March 2024 ACE UPPSC Current Compilation
March 2024 ACE UPPSC Current Compilation
March 2024 ACE UPPSC Current Compilation
If you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed
If you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed
approved by all existing NATO
members.Finland officially became a member
International of NATO in 2023 April last year due to
Q. Recently, which South American country concerns over Russia's invasion of Ukraine
has declared a health emergency due to the Headquarters – Brussels, Belgium
rising cases of dengue fever?
Answer: Peru Q. Where is the world's first 3D printing
mosque located?
Q. Recently, which country discovered a Answer: Saudi Arabia
5,000-year-old cemetery belonging to a
Copper Age society? Q. Chapchar Kut festival, recently seen in the
Answer: Italy news, is celebrated in which state?
Italian archaeologists recently uncovered a Answer: Mizoram
5,000-year-old cemetery from the Copper Mizoram's Chapchar Kut festival, celebrated
Age, shedding light on this transitional period at the Assam Rifles Ground in Aizawl, showed
between the Neolithic and Bronze Age. vibrant Mizo traditions with Cheraw and Chai
dances. The spring festival, marked by
Q. ‘SAMOA Pathway’, recently seen in the clearing forests for jhum cultivation, featured
news, is associated with which one of the locals in colorful attire, engaging in folk
following groupings? dances and songs. Chapchar Kut, observed
Answer: Small Island Developing States (SIDS) annually in March, attracted a diverse crowd,
The UN Secretary-General emphasizes the highlighting the rich cultural heritage of the
urgent need for increased funding to support Mizo community in a day-long celebration.
Small Island Developing States (SIDS) facing
climate change. Comprising 39 States and 18 Q. Recently, Maldives has signed a defense
Associate Members, SIDS, located in the agreement with which country for obtaining
Caribbean, Pacific, and AIS regions, exhibit non-lethal weapons and training?
unique vulnerabilities. Answer: China
Q. Which country has become the first Q. Which has become the 97th member
country to recognize abortion in its country to ratify the International Solar
constitution? Alliance?
Answer: France Answer: Panama
Also, on March 5, Malta became the 119th
Q. Recently, which country’s parliament voted country to join the International Solar Alliance.
to approve Sweden's bid to join the NATO,
making it the 32nd nation to join the alliance? Q. Kinmen Islands, recently seen in the news,
Answer: Hungary is located in which country?
Hungary's parliament voted to ratify Sweden's Answer: Taiwan
bid to join NATO, making Sweden the 32nd Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council urged China
member of the alliance. Sweden applied to to maintain the "status quo" in waters near
join NATO in 2022 after Russia's full-scale Taiwan-controlled Kinmen islands, cautioning
invasion of Ukraine. New members must be
Q. Where has India's first oil palm processing Q. What is the primary objective of ‘Sagar
unit started operating? Parikrama’, recently seen in the news?
Answer: Dibang Valley,Arunachal Pradesh Answer: To understand the needs and
3F Oil Palm, one of India's largest oil palm challenges of fishermen
development companies, has started The Union Minister for Fisheries, Animal
commercial operations at the country's first Husbandry, and Dairying unveiled a book and
integrated oil palm processing unit in video on “Sagar Parikrama”.
Arunachal Pradesh.
Q. Which is the first state in India to
Q. Gorasam Kora Festival was celebrated implement a Uniform Civil Code after
from March 7 to March 10 in which state? independence?
Answer: Arunachal Pradesh Answer: Uttarakhand
This year, the festival was celebrated with the
theme 'Zero Waste Festival' and members of Q. Project Seabird, India’s largest naval
Forward and Beyond Foundation conducted a infrastructure project, is located in which
cleanliness drive. state?
Answer: Karnataka
Q. In March 2024, Prime Minister Narendra The Defence Minister is set to inaugurate two
Modi inaugurated India's first underwater piers and seven towers, providing 320 homes
metro tunnel. Under which river will this for Navy officers and Defence civilians at
metro run? Naval Base Karwar, Karnataka, under Project
Answer: Hooghly Seabird—the largest naval infrastructure
PM Modi inaugurated India's first underwater project in India. more. Once completed, it will
metro service in Kolkata. He inaugurated be the largest naval base in the Eastern
India's first under-river metro tunnel in Hemisphere, accommodating warships,
Kolkata. The metro will take 45 seconds to submarines, and aircraft.
cover the distance of 520 meters under the
Hooghly River. The tunnel is part of the East- Q. PM inaugurates Sela Tunnel, which state is
West Metro corridor of the Kolkata Metro that located in?
connects Howrah Maidan to Esplanade. Answer: Arunachal Pradesh
Howrah metro station is the deepest metro Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently
inaugurated the Sela Tunnel during his one-
Q. How much funding has the Union Cabinet Q. Where was the India's first small scale LNG
approved for the International Big Cat unit inaugurated?
Alliance? Answer: Madhya Pradesh
Answer: Rs 150 crore Union Minister for Petroleum and Natural Gas,
The Union Cabinet has officially launched the Hardeep Singh Puri, inaugurated 201 CNG
International Big Cat Alliance (IBCA) with a stations in 17 states and India's first Small
one-time budgetary allocation of Rs 150 crore Scale LNG Unit at GAIL's Vijaipur LPG plant.
Q. Recently, where was the ‘Agriculture Q. Recently, which ministry launched the
Integrated Command and Control Centre’ Digital Intelligence Platform (DIP) and
inaugurated? ‘Chakshu’ facility on Sanchar Saathi portal?
Answer: New Delhi Answer: Ministry of Communication.
