G12 Wenjie2022
G12 Wenjie2022
G12 Wenjie2022
The instability of underground spaces in abandoned coal mines with water-immersed rocks is one of the main hazards
hindering the geothermal energy use and ecological restoration of post-mining areas. This study conducted graded cyclic
loading–unloading tests of five groups of sandstone samples with different water contents. The evolution of input, elastic,
dissipated, damping, and plastic energies were explored, considering the damping effect. The normalized plastic energy
serves to characterize the damage evolution of sandstone samples, whose failure characteristics were analyzed from both
the macroscopic and microscopic perspectives. X-ray diffraction technique and scanning electron microscopy were used
to reveal the softening mechanism of sandstone. The results show that under graded cyclic loading, input energy, elastic
energy, and dissipated energy all increase gradually, and the fraction of elastic energy increases gradually at first and then
tends to stabilize. The variation in the fraction of dissipated energy is opposite to that of elastic energy. In each cycle, the
input energy is stored primarily in the form of elastic energy, whereas the dissipated energy is used primarily to overcome
the damping of sandstone. When the normalized number of cycles approached unity, the plastic energy fraction sharply
increases, while that of the dampening energy drops abruptly. With increasing water content, the effect of pore water on the
lubrication, the water wedge, and dissolution of mineral particles becomes more obvious, reducing the elastic-storage limit
of sandstone, meanwhile the sandstone damage factor increases significantly under the same cycle and the failure mode
changes from brittle to ductile.
1 Introduction
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Complex water–rock interactions, physical effects, and the hysteresis effect of rocks and the energy dissipated by
chemical reactions commonly occur in abandoned coal damping. The present study thus considers uniaxial load-
mines due to tidal action and water erosion, significantly ing and cyclic loading–unloading tests of sandstone samples
deteriorating rock stability and residual strength. This issue with different water contents and determines the mechanical
was addressed by numerous scholars, who investigated the response of sandstone samples with different water contents
mechanical characteristics and failure mechanism of water- under graded cyclic loading–unloading. Considering the vis-
bearing rocks (Wong et al. 2016; Hashiba et al. 2015; Guo coelastic properties of sandstone, we determine how damp-
et al. 2021) and conducted post-peak cyclic loading–unload- ing and dissipated energy evolve. How sandstone damage
ing tests for coarse sandstone in natural and water-saturated evolves during the deformation and failure is also quantita-
conditions (Niu et al. 2018). The latter found that the water- tively described based on the energy principle. Macroscopic
saturated coarse sandstone exhibited a more significant crack propagation within sandstone samples was monitored
increase in lateral and volumetric strains compared with the using digital speckle technology. Scanning electron micros-
natural condition. In uniaxial loading–unloading tests, water copy (SEM) was used to image the microstructure of fractured
saturation had an apparent softening effect on post-peak sandstone samples. Finally, the mechanism by which water
fractured coarse sandstone strength and elastic modulus. immersion weakens the mechanical properties of the sandstone
Zhou et al. (2016) conducted static and dynamic mechani- is revealed. These research findings offer theoretical support
cal tests of sandstone samples with different water contents for evaluating the safety and stability of rocks in coal mine
under the dry–wet cycles. They found that water-bearing underground reservoirs.
