Week 2-1 Swaab Et Al. (2012)
Week 2-1 Swaab Et Al. (2012)
Week 2-1 Swaab Et Al. (2012)
90 3,811
4 authors, including:
Megan Boudewyn
University of California, Santa Cruz
All content following this page was uploaded by Tamara Y Swaab on 03 December 2019.
DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195374148.013.0197
The N400
What this study clearly demonstrates, in terms of the beauty of using ERPs
in language research, is that one can measure ERPs to any and all words in
the sentence without interrupting the language comprehender with a task.
Tasks can be (and often have been) included after the language stimulus is
presented. For example, one can ask subjects to make a “true” or “false”
decision about a statement based on the content of the experimental
sentence, or ask them to make a “good” or “bad” judgment about the
sentences they have just read (or heard). However, quite a few ERP language
researchers have argued that these types of tasks are no longer necessary,
because N400 effects can be observed without the inclusion of a potentially
interfering behavioral task (e.g., van Berkum, 2004). The ability to present
stimuli without any task other than to listen or read can be essential in
studies with patient populations, because they may not understand the
behavioral task (e.g., aphasic patients: Swaab et al, 1997, 1998).
However, there are challenges too. One of the challenges in any study that
uses ERPs is that blinking, eye movements, and other movements need to
be minimized because they induce artifacts in the electroencephalography
(EEG) signal. To accomplish this in ERP studies of reading, words are not
presented all at once (as in this text), but instead one word at a time at the
center of a computer screen, usually at a rate of one word every 500 ms with
a 200 ms blank interval between words. Further, a fixation cross typically
replaces words at the same central location on the screen so that subjects
can fixate their eyes, usually 1000 ms before the onset of the first word and
2000 ms after the presentation of the last word of the critical stimulus. To
Fig. 15.1. The discovery of the N400 (Kutas and Hillyard, 1980). Subjects
were presented with sentences one word at a time in three conditions.
Arrows show when each word was presented. In this and all other figures,
the vertical axis shows the amplitude in microvolts and the horizontal axis
shows the time in milliseconds. Negative polarity is depicted upward. Event-
related potentials were compared to the final words in three conditions.
In the congruent condition (solid line), the last word of the sentence was
semantically appropriate given the context. In the anomalous condition
(dashed line), the sentence-final word was semantically inappropriate
given the context, and this elicited the N400. The dotted line shows that a
sentence-final word that was semantically congruent but physically deviant
(a different font size) elicited a large positive shift (P650) but no N400.
Redrawn with permission from Kutas and Hillyard (1980), Figure 1.
The existence of the N400 was first reported by Marta Kutas and Steven
Hillyard in a seminal study published in Science in 1980. At the time, no
language-related ERPs had been discovered and electrophysiological
methods were used almost exclusively to study other perceptual and
cognitive processes, such as attention and memory. Marta Kutas, who
had performed studies with Emanuel Donchin using the P300, wondered
whether or not this component would also be sensitive to “oddballs” of
language. Kutas and Hillyard (1980) asked subjects to read sentences
such as “He spread the warm bread with socks.” These sentences were
presented one word at a time at fixation, as is now typical for ERP studies
of reading (see the previous section). In this same study, subjects also read
normal sentences (e.g., “It was my first day at work”) and sentences that
ended with a word that was normal in meaning, given the context, but
anomalous because of a change in the physical appearance of the critical
word (e.g., “She put on her high-heeled SHOES”). The physical oddball
indeed resulted in a positive deflection in the ERP waveform. The semantic
anomaly, however, elicited a negative ERP that peaked at around 400 ms
The discovery of the N400 has led to a flurry of ERP studies of word,
sentence, and discourse comprehension (see Figures 15.2 and 15.3). Many
of the early studies were devoted to identifying the processing nature of the
N400. These studies showed that the N400 is modality independent; that
is, N400 effects are observed to words whether they are written, spoken, or
signed2 (e.g., Bentin et al., 1985; Holcomb & Neville, 1990; Kutas & Hillyard,
1980; Kutas et al., 1987; McCallum et al., 1984). In addition, many studies
have shown that the N400 is not only sensitive to semantic violations, but is
also found when words are semantically appropriate but less expected in the
context—for example wasp in “She was stung by a wasp,” where bee would
be the most expected completion (Kutas & Hillyard, 1984; Kutas et al., 1984).
