
Khooni’ or ‘Kundi Bhandara’ is an
underground water management system
comprising eight interconnected Q. Tawi festival, recently seen in the news, is
waterworks located in Burhanpur, celebrated in which state/UT?
MP.Bhojeshwar Mahadev Temple, Answer: Jammu and Kashmir
dedicated to Lord Shiva, is located on the
banks of the Betwa River in the Raisen Q. How many railway titans across the country
District of MP. These rock art sites are have received the 'Eat Right Station'
expanded into 9 Clusters of various districts certification so far?
of Madhya Pradesh & Rajasthan.The Answer: 150
Dhamnar caves spread across a span of 5.2
hectares, are located in Dhamnar village of Q. Which is the 26th new district carved out of
Mandsaur district, MP.. areas from Lower Subansiri in Arunachal
Answer: Kei Punyar


Kei Panyur became the 26th district of station in India. It is 33 meters below the
Arunachal Pradesh by separating areas from surface.
Lower Subansiri. The headquarters of this
district will be Ter Gapin-Sam Sarth.This new Q. Where has India and Asia's first Dolphin
district has been created on the demand of Research Centre inaugurated on 4th March
the people of the Nyishi community. 2024?
Answer: Patna, Bihar
Q. Risa' is a tribal dress from which state, Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar inaugurated
which was recently awarded the GI tag? India's first and only dolphin research centre
Answer: Tripura in Patna. The Gangetic dolphin was officially
Tripura's tribal attire 'Risa' has been given GI discovered in 1801. They live in the Ganges-
tag. Risa is known for its stunning and stylish Brahmaputra- Meghna and Karnaphuli-Sangu
design, distinctive multi-color combinations, River systems of Nepal, India and
and lasting textures. Odisha's unique Cuttack Bangladesh. Hunting of Gangetic dolphins is
Rupa Tarakasi (Silver Filagry) and Banglar prohibited under Schedule I of the Wild Life
muslin were given GI tag. (Protection) Act, 1972.

Q. Where has India's first oil palm processing Q. What is the primary objective of ‘Sagar
unit started operating? Parikrama’, recently seen in the news?
Answer: Dibang Valley,Arunachal Pradesh Answer: To understand the needs and
3F Oil Palm, one of India's largest oil palm challenges of fishermen
development companies, has started The Union Minister for Fisheries, Animal
commercial operations at the country's first Husbandry, and Dairying unveiled a book and
integrated oil palm processing unit in video on “Sagar Parikrama”.
Arunachal Pradesh.
Q. Which is the first state in India to
Q. Gorasam Kora Festival was celebrated implement a Uniform Civil Code after
from March 7 to March 10 in which state? independence?
Answer: Arunachal Pradesh Answer: Uttarakhand
This year, the festival was celebrated with the
theme 'Zero Waste Festival' and members of Q. Project Seabird, India’s largest naval
Forward and Beyond Foundation conducted a infrastructure project, is located in which
cleanliness drive. state?
Answer: Karnataka
Q. In March 2024, Prime Minister Narendra The Defence Minister is set to inaugurate two
Modi inaugurated India's first underwater piers and seven towers, providing 320 homes
metro tunnel. Under which river will this for Navy officers and Defence civilians at
metro run? Naval Base Karwar, Karnataka, under Project
Answer: Hooghly Seabird—the largest naval infrastructure
PM Modi inaugurated India's first underwater project in India. more. Once completed, it will
metro service in Kolkata. He inaugurated be the largest naval base in the Eastern
India's first under-river metro tunnel in Hemisphere, accommodating warships,
Kolkata. The metro will take 45 seconds to submarines, and aircraft.
cover the distance of 520 meters under the
Hooghly River. The tunnel is part of the East- Q. PM inaugurates Sela Tunnel, which state is
West Metro corridor of the Kolkata Metro that located in?
connects Howrah Maidan to Esplanade. Answer: Arunachal Pradesh
Howrah metro station is the deepest metro Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently
inaugurated the Sela Tunnel during his one-


day visit to Arunachal Pradesh. Which is the from the Indian government until 2028.
longest twin-lane tunnel in the world. The Initiated by the Prime Minister in April 2023 to
tunnel will become the world’s longest bi-lane commemorate Project Tiger's 50th
tunnel at an altitude of 13,000 feet. It is anniversary, IBCA aims to foster cooperation
situated on the road that connects Tezpur in among 97 'range' countries for the
Assam to Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh. conservation of seven big cat species. HQ-
New Delhi.
Q. Who inaugurated India's first elevated 8-
lane expressway? Q. Majuli manuscript painting, recently seen in
Answer: Narendra Modi the news, is associated with which state?
Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the Answer: Assam
Haryana section of the Dwarka Expressway. Majuli manuscript painting, a traditional art
The Dwarka Expressway has a total length of form dating back to the 16th century in
29 km, out of which 18.9 km falls in Haryana Assam, recently received a Geographical
while the remaining 10.1 km falls in Delhi. Indication (GI) tag. The paintings are created
Dwarka Expressway is India's first elevated 8- on sanchi pat, manuscripts made from the
lane access control urban expressway. bark of the sanchi or agar tree, using
homemade ink. Srimanta Sankardev's
Q. India's first automobile in-plant railway illustrated rendering of the Adya Dasama from
siding project was inaugurated in which state? the Bhagwat Purana is considered the earliest
Answer: Gujarat example. Originally patronized by Ahom kings,
Automobile company Maruti Suzuki has this art form persists in every sattra in Majuli.
started India's first in-plant railway siding
project at Hansalpur plant in Gujarat. Prime Q. The Karnataka government has announced
Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated it via the setting up of a state-of-the-art AI centre in
video conferencing the state?
Answer: World Economic Forum
Q. Which state cabinet has approved the
Green Hydrogen Policy, 2024 on March 5, Q. Recently, Bichom has been declared the
2024? 27th district of which state?
Answer: Uttar Pradesh Answer: Arunachal Pradesh
The Uttar Pradesh government has approved Bichom, the 27th district of Arunachal
a green hydrogen policy for setting up two Pradesh, was inaugurated by Chief Minister
units of 800 MW each at Anpara. These units Pema Khandu. The state assembly passed the
will be set up in collaboration with NTPC. Arunachal Pradesh (Re-Organisation of
Under this policy, a target has been set to Districts) (Amendment) Bill, 2024, in February,
produce 1 million metric tonnes of green leading to the creation of Bichom and Keyi
hydrogen every year by 2028. Uttar Pradesh Panyor districts.
New and Renewable Energy Development
Agency (UPNEDA) will be the nodal agency Q. Where is Tawi Festival celebrated?
for implementing the Green Hydrogen Policy. Answer: Jammu and Kashmir

Q. How much funding has the Union Cabinet Q. Where was the India's first small scale LNG
approved for the International Big Cat unit inaugurated?
Alliance? Answer: Madhya Pradesh
Answer: Rs 150 crore Union Minister for Petroleum and Natural Gas,
The Union Cabinet has officially launched the Hardeep Singh Puri, inaugurated 201 CNG
International Big Cat Alliance (IBCA) with a stations in 17 states and India's first Small
one-time budgetary allocation of Rs 150 crore Scale LNG Unit at GAIL's Vijaipur LPG plant.


The event, conducted via video conferencing Answer: Madhya Pradesh
in New Delhi, included Minister of State The Madhya Pradesh HC has instructed the
Rameshwar Teli. Puri emphasized India's ASI to survey the Bhojshala Temple-Kamal
commitment to cleaner fuels, marking Maula Mosque complex to determine its true
progress towards a 15% natural gas share in nature. Hindus have been conducting puja on
the primary energy basket by 2030. Tuesdays and Muslims offering namaz on
Fridays since April 2003. Situated in Madhya
Q. When was the Citizenship Amendment Act Pradesh's Dhar district, Bhojshala holds
2019 implemented in India? historical and religious importance. Protected
Answer: 11 March 2024 under the AMASR Archaeological Survey of
Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) notified the India under the Archaeological Sites and
rules under the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, Remains Act, 1958, (AMASR Act). At, it was
2019 (CAA-2019). These rules, called the originally a temple built by Parmar King Bhoja
Citizenship (Amendment) Rules, 2024 to fast- in the 11th Century AD, now a Monument of
track the citizenship process for non-Muslims, National Importance.
immigrants such as Hindus, Sikhs, Jains,
Buddhists, Parsis, and Christians from Q. Gevra mine, recently seen in the news, is
Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, who located in which state?
had entered India before December 31, 2014. Answer: Chhattisgarh
As of March 2024, the Gevra mine in
Q. Recently, which ministry inaugurated the Chhattisgarh, India, is set to become the
Credit Assistance Program for Jan Aushadhi largest coal mine in Asia. The mine is a
Kendras? subsidiary of Coal India, which is part of the
Answer: Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers South Eastern Coalfield Limited (SECL). The
Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya, Minister of mine also has first-mile connectivity, including
Chemicals & Fertilizers has initiated a Credit a conveyer belt, silos, and a rapid loading
Assistance Program for Jan Aushadhi system for eco-friendly coal evacuation.
Kendras, aiming to bolster the network
nationwide. Q. Who has announced to set up two National
Centres of Excellence for Women in March
Q. Where was the 125-feet statue of Lachit 2024?
Borphukan unveiled by the Prime Minister? Answer: Anurag Singh Thakur
Answer: Jorhat, Assam
Known as the 'Statue of Shaurya', it is a fitting Q. Which city is going to host the world's
tribute to the legendary military leader who largest literary festival, Sahityotsav?
bravely thwarted a significant attempt by the Answer: New Delhi
Mughal forces to gain control of Assam, a Sahitya Akademi, India's National Academy of
legacy that has survived for over 400 Letters, celebrates its 70th anniversary with
years.Ahom general Lachit Barphukan was 'Sahityotsav,' the world's largest literary
one of the five Barphukan who performed festival from March 11 to 16, 2024. Over 1100
administrative, judicial and military duties in writers and scholars from 175+ languages will
the Ahom kingdom of Assam and was born in participate in 190 sessions.
1622. He is remembered as a military
commander for leading the Ahom army Q. Recently, which institute hosted the
against the Mughal invasion in the Battle of webinar on ‘Viksit Bharat: Corporate
Saraighat in 1671 governance for 2047’?
Answer: Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs
Q. Bhojshala Temple, recently seen in the (IICA)
news, is located in which state?


The Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA) The Supreme Court ruled that "bribery is not
hosted a webinar on "Viksit Bharat: Corporate protected by parliamentary privileges".
Governance for 2047" on March 7, 2024.
Viksit Bharat is the Government of India's Q. Amrabad Tiger Reserve, recently seen in
vision to make India a developed nation by the news, is located in which state?
2047. The vision includes many aspects of Answer: Telangana
development, such as economic growth, The leopard population in Amrabad Tiger
social progress, environmental sustainability, Reserve, Telangana, has significantly
and good governance. increased, as per the recent 'Status of
Leopards in India' report. Spanning 2611.4 sq
Q. Risa Textile, which has recently received a km, it is one of India's largest tiger reserves
Geographical Indication (GI) tag, belongs to and the second-largest in core area. Originally
which state? part of Nagarjunasagar-Srisailam Tiger
Answer: Tripura Reserve, Amrabad Tiger Reserve emerged
This handwoven cloth serves as a female post-state bifurcation. Situated in
upper garment, headgear, stole, and a gesture Nagarkurnool and Nalgonda districts, it
of respect. Adorning vibrant designs, it holds encompasses Nallamala Forest and vital water
social and religious significance, notably in sources like Srishailam Dam and
Garia Puja and weddings. Young girls receive Nagarjunsagar Dam, fed by Krishna River.
their first risa at the Risa Sormani ceremony.
Q. Fourier's Law, recently mentioned in the
Q. Jim Corbett National Park, recently seen in news, is associated with which one of the
the news, is located in which state? following?
Answer: Uttarakhand Answer: Law of Heat Conduction.

Q. Recently, where was the ‘Agriculture Q. Recently, which ministry launched the
Integrated Command and Control Centre’ Digital Intelligence Platform (DIP) and
inaugurated? ‘Chakshu’ facility on Sanchar Saathi portal?
Answer: New Delhi Answer: Ministry of Communication.
Union Minister Arjun Munda inaugurated the
Agriculture Integrated Command and Control Q. What is the theme of the National Birth
Centre in New Delhi's Krishi Bhawan. Defects Awareness Month 2024?
Answer: Breaking Barriers: inclusive support
Q. Recently, which state government has for children with birth defects
decided to establish a State Water Information Dr. V K Paul, Member (Health), NITI Aayog,
Centre (SWIC)? launched National Birth Defect Awareness
Answer: Odisha Month 2024, emphasizing the Pradhan Mantri
Jan Arogya Yojana's vital role in improving
Q. The Supreme Court ended the exemption child health. The scheme covers half of India's
of MPs taking bribes for voting. Members of health and complements the existing
Parliament (MPs) are protected from Rashtriya Bal Swashtya Karyakram. The
prosecution under which article? month-long campaign, themed "Breaking
Answer: Article 105 Barriers: inclusive support for children with
A seven-judge Constitution bench headed by birth defects," aims to raise awareness about
Chief Justice of India (CJI) D Y Chandrachud prevention, early identification, and timely
upheld the plea of P.V. Ramachandra. The management of birth defects.
Supreme Court's 1998 judgment in the
Narasimha Rao vs State case was set aside.


Q. Coral Reef Watch Programme, recently
seen in the news, is developed by which Q. Rupa Tarakas (Silver Filigree) handicrafts,
agency? which has recently received a Geographical
Answer: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Indication (GI) tag, belongs to which state?
Administration Answer: Odisha
The Coral Reef Watch Programme alerts of an Filigree, linked to exquisite craftsmanship in
imminent fourth global coral bleaching event, classical jewellery, dates back to 3500 BCE in
using its online tool for Sea Surface Mesopotamia.
Temperature (SST) analysis. Developed by
NOAA, it's the sole global early-warning Q. Which one of the following provision of the
system for coral reefs, monitoring conditions Indian Constitution poses a major hurdle to
causing bleaching, disease, and death. regulating coal mining in Nagaland?
Answer: Article 371A
Q. Which state government recently Article 371A of the Indian Constitution is a
announced a fully funded universal life major obstacle to regulating coal mining in
insurance scheme? Nagaland. This provision protects Naga tribes'
Answer: Nagaland customs, traditions, and religious practices
The Nagaland government introduced a fully- from external interference. It also allows the
funded universal life insurance scheme, continuation of indigenous legal systems and
aiming to alleviate financial hardships resulting traditional methods of justice.
from untimely deaths.
Q. On the order of the Supreme Court, the
Q. Indiramma Housing Scheme, recently seen Election Commission published information
in the news, is associated with which state? about electoral bonds. Which bank is
Answer: Telangana authorized to sell electoral bonds?
Telangana Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy Answer: State Bank of India
has revealed the Indiramma Housing Scheme,
set to commence on March 11. Q. Ratlam Riyawan Garlic, which has recently
received a Geographical Indication (GI) tag,
Q. Recently, which country became the first belongs to which state?
Spanish-speaking nation to recognize Indian Answer: Jaora, Ratlam distric, Madhya
Pharmacopoeia (IP)? Pradesh
Answer: Nicaragua
Nicaragua achieves a historic milestone by Q. To curb the issue of cattle smuggling,
becoming the first Spanish-speaking nation to which state police launched "Operation
recognize the Indian Pharmacopoeia (IP) as Kamdhenu"?
the official book of standards for drugs Answer: Jammu and Kashmir
manufactured and marketed in India.
Q. Recently, where was the 125-foot statue of
Q. Okhla Bird Sanctuary (OBS), recently seen Lachit Borphukan unveiled?
in the news, is located in which state? Answer: Jorhat, Assam
Answer: Noida, Uttar Pradesh Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the
On March 3, 2024, the WWF EIACP PC-RP, 'Statue of Valour,' a 125-foot bronze
led by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and monument honoring Ahom General Lachit
Climate Change, marked World Wildlife Day at Barphukan in Jorhat, Assam. Barphukan, born
Okhla Bird Sanctuary. Recognizing its rich in 1622, bravely defended Assam against the
biodiversity and Mission LiFE focus, the Mughals in the 1671 Battle of Saraighat,
celebration aimed to acknowledge wildlife's preventing their expansion.
vital roles.


Q. Union Minister Narayan Rane recently laid Q. . Which state tops in illegal trade of shark
the foundation stone of MSME-Technology body parts?
Centre in which state? Answer: Tamil Nadu
Answer: Maharashtra Out of the total, 65% of the illegal trade of
shark body parts has taken place in Tamil
Q. The committee on 'One Nation One Nadu. It is followed by other states like
Election' submitted its report, who is the Karnataka, Gujarat, Kerala and Maharashtra.
chairman of this committee? Appendices I and II of CITES (Convention on
Answer: Ramnath Kovind International Trade in Endangered Species of
The report has been prepared by an eight- Wild Fauna and Flora) are listed in Schedule IV
member committee headed by former of the Act.
President Kovind. Apart from the former
President, Home Minister Amit Shah and Q. Which state police recently launched the
former MP Ghulam Nabi Azad are also digital platform 'Trinetra' App 2.0?
included in the committee. Answer: Uttar Pradesh

Q. Which state has decided to buy land in the Q. On 25th March 2024, Border Roads
Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir in Organisation (BRO) connected the Nimmu-
March 2024? Padam-Darcha road to which of the
Answer: Maharashtra following?
The Maharashtra government has decided to Answer: Ladakh
buy 2.5 acres of land in the Union Territory of
Jammu and Kashmir. Maharashtra is the first Q. Which state High Court has held the
state to buy land in Jammu and Kashmir. Madrasa Education Act 2004
Apart from this, the state government will unconstitutional?
build a second building in Ayodhya for tourists Answer: Uttar Pradesh
and devotees.
Q. Who has launched India's first LNG-
Q. Recently 900 years old Kannada inscription powered bus?
of Kalyana Chalukya dynasty was found in Answer: Eknath Shinde, Maharashtra.
which state?
Answer: Telangana Q. Mission 414' campaign has been launched
A 900-year-old Kannada inscription from the by the Election Commission in which state?
Kalyana Chalukya dynasty was found in Answer: Himachal Pradesh
Jadcherla mandal of Mahabubnagar district of
Telangana. Archaeologist and CEO of Plach Q. Where will India's first battery energy
India Foundation E Shivanagi Reddy said the storage gigafactory come up?
inscription was found during a campaign Answer: Jammu and Kashmir
'Preserve heritage for future generations’. On Goodenough Energy is planning to build
a careful reading of the inscription, it was India's largest factory for battery energy
revealed that it was issued on June 8, 1134 storage systems (BESS) gigafactories to
A.D. (Friday) by the customs officials of ensure the stability of the power grid. The
Tailapa-III, son of the Kalyana Chalukya initial capacity of the factory will be 7GWh,
emperor 'Bhulokamalla' Someshvara-III. It which will increase to 20 GWH by 2026.
also holds the record of waiving off the Goodenough Energy is India's leading
income earned from toll taxes called manufacturer of battery energy storage
Vaddarvula and Hejunka for the monolithic systems.
lamp and incense of Lord Somnath


Q. Sankalan App, recently seen in the news, is - Arvind Kejriwal became the first Chief
related to which one of the following? Minister to be arrested while being the Chief
Answer: New criminal laws Minister. The Enforcement Directorate (ED)
arrested Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal
Q. Which has received the Miniratna under the Prevention of Money Laundering
Category-I Central Public Sector Enterprise Act of 2002 in the liquor policy scam.
(CPSE) status in March 2024? AIADMK chief J Jayalalithaa was the first
Answer: Grid – India former CM to be arrested in 1996.
Grid Controller of India Limited (Grid-India) Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002:
has attained the status of Miniratna Category-I It was enacted in 2002 and came into force
Central Public Sector Enterprise (CPSE). This on 1 July 2005. Its main objective is to
recognition has been given by the Ministry of prevent money laundering.
- Bannerghatta Biological Park, established in
Q. Where did ASI start excavation to discover 1971 in Bengaluru, Karnataka, is unaffected
oldest temple in India? by the city's water crisis due to its location
Answer: Madhya Pradesh on the outskirts. It boasts India's first
The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) is fenced forested elephant sanctuary.
excavating two mounds at Nachne village in Notably, it inaugurated India's first butterfly
Madhya Pradesh's Panna district to uncover enclosure in 2006. The park is graced by
India's oldest temple. The excavation sites are the Suvarnamukhi stream flowing through it,
just 30 metres from two ancient temples – a enhancing its biodiversity and natural
Gupta-era Parvati temple and the Chaumukh charm.
Nath temple built by the Kalchuri dynasty.The
Nachna Hindu temples, also known as the - The 'Know Your Candidate' (KYC) app was
Nachna Mandir or the Hindu Temple at launched by the Election Commission for
Nachna- Kuthara, are among the oldest voters before the Lok Sabha elections.
surviving stone temples in central India, along
with Bhumra and Deogarh. - Bihar has formulated a Low-Carbon Action
Plan (LCAP) to strengthen its waste
Q. The Election Commission of India has management and domestic wastewater
launched which app to facilitate easy voting sector. The LCAP is part of the state's goal
for persons with disabilities? of becoming carbon neutral by 2070.
Answer: Saksham App
The motto of the Election Commission of India - The National Commission for Women
is "No voter should be left out". (NCW) and the Railway Protection Force
have signed a MoU to prevent and combat
human trafficking.

Short Notes: - The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has

decided to remove 18 "centrally protected
monuments" from the list. The monuments
- India is now the second largest mobile that are now facing deletion from the list
phone producer in the world. According to include the medieval highway landmark
the India Cellular and Electronics recorded as Kos Minar No. 13 in Haryana's
Association, the sector has transformed Mujesar village and the Barakhamba
from 78% import-dependent to 97% self- cemetery in Delhi. It also includes the grave
sufficiency in 2014. of Gunner Berkil in Jhansi district, a


cemetery at Gaughat in Lucknow and the - The Union Agriculture Minister inaugurated
Telia Nala Buddhist ruins in Varanasi. a Krishi Integrated Command and Control
Centre (ICCC) at Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi.
- A performance audit by India's CAG on It utilizes various IT applications to aid
Shipra River's degradation revealed key decision- making in agriculture.
insights. Shipra, sacred like the Ganga,
originates from Vindhya Range, flows - A recent study unveils the secrets behind
195km (93km through Ujjain), and joins the the unique aroma of Mushk Budiji, a native
Chambal River. Legends claim it sprang rice variety from the Kashmir Himalaya.
from Lord Vishnu's boar incarnation's heart. Initially threatened by extinction due to low
Ujjain, a holy city, hosts the famous yield and rice blast disease, a revival
Kumbha Mela on its banks. initiative by SKUAST scientists since 2007
has led to its slow resurgence. G.I in 2023.
- The Railway Protection Force (RPF),
established in 1957 under the Ministry of - G.I. Tag
Railways (MoR), has the largest share of Arunachal Pradesh Apatani Textile Products
women personnel (9%) among Central Arunachal Pradesh Monpa Textile Products
Paramilitary Forces (CPF) in India. Arunachal Pradesh Nyishi Textile Products
Arunachal Pradesh Galo Textile Products
- Valmiki Tiger Reserve (VTR), recently seen Arunachal Pradesh Adi Textile Products
in the news, is located in Bihar. Arunachal Pradesh Tai Khamti Handloom
Arunachal Pradesh Monpa Handmade.
- AMPC e-tender process for Byadagi Chilli in Paper
Byadagi led to violent protests over alleged Arunachal Pradesh Dao (Sward)
low prices. Byadgi chilli, named after the Arunachal Pradesh Marua Apo (Marua
town in Karnataka, is less spicy, renowned Millet Beverage)
for vibrant color, crucial in South Indian Arunachal Pradesh Adi Apong (Beverage)
cuisine. G.I in 2011 Arunachal Pradesh Angnyat/ Adlay/ Tanyak
- The Ministry of Information and Arunachal Pradesh Khelap / Phalap/ Felap
Broadcasting advises endorsers and Tea (Bamboo Processed Tea)
influencers on social media to avoid Majuli Mask of Assam
promoting offshore online betting and Assam Majuli Manuscript Painting
gambling platforms due to their negative Ambaji White Marble- Gujrat
impact on consumers, especially youth. Kutch Rogan Craft- Gujrat
Cuttack Silver Filigree (Chandi Tarakasi)-
- On 6th March 2024, during his visit to West Odisha
Bengal, Prime Minister(PM) Narendra Modi Narasapur Crochet Lace Products- A.P
virtually inaugurated the Agra Metro’s Ratlam Riyawan Lahsun (Garlic)- M.P
priority corridor (from Taj East Gate to Hyderabad Lac Bangles- Telangana
Mankameshwar) in Agra, Uttar Pradesh(UP). Tripura Risa Textile- Tripura
Bengal Muslin- W.B
- The Smart Meter National Programme
(SMNP) seeks to replace 25 crore - Approves royalty rates for mining of 12
conventional meters with smart ones across critical and strategic minerals – Beryllium,
India. Energy Efficiency Services Limited Cadmium, Cobalt, Gallium, Indium,
(EESL), a joint venture under the Ministry of Rhenium, Selenium, Tantalum, Tellurium,
Power, leads the implementation. Titanium, Tungsten, and Vanadium.


