Peace Education Grade

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PEACE EDUCATION - January Week 1

I. Objectives:
Understand the importance of peace education in fostering respect.
Identify key concepts related to peace, including positive and negative peace.
Develop communication skills for promoting peaceful interactions.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Peace Education and Positive Communication
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Chart paper and markers
Projector for multimedia exploration
Colored markers, magazines, scissors, glue for the "Peaceful World Collage"
Small group discussion handouts
Reflection sheets for progress monitoring
III. Procedure:
A. Preparation and Settling In:
1. Welcome students and settle them into the learning environment.
2. Briefly introduce the theme for the week: "Peace Education and Positive Communication."
B. Peace Education Learning Session:
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes):
Define the key terms: peace education, positive peace, and negative peace.
Discuss the relevance of peace education in fostering respectful interactions.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Peaceful World Collage" (10 minutes):
Divide students into small groups.
Provide magazines, scissors, colored markers, and glue.
Instruct each group to create a collage representing their vision of a peaceful world.
B.3 Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes):
Use a projector to showcase relevant videos or images related to peace education.
Facilitate a brief discussion on the multimedia content.
B.4 Small Group Discussions (8 minutes):
Assign discussion topics related to positive communication and understanding diversity.
Encourage students to share personal experiences and insights within their groups.
B.5 Group Presentation (5 minutes per group):
Each group presents their "Peaceful World Collage" and summarizes their discussions.
Facilitate a short Q&A session after each presentation.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing:
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes):
Ask students to reflect on what they learned during the session.
Invite a few students to share their reflections with the class.
IV. Wrap Up:
Conclusion and Homework Assignment (2 minutes):
Summarize key points from the session.
Assign homework: Write a short reflection on how positive communication contributes to a
peaceful environment.

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PEACE EDUCATION - January Week 2
I. Objectives:
Understand the concept of active listening as a key component of respectful communication.
Develop and practice active listening skills.
Reflect on the impact of active listening on fostering positive relationships.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Active Listening for Effective Communication
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Chart paper and markers
Projector for multimedia exploration
Small group discussion handouts
Handouts on active listening techniques
III. Procedure:
A. Preparation and Settling In:
1. Welcome students and briefly recap the previous week's topic on peace education and positive
2. Introduce the theme for the week: "Active Listening for Effective Communication."
B. Peace Education Learning Session:
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes):
Define active listening and its importance in communication.
Discuss how active listening contributes to understanding and respect.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Listening Partners" (10 minutes):
Pair up students and designate one as the speaker and the other as the listener.
The speaker shares a personal experience while the listener practices active listening skills.
Switch roles after 5 minutes and repeat the activity.
B.3 Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes):
Use a projector to show videos or scenarios illustrating active listening.
Facilitate a brief discussion on the importance of active listening in promoting understanding.
B.4 Small Group Discussions (8 minutes):
Provide discussion prompts related to the challenges and benefits of active listening.
Encourage students to share their thoughts and experiences within their groups.
B.5 Group Activity: "Active Listening Skits" (5 minutes per group):
In small groups, students create short skits demonstrating active listening techniques.
Each group performs their skit for the class.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing:
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes):
Lead a brief discussion on the challenges and insights gained during the active listening activities.
Ask students to share how active listening impacted their understanding.
IV. Wrap Up:
Conclusion and Homework Assignment (2 minutes):
Summarize key points from the session.
Assign homework: Write a reflection on a personal experience where active listening positively
influenced the outcome.

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PEACE EDUCATION - January Week 3
I. Objectives:
Explore the concept of nonviolent communication.
Understand the principles and techniques of nonviolent communication.
Apply nonviolent communication skills in real-life scenarios.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Nonviolent Communication: Principles and Techniques
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Chart paper and markers
Projector for multimedia exploration
Handouts on nonviolent communication principles
Scenario cards for group activity
III. Procedure:
A. Preparation and Settling In:
1. Welcome students and connect the current lesson with the previous week's focus on active listening.
2. Introduce the theme for the week: "Nonviolent Communication: Principles and Techniques."
B. Peace Education Learning Session:
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes):
Define nonviolent communication and its role in promoting respectful and empathetic
Discuss the four components of nonviolent communication: observation, feeling, need, and
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Empathy Circles" (10 minutes):
Form small groups and provide a scenario for each group.
Each group discusses the scenario using the principles of nonviolent communication.
Encourage participants to take on different roles (speaker, listener, and observer) during the
B.3 Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes):
Use a projector to show video examples of nonviolent communication in various settings.
Facilitate a discussion on the effectiveness of nonviolent communication in resolving conflicts.
B.4 Small Group Discussions (8 minutes):
Assign discussion topics related to the challenges and benefits of practicing nonviolent
Encourage students to share personal experiences and insights within their groups.
B.5 Group Activity: "Real-life Scenarios" (5 minutes per group):
Provide scenario cards depicting real-life situations.
Each group applies nonviolent communication principles to discuss and present their approach to
the class.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing:
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes):
Lead a brief discussion on the application of nonviolent communication in the group activity.
Encourage students to share how nonviolent communication can positively impact relationships.
IV. Wrap Up:
Conclusion and Homework Assignment (2 minutes):
Summarize key points from the session.
Assign homework: Write a reflection on a personal experience where nonviolent communication
was effectively used or could have been applied for better outcomes.