Further studies have shown that the N400 is not restricted to manipulation
of meaning in sentences, but is also found for manipulations of discourse
contexts, on the one hand (e.g., van Berkum et al., 1999), and semantic or
repetition priming manipulations, on the other hand, where only one word
serves as the context (e.g., Bentin et al., 1985). Van Berkum and colleagues
(1999) manipulated whether or not the final word of the last sentence in
a short passage was consistent in meaning with the preceding discourse
context (e.g., “He ate a juicy steak” preceded by a discourse context that
had introduced a vegetarian versus a discourse context that had introduced
a person who loves to eat meat). They found a reduced N400 to critical
(final) words that matched versus those that did not match the meaning of
the global discourse contexts, even when these words were semantically
appropriate in the local sentence context. In studies of semantic priming,
the amplitude of the N400 is reduced to words that are associatively or
semantically related to the preceding context word relative to when they are
not (e.g., doctor–nurse vs. table–nurse; e.g., Bentin et al., 1985, Brown &
Hagoort, 1993; Chwilla et al., 1998, 2000; Holcomb, 1993).
Other studies have shown that the N400 is sensitive to lexical properties
of words. For example, real words (e.g., plant) elicit smaller N400s than
pseudowords (orthographically legal, pronounceable nonwords, e.g., plunt),
but random letter strings do not produce an N400 component (e.g., ntlpu).
Frequently used (high-frequency) words show smaller amplitude N400s
than do infrequently used (low-frequency) words (e.g., Barber et al., 2004),
but this effect is modulated by the context, such that words later in the
sentence no longer show lexical frequency effects (Van Petten & Kutas,
1991). Additionally, words with a small orthographic neighborhood (i.e.,
words that can be formed by changing one letter of another existing word,
such as fun and fan) show reduced N400s relative to words with large
As discussed above, N400 effects are found even when the preceding
context consists of a list of words that do not form sentences or discourse.
These N400 effects have been observed in studies of semantic and repetition
priming (e.g., Bentin & Peled, 1990; Bentin et al., 1985; Boddy, 1986;
Holcomb & Neville, 1990; Joyce et al., 1999; Kutas & Hillyard, 1989; Rugg
et al., 1993; Swaab et al., 2002; see Figure 15.2).
Strong Constraint:
Weak Constraint:
For the unexpected completions, the critical words were the same in
both constraint conditions (look in the example) and formed plausible
but unexpected completions with very low cloze probabilities (3.1%). For
the expected completions, contextual constraint and cloze probability
were necessarily confounded (high-constraint sentences, by definition,
will yield less possible responses than low-constraint sentences) such that
high-constraint sentences ended with critical words of very high cloze
probability (85.3%) and low-constraint sentences ended with critical words
of medium cloze probability (26.9%). Federmeier et al. (2007) replicated
previous findings of the effects of cloze probability on the N400 such that
congruent sentence-final words with high cloze probability resulted in
It is prudent at this point to raise two methodological issues. One is not ERP-
specific but is relevant to the present study: namely, the use of a probe
recognition task. Gordon et al. (2000) have shown that the probe word
recognition task induces readers to read sentences more like incoherent
lists, which may enhance effects of lexical association and decrease
effects of sentence coherence. The other, more ERP-specific issue is the
necessity to use RSVP paradigms with ERPs to avoid eye movements that
will contaminate the ERPs. As mentioned before, van Petten et al. (1997)
used an RSVP rate of one word every 300 ms to more closely approximate
normal reading rates. However, since words are presented one at a time,
this fast rate may impose additional demands on the reader that may
influence overall sentence integration (Camblin et al., 2007b). This issue
Fig. 15.7 The VHF method has been used to study the contribution of the LH
and RH to language processing. The VHF studies present stimuli laterally to
either the right visual field (RVF, in red) or the left visual field (LVF, in green).
The RVF input hits the left side of the retinas of both eyes and is processed
first by the LH, and the LVF input hits the right side of the retinas of both
eyes and is processed first by the RH. This is due to the organization of the
visual system, where the optic nerves from both eyes cross at the optic
chiasm and are sent to the primary visual cortices of the LH and RH of the
brain. Reprinted with permission from Bruno Dubuc, Canadian Institutes of
Health Research: Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction,
• They were hard to walk in, but she loved her olive shoes.
c Incongruent/Associated
• They were truly stuck, since she didn’t have a spare pencil.
Coulson et al. (2005) showed N400 effects of sentence congruence for both
hemifields that were identical in size and onset. This finding suggests that
the RH is in fact sensitive to sentence-level semantic constraints, which
confirms earlier behavioral findings of Faust and colleagues (Faust, 1998;
Faust & Gernsbacher, 1996; Faust et al., 1993, 1995). Effects of lexical
priming, on the other hand, varied as a function of hemifield of presentation:
whereas in the LVF/RH, effects of lexical priming were observed for both
congruent and incongruent sentence endings, in the RVH/LH effects of lexical
priming were observed only for sentences that ended with an incongruent
word. Thus, these results suggest that the two hemispheres are differentially
sensitive to effects of lexical priming in sentence contexts. The LH “uses”
lexical associations only when no overall integration of the sentential context
is possible, whereas the RH uses lexical associations regardless of the overall
congruence of the sentence contexts. In addition, the effects of lexical
priming only showed up as a canonical N400 effect for the incongruent/
associated critical words presented to the RVF/LH. For the LVF/RH, a frontally
distributed ERP effect of lexical association was observed (see Figure 15.8).