- Cabinet approves the increase of 4 % - The Ministry of Women and Child
Dearness Allowance (DA) of Central Development (MoWCD) launched a National
Government Employees and Dearness Curriculum for Early Childhood Care and
Relief of Pensioners Education (ECCE) for children from 3 to 6
years and a National Framework for Early
- Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw, Ministry Childhood Stimulation for children from
of Railways (MoR) has released a birth to 3 years.
commemorative postage stamp to mark the
100 years of the All India Railwaymen’s - Union Minister for Communications,
Federation (AIRF) in an event held at Karnail Electronics, and Information Technology
Singh Railway Stadium in New Delhi, Delhi. and Railways, Ashwini Vaishnaw, unveiled
India’s fastest and indigenously developed
- Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi flagged IP/MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching)
off the first tanker ‘Swarna Sindhu’, carrying router in Bengaluru.
crude oil from Oil and Natural Gas
Corporation (ONGC)’s KG-DWN-98/2 - Bihar Diwas 2024, celebrated on 22nd
deepwater project. March 2024 in India, holds immense
historical and cultural significance for the
- Union Minister Smriti Zubin Irani, Ministry of state of Bihar.
Women and Child Development (MoWCD),
launched the logo and website for the - PM Narendra Modi unveiled a ‘Statue of
Alliance for Global Good – Gender Equity Valour’, a 125-foot tall bronze statue of
and Equality in an event held in New Delhi, Lachit Borphukan, an Ahom general, in
Delhi. Jorhat, Assam at the Lachit Barphukan
Maidam Development Project in
- The Ministry of Education (MoE) and the Hollongapar near Teok.
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
(MIB) have jointly launched a nationwide - Uttar Pradesh boasts of being the state with
awareness campaign “Mera pehla vote the most districts in India, totaling 75
desh ke liye (my first vote for the country)” districts divided into 18 divisions.
to encourage the first-time voters to Additionally, it comprises 822 development
participate in the 2024 Lok Sabha election. blocks, 17 municipal corporations, and 351
tehsils. Mandi of Himachal Pradesh known
- Union Minister Narayan Rane, Ministry of as Choti Kashi.
Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises
(MoMSME) launched 3 new Initiatives to - The Department of Economic Affairs (DEA-
promote women entrepreneurship in India Budget Division), Ministry of Finance has
during the 9th Annual Shakti International kept the interest rate on small savings
Women Entrepreneurs Summit held in New schemes unchanged for first quarter of
Delhi, Delhi. 2024-2025(Q1FY25) i.e. from April 1, 2024
to June 30, 2024 from those notified for
- Union Minister of Chemicals and Fertilisers Q4FY24.
and Health and Family Welfare, Dr.
Mansukh Mandaviya, virtually inaugurated - Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA),
three centers of the Central Institute of Government of India (GoI), issued a gazette
Petrochemicals Engineering & Technology notification, officially designating
(CIPET) from New Delhi. September 17 of every year as Hyderabad
Liberation Day.


- Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated
India’s pioneering underwater metro train - Union Minister for Minority Affairs, Smriti
service in Kolkata, ushering in a landmark Zubin Irani, introduced two significant
achievement in the nation’s infrastructure initiatives aimed at enhancing the Haj
and urban development. The service, which pilgrimage experience for 2024. The Haj
is a significant component of the Kolkata Suvidha App was launched to provide
Metro’s East- West corridor, is designed to essential information and access to crucial
enhance connectivity between Howrah and services, while the Haj Guide-2024 was
Salt Lake, the twin cities of West Bengal’s released to educate pilgrims about various
capital. aspects of the journey, with a focus on
utilizing the app effectively.
- The Allahabad High Court’s Lucknow
bench has declared the UP Board of - On the occasion of the 134th Foundation
Madarsa Education Act of 2004 as Day of the National Archives of India,
unconstitutional. Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs
and Culture, Arjun Ram Meghwal, will
- The Ministry of Information and inaugurate a digital exhibition titled
Broadcasting has notified the “Subhash Abhinandan” in New Delhi on
Cinematograph (Certification) Rules, 2024 March 11th. Organized by the National
to improve the process of certification of Archives of India, the exhibition
films for public exhibition. This replaces the commemorates the life of Subhash
Cinematograph (Certification) Rules of 1983 Chandra Bose, featuring 16 sections
covering key aspects from his birth to the
- PM laid the foundation stone of Gujarat’s present day.
1st PM MITRA Park in Navsari.
- National Commission for Protection of Child
- PM Narendra Modi laid the foundation Rights (NCPCR) celebrated its 19th
stone of Petrochemicals Complex of Foundation Day at the Jacaranda Hall,
Petronet LNG(Liquefied Natural Gas) worth Indian Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
more than Rs 20, 000 crore at Dahej,

- India’s first National Dolphin Research Agreement

Center (NDRC) was officially inaugurated by
Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar.
Q. REC Limited has signed an agreement with
- NLCIL has emerged victorious in securing a which organization to aid in the modern
600 MW Solar Power Project tender within education of approximately 75,500 children in
the GSECL Khavda Solar Park, initiated by the Siddharthnagar, UP?
GUVNL through a competitive bidding Answer: Unit of Science and Educational
process. Development (UNISED)

- State-owned Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd Q. Recently, National Workshop on Logistics

(BHEL) has clinched a significant order from Efficiency Enhancement has been jointly
power giant NTPC to establish a 1,600 MW organized by the DPIIT and which
Singrauli thermal power project (Stage-II). organization?
This underscores BHEL’s continued Answer: World Bank
prowess in the power generation equipment The Department for Promotion of Industry and
sector. Internal Trade (DPIIT) and the World Bank
Group organized the National Workshop on


Logistics Efficiency Enhancement in New Q. Recently, Ministry of Jal Shakti signed an
Delhi. The workshop brought together the agreement with which institute for the
logistics sector community to brainstorm. The establishment of an International Centre of
DPIIT is under the Ministry of Commerce and Excellence for Dams?
Industry (MoCI). Answer: IISc Bangalore
The Ministry of Jal Shakti (MoJS) has signed a
Q. Where has Startup Mahakumbh, one of the 10-year Memorandum of Agreement (MoA)
largest events showcasing India's startup with the Indian Institute of Science (IISc)
ecosystem, begun on 18th March 2024? Bangalore to establish the International Centre
Answer: New Delhi of Excellence for Dams (ICED).
Union Minister Piyush Goyal, Ministry of
Commerce and Industry (MOCI) unveiled a Q. Recently, India Signed a Memorandum of
new database for India’s startup ecosystem, Understanding with which country on Law and
named Bharat Startup Ecosystem Registry, a Dispute Resolution?
website, and logo of ‘Startup Mahakumbh’ Answer: Singapore
during the curtain raiser event of the first-ever
‘Startup Mahakumbh’. The theme of the Q. Recently, NPCI has collaborated with which
Startup Mahakumbh is ‘Bharat Innovates,’ country’s Fonepay Payment Service Ltd to
which underscores the intricate link between facilitate cross-border UPI transactions?
innovation and startups. Answer: Nepal
NPCI International Payments Ltd (NIPL) has
Q. The Ministry of Rural Development has collaborated with Fonepay Payment Service
signed an agreement with which of the Ltd in Nepal, facilitating cross-border Unified
following with an aim to make women self- Payment Interface (UPI) transactions between
reliant? India and Nepal.
Answer: J-PAL
The Ministry of Rural Development, Q. Recently, which state government has
Government of India has signed an MoU with signed MoUs with NTPC, CIL, NLC India and
Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J- SJVN for 28.5 GW of solar power capacity
PAL), South Asia. and green hydrogen production?
Answer: Rajasthan
Q. The Alliance for Global Good - Gender
Equity and Equality has been launched by Q. With whom has the Indian Council of
which country? Agricultural Research signed an agreement for
Answer: India new technology in the agriculture sector?
Alliance for Global Good – Gender Equity and Answer: Dhanuka Agritech Limited
Equality has been launched by India at Davos
2024 summit. The logo and website of
Alliance for Global Good – Gender Equity and
Equality has been launched by Union Minister
Short Notes:
Smriti Irani. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
co-chair Bill Gates and CII Director General
Chandrajit Banerjee were also present at the - The Ministry of Jal Shakti and 12 technical
event. education institutions have signed an
agreement. The MoU provides for research
Q. RBI recently signed an MoU with which and academic cooperation towards basin
bank to promote use of local currencies? management of six rivers. These six rivers
Answer: Bank Indonesia are Narmada, Godavari, Mahanadi, Krishna,


Kaveri and Periyar. Speaking on the (EFTA) comprising Switzerland, Iceland,
occasion, the Minister said that Namami Norway, and Liechtenstein.
Gange Mission has been listed by UNESCO
among the ten best conservation and - French aerospace and defence firm
restoration campaigns in the world. Starburst Accelerator (SARL) collaborated
with the Indian Institute of Technology-
- Nicaragua has become the first Spanish- Madras (IIT Madras) to establish an
speaking country to officially recognize the innovative hub for start-ups with the
Indian Pharmacopoeia. funding support of 100 million Euros. A
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
- The National Cadet Corps (NCC) and formalizing this collaboration was signed at
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited the IIT Madras campus in Chennai, Tamil
(NPCIL) signed a MoU to promote peaceful Nadu.
use of nuclear energy.
- Star Housing Finance Limited (Star HFL)
- A Memorandum of Association (MoA) was has signed a co-lending partnership with
signed between the Central Armed Police Tata Capital Housing Finance Limited
Forces Institute of Medical Sciences (TCHFL) to provide loans to economically
(CAPFIMS) and All India Institute of Medical weaker sections (EWS) and low-income
Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, Delhi to run groups (LIG) at more affordable rates
the 970-bed super-specialty and tertiary
care hospital (of CAPFIMS) as a campus of - The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI)
AIIMS. and European Union Agency for Law
Enforcement Cooperation (Europol) signed
- United States of America (USA) Consulate a Working Arrangement for cooperative
and the Mahratta Chamber of Commerce, relations between the law enforcement
Industries and Agriculture (MCCIA) have authorities of the Republic of India and the
launched the first-ever USA-India Cyber Europol to prevent and combat serious
Security Initiative to strengthen Information crime and terrorism.
technology (IT) connections between the
two countries. - NTPC Green Energy Limited (NGEL) and
Maharashtra State Power Generation
- The protocol for the establishment of the Company Limited (MAHAGENCO) have
Joint Economic and Trade Committee signed a Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) to
(JETCO) between India and the Dominican develop Gigawatt (GW)-scale Renewable
Republic was signed at the Ministry of Energy Parks in Maharashtra in a phased
Foreign Affairs (MIREX) of the Dominican manner.
Republic at Santo Domingo.
- CIL partners with BHEL to Develop
- The government of the Co-operative Ammonium Nitrate Plant in Odisha
Republic of Guyana has signed a USD
23.27 million Line of Credit (LOC) - Centre for Development of Telematics (C-
Agreement with the Export-Import Bank of DOT) and Qualcomm Technologies Inc., a
India (India Exim Bank) for the procurement subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated,
of two Dornier aircraft. signed a Memorandum of Understanding
(MoU) to encourage innovation in India and
- India & EFTA Signed USD 100 bn Free support India-based developers and start-
Trade Pact to Promote Investments in 15 ups working on innovative products and
Years. European Free Trade Association use cases.


- Tech Mahindra and IBM have joined forces
- The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has signed a to inaugurate a Synergy Lounge in
tripartite Memorandum of Understanding Singapore, aimed at accelerating digital
(MoU) with BEML Limited, Bharat adoption for enterprises across the Asia-
Electronics Limited (BEL) and Mishra Dhatu Pacific region.
Nigam Limited (MIDHANI) for indigenous
development of Advanced Fuelling and - The Department of Industries & Commerce
Control System for Engines for heavy duty (DoIC), Government of Nagaland have
applications. signed a Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) with YES Bank Limited and
- NTPC Green Energy Limited (NGEL) has Sellmetric Private Limited to facilitate digital
signed a joint venture agreement (JVA) with sales for small businesses, farmers, and
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh (UP) based UP entrepreneurs, through the Open Network
Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited for Digital Commerce (ONDC) platform.
(UPRVUNL) for the development of
renewable power parks and projects in UP. - The Council of Scientific & Industrial
Research -National Institute for
- NTPC and its renewable energy arm NGEL Interdisciplinary Science and Technology
signed non- binding MoUs with Rajasthan (CSIR-NIIST) has signed a memorandum of
Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited understanding (MoU) with the Vikram
(RVUNL) in Jaipur. These agreements Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) to scale up
represent a significant stride towards research and delivery of strategically-
improving the efficiency and cost- advanced materials for India’s space
effectiveness of the Chhabra Thermal programme.
Power Plant.
- New Delhi (Delhi) based Easy Trip Planner
- Grain commerce platform has Limited ( signed a
collaborated with Shivalik Small Finance Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with
Bank to extend financial assistance to the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD)
farmers, agro-processors, and micro- to train Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-
enterprises. National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-
NRLM)‘s Women Self Help Groups (SHG)
- Reliance Consumer Products & Elephant members under the Lakhpati Didi Yojana.
House Partners for Beverages
- The Ministry of Defence (MoD) signed Rs
- The Ministry of Tourism in collaboration with 200 crore contract for anti-drone systems
the Department of Drinking Water & for the Indian Army and Indian Air Force
Sanitation (DDWS) under MoJS launched (IAF) with Chennai (Tamil Nadu)-based Big
the Swachhata Green Leaf Rating (SGLR) Bang Boom Solutions Private Limited
program, to transform sanitation standards (BBBS), India’s fastest-growing defence
in India’s tourism sector. sector start-up.

- Sterlite Power Transmission Ltd (SPTL), a - Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF)
part of the Vedanta Group, and Singapore’s has signed a tripartite Memorandum of
GIC Private Limited has signed a definitive Understanding (MoU) with Prasar Bharati
agreements to set-up a new platform to and Open Network for Digital Commerce
develop and operate power transmission (ONDC) to proliferate affordable and
projects in India. accessible digital services across India.


- Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) has Defence (ASD) industry, the Indian Institute
signed a Memorandum of Understanding of Management Mumbai (IIM Mumbai)
(MoU) with the Indian Institute of partners with Starburst, a prominent
Technology Delhi (IIT – Delhi), New Delhi, European Aerospace, New Space, and
Delhi for leveraging the use of geospatial Defence (ASD) accelerator.
technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to
monitor assets under the Mahatma Gandhi
National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
Appointment and
- The Department of Food and Public
Distribution (DoF&PD) have signed two
Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs)
with the National Institute for
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Q. Recently, who has been appointed as the
Development (NIESBUD) under the Ministry Director General (DG) of the National Security
of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Guard (NSG)?
(MSDE), and the Small Industries Answer: Daljit Singh Chaudhary
Development Bank of India (SIDBI) to
revolutionise Fair Price Shops (FPSs) across Q. Who has been appointed as the new
India. chairman of CBSE in March 2024?
Answer: Rahul Singh
- REC Limited (formerly Rural Electrification
Corporation Limited) has signed a Q. Who was sworn in as Pakistan's Prime
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Minister for a second term on March 04?
the Government of Rajasthan to finance Answer: Shehbaz Sharif
power & infrastructure projects worth Rs.
20,000 crore per annum for a period of six Q. Who has been appointed as the head of
years, extending up to 2030. Parliament Security in March 2024?
Answer: Anurag Agarwal
- The Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD)
signed a Non-Financial Memorandum of Q. Who was elected to the United States Golf
Understanding (MoU) with Bharat Financial Association (USGA) in March 2024?
Inclusion Limited (BFIL) to enhance Answer: Tiger Woods
livelihood interventions of the Deendayal Tiger Woods has won the Bob Jones Award.
Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural He has 15 major wins out of the 82 wins of his
Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM). career on the PGA Tour. The Bob Jones Award
is the United States Golf Association's (USGA)
- The Multi Commodity Exchange of India highest honor.
Limited (MCX), and Jakarta Futures
Exchange (JFX) entered into a Q. Who has been given the additional charge
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to of the Ministry of Food and Processing
bolster collaboration in key areas such as Industries recently?
knowledge sharing, research, education, Answer: Kiren Rijiju
training, awareness creation, and market
development initiatives. Q. Who has been elected as the Chairman of
Indian Banks' Association (IBA)?
- In a significant move poised to reshape Answer: M. V. Rao
India’s Aerospace, New Space, and


Q. Prabowo Subianto has been elected as the Q. Who has been appointed as the new chief
new President of Indonesia. What is the term secretary of Bihar?
of office of the President of Indonesia? Answer: Brajesh Mehrotra
Answer: Five years
Q. Who has been appointed as the Lokpal
Q. Who has been appointed as the Director chairperson in March 2024?
General of Bureau of Police Research and Answer: AM Khanwilkar
Development by the Appointments Committee
of the Cabinet in March 2024? Q. Who recently took oath as a judicial
Answer: Rajiv Kumar Sharma member of Lokpal?
Answer: Ritu Raj Awasthi
Q. PayU Payments Private Limited has
appointed who as the Chairman and Q. Who has been declared as the 'National
Independent Director of the company? Divyanganjan Icon' by the Election
Answer- Renu Sood Karnad Commission of India in March 2024?
Prior to the merger with HDFC Bank, Karnad Answer: Sheetal Devi
was the managing director of HDFC, India's
largest mortgage lender, until July 2023. Q. Recently, who became the 14th president
of Pakistan?
Q. Who has become the first woman sniper of Answer: Asif Ali Zardari
Border Security Force (BSF)? Asif Ali Zardari is the 14th president of
Answer: Suman Kumari Pakistan. He was sworn in on March 10, 2024,
replacing Dr. Arif Alvi.Zardari is a veteran
Q. Basirou Diomaye Faye has become the politician who has been the president of
new President of which country? Pakistan People's Party Parliamentarians and
Answer: Senegal co-chairperson of the Pakistan People's Party.
He is the first president to be elected twice to
Q. Who has been appointed as the chief of the the office.
National Investigation Agency in March 2024?
Answer: Sadanand Vasant Date Q. Who among the following was recently
sworn in as the new Chief Minister of
Q. Who became the first black leader of Haryana?
government in the United Kingdom? Answer: Nayab Singh Saini
Answer: Von Gething
Q. Who has been appointed as the new
Q. Who has been appointed as the new vigilance commissioner in the Central
Chairman of Prasar Bharati? Vigilance Commission?
Answer: Navneet Kumar Sehgal Answer: A.S. Rajiv

Q. Who has been selected for appointment to Q. Who has been elected as the President of
the post of Director in Union Public Service the Democratic Republic of Congo in
Commission (UPSC)? December 2023?
Answer: Hansa Mishra Answer: Felix Tsesikedi

Q. Who has been given the additional charge Q. Who was selected as the 'Cultural
of Telangana Governor after Tamilisai Ambassador of the Year' under the 'National
Soundararajan's resignation? Creator Award' 2024?
Answer: CP Radhakrishnan Answer: Maithili Thakur


Prime Minister Narendra Modi presented the Answer: Luis Montenegro
first 'National Creator Award' 2024 at Bharat Luis Montenegro, leader of the centre-right
Mandapam in New Delhi on 8 March 2024. At Democratic Alliance (AD), has been appointed
the event held at Bharat Mandapam, story as the new Prime Minister of Portugal, after
teller Jaya Kishori was given the Best Creator eight years of socialist rule.
Award for Social Change. Bihari singer Maithili
Thakur was given the 'National Composer Q. Recently, who has been elected as
Award'.on this occasion, a total of 23 people chairman of Indian Bank Association?
from all over the country were honored with Answer: M.V. Rao
the National Creators Award. This award is
being given for the first time.

Q. Which country's President Xavier Milley has

Short Notes:
rejected BRICS membership?
Answer: Argentina
- Former bureaucrats Sukhbir Singh Sandhu
Q. Who will head the Uniform Know Your and Gyanesh Kumar have been elected as
Customer (KYC) committee? Election Commissioners ahead of the Lok
Answer: T V Somanathan Sabha polls. The committee led by PM
Modi has approved these names. Leader of
Q. Who has been appointed as the new Congress in Lok Sabha Adhir Ranjan
President of Hungary? Chowdhury also participated in the
Answer: Tamas Sulyoke selection process.

Q. Who has been appointed as the next Indian - Russian President Vladimir Putin has won
envoy to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania? the presidential election for the fifth time.
Answer: Naresh Kumar
- Vaughan Gething, son of a Welsh father and
Q. Who has been nominated to the Rajya Zambian mother, is elected as Wales' first
Sabha by President Droupadi Murmu on 8th minister, becoming the UK's first Black
March 2024? government leader.
Answer: Sudha Murthy
- The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) approved
Q. Who has taken over as the chairperson of the appointment of S Ravindran as the part-
the National Commission for Scheduled time Chairman of Tamilnad Mercantile Bank
Castes (NCSC) in New Delhi on March 11? Ltd.
Answer: Kishore Makwana
- Rajendra Prasad Goyal has assumed the
Q. Who has been appointed as the new Prime additional charge as the Chairman and
Minister of the Palestinian Authority? Managing Director (CMD) of NHPC Limited
Answer: Mohammad Mustafa (Formerly known as National Hydroelectric
Power Corporation Ltd.), with effect from
Q. Indian-origin Leo Varadkar was the Prime 1st March 2024.
Minister of which country, who resigned
recently? - Alok Rungta appointed as MD & CEO of
Answer: Ireland Future Generali India Life Insurance.