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PEACE EDUCATION - January Week 4
I. Objectives:
Understand various conflict resolution strategies.
Identify situations where different conflict resolution strategies may be applied.
Apply conflict resolution strategies in a simulated scenario.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Conflict Resolution Strategies
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Chart paper and markers
Projector for multimedia exploration
Handouts on conflict resolution strategies
Scenario cards for group activity
III. Procedure:
A. Preparation and Settling In:
1. Welcome students and briefly review the previous week's lesson on nonviolent communication.
2. Introduce the theme for the week: "Conflict Resolution Strategies."
B. Peace Education Learning Session:
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes):
Define conflict and its inevitability in human interactions.
Discuss the importance of resolving conflicts in a peaceful and respectful manner.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Conflict Scenario Brainstorm" (10 minutes):
Ask students to share scenarios where conflicts might arise.
Write these scenarios on the board for later reference in the group activity.
B.3 Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes):
Use a projector to show videos or presentations on different conflict resolution strategies.
Facilitate a discussion on the effectiveness of each strategy in various situations.
B.4 Small Group Discussions (8 minutes):
Assign each group a conflict scenario from the earlier brainstorming activity.
Each group discusses and selects an appropriate conflict resolution strategy for their scenario.
B.5 Group Activity: "Conflict Resolution Simulation" (5 minutes per group):
Groups perform a short role-play or skit applying their chosen conflict resolution strategy to their
assigned scenario.
After each performance, discuss the strengths and potential improvements of their chosen
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing:
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes):
Lead a discussion on the different conflict resolution strategies presented.
Encourage students to reflect on the diversity of approaches and when each might be most
IV. Wrap Up:
Conclusion and Homework Assignment (2 minutes):
Summarize key points from the session.
Assign homework: Write a reflection on a personal experience where a conflict was resolved,
discussing the strategies used and their effectiveness.

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PEACE EDUCATION - February Week 1
I. Objectives:
Define and understand the concept of respect.
Identify respectful behaviors in various settings.
Reflect on the importance of respect in building positive relationships.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Understanding Respect
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Chart paper and markers
Picture cards illustrating respectful behaviors
Short video clips on respect
III. Procedure:
A. Preparation and Settling In:
1. Welcome students and introduce the theme for the month: "Respect."
2. Begin with a class discussion on what respect means to them.
B. Peace Education Learning Session:
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes):
Define respect and discuss its importance in daily life.
Share examples of respectful behaviors.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Respectful Behavior Sorting" (10 minutes):
Provide picture cards depicting various behaviors.
In small groups, students categorize the behaviors as respectful or not.
B.3 Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes):
Show short video clips depicting respectful interactions in different scenarios.
Facilitate a discussion on the observed behaviors.
B.4 Small Group Discussions (8 minutes):
Assign discussion topics on why respect is essential in building positive relationships.
Encourage students to share their thoughts and experiences within their groups.
B.5 Group Presentation (5 minutes per group):
Each group shares their insights on the importance of respect for building positive relationships.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing:
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes):
Lead a brief reflection on the key aspects of respect discussed.
Encourage students to share their views on how respect contributes to a harmonious environment.
IV. Wrap Up:
Conclusion and Homework Assignment (2 minutes):
Summarize key points from the session.
Assign homework: Write a short paragraph on a situation where they experienced or witnessed
respect in action.

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PEACE EDUCATION - February Week 2
I. Objectives:
Explore the concept of diversity and its relation to respect.
Recognize and appreciate individual differences.
Understand how respect contributes to a harmonious and inclusive community.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Embracing Diversity with Respect
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Chart paper and markers
Picture cards representing diversity
Short video clips on embracing diversity
III. Procedure:
A. Preparation and Settling In:
1. Welcome students and connect the current lesson with the previous week's focus on respect.
2. Introduce the theme for the week: "Embracing Diversity with Respect."
B. Peace Education Learning Session:
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes):
Define diversity and discuss its relevance in a community.
Highlight the idea that respecting diversity promotes inclusivity.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Diversity Collage" (10 minutes):
Provide picture cards representing diverse individuals, cultures, and abilities.
In small groups, students create collages that celebrate diversity.
B.3 Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes):
Show short video clips illustrating the beauty of diversity.
Facilitate a discussion on the different aspects of diversity presented.
B.4 Small Group Discussions (8 minutes):
Assign discussion topics related to the value of respecting and embracing diversity.
Encourage students to share personal experiences and insights within their groups.
B.5 Group Activity: "Role-play - Inclusive Actions" (5 minutes per group):
Groups perform short role-plays showcasing inclusive actions that promote diversity and respect.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing:
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes):
Lead a discussion on the importance of embracing diversity for a harmonious community.
Encourage students to share their thoughts on how they can contribute to an inclusive
IV. Wrap Up:
Conclusion and Homework Assignment (2 minutes):
Summarize key points from the session.
Assign homework: Write a reflection on how embracing diversity contributes to a more respectful
and inclusive community.