Union Minister Arjun Munda inaugurated the
Agriculture Integrated Command and Control Q. What is the theme of the National Birth
Centre in New Delhi's Krishi Bhawan. Defects Awareness Month 2024?
Answer: Breaking Barriers: inclusive support
Q. Recently, which state government has for children with birth defects
decided to establish a State Water Information Dr. V K Paul, Member (Health), NITI Aayog,
Centre (SWIC)? launched National Birth Defect Awareness
Answer: Odisha Month 2024, emphasizing the Pradhan Mantri
Jan Arogya Yojana's vital role in improving
Q. The Supreme Court ended the exemption child health. The scheme covers half of India's
of MPs taking bribes for voting. Members of health and complements the existing
Parliament (MPs) are protected from Rashtriya Bal Swashtya Karyakram. The
prosecution under which article? month-long campaign, themed "Breaking
Answer: Article 105 Barriers: inclusive support for children with
A seven-judge Constitution bench headed by birth defects," aims to raise awareness about
Chief Justice of India (CJI) D Y Chandrachud prevention, early identification, and timely
upheld the plea of P.V. Ramachandra. The management of birth defects.
Supreme Court's 1998 judgment in the
Narasimha Rao vs State case was set aside.
Q. Which state has decided to buy land in the Q. On 25th March 2024, Border Roads
Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir in Organisation (BRO) connected the Nimmu-
March 2024? Padam-Darcha road to which of the
Answer: Maharashtra following?
The Maharashtra government has decided to Answer: Ladakh
buy 2.5 acres of land in the Union Territory of
Jammu and Kashmir. Maharashtra is the first Q. Which state High Court has held the
state to buy land in Jammu and Kashmir. Madrasa Education Act 2004
Apart from this, the state government will unconstitutional?
build a second building in Ayodhya for tourists Answer: Uttar Pradesh
and devotees.
Q. Who has launched India's first LNG-
Q. Recently 900 years old Kannada inscription powered bus?
of Kalyana Chalukya dynasty was found in Answer: Eknath Shinde, Maharashtra.
which state?
Answer: Telangana Q. Mission 414' campaign has been launched
A 900-year-old Kannada inscription from the by the Election Commission in which state?
Kalyana Chalukya dynasty was found in Answer: Himachal Pradesh
Jadcherla mandal of Mahabubnagar district of
Telangana. Archaeologist and CEO of Plach Q. Where will India's first battery energy
India Foundation E Shivanagi Reddy said the storage gigafactory come up?
inscription was found during a campaign Answer: Jammu and Kashmir
'Preserve heritage for future generations’. On Goodenough Energy is planning to build
a careful reading of the inscription, it was India's largest factory for battery energy
revealed that it was issued on June 8, 1134 storage systems (BESS) gigafactories to
A.D. (Friday) by the customs officials of ensure the stability of the power grid. The
Tailapa-III, son of the Kalyana Chalukya initial capacity of the factory will be 7GWh,
emperor 'Bhulokamalla' Someshvara-III. It which will increase to 20 GWH by 2026.
also holds the record of waiving off the Goodenough Energy is India's leading
income earned from toll taxes called manufacturer of battery energy storage
Vaddarvula and Hejunka for the monolithic systems.
lamp and incense of Lord Somnath
- Sterlite Power Transmission Ltd (SPTL), a - Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF)
part of the Vedanta Group, and Singapore’s has signed a tripartite Memorandum of
GIC Private Limited has signed a definitive Understanding (MoU) with Prasar Bharati
agreements to set-up a new platform to and Open Network for Digital Commerce
develop and operate power transmission (ONDC) to proliferate affordable and
projects in India. accessible digital services across India.
Q. Who has been selected for appointment to Q. Who has been elected as the President of
the post of Director in Union Public Service the Democratic Republic of Congo in
Commission (UPSC)? December 2023?
Answer: Hansa Mishra Answer: Felix Tsesikedi
Q. Who has been given the additional charge Q. Who was selected as the 'Cultural
of Telangana Governor after Tamilisai Ambassador of the Year' under the 'National
Soundararajan's resignation? Creator Award' 2024?
Answer: CP Radhakrishnan Answer: Maithili Thakur
Q. Who has been appointed as the next Indian - Russian President Vladimir Putin has won
envoy to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania? the presidential election for the fifth time.
Answer: Naresh Kumar
- Vaughan Gething, son of a Welsh father and
Q. Who has been nominated to the Rajya Zambian mother, is elected as Wales' first
Sabha by President Droupadi Murmu on 8th minister, becoming the UK's first Black
March 2024? government leader.
Answer: Sudha Murthy
- The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) approved
Q. Who has taken over as the chairperson of the appointment of S Ravindran as the part-
the National Commission for Scheduled time Chairman of Tamilnad Mercantile Bank
Castes (NCSC) in New Delhi on March 11? Ltd.
Answer: Kishore Makwana
- Rajendra Prasad Goyal has assumed the
Q. Who has been appointed as the new Prime additional charge as the Chairman and
Minister of the Palestinian Authority? Managing Director (CMD) of NHPC Limited
Answer: Mohammad Mustafa (Formerly known as National Hydroelectric
Power Corporation Ltd.), with effect from
Q. Indian-origin Leo Varadkar was the Prime 1st March 2024.
Minister of which country, who resigned
recently? - Alok Rungta appointed as MD & CEO of
Answer: Ireland Future Generali India Life Insurance.
