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GSI AudioStar Pro Service Manual

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Instrument services manual

Part number D-0100795 rev. G

Setting The Clinical Standard www.grason-stadler.com

Grason-Stadler, 10395 West 70th Street, Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344

800-700-2282 • 952-278-4402 • fax 952-278-4401 • e-mail [email protected]
Title: GSI Instrument Service Manual

Copyright © 2012-2019 Grason-Stadler. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Grason-
Stadler. The information in this publication is proprietary to Grason-Stadler.
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 1
Intended Use .............................................................................................................................................. 1
Installation ................................................................................................................................................. 1
Compatibility and Restrictions .................................................................................................................. 2
Windows Start menu ................................................................................................................................. 2
USB Ports .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Instrument Service User Interface ............................................................................................................. 3
Context Menu ....................................................................................................................................... 3
About..................................................................................................................................................... 4
Settings.................................................................................................................................................. 5
Log Files ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Data Port Serial Settings (GSI 61 and TympStar) .................................................................................. 7
Close ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
Data Port Interface ..................................................................................................................................... 8
GSI AudioStar Pro v1, Pello ...................................................................................................................... 8
Data Transfer .............................................................................................................................................. 8
Record and Field Formatting ..................................................................................................................... 8
Input Operation ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Input Record Type 5 - Pushbutton Code Record....................................................................................... 9
Output Record Type 4 - Error Record ..................................................................................................... 10
Output Record Type - Test Battery Data Record .................................................................................... 11
Output Record Type 7 – Instrument Type ............................................................................................... 16
GSI TympStar Pro .................................................................................................................................... 17
Data Port - Data Transfer ........................................................................................................................ 17
Output Record Formats ........................................................................................................................... 17
Summary Data Records ........................................................................................................................... 17
Tymp Diagnostic .................................................................................................................................. 17
Tymp Screening ................................................................................................................................... 20
Reflex Threshold ................................................................................................................................. 23
Eustachian Tube Function - Intact ...................................................................................................... 27
Eustachian Tube Function - Perforated .............................................................................................. 29
Reflex Decay ........................................................................................................................................ 31
XY Graphic Data Record ........................................................................................................................ 34
Record Format .................................................................................................................................... 34
X Value Description ............................................................................................................................. 35
Y Value Description ............................................................................................................................. 35
Embedded Control Code ..................................................................................................................... 36
End of Summary and XY Data Record ................................................................................................... 36
Error Record ............................................................................................................................................ 36
Keyboard Entry Record ........................................................................................................................... 37
Patient Name ...................................................................................................................................... 37
Patient ID ............................................................................................................................................ 37
Tester Name ........................................................................................................................................ 38
Facility Name....................................................................................................................................... 38
Transmit Test Data Request Command ................................................................................................... 39
ACK/NAK Records................................................................................................................................. 39
Record Received OK Acknowledgement – ACK................................................................................... 39
Record Received Incorrectly Acknowledgement – NAK ..................................................................... 39
Instrument Services Public Interface ...................................................................................................... 40
XML Schema .......................................................................................................................................... 40
WCF Interface ......................................................................................................................................... 40
Calls to the host ....................................................................................................................................... 40
Callbacks ................................................................................................................................................. 43
WCF Bindings ........................................................................................................................................... 44
Defining WCF bindings with the app.config settings ............................................................................. 44
Creating the connection to the Instrument Service.................................................................................. 44
Defining WCF bindings programmatically ............................................................................................. 45
Patient List................................................................................................................................................. 46
Patient List XML Schema ....................................................................................................................... 46
Patient List CSV ...................................................................................................................................... 48
It is possible to extract the data from the GSI AudioStar Pro, GSI Pello and GSI
TympStar Pro for direct integration of audiologic results into third party software
programs (Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Electronic Healthcare Records
(EHR)). It is also possible to import a list of patients into the AudioStar Pro, Pello
and TympStar Pro. GSI provides data integration with a computer using the GSI
Instrument Service software.

This software component resides on a connected computer and facilitates the

electronic transmission of test parameter information from the instrument to a PC

The Instrument Services Public Interface is a programmatic interface using XML

to communicate all the available data that the instrument collects to be read out to
a PC application.

GSI Instrument Service also provides a virtual serial interface (audiometry Data
Port) to emulate a GSI 61 for backward compatibility functionality for the
AudioStar Pro (V1) and Pello audiometers. Similarly, GSI Instrument Service
provides a separate virtual serial interface (tympanometry Data Port) to emulate a
GSI TympStar for backward compatibility functionality for the TympStar Pro

These virtual serial port interfaces allow PC programs that can read data from the
GSI 61 or TympStar to also read similar data from the AudioStar Pro (V1), Pello
and TympStar Pro. Data Port is not available for AudioStar Pro V2.

This manual describes the functionality and data that is available from the GSI
Instrument Service.

Intended Use
GSI Instrument Service provides electronic data transfer of audiometric data
created by the GSI AudioStar Pro, Pello, and TympStar Pro devices. Independent
software programming engineers may interface to the Instrument Services
software provided by GSI directly from their proprietary software to manage
patient data. The direct transfer of data gives the physician immediate access to the
audiometric data in the electronic record.

Minimum System Requirements
• CPU: 1.6 GHz
• RAM: 1 GB
• Hard Disk: 3 GB
• USB Port: 1 for each connected GSI instrument
• CD-ROM Drive
Supported Operating systems
• Microsoft Windows™ 7 Professional
• Microsoft Windows™ 10 Pro

Software requirements
• Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.6.2

Installation instructions
1. Insert the CD or USB drive into the computer.
2. Browse the contents of the CD /USB to the “GSI Instrument Service”
3. Double-click on the setup.exe.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to properly install the selected software.

When installation is complete, the GSI Instrument Service will be an

icon in the system tray.

NOTE: You will need administrative rights to install the GSI Instrument
Service software. If you install GSI Suite V2.3 or above, it will also install the
GSI Instrument Service.

Compatibility and Restrictions

The GSI Instrument Service may be used at the same time as the GSI Suite,
AudioStar Pro Config App, Pello Config App, and TympStar Pro Config App. The
GSI Suite will utilize the Instrument Service for communications to the instrument.
If the Instrument Service is not running, the GSI Suite will start it.

The GSI Instrument Service must be closed when using the AudioStar Pro, Pello
or TympStar Pro calibration application. It can be restarted from the Windows Start

The GSI Instrument Service V2.6 and above is not compatible with an AudioStar
Pro running V1.0 or V1.1, or GSI Suite V2.3 or earlier. Versions are displayed in
the GSI Instrument Service About dialog.

Windows Start menu

The Instrument Service Software may be initiated from the Windows Start menu.
All Programs – Grason-Stadler – GSI Instrument Service.
USB Ports
During idle periods, some operating systems will force USB connections into a
“sleep” mode. This causes an interruption in USB connectivity between the GSI
instruments and the PC.

To ensure consistent communication to the GSI instruments, it is recommended

that the USB sleep mode is disabled.

These settings may be changed from the computer’s control panel. Typical location
is found under advanced settings of the power options.

Instrument Service User Interface

When installed on a PC, the GSI Instrument Service icon will appear in the
Windows system tray.

If you place your mouse pointer over the top of the icon, you will get the following
tooltip indicating the connected devices.

Context Menu
The context menu is displayed when you right click on the Instrument Services
Icon. There are six options that may be selected from the context menu.
The about dialog shows the current version and copyright information.
The connection status to an AudioStar Pro or Pello and/or TympStar Pro is
displayed along with the version of the connected instrument.

Automatically update devices date and time: When this check box is checked, the
program will update the date and time of the connected AudioStar Pro, Pello or
TympStar Pro instrument to the match the date and time of the PC. This date and
time update occur once per hour. To update the time on an instrument immediately
the Config App for the instrument may be used.

Emulated Data Ports: The selected serial port used for the GSI 61 or TympStar, if
the data port is enabled, is displayed.

Language: Provides a choice of languages for the Instrument Service user

interface. Instrument Service must be manually closed and then restarted for the
language change to take effect.