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PEACE EDUCATION - February Week 3
I. Objectives:
Introduce the concept of environmental respect.
Understand the impact of individual actions on the environment.
Identify and practice sustainable living habits.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Respect for the Environment
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Chart paper and markers
Visual aids on environmental issues
Short video clips on sustainable living
III. Procedure:
A. Preparation and Settling In:
1. Welcome students and connect the current lesson with the previous weeks' focus on respect.
2. Introduce the theme for the week: "Respect for the Environment."
B. Peace Education Learning Session:
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes):
Define environmental respect and its significance.
Discuss the impact of individual actions on the environment.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Eco-Friendly Pledge" (10 minutes):
Ask students to brainstorm and create a list of eco-friendly pledges.
In small groups, students discuss and choose one pledge to share with the class.
B.3 Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes):
Show short video clips on environmental issues and sustainable living.
Facilitate a discussion on the importance of sustainable practices.
B.4 Small Group Discussions (8 minutes):
Assign discussion topics related to practical ways students can contribute to environmental
Encourage students to share their ideas within their groups.
B.5 Group Presentation: "Eco-Friendly Pledge Sharing" (5 minutes per group):
Each group presents their chosen eco-friendly pledge and the reasons behind it.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing:
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes):
Lead a discussion on the role of individuals in promoting environmental respect.
Encourage students to reflect on how their choices can positively impact the environment.
IV. Wrap Up:
Conclusion and Homework Assignment (2 minutes):
Summarize key points from the session.
Assign homework: Write a short paragraph on one change they can make in their daily lives to show
more respect for the environment.

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PEACE EDUCATION - February Week 4
I. Objectives:
Explore the concept of ethical consumption.
Understand the impact of consumer choices on society and the environment.
Identify and promote responsible and ethical consumption habits.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Ethical Consumption for Environmental Respect
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Chart paper and markers
Visual aids on ethical consumption
Short video clips on responsible consumer choices
III. Procedure:
A. Preparation and Settling In:
1. Welcome students and connect the current lesson with the previous weeks' focus on respect for the
2. Introduce the theme for the week: "Ethical Consumption for Environmental Respect."
B. Peace Education Learning Session:
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes):
Define ethical consumption and discuss its importance.
Highlight the impact of consumer choices on the environment and society.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Consumer Choices Quiz" (10 minutes):
Prepare a quiz with questions about responsible and irresponsible consumer choices.
Students answer the quiz individually, and then discuss the answers in small groups.
B.3 Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes):
Show short video clips on the consequences of irresponsible consumption and the benefits of
ethical choices.
Facilitate a discussion on the importance of making ethical consumer decisions.
B.4 Small Group Discussions (8 minutes):
Assign discussion topics related to practical ways students can make more ethical consumer
Encourage students to share their ideas within their groups.
B.5 Group Activity: "Ethical Consumption Plan" (5 minutes per group):
In small groups, students create a plan outlining how they can make more ethical and responsible
consumer choices.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing:
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes):
Lead a discussion on the impact of ethical consumption on environmental respect.
Encourage students to reflect on the changes they can make in their consumer habits.
IV. Wrap Up:
Conclusion and Homework Assignment (2 minutes):
Summarize key points from the session.
Assign homework: Write a reflection on one step they can take to be a more ethical consumer and
its potential impact on the environment.

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PEACE EDUCATION - February Week 4
I. Objectives:
Explore the concept of ethical consumption.
Understand the impact of consumer choices on society and the environment.
Identify and promote responsible and ethical consumption habits.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Ethical Consumption for Environmental Respect
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Chart paper and markers
Visual aids on ethical consumption
Short video clips on responsible consumer choices
III. Procedure:
A. Preparation and Settling In:
1. Welcome students and connect the current lesson with the previous weeks' focus on respect for the
2. Introduce the theme for the week: "Ethical Consumption for Environmental Respect."
B. Peace Education Learning Session:
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes):
Define ethical consumption and discuss its importance.
Highlight the impact of consumer choices on the environment and society.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Consumer Choices Quiz" (10 minutes):
Prepare a quiz with questions about responsible and irresponsible consumer choices.
Students answer the quiz individually, and then discuss the answers in small groups.
B.3 Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes):
Show short video clips on the consequences of irresponsible consumption and the benefits of
ethical choices.
Facilitate a discussion on the importance of making ethical consumer decisions.
B.4 Small Group Discussions (8 minutes):
Assign discussion topics related to practical ways students can make more ethical consumer
Encourage students to share their ideas within their groups.
B.5 Group Activity: "Ethical Consumption Plan" (5 minutes per group):
In small groups, students create a plan outlining how they can make more ethical and responsible
consumer choices.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing:
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes):
Lead a discussion on the impact of ethical consumption on environmental respect.
Encourage students to reflect on the changes they can make in their consumer habits.
IV. Wrap Up:
Conclusion and Homework Assignment (2 minutes):
Summarize key points from the session.
Assign homework: Write a reflection on one step they can take to be a more ethical consumer and
its potential impact on the environment.