Q. Who has been appointed as the new Prime - Gustavo Lino Adrianzen Olaya was sworn in
Minister of Portugal? as Prime Minister (PM) or President of the


Council of Ministers (PCM) of the Republic - Joyshree Das Verma took over as the 41st
of Peru with effect from 6th March 2024. National President of the Federation of
Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry
- Mumbai (Maharashtra) headquartered (FICCI) Ladies Organisation (FLO) for the
Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited (KMBL) has year 2024-2025. The theme for her tenure
appointed Jaideep Hansraj as Group 2024-25, is “Collective Vision, Collaborative
President of One Kotak, with effect from 1st Action.”
April 2024.
- Tuvalu has named Feleti Teo, the former
- Jharkhand Governor C.P. Radhakrishnan Attorney General, as the Pacific Island
took additional charge as the Governor of nation’s new prime minister.
Telangana on 20th March 2024.
- Bassirou Diomaye Faye, an anti-
- Matam Venkata Rao (MV Rao), Chief establishment figure, has won the
Executive Officer (CEO) and Managing Senegalese presidential election with 54.28
Director (MD) of the Central Bank of India, per cent of the votes in the first round. At 44
was elected as the Chairman of the Indian years old, Faye is set to become Africa’s
Banks’ Association (IBA) for the term youngest elected president and the first
2023-2024. opponent to win in the first round since
Senegal’s independence from France in
- Mohammad Mustafa Named as the Prime 1960.
Minister of Palestinian Authority
- Bharat Petroleum Corporation (BPCL), one
- Naveen Jindal was Elected as President of of India’s leading petroleum companies, has
Indian Steel Association. recently announced its partnership with
Olympic and World Javelin Champion
- Microsoft named British AI pioneer Mustafa Neeraj Chopra. Neeraj Chopra will serve as
Suleyman as the head of its AI division. the brand ambassador for BPCL’s premium
petrol variant, ‘Speed.’
- The Financial Services Institutions Bureau
(FSIB) has selected Girija Subramanian as - German technology giant SAP has made a
the next Chairperson and Managing significant leadership change in the Indian
Director (CMD) of New India Assurance Subcontinent region. Manish Prasad has
Company (NIAC). been appointed as the new president and
managing director for the region,
- Neeraj Chopra Appointed as the Brand succeeding Kulmeet Bawa.
Ambassador for Eveready Industries.
- AS Rajeev was appointed as Vigilance
- United Nations (UN) Secretary-General (SG) Commissioner in the Central Vigilance
Antonio Guterres appointed Kamal Kishore Commission by the Honourable President
of India as Assistant Secretary-General and of India on 9th February 2024.
Special Representative of the SG for
Disaster Risk Reduction, United Nations - Justice Satyendra Kumar Singh was
Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR). appointed as the new Lokayukta (anti-
corruption ombudsman) of Madhya
- Nidhu Saxena named as MD & CEO of Pradesh.
Bank of Maharashtra
- Poonawalla Fincorp, a notable NBFC, has
chosen Arvind Kapil, a seasoned retail


banking expert from HDFC Bank, as its new Answer: Vinay Kumar
Managing Director & Chief Executive
Officer. Q. Who was awarded the 'India-UK Achievers'
award in March 2024?
- Arnab Banerjee, the Managing Director & Answer: Zoya Akhtar and Asma khan
CEO of CEAT Ltd., has been elected as the Renowned filmmaker Zoya Akhtar and British
new Chairman of the Automotive Tyre Indian chef Asma Khan were honoured at the
Manufacturers’ Association (ATMA). annual 'India-UK Achievers' awards in
- The Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) has
elected M V Rao, Managing Director and Q. President Droupadi Murmu presented the
Chief Executive Officer of the Central Bank Sangeet Natak Akademi Awards for 2022 and
of India, as its new Chairman. 2023 to how many eminent artists?
Answer: 94
- Justice Mohammad Yousuf Wani was She also presented the Sangeet Natak
administered the oath of office as an Akademi Fellowship (Akademi Ratna) to seven
Additional Judge of the High Court of artists.
Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh.
Q. Who has been appointed as India's
Ambassador to Myanmar in March 2024?
Answer: Abhay Thakur
Q. Who won the Best Actor Award at the
Academy Awards 2024 (Oscars)?
Q. Recently, which ministry has been honored Answer: Killian Murphy
with the award for Best Performance in Oppenheimer, directed by Christopher Nolan,
Accounts during the Financial Year 2023-24? won 7 awards at the award show, Poor Things
Answer: Ministry of Information & Wins 4. Killian Murphy won the Best Actor
Broadcasting Award for the film Oppenheimer. 'Barbie' has
received the award for Original Song. Billie
Q. Who won the first prize in the National Eilish and her brother Phineas won the award
Youth Parliament Festival 2024 held from 9th for the song 'What Was I Made For?'. Emma
February 2024 to 6th March Stone won the Best Actress award for her
2024? performance in “Poor Things.” 20 Days in
Answer: Yatin Bhaskar Duggal Mariupol” became the first film from Ukraine
While Vaishna Pichai of Tamil Nadu won the to win an Oscar award by winning Best
second prize and Kanishka Sharma of Documentary Feature Film. Actor in
Rajasthan won the third prize. This year's Supporting Role - Robert Downey Jr.
National Youth Parliament is based on the (Oppenheimer). Actress in Supporting Role-
theme 'Young Voices: Engaging and Da’Vine Joy Randolph (The Holdovers). The
Empowering for Transforming the Nation'. Malayalam film “Everyone is a Hero” (2023),
which was chosen as India’s official entry for
Q. Recently, who has received the the International Feature Film category at the
'Maharashtra Bhushan Award 2024' in 2024 Academy Awards, has been eliminated
recognition of his contributions to the field of from the Oscars race.
regenerative medicine?
Answer: Pradeep Mahajan Q. Who was recently awarded the PV
Narasimha Rao Memorial Award?
Q. Who has been appointed as the next Answer: Ratan Tata
Ambassador of India to Russia?


with the motto 'Pioneers of Transformation in
Q. Which Indian institution received the Travel and Tourism Together.
Aviation Week Laureates Award in March
2024? Q. Who won the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix
Answer: ISRO 2024 title recently?
The Indian Space Research Organisation Answer: Max Verstappen
(ISRO) received the Aviation Week Laureates
Award in 2024 for its achievements with the Q. Which country received the prestigious
Chandrayaan-3 mission. 'Measles and Rubella Champion' global award
for its exemplary efforts in combating these
Q. Who has been jointly awarded the 2024 diseases?
Chameli Devi Jain Journalism Award? Answer: India
Answer: Greeshma Kuthar and Ritika Chopra India was honored with the prestigious
'Measles and Rubella Champion' award on
Q. Krystyna Pyszkova, who recently won Miss March 6, 2024, for its outstanding efforts in
World 2024 title, belongs to which country? combatting these disease. Ambassador
Answer: Czech Republic Sripriya Ranganathan accepted the award on
Krystyna Pyszkova of the Czech Republic won behalf of the Ministry of Health and Family
Miss World 2024 at the Jio World Cinema in Welfare at the American Red Cross
Mumbai, succeeding Poland's Karolina Headquarters in Washington DC.
Bielawska. Alongside the main title, Pyszkova
was honored with the Best Fashion Designer Q. Recently, which university conferred
Award - Europe. Notable contestants included President Murmu with the Honorary Degree of
India's Sini Shetty and Trinidad and Tobago's Doctor of Civil Law?
Aché Abrahams. The first runner-up was Answer: University of Mauritius
Yasmina Zaytoun from Lebanon. The event
featured a grand ceremony with Bielawska Q. Which Indian writer was awarded with the
crowning her successor in a star-studded 'Erasmus Prize' 2024 for highlighting the
affair. climate change crisis?
Answer: Amitav Ghosh
Q. Name the Indian who was awarded an Indian writer Amitav Ghosh, aged 67, has
honorary knighthood by Britain's King Charles been awarded the prestigious 'Erasmus Prize'
III? in 2024 by the Premium Erasmianum
Answer: Sunil Bharti Mittal Foundation of the Netherlands. He was
Bharti Enterprises founder and chairman Sunil honoured for his contribution to the theme of
Bharti Mittal has become the first Indian to be the Erasmus Prize 2024 “imagining the
awarded an honorary knighthood by Britain's unthinkable”.
King Charles III. This prestigious honour was
given to him for "strengthening the business Q. Who has received the Ustad Bismillah
relationship between the UK and India." Khan Youth Award for the year 2022 in the
Earlier, Ratan Tata, Ravi Shankar and field of theatre?
Jamshed Irani have also received this honor. Answer: Belur Raghunandan
The Akademi Ratna and Akademi Award for
Q. Which city was awarded the 'Best 2022-2023 has been announced by the
Destination of the Year' at ITB Berlin in March Sangeet Natak Akademi.
Answer: Goa Q. Who has won the Erasmus Prize 2024?
The ITB Berlin Convention took place between Answer: Amitav Ghosh
5 and 7 March at the Berlin exhibition grounds


Q. Which film won the Best Feature Film
award at the 6th Critics' Choice Awards? Q. Which organization presents the Ramnath
Answe: 12th Failed Goenka Excellence in Journalism Award for
"12th Fail" won the Best Feature Film award at excellence in journalism?
the sixth Critics' Choice Awards. Directed by Answer: Indian Express
Vidhu Vinod Chopra, Vikrant Massey won the The 17th edition of the prestigious Ramnath
Best Actor award. Sudip Sharma's "Kohra" Goenka Excellence in Journalism Awards was
was given the award in the Crime Series conferred to journalists in 13 categories at a
category, highlighting the top ceremony held in New Delhi on 19th March
narratives in Indian web series. Actress Shefali 2024.
Shah was named the winner of the Best
Actress Award for her performance in drama Q. Which country honoured Prime Minister
film "The Three of Us". The film marked Narendra Modi with its highest civilian award
another win for Best Cinematography for 'Order of the Druk Gyalpo' in March 2024?
director Avinash Arun Dhaware. Tamil drama Answer: Bhutan
"Koozhangal", which was India's official entry On March 22, 2024, King of Bhutan Jigme
for Oscars 2022, won the Best Director's Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck conferred the
trophy for PS Vinothraj. 'Order of the Druk Gyalpo', Bhutan's highest
civilian award, to Prime Minister Narendra
Q. Who has been selected for the Sangeet Modi, who is on a two- day visit to Bhutan.
Kalanidhi Award 2024 in March 2024? PM Modi appreciated Bhutan King’s vision of
Answer: T. M. Krishna setting up a “Mindfulness City” in Gelephu,
On 17th March 2024 renowned Carnatic Bhutan.
musician TM Krishna has been selected for
the 2024 Sangeetha Kalaanithi. While Neena Q. Who among the following has won the first
Prasad has been selected for the 2024 Nritya "Global Inequality Research Award"?
Kalanidhi Award. The Executive Committee of Answer: Bina Agarwal and James Boyce
the Music Academy decided to confer this The World Inequality Lab (WIL) has joined
award on him at its meeting on March 17, hands with Sciences Po's Centre for Research
2024. on Social Inequities (CRIS) to award the first
edition of the Global Inequality Research
Q. Which of the following airport has been Award (GiRA).
recognized as the best airport for arrivals
globally? Q. Which city will host the Cinewester
Answer: Kempegowda International Airport International Film Festival?
Kempegowda International Airport shares this Answer: Chandigarh
honour with two other airports – The festival will open with the French culinary
Thiruvananthapuram International Airport in drama 'The Taste of Things' starring Juliette
Kerala, and Zayed International Airport – Binoche, which won director Tran Anh Hung
Terminal A in Abu Dhabi, UAE. the best director award at Cannes. The festival
will screen acclaimed films such as the
Q. Who has been selected for the 33rd Holocaust drama, 'The Zone of Interest',
Saraswati Samman by K K Birla Foundation? which recently won the Oscar for International
Answer: Prabha Verma Feature Film, Palme d'Or winner and Hirokazu
According to the Birla Foundation, the novel Corre-eda's 'Monster', last year's Best Actor
"Raudra Satvikam", written in poetic verse in Oscar winner 'The Zone of Interest'.
Malayalam, examines the struggle between
power and politics, individual and state, and Q. Who has been awarded the Abel Prize
art and power". 2024 in March?


Answer: Michel Talagrand - ‘Staliner Divan’ Translated by Pankaj Kumar
The Norwegian Academy of Science and Chatterjee Won the Romain Rolland Book
Letters has awarded the 2024 Abel Prize to Prize 2024.
Michel Talagrande of the French National
Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Paris, - ‘Staliner Divan’ Translated by Pankaj Kumar
France. Chatterjee Won the Romain Rolland Book
Prize 2024
Q. Which university has recently received
NAAC A++ accreditation and acclaim for its - Thodur Madabusi Krishna (TM Krishna), a
outstanding achievements? renowned Carnatic vocalist & Ramon
Answer: Parul University Magsaysay Award (2016) recipient, has
Parul University received the National been selected for the Sangita Kalanidhi
Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) award 2024 by The Music Academy,
A++ grade for outstanding achievements in Madras in Chennai, Tamil Nadu(TN).
various fields. The Institute has been
recognized as the "Best Private University in - The Indian airline IndiGo was named as the
West India" by the Education World Grand “Airline of the Year” at the 2024 Air
Jury Awards. Transport Awards held at Ekali, Greece.
IndiGo became the first Indian airline to
Q. Which Arab country has decided to carry 100 million passengers in a single
participate in the Miss Universe 2024 pageant calendar year (2023). It was also the first
in March 2024? Indian airline to fly 2,000 flights in a single
Answer: Saudi Arabia day.
Saudi Arabia has decided to participate in the
Miss Universe competition for the first time on - Delhi Airport has once again asserted its
26 March 2024 as a historic event. dominance in the aviation sector by
securing the prestigious title of ‘Best
Airport’ in the Asia-Pacific region for the
sixth consecutive year. This accolade,
Short Notes: bestowed by the Airport Service Quality
(ASQ) Awards, reaffirms Delhi Airport’s
commitment to excellence and leadership
- The Sahitya Akademi awards were in providing top- notch services to
presented to 24 writers. Twenty-four writers, passengers.
including English writer Neelam Saran Gaur,
received the 2023 Sahitya Akademi award. - Riken Yamamoto, a Japanese architect
Sanjeev received the Sahitya Akademi from Yokohama, has been named the
Award in Hindi for his novel "Mujhe winner of the 2024 Pritzker Architecture
Pehchano". Sadiqa Nawab Sahher Prize, widely regarded as the highest
received the award for her book "Rajdev Ki honour in the field of architecture.
Amrai" in Urdu. The award is given for all
the languages included in the 8th Schedule - Uday Bhatia and Manasi Gupta from India
and a total of 24 languages including were honored with the prestigious ‘Diana
English and Rajasthani. Memorial Award’ on 14 March 2024.

- The prestigious Maharashtra Gaurav Award - Mr. Srinivasan Swamy, currently serving as
was presented to renowned Indian dancer the chairman and managing director of RK
Dr. Uma Rele. Swamy Ltd, was honored at the 45th IAA
World Congress in Penang, Malaysia.


Governor Tun Ahmad Fuzi Abdul Razak
presented him with the esteemed IAA Short Notes:
Golden Compass Award, recognizing his - Golden Book Award 2024: Author Rakhi
significant contributions to the global Kapoor won the award for “Breaking Free
marketing, advertising, and media Embracing me“.
- Former Indian Diplomat Lakshmi Puri
- The Raksha Mantri Trophy for the Best and launched her Debut Novel “Swallowing the
Second Best Command Hospitals of the Sun”.
Armed Forces Medical Services (AFMS) for
the year 2022 was awarded on 19th March - Odisha CM Naveen Patnaik Releases
2024 in New Delhi. The Command Hospital Coffee Table Book Titled ‘FIH Odisha
(Southern Command), Pune was judged as Hockey Men’s World Cup 2023’.
the Best Command Hospital, while the
Command Hospital (Central Command), - Sri Lanka’s Ex-President Gotabaya
Lucknow was the Second Best for 2022 Rajapaksa authored the Book ‘The
Conspiracy to Oust Me from the
- At a glittering event recently held in Noida, Presidency’.
organized by The Times Group, Vijay Jain,
the Managing Director of Star Estate, was - Union Minister Anurag Singh Thakur
awarded the prestigious Times Power Icon unveiled the Book ‘Israel War Diary’ written
2024 Award. by Vishal Pandey.

- S.Ramann, Chairman & Managing Director

(CMD) of the Small Industries Development
Books Bank of India (SIDBI) presented 2 books
titled ‘Prabhaav’ and ‘Diagnostic Mapping
of Cluster- Charting the Path Ahead through
Q. What is the title of Lakshmi Murdeshwar Intervention’ to Union Minister, Nirmala
Puri's debut book released in February 2024? Sitharaman, Ministry of Finance.
Answer: "Swallowing the Sun"
Former UN Assistant Secretary-General - Kerala Animal Husbandry Minister Released
Lakshmi Murdeshwar Puri launched her first a book Titled “A Compendium on Non-
book "Swallowing the Sun" in Mumbai. Native Organisms of India”.

Q. What is the name of the first Magahi novel - Zoological Survey of India Published a
recently translated into English? Book Titled ‘An Illustrated Guide to the
Answer: Phool Bahadur Lepidoptera of India’
'Phool Bahadur' is the first Magahi novel,
translated into English by 'Abhay K'. - The launch of “The Gems of Indian Art”, a
comprehensive documentation of Harish
Q. Recently, who was awarded the prestigious Khullar’s extensive collection of 20th-
Devi Shankar Awasthi Award 2023? century Indian modern and contemporary
Answer: Nishant art.
Nishant, a young poet and critic, is awarded
the 29th Devi Shankar Awasthi Award in 2023 - S. Raman’s autobiography, “From A Car
for his book 'Kavita Pathak Aalochna'. Shed To The Corner Room & Beyond,”
offers a first-person account of his


remarkable journey from a clerk at SBI to
becoming the Chairman and Managing
Director of Canara Bank and a full-time
Member of SEBI.
Short Notes:
- The inaugural Women’s Prize for Non-
Fiction has announced its shortlist of six - The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has
books, including “Code Dependent: Living launched Financial Literacy Ideathon for
in the Shadow of AI” by Indian-British Postgraduate (PG) students, currently
journalist and commentator Madhumita enrolled in recognized educational
Murgia. The book explores the impact of institutions. The theme of FLW 2024 is
artificial intelligence on human society. “Make a Right Start – Become Financially
Smart”. The 2024 theme targets young
adults, mainly students.

Economy, Finance and - Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has updated its
“Enabling Framework for Regulatory
Banking Sandbox” to streamline the process for
fintech companies.

Q. Recently, which payment bank signed an - Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has given
MoU with Hindustan Zinc Limited (HZL) to approval to NPCI Bharat BillPay Ltd (NBBL)
enhance financial inclusion in rural Rajasthan? to launch an interoperable payment system
Answer: India Post Payments Bank for internet banking in the Calendar Year
2024 (CY24).
Q. UDGAM Portal, recently seen in the news,
is developed by which institution? - The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in exercise
Answer: RBI of the powers conferred by Section 35A of
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has the Banking Regulation (BR) Act, 1949 and
introduced the UDGAM portal, facilitating Chapter IIIB of the RBI Act 1934, amended
users to search unclaimed deposits in 30 the ‘Master Direction – Credit Card and
banks, covering 90% of Depositor Education Debit Card – Issuance and Conduct
and Awareness Fund deposits. UDGAM, Directions, 2022’, the provisions of which
meaning Unclaimed Deposits-Gateway to will come into effect from March 07, 2024.
Access inforMation, allows centralized
searches for both individual and non- - The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has
individual categories. reconstituted a three-member Committee of
Advisors of Abhyudaya Cooperative Bank
Q. How many banks have recently joined the Limited by inducting Devendara Kumar in
RBI's UDGAM portal for unclaimed deposits? place of Mahendra Chhajed after his
Answer: 30 resignation.
The UDGAM portal, which stands for
Unclaimed Deposits-Gateway to Access - Reserve Bank of India (RBI) finalized the
Information, is an online portal developed by ‘Omnibus Framework for recognising Self-
the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Regulatory Organisations (SRO) for
Regulated Entities (REs) of RBI’.
Q. Recently, RBI has imposed a penalty of Rs
1.40 crore on which bank? - The Securities and Exchange Board of India
Answer: Bank of India (SEBI) introduce a Third (III) Settlement
Schemes for entities involved in the Illiquid


Stock Options (ISO)/reversal trades Unified Payments Interface (UPI)
segment of Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) transactions upon acquiring the third-party
in terms of Section 15JB of the SEBI Act, app provider (TPAP) license.
1992 read with Regulation 26 of SEBI
(Settlement Proceedings) Regulations 2018. - The National Payments Corporation of India
(NPCI) has signed a multi-year
- The Securities Exchange Board of India Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with
(SEBI) has introduced amendments to the the Indian Institute of Science (IISc),
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) Banglore(Bengaluru, Karnataka), to conduct
Regulations 2014 namely ‘SEBI (REIT) joint research on Blockchain and Artificial
(Amendment) Regulations 2024’. This will Intelligence (AI) technology.
establish guidelines for creation of Small
and Medium REITs, or SM REITs. - Airtel Payments Bank Limited (APBL) has
developed the Airtel Payments Bank
- SEBI expands Framework for Qualified Smartwatch in partnership with Gurugram
Stock Brokers; Mandates Registration of (Haryana) based Nexxbase Marketing
Index Providers Private Limited (Noise) and Mastercard.

- SEBI nod to T+0 settlements for Limited - The Federal Bank and National Payment
Stocks. Corporation of India(NPCI), launched a
Rupay Smart Key Chain – ‘FlashPay’ for
- The Securities and Exchange Board of India Contactless National Common Mobility
(SEBI) has instructed the Association of Card (NCMC) payments at enabled metro
Mutual Funds in India (AMFI) to halt inflows stations and Point Of Sale (POS) terminals.
into overseas exchange traded funds (ETFs)
from April 1. - According to CRISIL’s India Outlook 2024
Report titled “Growth Marathon – Emerging
- World Bank(WB) has approved a new Sectors, investments, efficiency gains
project worth USD 452 million to improve priming India’s medium term pace (March
connectivity for over 1.8 million people 2024)”, India’s real GDP growth will likely
living in rural areas of Assam. moderate to 6.8% in fiscal 2025. This
follows the 7.6% expansion in FY24.
- Ministry of Finance (MoF) and the Asian
Development Bank (ADB) has signed a loan - Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited (KMBL)
agreement worth USD 181 Million for the launched the ‘Smart Choice Gold Loan’
‘Ahmedabad Peri-urban Livability with a simpler application & disbursal
Improvement Project’. process which aims to offer consumers the
maximum value and flexibility to meet their
- Punjab National Bank (PNB), an Indian credit needs
public sector bank, has partners with
EaseMyTrip(EMT), one of India’s largest - Bank of Baroda (BoB) has launched a
online travel tech platforms, to launch ‘PNB Lifetime Zero Balance Savings Bank
EMT Credit Card’, a co-branded premier Account called ‘bob LITE Savings Account’.
travel credit card. This account offers a lifetime free RuPay
Platinum Debit Card for customers who
- State Bank of India (SBI), India’s largest maintain a nominal Quarterly Average
public sector bank, has partnered with Balance (QAB).
Noida (Uttar Pradesh) based One97
Communications Limited (OCL) to settle


- IndusInd Bank Limited has launched its - Mumbai (Maharashtra) based Future
contactless payments wearable ‘Indus Generali India Life Insurance Company
PayWear’ which is India’s first all-in-one Limited (FGILI) has launched a
tokenizable wearable for both debit and comprehensive women’s health insurance
credit cards exclusively on Mastercard. plan ‘Health PowHER’ designed specifically
for women.
- The Small Industries Development Bank of
India (SIDBI) has secured approval from the - The Insurance Regulatory and Development
Green Climate Fund (GCF) for its first Authority of India (IRDAI) has approved
anchored project, the Avaana Sustainability eight principle- based consolidated
Fund (ASF), valued at USD 120 million. regulations during its 125th Authority
meeting held on 19th March 2024, at IRDAI
- Bank of Baroda (BoB), one of India’s headquarters in Hyderabad, Telangana.
leading public sector banks, has launched
‘bob Earth Green Term Deposit Scheme’ to - Aditya Birla Housing Finance Limited
raise deposits to finance eligible (ABHFL), a wholly-owned subsidiary of
environment-friendly projects and sectors. Aditya Birla Capital Limited, has launched a
unified digital lending platform called
- Karnataka Vikas Grameena Bank (KVGB) ‘ABHFL-Finverse’ for its home loan
has launched a new loan scheme called customers.
‘Vikas Spoorty’ to strengthen the rural credit
delivery system and to motivate the - PayU Payments Private Limited(PayU), a
common man to take up income- leading payments solution provider in India,
generating activities on a smaller scale. introduced a first- of-its-kind Downpayment
EMI (Equated Monthly Instalment) solution
- SBI Card and Payment Services Ltd has for online retail. This replicates the flexibility
collaborated with Titan Company Limited to and convenience of downpayment options
introduce co- branded ‘Titan SBI Card’ available in offline EMIs.
offering exclusive benefits such as
cashbacks, Titan gift vouchers, and Reward - India’s GDP grows at 8.4% in Q3FY24;
Points, totaling over Rs 2 lakh per annum. Economy to expand at 7.6% in FY24: NSO

- Axis Bank has introduced digital opening of - Moody’s revised India’s GDP growth to
US (United States) dollar Fixed Deposits 6.8% for 2024
(FD) for NRI (Non-Resident Indian)
customers at its International Financial - FDI Inflows Decline 13% to USD 32bn in
Services Centre/IFSC Banking Unit (IBU) in April-December 2023
Gujarat International Finance Tec (GIFT) City
in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. With this, Axis - Fitch revises India’s FY25 GDP Growth
Bank becomes the first bank to offer Forecast to 7% from 6.5%
digitization of GIFT City Deposits.
- Global Economic Outlook: S&P Global
- REC Limited has successfully listed two revised India’s GDP to 6.8% for FY25.
bonds worth Rs 5,375 crore on the NSE
India (National Stock Exchange of India Ltd) - Fintech startup Perfios Became India’s
and BSE Limited (formerly Bombay Stock Second Unicorn of 2024.
- India’s growth expected to be between
6.5% – 7% in FY25: DEA


- Reserve Bank of India (RBI) released draft
- UBS Estimates India’s GDP to Grow at 7% guidelines outlining a disclosure framework
in FY 2024-25 for climate-related financial risks applicable
to various regulated entities (REs). These
- CAD narrows to 1.2% of GDP at USD 10.5 guidelines aim to ensure transparency and
billion in Oct-Dec FY24: RBI better management of climate risks within
the financial sector.
- Morgan Stanley raises India’s GDP growth
estimate to 6.8% for FY24-25. - PolicyBazaar, a prominent player in
insurance and financial services, has
- The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) for unveiled plans to diversify its offerings by
January 2024 reflects a growth rate of establishing a wholly owned subsidiary
3.8%, indicating a slowdown compared to named ‘PB Pay Private Limited.’ This
December 2023. subsidiary, approved by the Board of
Directors on March 20, 2024, aims to
- UAE, Russia, & Saudi Arabia Among the specialize in payment aggregation services,
Top Importers of Indian Engineering Goods: both domestically and internationally,
EEPC subject to regulatory clearances.

