Empathy Gomez Luzardo Alegre
Empathy Gomez Luzardo Alegre
Empathy Gomez Luzardo Alegre
What is
Empathy is the Empathy is linked It usually appears as an Empathy is considered
ability to connect immediate and a value because it is a
to the ability to unconscious reaction,
emotionally with positive quality that
put yourself in because an individual allows a person to
other individuals, someone else's experiences something understand the
because it allows that happens to another
us to recognize,
shoes, connect reactions, attitudes or
as if it were their own feelings of another. It
share and with their needs feeling. However, this is related to other
understand the and understand quality may be more or values, such as
feelings and moods their way of less developed in a person compassion,
of other human acting. and it is possible to generosity, respect,
beings. improve it until it kindness, solidarity and
becomes a habit. tolerance.
Reflection on one's
own words
Understanding other
An empathic person is careful when
communicating with others, since they take people's feelings
into account that their comments may hurt
the feelings of others. A person who acts with empathy seeks
to understand how other individuals feel.
Additionally, you regulate your behavior
taking into account how your actions
may affect others.
Active listening
An empathetic person listens carefully to others
to put themselves in their shoes and realize what
they need.
Respect for the other:
IN PEOPLE Broadly speaking, there are two types of empathy: emotional empathy and cognitive
EMPATHY empathy.
Emotional empathy has to do with Refers to seeing the world through other
sharing feelings with others, to the people's eyes, seeing it from their perspective,
point where one can experience pain putting ourselves in their shoes without
and distress when seeing another necessarily experiencing the associated
person suffering. This is what happens emotions, for example, watching the news and
to many people when they see understanding, paying attention, but not
disturbing news on TV, especially when worrying, seeing it from the intellect, not with
they engage with people close to them our own emotions.
and their lives. But emotional empathy Too much empathy towards others, especially
isn't just about experiencing negative when we prioritize other people's emotions over
emotions. Empathetic people can our own, can lead to experiences of anxiety,
experience a great deal of happiness, depression, and other conditions that affect our
positivity, and joy. physical and mental health.
Opinion We believe that empathy is fundamental as a
human value and in everyday life. It allows us to
understand and share the feelings of others,
strengthening relationships and fostering mutual
Information Made by… understanding. Practicing empathy promotes an
• Catalina Luzardo
environment of respect and collaboration,
Liceo 72
• Alanis Alegre contributing to the construction of a more
• Avril Gomez compassionate and just society.