Digital Teaching Professional Framework Full v2
Digital Teaching Professional Framework Full v2
Digital Teaching Professional Framework Full v2
Full reference guide
2 Education and Training Foundation 3
The Digital Teaching Professional Framework
Who is it for? Why use the framework? sets out three competency levels, adapted from
The framework is designed to support The intention is to help managers and practitioners the European Framework for Digital Competence
practitioners in all the extensive areas of the FE by showing what good teaching with technology of Educators (ref page 9 of the DigCompEdu JRC
and Training sector. looks like and by providing support for developing Science for Policy Report) as follows:
professional practice, not just with the framework
We have tried to use language that is as clear •• Stage 1: Exploring – practitioners assimilate
itself, but also with the accompanying training
and accessible as possible and appropriate for all new information and develop basic digital
needs analysis tool, bite-size training modules and
areas, free from jargon or obscure technological practices.
certified recognition for self-development. The
terms. The word ‘practitioner’ has been used
framework will also aid HR staff by providing a •• Stage 2: Adopting – practitioners apply their
generically to describe the work of teachers, tutors,
framework that can be used strategically as part digital practices and expand them further.
trainers, assessors, lecturers and instructors
of a digital skills strategy and staff development •• Stage 3: Leading – practitioners pass on
from all parts of the sector. Whilst the prototype
plan. their knowledge, critique existing practice
framework does not make explicit reference
to, say, offender learning as yet, most of the and develop new practices.
competences it describes are relevant to most
practitioners throughout most of the FE and
How to use the framework? Note that an individual practitioner may not
Training sector. necessarily be at the same level for each of the
Illustrations of how the framework could be used different elements of the framework.
We would expect the full version of this framework by practitioners are shown in Appendix B using the
to be used mainly by leaders, managers and HR SAMR model developed by Dr Ruben Puentedura,
professionals. It includes a detailed list of activities which is referred to in the ETF EdTech Strategy.
related to each set of competency statements This suggests how the effective use of digital
and a column which cross-references this digital technology can enhance and then transform the
competency framework to other professional teaching and learning process through two levels
frameworks. of enhancement (S-ubstitution and A-ugmentation)
followed by two levels of transformation
There is also a short version of the framework
(M-odifications and R-edefinition).
available to provide a practical reference guide,
which focuses on the competency statements.
Using digital technology to help you
plan for better teaching and learning
8 Planning your teaching Education and Training Foundation 9
Planning and looking for ETF Professional Standards 4, 14
information - how can technology Jisc Digital Capabilities Framework 1.2, 2.1, 5.2
•• Formulate appropriate search I use online search strategies to identify I use search strategies to identify resources I promote the use of digital resources by
strategies to identify digital resources resources and content relevant for which I can modify and adapt to fit the needs providing guidance to colleagues and learners
for teaching and learning. teaching and learning. I am aware of digital of my teaching. I locate apps, games and on effective search strategies and sites that
environments which provide educational resources to enhance learning. I evaluate the curate and review apps for education. I review
•• Select suitable digital resources for
resources. reliability of digital resources and their suitability resources based on clear criteria for relevance
teaching and learning, considering
and give feedback and recommendations on and effectiveness.
the specific learning context and
learning objective.
•• Critically evaluate the credibility
and reliability of digital sources and
•• Consider possible restrictions to the
use or re-use of digital resources
(e.g. copyright, file type, technical
requirements, legal provisions,
•• Assess the usefulness of digital
resources in addressing the learning
objective, the competence levels
of the learner group as well as the
teaching approach chosen.
10 Planning your teaching Education and Training Foundation 11
Designing ETF Professional Standards 4, 13, 16
and adapting Jisc Digital Capabilities Framework 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 5.2
•• Adapt and edit existing digital I create and modify resources using basic I integrate a range of interactive elements and I create complex, interactive digital resources to
resources, where permitted. tools and strategies, I use ‘office’ software games into my teaching resources. I modify and support my teaching objectives, evaluating and
to design and modify e.g. worksheets and combine existing resources to create activities curating digital resources for others.
•• Combine and mix existing digital
quizzes. I create digital presentations for my tailored to the learning context and objectives. I
resources or parts of them, where
teaching sessions. understand the permissions of different licences
attributed to digital resources.
•• Create new digital educational
•• Jointly create with others digital
educational resources.
•• Consider the specific learning
objective, context, teaching approach,
and learner group, when adapting or
creating digital learning resources.
12 Planning your teaching Education and Training Foundation 13
Support for learning and support activities ETF Professional Standards 16, 17, 18
including initial assessment - empowering Jisc Digital Capabilities Framework 6.2, 5.2, 2.3, 1.2
•• Identify learners’ digital skills When planning sessions I include learning I use learning activities to promote learners’ I use innovative formats for activities,
and confidence, plan appropriate activities, assignments and assessments that information and media literacy. I use a range of assignments, assessments and teaching
learning activities, assignments and encourage learners to use digital technologies different teaching strategies to enable learners approaches to promote learners’ information
assessments, to provide relevant to find data or information. to compare and combine information from and media literacy, helping learners to
scaffolding and support for learners different sources. I teach learners how to quote distinguish fact from fiction in online media
with different digital literacy skills. sources of information appropriately. and develop their skills of evidence-based
•• Incorporate learning activities,
assignments and assessments
which encourage and require learners
•• Articulate information needs, to
search for data, information and
content in digital environments,
to access them and to navigate
between them.