Press OK to close.
Log Files
The Log Files dialog provides options for sending and saving files that may be
useful in troubleshooting any problems encountered with the software.
Data Port Serial Settings (GSI 61 and TympStar)

1. Enable Data Port: The Data Port is used with programs that require
backward compatibility with the GSI 61 or TympStar data stream. Check
the box to enable this backward compatibility. GSI Suite does not require
this backward compatibility and there is no need to enable the Data Port
when using GSI Suite.
2. Automatic: GSI Instrument Service will automatically search for a serial
communication port that is not already being utilized by another
application. The user must configure the PC application to the same serial
port as the data port for seamless communication with the GSI Instrument
Service/AudioStar Pro/Pello/TympStar Pro.

NOTE: When the GSI Instrument Service starts, it will first try to use the serial
port that is previously used. If this is not available, it will automatically search
for the next open serial port. It will assign itself to the next unassigned serial
port. The user must ensure the serial ports are the same.

3. Manual: The GSI Instrument Service will use the configured serial
communication port even if it is already being utilized by another
application. In this case, it would be the user’s responsibility to
troubleshoot serial port conflicts.

The Close option shuts down the Instrument Service program and returns to the
PC OS. GSI Suite will automatically restart Instrument Service if not already
Data Port Interface
The Data Port interface allows the AudioStar Pro V1, Pello and TympStar Pro data
transfer function to be backwards compatible with the GSI 61 and TympStar data
stream. The AudioStar Pro V2 does not support the Data Port interface. This
interface is for GSI 61 or TympStar users who are currently transferring data to a
3rd Party PC application such as an EMR system and wish to maintain that transfer
function with the AudioStar Pro V1, Pello and TympStar Pro. The GSI Instrument
Service will alter the GSI AudioStar Pro V1, Pello and TympStar Pro data stream,
to mimic that of the GSI 61 and TympStar respectively.

The default settings are 9600 baud rate, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and
hardware flow control.

When the GSI Instrument Service is initiated, the Data Port Interface will always
try to use the serial ports it used before. If it cannot reuse the serial port it used
before, it will choose another available serial port if it is configured to automatic
serial port selection.

NOTE: In Windows Device Manager, the Data Port will be displayed as the
“GSI data port (COM X), where “X” is the currently assigned serial port.

GSI AudioStar Pro V1, Pello

Data Transfer
Record and Field Formatting
Communication with the remote audiometer is performed by sending a request and
receiving information in records. Each type of information has its own record
format. Each record is divided into fields which contain specific information. All
records are formatted with a predefined, fixed length format.

The record prefix consists of a “:” character and denotes the start of a record. Input
records do not contain a checksum. The record terminator consists of a “CR,” “LF”
sequence. Each record consists of fixed length data fields with any unused or Zero
data fields filled with a “0.” All records consist of a sequence of printable ASCII
characters from the set of “0” to “9,” “A” to “G,” “-,” “:,” “.,” “_,” “CR” and “LF.”
All multiple character ASCII fields will be right justified with unused character
positions filled with “_” characters. Positive numeric values will not contain a “+”
sign; this will be implied. Negative values contain a “-” sign in any character
position to the left of the most significant digit of the number. Unless specified,
the decimal point for non-integer numbers will not be included in the character

Checksums will be calculated to maintain compatibility with the GSI 61 as the
mod 256 sum of all preceding characters on the record, including the “:” prefix,
and stored as two HEX ASCII characters.
Input Operation
When a complete input record is received, the record is validated and processed.
If the record is invalid, an error record is transmitted back to the remote device.
All input records are validated in the following manner:

• Must begin with a “:,” and end with a carriage return, line feed sequence.
• Must contain all valid ASCII characters.
• Must contain a valid record type.
• Must contain a valid function code.
• Must contain a valid function subcode when required.

The GSI AudioStar Pro will acknowledge the correct reception and processing of
all input records by transmitting back the requested information.

Input Record Type

These records are sent by the remote device to control its functions.

Input Record Type 5 - Pushbutton Code Record

This record type provides the ability to remotely simulate the operation of selected
user controls. The record specifies the control operation using a function code
which defines the group of controls and a sub-function code which defines the
specific parameter to select the function to perform. Control operations are
processed in the same manner as if they had been manually entered. All parameter
or functional defaults and restrictions will still apply.

Function Codes
The following are function codes that describe the commands sent and the response
you can expect to see when transferring data from the AudioStar Pro to a computer
using the Data Port Software.

Function Function Group Function Sub Code Pushbutton

Code Subgroup Function
Transmit Unit ID
43 “0”

47 Data Transfer “3” Test Battery Data Record

Output Record Type 4 - Error Record
This type of error record contains information on each type of error that has
occurred. The types of errors which would result in an Error Record are:

• System errors.
• Input record which has an incorrect format or is invalid for the current
operating mode.
• Push button operation commands which are invalid.

Character Number of Field Name Field Description

Offset Characters
0 1 Record Prefix “.”

1 1 Record Type “4”

See next table: Error Codes

2 2 Error Code
See prior section concerning
4 2 Checksum
6 2 Record Terminator “CR” & “LF”

Error Record Codes

Error Code Error Description

Generic NACK in response to an invalid input (negative
Output Record Type - Test Battery Data Record
Record Prefix

Character Number of Data Field Name Field Description

Offset Characters Type
0 1 ASCII Record Prefix

1 1 ASCII Record Type “6”

Left Ear Test Data - Pure Tone

Pure Tone Test -
125 Hz Air -20 to 120 dB x 2
2 4 slnt Conduction NR = 260 to 540
Threshold - Test NT = 32768 (0 x 8000)
Pure Tone Test -
125 Hz Air -20 to 120 dB x 2
6 4 slnt Conduction NR = 260 to 540
Threshold - NT = 32768 (0 x 8000)
Masking Ear
Pure Tone Test -
125 Hz Bone -20 to 120 dB x 2
10 4 slnt Conduction NR = 260 to 540
Threshold - Test NT = 32768 (0 x 8000)
Pure Tone Test -
125 Hz Bone -20 to 120 dB x 2
14 4 slnt Conduction NR = 260 to 540
Threshold - NT = 32768 (0 x 8000)
Masking Ear
Pure Tone Test - -20 to 120 dB x 2
18 4 slnt 125 Hz Sound NR = 260 to 540
Field NT = 32768 (0 x 8000)
Pure Tone Test - See Pure Tone Test -
22 20
250 Hz 125 Hz fields
Pure Tone Test - See Pure Tone Test -
42 20
500 Hz 125 Hz fields
Pure Tone Test - See Pure Tone Test -
62 20
750 Hz 125 Hz fields
Pure Tone Test - See Pure Tone Test -
82 20
1 kHz 125 Hz fields
Pure Tone Test - See Pure Tone Test -
102 20
1.5 kHz 125 Hz fields
Pure Tone Test - See Pure Tone Test -
122 20
2 kHz 125 Hz fields
Pure Tone Test - See Pure Tone Test -
142 20
3 kHz 125 Hz fields
Pure Tone Test - See Pure Tone Test -
162 20
4 kHz 125 Hz fields
Pure Tone Test - See Pure Tone Test -
182 20
6 kHz 125 Hz fields
Pure Tone Test -
See Pure Tone Test -
202 20 8 kHz Low
125 Hz fields
Pure Tone Test - See Pure Tone Test -
222 20
12 kHz 125 Hz fields
Pure Tone Test -
See Pure Tone Test -
242 20 8 kHz High
125 Hz fields
Pure Tone Test - See Pure Tone Test -
262 20
9 kHz 125 Hz fields
Pure Tone Test - See Pure Tone Test -
282 20
10 kHz 125 Hz fields
Pure Tone Test - See Pure Tone Test -
302 20
11.2 kHz 125 Hz fields
Pure Tone Test - See Pure Tone Test -
322 20
12.5 kHz 125 Hz fields
Pure Tone Test - See Pure Tone Test -
342 20
14 kHz 125 Hz fields
Pure Tone Test - See Pure Tone Test -
362 20
16 kHz 125 Hz fields
Pure Tone Test - See Pure Tone Test -
382 20
18 kHz 125 Hz fields
Pure Tone Test - See Pure Tone Test -
402 20
20 kHz 125 Hz fields
Bone Vibrator “_0” = Forehead
422 2 uChar
Calibration “_1” = Mastoid