Coulson et al. (2005) state that this effect needs further study, but it does
open the intriguing possibility that under certain circumstances, effects of
lexical priming may have a distinct electrophysiological signature from the
classical N400 effect of sentence congruence.
Alliterative condition
Category condition
Several ERP studies have used the exquisite temporal resolution of ERPs
in general and of the N400 in particular to investigate whether the wider
discourse context can immediately influence lexical semantic processing in
the local sentence context, or alternatively, whether there is a delay in the
influence of discourse context on lexical semantic processing in the local
sentence (e.g., Camblin et al., 2007a; Federmeier & Kutas, 1999; Nieuwland
& van Berkum, 2006; Nieuwland et al., 2007; St. George et al., 1994; van
Berkum, 2004; van Berkum et al., 1999, 2003, 2007, 2008; for a review, see
van Berkum, 2009).
St. George et al. (1994) were the first to show that the N400 is sensitive to
global discourse-level effects on the processing of the meaning of single
words. Subjects read ambiguous paragraphs from a behavioral study by
Bransford and Johnson (1972, p. 722), in which everyday activities were
described that did not make sense unless a disambiguating title was
provided, as in the following example:
“The procedure is actually quite simple. First you arrange things into different
groups depending on their makeup. Of course, one pile may be sufficient
depending on how much there is to do. If you have to go somewhere due to
lack of facilities that is the next step, otherwise you are pretty well set. It is
important not to overdo any particular endeavor. That is, it is better to do
too few things at once than too many. In the shorter run this may not seem
important, but complications from doing too many can easily arise. A mistake
can be expensive as well. The manipulation of the appropriate mechanism
should be self-explanatory, and we need not dwell on it here. At first the
whole procedure will seem complicated. Soon, however, it will become just
another facet of life. It is difficult to foresee any end to the necessity of this
task in the immediate future, but then one can never tell.”
Federmeier and Kutas (1999) used the N400 to investigate the lexical-
semantic processing of words within and across category boundaries when
a preceding context strongly favored one specific lexical candidate from a
semantic category (“They wanted to make the hotel look more like a tropical
resort. So along the driveway they planted rows of palms/pines/tulips”). They
found that the amplitude of the N400 varied as a function of the match of
the critical word with the semantic category biased by the overall context,
with a reduction of the N400 seen to the most expected final word given the
discourse context (palms). Importantly, the amplitude of the N400 to the
discourse-unexpected words varied as a function of the semantic relationship
of these words with the most expected word, such that a smaller N400 was
found to pines (which is a close semantic associate of palms) than to tulips
(which has a more distant semantic relationship). These findings not only
illustrate discourse context effects on processing but also, according to the
authors, indicate that long-term memory organization influences language
Fig. 15.10 A reduced N400 is found to words that violate animacy (dotted
line; e.g., the peanut fell in love) relative to those that do not (solid line;
e.g., the peanut was salted). This paradoxical result is obtained when the
violation of animacy is context appropriate in the discourse (e.g., in a story
We will now turn to some N400 studies showing that a cohesive, supportive
discourse can delay or even override local effects of lexical-semantic
processing. Nieuwland and van Berkum (2006) presented participants with
short, cartoon-like passages featuring animacy violations. Animacy violations
produce an N400 effect, presumably because human-exclusive actions or
emotions, such as talking to a therapist or singing a love song, are ascribed
to inanimate objects, such as a yacht or a peanut, and this creates a kind
of semantic anomaly. The authors constructed 60 six-sentence cartoon-
like stories that featured a cartoon-style, animacy-violating character, such
as a peanut singing about his girlfriend. The experimental manipulation
involved the penultimate sentence of each story, which contained either an
animate (yet context-appropriate) or inanimate (yet context-inappropriate)
description of the main character (e.g., the peanut). In the animate, context-
appropriate condition, the peanut would be described as being in love,
for example, while the inanimate, context-inappropriate condition would
describe the peanut as salted. All inanimate, context-inappropriate words
were selected so as to be canonical, or common descriptors of that particular
object (“The peanut was salted”). It is important to note that such common
descriptors would ordinarily be expected to reduce the N400 amplitude,
particularly relative to animacy-violating descriptors (in love). In contrast,
as can be seen in Figure 15.10, Nieuwland and van Berkum (2006) found a
reduction of the N400 amplitude to the noncanonical but context-appropriate
words (in love). This suggests that a discourse context can actually override
the effects of both animacy violations and plausibility.