•• Create and update personal
search strategies.
•• Adapt search strategies based on
the quality of information found.
•• Analyse, compare and critically
evaluate the credibility and
reliability of sources of data,
information and digital content.
•• Organise, store and retrieve data,
information and content in digital
•• Organise and process information
in a structured environment.
14 Planning your teaching Education and Training Foundation 15
Communication and collaboration ETF Professional Standards 2, 6, 10, 20
with and between colleagues and Jisc Digital Capabilities Framework 4.2, 4.1, 5.2, 3.3
•• Collaborate with other practitioners I make some use of digital technologies for I use digital communities to exchange I use digital technologies to facilitate innovative
on a dedicated project or task, using collaboration with learners. ideas, share and exchange resources and practice. I use digital communities to help others
digital technologies collaboratively develop digital resources. I use develop their digital and teaching competences,
learning activities that encourage learners to collaborating with peers on innovating teaching
•• Share and exchange knowledge,
collaborate and communicate using digital practices.
resources and experiences with
colleagues and peers, using digital
•• Collaboratively develop educational
resources using digital technologies.
•• Incorporate learning activities,
assignments and assessments
which encourage and require learners
•• Use digital technologies for
collaborative processes, and for
co-construction and co-creation of
resources and knowledge.
16 Planning your teaching Education and Training Foundation 17
Communication and collaboration ETF Professional Standards 2, 6, 10, 20
with and between colleagues and Jisc Digital Capabilities Framework 4.2, 4.1, 5.2, 3.3
•• Help learners organise their online I make some use of digital technologies for I use digital technologies for communication I reflect on and re-design communication
communications. communication with professional colleagues in a structured and responsive way, selecting strategies. I contribute to developing a coherent
or support staff. the most appropriate channel. I use learning vision or strategy for using digital technologies
•• Help learners communicate well with
activities that promote learners’ use of digital effectively and responsibly for communication.
peers and experts.
communication, adapting my communication
•• Help learners to engage in effective strategies to meet specific audience needs.
collaboration online.
•• Help learners conduct safe and
appropriate digital communication.
•• Help learners become powerful and
ethical online communicators.
18 Approaches to teaching Education and Training Foundation 19
Using resources to engage learners in
face-to-face, blended and online learning
20 Approaches to teaching Education and Training Foundation 21
Teaching ETF Professional Standards 3, 4, 15
and learning Jisc Digital Capabilities Framework 5.2, 4.2, 3.1, 2.1, 2.3, 3.3
•• Visualise and explain new concepts I use digital resources to visualise and explain I use a range of digital resources and I innovate and implement digital strategies for
in a motivating and engaging way new concepts in a motivating and engaging technologies to create a relevant, rich and active learning. I reflect on, discuss, re-design
using digital technologies e.g. by way, e.g. by using animations or videos, effective digital learning environment. I reflect and innovate teaching strategies for actively
using animations or videos. games and quizzes. on how effective the teaching strategies used engaging learners.
are in increasing learner engagement and active
•• Use motivating and engaging
activities (e.g. games and quizzes) in
digital learning environments.
•• Put learners’ active uses of digital
technologies central to the teaching
•• Allow learners actively to engage
with subject matter using digital
technologies, e.g. using different
senses, manipulating virtual objects,
varying the problem set up to enquire
into its structure, etc.
•• Promote active learning in a given
learning context or for a specific
learning objective using appropriate
digital technologies.
•• Reflect on how suitable the different
digital technologies used are in
increasing learners’ active learning,
and to adapt strategies and choices
22 Approaches to teaching Education and Training Foundation 23
Teaching ETF Professional Standards 3, 4, 15
and learning Jisc Digital Capabilities Framework 5.2, 4.2, 3.1, 2.1, 2.3, 3.3
•• Share resources using links or as I share educational content via e-mail I share teaching and learning resources by I publish self-created digital teaching and
attachments, or on online platforms attachments and links. I am aware that embedding them into digital environments. learning content, annotating shared resources
or personal or institutional websites/ some online teaching resources are subject I protect any personal and sensitive data of and allowing others to comment, rate, modify,
blogs. to copyright and that they may need to be my learners and restrict others’ access as re-arrange or add to them.
quality-assured. appropriate, correctly referencing copyrighted
•• Share one’s own repositories of
resources with others, managing
their access and rights as
•• Identify and respect copyright
restrictions to using, re-using and
modifying digital resources.
•• Appropriately reference sources
when sharing or publishing resources
subject to copyright.
•• Attribute (open) licences to self-
created resources.
•• Take measures to protect sensitive
data and resources (e.g. learners’
grades, exams).
