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Food Ordering System

Abstract Introduction

A Food Ordering System is proposed The labor rates are increasing steadily year
here which simplifies the food ordering on year thus making it difficult to find
process. The proposed system shows a user employees. The food industry is highly labor
intensive and the biggest expense in the food
interface and update the menu with all
industry is the cost of employing the right
available options so that it eases the kind of people to do the work. One of the
customer work. This system improves the ways to reduce this expense is to use modern
method of taking the order from customer. technology to replace some of the jobs done
Customer can choose more than one item to by human beings and make machines do the
make an order and can view order details work. Here we propose an “Food Ordering
before logging off. The order confirmation is Application System”. That has been
sent to the customer. The order is placed in designed for Fast Food restaurant, Take- Out
the queue and update in the database and or College Cafeterias. This simplifies the
returned in real time. The payment can be process of process of food ordering for both
the customer and the restaurant, as the entire
made online or walk in the casher. This process of taking orders is automated
system assists the staff to go through the
orders in real time and process it efficiently In this generation we’ve expose by
with minimal errors. For more secured technology, machine, and programing
ordering separate accounts, them an ID and system. In this topic we would like to
a password. improve some communities haven’t
engaging yet by modern generational style
through technology. The proposed system is
Objectives design to avoid user doing fatal errors and
inappropriate action. Scope of proposed
II OBJECTIVE system is justifiable because in large amount
peoples are shifting to different area of the
compound so wide range of people can
 To develop the compound system make a use of proposed system. The
service and directly manage the system/interface will take input from the
order. user. The major attributes that will give
 To improve the order service w/o input to the dataset are: name, address,
interfacing the line and can update email-ID, mobile no, other personal related
values, etc. the output will include
the available order. user/customers be 10 to 12 stores and mess
 To secure the ordering service and services considered inside 2 to 3 areas.
manipulate bias order from the
 By configuration of technology and
organizational networks designed to
deliver services that satisfy the
needs, wants, or aspirations of
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework Businesses recoup customer acquisition
costs and cultivate a loyal following that
refers customers, serves as case studies, and
provides testimonials and reviews.

Scope and Limitation

This research study is only consisting for

restaurant food and bar ordering application
and it contain an operating system that
process the order and payment method by
the costumer. This is available only in snack
Statement of the Problem
bar, restaurant, cafeteria, coffee shop, and
The statement of the problem about other resto food store. This is not only for a
this ordering application is to make the single store, but it also handles a multi store
costumer satisfied and hustle free in in one area like a compound.
ordering their foods and less effort on
paying their payment when they are paying
to the cashier. Research Methodology

Research Design
Significance of the Study
The purpose of this study is to help
This study will help the seller to have the seller to have hustle free and more
hustle free and more convenient, it will also convenient. It will also help the future
help the future researchers who will also researchers who will also conduct the same
conduct the same study as our, it also helps study as our, it will also help the seller less
the seller less crew to pay, it gives us a crew to pay, it gives us a chance to serve
chance to serve good better and faster while good, better and faster while providing a
providing a smoother customer experience. smoother customer experience better when
And also, this study will make experience visiting our restaurant.
better when visiting our restaurant. From the
global mobile app to mobile order, we've
made huge strides towards accomplishing Research Approach
our goals

Customer service is important to The respondents will be the

your business because it retains customers customers in the restaurant. To collect the
and extracts more value from them. By data, we will go through an in-depth
providing top-notch customer service. interview method. The data analysis in this
research will be mostly represented as Conclusion
qualitative method.
A Food Ordering System is
Sampling Method developed where the customers can make an
easy order for the food and avoid the hassles
The in-depth interview procedure for of waiting for the order to be taken by the
this study will be limited in kan-anan sa bay- waiter. Using the application, the end users
bay. register online, read the E-menu card and
select the required food item the chef will be
able to see the results on the screen and start
Data Collection Method processing the food. This application
The data collection will be collected nullifies the need of a waiter or reduces the
directly from the respondents through an in- workload of the waiter. The advantage is
depth interview. that in a crowded restaurant there will be
chances that the waiters are overloaded with
Data Analysis Method orders and they are unable to meet the
The data analysis in this research requirements of the customer in a
will be mostly represented as qualitative satisfactory manner. Therefore, by using this
method. It has been mentioned earlier that application, the users can directly place the
the data will be gathered by an in-depth order for food to the chef online.
interview kan-anan sa Bay-Bay. In conclusion an online food ordering
system is proposed which is useful in small
family run restaurant as well as in
Operational Definition of Terms compound etc. this project can later be
expanded on a larger scale. It is developed
System store service- is a configuration of for restaurants to simply their routine
technology and organizational networks managerial and operational task and to
designed to deliver services that satisfy the improve the dining experience of the clients.
needs, wants, or aspirations of customers. This also helps the restaurant to know the
"Service system" is a term used in items available in real time and changes to
the service management, service their food and beverage inventory based on
the orders placed and the orders completed.
operations, services marketing, service
The advantage is that in a crowded
engineering, and service design literature.
restaurant there will be chances that the
While the term frequently appears, it is
waiters are overloaded with orders and they
rarely defined.
are unable to meet the requirements of the
Customer service- is the direct one-on-one customer in a satisfactory manner.
interaction between a consumer making a Therefore by using this application, the
purchase and a representative of the users/admin can directly place the order for
company that is selling it. food to the chef online.

card to order food online. Once the customer


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