Q. Who has been appointed as the new Prime - Gustavo Lino Adrianzen Olaya was sworn in
Minister of Portugal? as Prime Minister (PM) or President of the
- The prestigious Maharashtra Gaurav Award - Mr. Srinivasan Swamy, currently serving as
was presented to renowned Indian dancer the chairman and managing director of RK
Dr. Uma Rele. Swamy Ltd, was honored at the 45th IAA
World Congress in Penang, Malaysia.
Q. What is the name of the first Magahi novel - Zoological Survey of India Published a
recently translated into English? Book Titled ‘An Illustrated Guide to the
Answer: Phool Bahadur Lepidoptera of India’
'Phool Bahadur' is the first Magahi novel,
translated into English by 'Abhay K'. - The launch of “The Gems of Indian Art”, a
comprehensive documentation of Harish
Q. Recently, who was awarded the prestigious Khullar’s extensive collection of 20th-
Devi Shankar Awasthi Award 2023? century Indian modern and contemporary
Answer: Nishant art.
Nishant, a young poet and critic, is awarded
the 29th Devi Shankar Awasthi Award in 2023 - S. Raman’s autobiography, “From A Car
for his book 'Kavita Pathak Aalochna'. Shed To The Corner Room & Beyond,”
offers a first-person account of his
Economy, Finance and - Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has updated its
“Enabling Framework for Regulatory
Banking Sandbox” to streamline the process for
fintech companies.
Q. Recently, which payment bank signed an - Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has given
MoU with Hindustan Zinc Limited (HZL) to approval to NPCI Bharat BillPay Ltd (NBBL)
enhance financial inclusion in rural Rajasthan? to launch an interoperable payment system
Answer: India Post Payments Bank for internet banking in the Calendar Year
2024 (CY24).
Q. UDGAM Portal, recently seen in the news,
is developed by which institution? - The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in exercise
Answer: RBI of the powers conferred by Section 35A of
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has the Banking Regulation (BR) Act, 1949 and
introduced the UDGAM portal, facilitating Chapter IIIB of the RBI Act 1934, amended
users to search unclaimed deposits in 30 the ‘Master Direction – Credit Card and
banks, covering 90% of Depositor Education Debit Card – Issuance and Conduct
and Awareness Fund deposits. UDGAM, Directions, 2022’, the provisions of which
meaning Unclaimed Deposits-Gateway to will come into effect from March 07, 2024.
Access inforMation, allows centralized
searches for both individual and non- - The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has
individual categories. reconstituted a three-member Committee of
Advisors of Abhyudaya Cooperative Bank
Q. How many banks have recently joined the Limited by inducting Devendara Kumar in
RBI's UDGAM portal for unclaimed deposits? place of Mahendra Chhajed after his
Answer: 30 resignation.
The UDGAM portal, which stands for
Unclaimed Deposits-Gateway to Access - Reserve Bank of India (RBI) finalized the
Information, is an online portal developed by ‘Omnibus Framework for recognising Self-
the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Regulatory Organisations (SRO) for
Regulated Entities (REs) of RBI’.
Q. Recently, RBI has imposed a penalty of Rs
1.40 crore on which bank? - The Securities and Exchange Board of India
Answer: Bank of India (SEBI) introduce a Third (III) Settlement
Schemes for entities involved in the Illiquid
- SEBI nod to T+0 settlements for Limited - The Federal Bank and National Payment
Stocks. Corporation of India(NPCI), launched a
Rupay Smart Key Chain – ‘FlashPay’ for
- The Securities and Exchange Board of India Contactless National Common Mobility
(SEBI) has instructed the Association of Card (NCMC) payments at enabled metro
Mutual Funds in India (AMFI) to halt inflows stations and Point Of Sale (POS) terminals.
into overseas exchange traded funds (ETFs)
from April 1. - According to CRISIL’s India Outlook 2024
Report titled “Growth Marathon – Emerging
- World Bank(WB) has approved a new Sectors, investments, efficiency gains
project worth USD 452 million to improve priming India’s medium term pace (March
connectivity for over 1.8 million people 2024)”, India’s real GDP growth will likely
living in rural areas of Assam. moderate to 6.8% in fiscal 2025. This
follows the 7.6% expansion in FY24.
- Ministry of Finance (MoF) and the Asian
Development Bank (ADB) has signed a loan - Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited (KMBL)
agreement worth USD 181 Million for the launched the ‘Smart Choice Gold Loan’
‘Ahmedabad Peri-urban Livability with a simpler application & disbursal
Improvement Project’. process which aims to offer consumers the
maximum value and flexibility to meet their
- Punjab National Bank (PNB), an Indian credit needs
public sector bank, has partners with
EaseMyTrip(EMT), one of India’s largest - Bank of Baroda (BoB) has launched a
online travel tech platforms, to launch ‘PNB Lifetime Zero Balance Savings Bank
EMT Credit Card’, a co-branded premier Account called ‘bob LITE Savings Account’.
travel credit card. This account offers a lifetime free RuPay
Platinum Debit Card for customers who
- State Bank of India (SBI), India’s largest maintain a nominal Quarterly Average
public sector bank, has partnered with Balance (QAB).
Noida (Uttar Pradesh) based One97
Communications Limited (OCL) to settle
- Axis Bank has introduced digital opening of - Moody’s revised India’s GDP growth to
US (United States) dollar Fixed Deposits 6.8% for 2024
(FD) for NRI (Non-Resident Indian)
customers at its International Financial - FDI Inflows Decline 13% to USD 32bn in
Services Centre/IFSC Banking Unit (IBU) in April-December 2023
Gujarat International Finance Tec (GIFT) City
in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. With this, Axis - Fitch revises India’s FY25 GDP Growth
Bank becomes the first bank to offer Forecast to 7% from 6.5%
digitization of GIFT City Deposits.
