Artikel Asesmen - Gresha Haria Putra (23175027)

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* Gresha Haria Putra1, Fatni Mufit2, Festiyed 2

Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Fisika, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam,
Universitas Negeri Padang
Derpatemen Fisika, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Padang

*Email: [email protected]

Abstract - This study aims to explore the influence of literacy assessment on student learning outcomes
in science learning through literature review. Science literacy is the ability to understand scientific
concepts, ask questions, and use scientific knowledge in daily life. Literacy assessments, which include
evaluations of reading, writing, and critical thinking skills, are considered important in improving
student learning outcomes. This article reviews various studies that have been conducted on the
relationship between literacy assessment and student science learning achievement. The results of the
review showed that the literacy assessment had a significant positive impact on students' understanding
of science concepts, critical thinking skills, and learning motivation. The implementation of effective
literacy assessments can help teachers identify students' strengths and weaknesses, as well as design
more appropriate learning strategies. Thus, literacy assessment plays an important role in improving the
quality of science learning in schools..

Keywords: Literacy Assessmen; Learning Outcomes; Science Learning; Literature Review

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The body of the article is made into two columns with a distance between columns of 1 cm.

INTRODUCTION understand the material, but also to identify

In the world of education, science areas that need to be improved (Susanti,
literacy is becoming increasingly important 2020). Thus, literacy assessments can be an
considering the rapid development of effective tool to improve student learning
technology and science. Science literacy not outcomes.
only includes understanding scientific Student learning outcomes in science
concepts, but also critical thinking skills, learning are greatly influenced by various
problem-solving skills, and the ability to factors, including the teaching methods,
apply scientific knowledge in daily life motivation, and assessments used (Setiawan,
(Kurniawan, 2019). Science literacy enables 2021). In this context, literacy assessment
students to understand and evaluate has an important role because it can provide
scientific information effectively, which is a more comprehensive picture of students'
an essential skill in this information age. One abilities. Research shows that a good literacy
of the methods to improve science literacy is assessment can improve students'
through literacy assessment. Literacy understanding of scientific concepts and
assessment involves evaluating reading, improve their critical thinking skills
writing, and critical thinking skills related to (Rahmawati, 2022). However, there are still
science. This assessment not only serves to gaps in the implementation of literacy
measure the extent to which students assessments in various schools. Some

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teachers may not fully understand the attention to factors that affect student
importance of literacy assessments or how to learning outcomes. Literacy assessments can
implement them effectively in science be one of the effective tools to achieve this
learning (Widodo, 2021). Therefore, it is goal. By understanding the influence of
important to further examine the influence of literacy assessment on student learning
literacy assessment on student learning outcomes, it is hoped that more effective
outcomes in science learning. strategies can be developed in science
This literature review aims to explore learning. Finally, this article aims to
various studies that have been carried out on contribute to the educational literature by
the influence of literacy assessment on providing a comprehensive review of the
student learning outcomes in science influence of literacy assessment on student
learning. By reviewing these studies, it is learning outcomes in science learning. It is
hoped that a deeper understanding of how hoped that the results of this review can
literacy assessment can be applied provide useful insights for educators,
effectively and has a positive impact on researchers, and policymakers in developing
student learning outcomes. This study also and implementing effective literacy
aims to identify strategies that have been assessments.
proven effective in improving science
literacy through assessment. In addition, this RESEARCH METHODS
article will discuss the challenges faced in This study uses the literature review
the implementation of literacy assessments method to examine the influence of literacy
and recommendations to overcome these assessment on student learning outcomes in
challenges (Ardiansyah, 2020). In recent science learning. The steps taken include
searching, selecting, and analyzing relevant
years, various studies have shown that
scientific articles from various educational
literacy assessments have a significant journals indexed in databases such as
positive impact on student learning Google Scholar and Garuda. The study
outcomes. For example, research by Putri focused on articles published in the last five
(2021) found that students who engaged in years, from 2019 to 2023, to ensure the
literacy assessments showed significant relevance and actuality of the data. Inclusion
improvements in understanding science criteria include articles that discuss literacy
assessment, student learning outcomes, and
concepts and critical thinking skills. Other
science learning at various levels of
research by Saputra (2022) also shows that education. Articles that are irrelevant or do
literacy assessments can increase students' not meet the inclusion criteria are excluded
motivation to learn and make them more from the analysis.
actively involved in learning. However, the
After the articles are collected,
implementation of literacy assessments also content analysis is carried out to identify the
faces various challenges. Some of these main themes, important findings, and
challenges include lack of resources, time existing research gaps. The analysis process
constraints, and resistance from teachers and involves coding data to group information
students to changes in teaching methods based on certain categories, such as the
(Hartati, 2021). Therefore, sustained efforts impact of literacy assessments on students'
understanding of scientific concepts, critical
are needed to address these challenges and thinking skills, and learning motivation. The
ensure that literacy assessments can be results of this analysis are then synthesized
implemented effectively. to provide a comprehensive overview of the
In an effort to improve the quality of influence of literacy assessment on student
science learning, it is important to pay learning outcomes in science learning. The
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studies analyzed were also compared to Figure 1. Literature Review Systematic
identify patterns and differences in findings, Flowchart
as well as to highlight practical implications
and recommendations for educators and
The results of the research data
included in this literature review are an
analysis and summary of articles related to
the influence of multiple-choice assessment
on conceptual understanding in science
learning. The results of the research data
included in this literature review are an
analysis and summary of articles related to
the influence of multiple-choice assessment
on science learning.