Speech Test
Character Number of Data Field Name Field Description
Offset Characters Type
Speech Test - -20 to 120 dB x 2
424 4 slnt Test Ear NR = 260 to 540
Threshold NT = 32768 (0 x 8000)
Speech Test - -20 to 120 dB x 2
428 4 slnt Masking NR = 260 to 540
Threshold NT = 32768 (0 x 8000)
“_0” = None
“_1” = White Noise
Speech Test -
432 2 uChar “_2” = Speech Noise
Masking Type
“_3” = Ext. A
“_4” = Ext. B
Speech Test -
_0 to 100
434 2 uChar Number
Speech Test - _0 to 10
436 2 uChar
Number Correct Decimal0

Character Number of Data Field Name Field Description

Offset Characters Type
SISI Test - 125 _-20 to 120 dB HL x 2
438 4 slnt Hz Test Ear NR = 260 to 540
Threshold NT = 32768 (0 x 8000)
SISI Test - 125 “_0” = 5 dB
442 2 uChar Hz “_1” = 2 dB
Pulse Height “_2” = 1 dB
SISI Test - 125
444 2 uChar _0 to 100
SISI Test - 125
446 2 uChar Hz _0 to 100
Number Correct
SISI Test - 250 See SISI Test - 125 Hz
448 10
Hz Fields
SISI Test - 500 See SISI Test - 125 Hz
458 10
Hz Fields
SISI Test - 750 See SISI Test - 125 Hz
468 10
Hz Fields
SISI Test - 1 See SISI Test - 125 Hz
478 10
kHz Fields
SISI Test - 1.5 See SISI Test - 125 Hz
488 10
kHz Fields
SISI Test - 2 See SISI Test - 125 Hz
498 10
kHz Fields
SISI Test - 3 See SISI Test - 125 Hz
508 10
kHz Fields
SISI Test - 4 See SISI Test - 125 Hz
518 10
kHz Fields
SISI Test - 6 See SISI Test - 125 Hz
528 10
kHz Fields
SISI Test - 8
See SISI Test - 125 Hz
538 10 kHz Low
SISI Test - 12 See SISI Test - 125 Hz
548 10
kHz Fields
SISI Test - 8
See SISI Test - 125 Hz
558 10 kHz High
SISI Test - 9 See SISI Test - 125 Hz
568 10
kHz Fields
SISI Test - 10 See SISI Test - 125 Hz
578 10
kHz Fields
SISI Test - 11.2 See SISI Test - 125 Hz
588 10
kHz Fields
SISI Test - 12.5 See SISI Test - 125 Hz
598 10
kHz Fields
SISI Test - 14 See SISI Test - 125 Hz
608 10
kHz Fields
SISI Test - 16 See SISI Test - 125 Hz
618 10
kHz Fields
SISI Test - 18 See SISI Test - 125 Hz
628 10
kHz Fields
SISI Test - 20 See SISI Test - 125 Hz
638 10
kHz Fields

Alternate (ABLB)

Character Number of Data Field Name Field Description

Offset Characters Type
Alternate Test - _-20 to 120 dB HL x 2
648 4 slnt 125 Hz Test Ear NR = 260 to 540
Threshold NT = 32768 (0 x 8000)
Alternate Test - _-20 to 120 dB HL x 2
658 4 slnt 125 Hz Masking NR = 260 to 540
Ear Threshold NT = 32768 (0 x 8000)
Alternate Test - See Alternate Test -
656 8
250 Hz 125 Hz Fields
Alternate Test - See Alternate Test -
664 8
500 Hz 125 Hz Fields
Alternate Test - See Alternate Test -
672 8
750 Hz 125 Hz Fields
Alternate Test - See Alternate Test -
680 8
1 kHz 125 Hz Fields
Alternate Test - See Alternate Test -
688 8
1.5 kHz 125 Hz Fields
Alternate Test - See Alternate Test -
696 8
2 kHz 125 Hz Fields
Alternate Test - See Alternate Test -
704 8
3 kHz 125 Hz Fields
Alternate Test - See Alternate Test -
712 8
4 kHz 125 Hz Fields
Alternate Test - See Alternate Test -
720 8
6 kHz 125 Hz Fields
Alternate Test -
See Alternate Test -
728 8 8 kHz Low
125 Hz Fields
Alternate Test - See Alternate Test -
736 8
12 kHz 125 Hz Fields
Alternate Test -
See Alternate Test -
744 8 8 kHz High
125 Hz Fields
Alternate Test - See Alternate Test -
752 8
9 kHz 125 Hz Fields
Alternate Test - See Alternate Test -
760 8
10 kHz 125 Hz Fields
Alternate Test - See Alternate Test -
768 8
11.2 kHz 125 Hz Fields
Alternate Test - See Alternate Test -
776 8
12.5 kHz 125 Hz Fields
Alternate Test - See Alternate Test -
784 8
14 kHz 125 Hz Fields
Alternate Test - See Alternate Test -
792 8
16 kHz 125 Hz Fields
Alternate Test - See Alternate Test -
800 8
18 kHz 125 Hz Fields
Alternate Test - See Alternate Test -
808 8
20 kHz 125 Hz Fields

Right Ear Test Data

Character Number of Data Field Name Field Description

Offset Characters Type
816 814 See Left Ear Fields

Record Terminator

Character Number of Data Field Name Field Description

Offset Characters Type
See prior section
1630 2 uChar Checksum
concerning checksums.
1632 2 ASCII “CR” & “LF”

NOTE: HL threshold values are transmitted as hexadecimal values scaled by 2.

NR values are calculated by subtracting 300 from the returned value (260 to540)
and dividing by 2
Speech Test Number Presented and Speech Test Number Correct are
transmitted as Decimal values not hexadecimal values
Output Record Type 7 – Instrument Type
This type of error record contains the instrument type and software version

Character Number of Field Name Field Description

Offset Characters
0 1 Record Prefix “.”

1 1 Record Type “7”

2 2 Instrument Type “04”

4 5 Software Revision “xx.xx”

See prior section concerning

9 2 Checksum

11 2 Record Terminator “CR” & “LF”

GSI TympStar Pro
Data Port - Data Transfer
Output Record Formats

NOTE: X = ASCII character representing the particular value being defined.

All multiple character ASCII fields will be right justified with unused character
positions filled with “_” (space characters).
All compliance values are transmitted as (Compliance x 1000). For example a
transmitted value of 1234 equals 1.234 ml or mmho.
All Gradient values are transmitted as (Gradient x 100).

