Brain Respond Jokes
Brain Respond Jokes
Brain Respond Jokes
Joke comprehension has been decomposed into surprise registration followed by a coherence stage, involving frame-
shifting (retrieving a new frame from long-term memory to reinterpret information in working memory). We examined
this view by recording event-related brain potentials (ERPs) from adults reading one-line jokes or non-joke controls with
equally unexpected endings. Joke and non-joke ERPs differed in several respects depending on participants’ ability to
get the joke and contextual constraint. In good joke comprehenders, all jokes elicited a left-lateralized sustained nega-
tivity (500–900 ms), indexing frame-shifting, low constraint jokes elicited a frontal positivity (500–900 ms), and high
constraint jokes elicited an N400 and later posterior positivity. By contrast, poor joke comprehenders showed only a right
frontal negativity (300–700 ms) to jokes. This pattern of effects does not map readily onto a two-stage model of joke
comprehension. q 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.
Keywords: Event-related potentials; Comprehension; Jokes; Language; Humor
The ability to appreciate humor is an intriguing aspect of patients with right hemisphere brain damage (RHD), espe-
human behavior, considered by many to be a defining cially including the anterior portion of the right frontal lobe
human attribute [11]. Though it recruits a number of cogni- [3,14]. When asked to pick the punch-line of a joke from an
tive processes, analysts have decomposed joke comprehen- array of choices, including straightforward endings, non-
sion into two major components: registration of surprise sequitur endings, and the correct punch-line, RHD patients
followed by re-establishment of coherence [16]. For exam- erred by picking non-sequitur endings, indicating that they
ple, ‘years’ is surprising when it occurs in “I let my accoun- know surprise is necessary but are impaired on coherence
tant do my taxes because it saves time: last spring it saved [2]. Though these data suggest a dissociation between the
me 10 years”. However, to really ‘get’ the joke, the listener surprise and coherence stages of joke comprehension, their
must go beyond surprise and formulate a new, coherent implications for normal brain function are uncertain, as they
interpretation in which the speaker is worried about going may reflect compensatory strategies, and functional reorga-
to jail, and pays an accountant to conceal illegal business nization of the damaged brain. Further, lesion data do not
practices. Coherence involves a process of frame-shifting, in address the time course of the two stages of joke compre-
which the listener activates a new frame from long-term hension. To these ends, we recorded ERPs as neurologically
memory to reinterpret information already active in working intact participants read sentences that ended either as jokes
memory [4]. Here ,we use event-related brain potentials or with equally surprising non-joke endings that did not
(ERPs) recorded from healthy adults to examine the two- entail frame-shifting.
stage model by assessing the psychological reality of frame- Participants were 28 right-handed, college-age, monolin-
shifting, and differentiate it from the surprise component of gual English speakers (ten men) with normal, or corrected-
joke comprehension. to-normal, vision. Participants’ read sentences and
Joke comprehension deficits have been observed in answered true/false questions while their electroencephalo-
gram was sampled at 250 Hz and recorded from 26 tin
electrodes arranged in a geodesic pattern, referenced to
* Corresponding author. Cognitive Science 0515, 9500 Gilman the left mastoid.
Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0515, USA. Tel.: 11-858-822-4037; fax:
Sixty sentences ended either as jokes (30), or as non-jokes
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Coulson). (30); 100 were filler sentences. One-line jokes were chosen
0304-3940/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.
PII: S03 04 - 394 0( 0 1) 02 38 7- 4
72 S. Coulson, M. Kutas / Neuroscience Letters 316 (2001) 71–74
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ders (n ¼ 14) and poor joke comprehenders (n ¼ 14). (right) joke comprehenders.
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