Other studies have shown that N400 effects of repetition priming are not
immune to discourse-level effects either (e.g., Camblin et al., 2007b; Gordon
et al., 2004; Johns et al., under review; Ledoux et al., 2006, 2007; Swaab
et al., 2004). For example, studies of both visual and auditory modalities
have shown that classic N400 effects of repetition priming with repeated-
name coreference (when two instances of a name refer to the same person)
were found only when the sentence structure was conducive to this type of
coreference. Compare, for example, the following sentences:
(1) At the office Daniel moved the desk because Daniel needed
room for the filing cabinet.
(2) At the office Daniel and Amanda moved the desk because
Daniel needed room for the filing cabinet.
Fig. 15.11 In this study by Boudewyn and colleagues (in press), participants
heard stories that ended with a word that was either congruent or not with
the preceding discourse and was associated or not with a word immediately
preceding the final word of the last sentence (see examples on the left side
of the figure). The ERP waveforms and topographic maps of the effects of
discourse congruence and associative priming are displayed. Red lines show
ERPs to discourse-incongruent and unrelated words, respectively, and blue
lines show ERPs to discourse-congruent and related words, respectively.
The N400 effects of lexical association are delayed relative to the effects of
discourse context in spoken language comprehension; whereas significant
effects of discourse congruence were obtained in all three epochs shown for
the topographic maps, the effects of association were not obtained until after
400 ms.
The repeated name “Daniel” (the anaphor) in Sentence (1) is awkward (the
pronoun he would be preferred in this case), whereas in Sentence (2) the use
Discourse context can thus be seen to override the more purely lexical-level
benefits of both semantic association and repetition (for review, see Ledoux
et al., 2006).
Fig. 15.12 Effects of lexical repetition (right side) and discourse prominence
(left side) during reading of sentences. Event-related potentials are shown
for a central site. A repeated name penalty is found for repeated names
with antecedents in discourse prominence (Daniel/Daniel, blue line, vs.
Daniel and Amanda/Daniel, red line, top left quadrant). Effects of discourse
prominence are not obtained when a new name is entered in the discourse
(Robert, bottom left quadrant). Effects of lexical repetition are only obtained
for repeated names with antecedents that are not prominent in the discourse
(Daniel and Amanda/Daniel, blue line, vs. Daniel and Amanda/Robert, red
line, bottom right quadrant) but not for repeated names with prominent
antecedents (top right quadrant). Data from Ledoux et al. (2007).
Taken together, the N400 studies discussed in this section indicate the
rapid and sometimes dominating effect of discourse representations on the
processing of incoming words. Overall, the results are more consistent with
interactive models of processing, where contextual information can have an
immediate impact on language comprehension and processing.8
Fig. 15.13 The Nref is obtained to critical words that can refer to more
than one antecedent (blue line) relative to those with unambiguous single
antecedents (black line). Adapted with permission from van Berkum (2009).
In a later study, Coulson and Van Petten (2002) examined the processing of
metaphors by comparing them not only to straightforward literal controls
but also to literal mappings. For example, consider the word syrup in the
following sentences:
Literal control: I read that one of Canada’s major exports is
maple syrup.
While the word “syrup” is not being used metaphorically in the literal
mapping condition, it does elicit some of the same processing that is
required to understand metaphors according to the conceptual blending
hypothesis: mappings need to be produced between disparate domains,
and integration across those domain backgrounds needs to take place
(Fauconnier & Turner, 1998). In the example above, the qualities of blood
and cherry syrup both need to be activated and mappings need to be made
between the two regarding their similarities specific to that given context.
Coulson and Van Petten (2002) found a graded N400 effect, such that the
largest N400s were produced to metaphors, the smallest to literal controls,
and those of intermediate amplitude were found in response to literal
mapping. Taken together, the findings of Coulson and Van Petten (2002)
and Pynte et al. (1996), show that while processing metaphors does appear
more effortful than processing sentences that are transparent literally, this
difficulty can be reduced by providing a supporting context and may not be
entirely unique to nonliteral language comprehension.