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I. Objectives:
Understand the concept of sustainable relationships.
Identify and practice behaviors that contribute to positive and lasting relationships.
Reflect on the importance of mutual respect in maintaining relationships.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Building Sustainable Relationships through Respect
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Chart paper and markers
Visual aids on positive relationship behaviors
Short video clips on building strong relationships
III. Procedure:
A. Preparation and Settling In:
1. Welcome students and connect the current lesson with the previous month's focus on respect.
2. Introduce the theme for the week: "Building Sustainable Relationships through Respect."
B. Peace Education Learning Session:
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes):
Define sustainable relationships and discuss their importance in personal and social contexts.
Share examples of positive behaviors that contribute to lasting relationships.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Friendship Circle" (10 minutes):
Students form a circle and share positive qualities about the person next to them.
Encourage students to express appreciation for each other's strengths.
B.3 Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes):
Show short video clips on the qualities of strong and lasting friendships.
Facilitate a discussion on the observed behaviors and their impact on relationships.
B.4 Small Group Discussions (8 minutes):
Assign discussion topics on the challenges and benefits of practicing respect in friendships.
Encourage students to share personal experiences and insights within their groups.
B.5 Group Presentation (5 minutes per group):
Each group shares their insights on how practicing respect contributes to sustainable
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing:
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes):
Lead a brief reflection on the key aspects of building sustainable relationships.
Encourage students to share their thoughts on how respect contributes to lasting connections.
IV. Wrap Up:
Conclusion and Homework Assignment (2 minutes):
Summarize key points from the session.
Assign homework: Write a short letter to a friend expressing appreciation and respect for their

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I. Objectives:
Explore the concept of respect in family relationships.
Identify and practice respectful communication within the family.
Reflect on the significance of respect in fostering a harmonious family environment.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Family Respect: Communicating with Kindness
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Chart paper and markers
Visual aids on respectful communication within families
Short video clips on positive family interactions
III. Procedure:
A. Preparation and Settling In:
1. Welcome students and connect the current lesson with the previous week's focus on building
sustainable relationships.
2. Introduce the theme for the week: "Family Respect: Communicating with Kindness."
B. Peace Education Learning Session:
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes):
Discuss the importance of respect in family relationships.
Share examples of respectful communication within families.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Family Scenarios" (10 minutes):
Provide scenarios depicting family situations.
In small groups, students discuss and suggest respectful ways to handle each scenario.
B.3 Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes):
Show short video clips on positive and respectful family interactions.
Facilitate a discussion on the observed behaviors and their impact on family dynamics.
B.4 Small Group Discussions (8 minutes):
Assign discussion topics on the challenges and benefits of practicing respect within families.
Encourage students to share personal experiences and insights within their groups.
B.5 Group Activity: "Family Respect Pledge" (5 minutes per group):
In small groups, students create a pledge outlining how they can contribute to a respectful family
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing:
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes):
Lead a discussion on the role of respect in fostering a harmonious family environment.
Encourage students to share their thoughts on how they can contribute to respectful
communication at home.
IV. Wrap Up:
Conclusion and Homework Assignment (2 minutes):
Summarize key points from the session.
Assign homework: Discuss with family members one thing they can do to enhance respect and
communication within the family.

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I. Objectives:
Introduce the concept of respect for self.
Explore the importance of self-respect in personal growth.
Identify and practice behaviors that contribute to self-respect.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Self-Respect: Nurturing Your Inner Worth
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Chart paper and markers
Visual aids on self-respect and personal growth
Short video clips on the significance of self-respect
III. Procedure:
A. Preparation and Settling In:
1. Welcome students and connect the current lesson with the previous weeks' focus on family and
relationship respect.
2. Introduce the theme for the week: "Self-Respect: Nurturing Your Inner Worth."
B. Peace Education Learning Session:
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes):
Define self-respect and discuss its importance in personal development.
Share examples of behaviors that contribute to self-respect.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Positive Affirmations" (10 minutes):
Students create positive affirmations about themselves.
Encourage each student to share their affirmations with the class.
B.3 Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes):
Show short video clips on the significance of self-respect in personal growth.
Facilitate a discussion on the observed behaviors and their impact on individuals.
B.4 Small Group Discussions (8 minutes):
Assign discussion topics on the challenges and benefits of practicing self-respect.
Encourage students to share personal experiences and insights within their groups.
B.5 Group Activity: "Personal Growth Plan" (5 minutes per group):
In small groups, students create a plan outlining how they can contribute to their own personal
growth through self-respect.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing:
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes):
Lead a discussion on the significance of self-respect in personal development.
Encourage students to reflect on how practicing self-respect can positively impact their lives.
IV. Wrap Up:
Conclusion and Homework Assignment (2 minutes):
Summarize key points from the session.
Assign homework: Write a short reflection on one thing they appreciate about themselves and how
it contributes to their sense of self-respect.