- Global Economic Outlook: S&P Global
- REC Limited has successfully listed two revised India’s GDP to 6.8% for FY25.
bonds worth Rs 5,375 crore on the NSE
India (National Stock Exchange of India Ltd) - Fintech startup Perfios Became India’s
and BSE Limited (formerly Bombay Stock Second Unicorn of 2024.
- India’s growth expected to be between
6.5% – 7% in FY25: DEA
- The Bharat Aluminium Company Limited - The Insurance Regulatory and Development
(BALCO), a unit of Vedanta Aluminium, has Authority of India (IRDAI) has designated
emerged as the first company in India to three insurers as Domestic Systemically
obtain the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative Important Insurers (D-SIIs) for the year
(ASI)Performance Standard V3 Certification 2023-24. These insurers, namely Life
for the production and distribution of a Insurance Corporation of India (LIC),
broad range of primary aluminum products General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC
at its Korba facility, Chhattisgarh. Re), and New India Assurance Co Ltd, have
retained their D-SII status from the previous
- The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has taken year.
stern action against IIFL Finance by
imposing an immediate ban on the approval
and disbursement of gold loans.
- Private sector life insurer Kotak Life
Insurance made headlines with the launch
of its latest offering, Kotak G.A.I.N. Q. Zero Discrimination Day is observed every
year on 01 March. In which year was it first
- Indian Renewable Energy Development celebrated?
Agency Ltd. (IREDA) celebrated its 38th Answer: 2014
Foundation Day, marking a significant 'Zero Discrimination Day' is observed every
achievement in its journey towards year on 1 March. This day is celebrated
promoting renewable energy development globally by the United Nations General
in India. This special occasion provided an Assembly (UNGA). On this occasion, people
opportunity to reflect on IREDA’s everywhere act together to stop inappropriate
remarkable 37-year journey and its behavior and make the world a fair and
accomplishments in the field of green peaceful place. The theme of Zero
finance. Discrimination Day 2024 this year has been
set as "Protecting everyone's health,
protecting everyone's rights".
Q. When is the 'International Day for the Q. Recently, where was the 'Naval Exercise
Elimination of Racial Discrimination' observed Cutlass Express 2024' held?
every year? Answer: Seychelles
Answer: March 21 INS Tir, the flagship of the First Training
The International Day for the Elimination of Squadron, recently joined Exercise Cutlass
Racial Discrimination is observed every year Express - 24 in Seychelles. Held from Feb 26
on 21 March. The day calls for solidarity to Mar 08, 2024, the exercise aims to counter
against racism and racial discrimination. The malign activities in East African coastal
theme for this year 2024 is "A Decade of regions and the West Indian Ocean.
Recognition, Justice and Development: Sponsored by U.S. AFRICOM and led by U.S.
Implementation of the International Decade for Naval Forces Europe-Africa/U.S. Sixth Fleet, it
People of African Descent". enhances maritime security, cooperation, and
interoperability among participating nation.
Q. In which year was the first 'International
Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Q. When is National Safety Day observed
Awareness Day' observed? every year to highlight safety measures and
Answer: 2023
- World Civil Defence Day (WCDD), also - The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF)
known as World Civil Protection Day, is Raising Day is annually observed across
annually observed across the globe on 1st India on 10th March to honour the
March to honour the significance of Civil contributions and sacrifices of the CISF
Defence and the personnel who have personnel in providing security to public
sacrificed their lives for it. The Theme of sector undertakings (PSUs), and critical
WCDD 2024 is “Honour Heroes and infrastructure.
Promote Safety Skills”. The slogan for the
day is “Innovative Technologies in the Civil - World Rotaract Day 2024 – March 13 &
Protection Service”. World Rotaract Week 2024 – March 11–17.
World Rotaract Week 2024 will is celebrated
- Civil Accounts Day is annually observed with the motto “Celebrating Rotaract.”
across India on 1 March to mark the
Foundation Day of the Indian Civil Accounts - World Kidney Day 2024 – March 14. The
Service (ICAS), one of the Civil Services 2024 WKD campaign theme is, “Kidney
functioning under the Department of Health for All – Advancing Equitable Access
Expenditure, Ministry of Finance (MoF). to Care and Optimal Medication Practice.”
- International Day of Action for Rivers 2024 – - International Day of Nowruz 2024 – March
March 14. The 2024 theme of International 21.
Day of Action for Rivers is, “Water for All.”
Also march 14 is Pi day. - World Puppetry Day 2024 – March 21. The
theme of WPD 2024 is “The Climate”.
- World Sleep Day 2024 – March 15. The
theme and slogan for the 2024 World Sleep - Shaheed Diwas or Martyrs’ Day 2024 –
Day is, “Sleep Equity for Global Health“. March 23.
- International Day to Combat Islamophobia - International Day for the Right to the Truth
2024 – March 15. Concerning Gross Human Rights Violations
and for the Dignity of Victims 2024 – March
- World Consumers Rights Day (WCRD) is 24.
annually observed across the globe on 15
March to raise global awareness of - International Day of Remembrance of the
consumer rights, needs, protection, and Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic
empowerment. The 2024 theme of WCRD Slave Trade 2024 – March 25. The
is, ‘Fair and responsible AI for consumers’. International Day of Remembrance of the
Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic
- Ordnance Factories Day 2024 – March 18. Slave Trade 2024 was observed under the
theme “Creating Global Freedom:
- Global Recycling Day 2024 – March 18. The Countering Racism with Justice in Societies
theme of Global Recycling Day 2024 is and Among Nations.”
