RYOBI 30inch Electrical Diag

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Ryobi 30” Riding Mower RY48130/131

Electrical Components Troubleshooting and Testing

Anderson, South Carolina J.Davis 1-6-2020

Table of Contents
• WARNING 3 • Testing Slave Blade Motor Controller 24
• DMM and Other Tools 4 • Controller layout 27
• Testing Master and Slave Deck Motors 29
• Component Locations 6
• Testing Drive Motor 30
• Testing Drive Motor Hall Sensors 31
• Main Battery Connection 8 • Testing 48V-12V Converter and fuse 33
• Testing Main Fuse 9 • Relay Basics 35
• Testing Battery Voltage 10 • Testing Relay 36
• Testing Relay Diode 38
• Control Panel 11
• Testing Charge port and interlock 39
• Testing PTO Switch 12 • Testing DeltaQ Battery Charger 40
• Testing RMO Switch 13 • Testing Temperature Sensor 43
• Testing Cruise Switch 14 • Wire Harness 44
• Testing Fuel Gage / Hour Meter 16 • DeltaQ Charger Error Codes 42
• Troubleshooting 45
• Testing Key Switch 17
• Mower Error Beep Codes 45
• Testing Headlight Switch 15 • Checklist and Beep Codes 46
• Testing LED Headlight Assembly 18 • Electronic Tips for the echanical Small Engine Tech 47
• Testing Accelerator (angular transducer) 19 • Electronics Terms, Symbols, and Tools 48
• Testing Brake Switch 20 • Using the DMM to Measure Volts 49
• Using the DMM to Measure Resistance 50
• Testing Beeper 21
• Battery Bank Connections 51
• Testing Seat Switch 22 • Revision Log 53
• Testing Master Blade Deck Motor Controller 23

Technicians should wear personal protective equipment, such as rubber
gloves and safety glasses
Dangerous voltages /currents are present. Exercise caution at all times

This manual assumes knowledge of basic electrical equipment such as DMM (Digital Multi Meter)
and clamping Amp Meter to measure voltage, current, resistance, continuity, and diodes.

< Table of Contents

Digital Multi Meter (DMM)

Typical DMM (Fluke 87). Note dial

is set to the “DIODE” function.
this function will be used in
some of the following procedures.

Note where the red and black banana jacks

of the test leads are connected to the DMM.

< Table of Contents
Other Helpful Tools and Parts

12V output

5V output

< Table of Contents 5

Component Locations
Charge port

Access panel Seat

(under seat) Switch
DC-DC Drive
converter Controllers


Transducer Brake Switch
Headlights 6
< Table of Contents
Component Locations

(photo of 4 controllers mounted)

Main Battery Connection

The main battery disconnect is located directly under the seat

access cover. It may takes considerable pressure to separate the halves.
If you cannon separate by hand, you may need a blunt instrument to push
in the hole as indicated.

Note that one half of the connector is screwed to the frame and will not
move. Be careful not to damage the connector.
< Table of Contents 8
Testing Main Fuse
IMPORTANT: If the main fuse is blown, find the source of problem before replacing fuse
1. Disconnect main battery connection
2. Open the plastic box to access
main fuse.

3. Set DMM to Resistance

Measure where indicated below.
Ensure the nuts are tight, but not
overtightened, as this can cause the fuse
to twist and break.
If fuse is blown, replace only with the same physical
size and same Amperage and Voltage.

100 A

Available through Mouser.com:

< Table of Contents ANrUFDYiXijkKFVNOmg1Ki%2Fxo%3D 9
Testing Battery Voltage
1. Set DMM to “DC Volt” mode.
2. Turn mower on.
3. Pull PTO switch up (Power Take Off/Blade Engage knob) to load the battery for more
accurate measurement.
4. Place RED DMM probes indicated by red arrow, BLACK probe by black arrow

Charge Indicator LED

Charger Interlock
Note: If a valid voltage
Cannot be read, the electronics
built into the charge port may be
+ bad. In this event, Find the blue
connector which connects directly
to the batteries. Disconnect it, and
measure battery voltage
Approx 48V DC

< Table of Contents Note: Some mowers have a different pattern of Indexing pin(s).
When requesting repair parts, send a picture of this connector to ensure proper parts 10
for the charger and charge port
Control Panel
PTO (Blades) Switch Key Switch Fuel Gage