- The Bharat Aluminium Company Limited - The Insurance Regulatory and Development
(BALCO), a unit of Vedanta Aluminium, has Authority of India (IRDAI) has designated
emerged as the first company in India to three insurers as Domestic Systemically
obtain the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative Important Insurers (D-SIIs) for the year
(ASI)Performance Standard V3 Certification 2023-24. These insurers, namely Life
for the production and distribution of a Insurance Corporation of India (LIC),
broad range of primary aluminum products General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC
at its Korba facility, Chhattisgarh. Re), and New India Assurance Co Ltd, have
retained their D-SII status from the previous
- The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has taken year.
stern action against IIFL Finance by
imposing an immediate ban on the approval
and disbursement of gold loans.
- Private sector life insurer Kotak Life
Insurance made headlines with the launch
of its latest offering, Kotak G.A.I.N. Q. Zero Discrimination Day is observed every
year on 01 March. In which year was it first
- Indian Renewable Energy Development celebrated?
Agency Ltd. (IREDA) celebrated its 38th Answer: 2014
Foundation Day, marking a significant 'Zero Discrimination Day' is observed every
achievement in its journey towards year on 1 March. This day is celebrated
promoting renewable energy development globally by the United Nations General
in India. This special occasion provided an Assembly (UNGA). On this occasion, people
opportunity to reflect on IREDA’s everywhere act together to stop inappropriate
remarkable 37-year journey and its behavior and make the world a fair and
accomplishments in the field of green peaceful place. The theme of Zero
finance. Discrimination Day 2024 this year has been
set as "Protecting everyone's health,
protecting everyone's rights".


Q. World Wildlife Day is celebrated every year On 5th March 2023, the first observance of
on 3 March. Which year was declared by the the International Disarmament and Non-
United Nations General Assembly as World Proliferation Awareness Day was held. The
Wildlife Day? 'United Nations Disarmament Week' is
Answer: 2013 observed every year from 24 to 30 October.
The theme of World Wildlife Day 2024 is This week is organized to raise awareness
"Connecting People and Planet: Exploring about the importance of disarmament.
Digital Innovation in Wildlife Conservation".
Q. When is Jan Aushadhi Day or Generic
Q. When is World Meteorological Day Medicine Day observed every year in India?
observed annually? Answer: March 7
Answer: March 23 Jan Aushadhi Diwas or Generic Medicine Day
The theme of World Meteorological Day 2024 is celebrated every year on 7th March in India.
is "On the front lines of climate action". This India's pharmaceutical industry is the third
theme highlights the urgent need for action largest in terms of volume and the thirteenth
against climate change and its potentially largest in terms of value in the world. The
catastrophic consequences. central government has set a target to
increase the number of Pradhan Mantri
Q. Which day is observed as National Safety Bharatiya Janaushadhi Kendras (PMBJK) to
Day in India? 25,000 by March 2026. Prime Minister
Answer: March 4 Narendra Modi launched Jan Aushadhi Diwas
National Safety Day, observed annually on as a component of Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya
March 4 in India, marks the beginning of Janaushadhi Pariyojana (PMBJP) on 7th
National Safety Week. Emphasizing safety and March 2019.
precautions in all sectors, the 2024 theme is
"Safety for a Sustainable Future," highlighting Q. On which day of March every year is 'No
the vital connection between safety measures Smoking Day' observed?
and sustainability. The theme of NSD/National Answer: Second Wednesday of March
Safety Week Campaign 2024 is “Focus on The theme of No Smoking Day for 2024 this
Safety Leadership for Environmental, Social, year is, 'Protecting Children from Tobacco
and Governance (ESG) Excellence” Industry Interference'.

Q. When is the 'International Day for the Q. Recently, where was the 'Naval Exercise
Elimination of Racial Discrimination' observed Cutlass Express 2024' held?
every year? Answer: Seychelles
Answer: March 21 INS Tir, the flagship of the First Training
The International Day for the Elimination of Squadron, recently joined Exercise Cutlass
Racial Discrimination is observed every year Express - 24 in Seychelles. Held from Feb 26
on 21 March. The day calls for solidarity to Mar 08, 2024, the exercise aims to counter
against racism and racial discrimination. The malign activities in East African coastal
theme for this year 2024 is "A Decade of regions and the West Indian Ocean.
Recognition, Justice and Development: Sponsored by U.S. AFRICOM and led by U.S.
Implementation of the International Decade for Naval Forces Europe-Africa/U.S. Sixth Fleet, it
People of African Descent". enhances maritime security, cooperation, and
interoperability among participating nation.
Q. In which year was the first 'International
Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Q. When is National Safety Day observed
Awareness Day' observed? every year to highlight safety measures and
Answer: 2023


find out ways to make every area safer for Q. In which year did the United Nations
people? recognize the right to safe, clean drinking
Answer: March 4 water and sanitation as a human
This year's theme is "Focus on Safety right?
Leadership for ESG Excellence". Answer:2010
World Water Day is observed every year on 22
Q. Which day is observed as ‘International March. The theme of 'World Water Day' for
Disarmament and Non-Proliferation this year 2024 is 'Water for Peace'/
Awareness Day’ every year? “Leveraging Water for Peace.”.
Answer: March 5
"International Disarmament and Non- Q. When is International Day of Forests
Proliferation Awareness Day, observed observed every year?
annually on March 5, was established by the Answer: March 21
UNGA in 2021. The day aims to enhance The theme of International Day of Forests
global understanding of disarmament issues, 2024 is 'Forests and Innovation: New
especially among youth. Solutions for a Better World'. The United
Nations General Assembly designated March
Q. What is the theme of ‘International 21 as the International Day of Forests in
Women’s Day (IWD) 2024’? 2012.
Answer: Invest in Women: Accelerate
Progress Q. On World Kabaddi Day on March 24, India
International Women’s Day (IWD) is a global created history by creating a Guinness World
event on March 8th, acknowledging women's Record with the participation of ___ players.
accomplishments in social, economic, Answer: 128
cultural, and political spheres. In 2024, the On World Kabaddi Day (March 24), India
United Nations' theme is 'Invest in Women: created history by creating a Guinness World
Accelerate Progress,' emphasizing the need Record with the participation of 128 players.
for gender equality..
Q. What is the theme of World TB Day 2024?
Q. When is World Consumer Rights Day Answer: ‘Yes! We can end TB!’
observed annually? World Tuberculosis Day is observed on March
Answer: March 15 24 every year. It is celebrated to raise
"Fair and responsible AI for consumers" is the awareness about tuberculosis (TB) and
theme of this year's World Consumer Rights advocate for more efforts to eliminate it. The
Day. National Consumer Day is observed on World Health Organization (WHO) observed
24th December every year. the first World Tuberculosis Day on 24 March
1982. Theme of World TB Day 2024 - 'Yes!'
Q. National Vaccination Day is observed every We can end TB!'.
year on March 16 in India. When was this day
first celebrated?
Answer: 1995
The theme of National Immunization Day 2024
Short Notes:
is "Vaccines work for everyone". The day was
first celebrated in 1995, the year India
launched its pulse polio programme. World - RBI is observing Financial Literacy Week
Immunization Week is observed in the last from February 26 to March 1. The main
week of April every year. objective of the week is to promote financial
literacy and education among citizens. This
year's Financial Literacy Week theme –
Start Right: Be Financially Smart.


- World Seagrass Day 2024 – March 1. The
first ever World Seagrass Day was observed
- World Sparrow Day is observed annually on on 1st March 2023.
March 20, the purpose of World Sparrow
Day is to raise awareness about the - World Hearing Day 2024 – March 3. The
importance of sparrows to our ecosystem theme of WHD 2024 is ‘Changing mindsets:
and biodiversity. It's a reminder of the need Let’s make ear and hearing care a reality for
to take action to protect and conserve all!’
these small but important birds. Every year
on March 20, World Sparrow Day is - National Security Day 2024- March 4.
celebrated in collaboration with the Nature
Forever Society (India) and the Eco-Sis - World Day of Fight Against Sexual
Action Foundation (France). World Sparrow Exploitation 2024 – March 4
Day was founded by Mohammed Dilawar,
founder of The Nature Forever Society. - World Obesity Day 2024 – March 4. The
campaign theme of WOD 2024 is ‘Let’s Talk
- The International Day of Happiness is About Obesity And...’.
observed every year on 20 March. The
theme for the year 2024 is "Reconnecting to - Yoga Mahotsav-2024 marked the 100-day
Happiness: Building Resilient countdown to the 10th edition of the
Communities". International Day of Yoga (IDY) on June
21st, 2024, at Vigyan Bhawan. This year,
- Rare Disease Day is annually observed the event focused on the theme “Yoga for
across the globe on the last day of Women Empowerment,” reflecting the
February, either 28 or 29 in leap years (the Ministry of Ayush’s commitment to promote
rarest day of the year), to raise awareness global health and peace through yoga,
of the rare diseases and their impact on the particularly emphasizing women’s well-
people they affect. being.

- World Civil Defence Day (WCDD), also - The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF)
known as World Civil Protection Day, is Raising Day is annually observed across
annually observed across the globe on 1st India on 10th March to honour the
March to honour the significance of Civil contributions and sacrifices of the CISF
Defence and the personnel who have personnel in providing security to public
sacrificed their lives for it. The Theme of sector undertakings (PSUs), and critical
WCDD 2024 is “Honour Heroes and infrastructure.
Promote Safety Skills”. The slogan for the
day is “Innovative Technologies in the Civil - World Rotaract Day 2024 – March 13 &
Protection Service”. World Rotaract Week 2024 – March 11–17.
World Rotaract Week 2024 will is celebrated
- Civil Accounts Day is annually observed with the motto “Celebrating Rotaract.”
across India on 1 March to mark the
Foundation Day of the Indian Civil Accounts - World Kidney Day 2024 – March 14. The
Service (ICAS), one of the Civil Services 2024 WKD campaign theme is, “Kidney
functioning under the Department of Health for All – Advancing Equitable Access
Expenditure, Ministry of Finance (MoF). to Care and Optimal Medication Practice.”

- International Day of Mathematics 2024 –

March 14. The theme of IDM 2024 is


‘Playing with math’. Every year, the - World Down Syndrome Day 2024 – March
International Mathematical Union (IMU) 21. The 2024 theme of WDSD is “End The
decides the theme of IDM. Stereotypes”

- International Day of Action for Rivers 2024 – - International Day of Nowruz 2024 – March
March 14. The 2024 theme of International 21.
Day of Action for Rivers is, “Water for All.”
Also march 14 is Pi day. - World Puppetry Day 2024 – March 21. The
theme of WPD 2024 is “The Climate”.
- World Sleep Day 2024 – March 15. The
theme and slogan for the 2024 World Sleep - Shaheed Diwas or Martyrs’ Day 2024 –
Day is, “Sleep Equity for Global Health“. March 23.

- International Day to Combat Islamophobia - International Day for the Right to the Truth
2024 – March 15. Concerning Gross Human Rights Violations
and for the Dignity of Victims 2024 – March
- World Consumers Rights Day (WCRD) is 24.
annually observed across the globe on 15
March to raise global awareness of - International Day of Remembrance of the
consumer rights, needs, protection, and Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic
empowerment. The 2024 theme of WCRD Slave Trade 2024 – March 25. The
is, ‘Fair and responsible AI for consumers’. International Day of Remembrance of the
Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic
- Ordnance Factories Day 2024 – March 18. Slave Trade 2024 was observed under the
theme “Creating Global Freedom:
- Global Recycling Day 2024 – March 18. The Countering Racism with Justice in Societies
theme of Global Recycling Day 2024 is and Among Nations.”
- International Day of Solidarity with Detained
- UN French Language Day 2024 – March 20. and Missing Staff Members 2024 – March
The Day is recognised by the International 25
Organization of La Francophonie (OIF) as
the International Day of La Francophonie or - Earth Hour 2024 – March 23. Earth Hour
International Francophonie Day. 2024 aims to create the Biggest Hour for
Earth with its call-to-action “Give an hour
- World Oral Health Day 2024 – March 20. for Earth”. The first Earth Hour event was
The WOHD Campaign theme for 2024-2026 held on 31 March 2007 in Sydney, Australia.
is “A Happy Mouth is...A Happy Body”.
- World Piano Day 2024– March 28.
- World Day of Theatre for Children and
Young People 2024 – March 20. The Day is - International Day of Zero Waste 2024 –
promoted and celebrated through the March 30.
message ‘Take a Child to the Theatre,
Today’. - March 10- CISF Raising Day and also
International Day of Women Judges |
- World Poetry Day 2024 – March 21. The Theme: Women in Justice, women for
2024 theme of World Poetry Day is, justice
“Standing on the Shoulders of Giants”.
- 11 March- World Plumbing Day


milestone marking the entry into a crucial
second phase of India's three-stage nuclear
programme. The reactor has a capacity to
Defence and Exercise generate 500 MW of electricity.

Q. Where will INS Jatayu be commissioned?

Q. Which northeastern state recently adopted Answer: Minicoy, Lakshadweep
a resolution against the centre’s decision to Naval Contingent Minicoy will be
fence the India-Myanmar border & scrap the e commissioned as INS Jatayu on March 6,
(Free Movement Regime) FMR agreement with 2024 in the presence of Admiral R Hari Kumar,
Myanmar? Chief of the Naval Staff.
Answer: Mizoram
Q. The joint exercise "Sea Defenders-2024"
Q. Which missile was successfully tested with by US Coast Guard Ship Bartholf and Indian
MIRV technology recently? Coast Guard is being held at which place?
Answer: Agni-5 Answer: Port Blair
The Defence Research and Development US Coast Guard Ship Bertholf visited Port
Organisation (DRDO) recently conducted the Blair for joint exercise "Sea Defenders-2024"
first successful flight test of the indigenously with the Indian Coast Guard.
developed Agni-5 missile with multiple
independently targeted re-entry vehicle Q. India's first indigenous green hydrogen
(MIRV). Agni-5 missile is an intercontinental inland waterway ship was launched in which
ballistic missile (ICBM) with a range of 5,500 state?
to 5,800 km. This was the first flight test of Answer: Tamil Nadu
indigenously developed Agni-5 missile with Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched
Multiple Independently Targetable Re-entry India's first indigenous Green hydrogen fuel
Vehicle (MIRV) technology. Agni-5 missile is cell inland waterway vessel in Thoothukudi,
India's first surface-to-surface missile. It is Tamil Nadu. It has been designed and
India's only intercontinental ballistic missile. developed by Cochin Shipyard.
Chidambaranar port has become the
Q. India is participating in the joint military country's first green hydrogen hub port.
exercise 'Lamitie-2024' with which country?
Answer: Seychelles Q. Recently, which state/UT conducted All-
Women Maritime Surveillance Mission?
Q. Where has the Indian Army set up its first Answer: Andaman & Nicobar
Apache helicopter squadron?
Answer: Jodhpur Q. Mission Divyastra, recently seen in the
The Indian government in 2018 signed a news, is related to which one of the following
contract to buy 6 additional Apache AH-64 missile system?
attack helicopters from the USA, for use by Answer: Agni-5
the Indian Army. India successfully conducted the inaugural
flight test of the Agni-5 nuclear ballistic missile
Q. Where was the "core loading" started in on March 11, 2024, as part of the Make in
India's first indigenous Prototype Fast Breeder India initiative by DRDO. The indigenously
Reactor (PFBR) (500 MW)? developed missile incorporates MIRV
Answer: Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu technology, allowing a single missile to deploy
Prime Minister Narendra Modi witnessed the multiple warheads across different locations.
launch of India's first indigenous prototype Referred to as 'Mission Divyastra' by PM
Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR) at Kalpakkam in Modi, Agni-5 marks a significant advancement
Tamil Nadu on 4th March. This is a major


as it can simultaneously target multiple
locations, in contrast to conventional missiles Q. According to the SIPRI report, which
with a single warhead for a solitary target. country ranked as the world’s leading arms
importer from 2019 to 2023?
Q. Exercise Cutlass Express 2024 was Answer: India
organized in which country? According to report by Stockholm
Answer: Seychelles International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI),
The multinational exercise 'Cutlass Express' India leads global arms imports with a 4.7%
2024 was held in Port Victoria, Seychelles growth from 2014-2018 to 2019-2023. Russia
from 26 February to 08 March 2024. remains India's primary arms supplier, but its
share fell below 50% for the first time since
Q. Recently, where was the Bharat Shakti 1960-64. India sourced 36% of its arms
military exercise held? imports from Russia. Saudi Arabia and Qatar
Answer: Pokhran, Rajasthan were the 2nd and 3rd largest importers.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and foreign United States (US), France, Russia were the
delegates from over 30 nations observed top 3 largest exporters of arms between
'Bharat Shakti,' the largest military exercise in 2019-23.
India's history, in Pokhran, Rajasthan. The tri-
service drill featured the Indian Army, Navy, Q. Recently, the naval forces of which three
and Air Force, with the Indian Army as the countries launched a joint exercise near the
host. Key commanders from each force Gulf of Oman?
attended, showcasing India's military prowess Answer: China, Iran, and Russia
on a global stage. The naval forces of China, Iran, and Russia
recently launched a joint exercise called the
Q. India held 'Tiger Triumph – 24' with which "Maritime Security Belt-2024" near the Gulf of
country in March 2024? Oman. The exercise, which began on March
Answer: United States 11 and lasted until 15, is the fifth common
The exercise 'Tiger Triumph-24' between India military exercise between the three countries
and the US is being organized on the eastern in recent years.
seaboard from 18 to 31 March. Tiger
Triumph-24' is in keeping with the India-US Q. What are ‘Agray’ and ‘Akshay’, recently
partnership. It is a bilateral tri-service seen in the news?
Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Answer: Anti-submarine warships
(HADR) military exercise between the two Indian Navy launched ships 'Agray' and
countries. 'Akshay' to bolster anti-submarine
capabilities. The Ministry of Defence
Q. INAS 334 'Seahawks' was commissioned contracted Kolkata-based PSU GRSE for
at which Indian Naval Station (INS) in March eight ASW Shallow Water Craft (SWC). GRSE
2024? built these ships, launched nearly five years
Answer: INS Imphal post-contract signing. Named after former
The Indian Navy's first MH60R squadron, Abhay class corvettes, Neeta Chaudhary
INAS 334 'Seahawks', was commissioned on named them INS Agray and INS Akshay.
March 6, 2024, at INS Garud, Southern Naval These are the fifth and sixth in the series.
Command, Kochi. Admiral R Hari Kumar, India's shipbuilding prowess enhances
Chief of the Naval Staff, was also present maritime security with modern capabilities.
during the historic event. INAS 334 is the first
squadron of MH-60R helicopters. It is also
known as 'Seahawks'.MH-60R 'Seahawk' is a
seared variant of the Black Hawk helicopter.


Q. Operation Rising Sun, recently seen in the conducted at Visakhapatnam from 28
news, is related to which one of the following? February to 2 March 2024.
Answer: Smuggling of foreign-origin gold
In March 2024, the Directorate of Revenue Q. India has launched Operation Indravati to
Intelligence (DRI) launched Operation "Rising evacuate its citizens from which country?
Sun" to bust a major gold smuggling Answer: Haiti
syndicate. The operation took place across
four states on March 12 and 13, 2024 and Q. India conducts IMT Trilat exercise with
resulted in the seizure of 61.08 kilograms of which countries?
gold, valued at around Rs 40 crore, along with Answer: Tanzania and Mozambique
19 vehicles, cash, and other electronic items. The second edition of India-Mozambique-
The gold was recovered from Guwahati, Tanzania (IMT) Trilateral (Trilat) exercise is
Barpeta, Darbhanga, Gorakhpur, and Araria. being conducted from 21-29 March 2024. This
year, it is being held at the ports of Zanzibar in
Q. Where has the Indian Navy established its Tanzania and Maputo in Mozambique. The
first independent headquarters? exercise will conclude with joint details in
Answer: Delhi Nakala (Mozambique).
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh has
inaugurated the 'Nausena Bhawan'. It is the
new state-of-the-art headquarters of the
Indian Navy at Delhi Cantonment.
Short Notes:
Q. India's first ammunition-missile
manufacturing complex by Adani Group was - The flight test of Very Short-Range Air
unveiled in which state? Defence System was successfully
Answer: Uttar Pradesh conducted by DRDO at Chandipur.
India's first ammunition-missile manufacturing VSHORADS is a Man Portable Air Defense
complex was unveiled by Adani Group in Uttar System (MANPAD). Research Centre
Pradesh. For the first time in the private Bhavan, Hyderabad has developed and
sector, on February 26, Adani Defence and designed VShorads in collaboration with
Aerospace opened two facilities in Kanpur for other DRDO laboratories and Indian
manufacturing ammunition and missiles. Army industry partners.
Chief General Manoj Pande and Uttar Pradesh
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath inaugurated the - The Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS)
twin facility complex spread over 500 acres. In has given approval to the Defence
the first phase, 32 types of ammunition were Research and Development Organisation
identified in 12 categories for manufacturing (DRDO) to manufacture Advanced Medium
by the Indian industry. Combat Aircraft (AMCA) for the Indian Air
Force (IAF). AMCA is a fifth-generation
Q. India conducted 'Exercise Samudra stealth fighter jet. The CCS has also
Lakshman' with which country in February approved procurement of 34 new Advanced
2024? Light Helicopter Dhruv for the Indian Army
Answer: Malaysia and the Indian Coast Guard. The
Navies of India and Malaysia conducted a helicopters are manufactured by Hindustan
joint exercise in Visakhapatnam under the Aeronautics Limited (HAL) and have been in
third edition of 'Exercise Samudra Lakshman'. use since 2002. The Indian Air Force (IAF) is
According to the Ministry of Defence, the working on a new fighter jet called AMCA.
maritime exercise 'Samudra Lakshman' was The first prototype of this jet is expected to
be ready in four years, and it will take
another year to make its first flight. The


Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA)
project, which began in 2011, aims to - Indian Air Force (IAF)’s transport aircraft
create a stealthy, single-seat, twin-engine C-17 airdropped an extra long and heavy
multirole fighter. indigenously developed platform that can
carry a maximum load of over 22 tonnes.
- Garuda Aerospace launched the Border
Patrol Surveillance Drone, 'Trishul. Trishul - The Indian Navy completed 100 days of
monitors people, natural disasters, and maritime security operations “Operation
traffic. Sankalp”, which was launched on 14th
December 2023.
- Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS)
headed by Prime Minister (PM) Narendra - Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh
Modi, has approved fund worth Rs 15,000 inaugurated the new Administrative &
crore for an indigenous fifth-generation Training building at the Naval War College
Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) (NWC), Goa on March 5, 2024. The modern
fighter jet project for the Indian Air Force edifice, named the ‘Chola’, pays homage to
(IAF). the mighty maritime empire of the Chola
dynasty of ancient India.
- Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia, Ministry
of Civil Aviation (MoCA) has inaugurated - The Indian Army has raised its first
Just Udo Aviation Private Limited (Fly91), squadron, the 451 Aviation Squadron, to
Ribandar (Goa) based regional airline and operate the newly acquired AH-64E Apache
flagged off its maiden flight between attack helicopters. The squadron was
Manohar International Airport (MOPA), Goa formally established on March 15 at
and Agatti Islands, Lakshadweep. Jodhpur.