- International Day of Solidarity with Detained
- UN French Language Day 2024 – March 20. and Missing Staff Members 2024 – March
The Day is recognised by the International 25
Organization of La Francophonie (OIF) as
the International Day of La Francophonie or - Earth Hour 2024 – March 23. Earth Hour
International Francophonie Day. 2024 aims to create the Biggest Hour for
Earth with its call-to-action “Give an hour
- World Oral Health Day 2024 – March 20. for Earth”. The first Earth Hour event was
The WOHD Campaign theme for 2024-2026 held on 31 March 2007 in Sydney, Australia.
is “A Happy Mouth is...A Happy Body”.
- World Piano Day 2024– March 28.
- World Day of Theatre for Children and
Young People 2024 – March 20. The Day is - International Day of Zero Waste 2024 –
promoted and celebrated through the March 30.
message ‘Take a Child to the Theatre,
Today’. - March 10- CISF Raising Day and also
International Day of Women Judges |
- World Poetry Day 2024 – March 21. The Theme: Women in Justice, women for
2024 theme of World Poetry Day is, justice
“Standing on the Shoulders of Giants”.
- 11 March- World Plumbing Day
- According to the 12th edition of the - According to the ILO study, 3.5 out of every
International Intellectual Property (IP) Index 1,000 people are engaged in forced labour.
(2024) by the United States (US) Chamber According to the International Labour
of Commerce, India has retained the 42nd Organization (ILO), forced labor generates
rank with an overall score of 38.64%. The $36 billion in illicit profits per year. Since
United States of America (USA) has topped 2014, illegal profits have increased by 37%,
the list with an overall score of 95.48% driven by an increase in the number of
followed by the United Kingdom (UK) in the people forced into labor, as well as higher
2nd place with 94.12% and France in the profits generated from the exploitation of
3rd with 93.12%. Previously, Inida was victims. The report titled 'Profits and
ranked 42nd in 2023 and 43rd in 2022. Poverty: The Economics of Forced Labour'
has been released by the International
- A study has shown that India's solar waste Labour Organization. Profits from forced
could reach 600 kilotonnes by 2030. labor are highest in Europe and Central Asia
According to a new study released on ($84 billion), followed by Asia and the
March 20, India's solar waste could reach Pacific ($62 billion).
600 kilotonnes by 2030, which is equivalent
to filling 720 Olympic-sized swimming
Q. Who launched the 'Vantara' programme to Q. Uttar Pradesh has emerged as the first
support animal welfare? state to issue five crore Ayushman cards.
Answer: Reliance When was Ayushman Bharat Scheme
Reliance Industries and Reliance Foundation launched?
have launched the 'Vantara' (Star of the Answer: 2018
Forest) programme to support animal Uttar Pradesh has become the first state to
welfare.The Anant Ambani-led Vantara issue 5 crore Ayushman cards. The cards are
initiative aims to rescue, treat, care and issued under the Centre's flagship scheme
rehabilitate injured, abused and endangered Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya
animals in India and other parts of the world. Yojana. The Uttar Pradesh government has
In India, the programme collaborates with issued 50,017,920 Ayushman cards and
Assam State Zoo, Sardar Patel Zoological provided benefits to 74,382,304 persons,
Park, National Zoological Park, Nagaland according to a press release.
Zoological Park, among others. The Vantara
program has saved more than 200 elephants Q. How many crores of rupees have been
and thousands of other animals, birds, approved for 'PM Surya Ghar Free Electricity
reptiles from dangerous situations over the Scheme'?
years. Vantara has also participated in rescue Answer: 75,000 crore
operations in countries such as Mexico and The Union Cabinet led by PM Narendra Modi
Venezuela. has approved Rs 75,000 crore for 'PM Surya
Ghar Free Electricity Scheme'. Under this
Q. India's first small scale LNG unit was scheme, one crore families will get 300 units
inaugurated in which state? of free electricity. The scheme was announced
Answer: Madhya Pradesh by Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman
Union Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister during the interim budget for 2024-25.
Hardeep Singh Puri inaugurated GAIL's India's
first small LNG unit. This unit of Gas Authority Q. National Birth Defect Awareness Month
of India Limited (GAIL) is located at Vijaypur 2024 launched by?
LPG Plant in Madhya Pradesh. Union Minister Answer: NITI Aayog
Puri also inaugurated 201 CNG stations in 17 NITI Aayog Member Dr. V.K. Paul launched the
states. He inaugurated the CNG stations National Birth Defect Awareness Month 2024.
through video conferencing at a function in The theme of this campaign is "Breaking
New Delhi in the presence of Minister of State Barriers: inclusive support for children with
for Petroleum and Natural Gas Rameswar Teli. birth defects"
The Government aims to increase the share of
natural gas in the primary energy basket to Q. Which ministry recently launched the
15% by 2030. ‘Alliance for Global Good-Gender Equity and
Q. Electric Mobility Promotion Scheme 2024, Q. Which portal has been launched by the
recently seen in the news, is introduced by government in March 2024 to curb sextortion,
which ministry? bank frauds, etc?