•• Share administrative and learner-
related data with colleagues and
24 Approaches to teaching Education and Training Foundation 25
Teaching ETF Professional Standards 1, 3, 4, 12, 14
context: Jisc Digital Capabilities Framework 5.2, 3.3, 4.2, 4.3
•• Use learning environment I use the learning environment technologies I consider the social settings and interaction I use digital technologies to innovate my
technologies to support teaching, and resources that are available to me, e.g. modes when integrating digital technologies teaching strategies. I provide full courses
e.g. electronic whiteboards, mobile digital whiteboards, projectors, PCs, Wifi, in my teaching to increase variation. I set up or learning modules in a digital learning
devices, local intranet. intranet, choosing appropriate technologies learning sessions or other interactions in a environment. I experiment with and develop new
for learning objectives and contexts. I provide digital environment to support my learners and formats and teaching strategies.
•• Structure sessions so that different
access to online resources for my learners. enhance learning.
(practitioner-led and learner-led)
digital activities jointly reinforce the
learning objective.
•• Structure and manage content,
collaboration and interaction in a
digital environment.
•• Consider how practitioner-led digital
interventions can best support the
learning objective.
•• Reflect on the effectiveness and
appropriateness of the digital
teaching strategies chosen and
flexibly adjust methods and
•• Experiment with and develop new
formats and teaching methods (e.g.
flipped classroom).
26 Approaches to teaching Education and Training Foundation 27
Teaching ETF Professional Standards 3, 4, 6, 11, 12
context: blended Jisc Digital Capabilities Framework 5.2, 4.1, 3.1, 2.3, 3.3
•• Set up learning activities in digital I use some digital strategies to interact with I set up learning sessions to support a blended When teaching, I use digital technologies to
environments, having identified learners. I use digital technologies, e.g. a teaching approach, interacting with my learners, develop new forms and formats for offering
learners’ needs for guidance and discussion forum, to respond to learners’ monitoring their behaviour and providing guidance and support.
catering for them. concerns. individual guidance and support as needed. I
experiment with new digital forms and formats
•• Interact with learners in digital
for offering guidance and support.
•• Digitally monitor learner behaviour
and offer guidance when needed.
•• Use digital technologies to remotely
monitor learner progress and
intervene when needed, while
allowing for self-regulation.
•• Experiment with and develop new
forms and formats for offering
guidance and support, using digital
•• Experiment with and develop new
formats and teaching methods (e.g.
flipped classroom, inquiry-based
learning, peer assessment).
28 Approaches to teaching Education and Training Foundation 29
Teaching context: fully online – towards ETF Professional Standards 15, 11, 17
a community of learning (some activities Jisc Digital Capabilities Framework 5.2, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 6.1, 6.2
may not be possible in Offender Learning) EU Framework for Digital Competence of Educators 3
•• Set up learning activities in digital I use some digital technologies to interact I use digital technologies to interact with my When teaching online, I use digital technologies
environments, having foreseen with learners, e.g. online forums, to respond learners, monitor behaviour, provide individual to innovate guidance provision and encourage
learners’ needs for guidance and to learners’ questions or doubts. support and guidance and monitor learner the development of communities of learning,
catering for them. behaviour. I experiment with new forms and remotely monitored with intervention when
formats for offering guidance and support for needed, whilst allowing for self-regulation.
•• Interact with learners in digital
learning, using digital technologies.
environments and encourage them to
interact with each other.
•• Digitally monitor learner behaviour
during a session and offer guidance
when needed.
•• Encourage the development of
learner groups for peer learning and
discussion, remotely monitored with
intervention when needed, while
allowing for self-regulation.
•• Use digital technologies to develop
and establish communities of
30 Supporting learners to develop employability skills Education and Training Foundation 31
Using digital technologies to improve
employment prospects for your learners
32 Supporting learners to develop employability skills Education and Training Foundation 33
Supporting ETF Professional Standards 13, 15, 16, 17
digital Jisc Digital Capabilities Framework 5.2, 1.1, 6.1
•• Use digital technologies (e.g. blogs, I support learners to develop their digital I use digital technologies or environments I develop new digital formats and/or teaching
diaries, planning tools) to allow capabilities and employability skills in self- (e.g. ePortfolios, blogs, diaries, planning tools) approaches to support self-regulated learning
learners to plan their own learning. regulated learning activities. I encourage to allow learners to manage and document and develop employability skills, promoting self-
learners to use digital technologies to support all stages of their learning, e.g. for planning, directed learning, critical and inventive thinking
•• Use digital technologies to allow
their individual learning activities, e.g. for information retrieval, documentation, reflection and action, global citizenship and ethical
learners to collect evidence and
finding data or information or presenting and self-assessment and to enhance their practices.
record progress, e.g. audio or video
results and to enhance their employability employability skills.
recordings, photos.
•• Use digital technologies (e.g.
ePortfolios, learners’ blogs) to allow
learners to record and showcase
their work.
•• Use digital technologies to enable
learners to reflect on and self-assess
their learning process.
34 Supporting learners to develop employability skills Education and Training Foundation 35
Supporting ETF Professional Standards 13, 15, 16, 17
digital Jisc Digital Capabilities Framework 5.2, 1.1, 6.1
Incorporate learning activities, I include activities that support learners to I promote digital content creation by learners. I use innovative formats for promoting digital
assignments and assessments which use digital technologies for creating content, I use a range of different strategies to enable content creation by learners and use digital
encourage and require learners to: e.g. by producing texts, sounds, images and learners to express themselves digitally, e.g. technologies to help them develop ethical
videos. by contributing to wikis or blogs and by using practices of producing truthful, evidence-based
•• Create and edit digital content in
ePortfolios to enhance their employability skills. original work. I guide learners in designing,
different formats.
publishing and licensing complex digital
•• Express themselves through digital products and I reflect on, discuss, re-design
means. and innovate teaching strategies for promoting
•• Modify, refine, improve and integrate digital creation by learners to enhance
information and content into an employability skills.
existing body of knowledge.