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I. Objectives:
Explore the concept of respect for diversity in opinions.
Understand the importance of open-mindedness and tolerance.
Identify and practice behaviors that foster respectful communication in discussions.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Respect for Diverse Opinions: Open-Minded Communication
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Chart paper and markers
Visual aids on open-minded communication
Short video clips on respecting diverse opinions
III. Procedure:
A. Preparation and Settling In:
1. Welcome students and connect the current lesson with the previous weeks' focus on self-respect.
2. Introduce the theme for the week: "Respect for Diverse Opinions: Open-Minded Communication."
B. Peace Education Learning Session:
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes):
Define the importance of respecting diverse opinions.
Discuss the role of open-minded communication in fostering understanding.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Perspective Swap" (10 minutes):
Students pair up and discuss a topic from different perspectives.
Encourage open-minded listening and understanding of diverse opinions.
B.3 Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes):
Show short video clips on the significance of respecting diverse opinions in discussions.
Facilitate a discussion on the observed behaviors and their impact on communication.
B.4 Small Group Discussions (8 minutes):
Assign discussion topics on the challenges and benefits of respecting diverse opinions.
Encourage students to share personal experiences and insights within their groups.
B.5 Group Activity: "Debate and Discussion" (5 minutes per group):
In small groups, students engage in a mini-debate or discussion on a given topic, practicing
respectful communication.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing:
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes):
Lead a discussion on the importance of open-minded communication in respecting diverse
Encourage students to reflect on how they can contribute to more respectful discussions.
IV. Wrap Up:
Conclusion and Homework Assignment (2 minutes):
Summarize key points from the session.
Assign homework: Write a reflection on a time when they encountered a diverse opinion and how
they handled it with respect.

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I. Objectives:
Define and understand the concept of gratitude.
Identify and practice expressing gratitude in various contexts.
Reflect on the positive impact of gratitude on personal well-being.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Introduction to Gratitude
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Chart paper and markers
Visual aids on gratitude expressions
Short video clips on the importance of gratitude
III. Procedure:
A. Preparation and Settling In:
1. Welcome students and introduce the theme for the month: "Gratitude."
2. Begin with a class discussion on what gratitude means to them.
B. Peace Education Learning Session:
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes):
Define gratitude and discuss its importance in daily life.
Share examples of expressing gratitude in different situations.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Gratitude Journal" (10 minutes):
Provide students with small notebooks or paper.
Ask each student to write down one thing they are grateful for and share it with the class.
B.3 Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes):
Show short video clips illustrating the positive impact of gratitude on well-being.
Facilitate a discussion on the observed behaviors and their effects.
B.4 Small Group Discussions (8 minutes):
Assign discussion topics on the benefits of practicing gratitude.
Encourage students to share personal experiences and insights within their groups.
B.5 Group Presentation (5 minutes per group):
Each group shares their insights on the importance and benefits of gratitude.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing:
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes):
Lead a brief reflection on the key aspects of gratitude discussed.
Encourage students to share their thoughts on how expressing gratitude can positively impact
their well-being.
IV. Wrap Up:
Conclusion and Homework Assignment (2 minutes):
Summarize key points from the session.
Assign homework: Write a gratitude journal entry expressing thanks for something specific each
day until the next class.

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I. Objectives:
Explore the concept of gratitude in relationships.
Identify and practice expressing gratitude in interpersonal interactions.
Reflect on how gratitude strengthens connections with others.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Gratitude in Relationships
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Chart paper and markers
Visual aids on expressing gratitude in relationships
Short video clips on the impact of gratitude in relationships
III. Procedure:
A. Preparation and Settling In:
1. Welcome students and connect the current lesson with the previous week's focus on gratitude.
2. Introduce the theme for the week: "Gratitude in Relationships."
B. Peace Education Learning Session:
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes):
Discuss the role of gratitude in building and strengthening relationships.
Share examples of expressing gratitude in different types of relationships.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Gratitude Circle" (10 minutes):
Students form a circle and express gratitude for the person on their right.
Encourage specific and sincere expressions of thanks.
B.3 Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes):
Show short video clips on the impact of gratitude in various types of relationships.
Facilitate a discussion on the observed behaviors and their effects on relationships.
B.4 Small Group Discussions (8 minutes):
Assign discussion topics on how gratitude can strengthen relationships.
Encourage students to share personal experiences and insights within their groups.
B.5 Group Activity: "Gratitude Letters" (5 minutes per group):
In small groups, students write gratitude letters to someone important in their lives.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing:
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes):
Lead a discussion on the impact of expressing gratitude in relationships.
Encourage students to reflect on how they can incorporate gratitude into their interactions with
IV. Wrap Up:
Conclusion and Homework Assignment (2 minutes):
Summarize key points from the session.
Assign homework: Deliver the gratitude letter written in class to the intended recipient and share
the experience in the next class.

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I. Objectives:
Introduce the concept of environmental gratitude.
Understand the impact of gratitude on one's relationship with the environment.
Identify and practice behaviors that contribute to environmental gratitude.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Gratitude for the Environment
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Chart paper and markers
Visual aids on expressing gratitude for the environment
Short video clips on the importance of environmental gratitude
III. Procedure:
A. Preparation and Settling In:
1. Welcome students and connect the current lesson with the previous weeks' focus on gratitude in
2. Introduce the theme for the week: "Gratitude for the Environment."
B. Peace Education Learning Session:
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes):
Discuss the concept of gratitude for the environment.
Share examples of how expressing gratitude for nature can positively impact well-being.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Nature Appreciation Walk" (10 minutes):
Conduct a short nature walk around the school grounds.
In small groups, students discuss and appreciate the elements of nature they encounter.
B.3 Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes):
Show short video clips on the impact of expressing gratitude for the environment.
Facilitate a discussion on the observed behaviors and their effects on environmental well-being.
B.4 Small Group Discussions (8 minutes):
Assign discussion topics on the importance of gratitude for the environment.
Encourage students to share personal experiences and insights within their groups.
B.5 Group Activity: "Gratitude Tree" (5 minutes per group):
In small groups, students create a visual representation (such as a tree) showcasing their gratitude
for different aspects of the environment.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing:
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes):
Lead a discussion on the impact of expressing gratitude for the environment.
Encourage students to reflect on how they can contribute to environmental well-being through
IV. Wrap Up:
Conclusion and Homework Assignment (2 minutes):
Summarize key points from the session.
Assign homework: Take a photograph or draw a picture of something in nature for which they are
grateful and be prepared to share it in the next class.