- Indian Army launched the “Signals

Technology Evaluation and Adaptation
Group (STEAG)”, a first-of-its-kind
Index and Reports
specialised technology unit to enhance its
communication infrastructure, in New Delhi,
Delhi Q. According to Status of Leopards in India
2022 report, which state has the largest
- India successfully completed the Maiden population of leopards?
Test-firing of its first indigenously developed Answer: Madhya Pradesh
1500 Horse Power(HP) engine for the Indian The 'Status of Leopards in India, 2022' report
Army’s Main Battle Tanks (MBT), at BEML reveals a leopard population increase to
Limited Engine division complex in Mysuru, 13,874 from 12,852 in 2018. Indian leopards,
Karnataka. found in various forested regions spanning
India, Nepal, Bhutan, and parts of Pakistan,
- The Ministry of Defence (MoD) of the United are most abundant in Central India and
Kingdom (UK) has successfully tested its Eastern Ghats (8,820), followed by the
1st-ever Laser- Directed Energy Weapon Western Ghats (3,596) and the Shivalik Hills/
(LDEW), named “DragonFire”, at the Gangetic Plains (1,109). Statewise, Madhya
Hebrides Range, located off the northwest Pradesh leads with 3,907 leopards, followed
coast of Scotland, UK. by Maharashtra (1,985), Karnataka (1,879),
and Tamil Nadu (1,070).
- LSAM 18 (YARD 128): Indian Navy’s 4th
ACTCM Barge Launched in Thane. Q. What is the rank of India in the World
Bank’s Women, Business and Law index?


Answer: 113 Airport" in the Asia-Pacific region for six years
India's rank in the World Bank’s Women, in a row. The award is given by the Airport
Business and Law index rose to 113 out of Service Quality (ASQ) Awards, which measure
190 countries. The index assesses the legal passenger satisfaction using real-time
environment for women's economic surveys.
opportunities across eight categories,
including mobility, workplace, and Q. According to recent released CEEW’s
entrepreneurship. Scores range from 0 to 100, report, which of the following states have
with 100 representing equal right. been placed on the top in water
Q. According to the DHL Global Answer: Haryana, Karnataka and Punjab
Connectedness Report 2024, what is the rank Council on Energy, Environment and Water
of India on the DHL Connectedness Index? (CEEW’s) report on used water management
Answer: 62nd spotlights Haryana, Karnataka, and Punjab as
According to the 2024 DHL Global leaders in the country. Urban water demand
Connectedness Report, India ranks 62nd out rises while groundwater levels dwindle. Urban
of 171 countries on the DHL Connectedness Local Bodies (ULBs) require enhanced
Index. This is a 5-position improvement from treatment and reuse infrastructure. Financial
the previous year, when India ranked 67th. constraints hinder 90% of ULBs. Merely 28%
Top- Singapore of 72,000 million liters of used water is
Q. India has successfully brought down the
extreme rate of poverty below what percent of Q. Who has achieved the title of the world's
its population, according to ‘World Poverty richest person according to the Bloomberg
Clock’? Billionaires Index released in March 2024?
Answer: 3 % Answer: Jeff Bezos
India has successfully reduced extreme According to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index,
poverty, with under 3% of its population living Jeff Bezos has again achieved the title of the
below the poverty line, in accordance with the world's largest richest person, moving ahead
UN's Sustainable Development Goal. Recent of Elon Musk.
data from the World Poverty Clock, supported
by organizations such as IFAD and Germany's Q. What is India's rank in the Gender
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation Inequality Index (GII) 2022?
and Development. Answer: 108
India has registered a significant increase of
Q. The recently discussed 'Democracy 14 ranks in the Gender Inequality Index 2022.
Report 2024' has been released by which of UNDP has released the Human Development
the following? Report 2023-24. According to the report, India
Answer: V-Dem Institute ranks 108 out of 193 countries with a score of
In the report of 'Democracy Report 2024' 0.437 in GII 2022. In GII 2021, India was
released by the V-Dem Institute, India has ranked 122 out of 191 countries with a score
been downgraded on several metrics related of 0.490. The top-ranked countries in the GII
to democratic freedom 2022 are:
1. Denmark
Q. Recently, which airport was given the title 2. Norway
of 'Best Airport' in the Asia-Pacific region? 3. Switzerland
Answer: Indira Gandhi International Airport 4. Sweden
Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGI) in 5. Netherlands
Delhi, India has been named the "Best


Q. According to Hurun Research's 2024 India's rank on the United Nations Human
Global Rich List, which city of India has Development Index (HDI) has improved by one
rapidly emerged as Asia's billionaire place to 134 out of 193 countries in 2022,
hub? compared to 135 in 2021. The data is taken
Answer: Mumbai from the United Nations Development
According to Hurun Research's 2024 Global Programme's report "Breaking the Gridlock:
Rich List, Mumbai has quickly emerged as Reimagining Cooperation in a Polarized
Asia's billionaire hub and overtaken Beijing for World". India's HDI value has increased to
the first time. India's financial capital now has 0.644 in 2022. In 2021 it was 0.633. India has
92 billionaires, more than Beijing's 91, yet shown improvement in all HDI indicators in
China has more number of 814 billionaires 2022. India's GII value of 0.437 is better than
than India's 271. In terms of billionaires, the global average of 0.462 and the South
Mumbai ranks third globally, led by New York Asian average of 0.478. Switzerland tops the
with 119 billionaires, followed by London with Global Human Development Index. Norway
97 billionaires. and Iceland ranked second and
third, respectively. The HDI is a composite
Q. According to the report released in March index that is calculated based on three
2024, which states have been placed at the parameters: life expectancy, average
top in terms of water management used? years of schooling, and average income.
Answer: Haryana and Karnataka
Q. Hurun Research Institute has released the
Q. What is the rank of India in the annual "Hurun Global Rich List 2024". Who has
'World Happiness Report' 2024 sponsored by secured the top position in this list?
the United Nations? Answer: Elon Musk
Answer: 126th Hurun Research Institute has released the
In the United Nations-sponsored annual "Hurun Global Rich List 2024". Among the
'World Happiness Report' released on 20 global billionaires, Tesla CEO Elon Musk has
March 2024, 'Finland' has been considered again emerged as the richest man with a net
the happiest country in the world. Finland has worth of $231 billion.He has been reinstated
become the happiest country in the world for as the world's richest person for the third time
the 7th consecutive year. In this report, the in four years. Mukesh Ambani, Chairman &
Nordic countries retained their place in the 10 Managing Director(CMD) of Reliance
happiest countries. It also includes Industries Limited(RIL), has been ranked as
Denmark, Iceland and Sweden. India ranks the World’s 10th richest Person with a total
126 out of 143 countries in the World net worth of USD 115 billion.
Happiness Report. India was at the same rank
last year as well. While neighboring countries
of India China are 60th, Nepal 93rd, Pakistan
108th, Myanmar 118th, Sri Lanka 128th and
Short Notes:
Bangladesh 129th. In the World Happiness
Report, Afghanistan is placed at the bottom of
the list of 143 countries. Afghanistan has been - The Ministry of Home Affairs is among the
plagued by a humanitarian catastrophe since top 10 ministries in the Grievance Redressal
the Taliban took control in 2020. Assessment Index. In the Grievance
Redressal Assessment Index (GRAI) in
Q. What is India's rank in the recently released 2023-24, the Ministry has been consistently
Human Development Index 2023/24? ranked among the top 10 ministries,
Answer: 134 performing well in all 15 specified


indicators. With an average redressal time pools. The study was released by the
of eight days against the standard 30 days, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy and
the Ministry of Home Affairs has performed independent think tank Council on Energy,
exceptionally well by redressing 48,837 Environment and Water (CEEW) titled
public grievances during 2023-24. "Enabling a circular economy in India's
solar industry: Assessing solar waste
- New Delhi has been ranked the world's quantum." "About 67% of this waste will
most polluted capital for the fourth come from five states: Rajasthan, Gujarat,
consecutive year since 2018. According to Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil
the Air Quality Report 2023 by Swiss Nadu. Currently, India's installed capacity of
company IQAir, Delhi's PM2.5 level 66.7 GW (as of FY 2023) has already
increased from 89.1 micrograms per cubic generated around 100 kilotonnes of
meter in 2022 to 92.7 micrograms per cubic garbage, which will increase to 340
meter in 2023. Begusarai, in Bihar, is now kilotonnes by 2030.
the most polluted metropolitan area in the
world. Its average PM2.5 concentration was - According to the ‘India Employment Report
118.9 micrograms per cubic meter. It did 2024: Youth education, employment and
not find a place in the 2022 rankings. skills’ jointly published by the International
India's air quality was the third worst in the Labour Organization (ILO) and the Institute
world after Bangladesh and Pakistan. of Human Development (IHD), India’s youth
India's average annual PM2.5 concentration accounts for almost 83% of the
was 54.4 micrograms per cubic metre. unemployed workforce in India.
According to the report, for more than a
billion people, PM2.5 concentrations in - According to the United Nations (UN)
India exceed the World Health Global E-waste Monitor (GEM) 2024, the
Organization's annual guideline limit of 5 global electronic waste (e- waste)
micrograms per cubic metre. India was the generation is rising 5 times faster than
8th most polluted country in 2022. Its documented e-waste recycling. Globally the
average PM2.5 concentration was 53.3 e-waste generation is increasing by 2.6
micrograms per cubic meter. million tonnes (Mt) annually.

- According to the 12th edition of the - According to the ILO study, 3.5 out of every
International Intellectual Property (IP) Index 1,000 people are engaged in forced labour.
(2024) by the United States (US) Chamber According to the International Labour
of Commerce, India has retained the 42nd Organization (ILO), forced labor generates
rank with an overall score of 38.64%. The $36 billion in illicit profits per year. Since
United States of America (USA) has topped 2014, illegal profits have increased by 37%,
the list with an overall score of 95.48% driven by an increase in the number of
followed by the United Kingdom (UK) in the people forced into labor, as well as higher
2nd place with 94.12% and France in the profits generated from the exploitation of
3rd with 93.12%. Previously, Inida was victims. The report titled 'Profits and
ranked 42nd in 2023 and 43rd in 2022. Poverty: The Economics of Forced Labour'
has been released by the International
- A study has shown that India's solar waste Labour Organization. Profits from forced
could reach 600 kilotonnes by 2030. labor are highest in Europe and Central Asia
According to a new study released on ($84 billion), followed by Asia and the
March 20, India's solar waste could reach Pacific ($62 billion).
600 kilotonnes by 2030, which is equivalent
to filling 720 Olympic-sized swimming


- The World Meteorological Organization - According to a report published by Mercom
(WMO) has officially declared that 2023 was India titled ‘State of Solar PV Manufacturing
the warmest year on record, while the in India 2024‘, in Calendar Year (CY) 2023,
decade (2014-23) was the warmest decade India has added 24 Giga Watt (GW) of solar
ever. module and cell capacity. As of December
2023, India’s total solar module capacity
- United Nations Environment Programme reached 64.5 GW, with an addition of 20.8
(UNEP) released its ‘Food Waste Index GW. Additionally, the solar cell capacity
Report 2024-Think Eat Save Tracking increased to 5.8 GW, with a 3.2 GW
Progress to Halve Global Food addition.India’s solar module manufacturing
Waste‘ which tracks the progress of capacity is projected to surpass 150 GW,
countries to halve food waste by 2030. and cell capacity is expected to reach over
75 GW by 2026.
- The WHO's "Fair share for health and care" Toppers:
report highlights the gender gap in global i.Gujarat led India’s photovoltaic (PV)
healthcare. Women represent 67% of the manufacturing capacity with 46.1% of the
health and social care workforce but face a India’s solar module capacity in December
24% pay gap compared to men. Globally, 2023.
90% of women's earnings support family ii.Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu followed,
well-being, while only 30–40% of men's do. ranking second and third with 9.3% and
Despite comprising 25–60% of doctors, 7.6%, respectively, for solar module
women make up 30–100% of nursing staff production capacities.
in 35 countries. Women perform 76% of iii.Telangana had the highest annual solar
unpaid care activities worldwide, with cell production capacity at 39% nationwide.
significant imbalances in India Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh (HP) ranked
second and third in solar cell production,
- The United Nations Conference on Trade contributing 34.7% and 13.9% of total
and Development (UNCTAD) released a capacities in the country, respectively.
Global Trade Update report noting a 14%
increase in India's services exports in 2023, - Rajasthan became the 1st Indian state to
while goods exports fell by 6%. It launch the State Water Resources
anticipates a global trade rebound in 2024. Information Systems dashboard to forecast
However, logistical challenges like shipping drought and to enable better water
disruptions in the Red Sea and Black Sea management based on water availability.
may escalate costs and disrupt supply
chains. Established in 1964, UNCTAD - On March 1, 2024, according to the
serves as the primary authority of the UN ‘Ecowrap‘ report by the State Bank of India
General Assembly in trade and (SBI), the GDP growth for Financial Year
development matters. 2023-24 (FY24)is likely to be within striking
distance of 8%.
- The United Nations Environment Program
(UNEP) released its 3rd Food Waste Index - Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), under
Report in 2024, revealing that in 2022, 1.05 the Ministry of Power, celebrated its 22nd
billion metric tonnes of food, 19% of the Foundation Day on 1st March 2024 under
global supply, were wasted. This waste the theme “Energy Transition through
contrasts starkly with 783 million people Electrification and Decarbonization in
experiencing hunger worldwide. lndia”.


- According to the “India TB Report 2024” Answer: Saadi Mohammed
released by the Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare(MoHFW) on 27th March
2024, India saw a decline of 16% in the
incidence of Tuberculosis(TB) cases (means
Shorts Notes:
new cases per year) and 18% reduction in
mortality due to TB, since 2015.
- India’s oldest parliamentarian and a
- In February 2024, the All-India Consumer founding member of the Samajwadi Party
Price Index (CPI) for Agricultural Laborers (SP), Shafiqur Rahman Barq passed away
and Rural Laborers remained stable, with at the age of 93 in Moradabad, Uttar
figures of 1258 and 1269, respectively, Pradesh (UP).
based on the 1986-87=100 index.
- Renowned Archaeologist and Padma Shri
- Bloomberg has announced the inclusion of awardee, Arun Kumar Sharma, passed
India’s Fully Accessible Route (FAR) bonds away at the age of 91 in Raipur,
in its Emerging Market (EM) Local Currency Chhattisgarh.
Government Index and related indices, with
a phased approach over ten months - Senior Congress leader Aziz Qureshi, who
starting January 31, 2025. served as Governor of Uttarakhand, Uttar
Pradesh, and Mizoram, passed away at the
- Dr. Jitendra Singh unveiled the report “A age of 83 in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.
Decade of Science – Technology Panorama
for Aatmanirbhar Bharat” at Vigyan Bhavan. - Akira Toriyama, one of the most famous
Under the leadership of Prof. Ajay Kumar Japanese comic (manga) artists and
Sood, the (Office of Principal Scientific character designers, passed away. He was
Advisor) OPSA to the Government of India, born on 05th April 1955 in Nagoya, Japan.
in collaboration with FAST India, has
compiled a comprehensive overview of - Former Chief of Naval Staff (CNS), Admiral
India’s technological advancements over Laxminarayana Ramdas, passed away at
the past decade in this report. the age of 90 in Secunderabad Military
Hospital, Telangana.
- The World Meteorological Organization
(WMO) released its State of the Global - Padma Shri Awardee Kapil Dev Prasad, a
Climate 2023 report, revealing renowned handloom artist, passed away at
unprecedented levels of climate change the age of 70 in Basman Bigha village,
indicators. Nalanda district, Bihar.

- renowned Dutch-American primatologist,

ethologist and author, Frans de Waal, who
Obituary founded the Origins of Morality in Apes,
passed away at the age of 75 in Stone
Mountain in Georgia, United States.
Q. Brian Mulroney, who recently passed away,
was the former Prime Minister of which - Oscar-winning British screenwriter David
country? Seidler passed away at the age of 86 in
Answer: Canada New Zealand. He was born on 4 August
1937 in London, England, the United
Q. Name the famous Rabindra Sangeet singer Kingdom (UK).
who passed away recently in Bangladesh?


- A renowned Kannada Writer and Sahitya bodies, including GHMC, aiming to ease
Akademi Awardee Dr Gurulinga Kapse financial burdens on property owners.
passed away on 26th March 2024 in
Dharwad, Karnataka. He was born on 2nd
April 1928 in Loni village in Vijayapura Q. On 01 March 2004, in which state of India
district, Karnataka. was the Odiserve project launched?
Answer: Odisha
- Psychologist Daniel Kahneman, a Nobel Union Minister of Education and Skill
Laureate in Economic Sciences Passed Development and Entrepreneurship
Away Dharmendra Pradhan launched Project
OdiServe in Sambalpur to prepare young
- Louis Cameron: First Black man to win graduates of Odisha for employment
Oscar for Best Supporting Actor Passed opportunities in the financial services sector.
Away Project OdiServ is the first skill training
programme of National Skill Development
- Paul Alexander, who spent much of his life Corporation (NSDC) and Bajaj Finserv Limited.
in an iron lung after contracting polio as a The programme was launched at Gangadhar
child, has passed away at the age of 78. Meher University in Sambalpur, Odisha. The
project will provide 100 hours of training to
- The former member of the National some young people from smaller cities and
Commission for Scheduled Castes and towns for jobs in the financial services
Scheduled Tribes and prominent Buddhist industry. The CPBFI programme has already
Monk of Ladakh, popularly known as Lama been initiated in 30 colleges, 1100 students
Lobzang, passed away this morning at his have been enrolled and 25,000 hours of
residence in New Delhi. He was 94 years training have been delivered in two months.
Q. Which state launched India's first
- Louis Gossett Jr., the first Black man to win government-backed OTT platform?
the Academy Award for Best Supporting Answer: Kerala
Actor, has sadly passed away at the age of
87 Q. Which agricultural commodity has recently
been included under the Price Stabilization
- Lakshmi Narayanan Seshu, a beloved figure Fund Scheme by the Government of India?
in the Tamil entertainment industry, Answer: Wheat and rice
breathed his last on Tuesday, March 26,
2024, at a private hospital in Chennai. Q. The "Coal Logistics Scheme and Policy"
initiative was launched by which Union
Answer: Pralhad Joshi
Scheme and Initiatives The initiative was launched during the Indian
National Committee World Mining Congress
under the aegis of the Ministry of Coal in New
Q. Recently, which state government has Delhi on February 29. Shri Pralhad Joshi
issued a directive for the adoption of the One underlined the imperative need for efficient
Time Scheme (OTS) across all urban local logistics to meet the projected energy
bodies (ULBs)? demand to increase from 980 MT to 1.5 BT by
Answer: Telangana 2030.
The Telangana government mandates the One
Time Scheme (OTS) adoption in all urban local


Q. Which state has recently launched the Q. Who launched the 'Pradhan Mantri Samajik
Widow Remarriage Incentive Scheme? Upliftment Aur Rozgar Aadhar Jan
Answer:Jharkhand Kalyan' (PM-Suraj) National Portal?
On March 6, Chief Minister Champai Soren Answer: Narendra Modi
launched the scheme at Tana Bhagat Stadium PM-Suraj is to provide loan assistance to
in Ranchi's Khel Village, giving benefits to 7 eligible persons across the country including
widows of the state. Under this scheme, an Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes and
amount of Rs 2 lakh will be given to the widow sanitation workers across the country through
who remarries. the PM-Suraj National Portal.

Q. Who launched the 'Vantara' programme to Q. Uttar Pradesh has emerged as the first
support animal welfare? state to issue five crore Ayushman cards.
Answer: Reliance When was Ayushman Bharat Scheme
Reliance Industries and Reliance Foundation launched?
have launched the 'Vantara' (Star of the Answer: 2018
Forest) programme to support animal Uttar Pradesh has become the first state to
welfare.The Anant Ambani-led Vantara issue 5 crore Ayushman cards. The cards are
initiative aims to rescue, treat, care and issued under the Centre's flagship scheme
rehabilitate injured, abused and endangered Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya
animals in India and other parts of the world. Yojana. The Uttar Pradesh government has
In India, the programme collaborates with issued 50,017,920 Ayushman cards and
Assam State Zoo, Sardar Patel Zoological provided benefits to 74,382,304 persons,
Park, National Zoological Park, Nagaland according to a press release.
Zoological Park, among others. The Vantara
program has saved more than 200 elephants Q. How many crores of rupees have been
and thousands of other animals, birds, approved for 'PM Surya Ghar Free Electricity
reptiles from dangerous situations over the Scheme'?
years. Vantara has also participated in rescue Answer: 75,000 crore
operations in countries such as Mexico and The Union Cabinet led by PM Narendra Modi
Venezuela. has approved Rs 75,000 crore for 'PM Surya
Ghar Free Electricity Scheme'. Under this
Q. India's first small scale LNG unit was scheme, one crore families will get 300 units
inaugurated in which state? of free electricity. The scheme was announced
Answer: Madhya Pradesh by Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman
Union Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister during the interim budget for 2024-25.
Hardeep Singh Puri inaugurated GAIL's India's
first small LNG unit. This unit of Gas Authority Q. National Birth Defect Awareness Month
of India Limited (GAIL) is located at Vijaypur 2024 launched by?
LPG Plant in Madhya Pradesh. Union Minister Answer: NITI Aayog
Puri also inaugurated 201 CNG stations in 17 NITI Aayog Member Dr. V.K. Paul launched the
states. He inaugurated the CNG stations National Birth Defect Awareness Month 2024.
through video conferencing at a function in The theme of this campaign is "Breaking
New Delhi in the presence of Minister of State Barriers: inclusive support for children with
for Petroleum and Natural Gas Rameswar Teli. birth defects"
The Government aims to increase the share of
natural gas in the primary energy basket to Q. Which ministry recently launched the
15% by 2030. ‘Alliance for Global Good-Gender Equity and


