Fda Ce-Bande Élastique Pour Convoyeur en Auge
Fda Ce-Bande Élastique Pour Convoyeur en Auge
Fda Ce-Bande Élastique Pour Convoyeur en Auge
Informations générales
Gamme de produits Courroies plates hautes performances
Segment du marché Industries alimentaires, Papeterie & imprimerie, Aéroports, logistique & poste
Application typique Machine courrier, Impressions et finitions
Caractéristiques principales Catégorie alimentaire, Elastique
Caractéristiques spéciales Deux direction
Composition de la bande
Face de roulement Polyurethane Structure grossière Noir
Ame de traction Polyurethane
Face opposée Polyurethane Fine structuré Bleu royal
Norme alimentaire (FG) oui
Antistatique (AS) ISO 284 oui
Conductibilité elevée (HC) non
Approbation ATEX non
Méthode de jonctionnement
Principale méthode de jonctionnement Quick Splice méthode de soudure rapide
Méthode de jonctionnemenet alternative
Informations additionelles
Les données sont valables à env. 20°C (68°F) et 65% d'humidité relative.
Consulter nos spécialistes pour plus d'informations et d'instructions concernant le soudage, le stockage et l'entretien, ainsi que le guidage
et la tension. Notre service technique est à votre disposition pour tout renseignement relatif aux accessoires et aux profilages.
Consulter nos spécialistes pour les calculs à l'aide du programme de calcul technique RappCalc.
Description d'article précédent:
Force de tracion pour une extension spécifique par unité de largeur (N/mm)
Les informations sont sujetes à des modifications éventuelles, du fait de l’évolution permanente de la technologie. Cette édition annule toutes les éditions précédentes ainsi
que l’information mentionnée dans celles-ci. Ammeraal Beltech exclut toute responsabilité pour l’emploi incorrect de l’information ci-dessus Toutes activités et services
executés par Ammeraal Beltech sont sujets aux conditions de vente et de livraison générales, appliquées par leurs sociétés.
Food Statement EC
The framework Regulation EC 1935/2004 Food Contact of the European Parliament lays down regulations on
materials and articles intended to come into contact with food. Belonging Regulation EU 10/2011 is a EC
specific measure within the meaning of Article 5 of Regulation EC 1935/2004 and establishes specific 1935/2004
requirements for the manufacture and marketing of plastic materials intended to come into contact with
food. Regulation EU 10/2011 is also applicable to printing inks, adhesives or coatings, but does not apply to rubber and
silicones. Principle is that food contact materials should be safe and should not transfer their components into the foodstuff
(migration) in unacceptable quantities. The EU legislation for food contact materials is based on positive lists of the
substances and maximum limits of migration to food. Only positive list substances may be used for manufacturing of food
contact plastics.
Ammeraal Beltech herewith declares that the following mentioned belt type is in compliance with
Framework Regulation EC 1935/2004 – which replaces the former Directives 89/109/EEC and 80/590/EEC – and belonging
Regulation EU 10/2011 (with amendments) – which replaces former Specific Directives 2002/72/EC and 90/128/EEC (with
Ir Ivo Spaargaren
Director Manufacturing
The Food and Drug Administration (hereafter called FDA) of the Public Health Service of the
Department of Health, Education and Welfare, established in Washington DC 20204, United States of
America, is the world’s best known authority involved in consumer protection in respect of potential
detrimental influences, which could be caused by any inclusion of substances or ingredients of an unacceptable nature in
foodstuffs and confectionery. The FDA have prepared a review ‘Title 21: Code of Federal Regulations’ in respect of their
approval of the raw materials in a processed or finished state, and also specified the conditions under which the approval is
Ammeraal Beltech herewith declares that the cover of the following belt type meets the requirements mentioned in Title 21:
Code of Federal Regulations, issued by the FDA
According to paragraph 177.2600 (rubber articles intended for repeated use) for all wrapped and unwrapped foodstuffs
Ir Ivo Spaargaren
Director Manufacturing
Temperature - 180°C -
31 - 60 mm Heating time - 2 min. 30 sec. -
Cooling time - 2 min. 30 sec. -
Temperature -
61 - 100 mm Heating time -
Cooling time -
By using a QSP105 plus please attach the pliers with high pressure.100mm width:QSP160 pliers,heating time:2:45, high pressure.
Alternative splice method: Overlap splice, overlap 3 mm
Check points
- Check the endless belt length with the measuring tool BLM 4400.
Refer to the RAPPLON® Fabrication tolerances.
Additional marks
- Before Splicing carefully read the operation manuals of the using pliers.
- All indications are approximate values and based on preheated Ammeraal Beltech guide rails.
- The specifications have been defined under the following climatic conditions:
23 °C/73 °F, 50 % relative humidity (DIN 50005/ISO 554).
- Please consider the belt length can vary up to +/- 0.3 % due to climatic fluctuations.
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RAPPLON High Performance Flat Belts to reflect the product improvements Last modification: 07.01.2015
Endless joining process for RAPPLON QuickSplice flat belts
Follow this guidance in combination with the Endless joining instruction to achieve a good joint and a correct endless length of the belt.
For more detailed information refer to the Fabrication Guide.
Cutting RC 60
After fabrication belt length has been calulated cut the flat belt
with a cutting tool.
HFT 120 MFT 60- MFT 250
Choose the appropriate finger dimension according
to the endless joining data sheet and punch the fingers
with a RAPPLON® punching tool.
For 110 mm finger dimensions choose our LF (long finger) guide rails.
Place the belt ends into the guide rail between the outer marks
and fix them with red clamps to the guide rail.
Fix the cover plate to the guide rail with metal clamps.
Place the prepared guide rail into the preheated heating pliers.
Heating time according the Endless joining data sheet.
Check points
Check the endless belt length with the measuring tool BLM 4400.
Refer to the RAPPLON® Fabrication tolerances.
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RAPPLON High Performance Flat Belts to reflect the product improvements Last modification: 07.01.2015