•• Create new, original and relevant
content and knowledge.
•• Understand how copyright and
licences apply to data, information
and digital content.
•• Plan and develop a sequence of
understandable instructions to solve
a given problem or perform a specific
•• Share data, information and digital
content with others through
appropriate digital technologies.
•• Know about referencing and
attribution practices.
36 Supporting learners to develop employability skills Education and Training Foundation 37
Supporting ETF Professional Standards 1, 4, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19
study Jisc Digital Capabilities Framework 6.1, 5.1, 5.2, 1.1
•• Identify and solve technical problems I support learners to use digital technologies I promote learners’ digital problem solving and I enable learners to apply their digital
when operating devices and using to solve problems, encouraging them to solve employability skills. I use a range of teaching competence in unconventional ways to new
digital environments. technical problems using trial and error. I strategies to enable learners to apply their situations and creatively come up with new
encourage learners to transfer their digital digital competence to new situations or in new solutions or products. I reflect on, discuss,
•• Adjust and customise digital
competence to new situations. contexts. I encourage learners to reflect on re-design and innovate teaching strategies
environments to personal needs.
the limits of their digital competence and help for promoting learners’ digital skills and
•• Identify, evaluate, select and use them identify suitable strategies for further employability skills.
digital technologies and possible development.
technological responses to solve a
given task or problem.
•• Use digital technologies in innovative
ways to create learning.
•• Understand where a learner’s digital
competence needs to be improved or
•• Support others in their digital
competence development.
•• Seek opportunities for self-
development and to keep up-to-date
with digital evolution.
38 Supporting learners to develop employability skills Education and Training Foundation 39
Communication and ETF Professional Standards 4, 6, 16, 17
collaboration with learners and Jisc Digital Capabilities Framework 5.2, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
•• Implement and/or support I encourage learners to use digital I use digital environments, e.g. blogs, wikis, I use digital technologies innovatively to promote
collaborative learning activities in technologies to collaborate in activities. virtual learning environments to support learner collaboration, e.g. for peer review and
which digital devices, resources or When implementing collaborative activities collaborative learning. I monitor and guide assessment, as a support for peer learning
information strategies are used. or projects, I encourage learners to use digital learners’ interactions, using digital technologies, and to develop new formats for collaborative
technologies to support their work. and enable peer feedback on individual learning.
•• Implement and/or support
collaborative learning activities in a
digital environment, e.g. using blogs,
wikis, learning management systems.
•• Use digital technologies for
collaborative knowledge exchange
among learners.
•• Monitor and guide learners in their
collaborative knowledge generation
in digital environments.
•• Allow learners to digitally present
their collaborative efforts and assist
them in doing so.
•• Use digital technologies for peer-
assessment and as a support for
collaborative self-regulation and peer-
•• Use digital technologies to
experiment with new formats and
methods for collaborative learning.
•• Use digital communication tools
to respond promptly to learners’
questions and doubts, e.g. on
40 Subject and industry specific teaching Education and Training Foundation 41
Teaching: subject- ETF Professional Standards 6, 7, 8, 15, 19
specific and Jisc Digital Capabilities Framework 5.2, 3.2, 2.1, 4.1
•• Go online to update your subject- When planning my CPD I use online resources I use digital resources for professional I use digital resources to provide CPD to
specific competences. to update my subject knowledge. I use online development, e.g. by participating in online peers in subject and industry-related teaching,
resources to update my subject-specific or courses, webinars, or consulting digital training to participate actively in online training
•• Go online to learn about new
teaching knowledge. materials and video tutorials. I use formal and opportunities for myself and to advise peers
teaching methods and strategies.
informal exchanges in online communities as on innovative teaching practices, e.g. in
•• Go online to search for and identify a source for my professional development in professional communities, through personal
digital resources which support subject and industry-related teaching. blogs, or by developing digital training materials
professional development within your for them.
subject-specific area(s).
•• Use digital technology to keep
updated in your industry-related field.
44 Subject and industry specific teaching Education and Training Foundation 45
Raising learners’ digital ETF Professional Standards 4, 7, 9, 14, 16, 19
employability and self- Jisc Digital Capabilities Framework 6.1, 5.2, 1.1, 1.2, 3.1, 3.3
Incorporate learning activities, I support learners to develop their digital I use digital technologies or environments to I develop new digital formats and/or teaching
assignments and assessments which employability skills by using common allow learners to develop industry-specific approaches to support the development of
encourage and require learners to: digital technologies in learning activities, and employability-related skills, e.g. for subject/industry-specific employability skills
assignments and assessments. I encourage communication, time management etc. I help e.g. using AR or VR to support the learning of
•• Create and edit digital content using
learners to use digital technologies to learners in developing subject/industry-specific subject/industry-specific skills. I use digital
subject/industry-specific software.
develop an understanding of industry-related skills by ensuring access to specialist software. technologies to help learners develop wider
•• Use digital technologies to technologies through targeted learning digital employability skills to support their future
understand and develop processes activities e.g. searching for information about career including self-employment, e.g. financial
that are commonly used in their specific digital technologies and skills used management, website design, online identity,
subject/industry. within their subject/industry. collaboration, communication etc.