Coulson and Van Petten (2007) also did not find VHF ERP evidence of an
RH advantage for figurative language comprehension. Participants read
sentences that ended with either highly predictable (high-cloze) words or
appropriate but low-cloze literal or low-cloze metaphorical words that were
presented in either the left or right VHF. A significant effect of sentence
type was found, such that both low-cloze literal and low-cloze metaphorical
sentence endings elicited relatively larger N400 amplitudes than high-cloze
endings, with the metaphorical endings eliciting the largest N400 amplitudes
of all (see Figure 15.14). This implies that metaphorical processing is more
Thus, these empirical findings with the N400 appear more consistent with
the retrieval view of Kutas and colleagues (2000, 2006; see also Lau et al.,
2008). Recently, van Berkum (2009 has proposed an extension of the
retrieval model of the N400, labeled the multiple cause intensified etrieval
model (MIR), to take into account some of the more recent findings with the
N400 (see notes 7 and 8). His model assumes that “The amplitude of the
word elicited N400 reflects the computational resources used in retrieving
the relatively invariant ‘coded’ meaning(s) stored in semantic long-term
memory for, and made available by, the word at hand” (van Berkum, 2009
p 12). As in the Kutas et al. (2006) model, van Berkum (2009) assumes that
retrieval is facilitated (i.e., requires fewer computational resources) when
the meaning of a word is consistent with contextually preactivated semantic
features. But he also assumes that the N400 is not only dependent on the
semantic context per se, but is also modulated as a function of emotional
connotation, linguistic focus, or preword hesitation, factors that can all lead
to the retrieval of a richer set of semantic features that requires increased
computational resources. Van Berkum (2009) also broadens the array of
factors that may generate contextual expectations, including nonlinguistic
ones (e.g., a mental representation of the sensory context, a mental model
of the situation being discussed, and some metalinguistic representation of
Hagoort and colleagues (2009) have suggested that these different accounts
of the processing nature of the N400 might be reconciled if the LH and RH
make different contributions to the creation of a meaning representation of
the overall context, as proposed by Federmeier and colleagues (Federmeier,
2007; Federmeier & Kutas, 1999b; Kutas & Federmeier, 2000). They
propose that the LH is involved in predictive and the RH in integrative
semantic processing. In other words, the language-dominant LH generates
contextually consistent semantic predictions that will facilitate retrieval and
reduce the amplitude of the N400 (i.e., if the prediction is met). The RH, on
the other hand, activates semantic information on the basis of the input
and incrementally integrates the semantic information of the current input
with that of previously activated semantic information. If this information
matches, the integration is facilitated and a reduction of the N400 ensues.
Recent studies have clearly implicated a function of the left inferior frontal
cortex in semantic processing as well (e.g., Giesbrecht et al., 2004; Gold
& Buckner, 2002; Hagoort et al., 1996; Poldrack et al., 1999; Swaab et al.,
1997, 1998; Thompson-Schill et al., 1997, 1998, 1999; Wagner et al., 2000,
2001). Even though the exact nature of this contribution is still a matter
of debate, the different proposals converge on the idea that this area is
not sensitive to semantic retrieval per se, but instead may be involved in
context-sensitive response selection (Kerns et al., 2004), lexical selection
or competition among semantic features (Thompson-Schill et al., 1997),
semantic unification (Hagoort et al., 2005), or processes of response
selection for semantic information (Gabrieli et al., 1998).
The P600
The P600 (Osterhout & Holcomb, 1992; also sometimes called the syntactic
positive shift, or SPS; Hagoort et al., 1993) is a slow late positive shift
in the ERP waveform. It typically onsets around 500 ms after the onset
of a stimulus (although earlier positive shifts have also been observed;
Mecklinger et al., 1995) and lasts for several hundred milliseconds; its peak
Both (a) and (b) are grammatical sentences; however, (b) contains a
temporary syntactic ambiguity that is absent in a. Until the verb in the
second clause (“is”) is encountered in (b), two plausible and formally
permissible structures can be generated from the sentence fragment (one in
which “and” combines “the house” and “the garage” into a conjoined noun
phrase, both of which are being painted, and one in which “the garage” is
the head noun of a new clause, as is ultimately forced upon encountering
“is”). Behavioral research has demonstrated that most readers prefer the
first structure, the one that must be abandoned upon encountering “is”. The
ERP results mirror the behavioral results: at the verb in the second clause,
the amplitude of the P600 is larger in (b) than in (a), suggesting that readers
have to abandon the preferred structural interpretation at this point in favor
of the less preferred one (Kaan & Swaab, 2003a).
Other research has shown that it is not necessary for a sentence to include
this kind of “garden path” (in which one is first led down a specific syntactic
path before recognizing the need to change directions toward another) to
elicit a larger P600; sentences that are unambiguous, but syntactically more
difficult or sophisticated, can lead to increases in the amplitude of the P600
as well (Kaan & Swaab, 2003b, Kaan et al., 2000; see Figure 15.17).
Finally, it may well be that P600 effects are not of a piece, but instead
comprise a family of effects that may reflect separable underlying functional
processes. Hagoort and colleagues (1999) suggested that the topographic
distribution of the P600 might differ, depending on the type of demand
placed on the parser. Specifically, they suggested that P600 effects tend to
be more frontally distributed in cases in which syntactic preferences are not
met, but tend to be more posterior in cases of outright syntactic violations.