Answer: Ministry of Heavy Industries Answer: Chakshu Portal
The Ministry of Heavy Industries, Government The government has launched the 'Chakshu
of India, announced the Electric Mobility Portal' under the 'Sanchar Sathi' initiative in a
Promotion Scheme 2024 (EMPS 2024) in significant measure on March 2024 to combat
March 2024 to encourage the adoption of cyber fraud.
electric vehicles (EVs) in the country. The
scheme will run from April 2024 to July 2024, Q. Recently PM Modi inaugurated 'One
with a total outlay of Rs 500 crore. The Station One Product' (OSOP) stall at how
scheme will support purchase of two- many stations?
wheelers and three- wheelers. The scheme Answer: 205
will provide a subsidy of Rs 10,000 for two- The 'One Station One Product' (OSOP)
wheelers, and Rs 25,000 for small three- scheme promotes the Government of India's
wheelers. The subsidies will be eligible for 'Local for Vocal' approach.
electric two, three, and four wheelers sold
until March 31, 2024, or until the time funds Q. On March 2, the National Urban
are available, whichever is earlier. Cooperative Finance and Development
Corporation Limited was launched by whom ?
Q. Which ministry has launched the Swayam Answer: Amit Shah
Plus platform? The establishment of this umbrella
Answer: Ministry of Education organization will help in achieving the goal of
The Ministry of Education launched the ‘Prosperity through Cooperation'.
SWAYAM Plus platform. Union Education
Q. ZSI has named a newly discovered species Q. Recently, which institute has developed a
of head-shielded sea slug after Which drowning detection robot?
personality? Answer: IIT Mandi and Palakkad
Answer: Draupadi Murmu Researchers from IIT Mandi and Palakkad
ZSI has named the newly discovered species created a drowning detection robot,
of head-shielded sea slug after Draupadi addressing challenges in underwater
Murmu. Scientists at the Zoological Survey of investigation and exploration. The robot,
India (ZSI) have discovered a new species of designed for sea, reservoirs, and dams, aims
head-shielded sea slugs from the Bay of to replace risky human involvement.
Bengal. This new species discovered off the
coast of Udaipur and Digha in Odisha and Q. What is ‘Inflection 2.5’, recently seen in the
West Bengal has been named 'Melanoclamis news?
Draupadi'. Answer: Large Language Model
Inflection AI recently unveiled its upgraded
Q. Which state has the highest wage rate for LLM, Inflection 2.5, powering the Pi personal
unskilled workers under the Mahatma Gandhi assistant chatbot. Positioned as a competitive
National Rural Employment Guarantee in-house model, it showcases a uniquely
Scheme in 2024-25? empathetic fine-tuning, excelling in IQ areas
Answer: Haryana like coding and mathematics.
The nationwide average MGNREGA wage for
2024-25 will be Rs 289, an increase of Rs 28 Q. The government approved three proposals
per day from Rs 261 in 2023-24. Haryana has to set up semiconductor units in India. Tata
the highest wage rate among all states and group to set up semiconductor units in Which
union territories at Rs 374. After this, the state?
highest wage rate has been fixed in Goa at Rs Answer- Gujarat and Assam
356 per day. The lowest wage rate for Dholera & Sanand, Gujrat and Morigaon,
unskilled workers is Rs 234 per day in Assam
Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland. MoRD
Notifies 3-10% hike in MGNREGA Wage Q. Project SOORYA, recently seen in the
Rates for FY25 news, is launched by which organization?
Answer: ISRO
Q. ISRO successfully tested the landing ISRO's Project SOORYA is the name of its
mission of Reusable Launch Vehicle, what is Next Generation Launch Vehicle (NGLV)
the name given to it? project, which aims to build the country's own
Answer: 'Pushpak' space station and send Indians to the moon.
ISRO's successful Pushpak Reusable Landing The project is led by S. Sivakumar, with the
Vehicle (RLV) LEX 02 Landing Experiment initial phase being his responsibility. The first
marks a milestone in India's space program. launch of the NGLV, codenamed SOORYA, is
This experiment is part of the Reusable expected by 2034-35, and will require a third
Launch Vehicle Technology Demonstration launch pad at Sriharikota. The project
(RLV-TD) Programme, reaffirmed indigenous demonstrates ISRO's commitment to
high-speed autonomous landing technologies. technological innovation and solidifying India's
RLV, resembling a space plane, aims to enable position as a global space power.
cost-effective access to space. Building upon
RLV LEX-01's success in 2023, India plans to
Q. Which two star clusters have been - In a bid to strengthen Kerala's electronics,
discovered in space by the Gaia space IT sector and startup ecosystem, Minister
telescope of the European Space Agency Rajeev Chandrasekhar inaugurated new
recently? Software Technology Parks of India (STPI)
Answer: Shiva and Shakti centres in Thiruvananthapuram and Kochi.
At the 4th Semicon India FutureDesign
Q. Scientists have discovered a 'giant' Roadshow in Kerala, Union Minister Shri
volcano on which planet? Rajeev Chandrasekhar lauded the
Answer: Mars remarkable progress of India's
This huge volcano named 'Noctis volcano' is semiconductor industry under the
situated at an altitude of 29,600 feet and is leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
spread over about 450 kilometers in width. He emphasized the transformative role of
technology and semiconductor engineering
Q. What was the name given to the in shaping the future of India.
International Astronomical Union recognizing
Chandrayaan-3 landing site? - On March 21, National Internet Exchange of
Answer: 'Shiv Shakti' India (NIXI) and Ministry of Electronics and
IAU Working Group for Planetary Systems Information Technology (MeitY) launched
Nomenclature approves 'Shiv Shakti' as the the BhashaNet portal for Universal
name of Chandrayaan-3 landing site. On Acceptance (UA) Day. The main objective of
August 26, Prime Minister Narendra Modi the portal is to promote digital inclusion
announced that the site where Chandrayaan-3 across the country. The Internet
spacecraft made a soft landing will be called Corporation for Assigned Names and
'Shiv Shakti' site. Numbers (ICANN) and the Internet
Governance Division are supporting MeitY
Q. TRAI has issued recommendations on 'Use UA Day. "BhashaNet: Emphasis on
of Embedded SIMs for Machine-to-Machine Universal Acceptance" is the theme of the
Communication', when was TRAI established? event.