HeadLights Reverse Mode Option

< Table of Contents

Testing PTO (Power Take Off) Switch
1. Mower Power OFF Note: Make sure
2. DMM set to measure spade lugs are
Resistance secure. They should
5V be locked in place
and should not come
loose if the wires are
pulled on.
3. Insert DMM probes where indicated. Note: 3 terminals are not connected

When red button is PULLED OUT, the

switch is CLOSED (very LOW resistance or
continuity) typically 0 Ohms

4. When red button is PUSHED IN, the

switch is OPEN (very HIGH resistance or
no continuity) typical 12K Ohms when in circuit
< Table of Contents
Testing RMO Switch
2. Set DMM to “Diode” mode.

3. Touch leads where Indicates unused terminals

indicated. LED should light

(polarity of probes does not

4. Set DMM to Resistance mode.

Switch is normally open (N.O.).
Measure continuity when
button held in. Measure high
< Table of Contents resistance when released (10K).
(or open circuit when not connected) 13
Testing Cruise Switch
2. Set to DMM “Diode” mode.

Indicates unused terminals

3. Touch DMM leads where
Indicated. LED should light
(polarity of probes does not 6.4V

4. Set DMM to Resistance mode.

Switch is Normally Open (N.O.).
Measure continuity when
< Table of Contents button held in, high resistance
when button released.
Testing Headlight Switch
1. Disconnect Main Power from Mower.
2. DMM set to “Diode” mode.

3. Touch leads where

indicated. LED should light
(polarity of probes does not

4. Set DMM to Resistance mode

This is a latching switch.
Pressing the button alternates between open
and closed switch.

< Table of Contents 15

Testing Fuel Gauge / Hour Meter

Indicates unused terminals

1. Connect main battery connector. A
2. Turn mower key switch ON. K

3. Set DMM to measure Volts.

4. Measure for Battery voltage (approximately 48V)
between each colored wire and the black wire.

< Table of Contents 16

Testing Key Switch
1. Disconnect main battery terminals.
2. Set DMM to measure Resistance.

Note this switch operates at 48V DC

OFF position: No continuity between the 2 wires (approx 3.6M if connected)

ON position: Continuity between green the 2 wires

< Table of Contents 17

Testing Head Light Assembly

+ _
1. Power on Mower. To test Headlight module independently:
2. Turn on Headlights.
3. Set DMM to measure Volts. 1. Disconnect Headlight from wire harness.
4. Measure for 12V at harness. 2. Supply 12V to the connector as shown above.
Nominal current: 275mA
< Table of Contents 18
Testing Angular transducer (Accelerator)
1. Set DMM to measure Volts.
2. Disconnect Accelerator
3. Turn mower on.
4. Measure 5V between red
and black wires on harness.
0-3.6V typical

To Test Transducer Independently:

1. Set DMM to measure Volts.
2. Connect 5V power to Red wire and ground
to black wire on transducer.
3. Place probes on White (signal wire)
and black (ground).
3. Slowly turn the accelerator with a coin.
Voltage should change gradually between
< Table of Contents 0V and approx. 4.75V. 19
Testing Brake Switch
1. Turn Power Off.
2. Disconnect brake switch connector.
3. Measure voltage at the contacts.
5.4V nominal when plunger depressed

To test brake switch independently:

1. Power OFF Mower.
2. Set DMM to measure Resistance.
3. Connect DMM leads to black and red

Continuity when plunger is NOT pressed.
High resistance when plunger pressed. Plunger
< Table of Contents
Testing the Beeper
Test by disconnecting connector and
connecting 12V “+” to red wire
and “-” to black ground wire of beeper.

Or put mower in Reverse.

This should cause beeper to activate.

To measure the voltage at the harness:

1. Set DMM to measure voltage.
2. Set mower to REVERSE.
2. Place probes in harness socket.
3. Measurement display should
alternate between 0 and 12V.

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Testing Seat Switch
Seat Switch is Normally Open (N.O.)