Until quite recently, despite the lack of agreement on the exact functional
nature of the P600 component, most researchers would have at least felt
comfortable with a characterization of this component as reflecting some
aspect of syntactic processing, as compared with the N400 and its role as an
index of semantic processing. However, even this rather general depiction
of the P600 has been called into question by a recent series of studies that
report P600-type effects to stimuli that contain seeming semantic violations
and thus might otherwise have been reasonably expected to elicit N400
One example of such a study comes from Kuperberg et al. (2003b), who
presented participants with sentences like the following:
a For breakfast the boys would only eat toast and jam.
b For breakfast the eggs would only eat toast and jam.
c For breakfast the boys would only bury toast and jam.
All three sentences are syntactically well formed. Sentence (a) is also
semantically well formed. Sentences (b) and (c) both contain semantic/
pragmatic violations. In (b), the incongruity results from an animacy violation
of thematic roles: eggs are inanimate and thus cannot fill the Agent thematic
role demanded by the verb “eat”. (An inanimate entity like “eggs” is
Fig. 15.18 Event-related potentials to verbs that form a normal (blue solid
line), an implausible but possible (red dotted line), and a thematically
violated continuation of the sentence (dashed green line). Adapted from
Kuperberg, Holcomb, Sitnikova, Greve & Caplan, 2003, Cognitive Brain
Research (Elsevier).
This effect cannot be explained just in terms of component overlap with the
N400, since it seems unlikely that eat in the eggs would eat would elicit a
reduction in the N400 relative to the control condition the boys would eat.
Results such as these throw into doubt the traditional interpretation of the
P600 component as an index of syntactic analysis and repair and, more
broadly, raise serious and interesting questions about the relationship
between semantic and syntactic processes in the brain.
For each stimulus set, participants read one of two types of prime sentences:
MC and RR forms. The MC interpretation is preferred, and behaviorally,
readers have temporary difficulty parsing the RR version. We expected to see
similar evidence of this difficulty electrophysiologically, and that is what we
found: a larger P600 to the disambiguating region (following the verb) for RR
prime sentences relative to MC prime sentences. After each prime sentence,
readers were presented with another sentence that contained the same main
verb presented in the prime sentence. This target sentence was always of
the RR form, regardless of the type of prime sentence that had preceded
it. So, half of the participants saw an MC prime followed by an RR target,
and half of them saw an RR prime followed by an RR target. We looked at
the ERPs to see if the response to the same target sentence differed purely
as a function of the type of prime sentence that had been read before it.
We found evidence that this was the case: the P600 was reduced for the
disambiguating region following the verb in the RR target sentences that had
been preceded by a prime sentence with a similar syntactic construction (RR)
relative to when the same target sentences had been preceded by a prime
sentence with a different syntactic construction (MC). We took this reduction
in the amplitude of the P600 to be evidence of syntactic priming. We were
also able to demonstrate that this syntactic priming effect was separate from
the priming effect that arose from lexical repetition. We found a reduction in
the amplitude of the N400 component to the second presentation of the verb
preceding the disambiguating region (in the target sentences) relative to its
first presentation (in the prime sentences). It seems, then, that the context
in which a sentence is presented (being in close proximity to sentences of
Even though many experiments have shown that the P600 is sensitive to
syntactic aspects of the linguistic input, the finding of a P600 to violations
of thematic constraints (as in “The eggs would eat toast with jam at
breakfast”) calls into question whether or not the P600 is uniquely evoked
by syntactic processing. Several new hypotheses about the functional
interpretation of the P600 have been offered in light of these recent results
(for reviews, see Bornkessel-Schlesewsky & Schlesewsky, 2008; Kolk &
Chwilla, 2007; Kuperberg, 2007; Stroud & Phillips, 2009). One proposal
is that the P600 effect in these experiments arises as a result of strong
semantic-thematic attraction (Kim & Osterhout, 2005) or fit (Kuperberg
et al., 2006) in sentences in which a plausible meaning can be derived if
thematic roles are reassigned (see also Kemmerer et al., 2007, for another
explanation based on the temporary syntactic reanalysis of grammatical-
semantic violations). More recently, Kuperberg (2007) has proposed a model
of language comprehension in which two processing streams act in parallel.