sandstone could gradually restore its mechanical character-
istics in dry conditions. The tensile strength of drying ver- 2 Energy conversion theory considering
sus water-immersed sandstone with the same water content viscoelastic deformation
differs. Hua et al. (2019) compared the mechanical fracture
characteristics of sandstone under dry–wet cycling and long- Under cyclic loading, the entire process of sandstone defor-
term water immersion and reported that dry–wet cycling mation and failure is accompanied by energy accumulation,
causes more significant deterioration due to sandstone frac- release, and dissipation. To use the first law of thermodynam-
ture than long-term water immersion. Rock damage and ics, we assume that the sandstone does not exchange thermally
failure are closely related to energy accumulation, dissipa- with the environment during deformation and failure, and we
tion, and release. Therefore, some scholars have analyzed neglect any radiant energy and acoustic-emission energy. The
how water affects rocks from an energy perspective (Li et al. work done by the press machine on the sandstone samples is
2015; Wang et al. 2017). Chen et al. (2019) pointed out that the total input energy. As shown in Fig. 1 and according to
the amount of energy released upon sandstone compaction Xie et al. (2005), the energy accumulated in each cycle can be
and elastic deformation stages increases significantly. The calculated by Eqs. (1)–(4):
water content increases and the amount of energy released
after failure decreases. A higher water content leads to a
Ui = Uei + Udisi , (1)
reduction of sandstone brittleness and enhances its plastic
deformation. Geng et al. (2020) conducted uniaxial com-
pression tests on dry, water-bearing, and saturated sandstone
samples. Their results show that the water-softened sand-
stone is more prone to ductile damage and releases less elas-
tic energy. Ma et al. (2018) carried out uniaxial compression
testing of gypsum rocks under different durations of water
immersion, and the results show that the input, elastic, and
dissipated energies of gypsum rock decrease with increasing
water-immersion time. Using a constitutive damage model
based on energy dissipation, they further described the dam-
age characteristics of gypsum rock weakened by water and
under a uniaxial load.
As discussed above, the mechanical characteristics, energy
evolution, and failure modes of water-bearing sandstone dur-
ing deformation and failure processes have been extensively
studied. However, studies are scarce on the evolution of resid-
ual plastic strain in sandstone with different water content
and graded cyclic loading. In addition, few works consider Fig. 1 Stress path of cyclic loading–unloading
Energy evolution and water immersion‑induced weakening in sandstone roof of coal mines Page 3 of 14 53
∫ 𝜀c
Uei = 𝜎i− d𝜀i , (3) and its unloading paths differ. Nevertheless, a closed hys-
teresis loop can still be formed for the rock. Stevens et al.
(1980) and Kuwahara et al. (1990) found that, under a load-
𝜀A 𝜀A ing–unloading action, numerous microcracks appear in rocks
∫𝜀o ∫𝜀c
Udisi = Ui − Uei = 𝜎i+ d𝜀i − 𝜎i− d𝜀i , (4) only when the stress during the second loading exceeds the
peak stress upon first loading. It was believed that, during
where Ui, Uei, and Udisi are the input, elastic, and dissipated uniaxial graded loading and unloading, no new cracks are
energies of cycle i, respectively, σi+ and σi+1+ are the stresses generated in the rocks if the loading stress is less than the
imposed on loading i and i + 1, respectively, and σi− is the stress during the previous loading. In this case, there would
stress imposed upon unloading i. be no growth in plastic energy. Based on this argumentation,
Rocks are aggregates of mineral particles with complex we assume that sandstone is an elastoplastic material along
mineral composition and structure, which gives them their the stress path from point B to point C upon unloading and
significant heterogeneity and anisotropy. In most studies back to point B upon loading. At this stage, the sandstone
on energy evolution in rocks under graded cyclic loading undergoes elastoplastic deformation, and the elastic energy
and unloading, rocks are treated as elastoplastic materials. is not dissipated. The energy lost during this cycle is the
The area enclosed by the cyclic loading–unloading curve work done by damping that arose from rock viscosity.
and the coordinate axis (Udisi) is treated as the energy that Similarly, we assume that the sandstone does exchange
causes rock damage and failure. However, such an assump- thermally with the environment (thermal radiation and
tion neglects the viscous friction between mineral particles acoustic-emission energy are neglected). Thus, the area of
and the liquid. Therefore, the plastic energy causing rock the hysteresis loop BCB is the energy dissipated by over-
damage is not differentiated from the damping energy spent coming the viscous friction between the mineral particles
on overcoming the viscous friction. In the present study, we and liquid, i.e., the damping energy Udami. The dissipated
consider the viscoelastic deformation of sand-bearing sand- energy Udi minus this portion of the damping energy is the
stone. For each cyclic loading, the dissipated energy Udisi is plastic energy Upi that causes rock damage. The relationship
split into plastic energy Upi and damping energy Udami. We between these energies and their magnitude can be calcu-
assume that damping does not cause sandstone damage and lated using Eqs. (5)–(7):
failure, and the plastic energy promotes the plastic deforma-
tion of rocks, which weakens the sandstone.