1. Power Mower OFF.

2. Set DMM to measure Resistance.
3. Disconnect seat switch connectors.
4. Measure continuity when switch is pressed.
5. Measure very high resistance when switch is released.
0-.2 Ohms nominal continuity when pressed

To Measure the harness:

1. Turn ON the mower.
2. Set DMM to Volts.
3. Measure 5VDC between the 2 pins on the harness.

Note: this switch operates at 5V.

< Table of Contents

Testing Master Blade Controller
Test for short circuit:
1. Disconnect all connectors to Master Controller.
2. Temporarily touch a wire between “+” and “-” wires to drain capacitance.
3. Set meter to Resistance Mode.
4. Connect DMM probes to heavy red wire (power)
and heavy black (ground) wire to check for short circuit

Typical resistance: 1.46M

Check resistance of controller output:

1. Set DMM to Resistance Mode.
2. Check continuity between any two terminals .
3. Check continuity between other terminals.
4. Both measurements should be nearly identical.
Note: Master Controller is identified by
Typical resistance: 18K Ohms additional large square connector as shown

Slave Controller does not have this connector

Test Power and Ground to output circuitry

Set DMM to “Diode” mode
1. Connect black lead of DMM to heavy black wire (ground).
2. Sequentially connect the red probe wire to each pin shown above.
3 Meter should read “Open” for each pin.
3. Connect black lead of DMM to heavy RED wire (ground).
4. Sequentially connect the red probe to each pin.
DMM should measure approx .48V for each pin (indicating diode good).
< Table of Contents 23
Testing Slave Blade Controller
Test for short circuit:
1. Disconnect all connectors to Master Controller.
2. Temporarily touch a wire between “+” and “-” wires to drain capacitance.
3. Set meter to Resistance Mode.
4. Connect DMM probes to heavy red wire (power)
and heavy black (ground) wire to check for short circuit.

Nominal resistance: 1.46M Ohms

Check for resistance controller output:

1. Set DMM to Resistance Mode.
2. Check continuity between any two terminals. Note: Master Controller is identified by large
3. Check continuity between two other terminals. square connector (see previous page).

Nominal resistance: 18K Ohms Slave Controller does not have this connector.

Test Power and Ground to output circuitry

1. Connect black lead of DMM to heavy black wire (ground).
2. Sequentially connect the red probe wire to each pin. Meter should measure “open”.
3. Connect black lead of DMM to heavy RED wire (ground).
4. Sequentially connect the red probe to each pin (diode test .4V).
Meter should measure approximately .48V.

< Table of Contents 24

Testing Drive Controller
Test for short circuit:
1. Set meter to Resistance Mode.
2. Connect DMM probes to heavy red wire (power)
and heavy black (ground) wire to check for short circuit.

Nominal resistance: 750K Ohms

Check resistance in controller output:

1. Set DMM to Resistance Mode.
2. Check continuity between any two terminals (heavy Yellow and heavy green for example).
3. Check continuity between two other terminals (2 and 3 for example).
4. The 2 measurements should be nearly identical.

Nominal resistance: 20K Ohms

Test Power and Ground Resistance at output circuitry
1. Connect black lead of DMM to heavy black wire (ground). U
2. Sequentially connect the red probe wire to each pin.
3. The measurements should be nearly identical.
Nominal resistance : open circuit

3. Connect black lead of DMM to heavy RED wire (ground).

4. Sequentially connect the red probe to each pin. W
5. The measurements should be nearly identical.

Nominal resistance 10L Ohms

< Table of Contents

Testing Master and Slave Deck Motors

1. Disconnect Motor from controller.

2. Set DMM to Resistance mode.
3. Measure between any 2 pins.
4. Measure between other pins.
5. Measurements should be nearly identical.
Nominal resistance .1 Ohm

< Table of Contents

Test Drive Motor
1. Set DMM to Resistance mode
2. Measure resistance between heavy green
and heavy yellow wire.
3 Measure resistance between heavy green
and heavy blue wire.
4. Measurements should be nearly identical.

Nominal resistance: .1 Ohm

< Table of Contents

Testing Drive Motor Hall Sensors
(in Mower)
Set meter to “Volts”
1. Touch red probe to red wire.
2. Black probe to black wire.
3. Should measure 4-5V.

Leave black probe connected to black wire.