One, the semantic memory–based stream, computes semantic features
and relationships among sentence components and is primarily reflected in
the N400 component. The other, the combinatorial stream, is sensitive to
a multitude of linguistic constraints, including constraints of morphosyntax
and of semantic–thematic relationships (including animacy). When the two
streams provide contradictory output (i.e., when the semantic interpretation
output by the first stream contradicts morphosyntactic or semantic-thematic
information in the sentence), continued analysis must be undertaken to
resolve the inconsistency, and it is this extended analysis that is reflected
in the P600 component. A rather different proposal was presented by van
Herten and colleagues (2006; see also Kolk & Chwilla, 2007), who suggested
that the P600 might instead reflect the engagement of executive or cognitive
control processes in the service of error monitoring and reprocessing in order
to resolve response uncertainty during language processing (see also Vissers
et al., 2006, 2007, 2008). This last proposal is most damaging to the idea
that the P600 is sensitive to syntax, because it suggests that the P600 is not
even language-specific (which will be discussed further in the next section).
While P600 effects of this type are still open to interpretation and further
study, they do suggest that the interaction between semantic and syntactic
Is the P600 Distinct from the P300? Task Sensitivity and Possible Neural
Very soon after the discovery of the P600 in the early 1990s (Hagoort et al.,
1993; Osterhout & Holcomb, 1992), a debate emerged in the literature on
whether or not the P600 is in fact just another manifestation of the P3b, a
member of the P300 family (see Chapter 7, this volume). This would imply
that the P600 may be related to cognitive processing that is not specific to
the building of hierarchical structure (Coulson et al., 1998; Gunter et al.,
1997; but see Osterhout & Hagoort, 1999). Coulson and colleagues (1998)
published a study that suggested that the P600 is a member of the P300
family. Specifically, they argued that manipulations known to modulate
the P3b, such as salience of the stimulus, probability of occurrence, and
task relevance, also modulate the P600. Further, they found no significant
differences in the topographic distribution of the P3b and the P600, which
also challenges the idea that these ERPs are distinct. If the P600 and the P3b
are not distinct, then this would further call into question the assumption of a
syntax-sensitive ERP, although it would not dispute the fact that this positive-
deflecting ERP is sensitive to manipulations of syntax as well. Next, we will
discuss the results of some studies that suggest that the P3b and the P600
may in fact not be the same ERP component.
Less direct but nevertheless suggestive evidence comes from fMRI studies
that show that largely nonoverlapping brain regions become activated in
oddball experiments and syntactic experiments. Oddball fMRI studies have
shown activations in brainstem, temporal lobes, and medial frontal lobes
(e.g., Calhoun et al., 2006; McCarthy et al., 1997). Functional MRI studies
of syntax have observed activations in anterior regions of the superior
temporal gyrus (STG; Friederici et al., 2003; Meyer et al., 2000) and posterior
portions of the inferior frontal gyrus (Broca’s area; e.g., Caplan et al., 2008;
Friederici et al., 2003; Kuperberg et al., 2003; but see January et al., 2009).
Furthermore, recent studies that performed repeated transcranial magnetic
stimulation of Broca’s area show performance improvements during syntactic
processing (Sakai et al., 2002) and processing of artificial grammar (Uddén
et al., 2008).
Fig. 15.21 Comparison of P600 and P3b in patients with and without
lesions that include the basal ganglia. Patients with lesions that include
the basal ganglia do not show a P600 to morphosyntactic violations (solid
line) when compared to correct continuations (dotted line) of sentences
(left panel), but they do show a P3b response (right panel), with a larger
P300 to deviant (solid line) than to standard (dotted line) target stimuli.
Finally, it has been shown that the P600 and the P3b have different
oscillatory signatures; whereas an increase in P600 amplitude is correlated
with a decrease in alpha and beta bands (Davidson & Indefrey, 2007), a
larger amplitude of the P3b is associated with a tighter synchronization in
the gamma band and a reduction of power in the gamma band (Ford et al.,
These shifts appear over anterior electrodes and in some cases (though not
all) have been shown to be lateralized to the left side of the head. For this
reason, this class of ERP component is generally referred to as a left anterior
negativity (LAN). (In most cases, when not left-lateralized, the anterior
negativity is bilaterally distributed.) Researchers have reported LAN effects
at varying latencies following a stimulus. Early LAN (ELAN) effects have been
observed as early as 100–300 ms poststimulus onset. These early effects
have been distinguished from later LAN effects in the same latency window
as the N400 (300–500 ms) but have been differentiated from that component
by its anterior distribution (and by a different set of eliciting conditions).
Whether the ELAN and LAN are truly two different components indexing
functionally distinct language processes, or whether they reflect a single
process that varies in onset, is a matter of great debate.
The ELAN and LAN effects have been observed to word category violations,
that is, when the parser anticipates that an upcoming word will be of a
particular grammatical category (noun, verb, etc.) but is presented with a
word that violates that expectation, as in “The young apprentice went to
Fig. 15.22 The LAN and the P600 response to syntactic violations (dotted
line). Reprinted with permission from Friederici et al. (2004).
