Am J Orthop 2015 44 (12) E513
Am J Orthop 2015 44 (12) E513
Am J Orthop 2015 44 (12) E513
ith an incidence of 75,000 per year in the United the infrapatellar approach, the suprapatellar approach would
States alone, fractures of the tibial shaft are among result in improved postoperative reduction and reduced
the most common long-bone fractures.1 Diaphyseal intraoperative fluoroscopy time.
tibial fractures present a unique treatment challenge because of
complications, including nonunion, malunion, and the potential Materials and Methods
for an open injury. Intramedullary fixation of these fractures has This study was approved by our institutional review board. We
long been the standard of care, allowing for early mobilization, searched our level I trauma center’s database for Current Procedural
shorter time to weight-bearing, and high union rates.2-4 Terminology (CPT) code 27759 to identify all patients who had
Authors’ Disclosure Statement: Dr. Ahn reports he is a consultant for Synthes. The other authors report no actual or potential conflict of interest
in relation to this article.
a tibial shaft fracture fixed with an intramedullary implant when expected values in a cell were less than 5, the Fisher
between January 2009 and February 2013. Radiographs, exact test.
operative reports, and inpatient records were reviewed. Patients We then conducted an a priori power analysis to determine
older than 18 years at time of injury and patients with an isolated the appropriate sample size. To detect the reported minimally
tibial shaft fracture (Orthopaedic Trauma Association type clinically important difference in the OKS of 5.2,10 estimating an
42 A-C) surgically fixed with an intramedullary nail through approximate 20% larger patient population in the infrapatellar
either a traditional infrapatellar approach or a suprapatellar group, we would need to enroll 24 infrapatellar patients and 20
approach were included in the study. Exclusion criteria were suprapatellar patients to achieve a power of 0.80 with a type I
required fasciotomy, Gustilo type 3B or 3C open fracture, prior error rate of 0.05.11 This analysis is also based on an estimated
knee surgery, additional orthopedic injury, and preexisting OKS standard deviation of 6, which has been reported in
radiographic evidence of degenerative joint disease. several studies.12,13
In addition to surgical approach, demographic data,
including body mass index (BMI), age, sex, and mechanism Results
of injury, were documented from the medical record. Each We identified 176 patients who had the CPT code for
patient was contacted by telephone by an investigator blinded intramedullary fixation of a tibial shaft fracture between
to surgical exposure, and the 12-item Oxford Knee Score January 2009 and February 2013. After analysis of radiographs
(OKS) questionnaire was administered (Figure). Operative and medical records, 82 patients met the inclusion criteria.
time, quality of reduction on postoperative radiographs, and Thirty-six (45%) of the original 82 patients were lost to
intraoperative fluoroscopy time were compared between follow-up after attempts to contact them by telephone. One
the 2 approaches. We determined quality of reduction by patient refused to participate in the study. Twenty-four
measuring the angle between the line perpendicular to the patients underwent traditional infrapatellar nailing, and 21
tibial plateau and plafond on both the anteroposterior and patients had a suprapatellar nail placed with approach-specific
lateral postoperative radiographs. Rotation was determined instrumentation. Nine patients had an open fracture. There was
by measuring displacement of the fracture by cortical widths. no significant difference between the groups in terms of sex,
The infrapatellar and suprapatellar groups were statistically age, BMI, mechanism of injury, or operative time (Table 1).
analyzed with an unpaired, 2-tailed Student t test. Categorical There was also no difference (P = .210) in fracture location
variables between groups were analyzed with the χ2 test or, between groups (0 proximal-third, 14 midshaft, 10 distal-
third vs 3 proximal-third, 10 midshaft, 8 distal-third). Mean
age was 37.6 years (range, 20-65 years) for the infrapatellar
7. Could you kneel down and get up again afterwards? Age, y 37.6 38.5 .839
8. Are you troubled by pain in your knee at night in bed?
Follow-up, mo 25.2 11.8 <.001
9. How much has pain from your knee interfered with
your usual work? (including housework) Body mass index 26.4 26.5 .975
10. Have you felt that your knee might suddenly give way Mechanism of injury, % .150
or let you down?