Summary Data Records

Tymp Diagnostic

Character Number of Field Name Field Description

Offset Characters
0 1 Start of record “|”
1 = Summary data record
8 = Summary data record with attached
1 1 Record Type XY data records
2 2 Record Sequence Number xx 00 to 99
xxxxxxxxxxx 0 to 45 characters
4 45 Patient Name “-” for unused characters
xxxxxxxxxxx 0 to 45 characters
49 45 Patient ID “-” for unused characters
xxxxxxxxxxx 0 to 45 characters
94 45 Tester Name “-” for unused characters
xxxxxxxxxxx 0 to 45 characters
139 45 Facility Name “-” for unused characters
xxxxxxxx 9 characters
184 9 Probe S/N “-” for unused characters
xx/xx/xxxx xx:xx xm
193 19 Date/Time “—” for xm if 24 Hour time format
212 2 Test type 0 = Tymp Diagnostic
214 1 Test number 1 to 9 and A to Q
215 “L” = Left Ear
1 Ear Under Test “R” = Right Ear
216 0 = Off
1 Auto Sequence 1 = On
217 0 = 226Hz
1 = 678 Hz
2 = 1000 Hz
2 ProbeTone 3 —> 38 = Not used
219 4 Start Pressure +/-xxx -600 to +400 daPa
223 0 = Off
1 Baseline Status 1 = On
224 0 = Off
1 = Tymp Width daPa
1 Gradient Status of last Tymp run 2 = Ratio ml
225 6 ECV/Cl data +/-xxxxx -30800 to +30800
231 1 Number of lines 0, 1, 2 or 3
232 0 = -0.5 to +1.5
1 = -0.5 to +3.0
2 = -0.5 to +5.0
3 = -1.0 to +7.0
4 = -1.0 to +9.0
5 = -2.5 to +15.0
6 = -5.0 to +25.0
1 Y axis scale 7 = -5.0 to +35.0
233 5 Cursor X value “—— “ Cursor not supported
238 2 Line 1 data header “L1”
240 6 Line 1 cursor Y value “—— “ Cursor not supported
246 0 = Y
1 = B
2 = G
1 Admittance status 3 = B/G
247 0 = Normal
1 Pressure Range status 1 = Wide
248 0 = 12.5 daPa/sec
1 = 50 daPa/sec
2 = 200 daPa/sec
1 Pressure Rate status 3 = 600/200 daPa/sec
249 +/-xxxxx -30800 to +30800
6 Peak Compliance data “———” if no Peak found
255 +/-xxx -600 to +400 daPa
4 Peak Pressure data “——” if no Peak found
259 0 = positive to negative
1 Sweep Direction status 1 = negative to positive
260 If Gradient = “RATIO”: xxx 1 to 999
If Gradient = “TYMP WIDTH”: xxxx
+00 to +990
“ 0” if Gradient could not be
3 Gradient data “—” if Gradient Status = OFF
263 2 Line 2 data header “L2”
265 6 Line 2 cursor Y value “—— “ Cursor not supported
271 0 = Y
1 = B
2 = G
1 Admittance status 3 = B/G
272 0 = Normal
1 Pressure Range status 1 = Wide
273 0 = 12.5 daPa/sec
1 = 50 daPa/sec
2 = 200 daPa/sec
1 Pressure Rate status 3 = 600/200 daPa/sec
274 +/-xxxxx -30800 to +30800
6 Peak Compliance data “———” if no Peak found
280 +/-xxx -600 to +400 daPa
4 Peak Pressure data “——” if no Peak found
284 0 = positive to negative
1 Sweep Direction status 1 = negative to positive
285 If Gradient = “RATIO”: xxx 1 to 999
If Gradient = “TYMP WIDTH”: xxxx
+00 to +990
“ 0” if Gradient could not be
3 Gradient data “—” if Gradient Status = OFF
288 2 Line 3 data header “L3”
290 6 Line 3 cursor Y value “—— “ Cursor not supported
296 0 = Y
1 = B
2 = G
1 Admittance status 3 = B/G
297 0 = Normal
1 Pressure Range status 1 = Wide
298 0 = 12.5 daPa/sec
1 = 50 daPa/sec
2 = 200 daPa/sec
1 Pressure Rate status 3 = 600/200 daPa/sec
299 +/-xxxxx -30800 to +30800
6 Peak Compliance data “———” if no Peak found
305 +/-xxx -600 to +400 daPa
4 Peak Pressure data “——” if no Peak found
309 0 = positive to negative
1 Sweep Direction status 1 = negative to positive
310 If Gradient = “RATIO”: xxx 1 to 999
If Gradient = “TYMP WIDTH”: xxxx
+00 to +990
“ 0” if Gradient could not be
3 Gradient data “—” if Gradient Status = OFF
313 2 Checksum xx
315 1 Carriage return “CR”
316 1 Line Feed “LF”
Tymp Screening

Character Number of Field Name Field Description

Offset Characters
0 1 Start of record “|”
1 1 Record Type 1 = Summary data record
8 = Summary data record with
attached XY data records
2 2 Record Sequence Number xx 00 to 99
4 45 Patient Name xxxxxxxxxxx 0 to 45 characters
“-” for unused characters
49 45 Patient ID xxxxxxxxxxx 0 to 45 characters
“-” for unused characters
94 45 Tester Name xxxxxxxxxxx 0 to 45 characters
“-” for unused characters
139 45 Facility Name xxxxxxxxxxx 0 to 45 characters
“-” for unused characters
184 9 Probe S/N xxxxxxxxx 9 characters
“-” for unused characters
193 20 Date/Time xx/xx/xxxx xx:xx xm
“—” for xm if 24 Hour time format
213 2 Test type 1 = Tymp Screening
215 1 Test number 1 to 9 and A to Q
216 1 Ear Under Test “L” = Left Ear
“R” = Right Ear
217 2 ProbeTone 0 = 226Hz
219 4 Start Pressure +/-xxx -600 to +400 daPa
223 1 Baseline Status 0 = Off
1 = On
224 1 Gradient Status 0 = Off
1 = Tymp Width daPa
2 = Ratio ml
225 6 ECV/Cl data +/-xxxxx -30800 to +30800
231 1 Number of lines 0 or 1
232 1 Y axis scale 0 = -0.5 to +1.5
1 = -0.5 to +3.0
2 = -0.5 to +5.0
3 = -1.0 to +7.0
4 = -1.0 to +9.0
5 = -2.5 to +15.0
6 = -5.0 to +25.0
7 = -5.0 to +35.0
233 5 Cursor X value “—— “ Cursor not supported
238 2 Line 1 data header “L1”
240 6 Line 1 cursor Y value “—— “ Cursor not supported
246 1 Admittance status 0=Y
247 1 Pressure Range status 0 = Normal
1 = Wide
248 1 Pressure Rate status 0 = Not used
1 = Not used
2 = 200 daPa/sec
3 = 600/200 daPa/sec
249 6 Peak Compliance data +/-xxxxx -30800 to +30800
“———” if no Peak
255 4 Peak Pressure data +/-xxx -600 to +400 daPa
“———” if no Peak
259 1 Sweep Direction status 0 = positive to negative
1 = negative to positive
260 3 Gradient data If Gradient = “RATIO”: xxx 1 to 999
If Gradient = “TYMP WIDTH”: xxxx
+00 to +990
“ 0” if Gradient could not be
“—” if Gradient Status = OFF
263 1 Reflex Type status 0 = Off
1 = Ipsi
2 = Contra
3 = Ipsi. and Contra
264 1 Reflex Frequency #1 0 = 500 Hz
1 = 1000 Hz
2 = 2000 Hz
3 = 4000 Hz
“—” = If Reflex Type = Off or Ipsi
and Contra
265 1 Reflex Frequency #2 0 = 500 Hz
1 = 1000 Hz
2 = 2000 Hz
3 = 4000 Hz
“—” = If Reflex Type = Off or Ipsi
and Contra
266 1 Auto Start status 0 = Off
1 = On
267 1 Reflex #1 data 0 = NA
1 = NT
2 = NR
3 = YES
4 = NT <>
5 = NR <>
6 = NT CAL
“—” if Reflex Type = Off or if 2nd
frequency not selected
268 1 Reflex #2 data 0 = NA
1 = NT
2 = NR
3 = YES
4 = NT <>
5 = NR <>
6 = NT CAL
“—” if Reflex Type = Off or if 2nd
frequency not selected
269 2 Checksum xx
271 1 Carriage return “CR”
272 1 Line Feed “LF”
Reflex Threshold