While the same lexical items can be used for the comparison across
conditions, other problems may arise when the critical word in the sentence
is not in the same position across conditions. As in behavioral studies,
ERP effects of the sentential position of the critical word have been
demonstrated, such that words presented at later positions in the sentence
are more easily integrated, resulting in a general reduction in the amplitude
of the N400 to these words toward the relative end of a sentence. In addition,
to avoid sentence wrap-up effects involving the integration of the overall
meaning of the sentence, it is best to avoid presenting the critical words in
the sentence-final position.
Furthermore, ERP baseline issues may occur when the words preceding and
following the critical word are different across experimental items, as in the
following example:
Anomalous: They admired my of sketch the landscape.
RSVP Requirements
Because ERPs are vulnerable to artifacts from eye movements, ERP reading
experiments typically present participants with sentence or discourse stimuli
To more closely mimic natural reading speed, reading studies with ERPs
have been performed at faster RSVP rates of 200–250 ms (e.g., Camblin
et al., 2007b; van Petten et al., 1997). Under these circumstances, short-
latency ERP components such as N1 and P2 do not clearly appear in the ERP
waveform because of the overlap of ERPs from previous words. However,
even at these fast rates, it has been possible to observe distinct N400 effects
(van Petten et al., 1997). Interestingly, in at least one study, the fast rate of
presentation led to changes in the typical pattern of results (Camblin et al.,
2007b), presumably because readers lacked control over their reading input,
which they would still have in natural reading conditions. This may place
additional demands on the reader that interfere with the normal reading
process. Recently, Van Berkum and colleagues introduced the variable
serial visual presentation (VSVP) technique in concert with ERPs, in which
the presentation duration of each word depends on its length (for details,
see Otten & van Berkum., 2007). This procedure would seem to better
approximate more natural reading conditions when compared with a fixed
fast RSVP of 200 ms per word.
Ditman and colleagues (2007) found that the self-paced reading paradigm
can be used while recording ERPs, allowing for comparison of ERP results
within participants. In self-paced reading paradigms, subjects are asked
to press a button each time they want to advance to the next word of a
sentence. The latency of these button presses is assumed to correlate
with processing difficulty, such that subjects will take longer to press the
button for the next word when they have more difficulty processing the
current word. Ditman et al. showed typical effects of pragmatic and syntactic
violations that had been established in previous ERP studies and self-paced
We hope we have shown that ERPs provide a very useful tool in the study
of language comprehension. Even though much work lies ahead of us in
unraveling the mysteries of meaning in language, when all is said and done,
“Language is to the mind more than light is to the eye” (Gibson, The Miracle
Worker, p. 25).
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(2) The topographic distribution of the N400 varies to some extent for written
and spoken language. In the visual modality the N400 is maximal over
centro-parietal sites over the right hemisphere, whereas for spoken language
the N400 is more equally distributed over centro-parietal sites of the left and
right hemispheres.
In addition, the onset latency of the N400 in written language is around 200
ms, whereas in natural spoken language the N400 may start to diverge as
early as 50 ms after the onset of a critical word because of coarticulatory
information from the preceding speech.
(4) Some researchers have also looked at slow wave responses elicited to
multiple words in sentences instead of to each individual word. In general,
these studies have found that more negative slow waves are observed to
sentences that are more difficult to process (relative to easier sentences). For
examples, see King and Kutas (1995) and Munte et al. (1998).
(6) Studies of speech perception have used the sensitivity of the mismatch
negativity (MMN; see Chapter 6, this volume) to deviations in auditory input
to successfully investigate acoustic and phonological aspects of speech (e.g.,
Kaan, 2008; Kaan et al., 2007; Näätänen et al., 1997; Phillips, 2001).
(7) Other ERP studies have shown that the reader and listener may actually
use discourse information to anticipate and predict the upcoming words in
the sentence or story (e.g., Delong et al., 2005; Nieuwland & Van Berkum,
2006a; Otten & Van Berkum, 2008; Otten et al., 2007; Van Berkum et al.,
2005; Wicha et al., 2004).
(8) Work of Hagoort and colleagues has also shown that world knowledge is
immediately integrated during normal language comprehension (Hagoort
et al., 2004; Hald et al., 2007). In addition, nonlinguistic (pragmatic)
information, such as whether or not the voice of the speaker matches
the message (e.g., a male talking about being pregnant; van Berkum
et al., 2008) and even whether or not the attitude and moral values of
the comprehender clash with the message (Van Berkum et al., 2009), also
immediately influence the amplitude of the N400. This further illustrates that
real-time comprehension takes immediate advantage of many sources of
contextual information.