1. touch red probe to yellow wire

Slowly rotate motor. Voltage should
Jump between 0V and 4-5V.
2. repeat with green wire.
3. repeat with blue wire.
< Table of Contents
Testing Drive Motor Hall Sensors
1. Turn off mower.
2. Disconnect all wires from motor to mower.
3. Apply 5V (red to red, black to black).
Note: a cell phone charger and scrap USB cord can be used to supply 5V.

Repeat measurements from previous page,

while turning the motor slowly by hand.

< Table of Contents

Testing 48V-to-12V (DC-DC) Converter
Testing Converter Fuse:
2. Check continuity of fuse.
3. If fuse is bad, replace only with same type
and Amperage.
Testing Converter:
1. Turn mower on. Set DMM to “Volts”
2. Measure ~48V between Red and black wire
as indicated.
3. Check for 12V output at blue and yellow wire.
To test Converter Module Independently:
1. Apply 48V “+” to Red AND Yellow wire.
2. Apply “-” to black wire.
3. Check for 12V output at blue and green wire.

Red and Black are 48V input

Blue and green are 12V output
Yellow is a control wire (48V) to turn on the output
< Table of Contents
Relay Basics
Relay A relay consist of an electromagnet
+ and a switch, controlled by the electromagnet,
within a single package
+12V 48V
When 12V is supplied to the two small terminals
on the left of the relay, it causes the switch to
close and supply 48V to the mower.
When 12V is absent, the switch will automatically
Diode Electromagnet Switch open, causing the mower to shut off
or “coil”
It is standard practice to add a diode across the
electromagnet to suppress spikes. It is very
Important to connect the diode in the correct
< Table of Contents
Testing the Relay
+ General rules of thumb:

+12V 48V 1. When you turn on mower, you should

hear a “clunk” when the relay engages.
and also when you turn off the mower

- and the relay disengages.

2. If headlights work, the relay is good

Diode Electromagnet Switch
or “coil” 3. If the relay “chatters”, ensure all
nuts are securely tightened on the relay

< Table of Contents

Testing Relay (Detailed)
1. Power Mower ON.
2. Set DMM to “DC Volts”.
3. Listen for relay to engage.
3. If no sound is heard check for 12V on the
small terminals of relay
(under the black caps)
POS Alternate method to test relay
NEG (+) independent of mower:
(-) 1. unbolt one leg of diode, if equipped.
2. Set DMM to measure Resistance.
3. Connect DMM to large terminals.
4. Apply 12V to small terminals as indicated
5. You should hear a click as the relay is
activated, and measure small resistance
at relay terminals. When power is
< Table of Contents removed, should be no continuity
Nominal resistance 1.5 Ohms
Testing Relay Diode
Diode Test:
1. Turn Mower OFF.
2. Unbolt one leg of diode and
disconnect from the circuit.
Diode (this is to ensure current flows
only through the diode)
3. Set DMM to “Diode”.
4. Connect red lead at red arrow,
black lead at black arrow.
DMM should read approx .7V.
5. Reverse the red and black leads.
DMM should read “open circuit”
6. Replace or reconnect diode.
IMPORTANT: Make sure diode is
installed correctly. Band on
diode indicates polarity.

< Table of Contents Note: diode is normally covered with heat shrink tube.
This is removed in photo to show the diode band 34
Testing the Charge Port and Interlock
1. Turn mower on.
2. Turn headlights on.
3. Connect a jumper wire as shown.
(any insulated wire will do.)
4. Green charge LED should glow as shown.
5. Mower should shut down (relay clicks,
headlights go out).
6. Remove the jumper wire.
7. After a few seconds, the mower
should come back on (relay clicks) and
headlights light again.

< Table of Contents

Testing the Battery Charger
1. Refer to photos on next page for this procedure
2. Disconnect main battery connection.
3. Disconnect the blue charger wire connector
4. Connect the red alligator clip to the charger plug.
5. Connect the 2 black alligator clips to the other 2 plugs on the charger connector
6. Plug the charger into a 120V outlet.
7. Connect the other end of the jumper wires to the blue connector as shown (red to red, black to black)
8. Reconnect main battery connection.
9. The Charger LED should blink green.
10. This is a temporary test. Remove wires immediately after test. Test should only take a few second

Note: There are no electronics needed for this test. But you will need suitable 12 gage wires
as shown. This procedure will charge the batteries (if the charger and batteries are good). Use caution
Especially If using alligator clip jumper wires. Wear rubber gloves and eye protection.