Udisi = Upi + Udami , (5)
The stress path of a single loading–unloading cycle is
analyzed separately, as shown in Fig. 1, where point O is
Udami = (𝜎i+1 − 𝜎i+ )d𝜀i , (6)
the starting point of cyclic-loading curve i, point A is the
end point of cyclic-loading curve i and the starting point of
cyclic-unloading curve i, point B is the intersection between 𝜀A 𝜀A 𝜀B
∫𝜀o ∫ 𝜀C ∫𝜀o
cyclic-unloading curve i and cyclic-loading curve i + 1, point Upi = 𝜎i+ d𝜀i − 𝜎i− d𝜀i − +
(𝜎i+1 − 𝜎i+ )d𝜀i . (7)
C is the end point of cyclic-unloading curve i and the start
point of cyclic-loading curve i + 1, εo, εA, εB, and εC are the
strain at the corresponding coordinates, respectively, and
σA and σB are the stress at the corresponding coordinates,
respectively. The cyclic elastic strain εei for cycle i is defined 3 Experimental setup and test scheme
as the difference between the peak strain εA of cycle i and the
residual plastic strain εC of cycle i, the residual plastic strain 3.1 Sample preparation
εpi is the difference between the strain εo at the starting point
of the loading curve of cycle i (point O) and the strain εC at The sandstone samples were collected from the No. 4 coal
the endpoint of the unloading curve of cycle i. seam roof of the Panbei Coal Mine in Huainan and Huaibei
As shown in Fig. 1, the physical meaning of point B is Mining Area, China. Unweathered sandstone samples with
approximately the stress state during loading–unloading good integrity and uniform texture were sealed in wax at the
cycle i. Unloading starts from this stress state, followed by collection site and transported to the laboratory. According
another loading. Then, the sandstone returns to the initial to the requirements of the International Society for Rock
stress state, thus forming the closed hysteresis loop BCB. Mechanics and Rock Engineering, the sandstone was cut,
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Energy evolution and water immersion‑induced weakening in sandstone roof of coal mines Page 5 of 14 53
curves for different water contents, as shown in Fig. 5. Next, For example, C-25%-1 refers to the uniaxial graded cyclic
the axial pressure at each unloading point was determined loading–unloading test for the first group of samples with a
to design the subsequent cyclic loading–unloading test. The water content of 0.50%, and U-75%-3 refers to the uniaxial
stress-controlled mode was implemented in the uniaxial compression testing of the third group of samples with a
cyclic loading–unloading tests, as shown in Fig. 6. water content of 1.52%.
The loading and unloading rates were both 0.5 MPa/s. Figure 7 shows the XRD results for the mineral composi-
The stress gradient during the loading stage was 5 MPa. The tion of the three groups of sandstone samples with different
target stress of unloading for the unloading stage was set water contents. The sandstone samples were composed of
to 1.25 MPa. The stress path of the uniaxial cyclic load- mineral crystals, including quartz, kaolinite, albite, and cal-
ing–unloading test was 0, 5, 1.25, 10, 1.25, 15, 1.25, 20, cite. The quartz content was the highest of all the minerals
1.25, 25, 1.25, 30 MPa, sample failure, test termination. in the three groups of samples, accounting for about 50%
To facilitate the analysis of the test results, we normalized by mass. The sandstone samples with different water con-
the water content. The saturated water content was defined tents varied in mineral composition and content. The sand-
as 100%. Next, the samples in each group were numbered. stone samples with zero water content contained mainly two
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0 < 𝜆 ≤ 1.