Answer: 1997
- An asteroid has been named 'Jayanta
Q. Which one of the following IITs have Murthy' after Indian professor and eminent
recently created a new system for a hybrid scientist Jayanta Murthy. He is known for
unmanned vehicle that can operate both his work in space missions, ultraviolet
underwater and in the air? astronomy and interstellar medium. First
Answer: IIT Jodhpur, Kanpur, and Palakkad listed as the 2005 EX296, the asteroid is
now designated as (215884) Jubilee.
Q. Recently, which ministry collaborated with
IIT Roorkee in automotive and EV sector? - Southern California recently found the dog-
Answer: Ministry of Heavy Industries killing flatworm parasite Heterobilharzia
Americana in the Colorado River. Also
Q. Hemoglobin A1C Test, recently mentioned known as a liver fluke, it causes canine
in the news, is used to test which one of the schistosomiasis, affecting livers and
following diseases? intestines. Researchers identified two snail
Answer: Diabetes varieties capable of transmitting it: Galba
cubensis and Galba humilis. Previously
seen mainly in Texas and Gulf Coast states,
- E-Crop, a crop simulation model, offers - The Indian government is deploying atomic
growers SMS advice on water and nutrient clocks nationwide to ensure all devices
needs. Developed by Santhosh Mithra of align with Indian Standard Time, countering
CTCRI, Kerala, it received a patent from the reliance on US-based servers. Developed
Indian Patent Office retroactively from 2014. by only four countries, atomic clocks were
Farmers utilize the 'krihi kruthya' app to invented in 1955. The CSIR-NPL New Delhi
record and transmit soil moisture data to is India's timekeeper, maintaining seven
the server for analysis. atomic clocks. New clocks are being
installed in Bhubaneswar, Jaipur, and
- Ola, the Indian ridesharing giant, unveiled Hyderabad, expanding from Faridabad and
Krutrim AI, touted as "India’s own AI", Ahmedabad. By June, synchronization with
earlier this year. NPL time will be mandatory for all Indian
device manufacturers.
- The Indian Space Research Organisation
(ISRO) will conduct the Space Science and - The Department of Science and Technology
Technology Awareness Training (START) (DST), in collaboration with T-Hub, has
Q. Where has India's first indoor athletics Q. The 4th Khelo India University Games
stadium been set up? (KIUG) 2023 concluded in Guwahati. Who got
Answer: Odisha the top position?
Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik Answer: Chandigarh University
inaugurated India's first indoor athletics and On 29th February 2024, the 4th Khelo India
aquatic centre at Kalinga Stadium in University Games (KIUG) 2023 concluded in
Bhubaneswar. Guwahati. Chandigarh University won the
Khelo India University Games crown for the
first time with a total of 71 medals, including
Q. Who won the gold medal in the 59 kg youth - Sreeja Akula, ranked 47th globally, won the
category in the Para Powerlifting World Cup women's singles title at WTT Feeder Beirut
recently? II 2024 in Lebanon, defeating Sarah D Nutte
Answer: Vinay of Luxembourg in a thrilling final
Vinay has won a gold medal in the Para
Powerlifting World Cup held in Egypt.The 18- - The Indian women’s football team
year-old displayed his skills by winning the (nickname: Blue Tigresses) finished runner-
gold medal in the 59kg youth category by up at the Turkish Women’s Cup 2024 after
losing to Kosovo in the finals held at the
- Spain’s women’s team secured a historic - The Election Commission of India (ECI) and
victory over France, winning the first-ever the Board of Control for Cricket in India
UEFA Women’s Nations League with a (BCCI) organized an exhibition cricket
convincing 2-0 triumph in Seville. match to promote voter education and
inclusivity. The match was played between
- The Indian men’s test cricket team led by the Indian Deaf Cricket Association (IDCA)
Rohit Sharma won the Anthony de Mello Team and the Delhi & District Cricket
Trophy 2024 by defeating England Association (DDCA) team on March 16,
(captained by Ben Stokes) in the five-match 2024, at Karnail Singh Stadium in New
test series for 4-1. Delhi.
- Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOC), the - In the women’s long jump event at the 3rd
nation’s premier oil firm, is set to Indian Open Jumps Competition, Nayana
revolutionize the motorsports industry by James from Kerala recorded a personal
manufacturing fuel tailored for adrenaline- best mark of 6.67m to secure the gold
pumping Formula One (F1) racing. With its medal.
latest offering, ‘Storm’ petrol, IOC aims to
expand its repertoire of niche fuels, catering - In a historic move, the Melbourne Cricket
to the high-performance demands of motor Ground (MCG) will host a day-night Test
racing enthusiasts. match between the Australian and English
women’s cricket teams. This will be the first
- England’s James Anderson claimed his time a pink-ball Test is played at the iconic
700th Test wicket by dismissing India’s venue. The four-day match is scheduled
Kuldeep Yadav in Dharamsala on the from January 30 to February 2, 2025.
morning of Day 3 of the final Test against
India. - Veteran Kenyan allrounder Collins Obuya
has announced his retirement from cricket
- Haryana clinched the team titles in both the following Kenya’s defeat to Uganda in the
boy’s and girls categories with an third-place play-off match at the African
impressive combined haul of 19 medals at Games.