Answer: Ministry of Women & Child Q. ‘e-Kisan Upaj Nidhi’, recently seen in the
Development news, is launched by which ministry?
Union Minister of Women & Child Answer: Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food &
Development Smriti Irani revealed the logo Public Distribution
and website for the Alliance for Global Good – Consumer Affairs, Food and Public
Gender Equity and Equality in a ceremony Distribution Minister Piyush Goyal unveiled the
attended by Bill Gates and Chandrajit 'e-Kisan Upaj Nidhi' initiative in New Delhi,
Banerjee. Emphasizing India's leadership in aiming to make the agriculture sector the
women's empowerment, Irani highlighted cornerstone of 'Viksit Bharat' by 2047. The
international support garnered at Davos. digital gateway, developed by the
Launched at Davos 2024, the alliance aligns Warehousing Development and Regulatory
with PM Narendra Modi's vision for women- Authority (WDRA), streamlines farmers'
led development. warehousing logistics through technology,
ensuring fair prices for produce.
Q. Recently, which state government has
launched an initiative to support young Q. Prasar Bharti - Shared Audio Visuals for
entrepreneurs called ‘MYUVA scheme’? Broadcast and Dissemination (PB-SHABD) is
Answer: Uttar Pradesh recently launched by which ministry?
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath Answer: Ministry of Information &
has introduced "Mukhyamantri Yuva Udyami Broadcasting
Vikas Abhiyan (MYUVA)" to back young The Ministry of Information & Broadcasting
entrepreneurs. The initiative offers interest-free introduced Prasar Bharti - Shared Audio
loans, up to Rs 5 lakh, supporting digital Visuals for Broadcast and Dissemination (PB-
transactions and providing grants to SHABD) along with revamped websites for DD
encourage the adoption of digital payment News and Akashvani News, alongside an
methods. The government aims to nurture one updated News on Air mobile app. PB-SHABD,
lakh young entrepreneurs annually through a news sharing service by Prasar Bharati,
this program, fostering economic growth and offers daily news feeds in video, audio, text,
innovation in the state. photo, and more formats across fifty
categories. The service, free for the first year,
Q. She Research Network in India (SheRNI) aims to provide news stories in major Indian
initiative, recently seen in the news, is languages, enhancing access to diverse
introduced by which organization? media content.
Answer: UGC
The UGC's INFLIBNET Centre introduced the Q. Recently, Prime Minister of India
'She Research Network in India' (SheRNI) to inaugurated the Kochrab Ashram in which
combat gender disparity in science. SheRNI state?
empowers women in science, challenging Answer: Gujarat
stereotypes and inspiring future generations. Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi
Focused on providing visibility and visited Sabarmati Ashram, inaugurating
recognition, it aims to boost women's Kochrab Ashram and launching the Gandhi
participation in science and research careers. Ashram Memorial's Master Plan. He paid
SheRNI's objectives include establishing a homage to Mahatma Gandhi's statue and
national-level expert platform for women toured Hriday Kunj, while also planting a
faculty members, fostering collaboration, and sapling and exploring an exhibition. Kochrab
creating networking opportunities within Ashram, established by Gandhi in 1915, was
academia. relocated in 1917 to a site along the
Sabarmati River for agricultural and Khadi


experiments, influenced by the legend of Q. Mahtari Vandana Yojana, recently seen in
Dadhichi Rishi. the news, is launched by which state?
Answer: Chhattisgarh
Q. Which state government has announced to Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi launched
launch Indiramma Awas Yojana on March 11? the Mahtari Vandana Yojana in Chhattisgarh,
Answer: Telangana aiming to empower women by providing Rs
1000 monthly through direct benefit transfer.
Q. Sansad Khel Mahakumbh 3.0, recently The scheme targets eligible married women,
seen in the news, is organised in which state? including widows and divorced individuals,
Answer: Himachal Pradesh promoting economic independence, gender
Union Minister Anurag Singh Thakur equality, and reinforcing women's pivotal role
inaugurated Sansad Khel Mahakumbh 3.0 at in families.
Luhnu Cricket Ground, Bilaspur, Himachal
Pradesh on March 5, 2024. Rohit Sharma and Q. Which state government has announced
Rahul Dravid attended as chief guests. "Indira Gandhi Pyari Behna Sukh Samman
Inspired by PM Modi's 'Kheloge To Khiloge,' Nidhi Yojana"?
Thakur highlighted the event's significance. Answer: Himachal Pradesh
Chief Minister Sukhvinder Sukhu unveiled the
Q. Who launched NITI Aayog's 'NITI for "Indira Gandhi Pyari Behna Sukh Samman
States' platform in March 2024? Nidhi Yojana", a scheme designed to provide
Answer: Ashwini Vaishnaw financial assistance to women between the
Union Minister for Communications, Railways age group of 18 to 60 years. Under the
and Electronics & Information Technology scheme, eligible women will get a monthly
Ashwini Vaishnaw launched NITI Aayog's 'NITI stipend of ₹1,500.
for States Platform' at Rang Bhawan
Auditorium, AIR, New Delhi on 7th March Q. What is the theme of the 'Jal Shakti
2024. Before the launch of this platform, Abhiyan: Catch the Rain-2024' campaign?
Ashwini Vaishnaw also launched the Answer: "Nari Shakti se Jal Shakti"
'Developed India Strategy Cell' at NITI Aayog. The 'Jal Shakti Abhiyan: Catch the Rain-2024'
campaign has been launched by Union
Q. Recently, the Union Government partnered Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat. The fifth
with which organization to connect tribal edition of the campaign has been launched
villages with internet services? under the theme 'Nari Shakti to Jal Shakti'.
Answer: ISRO
The Ministry of Tribal Affairs plans to partner Q. Which state unveiled the policy on women
with ISRO to deploy V-SAT stations for a pilot in March 2024?
project in 80 tribal villages across Jharkhand, Answer: Maharashtra
Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, and Maharashtra. Maharashtra has become the first state in
India to launch a women's policy.
Q. NAMASTE Scheme, recently seen in the
news, is related to which one of the following Q. Recently, where was the MSME-
group of workers? Technology Center inaugurated by Union
Answer: Sanitation workers Minister Narayan Rane?
The NAMASTE Scheme, led by the Ministry of Answer: Maharashtra
Social Justice and Empowerment and the
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, aims to Q. 'Vocal for Local' initiative, recently seen in
eliminate manual engagement in hazardous the news, launched by which one of the
sewer and septic tank cleaning. following?
Answer: NITI Aayog


NITI Aayog launched the 'Vocal for Local' Minister, Dharmendra Pradhan launched the
initiative to foster self-reliance and sustainable 'SWAYAM Plus' platform to offer courses
growth. Under the Aspirational Blocks developed in collaboration with industry
Programme, it promotes local products from leaders.
500 blocks through the Aakanksha brand.
Aakanksha serves as an umbrella brand, Q. 'Aditi Yojana' is related to which of the
facilitating international market access. The following fields?
initiative includes a dedicated window on the Answer: Defence Sector
Government e-Marketplace (GeM) portal for Defence Minister Rajnath Singh has
these products. inaugurated DefConnect 2024 in New Delhi to
encourage indigenous defence innovation.
Q. Revamped Pharmaceuticals Technology Defence Minister Rajnath Singh launched the
Upgradation Assistance (RPTUAS) Scheme, 'ADITI scheme' to promote innovations in
recently seen in the news, introduced by critical and strategic defence technologies
which ministry? during DefConnect 2024. The scheme
Answer: Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers envisages to create a ‘Technology Watch Tool’
The Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers to bridge the gap between Armed Forces’
introduced the Revamped Pharmaceuticals requirements and innovation capabilities.In its
Technology Upgradation Assistance Scheme first edition, ADITI has launched 17 challenges
(RPTUAS). The initiative provides quality- across various branches of the Indian Armed
based subsidies to pharmaceutical companies Forces viz. Indian Army (3), Indian Navy (5),
for achieving Revised Schedule M and WHO- Indian Air Force (5) and Defence Space
GMP certifications. Agency (4).

Q. Electric Mobility Promotion Scheme 2024, Q. Which portal has been launched by the
recently seen in the news, is introduced by government in March 2024 to curb sextortion,
which ministry? bank frauds, etc?
Answer: Ministry of Heavy Industries Answer: Chakshu Portal
The Ministry of Heavy Industries, Government The government has launched the 'Chakshu
of India, announced the Electric Mobility Portal' under the 'Sanchar Sathi' initiative in a
Promotion Scheme 2024 (EMPS 2024) in significant measure on March 2024 to combat
March 2024 to encourage the adoption of cyber fraud.
electric vehicles (EVs) in the country. The
scheme will run from April 2024 to July 2024, Q. Recently PM Modi inaugurated 'One
with a total outlay of Rs 500 crore. The Station One Product' (OSOP) stall at how
scheme will support purchase of two- many stations?
wheelers and three- wheelers. The scheme Answer: 205
will provide a subsidy of Rs 10,000 for two- The 'One Station One Product' (OSOP)
wheelers, and Rs 25,000 for small three- scheme promotes the Government of India's
wheelers. The subsidies will be eligible for 'Local for Vocal' approach.
electric two, three, and four wheelers sold
until March 31, 2024, or until the time funds Q. On March 2, the National Urban
are available, whichever is earlier. Cooperative Finance and Development
Corporation Limited was launched by whom ?
Q. Which ministry has launched the Swayam Answer: Amit Shah
Plus platform? The establishment of this umbrella
Answer: Ministry of Education organization will help in achieving the goal of
The Ministry of Education launched the ‘Prosperity through Cooperation'.
SWAYAM Plus platform. Union Education


non-life offerings under one roof, facilitating
Short Notes: an end-to-end digital experience from
purchase to claim settlement.Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority of
- On March 1, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari India (IRDAI) has mandated that all
laid the foundation stone of Dharma Path in insurance policies should be issued in
Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh. This Dharam Path electronic form with effect from 1st April
will connect Jaunpur with Ayodhya, 2024. This is similar to how investors hold
Varanasi and Mirzapur. In this, the shares in demat account
government will construct four-lane roads
from Hauz to Purvanchal University and - The Union Cabinet has approved the Uttar
Purvanchal University to Shahganj at a cost Poorva Transformative Industrialization
of Rs 3405 crore. (UNNATI) Scheme,2024 for a period of 10
years from the date of notification along
- Under The National Action for Mechanised with 8 years for committed liabilities at a
Sanitation Ecosystem (NAMASTE) initiative, total cost of Rs 10,037 crore.
the Prime Minister also distributed
Ayushman health cards and PPE kits to - The Union Cabinet has approved ambitious
sewer and septic tank workers. IndiaAI mission to strengthen the Artificial
intelligence (AI) innovation ecosystem. It
- The Department of School Education and has allocated the budget outlay of Rs
Literacy (DoSEL), under the Ministry of 10,371.92 crore. It will be implemented by
Education, India, conducted the “IndiaAI” Independent Business Division
Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (IBD) under Digital India Corporation (DIC).
Assessment Test (FLNAT) on March 17,
2024, across 23 states. FLNAT is part of the - The Prime Minister (PM) of India Narendra
ULLAS - Nav Bharat Saaksharta Karyakram Modi visited Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) to
initiative, aimed at revolutionizing education address the Viksit Bharat Viksit Jammu
nationwide. nationwide. ULLAS fosters a Kashmir program at Bakshi Stadium in
learning ecosystem for individual for those Srinagar. He unveiled Dekho Apna Desh,
aged 15 and above without schooling People’s Choice 2024, the first-ever
opportunities, through volunteerism. nationwide tourist destination poll by the
Ministry of Tourism to identify the pulse of
- Prime Minister(PM) Narendra Modi the nation on tourism. He also launched the
inaugurated Bharat Tex 2024, the world’s Chalo India Global Diaspora Campaign and
biggest textile event held from 26th to 29th dedicated to the nation multiple
February 2024 at the Bharat Mandapam, development projects worth more than Rs
Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, Delhi. Bharat 6,400 crore.
Tex 2024 inspired by PM Modi’s 5F
Vision(Farm to Fibre to Factory to Fashion - PM Modi Inaugurates Multiple Development
to Foreign) was organised with a unified Projects and Program worth Rs 17,000
Farm to Fashion focus. The event also crore in Madhya Pradesh.
witnessed the felicitation of the winners of
the hackathon on “Fostering Innovation in - The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Technical Textiles”. (MoHFW) launched a National Action Plan
for Prevention and Control of Snakebite
- The Insurance Regulatory and Development Envenoming (NAP-SE) during a ceremony in
Authority of India (IRDAI) has approved New Delhi, Delhi envisaging a reduction in
Bima Sugam, an e-commerce platform for snakebite deaths by halve by 2030.
insurance products. It consolidates life and


process through the cVIGIL app. The app
- The Department of Fisheries successfully allows citizens to report violations of the
inaugurated the integration of the Kisan Model Code of Conduct and election
Credit Card (KCC) Fisheries scheme onto expenditures by capturing photos and
the JanSamarth Portal, to transform access videos. Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv
to credit facilities for fishers, fish farmers, Kumar said that cVIGIL empowers citizens
and stakeholders nationwide. to report violations, with assured action
within 100 minutes.
- Government of India(GoI) approved the ‘TG’
prefix on vehicle registration number plates
in Telangana by replacing the ‘TS’ prefix.
Science and Technology
- Chhattisgarh Chief Minister (CM) Vishnu
Deo Sai launched ‘Krishak Unnati Yojna‘ to
provide input assistance to farmers, Q. Recently, Indian scientists have developed
primarily paddy cultivators, during the event an eco wound dressing from which one of the
held at Saryu Prasad Agrawal Stadium in following?
Balod district,Chhattisgarh. Answer: Banana fibers
Indian scientists at the Institute of Advanced
- PM launched the Modi Awaas Gharkul Study in Science and Technology (IASST)
Yojana for Other Backward Class (OBC) have developed a new wound dressing
category beneficiaries in Maharashtra. material from banana fibers. The material is a
multifunctional patch that combines banana
- Asian Development Bank (ADB) priced a fibers with biopolymers like chitosan and guar
USD 3.5 billion 5-year global bond. The gum.
proceeds of this bond will become part of
ADB’s ordinary capital resources. Q. Where did Union Minister Dr. Mansukh
Mandaviya inaugurate the AYUSH-ICMR
- The Ministry of Women and Child Advanced Centre?
Development will organize Poshan Answer: New Delhi
Pakhwada nationwide from March 9 to Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare
March 23, 2024. Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya launched the AYUSH-
ICMR Advanced Centre for Integrated Health
- Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated Research at AIIMS in New Delhi.
projects worth Rs 118 crore 72 lakh in
Madhya Pradesh through video Q. Where was India's first green hydrogen
conferencing. These projects are under the plant set up in stainless steel sector?
Swadesh Darshan 2.0 scheme and the Answer- Hisar
Prasad scheme. Union Minister of Steel and Civil Aviation
Jyotiraditya M Scindia virtually inaugurated
- Union Home Minister Amit Shah India's first Green Hydrogen Plant in Stainless
inaugurated the commencement of Piped Steel Sector located at Jindal Stainless
Natural Gas (PNG) facilities in 41 villages Limited, Hisar (Haryana). It will be the world's
and various development projects in 178 first off-grid green hydrogen plant for the
villages under the ‘Dilli Gramodaya stainless-steel industry and the world's first
Abhiyan’. green hydrogen plant with roof-top and
floating solar. The project is also a state-of-
- The Election Commission of India (ECI) is the-art green hydrogen facility, which aims to
keeping a close watch on the election


reduce carbon emissions by approximately scale up this technology for a two-stage
2,700 metric tons per year and 54,000 tons of orbital launch vehicle, following NASA and
CO2 emissions over the next two decades. private sector examples.

Q. ZSI has named a newly discovered species Q. Recently, which institute has developed a
of head-shielded sea slug after Which drowning detection robot?
personality? Answer: IIT Mandi and Palakkad
Answer: Draupadi Murmu Researchers from IIT Mandi and Palakkad
ZSI has named the newly discovered species created a drowning detection robot,
of head-shielded sea slug after Draupadi addressing challenges in underwater
Murmu. Scientists at the Zoological Survey of investigation and exploration. The robot,
India (ZSI) have discovered a new species of designed for sea, reservoirs, and dams, aims
head-shielded sea slugs from the Bay of to replace risky human involvement.
Bengal. This new species discovered off the
coast of Udaipur and Digha in Odisha and Q. What is ‘Inflection 2.5’, recently seen in the
West Bengal has been named 'Melanoclamis news?
Draupadi'. Answer: Large Language Model
Inflection AI recently unveiled its upgraded
Q. Which state has the highest wage rate for LLM, Inflection 2.5, powering the Pi personal
unskilled workers under the Mahatma Gandhi assistant chatbot. Positioned as a competitive
National Rural Employment Guarantee in-house model, it showcases a uniquely
Scheme in 2024-25? empathetic fine-tuning, excelling in IQ areas
Answer: Haryana like coding and mathematics.
The nationwide average MGNREGA wage for
2024-25 will be Rs 289, an increase of Rs 28 Q. The government approved three proposals
per day from Rs 261 in 2023-24. Haryana has to set up semiconductor units in India. Tata
the highest wage rate among all states and group to set up semiconductor units in Which
union territories at Rs 374. After this, the state?
highest wage rate has been fixed in Goa at Rs Answer- Gujarat and Assam
356 per day. The lowest wage rate for Dholera & Sanand, Gujrat and Morigaon,
unskilled workers is Rs 234 per day in Assam
Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland. MoRD
Notifies 3-10% hike in MGNREGA Wage Q. Project SOORYA, recently seen in the
Rates for FY25 news, is launched by which organization?
Answer: ISRO
Q. ISRO successfully tested the landing ISRO's Project SOORYA is the name of its
mission of Reusable Launch Vehicle, what is Next Generation Launch Vehicle (NGLV)
the name given to it? project, which aims to build the country's own
Answer: 'Pushpak' space station and send Indians to the moon.
ISRO's successful Pushpak Reusable Landing The project is led by S. Sivakumar, with the
Vehicle (RLV) LEX 02 Landing Experiment initial phase being his responsibility. The first
marks a milestone in India's space program. launch of the NGLV, codenamed SOORYA, is
This experiment is part of the Reusable expected by 2034-35, and will require a third
Launch Vehicle Technology Demonstration launch pad at Sriharikota. The project
(RLV-TD) Programme, reaffirmed indigenous demonstrates ISRO's commitment to
high-speed autonomous landing technologies. technological innovation and solidifying India's
RLV, resembling a space plane, aims to enable position as a global space power.
cost-effective access to space. Building upon
RLV LEX-01's success in 2023, India plans to


Q. Parrot fever, recently seen in the news, unsafe colors including carcinogenic
caused by which one of the following agents? Rhodamine-B.
Answer: Bacteria
Parrot fever, or psittacosis, has claimed five Q. Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) recently
lives in a recent outbreak across Europe. collaborated with which company to establish
Caused by bacterium Chlamydophila psittaci, Frontier Technology Labs (FTLs) in schools?
it primarily affects birds but can infect humans Answer: Meta
through contaminated particles. The Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) and Meta
partnered to create Frontier Technology Labs
Q. First-ever Made-in-India ASTDS tug 'Ocean (FTLs) in key schools, advancing beyond Atal
Grace', is recently built by which manufacturer Tinkering Lab.
company under MoPSW promoting
Atmanirbhar Bharat? Q. PM Modi laid the foundation stone of
Answer: Cochin Shipyard ISRO's newly launched complex in Which
Shri Sarbananda Sonowal, Union Minister of state?
MoPSW & AYUSH, virtually inaugurated the Answer- Tamil Nadu
'Ocean Grace,' a 60T bollard pull tug, and a PM Modi laid the foundation stone of ISRO's
Medical Mobile Unit (MMU). Developed by newly launched complex in Tamil Nadu.
Cochin Shipyard Limited under MoPSW, ISRO's new launch complex will be set up in
Ocean Grace is India's first ASTDS Tug. The Thoothukudi district of Tamil Nadu. This
MMU is part of the port's corporate social launch complex is being created to launch
responsibility. The event, attended virtually by SSLV-type rockets.
dignitaries like Shri Shripad Naik and
Shantanu Thakur, aligns with PM Modi's Q. CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum has
'Aatmanirbhar Bharat' initiative. The Green signed an MoU with which state to deploy the
Tug Transition Program (GTTP) aims to technology of making fuel from Pine Needles?
convert at least 50% of all tugs to green tugs Answer: Uttarakhand
by 2030
Q. ISRO plans to launch Chandrayaan-4
Q. Claude 3, recently seen in the news, is mission in 2 phases. How many spacecraft
associated with which one of the following? modules will be included in this mission?
Answer: Large Language Model Answer: Five
Anthropic, the AI start-up, introduced its latest The five spacecraft modules used in
AI models, Claude 3, featuring three tiers – Chandrayaan-4 are as follows:
Haiku, Sonnet, and Opus. These Large 1. Propulsion Module 2. Desander Module 3.
Language Models (LLMs) excel in text, voice, Ascender Module, 4. Transfer Module 5. Re-
and document processing, delivering entry Module. The main objectives of
contextually swift responses. Chandrayaan-4 mission are: ISRO's goal is to
make a safe and soft landing on the lunar
Q. What are “Carmoisine, Tartrazine, and surface
Rhodamine”, sometimes seen in the news?
Answer: Food coloring agents Q. What is ‘Haiper’, recently mentioned in the
The Karnataka government has banned news?
artificial colors in 'Gobi Manchurian' and Answer: AI-powered video generation tool
cotton candy due to health concerns. Among Former members of Google's DeepMind team
171 Gobi Manchurian samples, 107 contained recently unveiled Haiper, an innovative AI-
unsafe colors like tartrazine and sunset yellow. powered video generation tool.
25 cotton candy samples revealed 15 with


Q. Mumps disease, recently seen in the news, • Group Captain Prashanth Balakrishnan
is a contagious disease caused by which one Nair(Kerala),
of the following agents? • Group Captain Angad Pratap,
Answer: Virus • Group Captain Ajit Krishnan (Tamil Nadu)
Kerala grapples with a mumps outbreak, • Wing Commander Shubhanshu Shukla.
impacting over 10,000 children in under 70
days. Mumps, caused by the contagious Q. Recently, Union Minister of Science &
mumps virus, starts with mild symptoms like Technology inaugurated the first-of-its-kind
headache and fever, progressing to severe “National Speed Breeding Crop Facility” at
swelling in salivary glands. It primarily affects which place?
unvaccinated children aged 2 to 12, though Answer: Mohali, Punjab
vaccinated adolescents and adults can still The Union Minister of Science & Technology
contract it due to waning immunity. The virus inaugurated India's first National Speed
spreads through direct contact or airborne Breeding Crop Facility at the National Agri-
droplets, with an average incubation period of Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI) in Mohali,
16 to 18 days. Punjab. Established in 2010, NABI is India's
first Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute,
Q. Recently, Ministry of Rural Development dedicated to catalyzing transformations in the
signed an MoU with which institute to agri-food sector. NABI has actively
formalize their partnership in applications of contributed to initiatives like 'Atal Jai
geospatial technology & AI? Anusandhan Biotech (UNaTI) Mission' and
Answer: IIT Delhi Biotech Kisan Hubs for various regions.
The Ministry of Rural Development and IIT
Delhi signed an MoU for rural advancement Q. The country's first semiconductor fab will
through geospatial technology and AI. Led by be set up in which state?
Shri Amit Kataria and Prof. Manabendra Answer: Gujarat
Saharia, the collaboration focuses on The Union Cabinet approved the country's
"BhuPRAHARI" project under MGNREGA. first semiconductor fab to be built by the Tata
Officials, including Shri Shailesh Kumar Singh Group in collaboration with Powerchip Taiwan.
and Prof. Rangan Banerjee, highlighted the This semiconductor fab will be set up in
partnership's significance in enhancing Dholera, Gujarat.
MGNREGA's efficiency and transparency.
Q. In which country was the first transplant of
Q. ISRO has launched which app to assist genetically modified kidney from pig to living
Gaganyaan crew? man performed?
Answer:'Sakhi Answer: United States
The Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) The first live human transplant of a genetically
located in Thumba, Thiruvananthapuram has modified pig kidney was performed at
launched a multi-purpose app Space-borne Massachusetts General Hospital, a significant
Assistant and Knowledge Hub for Crew medical achievement.
Interaction (SAKHI) to assist the Gaganyaan
crew. Q. Union Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar
PM Modi announced the names of the 4 inaugurated India's first FutureLabs centre in
astronauts selected for ISRO’s ambitious which city?
Gaganyaan Mission, the 1st crewed Indian Answer: C-DAC Thiruvananthapuram
space mission, during his visit to VSSC in The 'Centre for Semiconductor Chips and
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. He bestowed the Systems for Strategic Electronics' has been
selected astronauts with “astronaut wings”. inaugurated at C-DAC Thiruvananthapuram.
The Crew of the Gaganyaan mission:


Q. Which company launched its latest AI
gaming agent, 'SIMA'? Short Notes:
Answer: Google

Q. Which two star clusters have been - In a bid to strengthen Kerala's electronics,
discovered in space by the Gaia space IT sector and startup ecosystem, Minister
telescope of the European Space Agency Rajeev Chandrasekhar inaugurated new
recently? Software Technology Parks of India (STPI)
Answer: Shiva and Shakti centres in Thiruvananthapuram and Kochi.
At the 4th Semicon India FutureDesign
Q. Scientists have discovered a 'giant' Roadshow in Kerala, Union Minister Shri
volcano on which planet? Rajeev Chandrasekhar lauded the
Answer: Mars remarkable progress of India's
This huge volcano named 'Noctis volcano' is semiconductor industry under the
situated at an altitude of 29,600 feet and is leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
spread over about 450 kilometers in width. He emphasized the transformative role of
technology and semiconductor engineering
Q. What was the name given to the in shaping the future of India.
International Astronomical Union recognizing
Chandrayaan-3 landing site? - On March 21, National Internet Exchange of
Answer: 'Shiv Shakti' India (NIXI) and Ministry of Electronics and
IAU Working Group for Planetary Systems Information Technology (MeitY) launched
Nomenclature approves 'Shiv Shakti' as the the BhashaNet portal for Universal
name of Chandrayaan-3 landing site. On Acceptance (UA) Day. The main objective of
August 26, Prime Minister Narendra Modi the portal is to promote digital inclusion
announced that the site where Chandrayaan-3 across the country. The Internet
spacecraft made a soft landing will be called Corporation for Assigned Names and
'Shiv Shakti' site. Numbers (ICANN) and the Internet
Governance Division are supporting MeitY
Q. TRAI has issued recommendations on 'Use UA Day. "BhashaNet: Emphasis on
of Embedded SIMs for Machine-to-Machine Universal Acceptance" is the theme of the
Communication', when was TRAI established? event.
Answer: 1997
- An asteroid has been named 'Jayanta
Q. Which one of the following IITs have Murthy' after Indian professor and eminent
recently created a new system for a hybrid scientist Jayanta Murthy. He is known for
unmanned vehicle that can operate both his work in space missions, ultraviolet
underwater and in the air? astronomy and interstellar medium. First
Answer: IIT Jodhpur, Kanpur, and Palakkad listed as the 2005 EX296, the asteroid is
now designated as (215884) Jubilee.
Q. Recently, which ministry collaborated with
IIT Roorkee in automotive and EV sector? - Southern California recently found the dog-
Answer: Ministry of Heavy Industries killing flatworm parasite Heterobilharzia
Americana in the Colorado River. Also
Q. Hemoglobin A1C Test, recently mentioned known as a liver fluke, it causes canine
in the news, is used to test which one of the schistosomiasis, affecting livers and
following diseases? intestines. Researchers identified two snail
Answer: Diabetes varieties capable of transmitting it: Galba
cubensis and Galba humilis. Previously
seen mainly in Texas and Gulf Coast states,


treatments exist but don't always work, - In October 2024, NASA's Europa Clipper
potentially leading to euthanasia. While not mission will journey to Jupiter's moon,
directly contagious to humans, it can cause Europa, aiming to uncover signs of life. It's
swimmer’s itch. speculated there's a salty lake beneath its
icy crust.
- This is India’s 3rd hypersonic wind tunnel
(HWT) after the Defence Research and - The Ministry of Heavy Industries (MHI),
Development Organisation’s HWT at the Government of India(GoI) has approved a
APJ Abdul Kalam Missile Complex in new E-Vehicle (Electric-Vehicle)scheme to
Hyderabad(Telangana), and the 1.2 m TWT promote the manufacturing of electric
at National Aerospace Laboratories in passenger cars in India.
- IIT Delhi and Israel Aerospace Industries
- The United Nations General (IAI) join forces in applied research,
Assembly(UNGA) unanimously adopted the reflecting IAI's corporate social
1st global resolution on Artificial Intelligence responsibility in India. The collaboration
(AI) which encourages nations to safeguard aims to foster innovation and technological
human rights, protect personal data, and advancement through joint projects,
monitor AI for risks. training, and research consultancy. Both
entities strive to shape India's technological
- Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi virtually landscape, aligning with IIT Delhi's
addressed ‘India’s Techade: Chips for Viksit dedication to pioneering research.
Bharat’ and laid the foundation stone for
setting up 3 semiconductor projects worth - Tamil Nadu is set to witness a historic event
about Rs 1.25 lakh crore. as one of its space startups, Agnikul
Cosmos Private Limited, prepares to launch
- Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru College of its first rocket, Agnibaan Sub Orbital
Agriculture and Research Institute Technology Demonstrator (SOrTeD), from
(PAJANCOA & RI) introduces KKL(R)3, its the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in
third paddy variety. Developed to address Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh. This launch
water scarcity during the kuruvai season, marks several significant milestones in
KKL(R)3 is salt tolerant, crucial for delta India’s space exploration journey.
regions facing saline water issues.
- Madrigal Pharmaceuticals Inc.'s drug
- Delhi's biomining project aimed at clearing Rezdiffra gained the first US approval to
landfill sites is facing another setback as it treat nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), a
is expected to miss the 2024 deadline. potentially deadly liver disease caused by
Biomining involves extracting metals from fat buildup.
solid materials using micro-organisms. This
technique is not only used for metal - The Indian Institute of Technology-Guwahati
extraction but also for cleaning up polluted (IIT-G) has transferred a first-of-its-kind
site. vaccine technology to BioMed Pvt. Ltd., a
company specializing in vaccine
- Tejas Mark (Mk)-1A fighter aircraft made its manufacturing. This revolutionary
successful maiden flight from the Hindustan technology involves recombinant vector
Aeronautics Limited (HAL) facility in vaccine specifically designed to combat the
Bengaluru, Karnataka classical swine fever virus in pigs and wild
boars. It fills a significant gap in India’s
vaccine landscape.