𝜆= , (9)
Energy evolution and water immersion‑induced weakening in sandstone roof of coal mines Page 7 of 14 53
Table 1 Mechanical parameters Sample Water con- Uniaxial compressive Elastic modu- Poisson's ratio Average
under different water contents tent (%) strength (MPa) lus (GPa) softening
approximately linearly versus the normalized number of interconnected and penetrate the samples. The residual plas-
cycles. At this stage, the residual plastic strain decreases tic strain increases slightly versus the normalized number of
rapidly and stabilizes. When the residual strain accumulates cycles. For the same number of normalized cycles, the elas-
to a certain level, microcracks within the sandstone become tic strain of sandstone decreases gradually with increasing
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6.1 Fracture morphology samples gradually evolve from dense structures to lose struc-
tures. The water–rock interaction and the loading–unloading
A Flex SEM1000 was used to image typical fractures in cycles promote damage accumulation and microstructural
dry, semi-saturated, and saturated sandstone samples under changes in sandstone samples.
graded cyclic loading–unloading. Figure 13 shows images
of the microstructural variations in the sandstone samples 6.2 Failure mode
at different magnifications. The images show that the frac-
tures in the dry sandstone samples are serrated, the mineral With the development of monitoring technologies, digital
particles form dense structures, and the cementing materi- imaging methods have become instrumental for studying
als between the particles are compacted. Some micropores macroscopic-crack propagation in rocks. The preparation
and cracks appear only along the mineral particle bounda- of artificial speckles on the surface of the water-bearing
ries and in the cementing materials. In the semi-saturated sandstone samples increases the test duration. To mitigate
sandstone samples, the microstructure patterns vary sig- this problem, we used the PhotoInfor and PostViewer image
nificantly. Corrosion pits appeared on the particle surfaces. analysis software packages to determine sandstone defor-
Numerous secondary minerals and residues adhere to the mation and failure during the tests (Li et al. 2006), which
mineral particle surfaces. In the saturated sandstone sam- show the evolution of strain at the surface of the sandstone
ples, significant dissolution and corrosion of the calcareous samples as a function of water content.
cement are apparent in loose structures. The cracks develop Figure 14 shows the cloud maps of the strain field at dif-
and propagate, and the mineral particles are more rounded. ferent time points for the corresponding number of cycles
As analyzed above, the degree of cementation decreases in in dry, semi-saturated (water content 1.01%), and water-
sandstone due to water immersion. The frictional damping saturated sandstone samples under graded cyclic load-
between the particles weakens. Consequently, the sandstone ing–unloading. According to Fig. 14a, after twenty cycles,
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Fig. 14 Cloud maps of sandstone strain field with different water contents under graded cyclic loading–unloading conditions
cracks successively initiate from the upper and lower edges some ductile features. Meanwhile, more and more second-
of the dry sandstone sample. Later, the cracks propagate in ary fissures are generated near the main fracture, resulting
the principal stress direction and develop into three tensile in increasingly complicated patterns in the strain field cloud
cracks growing parallel to the loading direction. The sand- maps. The most probable explanation is that the sandstone
stone sample then undergoes a splitting failure. According bulk becomes damaged due to lubrication, wedging, and cor-
to Fig. 14b, cracks successively initiate from the upper-right rosion by water. As a result, a shear zone appears. In addi-
and the lower-middle parts of the semi-saturated sandstone tion, as the water content increases, the shear zone within
sample. The cracks first propagated along the loading direc- the sample became increasingly prominent. The presence
tion and then merge into a single crack. The sandstone sam- of the shear zone contributes to the shear slip failure of the
ples fail in tensile-shear mixed mode. According to Fig. 14c, sandstone samples under stress.
cracks initiate from the middle of the saturated sandstone
sample and gradually propagate. Inclined cracks are gener-
ated in the upper and lower parts of the sample. The sand- 7 Discussion
stone sample has a single inclined-plane shear failure mode.
As the water content increases, the failure mode changes According to the above analyses, the mechanical properties
from tensile-brittle cleavage fracture in the dry state to of sandstone samples permanently deteriorates as the water
tensile-shear mixed-mode failure. In the water-saturated content increases, whereas the damage accumulates gradu-
state, sandstone samples undergo single shear failure with ally. Both the compressive strength and the energy-storage
Energy evolution and water immersion‑induced weakening in sandstone roof of coal mines Page 13 of 14 53
characteristics deteriorate significantly. This phenomenon is physical action. The area of rock-water interaction increases,
primarily attributed to physical interactions between water and the area and degree of bonding between mineral lparti-
and sandstone, which are briefly summarized below. cles decreases. The mineral-particle skeleton is thus gradu-
“Coal measures” is a lithostratigraphic term for the coal- ally weakened. The sandstone samples become looser and
bearing part of the upper carboniferous system, which con- weaker in structure, the brittleness decreases, and the failure
sists of rocks such as claystone, shale, siltstone, and sand- mode changes from brittle to ductile.