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I. Objectives:
Explore the concept of gratitude in daily life.
Understand the importance of cultivating a habit of gratitude.
Identify and practice simple daily activities that promote gratitude.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Cultivating Daily Gratitude
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Chart paper and markers
Visual aids on daily gratitude practices
Short video clips on the benefits of daily gratitude
III. Procedure:
A. Preparation and Settling In:
1. Welcome students and connect the current lesson with the previous weeks' focus on gratitude for the
2. Introduce the theme for the week: "Cultivating Daily Gratitude."
B. Peace Education Learning Session:
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes):
Discuss the concept of cultivating a habit of gratitude in daily life.
Share examples of simple daily activities that promote gratitude.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Gratitude Jar" (10 minutes):
Provide students with small containers or jars.
Instruct them to write down one thing they are grateful for each day and place it in the jar.
B.3 Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes):
Show short video clips on the benefits of cultivating a habit of daily gratitude.
Facilitate a discussion on the observed behaviors and their effects on overall well-being.
B.4 Small Group Discussions (8 minutes):
Assign discussion topics on the challenges and benefits of cultivating daily gratitude.
Encourage students to share personal experiences and insights within their groups.
B.5 Group Activity: "Gratitude Calendar" (5 minutes per group):
In small groups, students create a gratitude calendar for the upcoming month, outlining daily
activities to cultivate gratitude.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing:
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes):
Lead a discussion on the benefits of cultivating daily gratitude.
Encourage students to reflect on how they can incorporate gratitude into their daily routines.
IV. Wrap Up:
Conclusion and Homework Assignment (2 minutes):
Summarize key points from the session.
Assign homework: Choose one activity from the gratitude calendar and practice it daily, reflecting
on its impact on their well-being.

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I. Objectives:
Explore the concept of gratitude in school life.
Identify and practice expressing gratitude within the school community.
Reflect on how gratitude contributes to a positive school environment.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Gratitude in School: Fostering a Positive Community
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Chart paper and markers
Visual aids on expressing gratitude in school
Short video clips on the impact of gratitude in school
III. Procedure:
A. Preparation and Settling In:
1. Welcome students and connect the current lesson with the previous weeks' focus on gratitude in
different contexts.
2. Introduce the theme for the week: "Gratitude in School: Fostering a Positive Community."
B. Peace Education Learning Session:
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes):
Discuss the importance of gratitude within the school community.
Share examples of expressing gratitude in a school setting.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Thank You Notes" (10 minutes):
Students write thank-you notes to teachers, staff, or classmates.
Encourage specific and sincere expressions of thanks.
B.3 Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes):
Show short video clips on the impact of gratitude within the school environment.
Facilitate a discussion on the observed behaviors and their effects on the school community.
B.4 Small Group Discussions (8 minutes):
Assign discussion topics on how gratitude can foster a positive school environment.
Encourage students to share personal experiences and insights within their groups.
B.5 Group Activity: "Gratitude Bulletin Board" (5 minutes per group):
In small groups, students create a bulletin board expressing gratitude for different aspects of
school life.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing:
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes):
Lead a discussion on the impact of expressing gratitude in school.
Encourage students to reflect on how they can contribute to a positive school community through
IV. Wrap Up:
Conclusion and Homework Assignment (2 minutes):
Summarize key points from the session.
Assign homework: Share one thing they are grateful for in the school community during the next

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I. Objectives:
Introduce the concept of historical gratitude.
Understand the importance of recognizing and appreciating historical figures and events.
Identify and practice expressing gratitude for historical contributions.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Historical Gratitude: Recognizing Contributions
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Chart paper and markers
Visual aids on historical gratitude
Short video clips on the contributions of historical figures
III. Procedure:
A. Preparation and Settling In:
1. Welcome students and connect the current lesson with the previous week's focus on gratitude in the
school community.
2. Introduce the theme for the week: "Historical Gratitude: Recognizing Contributions."
B. Peace Education Learning Session:
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes):
Discuss the concept of historical gratitude and its importance.
Share examples of historical figures and events worthy of gratitude.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Timeline Exploration" (10 minutes):
Create a simple timeline of historical events on the board or on chart paper.
Students discuss and identify events or figures for which they feel grateful.
B.3 Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes):
Show short video clips on the contributions of historical figures.
Facilitate a discussion on the observed historical events and their impact.
B.4 Small Group Discussions (8 minutes):
Assign discussion topics on the significance of expressing gratitude for historical contributions.
Encourage students to share personal thoughts and insights within their groups.
B.5 Group Activity: "Gratitude Collage" (5 minutes per group):
In small groups, students create a collage highlighting the contributions of historical figures or
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing:
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes):
Lead a discussion on the importance of historical gratitude.
Encourage students to reflect on how recognizing historical contributions can shape their
perspective on the present.
IV. Wrap Up:
Conclusion and Homework Assignment (2 minutes):
Summarize key points from the session.
Assign homework: Choose one historical figure or event and write a short paragraph expressing
gratitude for their contributions.