Fall 14 (58) 6 (29)
11. Could you do household shopping on your own? Motor vehicle collision 5 (21) 9 (43)
12. Could you walk down a flight of stairs? Sports 4 (17) 3 (14)
Gunshot wound 1 (4) 3 (14)
group and 38.5 years (range, 18-68 years) for the suprapatellar instrumentation may protect the trochlea and patellar cartilage.
group (P = .839). Mean follow-up was significantly (P < .001) Although the OKS questionnaire was originally developed
shorter for the suprapatellar group (12 mo; range, 3-33 mo) and widely validated to describe clinical outcomes of total
than for the infrapatellar group (25 mo; range, 4-43 mo). knee arthroplasty,15,16 it has also been evaluated for other
Mean OKS (maximum, 48 points) was 40.1 (range, 11-48) interventions, including viscosupplementation injections17 and
for the infrapatellar group and 36.7 (range, 2-48) for the high tibial osteotomy.18 We used the OKS questionnaire in our
suprapatellar group (P = .293). Table 2 summarizes the data. study because it is simple to administer by telephone and is
Radiographic reduction in the sagittal plane was improved not as cumbersome as the Knee Society Score or the Western
(P = .044) in the suprapatellar group (2.90°) compared with Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index. It
the infrapatellar group (4.58°). There was no difference in is also more specific to the knee than generalized outcome
rotational malreduction (0.31 vs 0.25 cortical width; P = .599) measures used in trauma, such as the Short Form 36 (SF-36).
or in reduction in the coronal plane (2.52° vs 3.17°; P = .280). Sanders and colleagues19 reported excellent tibial alignment,
All patients in both groups maintained radiographic reduction radiographic union, and knee range of motion using semi-
within 5° in any plane throughout follow-up. There was no extended tibial nailing with a suprapatellar approach. For
difference (P = .654) in radiographic follow-up between the outcome measures, they used the Lysholm Knee Score and
infrapatellar group (11 mo) and the suprapatellar group (12 mo). the SF-36. Our clinical and radiographic results confirmed
The 1 nonunion in the suprapatellar group required return their finding—that the semi-extended suprapatellar approach
to the operating room for exchange intramedullary nailing. is an option for tibial nailing.
The suprapatellar approach required less (P = .003) operative OKS results by question (Table 3) showed that the
fluoroscopy time (80.8 s; range, 46-180 s) than the standard infrapatellar group had less pain walking down stairs. This
infrapatellar approach (122.1 s; range, 71-240 s). Two patients in result approached statistical significance (P = .063). As surgeons
the suprapatellar group and 8 in the infrapatellar group did not at our institution began using the suprapatellar approach only
have their fluoroscopy time recorded in the operative report. during the final 2 years of the study period, mean follow-up
was significantly (P < .001) less than for the infrapatellar group
Discussion (12 vs 25 mo). Although there was no statistically significant
We have described the first retrospective cohort-comparison difference in reduction quality on anteroposterior radiographs,
study of functional knee scores associated with traditional the suprapatellar approach had improved (P = .044) reduction
infrapatellar nailing and suprapatellar nailing. Although much on lateral radiographs (2.90° vs 4.58°).
has been written about the incidence of anterior knee pain Although operative time did not differ between our
with use of a patellar splitting or parapatellar approach, the 2 groups, significantly (P = .003) less fluoroscopy time was
clinical effects of knee pain after use of suprapatellar nails required for suprapatellar nails (80.8 s) than for infrapatellar
are yet to be addressed. In a cadaveric study, Gelbke and nails (122.1 s). Positioning the knee in the semi-extended
colleagues14 found higher mean patellofemoral pressures and position offers easier access for fluoroscopy and less radiation
higher peak contact pressures with a suprapatellar approach. exposure for the patient. Placing the nail in extension also
These numbers, however, were still far below the threshold
for chondrocyte damage, and that study is yet to be clinically
validated. Our data showed no difference in OKS between Table 3. Results of Oxford Knee Score by Question
the 2 groups. Despite being intra-articular, approach-specific Approach
Rotation, cortical widths 0.25 (0.32) 0.31 (0.42) .599 12 3.54 2.91 .063