•• Plan and develop a sequence of
understandable instructions to solve
a given subject/industry-related
problem or perform a specific
subject/industry-related task.
•• Develop financial digital skills to
support future self-employment or
freelance work.
•• Develop digital communication skills
to support future self-employment or
freelance work.
•• Dse digital technologies, such as AR
and VR to support the learning of
subject/industry-specific skills.
46 Assessment Education and Training Foundation 47
Using digital technologies to improve
assessment and give better feedback
48 Assessment Education and Training Foundation 49
Assessment and feedback (including ETF Professional Standards 15, 17, 18
dynamic assessment, peer review, teachback, Jisc Digital Capabilities Framework 5.2, 2.2
•• Use digital assessment tools to I integrate digital technologies into traditional I use a range of digital assessment formats, I develop and adapt innovative assessment and
monitor the learning process and assessment and feedback strategies. I plan feedback tools and e-assessment software, feedback formats, using digital technologies.
obtain information on learners’ for learners’ use of digital technologies tools and approaches, for formative, summative I develop new digital formats for assessment,
progress. in assessment tasks, e.g. to support and synoptic assessment, selecting the format which reflect innovative teaching approaches
assignments. that most accurately captures the nature of and allow for the assessment of soft skills.
•• Use digital technologies to enhance
the learning outcome to be assessed. I design
formative assessment strategies, e.g.
digital assessments that are valid and reliable.
using classroom response systems,
quizzes, games.
•• Use digital technologies to
enhance formative and summative
assessment in tests, e.g. through
computer-based tests, implementing
audio or video (e.g. in language
learning), using simulations or
subject-specific digital technologies
as test environments.
•• Use digital technologies to scaffold
learners’ assignments and their
assessment, e.g. through ePortfolios.
•• Use a variety of digital and non-digital
assessment formats and be aware of
their benefits and drawbacks.
•• Critically reflect on the
appropriateness of digital
assessment approaches and adapt
strategies accordingly.
50 Assessment Education and Training Foundation 51
Assessment and feedback (including ETF Professional Standards 15, 17, 18
dynamic assessment, peer review, teachback, Jisc Digital Capabilities Framework 5.2, 2.2
•• Design and implement learning I evaluate basic data available on learner I use digital technologies to provide me with I use advanced data generation and visualisation
activities which generate data on activity and performance and administrative timely feedback on learners’ progress and methods, e.g. based on learning analytics. I use
learner activity and performance. data for individual feedback and targeted data analysis tools to monitor and visualise digital data to reflect on learning patterns and
interventions. I am aware that digital activity. I interpret the available evidence to teaching strategies and critically assess and
•• Use digital technologies to record,
assessment tools (e.g. quizzes, voting better understand individual learners’ needs for discuss the value and validity of different data
compare and synthesise data on
systems) can be used within the teaching support. sources.
learner progress.
process to provide me with timely feedback
•• Be aware that learner activity in on learners’ progress.
digital environments generates data
that can be used to inform teaching
and learning.
•• Analyse and interpret available
evidence on learner activity and
progress, including the data
generated by the digital technologies
•• Consider, combine and evaluate
different sources of evidence on
learner progress and performance.
•• Critically evaluate the evidence
available to inform teaching and
52 Assessment Education and Training Foundation 53
Assessment and feedback (including ETF Professional Standards 15, 17, 18
dynamic assessment, peer review, teachback, Jisc Digital Capabilities Framework 5.2, 2.2
•• Use digital technology to grade I use digital technologies to compile an I adapt my teaching and assessment practices, I reflect on, discuss, re-design and innovate
and give feedback on electronically overview of learners’ progress, as a basis for based on digital data, providing personal teaching strategies in response to evidence
submitted assignments. offering feedback and advice. feedback and differentiated support to learners. concerning learners’ preferences and needs as
well as the effectiveness of different teaching
•• Use assessment management
interventions and learning formats.
systems to enhance the
effectiveness of feedback provision.
•• Use digital technologies to monitor
learner progress and provide support
when needed.
•• Adapt teaching and assessment
practices, based on the data
generated by the digital technologies
•• Provide personal feedback and offer
differentiated support to learners,
based on the data generated by the
digital technologies used.
•• Enable learners to evaluate and
interpret the results of formative,
summative, self- and peer-
•• Help learners to identify areas for
improvement and to develop learning
plans to address these areas.
•• Use digital technologies to enable
learners to remain updated on
progress and make informed choices
on future learning priorities, optional
subjects or future studies.
