Repeated Impulse Aging of Oil-Polypropylene Insulation
Repeated Impulse Aging of Oil-Polypropylene Insulation
Repeated Impulse Aging of Oil-Polypropylene Insulation
Repeated impulse voltage has long been considered to affect the insulation property of
power equipment, which is called accumulative effect. This phenomenon is widely
studied on oil paper insulation but rarely on oil polypropylene film insulation, which is
widely used in power capacitors and other equipment. Therefore, the accumulative
effect of repeated impulse on oil polypropylene insulation is studied in this work. First,
a repeated impulse accumulating test platform was set up and the accumulation
characteristics of oil polypropylene insulation with repeated impulses were tested and
analyzed. Next, the residual breakdown voltage, surface morphology and gas
composition dissolved in the oil in different aging levels were tested. The results
indicated that the OPF insulation residual breakdown voltage decreased and the film
surface roughness increased when subjected to the repeated impulses. The dissolved gas
contents changed along with the impulse accumulation aging. Lastly, the possible
mechanisms of the accumulative effect in oil polypropylene insulation are discussed
based on the test results.
Index Terms — oil polypropylene film insulation, accumulative effect, repeated
impulse, surface morphology
DOI: 10.1109/TDEI.2019.008180
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1582 C. Zhang et al.: Repeated Impulse Aging of Oil-Polypropylene Insulation
roughness and dielectric parameters increased with the 2.1 SAMPLE PREPARATION
accumulation of repeated lightning impulses, which can be The oil used in experiment is C101 oil, which main
attributed to the combined effects of polar products, fiber component is benzyltoluene. And the polypropylene film used
deformation and the translucent gelatinous substance. The is polypropylene double-sided coarse film which a thickness
effect of space charge on the accumulative characteristics of of 12 µm.
OIP insulation under repeated lightning impulses was studied
in [15]. Charge behavior in OIP was analyzed under different The sample pretreatments were carried out in the same way
that full-film capacitors production process.
conditions, and it is indicated that the increased application
of lightning impulses, high applied voltage, and short 1) The oil was filtered through oil purifier to eliminate the
interval time contributed to the accumulation and transport micro-water and other impurities.
of space charges. In [16], the influence of repeated lightning 2) The oil was dried at 50℃ for 48 h in the vacuum drying
impulses on the OIP, especially the mechanism behind this oven, with an air pressure of 100 Pa; the polypropylene films
phenomenon, was experimentally investigated. The test were dried at 50℃ for 24 h in the vacuum drying oven, with
results indicated that the accumulative effect only existed in an air pressure of 100 Pa.
the cellulose paper rather than the transformer oil. This effect
was considered to be attributed to the electrical degradation 3) The polypropylene film was impregnated in the oil for
and accumulation of space charge. The voltage-number another 48 h, with a temperature of 50℃ and air pressure of
characteristics of transformer insulation under transformer
invading non-standard lightning impulses was presented in 4) All the pretreated samples were sealed in polypropylene
[17-19]. The failure characteristics and mechanism of nano- container in a cool, dry, isolated and well-ventilated storage
modified oil-impregnated paper subjected to repeated area.
impulse voltage was studied in [20].
So far, considerable attention has been paid to the
accumulative effect in OIP insulation. But few studies have The test platform is shown in Figure 1, which is consisted
been reported for the phenomena of the accumulative effect with impulse voltage generator, voltage divider, test
in oil polypropylene film (OPF) insulation, which is widely container and the control system. Standard negative
used in power capacitors, and also some other equipment. switching impulse (250/2500µs) was generated by the
The insulation characteristics of OPF in thermal degradation impulse voltage generator, which rated parameter is
as well as steady state voltage are studied in [21]. Yet OPF 30 kJ/300 kV. The test container was special made to
insulation characteristics in transient impulse voltage are still simulate the internal environment of the capacitor. Column-
need further research. column electrodes were adopted to generate a quasi-uniform
electrical field. The diameter and edge radius of brass
In this paper, in order to explore the mechanism caused by column electrode were 25 mm and 3 mm, respectively.
the accumulative effect in OPF, a repeated impulse Two-layer OPF sample was fixedly placed between the
accumulation test platform was built. The accumulative electrodes to simulate the OPF insulator in the capacitor.
effect phenomenon, which is called V-N characteristic According to ASTM D 3487 [22] and IEC 60897 [23], the
(relationship between breakdown voltage and impulse impulse interval for the tests was 60 s in this paper. The high
number that OPF can withstand) was tested. And the V-N voltage terminal grounded to release residual charge after
characteristics and accumulative failure probability were each shot. These measures were taken to avoid charge
mathematically analyzed using a Weibull distribution model. accumulation phenomena [17].