< Table of Contents

Testing the DeltaQ Battery Charger
Alligator clips
CLIPS Charger good

12 AWG wire

Alligator clips

Testing the battery MAIN
charger usingPOWER LAST
commonly available alligator clips/jumper wires.
Be sure connections are secure and will not short together or against other objects
< Table of Contents
Delta-Q Charger Error Codes

< Table of Contents 38

Testing the Temperature Sensor
• Disconnect the plastic connector
• Set Meter to measure resistance.
• At room temperature, measurement should be approx. 10K Ohms.
• As the sensor is heated, the resistance will decrease.
• If sensor is not connected, the charger will blink an error code.

< Table of Contents

Wire Harness

< Table of Contents 40

Unit Response Issue Check

Key Turned ON wit user on seat Relay activates powering the 12V circuit Battery Dead short
Battery and hour meter activated Open Relay (you should hear the relay close)
Power to the controllers No power after turning Key Defective power converter (12V power supply)

Power to headlight switch and Lights Charer still plugged into mower
Power to the RMO switch Charger port lockout circuit failure

Power to the F-N-R switch Charger port plug failure (blue connection plug in battery area)
Power to the PTO switch

Power on, user in seat, accelerator Power supplied to drive motor for
depressed direction selected No Movment Parking Brake (Is it disengaged)

Parking Brake switch defective

Accelerator defective
Drive controller defective
Seat switch not activated or defective

Power on, user in seat, PTO pulled, FWD Signal from PTO switch activated to
or Rev supply power to blade motors No blade movement PTO switch ssignal failure
Controller Connections unplugged or loose
Motor Connections unplugged or loose
Motor Controller failure
Motor failure

Power on user in seat, Reverse, RMO

activated, pull PTO Signal from RMO sense a signal to controller to allow PTO switch
to activate controller to supppply power
ot blade motors No blade movement PTO switch signal failure
RMO switch signal failure
Controller Connections unplugged or loose
Motor Connection Unplugged or loose
Motor Controller failure
Motor failure
Power on, headlight switch engaged Power to the LEDs No lights switch failure
LED light failure

Unit begins to charge and LED in charger

Charger plugged in port is on No Charging occurs Charger Plugged in?
Is LED light lit on charger port

Blue Connection in the battery compartment good,

Charger lockout circuit defective
< Table of Contents
Mower Error Beep Codes
testing time Function type function description Beeper condition remark
Alarming number

Seat switch
disconnect seat switch more than 1S,motor stops, Angle sensor is in any location 4 Seat switch on, accelerator back to Zero,
electronic brake works
then motor can run again
Over current Instantaneous current more than 180A, motor stops, Angle sensor is not in zero location 2 The failure disappeared, back the accelerator to

electronic brake works

zero, , motor can run again

Hall failure If Check the hall signal is 0 or 7, the motor stops, Angle sensor is not in zero location 8 The failure disappeared, back the accelerator to

electronic brake works

zero, motor can run again
run the test Release brake, accelerator is effective, can driving
Brake swtich brake switch signal is effective at 200ms, the motor NO the rider again

stops, electronic brake works

stall The current is greater than 10A, the motor is angle sensor is not in zero location 3 The failure disappeared, back the accelerator to

stationary more than 3S, the motor stops, electronic

zero, motor can run again
brake works

The voltage of battery is lower than 39V, continue 1S, The failure disappeared, back the accelerator to
undervoltage 5
the motor stops, electronic brake works. angle sensor is not in zero location zero, motor can run again

angle sensor is not in zero location
飞车 Key on, the voltage of angle sensor > 2.2V, or voltage of 1 The failure disappeared, back the
accelerator <1.8v, the motor stops, electronic brake works
accelerator to zero, motor can run


over temperature 温度>85度持续3s, 电机停转,最大电流 13A,执行转电 angle sensor is not in zero

子刹车 location 7 The failure disappeared, back the

accelerator to zero, motor can run


角度传感器故障 angle sensor is not in zero location

17 The failure disappeared, back the

accelerator to zero, motor can run


AD failure The voltage of AD terminal more than the set maximum, 19

less than set minimum, the motor stops, electronic brake angle sensor is not in zero location
works The failure disappeared, back the

accelerator to zero, motor can run


inspection self failure Flash, Ram, Register inspection fault, the motor stops, angle sensor is not in zero
electronic brake works location 20 Power on again

power on self-inspection MOS failure MOS damage, 15V voltage lese than 10V, more than angle sensor is not in zero 13 Power on again
15V voltage failure 18V location