54 Accessibility and inclusion Education and Training Foundation 55
Ensuring that all learners can make
full use of digital technology
56 Accessibility and inclusion Education and Training Foundation 57
Accessibility ETF Professional Standards 1, 4, 5
Jisc Digital Capabilities Framework 5.1, 1.1, 3.1
EU Framework for Digital Competence of Educators 5
•• Provide equitable access to appropriate I understand the importance of ensuring I select digital teaching strategies that adapt I create innovative strategies to support
digital technologies and resources, e.g. equal access to the digital technologies to learners’ digital contexts, e.g. limited usage accessibility, using design principles to
ensuring that all learners have access to used for all learners. I am aware that time, type of device available. I consider and increase accessibility of resources and digital
the digital technologies used. digital technologies can hinder or improve respond to potential accessibility issues when environments used in teaching and assessment,
accessibility. selecting, modifying or creating digital resources e.g. font, size, colours, language, layout,
•• Select and use digital strategies
and provide alternative or supportive tools or structure. I reflect on, discuss, re-design and
which respond to the learner’s digital
approaches for learners with special educational innovate strategies for equal access to digital
context, e.g. contextual constraints to
needs and disabilities. education.
their technology use (e.g. availability,
institutional restrictions - offender
learning, work based learning),
competences, expectations, attitudes,
misconceptions and misuses.
•• Use digital technologies and strategies,
e.g. assistive technologies, designed
for learners in need of special support
(e.g. learners with physical or mental
constraints; learners with learning
•• Consider and respond to potential
accessibility issues when selecting,
modifying or creating digital
resources and to provide alternative or
compensatory tools or approaches for
learners with special needs.
•• Use design principles for increasing
accessibility for the resources and digital
environments used in teaching.
•• Continuously monitor and reflect on the
suitability of the measures implemented
to improve accessibility and adapt
strategies accordingly.
58 Accessibility and inclusion Education and Training Foundation 59
Equality ETF Professional Standards 1, 4, 5, 16
and Jisc Digital Capabilities Framework 5.1, 3.1, 4.1
•• Address the special needs of I am aware that digital technologies can I use a range of digital technologies for Using digital technologies, I create innovative
individual learners (e.g. dyslexia, support differentiation and personalisation, differentiation and personalisation, adapted strategies to support differentiation and
ADHD, overachievers) using digital e.g. by providing activities at different levels to account for different needs, levels, speeds personalisation and reflect on, discuss, re-
technologies and speeds. and preferences. When sequencing and design and innovate teaching strategies for
implementing learning activities, I allow for personalised learning.
•• Allow for different learning pathways,
different learning pathways, levels and speeds
levels and speeds when designing,
and flexibly adapt my teaching strategies to
selecting and implementing digital
changing circumstances or needs.
learning activities.
•• Devise individual learning plans and
use digital technologies to support
•• Adapt communication strategies to
the specific audience and be aware
of cultural and generational diversity
in digital environments.
60 Self development Education and Training Foundation 61
Reflecting on professional practice,
developing CPD strategies and promoting
safe and comfortable digital identity
62 Self development Education and Training Foundation 63
Self- ETF Professional Standards 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 19, 20
assessment Jisc Digital Capabilities Framework 5.2, 3.2, 4.2
•• Critically reflect on one’s own I am aware of my development needs for I actively seek out best practices, courses or I stay up to date with current research on
teaching and digital practice. using digital technology to enhance my other advice to improve my own digital teaching innovative teaching and integrate findings
teaching practice. strategies and wider digital competences. I into my teaching practice. Individually, or in
•• Identify competency gaps and areas
evaluate, reflect on and discuss with peers collaboration with peers, I develop a vision or
for improvement.
how to use digital technologies to improve strategy for improving educational practice
•• Seek the help of others in improving educational practice. through the use of digital technologies.
one’s teaching and digital practice.
•• Seek targeted training and use
opportunities for continuous
professional development.
•• Seek to continuously expand and
enhance one’s repertoire of digital
teaching practices.
•• Help others in developing their digital
teaching competence.
•• At the organisational level, reflect
on and provide critical feedback on
digital policies and practices.
•• Actively contribute to further
developing organisational practices,
policies and visions on the use of
digital technologies.
•• Use professional collaborative
networks to explore and reflect on
new teaching practices and methods.
64 Self development Education and Training Foundation 65
Progression and CPD: ETF Professional Standards 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 19, 20
strategies to develop Jisc Digital Capabilities Framework 5.2, 6.1, 4.2, 3.3
•• Use online resources or social When planning my CPD I use online resources I explore online resources and social media for I use online resources or social media to provide
media to identify suitable training to update my subject-specific or teaching professional development, e.g. by participating CPD to peers. I actively participate in online
and professional development knowledge. in online courses, webinars, or consulting digital training opportunities. I use digital technologies
opportunities. training materials and video tutorials. I use to advise peers on innovative teaching practices,
formal and informal exchanges in professional e.g. in professional communities, through
•• Use online resources or social media
online communities as a source for my CPD. personal blogs, or by developing digital training
to update one’s subject-specific
materials for them.
•• Use online resources or social media
to learn about new teaching methods
and strategies.
•• Use online resources or social media
to search for and identify digital
resources which support professional
•• Use the exchange in digital
professional communities as a
source of professional development.
•• Use online training opportunities, e.g.
video tutorials, MOOCs, webinars etc.
•• Use digital technologies and
environments to provide training
opportunities for colleagues and
•• Use professional collaborative
networks as a source for one’s own
professional development.
