Online Food Ordering System: Amit Kumar, Rakesh Choudhary, Shratik Shah, Prakhar Rai
Online Food Ordering System: Amit Kumar, Rakesh Choudhary, Shratik Shah, Prakhar Rai
Online Food Ordering System: Amit Kumar, Rakesh Choudhary, Shratik Shah, Prakhar Rai
In Paper [9], this research works on efforts taken by owners The pattern in which user will search the services for a
of restaurants to adopt information and communication purpose GPS system should be on and a part of GeoHashing
technologies such as PDA, wireless LAN, costly multi-touch Algorithm is used. Person can have the facility to search
screens, etc. to enhance dining experience. This paper service by location that is home location of the person is
highlights some of the limitations of the conventional paper
based and PDA-based food ordering system and proposed detected with GPS and nearby service get searched
the low-cost touch screen-based Restaurant Management according to selected option location. Searching by cost is
System using an android Smartphone or tablet as a solution. another way.