Character Number of Field Name Field Description

Offset Characters
0 1 Start of record “|”
1 1 Record Type 1 = Summary data record
8 = Summary data record with
attached XY data records
2 2 Record Sequence Number xx 00 to 99
4 45 Patient Name xxxxxxxxxxx 0 to 45 characters
“-” for unused characters
49 45 Patient ID xxxxxxxxxxx 0 to 45 characters
“-” for unused characters
94 45 Tester Name xxxxxxxxxxx 0 to 45 characters
“-” for unused characters
139 45 Facility Name xxxxxxxxxxx 0 to 45 characters
“-” for unused characters
184 9 Probe S/N xxxxxxxxx 9 characters
“-” for unused characters
193 20 Date/Time xx/xx/xxxx xx:xx xm
“—” for xm if 24 Hour time format
213 2 Test type 2 = Reflex Threshold
215 1 Test number 1 to 9 and A to Q
216 1 Ear Under Test “L” = Left Ear
“R” = Right Ear
217 1 Auto Sequence 0 = Off
1 = On
218 2 ProbeTone 0 = 226Hz
1 = 678 Hz
2 = 1000 Hz
220 5 Timebase xxxxx 15000 to 60000 msec
225 1 Number of lines 0, 1 or 2
226 1 Y axis scale 0 = +.04 to -16
1 = +.08 to -.32
2 = +.12 to -.48
3 = +.16 to -.64
4 = +.20 to -.80
5 = -.04 to +.16
6 = -.08 to +.32
7 = -.12 to +48
8 = -.16 to +.64
9 = -.20 to +.80
227 5 Cursor X value “—— “ Cursor not supported
232 2 Line 1 data header “L1”
234 6 Line 1 cursor Y value “—— “ Cursor not supported
240 1 Admittance status 0=Y
241 1 Stimulus Ear status 0 = IPSI
1 = Steady CONTRA
2 = Pulsed CONTRA
242 1 Timing - Manual/Auto 0 = Manual
1 = Automatic
243 5 On Time xxxxx 1000 to 54000 msec
“—— “ if Manual Timing
248 5 Of f Time xxxxx 0 to 52000 msec
“——” if Manual Timing
253 2 Zero field “—”
255 1 Threshold Seek 0 = Off
1 = On
256 3 Min. Change x.xx .02 to 0.8
259 3 Start dBHL xxx 35 to 120 dB
262 3 Stop dBHL xxx 35 to 110 dB
265 2 Zero field “—”
267 2 Activator Stimulus 0 = 250 Hz
1 =500 Hz
2 = 1000 Hz
3 = 2000 Hz
4 = 4000 Hz
5 = Low Band Noise
6 = High Band Noise
7 = Broad band Noise
8 = Click
9 = External
10 = Non Acoustic
11 = Not used
269 3 Click Rate xxx 50 to 300
272 2 Zero field “—”
274 4 Pressure +/-xxx -600 to +400 daPa
278 1 Number of traces 0 to 7
279 1 Intensity unit 0 = HL
1 = HL*
2 = SPL
280 3 Trace 1 intensity xxx 35 to 120 dB
283 6 Trace 1 amplitude +/-xxxxx -30800 to +30800
289 3 Trace 2 intensity xxx 35 to 120 dB
292 6 Trace 2 amplitude +/-xxxxx -30800 to +30800
298 3 Trace 3 intensity xxx 35 to 120 dB
301 6 Trace 3 amplitude +/-xxxxx -30800 to +30800
307 3 Trace 4 intensity xxx 35 to 120 dB
310 6 Trace 4 amplitude +/-xxxxx -30800 to +30800
316 3 Trace 5 intensity xxx 35 to 120 dB
319 6 Trace 5 amplitude +/-xxxxx -30800 to +30800
325 3 Trace 6 intensity xxx 35 to 120 dB
328 6 Trace 6 amplitude +/-xxxxx -30800 to +30800
334 3 Trace 7 intensity xxx 35 to 120 dB
337 6 Trace 7 amplitude +/-xxxxx -30800 to +30800
343 2 Trace Mark 0 to 7
345 2 Trace Type 0 = NR
2 = NR + TS
3 = * + TS
347 2 Zero field “—”
349 2 Line 2 data header “L2”
351 6 Line 2 cursor Y value “—— “ Cursor not supported
357 1 Admittance status 0=Y
358 1 Stimulus Ear status 0 = IPSI
1 = Steady CONTRA
2 = Pulsed CONTRA
359 1 Timing - Manual/Auto 0 = Manual
1 = Automatic
360 5 On Time xxxxx 1000 to 54000 msec
“—— “ if Manual Timing
365 5 Off Time xxxxx0 to 52000 msec
“—— “ if Manual Timing
370 2 Zero field “—”
372 2 Activator Stimulus 0 = 250 Hz
1 = 500 Hz
2 = 1000 Hz
3 = 2000 Hz
4 = 4000 Hz
5 = Low Band Noise
6 = High Band Noise
7 = Broad band Noise
8 = Click
9 = External
10 = Non Acoustic
11 = Not used
374 3 Click Rate xxx 50 to 300
377 2 Zero field “—”
379 4 Pressure +/-xxx -600 to +400 daPa
383 1 Number of traces 0 to 7
384 1 Intensity unit 0 = HL
1 = HL*
2 = SPL
385 3 Trace 1 intensity xxx 35 to 120 dB
388 6 Trace 1 amplitude +/-xxxxx -30800 to +30800
394 3 Trace 2 intensity xxx 35 to 120 dB
397 6 Trace 2 amplitude +/-xxxxx -30800 to +30800
403 3 Trace 3 intensity xxx 35 to 120 dB
406 6 Trace 3 amplitude +/-xxxxx -30800 to +30800
412 3 Trace 4 intensity xxx 35 to 120 dB
415 6 Trace 4 amplitude +/-xxxxx -30800 to +30800
421 3 Trace 5 intensity xxx 35 to 120 dB
424 6 Trace 5 amplitude +/-xxxxx -30800 to +30800
430 3 Trace 6 intensity xxx 35 to 120 dB
433 6 Trace 6 amplitude +/-xxxxx -30800 to +30800
439 3 Trace 7 intensity xxx 35 to 120 dB
442 6 Trace 7 amplitude +/-xxxxx -30800 to +30800
448 2 Trace Mark 0 to 7
450 2 Trace Type 0 = NR
1 = *2 = NR + TS
3 = * + TS
452 2 Zero field “—”
454 2 Checksum xx
456 1 Carriage return “CR”
457 1 Line Feed “LF”
Eustachian Tube Function - Intact

Character Number of Field Name Field Description

Offset Characters
0 1 Start of record “|”
1 1 Record Type 1 = Summary data record
8 = Summary data record with
attached XY data records
2 2 Record Sequence Number xx 00 to 99
4 45 Patient Name xxxxxxxxxxx 0 to 45 characters
“-” for unused characters
49 45 Patient ID xxxxxxxxxxx 0 to 45 characters
“-” for unused characters
94 45 Tester Name xxxxxxxxxxx 0 to 45 characters
“-” for unused characters
139 45 Facility Name xxxxxxxxxxx 0
to 45 characters“-” for unused
184 9 Probe S/N xxxxxxxxx 9 characters
“-” for unused characters
293 20 Date/Time xx/xx/xxxx xx:xx xm
“—” for xm if 24 Hour time format
213 2 Test type 4 = ETF - Intact TM
215 1 Test number 1 to 9 and A to Q
216 1 Ear Under Test “L” = Left Ear
“R” = Right Ear
217 2 Probe Tone 0 = 226Hz
1 = 678 Hz
2 = 1000 Hz
3 —> 38 = Not used
219 4 Start Pressure +/-xxx -600 to +400 daPa
223 1 Baseline Status 0 = Off
1 = On
224 1 Gradient Status 0 = Off
225 6 ECV/Cl data +/-xxxxx -30800 to +30800
231 1 Number of lines 0, 1, 2 or 3
232 1 Y axis scale 0 = -0.5 to +1.5
1 = -0.5 to +3.0
2 = -0.5 to +5.0
3 = -1.0 to +7.0
4 = -1.0 to +9.0
5 = -2.5 to +15.0
6 = -5.0 to +25.0
7 = -5.0 to +35.0
233 5 Cursor X value “—— “ Cursor not supported
238 2 Line 1 data header “L1”
240 6 Line 1 cursor Y value “—— “ Cursor not supported
246 1 Admittance status 0=Y
247 1 Pressure Range status 0 = Normal
1 = Wide
248 1 Pressure Rate status 0 = 12.5 daPa/sec
1 = 50 daPa/sec
2 = 200 daPa/sec
3 = 600/200 daPa/sec
249 6 Peak Compliance data +/-xxxxx -30800 to +30800
“———” if no Peak
255 4 Peak Pressure data +/-xxx -600 to +400 daPa
“——” if no Peak
259 1 Sweep Direction status 0 = positive to negative
1 = negative to positive
260 3 Zero field “—”
263 2 Line 2 data header “L2”
265 6 Line 2 cursor Y value “—— “ Cursor not supported
271 1 Zero field “-”
276 1 Zero field “-”
277 1 Zero field “-”
278 6 Peak Compliance data +/-xxxxx-30800 to +30800
“—— “ if no Peak
284 4 Peak Pressure data +/-xxx -600 to +400 daPa
“——” if no Peak
288 1 Zero field “-”
289 3 Zero field “—”
292 2 Line 3 data header “L3”
294 6 Line 3 cursor “—— “ Cursor not supported
300 1 Zero field “-”
301 1 Zero field “-”
302 1 Zero field “-”
303 6 Peak Compliance data +/-xxxxx -30800 to +30800
“———” if no Peak
309 4 Peak Pressure data +/-xxx -600 to +400 daPa
“——” if no Peak
313 1 Zero field “-”
314 3 Zero field “—”
317 2 Checksum xx
319 1 Carriage return “CR”
320 1 Line Feed “LF”
Eustachian Tube Function - Perforated