66 Self development Education and Training Foundation 67
Well-being: ETF Professional Standards 5, 11, 20
practitioner Jisc Digital Capabilities Framework 6.2, 5.2
Enable learners and oneself to: I encourage learners to use digital I support learners’ use of digital technologies to I develop innovative approaches to promoting
technologies safely and responsibly. I ensure their well-being. I develop strategies to learners’ ability to use digital technologies
•• Avoid health risks and threats to
promote learners’ awareness of how digital prevent, identify and respond to digital behaviour for their own well-being. I reflect on, discuss,
physical and psychological well-being
technologies can positively and negatively that negatively affects learners’ health and well- re-design and innovate teaching strategies
while using digital technologies.
affect health and well-being. being (e.g. cyberbullying). to promote learners’ ability to use digital
•• Protect from possible dangers technologies for their own well-being.
in digital environments (e.g.
•• Be aware of digital technologies for
social well-being and social inclusion.
•• Be aware of the environmental
impact of digital technologies and
their use.
•• Monitor learner behaviour in digital
environments in order to safeguard
their well-being.
•• React immediately and effectively
when learners’ well-being is
threatened in digital environments
(e.g. cyberbullying).
68 Self development Education and Training Foundation 69
Managing identity: ETF Professional Standards 5, 11
practitioner Jisc Digital Capabilities Framework 6.1, 6.2, 5.2
Enable learners and oneself to: I encourage learners to use digital I support learners’ use of digital technologies to I develop innovative approaches to promoting
technologies safely and responsibly. I secure their digital identity. I encourage learners learners’ ability to use digital technologies to
•• Protect devices and digital content,
promote learners’ awareness of the benefits to assume a positive attitude towards digital create and secure their digital identity. I reflect
and to understand risks and threats
and drawbacks of the openness of the technologies, being aware of possible risks and on, discuss, re-design and innovate teaching
in digital environments.
internet. limits, but also being confident that they can strategies to promote learners’ ability to use
•• Understand safety and security manage these in order to maximise the benefits. digital technologies to create their own digital
measures. identities.
•• Protect personal data and privacy in
digital environments.
•• Understand how to use and share
personal information while being able
to protect oneself and others from
•• Understand that digital services use
privacy policies on how personal data
is used.
•• Create and manage one or multiple
digital identities.
•• Protect one’s own digital reputation.
•• Deal with the data that one produces
through several digital technologies,
environments and services.
70 Appendices Education and Training Foundation 71
72 Appendix A Education and Training Foundation 73
Each component of the Digital Teaching Professional Framework is mapped to relevant parts of the
European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu), the Education and Training
Foundation Professional Standards (PS) and to Jisc’s six Digital Capabilities (Jisc). In addition, the
associated activities and competency statements are adapted from the EU DigCompEdu framework. In
each section of the DTPF.
In each section of the DTPF, a key is provided showing how the components are mapped onto these three
models (DigCompEdu, PS and Jisc), for example:
Each of the models are set out below showing the relevant numbering systems that are referred to in the key.
Information, Digital creation,
data and problem solving
media literacies and innovation
Digital Digital
Motivate and inspire learners to learning and communication,
development collaboration and
promote achievement and develop participation
Plan and deliver effective learning
programmes for diverse groups or
individuals in a safe and inclusive
Develop your own judgement Develop deep and critically informed
of what works and does not work knowledge and understanding in
in your teaching and training. theory and practice. and support learners in its use.
1 ICT proficiency 3 Digital creation, problem 5 Digital learning and
01 07 16
Maintain and update knowledge of your Address the mathematics and English
teaching and learning to meet the subject and/or vocational area. needs of learners and work creatively 1.1 ICT proficiency solving and innovation development
diverse needs of learners. to overcome individual barriers to
learning. 1.2 ICT productivity 3.1 Digital creation 5.1 Digital learning and CPD
Maintain and update your knowledge of
Evaluate and challenge your practice, educational research to develop evidence- 3.2 Digital research and 5.2 Digital teaching
04 collaboration and
Be creative and innovative in selecting and timely feedback to support 6.2 Digital wellbeing
and adapting strategies to help Evaluate your practice with others and progression and achievement. 2.3 Media literacy
learners to learn. assess its impact on learning. participation
05 11
Value and promote social and cultural Manage and promote positive learner training expertise and vocational skills
diversity, equality of opportunity and behaviour.
through collaboration with employers. 4.2 Digital collaboration
4.3 Digital participation
Understand the teaching and
Contribute to organisational
Build positive and collaborative professional role and your responsibilities. development and quality improvement
relationships with colleagues and through collaboration with others.
Please note, the mappings of the Jisc digital capabilities against the DTPF components in the key on each page
are shown in order of significance, with the closest fit to the DTPF component listed first.
Please note, professional standard 15 is relevant to all components of the framework.
76 Appendix B Education and Training Foundation 77
Appendix B
Examples of possible usage based on the SAMR model A: Planning
Illustrations of how the Digital Teaching Professional Framework could be used by practitioners are
shown below using the SAMR model developed by Dr Ruben Puentedura, which is designed to help
Specific Planning resources needed for a lesson.
educators enhance teaching, learning and assessment and move towards how the effective use of digital
technology can transform teaching, training and learning. This model forms part of the ETF EdTech
Strategy published September 2018.