Pre and Post Repair Checklist
1. Jack rear tires approximately 2” off the ground and support securely with jack stands.
2. Sit on mower.
3. Release the brake.
4. Turn main power key to “ON”. The Fuel Gauge/Hour meter should light up.
5. Put accelerator at full speed and hold. Rear wheels should be turning…
6. Pull PTO knob up, blade motors should run and rear wheels should slow down . Turn off PTO,
ensure blade motors stop.
7. Put accelerator about ½ way down and press cruise. Cruise switch should light and wheels should
continue to turn when accelerator is released.
8. Press RMO button. RMO light should come on.
9. Push REVERSE lever. Turn on PTO. Blades should operate while wheels turn backwards. Beeper
should sound.
10. Press headlights button. Button should light and both headlights should come on.
11. Check that USB has power by verifying blue indicator light is on.
13 Remove yourself from mower seat. Beeping should be heard when there is no weight on chair.
14 Connect charger and verify charging LEDs are working correctly (green)
15 Attempt to start mower and drive away with charger connected. This should not be possible.

< Table of Contents

Electronics Tips for the Mechanical
Small Engine Tech
A service person who has spent many years working on gas mowers may feel
uneasy when working on the new generation of electric mower. If this sounds
like you, fear not, you’re not alone. This section is for you.
Keep in mind you were born with the most powerful trouble shooting tools:

Eyes: LOOK for signs of wear, deformation, disconnection, pinched wires,

charger LED patterns
Ears: LISTEN for beeps (error codes), clicks (relay), squeals (bearings)…
Nose: SMELL overheated components, tranny oil leaks…
Touch: FEEL (carefully) if components are too hot or not warm at all, vibration
Mouth: ASK for help or a second opinion if something is in question. A
second set of eyes and ears can do wonders.
< Table of Contents
Electronic Terms, Symbols, and Tools
Voltage is potential Energy noted by the symbol “V”.
for the scope of this document we are only concerned
with DC voltage. So be sure when setting the DMM to
Measure voltage it is set to DC.

Resistance is opposition to the flow of current.

Resistance is noted by the Greek “Omega” symbol, Digital
which resembles a horse shoe or upside down “u”
Measuring resistance is often used to detect continuity
or a break in a wire or switch.
A Diode is a device that allows current to flow in only
one direction and blocks current flow in the other direction.
A Diode is noted by the symbol
The diode has a white band to indicate the polarity.
Always make sure diode is installed in proper direction

< Table of Contents

White band 46
Using The DMM to measure Volts
Before touching the probes of a DMM to
Anything, be sure DMM it is set to the correct
Setting and probes are inserted into the correct jacks
To measure DC voltage:
1. first set the DMM to measure voltage,
ensuring DC (NOT AC) setting
2. Touch the black probe to ground
3. Touch the Red probe to voltage being measured

DMM shows
12.55V DC battery voltage

< Table of Contents

Using the DMM to Measure Resistance
Before touching the probes of a DMM to
anything, be sure it is set to the correct setting.

Power must be OFF when measuring RESISTANCE,

To measure DC voltage:
1. First, set the DMM to measure resistance
2. Touch the black probe to one point.
3. Touch the red probe to the other point.
The DMM in the photo displays 18.46 K ohms
“K” means Kilo or 1,000 or 18,460 Ohms

< Table of Contents

Battery Bank Connections

Connector color may vary (prototype shown)

< Table of Contents 49
Delta-Q Charger
MR2020 diodes OUT

Q10 17N80C3 (N-chan)

Q11 317T


D1 Bridge rec 110V AC

< Table of Contents 50

Revision Log
12-11-2019 Initial version modeled after 38” rider
12-19-2019 Added Mower Beep codes

< Table of Contents


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