the Boxing Sub Junior National
- South Korea hosted the third summit for - India is set to host the prestigious World
democracy in Seoul from 18-20 March Telecom Standardization Assembly (WTSA)
2024, initiated by President Joe Biden 2024, organized by the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU), along with
- The 2nd Employment Working Group (EWG) the India Mobile Congress (IMC) 2024.
meeting, led by Brazil, convened in Brasilia
with India's participation. Ms. Sumita - The METOC seminar ‘Meghayan-24’ was
Dawra, Secretary of Labour & Employment, conducted by the School of Naval
India, co- chairs alongside Brazil and South Oceanology & Meteorology (SNOM) and the
Africa. Indian Naval Meteorological Analysis Centre
(INMAC) at the Southern Naval Command
- The first edition of ‘Blue Talks’ meeting was on March 28, 2024. It was organized in
held in New Delhi, Delhi on 29th February commemoration of World Meteorological
2024. The meeting hosted by the Ministry of Day, with the theme ‘At the Frontline of
Earth Sciences (MoES) was co-partnered Climate Action’ set by the World
by the Embassy of France and Embassy of Meteorological Organization (WMO) for
Costa Rica in India. 2024.
- Odisha government led by Chief Minister - Gorkha forts in Himachal Pradesh, relics of
Naveen Patnaik has announced an historical significance, suffer neglect.
additional 10 days of casual leave for Gorkha Fort, atop Subathu hill, believed
women working in various government founded by Amar Singh Thapa to resist
departments British, now lies in ruins. Also known as
Banasar, Malaun, or Sabathu fort, it bears
- Under the directions and guidance of witness to fierce battles.
Hon’ble Chief Minister Shri Pushkar Singh
Dhami, a significant Memorandum of - Scientists have uncovered a 50,000-year-
Understanding (MoU) was signed on old magnetofossil in the Bay of Bengal.
Tuesday, 5th March. This pivotal agreement Magnetofossils are magnetic particles
took place between CSIR Indian Institute of formed by magnetotactic bacteria, which
Petroleum, Dehradun, and UCOST under align with the Earth's magnetic field. These
the aegis of the “Adarsh Champawat” bacteria navigate to areas with optimal
mission. oxygen levels using tiny iron-rich crystals,
acting as a compass. This finding sheds
- The Chief Minister of Assam, Dr. Himanta light on ancient microbial life and their role
Biswa Sarma, performed the Bhumi Pujan in Earth's history, offering insights into
ceremony for a 50 MW Solar Project in environmental conditions of the past.
Sonitpur district.
- In March 2024, the Indian Agricultural
- Allu Arjun, the popular Telugu actor, has Research Institute (IARI) has urged legal
achieved a new milestone in his career. He action against Pakistan for cultivating its
has been honoured with a wax statue at the improved basmati rice varieties without
renowned Madame Tussauds Museum in authorization.The IARI has found that
Dubai. varieties like Pusa-1121 and 1509 Basmati
are grown in Pakistan under new names.
- The Geological Survey of India, State Unit:
Andhra Pradesh, unveiled a representative
- Prime Minister Narendra Modi has unveiled - Fly91, a regional airline headquartered in
his ambitious plan to make India a prime Goa, has reache a significant milestone in
wedding destination, aiming to boost its journey with the issuance of its Air
tourism and retain revenue within the Operator Certificate (AOC) by the
country. Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA)
under the Ministry of Civil Aviation.
- CCI approved acquisition of 100% equity
share capital of Lanco Amarkantak Power - In a significant move, the Gujarat
Limited, a part of the Lanco Group, by Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation
Adani Power Limited, a part of the Adani (GCMMF), the organization behind the
Group. iconic Amul brand, is set to launch its fresh
milk products in the United States for the
- The Food Safety and Standards Authority of first time. This expansion marks a major
India (FSSAI) has certified nearly 100 jails milestone for the brand, as it aims to cater
across the nation as ‘Eat Right Campus,’ a to the Indian diaspora and Asian population
part of its broader Eat Right India in the US.
movement. This initiative aims to ensure
safe, healthy, and sustainable food - Innoviti Payments and Concerto Software
practices within various institutional have received payment aggregator (PA)
settings, including correctional facilities. licences from the Reserve Bank of India
(RBI), marking significant milestones in the
- Union Ministers of State (MoS) Meenakshi digital payments landscape of India. Innoviti
Lekhi, the Ministry of Culture (MoC), has operates the PA ‘Innoviti Link’, serving
launched the revamped website of the 2,500 online merchants, while Concerto
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) at the Software’s gateway ‘Vegaah’ joins the
National Museum in New Delhi, Delhi. league of authorized PA solutions.
- The Competition Commission of India (CCI) - Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone
has approved the merger of a financial (APSEZ), a subsidiary of the Adani Group,
technology company, Garagepreneurs has acquired a controlling 95% stake in
Internet Private Limited (GIPL), with the Gopalpur Port located in Odisha.
North East Small Finance Bank (NESFB).
- Wipro-GE Healthcare, a prominent player in
- In January, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) medical technology and digital solutions, is
made its largest gold purchase since July set to invest Rs 8,000 crore over the next
2022, acquiring 8.7 tonnes of gold. five years in India. This investment aims to
strengthen its manufacturing output and
- Airtel Payments Bank, in collaboration with research and development capabilities. The
Noise and Mastercard, introduces a company’s focus is on expanding its ‘Make
pioneering solution for contactless in India for the World’ initiative, emphasizing
payments through the Airtel Payments Bank increased localization and exports of
Smart Watch. medical equipment.