Tabel 1. Artikel Literature Review

No. Code Year Authror Jurnal
1 AJ1 2016 Kharisma, dkk Jurnal Penelitian Dan Evaluasi
2 AJ2 2016 Dwi, dkk Assimilation: Indonesian Journal
Of Biology
3 AJ3 2017 Susanti & Rahmawati Primary Education Unnes
4 AJ4 2017 Dewita, dkk Seminar Nasional Fisika
Universitas Riau Ke-3
5 AJ5 2018 Kurniawan, dkk Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Fisika
6 AJ6 2018 Ardiansyah Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi
7 AJ7 2019 Kurniawan, dkk Pendipa Journal Of Science
8 AJ8 2020 Susanti, dkk Jurnal Eksakta Pendidikan
9 AJ9 2021 Putri,dkk Aksioma
10 AJ10 2021 Setiawan, dkk Edukimia
11 AJ11 2021 Widodo, dkk Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Profesi
12 AJ12 2022 Hartita, dkk Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan
Bahasa Indonesia, Daerah Dan
13 AJ13 2022 Saputra Aksioma
14 AJ14 2022 Rahmawati Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
15 AJ15 2022 Zhakwandi, dkk Edukimia

In this literature review, a number of Based on the research that has been studied,
studies have been analyzed to reveal the there are several important findings that can
influence of literacy assessment on student be explained as follows. Research by Putri
learning outcomes in science learning. (2021) shows that literacy assessments

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significantly increase students' information. It assists students in developing
understanding of scientific concepts. critical thinking skills that are essential in
Students who are involved in literacy understanding and solving scientific
assessments tend to be more able to problems. Research by Susanti (2020) found
understand and apply science concepts in that literacy assessments can increase
different contexts. This is in line with student learning motivation. By being given
research by Saputra (2022) which found that the opportunity to express their thoughts and
literacy assessments help students in understanding through literacy assessments,
constructing a deeper understanding of students become more motivated and
science material. Literacy assessments not engaged in the learning process. This is
only focus on mastering content, but also on confirmed by the Setiawan (2021) study
developing critical thinking skills. which shows that students with high learning
Rahmawati (2022) stated that through motivation tend to have better learning
literacy assessments, students are invited to outcomes.
analyze, evaluate, and synthesize scientific

Table 2. Artikel 2016-2020 Subject Literation

No. Code Year Authror Subject
1 AJ1 2016 Kharisma, dkk Literation
2 AJ2 2016 Dwi, dkk Literation
3 AJ3 2017 Susanti & Rahmawati Literation
4 AJ4 2017 Dewita, dkk Literation
5 AJ5 2018 Kurniawan, dkk Literation
6 AJ6 2018 Ardiansyah Literation
7 AJ7 2019 Kurniawan, dkk Literation
8 AJ8 2020 Susanti, dkk Literation