Learners work in small groups to find resources for a lesson on a given
Activity topic.
Learner groups use a mood board tool (e.g. Pinterest) to compile the best
Substitute online resources they can find.
Enhanced Activity
Learner groups share their mood boards with each other and use an online
Augment forum to comment on them.
Learners share the mood board on the internet and seek online comments
Redefine from international experts in the field.
To consider when •• Discuss the need to safeguard learners’ privacy where appropriate.
implementing: •• Show how programme settings can be changed to protect privacy.
•• Where the internet cannot be accessed, use audio or video recordings
and photos for asynchronous exchanges.
78 Appendix B Education and Training Foundation 79
Scan the newspaper articles into a Word document and print with
Substitute questions to prompt discussion.
Substitute Write the CV in digital form (e.g. Word or Google Doc).
Enhanced Activity
Provide the document online with QR codes to access each original article Improve the CV using Thesaurus, Spell checker, layout, font, links and
Enhanced Activity
Augment and supporting videos, using a social medium (e.g. Twitter) to continue Augment photo.
discussion after the lesson.
Use an online bulletin board (e.g. Padlet) to share relevant images, links and Modify Use Multimedia CV with video evidence on competences.
Modify videos, as well as sharing comments on the articles on a communal wall.
Share the bulletin board more widely on the internet, searching for more Develop a professional profile on relevant sites (e.g. Linkedin) and display
current news on the topic and comments on the board. Actively follow key Redefine multimedia CV sites.
Redefine players on the topic and seek their views, taking the activity beyond the
To consider when •• Discuss the need to safeguard learners’ privacy where appropriate.
implementing: •• Further develop CV with an e-portfolio where available (e.g. PebblePad)
To consider when •• Discuss how to safeguard learners’ privacy via settings and by
or help learners develop their own.
implementing: withholding personal information.
•• Where the internet cannot be accessed, use forum in secure VLE to •• Where the internet cannot be accessed, share CV for peers to comment:
share views with peers online. they may be better able to assess your qualities than yourself.
80 Appendix B Education and Training Foundation 81
Present steps in the stages of a production process (e.g. in producing a Learners (in pairs) deliver a presentation on a given topic, with assessment
Activity painting, a piece of music or in building a wall).
Activity by peers.
Capture steps with annotated photos in a digital document (e.g. a process Learners use presentation software (e.g. PowerPoint or Prezi) with photos,
Substitute diagram).
Substitute followed by a Question and Answer session in class.
Enhanced Activity
Learners give a presentation demonstrating the process of production with Presentation includes embedded multi-media (audio and/or video) and
Augment Augment
Enhanced Activity
photos and embedded quizzes to check understanding. interactive quiz slides to keep peers engaged.
Learners use discussion forum to discuss the topic with peers before the
Modify Learners share the presentation online and collect feedback on a Text wall. Modify lesson and to review the presentation after the lesson.
Survey tool is used to check understanding.
Learners use a blog to share the presentation more widely with a voice-over
Presentation with automated answers to quiz slides is shared with peers
Redefine explanation from an expert. Bring experts into the classroom via a webinar.
before the lesson.
Post on professional sites (such as Linkedin) to get feedback.
Redefine Learners create a game to play during the lesson to test understanding,
followed by discussion about the implications of what has been learned.
To consider when •• Where the internet cannot be accessed, use Virtual Reality to There is a wide variety of game templates available online.
implementing: demonstrate steps of production.
•• For SEND learners, feedback may be by speech rather than by text.
To consider when •• Where learners cannot access the internet, they may be presented with
implementing: content downloaded by the teacher.
•• Learners who are more confident with IT may create their own tests
without the need for templates.
•• They may also wish to share their presentation more widely on a VLE or
on the web and invite feedback.
82 Appendix B Education and Training Foundation 83
Specific Accessibility
Specific Self-assessment and reflection.
component component
Learners (in pairs) plan an event. They are then asked to identify the Seek to expand and enhance my repertoire of teaching practices
Activity challenges this may present for learners with special needs and to develop Activity continuously.
strategies to overcome these challenges.
Use online resources to find out about innovative digital teaching practices
Enhanced Activity
Pairs share their suggestions online so that all learners can contribute their (such as the Jisc or ETF website) to keep up to date with the latest
Augment ideas.
Augment research and developments.
Access digital resources, such as TES Resource bank and the Excellence
Enhanced Activity
Gateway to support the development of your digital teaching practice.
Learners use QR codes with images, linking to accessibility software to
Modify make their document more engaging and richly layered.
Access online learning development opportunities around digital teaching
practices, e.g. participating in webinars and MOOCs on digital teaching
Combine the mind maps developed by all pairs of learners to create a Modify practices.
comprehensive, dynamic poster to share with a wider audience via social Use communities of practice on social media to stay up to date with the
Redefine media, inviting contributions from experts in the field. Poster may then be latest teaching practices and to become aware of CPD opportunities.
printed and displayed for all learners to reference as and when needed.
To consider when •• Be aware of the need to safeguard your privacy where appropriate.
implementing: •• Use an e-portfolio where available (e.g. PebblePad) or develop your own.
84 Appendix B