Character Number of Field Name Field Description

Offset Characters
0 1 Start of record “|”
1 1 Record Type 1 = Summary data record
8 = Summary data record with
attached XY data records
2 2 Record Sequence Number xx 00 to 99
4 45 Patient Name xxxxxxxxxxx 0 to 45 characters
“-” for unused characters
49 45 Patient ID xxxxxxxxxxx 0 to 45 characters
“-” for unused characters
94 45 Tester Name xxxxxxxxxxx 0 to 45 characters
“-” for unused characters
139 45 Facility Name xxxxxxxxxxx 0 to 45 characters
“-” for unused characters
184 9 Probe S/N xxxxxxxxx 9 characters
“-” for unused characters
193 20 Date/Time xx/xx/xxxx xx:xx xm
“—” for xm if 24 Hour time format
213 2 Test type 5 = ETF - Perforated TM
215 1 Test number 1 to 9 and A to Q
216 1 Ear Under Test “L” = Left Ear
“R” = Right Ear
217 5 Timebase xxxxx 30000 to 60000 msec
222 4 Maximum Pressure +/—xxx -600 to +400 daPa
226 4 Open Pressure #1 +/-xxx -600 to +400 daPa
“——” if value unavailable or test not
230 4 Close Pressure #1 +/-xxx -600 to +400 daPa
“——” if value unavailable or test not
234 4 Open Pressure #2 +/-xxx -600 to +400 daPa
“——” if value unavailable or test not
238 4 Close Pressure #2 +/-xxx -600 to +400 daPa
“——” if value unavailable or test not
242 4 Open Pressure #3 +/-xxx -600 to +400 daPa
“——” if value unavailable or test not
246 4 Close Pressure #3 +/-xxx -600 to +400 daPa
“——” if value unavailable or test not
250 1 Y axis scale 0 = -600 to -50 daPa
1 = +400 to +50 daPa
“-” if test not started
251 5 Cursor X value “—— “ Cursor not supported
256 6 Cursor Y value “—— “ Cursor not supported
262 2 Checksum xx
264 1 Carriage return “CR”
265 1 Line feed “LF”
Reflex Decay

Character Number of Field Name Field Description

Offset Characters
0 1 Start of record “|”
1 1 Record Type 1 = Summary data record
8 = Summary data record with
attached XY data records
2 2 Record Sequence Number xx 00 to 99
4 45 Patient Name xxxxxxxxxxx 0 to 45 characters
“-” for unused characters
49 45 Patient ID xxxxxxxxxxx 0 to 45 characters
“-” for unused characters
94 45 Tester Name xxxxxxxxxxx 0 to 45 characters
“-” for unused characters
139 45 Facility Name xxxxxxxxxxx 0 to 45 characters
“-” for unused characters
184 9 Probe S/N xxxxxxxxx 9 characters
“-” for unused characters
193 20 Date/Time xx/xx/xxxx xx:xx xm
“—” for xm if 24 Hour time format
213 2 Test type 6 = Reflex Decay
215 1 Test number 1 to 9 and A to Q
216 1 Ear Under Test “L” = Left Ear
“R” = Right Ear
217 1 Auto Sequence 0 = Off
1 = On
218 2 ProbeTone 0 = 226Hz
1 = 678 Hz
2 = Not used
3 —> 38 = Not used
220 5 Timebase xxxxx 15000 to 60000 msec
225 1 Number of lines 0, 1, or 2
226 1 Y axis scale 0 = +.04 to -.16
1 = +.08 to -.32
2 = +.12 to -.48
3 = +.16 to -.64
4 = +.20 to -.80
5 = -.04 to +.16
6 = -.08 to +.32
7 = -.12 to +.48
8 = -.16 to +.64
9 = -.20 to +.80
227 5 Cursor X value “—— “ Cursor not supported in
232 2 Line 1 data header “L1”
234 6 Line 1 cursor Y value +/-xxxxx -30800 to +30800
240 1 Admittance status 0=Y
241 1 Stimulus Ear status 0 = IPSI
1 = Steady CONTRA
242 1 Zero field “-”
243 5 On Time xxxxx 1000 to 54000 msec
248 5 Zero field “——— “
253 2 Zero field “—”
255 2 Activator Stimulus 0 = Not used
1 = 500 Hz
2 = 1000 Hz
3 = 2000 Hz
4 = 4000 Hz
5 = Low Band Noise
6 = High Band Noise
7 = Broad band Noise
8 = Click
9 = External
10 = Not used
11 = Not used
257 3 Click rate xxx 50 to 300/sec
260 2 Zero field “—”
262 4 Pressure +/-xxx -600 to +400 daPa
266 1 Number of traces 0 or 1
267 1 Intensity unit 0 = HL
1 = HL*
2 = SPL
268 3 Trace 1 intensity xxx 35 to 120 dB
271 6 Trace 1 amplitude +/-xxxxx -30800 to +30800
277 5 50% Decay time xxxxx 1000 to 54000 msec
“ NA” if value unavailable
“ NO” if 50% point not found
282 5 Zero field “——”
287 5 Zero field “——”
292 5 Zero field “——”
297 2 Line 2 data header “L2”
299 6 Line 1 cursor Y value “—— “ Cursor not supported in
305 1 Admittance status 0=Y
306 1 Stimulus Ear status 0 = IPSI
1 = Steady CONTRA
307 1 Zero field “-”
308 5 On Time xxxxx 1000 to 54000 msec
313 5 Zero field “—— “
318 2 Zero field “—”
320 2 Activator Stimulus 0 = Not used
1 = 500 Hz
2 = 1000 Hz
3 = 2000 Hz
4 = 4000 Hz
5 = Low Band Noise
6 = High Band Noise
7 = Broad band Noise
8 = Click
9 = External
10 = Not used
11 = Not used
322 3 Click Rate xxx 50 to 300/sec
325 2 Zero field “—”
327 4 Pressure +/-xxx -600 to +400 daPa
331 1 Number of traces 0 or 1
332 1 Intensity unit 0 = HL
1 = HL*
2 = SPL
333 3 Trace 1 intensity xxx 35 to 120 dB
336 6 Trace 1 amplitude +/-xxxxx -30800 to +30800
342 5 50% decay time xxxxx 1000 to 54000 msec
“ NA” if value unavailable
“ NO” if 50% point not found
347 5 Zero field “——”
352 5 Zero field “——”
357 5 Zero field “——”
362 2 Checksum xx
364 1 Carriage return “CR”
365 1 Line Feed “LF”
XY Graphic Data Record
Record Format