2024 program during April and May. ISRO is
- In an exciting development for space inviting Expression of Interest (EOI) from
exploration, astronomers affiliated with the educational institutes, universities, and
International Astronomical Union have colleges within India offering UG and PG
identified three new moons in the outer courses in physical sciences and
reaches of our solar system. These celestial technology to host START-2024.
bodies, with two orbiting Neptune and one
around Uranus, were detected through the - The International Astronomical Union
use of powerful land-based telescopes approved 'Statio Shiv Shakti' for
across the globe. Chandrayaan's Vikram lander site. On
August 26, PM announced Chandrayaan
- Droupadi Murmu, President of India, 3's landing site would be named Shiv
presented the President’s Standards and Shakti. Rooted in Hindu mythology,
Colours to four units of the Indian Air Force "Shivshakti" symbolizes determination and
(IAF) at the ceremony held at Hindon Air empowerment. PM highlighted the
Force station, Ghaziabad, Uttar connection between humanitarian efforts
Pradesh(UP). For the first time, 4 units were and Shiva. The "Shakti" component honors
honoured with the President’s Standard & women scientists.
Colours in a single ceremony. President’s
Standard were presented to No. 45 ‘Flying - ISRO's PSLV Orbital Experimental Module 3
Daggers’, the first Light Combat Aircraft (POEM 3) Mission aims to tackle orbital
(LCA) squadron, and No. 221 Squadron debris with PSLV's PS4 stage, designated
‘Valiants’ which flew several missions as the PSLV Orbital Experimental Module.
during 1999 Kargil conflict. This marks ISRO's third deployment of PS4
for orbital experiments, dubbed POEM-3.
- The National Time Protocol (NTP) for
dissemination of Indian Standard Time (IST) - Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IIT
was inaugurated in Mumbai in March, 2024 Guwahati) transferred swine fever vaccine
by Union Minister of Consumer Affairs technology to BioMed Pvt. Ltd. The vaccine
Piyush Goyal. The NTP will provide targets classical swine fever virus prevalent
accurate time information with milliseconds, in states like Bihar, Kerala, and northeastern
and will also improve cyber security. regions.

- E-Crop, a crop simulation model, offers - The Indian government is deploying atomic
growers SMS advice on water and nutrient clocks nationwide to ensure all devices
needs. Developed by Santhosh Mithra of align with Indian Standard Time, countering
CTCRI, Kerala, it received a patent from the reliance on US-based servers. Developed
Indian Patent Office retroactively from 2014. by only four countries, atomic clocks were
Farmers utilize the 'krihi kruthya' app to invented in 1955. The CSIR-NPL New Delhi
record and transmit soil moisture data to is India's timekeeper, maintaining seven
the server for analysis. atomic clocks. New clocks are being
installed in Bhubaneswar, Jaipur, and
- Ola, the Indian ridesharing giant, unveiled Hyderabad, expanding from Faridabad and
Krutrim AI, touted as "India’s own AI", Ahmedabad. By June, synchronization with
earlier this year. NPL time will be mandatory for all Indian
device manufacturers.
- The Indian Space Research Organisation
(ISRO) will conduct the Space Science and - The Department of Science and Technology
Technology Awareness Training (START) (DST), in collaboration with T-Hub, has


launched the Machine Learning and Artificial poised to transform the gaming industry
Intelligence Technology Hub (MATH) in and creative endeavors.
- China Launches ‘Queqiao- 2’ Relay Satellite
- Kerala Chief Minister (CM) Pinarayi Vijayan for Earth-Moon Communications
has launched India’s first government-
owned OTT (over-the-top) platform, - Space Exploration Technologies
‘CSpace‘, at an event held at the Kairali Corporation’s (SpaceX) launched the
Theatre in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. MethaneSAT satellite into orbit aboard a
Falcon9 rocket from Space Launch
- World Bank (WB), the Bill & Melinda Gates Complex 4E at Vandenberg Space Force
Foundation and the United Nations Base in California, The United States of
Children’s Fund (UNICEF) pledged nearly America(USA) on 3rd March 2024.
USD 600 million towards eliminating
cervical cancer. This commitment was - China launched a new satellite “Yunhai-3
made during the first-ever ‘Global Cervical 02” from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch
Cancer Elimination Forum: Advancing the Center located in north China’s Shanxi
Call to Action’ held in Cartagena, Colombia Province. The satellite was launched atop a
modified version of the Long March-6
- PM Narendra Modi participated in the rocket.
programme “Creating the Future- Digital
Mobility for Automotive Micro, Small and - Skyroot Aerospace Private Limited, a
Medium Enterprise (MSME) Entrepreneurs” Hyderabad (Telangana)-based aerospace
in Madurai, TN. company, has successfully test-fired the
Kalam-250, otherwise called Stage-2 of the
- Iran’s venture into space exploration and Vikram-1 space launch vehicle. With this,
satellite deployment continues with the Kalam-250 becomes the largest propulsion
launch of the “Pars 1” satellite, facilitated system designed and manufactured by the
by Russia from the Vostochny Indian private sector. This is also the first
Cosmodrome. carboncomposite-built motor tested at
- Mumbai (Maharashtra) headquartered
Larsen & Toubro (L&T) Limited has - In an effort to advance cancer care in India,
commissioned its first indigenously built Axis Bank has pledged a significant
hydrogen electrolyser at the Green contribution of ₹100 crore to the National
Hydrogen Plant in Hazira in Gujarat Cancer Grid (NCG), in collaboration with
Tata Memorial Centre.
- Russia launched Pars 1, an Iranian
research-sensing and imaging satellite by
its Soyuz-2.1b rocket from the Vostochny
Cosmodrome launch base of Russia (some
8,000 kilometers(km) east of Moscow) into
an orbit 500 km above Earth.
Q. B Sai Praneeth, who recently announced
- SpaceX launched NASA’s SpaceX Crew-8 his retirement, is associated with which
mission to ISS. sports?
Answer: Badminton
- Google’s DeepMind team introduces
“Genie,” a groundbreaking AI platform


Q. The Indian men's cricket team has Q. Who became the first Indian to score
leapfrogged which country to top in the latest 12000 runs in a T20 match?
World Test Championship (WTC) rankings? Answer: Virat Kohli
Answer: New Zealand
Q. Which team scored the highest team score
Q. Name the Indian hockey player who has in IPL history?
been appointed as the co-chair of the FIH Answer: Sunrisers Hyderabad
Athletes Committee? Sunrisers Hyderabad has broken the record of
Answer: PR Sreejesh the biggest team total in IPL history.Sunrisers
Three-time Olympian and Indian men's Hyderabad scored 277/3 in 20 overs against
hockey team goalkeeper PR Sreejesh and Mumbai Indians, which is the highest team
Chile's Camila Carrom have been appointed total ever.
as co-chairs of the FIH Athletes Committee. It
was announced by the International Hockey Q. Iga Swiatek, who has recently won the
Federation (FIH) on 27 March 2024. Hockey Indian Wells WTA 1000 title, belongs to which
India President Dilip Tirkey welcomed the country?
appointment of PR Sreejesh. Answer: Poland
World number two men's tennis player Carlos
Q. Where is the Asian River Rafting Alcaraz and world number one female tennis
Championship being held? player Iga Swiatek won the men's and
Answer: Shimla women's titles of the Indian Wells 1000
Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder respectively. World number one female tennis
Singh Sukhu inaugurated the Asian River player Iga Swiatek of Poland defeated Maria
Rafting Championship to be held from March Sakkari of Greece to win her second Indian
4 to March 9, 2024 on the Sutlej River near Wells WTA title. The final, held on 17 March
Basantpur (Sunni) in Shimla. 2024, was played at Indian Wells in the state
of California, United States. World number two
Q. Recently, which players have clinched their Carlos Alcaraz of Spain defeated Russian
second French Open Men's doubles tennis player Daniil Medvedev in the final of
Badminton title? the Indian Wells ATP Master 1000 title.
Answer: Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag
Shetty Q. Who was awarded the Most Valuable
Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag Shetty Player Award in Pro Kabaddi League Season
won their second French Open men's doubles 10?
badminton title on Sunday, March 10, 2024. Answer- Aslam Mustafa Inamdar
The Indian top seed beat Lee Jhe-Huei and
Yang Po-Hsuan of Chinese Taipei in straight Q. Who has Lucknow Super Giants named as
games (21-11, 21-17). Rankireddy and Shetty their vice-captain ahead of IPL 2024?
previously won the title in 2022. Answer- Nicholas Pooran

Q. Where has India's first indoor athletics Q. The 4th Khelo India University Games
stadium been set up? (KIUG) 2023 concluded in Guwahati. Who got
Answer: Odisha the top position?
Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik Answer: Chandigarh University
inaugurated India's first indoor athletics and On 29th February 2024, the 4th Khelo India
aquatic centre at Kalinga Stadium in University Games (KIUG) 2023 concluded in
Bhubaneswar. Guwahati. Chandigarh University won the
Khelo India University Games crown for the
first time with a total of 71 medals, including


32 gold, 18 silver and 21 bronze. On the final
day of competition, boxers from Chandigarh Q. Who won the ICC Men's Player of the
University won five gold, one silver and Month award for the month of February?
four bronze medals. Lovely Professional Answer: Yashasvi Jaiswal
University came second with 20 gold, 14 silver
and eight bronze. Guru Nanak Dev University Q. Who has been awarded the Outstanding
stood third with 12 gold, 20 silver and 19 Men's Cricketer of the Year award for New
bronze. Zealand?
Answer: Rachin Ravindra
Q. Which team has won the Pro Kabaddi Rachin Ravindra and Mellie Kerr were
League Season 10 title? honoured as outstanding male and female
Answer: Puneri Paltan cricketers of New Zealand respectively at the
On March 1, Puneri Paltan won the final of Pro ANZ New Zealand Cricket Awards ceremony
Kabaddi League Season 10 by defeating held in Christchurch.
Haryana Steelers at the Gachibowli Indoor
Stadium. This win is the first title of Pune's Q. Which team has won the Ranji Trophy title
team. on 14th March 2024?
Answer: Mumbai
Q. Who has broken the 16-year-old national The Mumbai cricket team, led by Ajinkya
record in men's 10,000m race? Rahane, defeated Vidarbha in the final of the
Answer: Gulveer Singh Ranji Trophy to win their 42nd title. On the fifth
Gulveer Singh of Uttar Pradesh broke a 16- day of the five-day final match, 14 March
year-old national record in the men's 10,000m 2024, the Mumbai team defeated Vidarbha by
race at The Ten 2024 Athletics Meet held in 169 runs. The final match was played at
San Juan Capistrano, California, USA on 17 Mumbai's Wankhede Stadium. Indian Fast
March 2024. He took 27 minutes 41.81 Bowler Dhawal Kulkarni Announces
seconds, breaking the record of 28 minutes Retirement from International and First Class
02.89 seconds set by Surender Singh in 2008. Cricket.
With a timing of 27 minutes 41.81 seconds,
Gulvir Singh finished second to American Q. Where was Formula 4 racing held in India in
Drew Hunter, who won the race with 27 March 2024?
minutes 38.87 seconds. However, the longest Answer: Srinagar
national record ever held is 2 hours 12 Formula-4 car racing event was held in
minutes in a men's marathon race by Srinagar for the first time. The car racing event
Shivani Singh in 1978. was held on the banks of Dal Lake on
Boulevard Road on the Zabarwan Mountain
Q. Who won the Mexican Open title in 2024, Range.
scoring back-to-back victories?
Answer: Alex de Minaur Q. Won the 2024 Australian Grand Prix
Alex de Minaur defeated Casper Ruud to win Formula 1 race Carlos Sainz. Carlos Sainz is
consecutive Mexican Open titles, his eighth from which country?
ATP title. He is the first player to be re- Answer: Spain
championed in Acapulco since David Ferrer in
2010-2012, extending his winning streak to 10 Q. The Jammu and Kashmir government has
consecutive matches there. recently included how many new castes in the
Other Backward Classes (OBC)?
Q. Who has been elected as the President of Answer: 15
Paralympic Committee of India? The Jammu and Kashmir government has
Answer: Devendra Jhajharia added 15 new castes in the list of Other


Backward Classes (OBCs). It has approved lifting an impressive weight of 120kg on the
10% reservation for tribes, including Pahari. third day of the competition. Vinay, who hails
from Gorakhpur in UP, has become the first
Q. Who has been chosen as India's flag para powerlifter from the state to achieve such
bearer in Paris Olympics 2024? a feat on the international stage.
Answer: Sharath Kamal
Khel Ratna awardee and two-time Q. Who is the first umpire from Bangladesh to
Commonwealth Games champion table tennis be included in the ICC Elite Panel of Umpires?
player Sharath Kamal will be India's flagbearer Answer: Sharfuddaula Ibne Shahid
at the upcoming Paris Olympics 2024. The
Indian Olympic Association (IOA) has recently
announced this. Sharath Kamal will be India's
19th flagbearer in the Olympics. Athlete
Short Notes:
Purma Banerjee was India's first Olympic flag-
bearer at Antwerp 1920, while boxing legend
Mary Kom and former Indian men's hockey - Athletes of Khelo India have now been
team captain Manpreet Singh jointly led India made eligible for government jobs.
as flag-bearers at Tokyo 2020. According to the Department of Personnel
and Training and the Sports Ministry, there
Q. Who won two gold medals at the Indian have been progressive amendments in the
Masters National Badminton Championships eligibility criteria for athletes applying for
2024? government jobs.
Answer: Nahid Divacha
Maharashtra's Naheed Divecha has won two - YES BANK partnered with the Indian
gold medals at the Indian Masters National Olympic Association (IOA) and has been
Badminton Championships 2024 in named the Official Banking Partner for
Panchkula. Team India for the upcoming Paris
Olympics 2024, which is scheduled to take
Q. Who won the 14th Hockey India Senior place from 26th July to 11th August 2024 in
Women National Championship 2024? Paris, France. As part of the partnership,
Answer: Haryana YES Bank launched the campaign ‘Milkar
Hockey Haryana won the 14th Hockey India Jitayengey,’ (“Together We Win”) for the
Senior Women National Championship by Indian Olympic team, highlighting the
defeating hosts Hockey Maharashtra in the shared effort behind every victory.
final held at the Pimpri Major Dhyan Chand
Hockey Stadium in Pune, Maharashtra. - Pankaj Advani was inducted into the Hall of
Fame at the World Billiards Museum in
Q. Sunil Chhetri played his 150th international Shangrao city of China. He is a 26-time
football match against which country? International Billiards and Snooker
Answer: Afghanistan Federation (IBSF) World Champion.

Q. Who won the gold medal in the 59 kg youth - Sreeja Akula, ranked 47th globally, won the
category in the Para Powerlifting World Cup women's singles title at WTT Feeder Beirut
recently? II 2024 in Lebanon, defeating Sarah D Nutte
Answer: Vinay of Luxembourg in a thrilling final
Vinay has won a gold medal in the Para
Powerlifting World Cup held in Egypt.The 18- - The Indian women’s football team
year-old displayed his skills by winning the (nickname: Blue Tigresses) finished runner-
gold medal in the 59kg youth category by up at the Turkish Women’s Cup 2024 after
losing to Kosovo in the finals held at the


Gold City Sports Complex in Alanya, - Australian wicketkeeper-batter Matthew
Türkiye. Wade has announced his decision to retire
from red-ball cricket (first- class cricket).
- The Union Minister for Youth Affairs and
Sports, Shri Anurag Singh Thakur, has - IIT Madras is set to host the prestigious ‘6th
inaugurated a unique talent hunt event Shaastra Rapid FIDE Rated Chess
called KIRTI (Khelo India Rising Talent Tournament’ on March 30 and 31, 2024.
Identification) in Chandigarh. This The tournament, sanctioned by the
nationwide programme, under the Khelo International Chess Federation (FIDE), will
India mission, aims to identify talented draw the participation of esteemed players
athletes between the ages of 9 and 18 from across the globe, including
years, currently enrolled in schools across Grandmasters, International Masters, and
the country. Women Grandmasters

- Spain’s women’s team secured a historic - The Election Commission of India (ECI) and
victory over France, winning the first-ever the Board of Control for Cricket in India
UEFA Women’s Nations League with a (BCCI) organized an exhibition cricket
convincing 2-0 triumph in Seville. match to promote voter education and
inclusivity. The match was played between
- The Indian men’s test cricket team led by the Indian Deaf Cricket Association (IDCA)
Rohit Sharma won the Anthony de Mello Team and the Delhi & District Cricket
Trophy 2024 by defeating England Association (DDCA) team on March 16,
(captained by Ben Stokes) in the five-match 2024, at Karnail Singh Stadium in New
test series for 4-1. Delhi.

- Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOC), the - In the women’s long jump event at the 3rd
nation’s premier oil firm, is set to Indian Open Jumps Competition, Nayana
revolutionize the motorsports industry by James from Kerala recorded a personal
manufacturing fuel tailored for adrenaline- best mark of 6.67m to secure the gold
pumping Formula One (F1) racing. With its medal.
latest offering, ‘Storm’ petrol, IOC aims to
expand its repertoire of niche fuels, catering - In a historic move, the Melbourne Cricket
to the high-performance demands of motor Ground (MCG) will host a day-night Test
racing enthusiasts. match between the Australian and English
women’s cricket teams. This will be the first
- England’s James Anderson claimed his time a pink-ball Test is played at the iconic
700th Test wicket by dismissing India’s venue. The four-day match is scheduled
Kuldeep Yadav in Dharamsala on the from January 30 to February 2, 2025.
morning of Day 3 of the final Test against
India. - Veteran Kenyan allrounder Collins Obuya
has announced his retirement from cricket
- Haryana clinched the team titles in both the following Kenya’s defeat to Uganda in the
boy’s and girls categories with an third-place play-off match at the African
impressive combined haul of 19 medals at Games.
the Boxing Sub Junior National

Summit and Conferences


Q. Recently, where was the ‘Asian River The first edition of the 2024 Naval
Rafting Championship’ organized? Commanders' Conference began on March 5.
Answer: Shimla During this conference, Defense Minister
Rajnath Singh will address the Naval
Q. PM Modi and Prime Minister of Mauritius Commanders.
jointly inaugurated developmental projects on
which of the following islands? Q. Which city will host the world's largest
Answer- Agaléga Island literary festival 'Sahityotsava' from March
PM Modi and Prime Minister of Mauritius 11-16?
jointly inaugurated developmental projects in Answer: New Delhi
Agaliga Island of Mauritius.
Q. Which country was elected co-chair of its
Q. Where was the first Nuclear Energy Summit Digital Innovation Board by the International
held? Telecommunication Union in March 2024?
Answer: Brussels Answer: India
Leaders from 34 countries convened in Dr. Neeraj Mittal, Secretary, Department of
Brussels for the Nuclear Energy Summit on Telecommunications, India, was elected Co-
March 21. Organized by the International Chair of the Digital Innovation Board of the
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Belgium, International Telecommunication Union (ITU),
the summit aimed to explore strategies for which promotes cooperation among the 23
leveraging nuclear power in achieving net-zero member countries.
emissions and sustainable development
Q. Which team won the Women's Premier
Q. Where was the National Horticulture Fair League (WPL) 2024 title?
2024 organized in March 2024? Answer: Royal Challengers Bangalore
Answer: Bengaluru On March 17, Royal Challengers Bangalore
The National Horticulture Fair (NHF) 2024, was won the Women's Premier League 2024 by
held in Bengaluru. NHF 2024 was organized defeating Delhi Capitals by 8 wickets at the
by the Indian Institute of Horticultural Arun Jaitley Stadium in New Delhi.
Research (IIHR). The theme of NHF 2024 is
'Next Generation Technology-Based Q. Recently, which country hosted the 17th
Horticulture for Sustainable Development. Annual International Biocuration Conference?
Answer: Faridabad, India
Q. Who is the first Indian table tennis player to The 17th Annual International Biocuration
win the singles title in the World Table Tennis Conference (AIBC-2024) is set to take place at
(WTT) feeder series event? the National Capital Region (NCR) Biotech
Answer: G. Sathiyan Science Cluster in Faridabad, India. The
Indian table tennis player G. Sathiyan won the venue, comprising the Indian Biological Data
men's singles title by defeating Indian player Centre (IBDC) and the Regional Centre for
Manav Vikas Thakkar in the World Table Biotechnology (RCB), offers a comprehensive
Tennis (WTT) Feeder Beirut 2024 Table Tennis platform for scientific discussions and
Tournament held at Al Qawthar Secondary collaboration during the conference.
School in Lebanon on 21 March 2024.
Q. Recently, where was the Hamara
Q. Which edition of the 2024 Naval Samvidhan, Hamara Samman Campaign
Commanders' Conference will begin on March Event organized?
5? Answer: Bikaner
Answer- 1st


The Hamara Samvidhan, Hamara Samman
Campaign Event in Bikaner, Rajasthan, on Q. Where did External Affairs Minister S
March 9, marked India's 75th Republic year. Jaishankar attend the 10th India-South Korea
Chief Justice D.Y. Chandrachud and Union Joint Commission Meeting (JCM) in March
Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal attended, joined 2024?
by legal professionals, police officials, law Answer: Seoul
students, and faculty.
Q. Where was the Global Spirituality
Q. Phani Yerava tribe, recently seen in the Conference held in India in 2024?
news, is mostly found in which state? Answer: Hyderabad, Telangana
Answer: Karnataka The theme of the Global Spirituality
Forest-dwelling tribes in Karnataka's Western Conference was 'World Peace from Inner
Ghats, like those in Makuta village, face Peace'. Kanha Shanti Vanam, the largest
challenges securing livelihoods. Despite land meditation centre is the headquarters of the
rights acquisition under the Forest Rights Act, non-profit organization Heartfulness Institute.
tribes like the Phani Yerava continue grappling Kanha Shanti Vanam is also the world's
with changing livelihoods and alcohol largest meditation centre.
addiction. In 2021, aided by locals, the Yerava
community secured land rights under the Q. Where was the 4th Shanghai Cooperation
Forest Rights Act for their 19 households Organisation Startup Forum held?
spanning 135 acres. The Phani Yerava tribe Answer: New Delhi
predominantly resides in Karnataka's Western
Ghats region. Q. The International Telecommunication Union
elected which country as co-chair of its Digital
Q. Recently, where was the 54th session of Innovation Board?
the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene Answer: America, UK and Australia
(CCFH) held? The US, UK and Australia signed a new
Answer: Nairobi, Kenya agreement to build Australia's SSN-AUKUS
The 54th session of the Codex Committee on submarines.
Food Hygiene (CCFH) took place from March
11–15, 2024 in Nairobi, Kenya. The US Q. Where is India's first Ayurvedic café,
government hosted the event, which was the named SOMA-The Ayurvedic Kitchen,
first CCFH meeting in Kenya. At the session, opened?
India presented its recently released Standard Answer: Delhi
Operating Procedure (SOP) for Modernization Maharishi Ayurveda Hospital in Shalimar
of Food Streets. Bagh, Delhi has India's first Ayurvedic café
named SOMA- The Ayurvedic Kitchen.
Q. Which country began the term as the chair SOMA-The Ayurvedic Kitchen is gaining
of BRICS for the year 2024? attention for its unique approach to food,
Answer: Russia offering Ayurvedic recipes that align with the
On 1 January 2024, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, principles of Ayurveda, an ancient Indian
Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates medical system.
joined BRICS as new full members. This group
has now become an organization of 10 Q. Who led the Indian delegation to the 148th
countries. The decision to include Egypt, meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in
Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Geneva recently?
Emirates and Argentina as new members of Answer: Harivansh Narayan Singh
the grouping was taken at the 15th Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman Harivansh
BRICS Summit held in Johannesberg. Narayan Singh attended the 148th meeting of


the Inter- Parliamentary Union, IPU in Geneva, within the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-
Switzerland. He led the Indian Parliamentary Sectoral Technical and Economic
delegation. Cooperation (BIMSTEC) member states has
commenced in Dhaka, marking the first of
Q. In which of the following city, the actual its kind.
Army Commanders' Conference 2024 will be
held on 01 and 02 April 2024? - Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT
Answer: New Delhi Madras) is hosting the All India Research
Army Commanders' Conference 2024 begins Scholars’ Summit (AIRSS) 2024 from 4th to
in hybrid mode. 7th March 2024.