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I. Objectives:
Explore the concept of gratitude for cultural diversity.
Understand the importance of recognizing and appreciating cultural differences.
Identify and practice expressing gratitude for cultural contributions.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Cultural Gratitude: Embracing Diversity
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Chart paper and markers
Visual aids on cultural gratitude
Short video clips on the richness of cultural diversity
III. Procedure:
A. Preparation and Settling In:
1. Welcome students and connect the current lesson with the previous week's focus on historical
2. Introduce the theme for the week: "Cultural Gratitude: Embracing Diversity."
B. Peace Education Learning Session:
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes):
Discuss the importance of gratitude for cultural diversity.
Share examples of cultural contributions worth expressing gratitude for.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Cultural Appreciation Stations" (10 minutes):
Set up stations with artifacts or information about different cultures.
Students rotate through the stations, discussing and appreciating the diversity of cultures.
B.3 Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes):
Show short video clips on the richness of cultural diversity.
Facilitate a discussion on the observed cultural contributions and their impact.
B.4 Small Group Discussions (8 minutes):
Assign discussion topics on the significance of expressing gratitude for cultural diversity.
Encourage students to share personal thoughts and insights within their groups.
B.5 Group Activity: "Cultural Exchange" (5 minutes per group):
In small groups, students discuss and share aspects of their own culture, fostering understanding
and gratitude.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing:
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes):
Lead a discussion on the importance of cultural gratitude.
Encourage students to reflect on how expressing gratitude for cultural diversity can promote
IV. Wrap Up:
Conclusion and Homework Assignment (2 minutes):
Summarize key points from the session.
Assign homework: Write a short essay expressing gratitude for the cultural diversity within their

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I. Objectives:
Explore the concept of gratitude for community service.
Understand the importance of recognizing and appreciating the efforts of those who contribute to the
Identify and practice expressing gratitude for community service.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Gratitude for Community Service: Recognizing Contributions
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Chart paper and markers
Visual aids on community service gratitude
Short video clips on the impact of community service
III. Procedure:
A. Preparation and Settling In:
1. Welcome students and connect the current lesson with the previous week's focus on cultural
2. Introduce the theme for the week: "Gratitude for Community Service: Recognizing Contributions."
B. Peace Education Learning Session:
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes):
Discuss the importance of expressing gratitude for community service.
Share examples of community service contributions worth recognizing.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Community Service Recognition" (10 minutes):
Students share instances where they or someone they know engaged in community service.
Discuss the impact of these efforts on the community.
B.3 Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes):
Show short video clips on the impact of community service.
Facilitate a discussion on the observed community service contributions and their effects.
B.4 Small Group Discussions (8 minutes):
Assign discussion topics on the significance of expressing gratitude for community service.
Encourage students to share personal thoughts and insights within their groups.
B.5 Group Activity: "Community Service Appreciation" (5 minutes per group):
In small groups, students brainstorm ideas for a community service project or express gratitude to
a local community service organization.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing:
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes):
Lead a discussion on the importance of recognizing and appreciating community service.
Encourage students to reflect on how they can contribute to community service and express
gratitude for these efforts.
IV. Wrap Up:
Conclusion and Homework Assignment (2 minutes):
Summarize key points from the session.
Assign homework: Plan and execute a small act of community service, documenting the experience
for sharing in the next class.

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I. Objectives:
Explore the concept of gratitude in family relationships.
Identify and practice expressing gratitude within the family.
Reflect on how gratitude strengthens family bonds.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Gratitude in Family: Strengthening Bonds
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Chart paper and markers
Visual aids on expressing gratitude in the family
Short video clips on the impact of gratitude in family relationships
III. Procedure:
A. Preparation and Settling In:
1. Welcome students and connect the current lesson with the previous weeks' focus on gratitude in
different contexts.
2. Introduce the theme for the week: "Gratitude in Family: Strengthening Bonds."
B. Peace Education Learning Session:
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes):
Discuss the importance of gratitude within the family.
Share examples of expressing gratitude in a family setting.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Family Gratitude Circle" (10 minutes):
Students form a circle and express gratitude for a family member.
Encourage specific and sincere expressions of thanks.
B.3 Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes):
Show short video clips on the impact of gratitude in family relationships.
Facilitate a discussion on the observed behaviors and their effects on family bonds.
B.4 Small Group Discussions (8 minutes):
Assign discussion topics on how gratitude can strengthen family bonds.
Encourage students to share personal experiences and insights within their groups.
B.5 Group Activity: "Family Gratitude Collage" (5 minutes per group):
In small groups, students create a collage expressing gratitude for different family members and
aspects of family life.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing:
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes):
Lead a discussion on the impact of expressing gratitude in the family.
Encourage students to reflect on how they can contribute to a positive family environment
through gratitude.
IV. Wrap Up:
Conclusion and Homework Assignment (2 minutes):
Summarize key points from the session.
Assign homework: Express gratitude for a family member in a creative way (drawing, poem, etc.)
and share it in the next class.