Character Number of Field Name Field Description

Offset Characters
0 1 Start of record “|”
1 1 Record Type 2 = XY Graphical data record
2 2 Record Sequence Number xx 00 to 99
4 1 Test number 1 to 9 and A to Q
5 3 Number of XY data xxx 0 to 29 pairs for Line 1
8 3 Number of XY data xxx 0 to 29 pairs for Line 2
11 3 Number of XY data xxx 0 to 29 pairs for Line 3
14 1 Data pair 1 X digit 4 Hex digit in ASCII format MSB
15 1 Data pair 1 X digit 3 Hex digit in ASCII format
16 1 Data pair 1 X digit 2 Hex digit in ASCII format
17 1 Data pair 1 X digit 1 Hex digit in ASCII format
18 1 Data pair 1 Y digit 4 Hex digit in ASCII format MSB
19 1 Data pair 1 Y digit 3 Hex digit in ASCII format
20 1 Data pair 1 Y digit 2 Hex digit in ASCII format
21 1 Data pair 1 Y digit 1 Hex digit in ASCII format
22 1 Data pair 2 X digit 4 Hex digit in ASCII format MSB
23 1 Data pair 2 X digit 3 Hex digit in ASCII format
24 1 Data pair 2 X digit 2 Hex digit in ASCII format
25 1 Data pair 2 X digit 1 Hex digit in ASCII format
26 1 Data pair 2 Y digit 4 Hex digit in ASCII format MSB
27 1 Data pair 2 Y digit 3 Hex digit in ASCII format
28 1 Data pair 2 Y digit 2 Hex digit in ASCII format
29 1 Data pair 2 Y digit 1 Hex digit in ASCII format
238 1 Data pair 29 X digit 4 Hex digit in ASCII format MSB
239 1 Data pair 29 X digit 3 Hex digit in ASCII format
240 1 Data pair 29 X digit 2 Hex digit in ASCII format
241 1 Data pair 29 X digit 1 Hex digit in ASCII format
242 1 Data pair 29 Y digit 4 Hex digit in ASCII format MSB
243 1 Data pair 29 Y digit 3 Hex digit in ASCII format
244 1 Data pair 29 Y digit 2 Hex digit in ASCII format
245 1 Data pair 29 Y digit 1 Hex digit in ASCII format
246 2 Checksum xx
248 1 Carriage Return “CR”
249 1 Line Feed “LF”
X Value Description

Test Data Type Units Range

Tymp Diagnostic Pressure daPa -600 to +400
Tymp Screening Pressure daPa -600 to +400
Reflex Threshold Time msec/2 0 to 30000
ETF - Intact TM Pressure daPa -600 to +400
ETF - Perf TM Time msec/2 0 to 30000
Reflex Decay Time msec/2 0 to 30000
ARLT Time msec/2 0 to 1000
ARST Time msec/2 0 to 30000
Mult Hz screen #1 Pressure daPa -600 to +400
Mult Hz screen #2 Probe Hz Hz 250 to 2000
Mult Hz screen #3 Pressure daPa -600 to +400

Y Value Description

Test Data Type Units Range

Tymp Diagnostic Compliance ml/mmho x 1000 -30800 to +30800
Tymp Screening Compliance ml/mmho x 1000 -30800 to +30800
Reflex Threshold Compliance ml/mmho x 1000 -30800 to +30800
ETF - Intact TM Compliance ml/mmho x 1000 -30800 to +30800
ETF - Perf TM Pressure daPA -600 to +400
Reflex Decay Compliance ml/mmho x 1000 -30800 to +30800
ARLT Compliance ml/mmho x 1000 -30800 to +30800
ARST Compliance ml/mmho x 1000 -30800 to +30800
Mult Hz Screen #1 Compliance ml x 1000 -30800 to +30800
Mult Hz Screen #2 Compliance ml/mmho x 1000 -30800 to +30800
Line 1
Mult Hz Screen #2 Phase degrees +5 to -180
Line 2
Mult Hz Screen #3 Compliance ml/mmho x 1000 - 30800 to +30800

NOTE: The Y axis values for Tymp Diagnostic and ETF — Intact TM are
transmitted as unbaselined values. If baseline is selected the baselined
values may be obtained by subtracting the Y axis values from the Ear canal
Embedded Control Code
Penup Code
Value = 7FFFH
Purpose = Embedded in the X and Y graphical data to indicate the end of the graph
of a stimulus presentation during a Reflex type test. The code indicates to the
plotting routines not to plot (draw) between the previous plotted point and the next
point to produce the blank space between stimulus graphs on the LCD screen.

End of Summary and XY Data Record

Character Number of Field Name Field Description

Offset Characters
0 1 Start of record “|”
1 1 Record Type 3 = End of data record
2 2 Record Sequence Number xx 00 to 99
4 2 Checksum xx
6 1 Carriage Return “CR”
7 1 Line Feed “LF”

Error Record

Character Number of Field Name Field Description

Offset Characters
0 1 Start of record “|”
1 1 Record Type 4 = Error record
2 2 Record Sequence Number xx 00 to 99
4 3 Error Code See TymStar manual Section 9
7 4 Error Sub Code See TymStar manual Section 9
11 2 Checksum xx
13 1 Carriage Return “CR”
14 1 Line Feed “LF”
Keyboard Entry Record
Patient Name

Character Number of Field Name Field Description

Offset Characters
0 1 Start of record “|”
1 3 Record type 102
4 1 Request code 0 = Send1 = Query for Patient Name
5 45 Patient Name Any valid keys including numbers,
letters and the special characters of
period, comma, hyphen, and
apostrophe. There will also be certain
foreign characters that are valid
depending on the keyboard language
that is selected under instrument
50 1 Carriage return “CR”
51 1 Line feed “LF”

Patient ID

Character Number of Field Name Field Description

Offset Characters
0 1 Start of record “|”
1 3 Record type 103
4 1 Request code 0 = Send1 = Query for Patient Name
5 45 Patient ID Any valid keys including numbers,
letters and the special characters of
period, comma, hyphen, and
apostrophe. There will also be certain
foreign characters that are valid
depending on the keyboard language
that is selected under instrument
50 1 Carriage return “CR”
51 1 Line feed “LF”
Tester Name

Character Number of Field Name Field Description

Offset Characters
0 1 Start of record “|”
1 3 Record type 104
4 1 Request code 0 = Send1 = Query for Patient Name
5 45 Tester Name Any valid keys including numbers,
letters and the special characters of
period, comma, hyphen, and
apostrophe. There will also be certain
foreign characters that are valid
depending on the keyboard language
that is selected under instrument
50 1 Carriage return “CR”
51 1 Line feed “LF”

Facility Name

Character Number of Field Name Field Description

Offset Characters
0 1 Start of record “|”
1 3 Record type 105
4 1 Request code 0 = Send1 = Query for Patient Name
5 45 Facility Name Any valid keys including numbers,
letters and the special characters of
period, comma, hyphen, and
apostrophe. There will also be certain
foreign characters that are valid
depending on the keyboard language
that is selected under instrument
50 1 Carriage return “CR”
51 1 Line feed “LF”
Transmit Test Data Request Command
Character Number of Field Name Field Description
Offset Characters
0 1 Start of record “|”
1 3 Record type 119
4 1 Request code 0 = Send
5 2 Test number XX 00 = Transmit all test01 to 26 =
Transmit test # selected
7 1 Record format 0 = Summary record1 = Summary &
Graphic record
8 1 Carriage return “CR”
9 1 Line feed “LF”

ACK/NAK Records
Record Received OK Acknowledgement – ACK

Character Number of Field Name Field Description

Offset Characters
0 1 Start of record “|”
1 3 Record type 120
4 1 Request code 0 = Send
5 1 Carriage return “CR”
6 1 Line feed “LF”

Record Received Incorrectly Acknowledgement – NAK

Character Number of Field Name Field Description

Offset Characters
0 1 Start of record “|”
1 3 Record type 121
4 1 Request code 0 = Send
5 1 Carriage return “CR”
6 1 Line feed “LF”
Instrument Services Public Interface
The Public Interface allows users to electronically transfer data to a Third Party
PC application such as an EMR system.

The following information describes the programmatic interface and XML data
that is exported. It is intended to be used by experienced computer programmers
familiar with Windows Communications Foundation (WCF) to write the interface
between the AudioStar Pro, Pello, TympStar Pro and a PC software application.

Changes from previous version; the old interface is supported for backward
compatibility only:

• The client URL has been changed from

“net.pipe://localhost/GsiInstrumentService/Client_" to

• The Server URL has changed from

@"net.pipe://localhost/GsiInstrumentService/Server" to

• The IPublicInterfaceService has been deprecated; the new Public Interface

is IInstrumentPublicInterfaceService

• The IPublicInterfaceCallbacks has been deprecated; the new Callback

Interface is IInstrumentPublicInterfaceCallbacks

XML Schema
The XML schema for the audiometric data from the AudioStar Pro V1 (and Pello),
AudioStar Pro V2 and TympStar Pro are provided in separate documents included
with this manual. The files are AudioStarPro.xsd, AudioStarPro2.xsd and

Is it possible to receive data from AudioStar Pro V2 formatted in the AudioStar

Pro V1 XML schema, if AudioStar (V1) is specified when requesting the data.