Based on table 2, it explains about due to a lack of adequate training. To address

literacy years 2016-2020. Literacy these challenges, several effective strategies
assessments allow teachers to identify have been identified. Ardiansyah (2020)
students' weaknesses and strengths in suggests the use of technology as a tool in
understanding science material. Widodo literacy assessment. For example, digital
(2021) noted that with literacy assessments, platforms can be used to create and manage
teachers can identify areas where students literacy assessments more efficiently. In
need further assistance and design more addition, regular teacher training is also
effective learning strategies to support them. required to ensure that they have the
Despite its many benefits, the necessary skills and knowledge to carry out
implementation of literacy assessments also literacy assessments effectively. Putri (2021)
faces several challenges. Hartati (2021) said found that involving students in the literacy
that lack of resources and limited time are assessment process can increase the
often the main obstacles in the effectiveness of the assessment. By
implementation of literacy assessments. providing students with the opportunity to
Additionally, some teachers may feel less actively participate in assessments, they
confident in using this assessment method become more aware of learning objectives
and more responsible for their own learning.

Table 3. Artikel 2016-2020 Subject Literation

No. Code Year Authror Subject
9 AJ9 2021 Putri,dkk Literation

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10 AJ10 2021 Setiawan, dkk Literation
11 AJ11 2021 Widodo, dkk Literation
12 AJ12 2022 Hartita, dkk Literation
13 AJ13 2022 Saputra Literation
14 AJ14 2022 Rahmawati Literation
15 AJ15 2022 Zhakwandi, dkk Literation

Based on table 2, it explains about critical thinking, collaboration, and

literacy years 2021-2022. The use of literacy communication skills. Widodo (2021) noted
assessment is not only limited to formative that literacy assessments help students
assessments but can also be applied in develop these skills, which are crucial in
summative assessments. Susanti (2020) facing global challenges and rapid
showed that formative literacy assessments technological changes. The development of
help students understand and correct their a curriculum that integrates literacy
mistakes during the learning process, while assessment is important to improve the
summative literacy assessments provide a quality of science education. Hartati (2021)
final picture of students' learning suggested that the curriculum should be
achievements. Research by Kurniawan designed in such a way that science literacy
(2019) shows that students who are involved becomes an integral part of every science
in literacy assessments tend to have better subject. Literacy assessments can be applied
academic achievement compared to those at various levels of education, from
who are not involved. This shows that elementary school to college. Ardiansyah
literacy assessments not only improve (2020) found that the implementation of
conceptual understanding but also have a literacy assessments from an early age can
positive impact on overall academic help students develop the skills needed to
achievement. Teachers play an important succeed in science learning at a higher level.
role in the implementation of literacy The use of technology in literacy assessment
assessments. Rahmawati (2022) emphasized can increase the effectiveness and efficiency
the importance of teachers in designing of the assessment process. Putri (2021) noted
appropriate assessments and providing that technology can be used to make
constructive feedback to students. Teachers assessments more interactive and engaging
also need to understand that literacy for students, as well as to collect and analyze
assessment is not only about measurement, assessment data more accurately. Parents
but also about empowering students in their also play an important role in supporting
learning process. The following is a table of literacy assessments. Susanti (2020) showed
research in 2016 – 2024 on literacy, namely that parental involvement in their child's
learning process can increase student
motivation and learning outcomes. Parents
can help by providing a conducive learning
environment and supporting their child's
learning efforts.
A supportive school environment is
essential for the success of literacy
assessments. Kurniawan (2019) noted that
schools that have a strong literacy culture
tend to be more successful in implementing
literacy assessments and improving student
Figure 2. Article Literacy Published Per learning outcomes. Continuous evaluation of
Year literacy assessments is necessary to ensure
Science literacy is an essential part of that these methods remain relevant and
21st century competencies that include effective. Rahmawati (2022) suggested that

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evaluations be carried out periodically to solve complex problems and make
assess the impact of literacy assessments on scientifically based decisions. However, the
learning outcomes and to identify areas that implementation of literacy assessments
need to be improved. Several schools have faces various challenges, including
successfully implemented literacy resistance from teachers and students, as
assessments with positive results. Widodo well as limited resources. Therefore, it is
(2021) presents a case study of schools that important for educators and policymakers to
have succeeded in improving student support the use of literacy assessments by
learning outcomes through literacy providing adequate training for teachers and
assessments, which can be used as an developing efficient and effective
example and inspiration for other schools. assessment tools. The use of technology can
Based on the findings of this literature also play an important role in improving the
review, several recommendations can be effectiveness of literacy assessments. With
given for the effective implementation of the right support, literacy assessments can be
literacy assessment. Hartati (2021) a powerful tool to improve student learning
suggested increasing teacher training, the outcomes in science education.
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