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I. Objectives:
Explore the concept of gratitude for personal achievements.
Identify and practice expressing gratitude for one's own accomplishments.
Reflect on how self-gratitude contributes to personal well-being.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Self-Gratitude: Celebrating Personal Achievements
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Chart paper and markers
Visual aids on self-gratitude
Short video clips on the importance of celebrating personal achievements
III. Procedure:
A. Preparation and Settling In:
1. Welcome students and connect the current lesson with the previous week's focus on gratitude within
the family.
2. Introduce the theme for the week: "Self-Gratitude: Celebrating Personal Achievements."
B. Peace Education Learning Session:
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes):
Discuss the concept of self-gratitude and its importance.
Share examples of personal achievements worth celebrating.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Achievement Reflection" (10 minutes):
Students reflect on a personal achievement and share it with a partner.
Encourage positive and self-affirming language.
B.3 Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes):
Show short video clips on the importance of celebrating personal achievements.
Facilitate a discussion on the observed behaviors and their effects on personal well-being.
B.4 Small Group Discussions (8 minutes):
Assign discussion topics on the significance of expressing gratitude for personal achievements.
Encourage students to share personal experiences and insights within their groups.
B.5 Group Activity: "Celebration Reflection" (5 minutes per group):
In small groups, students discuss and plan a simple celebration for personal achievements.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing:
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes):
Lead a discussion on the importance of self-gratitude.
Encourage students to reflect on how celebrating personal achievements contributes to a positive
IV. Wrap Up:
Conclusion and Homework Assignment (2 minutes):
Summarize key points from the session.
Assign homework: Write a letter of self-gratitude, acknowledging personal strengths and
achievements, and share it in the next class.

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I. Objectives:
Explore the concept of gratitude for the natural environment.
Understand the importance of recognizing and appreciating the beauty of nature.
Identify and practice expressing gratitude for the environment.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Gratitude for Nature: Appreciating the Environment
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Chart paper and markers
Visual aids on expressing gratitude for nature
Short video clips on the beauty of nature
III. Procedure:
A. Preparation and Settling In:
1. Welcome students and connect the current lesson with the previous week's focus on self-gratitude.
2. Introduce the theme for the week: "Gratitude for Nature: Appreciating the Environment."
B. Peace Education Learning Session:
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes):
Discuss the concept of gratitude for nature and its importance.
Share examples of expressing gratitude for the natural environment.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Nature Exploration" (10 minutes):
Conduct a short nature walk around the school grounds.
In small groups, students discuss and appreciate the elements of nature they encounter.
B.3 Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes):
Show short video clips on the beauty of nature.
Facilitate a discussion on the observed natural elements and their impact on well-being.
B.4 Small Group Discussions (8 minutes):
Assign discussion topics on the significance of expressing gratitude for nature.
Encourage students to share personal experiences and insights within their groups.
B.5 Group Activity: "Nature Art" (5 minutes per group):
In small groups, students create artwork expressing gratitude for nature, using materials found
during the nature walk.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing:
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes):
Lead a discussion on the importance of expressing gratitude for nature.
Encourage students to reflect on how they can contribute to environmental well-being through
IV. Wrap Up:
Conclusion and Homework Assignment (2 minutes):
Summarize key points from the session.
Assign homework: Write a short poem or paragraph expressing gratitude for a specific aspect of
nature, and share it in the next class.

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I. Objectives:
Explore the concept of gratitude for friends and classmates.
Identify and practice expressing gratitude for positive peer relationships.
Reflect on how gratitude contributes to a supportive and harmonious classroom environment.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Gratitude for Friendship: Fostering Positive Relationships
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Chart paper and markers
Visual aids on expressing gratitude for friends
Short video clips on the importance of friendship
III. Procedure:
A. Preparation and Settling In:
1. Welcome students and connect the current lesson with the previous week's focus on gratitude for
2. Introduce the theme for the week: "Gratitude for Friendship: Fostering Positive Relationships."
B. Peace Education Learning Session:
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes):
Discuss the concept of gratitude for friends and classmates.
Share examples of expressing gratitude for positive peer relationships.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Friendship Circle" (10 minutes):
Students form a circle and express gratitude for a friend or classmate.
Encourage specific and sincere expressions of thanks.
B.3 Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes):
Show short video clips on the importance of friendship.
Facilitate a discussion on the observed behaviors and their effects on classroom dynamics.
B.4 Small Group Discussions (8 minutes):
Assign discussion topics on the significance of expressing gratitude for friendship.
Encourage students to share personal experiences and insights within their groups.
B.5 Group Activity: "Friendship Appreciation Cards" (5 minutes per group):
In small groups, students create appreciation cards for friends or classmates, highlighting positive
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing:
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes):
Lead a discussion on the importance of expressing gratitude for friendship.
Encourage students to reflect on how positive peer relationships contribute to a harmonious
classroom environment.
IV. Wrap Up:
Conclusion and Homework Assignment (2 minutes):
Summarize key points from the session.
Assign homework: Share a gratitude card with a friend or classmate, expressing appreciation for
their positive qualities, in the next class.

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