WCF Interface
The Public Interface is implemented using Windows Communication Foundation.
There are two interfaces to implement IInstrumentPublicInterfaceService and
IInstrumentPublicInterfaceCallbacks. Namespace GrasonStadler.Public Interface.
Only the documented interfaces are supported.

Calls to the host

1. Register: Registers a GUID the client creates with the host. This will give the
host the ID of the client for event messages.
2. Unregister: Removes the client from the host.

3. GetSerialNumber: Retrieve the serial number of the device.

4. GetInstrumentType: Retrieve the instrument type, for example, the

AudioStar Pro will return “GSI AudioStar Pro.”

5. IsConnected: Returns true if an instrument is connected.

namespace GrasonStadler.PublicInterface
public enum GsiInstruments

[ServiceContract(SessionMode = SessionMode.Allowed)]
public interface IInstrumentPublicInterfaceService
/// <summary>
/// Get the Firmware Version of the instrument
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Version</returns>
Version GetinstrumentVersion(GsiInstruments instrument);

/// <summary>
/// Get the Serial Number of the instrument
/// </summary>
/// <returns>String containing the serial number</returns>
string GetSerialNumber(GsiInstruments instrument);

/// <summary>
/// Returns a list of the instruments that are connected to the PC
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
List<GsiInstruments> GetConnectedInstruments();

/// <summary>
/// Gets the current session data from the instrument
/// This callis not recomeneded because building the returned XML
/// can cause a timeout on the WCF channel
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Data in XML formatted string</returns>
string GetData(GsiInstruments instrument);

/// <summary>
/// Returns true if a instrument is connected to the computer
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
bool IsConnected(GsiInstruments instrument);

/// <summary>
/// The Client creates a GUID and Registers the GUID along with the
instrument type to connect.
/// This GUID is the ID the host uses for messages to the client..
/// </summary>
/// <param name="clientId"></param>
/// <param name="instrument"></param>
/// 0 = no errors
/// 1 = unable to connect to instrument
/// 2 = instrument busy
/// 3 = not supported
int Register(Guid clientId, GsiInstruments instrument);

/// <summary>
/// Removed the client from listening for messages from the instrument
/// </summary>
/// <param name="clientId"></param>
/// <param name="instrument"></param>
[OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
void UnregisterInstrument(Guid clientId, GsiInstruments instrument);

/// <summary>
/// Unregister the client
/// </summary>
[OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
void Unregister(Guid clientID);

/// <summary>
/// Request the current session from the instrument.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="clientId"></param>
/// <param name="instrument"></param>
/// 0 = no errors
/// 1 = unable to connect to instrument
/// 2 = instrument busy
/// 3 = not supported
int RequestData(Guid clientId, GsiInstruments instrument);

/// <summary>
/// Requst that the current session on the instrument to be discared.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="instrument"></param>
/// <returns>
/// 0 = no errors
/// 1 = unable to connect to instrument
/// 2 = instrument busy
/// 3 = not supported
/// </returns>
int ClearSession(GsiInstruments instrument);

/// <summary>
/// Always returns true. Can be used to verify the Instrument Service is
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
bool ServerReady();
1. OnDeviceConnected - Callback: Broadcast to all registered clients when an
AudioStar Pro connects to the computer.

2. OnDeviceDisconnected - Callback: Broadcast to all registered clients when

an AudioStar Pro disconnects from the computer.

3. OnNewData - Callback: Broadcast to all registered clients when the Transfer

button is pressed on the instrument.

4. OnServerShuttingDown - Callback: When the server is shut down, which

normally should not happen, the server will notify the registered clients of this
state change.

namespace GrasonStadler.PublicInterface
[ServiceContract(SessionMode = SessionMode.Allowed)]
public interface IInstrumentPublicInterfaceCallbacks
/// <summary>
/// New session data
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xmlData"></param>
/// <param name="instrument"></param>
void OnNewData(string xmlData, GsiInstruments instrument);

/// <summary>
/// Called when a device is connected to the computer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="serialNumber"></param>
/// <param name="instrument"></param>
void OnDeviceConnected(string serialNumber, GsiInstruments

/// <summary>
/// Called when a device is disconnected from the computer
/// </summary>
void OnDeviceDisconnected(GsiInstruments instrument);

/// <summary>
/// If the Instrument Service is closed, this is called on
each of the Registered Clients
/// </summary>
void OnServerShuttingDown();
WCF Bindings
Below are examples of configuring the client and connecting to the host.

Defining WCF bindings with the app.config settings

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.0"/>


<binding name="BindingSettings"
maxBufferSize="655360000" >
<readerQuotas maxStringContentLength="655360000"
maxNameTableCharCount="2000001" />


Creating the connection to the Instrument Service

The client creates a GUID, this is used as part of the endpoint name and passed to
the host through the Register command. This GUID is used by the host to send
events to the client.

The endpoint name must be ‘net.pipe://localhost/GsiInstrumentService/Client_’

appended with a GUID, for example:

The following is an example for the client to connect and register to Instrument
clientId = Guid.NewGuid();

clientHost = new ServiceHost(this);

binding = new NetNamedPipeBinding("BindingSettings");

clientHost.AddServiceEndpoint((typeof(IInstrumentPublicInterfaceCallbacks)), binding,
"net.pipe://localhost/GsiInstrumentService/Client_" + clientId);


factory = new ChannelFactory< IInstrumentPublicInterfaceService >(binding, new


var clientToServerChannel = factory.CreateChannel();

Defining WCF bindings programmatically
var binding = new NetNamedPipeBinding
MaxBufferSize = 655360000,
MaxBufferPoolSize = 524288000,
MaxReceivedMessageSize = 655360000,
ReaderQuotas =
MaxStringContentLength = 655360000,
MaxArrayLength = 2000001,
MaxBytesPerRead = 2000001,
MaxNameTableCharCount = 2000001

clientId = Guid.NewGuid();

clientHost = new ServiceHost(this);

clientHost.AddServiceEndpoint((typeof(IInstrumentPublicInterfaceCallbacks)), binding,
"net.pipe://localhost/GsiInstrumentService/Client_" + clientId);


factory = new ChannelFactory< IInstrumentPublicInterfaceService >(binding, new


var clientToServerChannel = factory.CreateChannel();

Patient List
The GSI Instrument Service provides a way to download a list of patents and their
demographics into the GSI AudioStar Pro, Pello and GSI TympStar Pro. The
Patient Lists may be in a XML or CSV file. GSI Suite may be used to create a
patient list from the patients defined in GSI Suite. The format of the CSV file is
the same as NOAH’s patient demographics export; this allows importing of the
demographics from the patients defined in NOAH.

The patient list must be placed in C:\ProgramData\Grason-Stadler\GSI Instrument

Service\PatientList, the file name must be PatientList.xml or PatientList.csv. The
file will be deleted after importing.

Patient List XML Schema

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xs:element name="PatientList">
<xs:element ref="Patient" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

<xs:element name="Patient">
<xs:element ref="Guid"/>
<xs:element ref="FirstName"/>
<xs:element ref="MiddleName"/>
<xs:element ref="LastName"/>
<xs:element ref="Id"/>
<xs:element ref="Gender"/>
<xs:element ref="DateOfBirth"/>
<xs:element name="FirstName">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="MiddleName">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="LastName">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="Id">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="Guid">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="Gender">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="DateOfBirth">
<xs:restriction base="xs:date"/>
Patient List CSV
The CSV format of the Patient List file is based on the patient export from NOAH.

NOAH Field Suite

PatientGUID This field can be blank
BirthDate yyyy-mm-dd
Address1 Not Used
Address2 Not Used
Address3 Not Used
CreateDate Not Used
UserID Not Used
Salutation Not Used
ZipCode Not Used
City Not Used
CreatedBy Not Used
Title Not Used
Province Not Used
Country Not Used
HomeTelephone Not Used
WorkTelephone Not Used
SSNumber Not Used
EMail Not Used
Insurance1 Not Used
Insurance2 Not Used
Referral Not Used
Physician Not Used
MobileTelephone Not Used
Other1 Not Used
Other2 Not Used

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