- The inaugural Bharat Steam Boiler Expo

2024 has officially commenced in Guwahati,
Short Notes: Assam, marking a significant milestone in
India’s industrial journey.

- South Korea hosted the third summit for - India is set to host the prestigious World
democracy in Seoul from 18-20 March Telecom Standardization Assembly (WTSA)
2024, initiated by President Joe Biden 2024, organized by the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU), along with
- The 2nd Employment Working Group (EWG) the India Mobile Congress (IMC) 2024.
meeting, led by Brazil, convened in Brasilia
with India's participation. Ms. Sumita - The METOC seminar ‘Meghayan-24’ was
Dawra, Secretary of Labour & Employment, conducted by the School of Naval
India, co- chairs alongside Brazil and South Oceanology & Meteorology (SNOM) and the
Africa. Indian Naval Meteorological Analysis Centre
(INMAC) at the Southern Naval Command
- The first edition of ‘Blue Talks’ meeting was on March 28, 2024. It was organized in
held in New Delhi, Delhi on 29th February commemoration of World Meteorological
2024. The meeting hosted by the Ministry of Day, with the theme ‘At the Frontline of
Earth Sciences (MoES) was co-partnered Climate Action’ set by the World
by the Embassy of France and Embassy of Meteorological Organization (WMO) for
Costa Rica in India. 2024.

- On 14th March 2024, India and Brazil held

their first 2 plus 2 Secretary level Political
and Military Dialogue in New Delhi, Delhi. Miscellaneous
- For the first time, the district of Simdega in
Jharkhand is hosting the Pusa Krishi Vigyan Q. Melanochlamys Droupadi, recently seen in
Mela, a national-level agricultural science the news, belongs to which one of the
fair. The event, organized by the Indian following species?
Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa (New Answer: Sea slug
Delhi), is being held at the Albert Ekka Researchers from the Zoological Survey of
Stadium from March 10th to 12th, marking India (ZSI) have identified a new species of
a significant stride towards realizing the head-shield sea slug, Melanochlamys
vision of anprosperous farmer community. Droupadi, along the coasts of Odisha and
West Bengal.
- A five-day exchange programme for faculty
members of foreign service academies


Q. Which one of the following best describes Ramakrishna Mission in July 2017 after the
about ‘Jacaranda Tree’, recently seen in the demise of Swami Atmasthananda Maharaj,
news? the former president of the Ramakrishna Math
Answer: Deciduous hard tree that grows well and Mission.
in tropical climatic region
The premature blooming of the Jacaranda tree Q. Which Indian insurance company has
in Mexico City raised concerns among emerged as the world's strongest insurance
residents and scientists. Also called brand in the report released by Brand Finance
Jacaranda acutifolia, it's a deciduous tree Insurance in March 2024?
from the Bignoniaceae family, native to Brazil Answer: Life Insurance Corporation of India
and North West Argentina.
Q. . Where is the world's first Om shaped
Q. Where was the first Foreign Office temple located?
Consultations between India and Mauritania Answer: Pali, Rajasthan
held? The world's first Om-shaped temple was
Answer: Nouakot inaugurated at Jadan village in Pali district of
The first Foreign Office Consultations between Rajasthan.
India and Mauritania were held in Nouakchott.

Q. Recently, researchers discovered a new

scorpion species with 8 eyes and 8 legs in
Short Notes:
which country?
Answer: Thailand
Researchers discovered a new scorpion - Two factions of Muslim Conference
species with 8 eyes and 8 legs in Thailand's declared illegal associations in Jammu and
Kaeng Krachan National Park. Kashmir. The government has taken this
decision under Section 3 of the Unlawful
Q. With the operation of 10 new Vande Bharat Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967. It will
trains recently, how many Vande Bharat trains come into force with immediate effect and
are now running across India? will last for five years.
Answer: 102
- Scientists recently discovered early
Q. The new species of isopod discovered in earthquake evidence in South Africa's
Kollam is named after whom? Barberton Greenstone Belt, located on the
Answer: ISRO eastern edge of the Kaapvaal Craton.
Known for gold mineralization and unique
Q. The trailer and song of the first Hindi komatiites, it boasts some of Earth's oldest
film____made on the subject of Artificial rocks, over 3.6 billion years old, with traces
Intelligence was launched in of ancient life. The Makhonjwa Mountains,
Mumbai. constituting 40% of the belt, feature rocks
Answer: 'Irah' dating back 3.2 to 3.6 billion years.
Ultramafic rocks found here are rich in
Q. Swami Smrananda, the 16th president of magnesium and iron.
Ramakrishna Mission, passed away. When
was Ramakrishna Mission established? - The Maharashtra government decided to
Answer: 1897 rename Ahmednagar district as Ahilya
Shrimat Swami Smrananda passed away at Nagar and Velha tehsil as Rajgarh.
the age of 95. Swami Smrananda Maharaj
took over as the 16th president of the - A pilot project aimed at providing cashless
treatment to road accident victims was


launched by the Government of India. This - Scientists have discovered Miassite, the
pilot project has been launched by the first unconventional superconductor found
Union Ministry of Road Transport and in nature. It's one of only four minerals that
Highways in Chandigarh. Under this pilot exhibit superconductivity when grown in the
program, cashless treatment up to a lab. Miassite shares properties with high-
maximum of Rs 1.5 lakh per person will be temperature superconductors.
provided for a maximum of 7 days from the Superconductivity allows electricity
date of accident. transmission without energy loss.

- Telangana's Eturnagaram Wildlife Sanctuary - At Atapaka Bird Sanctuary, situated on

faces forest fires in the Tadvai region. Kolleru Lake in Andhra Pradesh, nature
Established in 1953, it lies near enthusiasts relish the sight of thousands of
Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, and Telangana migratory birds, particularly Pelicans.
borders, traversed by the Dayyam Vagu Spanning 673 sq km across West Godavari
River. Renowned for the Sammakkka and Krishna districts, it's under the Kaikalur
Sarakka Jathra, it's traversed by the forest range.Kolleru Lake, India's largest
Godavari River. freshwater lake, balances floods for Krishna
and Godavari deltas, with over 68 inflowing
- A database was launched by India to record channels and serves as a vital migratory
crimes against UN peacekeepers.This new bird habitat.
database is designed to record crimes
against UN peacekeepers and monitor - Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi virtually
progress in holding perpetrators inaugurated the Marathwada Rail Coach
accountable. The launch of this database Factory in Latur, Maharashtra. He also
was announced at a meeting of the India- dedicated to the nation 506 railway projects
led Group of Friends (GOF). including a wagon repair workshop at
Badnera and Vande Bharat chair car
- Conservationists plan to nominate maintenance-cum-workshop depot in Pune
Kazhuveli watershed region of Tamil Nadu
for inclusion in World Monuments Fund - Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) has hit 60%
Watch 2025, linking local preservation of milch cattle in Pilibhit district, Uttar
efforts with global attention and action. The Pradesh. FMD, a highly contagious viral
World Monuments Fund, founded in 1965, disease, affects livestock like cattle, swine,
aims to conserve significant architectural sheep, and goats. It's not harmful to
and cultural sites worldwide. horses, dogs, or cats.
Headquartered in New York, it operates in
112 countries. - Tata Motors, India’s largest commercial
vehicle manufacturer, has recently unveiled
- Lamphelpat Lake, located in Manipur's its next-generation, green-fuel powered
Langol hill range, serves as a crucial commercial vehicles to Tata Steel. The fleet
reservoir for excess waters from Luwangli comprises Prima tractors, tippers, and the
and Nambul rivers. Also known as a mini Ultra EV bus, which are powered by
Loktak lake, it sustains Imphal's ecosystem. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and battery
Now, the Lamphelpat Waterbody Project, a electric technologies.
joint effort of Manipur's Water Resource
Department and Ministry of Jal Shakti, aims - The Indian Consulate in Dubai has
to revive it. introduced a new insurance package called
the Life Protection Plan (LPP) for Indian


blue-collar workers in the United Arab
Emirates (UAE). - A 900-year-old Kannada inscription dating
back to the Kalyana Chalukya dynasty has
- Begonia Narahari: New Flowering Plant been discovered in a state of utter neglect
Species Found in Mishmi Hills of Arunachal at Gangapuram, a temple town in Jadcherla
Pradesh. mandal, Mahabubnagar district. The rare
inscription was found lying uncared for on a
- The 3-day National Dairy Mela and tank bund near the Chowdamma temple.
Agricultural Exhibition at Chaibasa in
Jharkhand was inaugurated by Union - Union Minister Shri Hardeep Singh Puri
Minister of Tribal Affairs, Agriculture, and launched 'ETHANOL 100', a
Farmers Welfare, Shri Arjun Munda. groundbreaking automotive fuel at
Organized by the National Dairy Research IndianOil's retail outlet in Delhi. This
Institute, Karnal, Haryana, this event marks ethanol-based fuel will be available in 183
the first of its kind in Jharkhand, aimed at outlets across Maharashtra, Karnataka,
fostering the comprehensive development Uttar Pradesh, New Delhi, and Tamil Nadu.
of livestock and agriculture in tribal areas.
- Airbus, a prominent name in the aviation
- The Kerala Animal Husbandry department industry, has announced a significant
has announced plans to register the partnership with the esteemed Indian
ThenmalaKullan, a dwarf cow, as an Institute of Management Mumbai (IIM
indigenous breed. The cow is known for its Mumbai) to deliver high-quality aviation
distinctive features and adaptation to the training to professionals.
local agro-ecological conditions. The cow
has a small hump and is reared by - Despite conservation efforts, Kashmir's
tribespeople in Arippa and Thenmala. hangul deer, also known as the Kashmir
stag, faces extinction. This shy and
- Dr. Sosamma Iype and her students saved sensitive species, the only surviving Asiatic
the Vechur cow breed from extinction, sub-species of the European red deer, is
earning her the Padma Shri in 2022. The Jammu and Kashmir's state animal.
Vechur cow, named after Vechoor village in Endemic to Kashmir's hills, particularly in
Kerala, is the world's smallest cattle breed, Dachigam National Park, it suffers from
averaging 90cm in height and 130kg in habitat loss and poaching. Critically
weight. endangered according to IUCN and listed in
CITES Appendix I, urgent measures are
- The Chipko Movement originated in the needed to save it from disappearing.
Uttarakhand region of the Himalayas in
early 1973. The name “Chipko” means “to - The Supreme Court has formed an expert
hug” in Hindi, referring to the practice of committee to preserve the critically
embracing trees to protect them from being endangered Great Indian Bustard,
cut down. emphasizing the need for sustainable
development in line with renewable energy
- Union Minister of State (MoS) Sushri commitments. The bustard, native to India,
Shobha Karandlaje, Ministry of Agriculture, symbolizes grassland health and faces
Farmers’ Welfare, and Food Processing alarming decline with only 150 individuals
Industries, released a new dwarf coconut remaining, including those in captivity.
variety named ‘Kalpa Suvarna’ and two new Classified as Critically Endangered, it holds
hybrid varieties of cocoa, “VTL CH I” and significant conservation status under
“VTL CH II”. international agreements and is the state


bird of Rajasthan. The Supreme Court(SC) Stratigraphic Column of the Cuddapah
bench led by Dhananjaya Yeshwant (DY) Supergroup in Vajrakarur Diamond
Chandrachud, Chief Justice of India (CJI), Processing Camp, Anantapur district,
has appointed a seven-member expert Andhra Pradesh.
committee for the preservation of the
Critically Endangered Great Indian - Indopria Angulata: New Species of
Bustard(GIB). Parasitoid Wasp Discovered.

- Gujarat's Minister of State for Education, - India, as a party to the Convention on

Praful Pansheriya, introduced the online International Trade in Endangered Species
learning platform, Shiksha Reform, in Surat, of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), has
emphasizing the importance of technology recently implemented stringent measures to
in education. Launched with Microsoft and regulate the possession and trade of exotic
a Finnish university, Shiksha Reform offers pets. The Living Animal Species (Reporting
high- quality courses, including in AI and and Registration) Rules, 2024, issued by the
cybersecurity. Noted educationist Deepak Union environment ministry on February 28,
Rajguru and Finnish educationist Antti aim to enforce the provisions of the
Isovita attended the launch, highlighting its Convention and ensure the protection of
significance. endangered wildlife.

- Odisha government led by Chief Minister - Gorkha forts in Himachal Pradesh, relics of
Naveen Patnaik has announced an historical significance, suffer neglect.
additional 10 days of casual leave for Gorkha Fort, atop Subathu hill, believed
women working in various government founded by Amar Singh Thapa to resist
departments British, now lies in ruins. Also known as
Banasar, Malaun, or Sabathu fort, it bears
- Under the directions and guidance of witness to fierce battles.
Hon’ble Chief Minister Shri Pushkar Singh
Dhami, a significant Memorandum of - Scientists have uncovered a 50,000-year-
Understanding (MoU) was signed on old magnetofossil in the Bay of Bengal.
Tuesday, 5th March. This pivotal agreement Magnetofossils are magnetic particles
took place between CSIR Indian Institute of formed by magnetotactic bacteria, which
Petroleum, Dehradun, and UCOST under align with the Earth's magnetic field. These
the aegis of the “Adarsh Champawat” bacteria navigate to areas with optimal
mission. oxygen levels using tiny iron-rich crystals,
acting as a compass. This finding sheds
- The Chief Minister of Assam, Dr. Himanta light on ancient microbial life and their role
Biswa Sarma, performed the Bhumi Pujan in Earth's history, offering insights into
ceremony for a 50 MW Solar Project in environmental conditions of the past.
Sonitpur district.
- In March 2024, the Indian Agricultural
- Allu Arjun, the popular Telugu actor, has Research Institute (IARI) has urged legal
achieved a new milestone in his career. He action against Pakistan for cultivating its
has been honoured with a wax statue at the improved basmati rice varieties without
renowned Madame Tussauds Museum in authorization.The IARI has found that
Dubai. varieties like Pusa-1121 and 1509 Basmati
are grown in Pakistan under new names.
- The Geological Survey of India, State Unit:
Andhra Pradesh, unveiled a representative


- Brucethoa Isro: A New Species of Deep- - Researchers have made an exciting
Sea Isopod identified in Kerala is Named discovery off the coast of Kollam in Kerala.
After ISRO They have found a new species of deep-
sea isopod, which is a tiny crustacean that
- Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) feeds on fish. This new species belongs to
released Telecommunication Mobile the genus Brucethoa and was found living
Number Portability(MNP) (ninth inside the gill cavity of a fish called the
amendment) Regulations 2024, to eliminate Spinyjaw greeneye.
porting of mobile numbers using fraudulent
Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) swap or - The Tamil Nadu government has launched
replacement by unscrupulous elements. the ‘Neengal Nalama’ (Are you fine?)
scheme, a beneficiary outreach program
- Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC), a aimed at reviewing the implementation of
civic body of Gujarat, has raised Rs 100 flagship schemes and addressing the
crore (USD 12.07 million) by issuing Asia’s grievances of the public.
first certified green municipal bond for
Sustainable Water Infrastructure. - Sea6 Energy, a pioneer in the Blue
Economy, has launched the world’s first
- The Pension Fund Regulatory and large-scale mechanized tropical seaweed
Development Authority (PFRDA) in its farm off the coast of Lombok, Indonesia.
Digital Safety Practices for Government The one-square- kilometer seaweed farm is
Nodal Offices Under NPS Architecture a significant milestone in establishing the
Advisory, 2024, has mandated two-factor scalability of sustainable tropical seaweed
Aadhaar authentication for accessing the cultivation for various industrial
Central Record keeping Agency (CRA) applications.
system, enhancing security for National
Pension System (NPS) transactions. - Future Generali Launches ‘Health
PowHER’, a Unique Health Insurance Plan
- PM Modi inaugurated Amul’s Banas Dairy for Women.
Plant in Varanasi. PM also interacted with
the participants with their photograph - Bengaluru, famously known as the Garden
entries on the theme of “Sanwarti City, is poised to become the epicenter of
Kashi”.PM inaugurated various Green cutting-edge advancements in the
Waterway initiatives in Varanasi. horticulture sector. The Indian Institute of
Horticultural Research (IIHR) is gearing up
- PM dedicated to the nation “First Oil” from to host the three-day National Horticultural
KG Basin and flagged off 1st crude oil Fair 2024 at its Hessarghatta premises,
tanker from the ONGC(Oil and Natural Gas situated on the outskirts of Bengaluru.
Corporation) Krishna Godavari deepwater
project. This marks a major milestone in the - The Indian Council of Agricultural
energy sector of India. PM launched Research(ICAR)-Central Marine Fisheries
“Bharat Pashudhan” which is a digital Research Institute (CMFRI) has developed
database for livestock animals in India. It is an android mobile app, ‘MARLIN@CMFRI’,
developed under the “National Digital to encourage citizen science initiatives in
Livestock Mission(NDLM)”. It has a unique marine fisheries research.
12-digit Tag ID allocated to each livestock
animal. - Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority of India (IRDAI) has mandated that
all insurance policies should be issued in


electronic form with effect from 1st April - PepsiCo, the U.S. food and beverage giant,
2024. This is similar to how investors hold has committed to investing an additional
shares in demat account. $400 million in Vietnam.

- Prime Minister Narendra Modi has unveiled - Fly91, a regional airline headquartered in
his ambitious plan to make India a prime Goa, has reache a significant milestone in
wedding destination, aiming to boost its journey with the issuance of its Air
tourism and retain revenue within the Operator Certificate (AOC) by the
country. Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA)
under the Ministry of Civil Aviation.
- CCI approved acquisition of 100% equity
share capital of Lanco Amarkantak Power - In a significant move, the Gujarat
Limited, a part of the Lanco Group, by Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation
Adani Power Limited, a part of the Adani (GCMMF), the organization behind the
Group. iconic Amul brand, is set to launch its fresh
milk products in the United States for the
- The Food Safety and Standards Authority of first time. This expansion marks a major
India (FSSAI) has certified nearly 100 jails milestone for the brand, as it aims to cater
across the nation as ‘Eat Right Campus,’ a to the Indian diaspora and Asian population
part of its broader Eat Right India in the US.
movement. This initiative aims to ensure
safe, healthy, and sustainable food - Innoviti Payments and Concerto Software
practices within various institutional have received payment aggregator (PA)
settings, including correctional facilities. licences from the Reserve Bank of India
(RBI), marking significant milestones in the
- Union Ministers of State (MoS) Meenakshi digital payments landscape of India. Innoviti
Lekhi, the Ministry of Culture (MoC), has operates the PA ‘Innoviti Link’, serving
launched the revamped website of the 2,500 online merchants, while Concerto
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) at the Software’s gateway ‘Vegaah’ joins the
National Museum in New Delhi, Delhi. league of authorized PA solutions.

- The Competition Commission of India (CCI) - Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone
has approved the merger of a financial (APSEZ), a subsidiary of the Adani Group,
technology company, Garagepreneurs has acquired a controlling 95% stake in
Internet Private Limited (GIPL), with the Gopalpur Port located in Odisha.
North East Small Finance Bank (NESFB).
- Wipro-GE Healthcare, a prominent player in
- In January, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) medical technology and digital solutions, is
made its largest gold purchase since July set to invest Rs 8,000 crore over the next
2022, acquiring 8.7 tonnes of gold. five years in India. This investment aims to
strengthen its manufacturing output and
- Airtel Payments Bank, in collaboration with research and development capabilities. The
Noise and Mastercard, introduces a company’s focus is on expanding its ‘Make
pioneering solution for contactless in India for the World’ initiative, emphasizing
payments through the Airtel Payments Bank increased localization and exports of
Smart Watch. medical equipment.

- Union Minister of State (Independent

Charge) Science & Technology, Dr Jitendra


Singh, announced the establishment of
North India’s first Government Homeopathic
College in the Jasrota area of Kathua
district, J&K.

- In a remarkable move, two of India’s richest

businessmen, Mukesh Ambani and Gautam
Adani, have joined forces for the first time.
Reliance Industries, owned by Ambani, has
acquired a 26% stake in a power project
owned by Adani’s company in Madhya

- Researchers in Ecuador’s rainforest have

uncovered a new species of anaconda,
Eunectes Akiyama, which split from its
closest relatives 10 million years ago.
Despite their genetic distinction, these
anacondas are visually identical to the
previously known species, Eunectes

- The Adani Group has announced the start

of the first phase of the world’s largest
single-location copper manufacturing plant
at Mundra in Gujarat. The facility, owned by
Kutch Copper (a subsidiary of Adani
Enterprises Ltd), will help reduce India’s
dependence on copper imports and
support the energy transition.

- A groundbreaking archaeological discovery

has been made in Chettimedu Pathur
village, approximately 77 kilometres from
Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

- Excavation sites worldwide yield artifacts

and fossils crucial for understanding history.
In Nuremberg, Germany, construction
laborers stumbled upon an astonishing find
while building a house: a vast number of
human skeletons, indicating the presence of
what may be Europe’s largest cemetery.
Nearly a thousand skeletons have been
unearthed so far, with estimates suggesting
the total could surpass 1500.


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