stone, interstratified with the beds of coal. Coal measures
sandstone is a sedimentary rock composed of mineral par-
ticles of varying sizes and shapes. It has many bulk defects,
including microcracks, fissures, and pores. In water-immer- 8 Conclusions
sion tests, the water first rapidly fills the pores and fissures
between the mineral particles. If the water immersion lasts (1) The content and composition of rock-forming miner-
for a long period, the pore water gradually permeates to the als in sandstone have no clear relationship with water
surface of the mineral particle to form bound water. Under content. However, with increasing water content, the
the external force action, the sandstone samples undergo uniaxial compressive strength, elastic modulus, and
frictional slip between the mineral particles. As the amount elastic storage limit of sandstone all gradually decrease,
of bound water increases on the mineral particle surfaces, its and the elastic strain of sandstone decreases under the
lubricating and softening effects are enhanced, which weak- same normalized cycle.
ens the bonding between particles, decreasing the frictional (2) Under graded cyclic loading and unloading, the input
coefficient and the cohesive force within the sandstone. energy of sandstone is stored mostly in the form of elas-
According to SEM and XRD analysis of typical fractures, tic energy, whereas the dissipated energy is mostly in
the sandstone is mainly composed of quartz, feldspar, and the form of work to overcome damping. The larger the
clay minerals; on the microscopic scale, the fracture sur- water content of sandstone, the faster the growth of the
face gradually rounds. The cracks and fissures within the damage factor, and the water accelerates the mechanical
sandstone samples are the primary sites where the physi- damage of sandstone. With increasing cycle number,
cal and mechanical interactions occurred between water the proportion of damping energy increases gradually
and rocks. As the water content increases, the calcareous first and then tends to stabilize. When the normalized
cement is more likely to dissolve and corrode upon contact cycle number approaches unity, the fraction of damp-
with water, and the soluble substances enter the immersion ing energy plummets, and that of the plastic energy
solution due to the movement of the water molecules. There- increases sharply.
fore, the pores and fissures grow and become more rounded. (3) With increasing water content, the effect of pore water
In addition, the clay minerals expand due to water absorp- on the lubrication, water wedge, and dissolution of
tion with the water–rock interaction. Expansion stress then mineral particles is enhanced, mineral particles are
concentrates significantly at the crack tip, promoting crack gradually rounded, and friction damping between parti-
initiation and propagation. The mineral particles on the sur- cles is weakened, which makes the sandstone gradually
faces of new cracks then undergo another round of physical evolve from a dense structure to a weak structure. More
reactions, including dissolution and expansion due to water and more secondary fractures appear around the main
absorption. These interactions promote the continuous dam- fractures in sandstone, and the strain field becomes
age and failure of sandstone. Under the joint action of these more and more complex. The failure mode of sandstone
factors, the macro-mechanical parameters and the energy- gradually changes from tension-splitting brittle failure
storage characteristics of sandstone deteriorate as the water to shear failure.
content increases.
The analysis of the test results reveals that the deteriora-
tion of the mechanical parameter and the failure modes of Acknowledgements The authors are grateful for the financial sup-
port from the key scientific research project of Shanxi Province (No.
sandstone samples vary with water content, which implies 57820191101016), the bidding project of Shanxi Province of China
that the physical impact of water on sandstone depends on (No. 20191101016), and the Doctoral Innovation Fund of Anhui Uni-
the stage of water immersion. At the initial stage of water versity of Science and Technology (No. 2021CX1003).
immersion, the water–rock interaction primarily features the
absorption of water molecules by mineral particles. With Availability of data and materials The datasets used and/or analyzed
in the current study are available from the corresponding author upon
the extension of soaking time, the water–rock interaction reasonable request.
is dominated by the swelling purification of clay minerals,
and the physical reaction is gradually enhanced. The second-
ary porosity increases within the sandstone samples under
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