Then the characteristics with different times of impulse were
tested, including residual breakdown voltage, surface
morphology as well as gas composition dissolved in the oil.
The results show that repeated impulses leads to
accumulative damage to the OPF insulation. Lastly, possible
mechanisms are discussed based on the test results.
The remaining parts of this paper are arranged as follows.
The experiment setup is shown in Section 2.
The accumulative effect test is presented in Section 3.
The test results are described in Section 4. The mechanisms
are discussed in Section 5 and in Section 6 are the Figure 1. Test platform for studying the accumulation effect.
conclusions. 1- Gas-pressure meter, 2- Gas balance port, 3- Tank, 4- Oil output port, 5-
Supporting insulator, 6- C101 oil, 7- Sample supporting, 8- Low voltage
electrode, 9- High voltage electrode, 10- Oil input port, 11- Insulating
2 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP bushing, T- Transformer, r-Protection resistance, D- Silicon stack, C- Charge
capacitor, Rf- Front resistance, Rt- Tail resistance.
The aim of this paper is studying the accumulative effect
in OPF insulation. An experiment platform is setup as
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IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 26, No. 5; October 2019 1583
2.3 TEST PROCEDURES usually regarded as the characteristic life value under this
The test procedure was almost the same with the voltage, which indicates the average number of times required
accumulation effect tests for OIP [12-20], which set as to breakdown the test sample. β is the shape parameter, which
follows. determines the shape of failure probability density function
1) Measuring the minimum breakdown voltage of the OPF The least square method was used to estimate the Weibull
insulation under one (N = 1) impulse shot. To reduce the error, parameters and the estimated value can be obtained [24].
the test was repeated 10 times and the average was obtained. Weibull distribute parameter α is the estimated value of
accumulative times N. The α and β values for the 8 different
2) Based on the minimum breakdown voltage of the OPF
voltage levels are shown in Table 1.
insulation, reducing the impulse voltage in steps of 500V.
3) For each impulse voltage level, the impulse voltage was Table 1. Weibull distribution parameters α, β.
repeatedly applied to the OPF sample until the sample broke
Voltage/kV 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 14.5 15
down. The corresponding number of impulses was recorded.
10 trials test repeated for 10 samples at each voltage level. α 665 305 180 120 62 31 12
3 ACCUMULATIVE EFFECT OF OPF β 2.56 1.87 1.73 1.37 2.15 0.88 1.31
Based on Table 1 the mathematical relationship between V
and N is explored. CIGRE recommended using exponential
According to the test procedures presented in Section 2.3, model to describe the relationship between the applied
the accumulative effect of OPF insulation was tested. The V-N impulse voltage and the accumulative times before breakdown
characteristics are usually used to describe the accumulative [25], which is:
effect of repeated impulses on the insulation strength. The V- 1
N characteristic of two layers OPF sample is shown in Figure
V AN B (2)
2. As shown in the V-N curve, when the impulse voltage is
close to the breakdown voltage, the applied times of impulse where A and B are constant and related to the shape of the
increase relatively slow (Area I in Figure 2). With the decrease curves. The formula is fitted using the data from Table 1 and
of the voltage, the applied times of impulse increase rapidly the constant A and B can be obtained:
(Area II in Figure 2). Figure 2 indicates that even though the V 14.07 N 0.01737 (3)
amplitude of applied impulses is much lower than the
breakdown voltage of OPF sample, the sample will breakdown Equation (3) describes the basic relationship between the
after certain time of impulse eventually. This phenomenon applied impulse voltage and the accumulative times before
may be caused by the impulse accumulative damage. breakdown. The goodness of the fit (R2) is 0.991. This
equation can be a reference for the capacitor life assessment
and prediction.
To investigate the OPF insulation accumulative effect, the
residual breakdown voltages of the OPF samples with
different impulse times were tested.
The test samples were from the same batch of test
preparation. The impulse voltage was set to 12.5kV and four
aging levels are chosen to test the residual breakdown voltages.
Figure 2. V-N characteristics of OPF insulation.
The four aging levels description is shown in Table 2. In each
aging level, 10 samples are tested and the average residual
3.2 ANALYSIS OF V-N CHARACTERISTIC breakdown voltages were recorded as shown in Table 2.
IEEE recommends the life of solid insulating media obeys
the two-parameter Weibull distribution. The commonly used Table 2. Relationship between aging level subjected to different impulse times at
12.5 kV and residual breakdown voltage.
two parameters Weibull cumulative probability distribution
Residual Breakdown Voltage
expressions is: Aging Level
F x 1 exp x
(1) L1 New samples 15.5
L2 Samples with 100 impulses 15.2
where F(x) is the OPF samples failure probability. x is the
L3 Samples with 200 impulses 14.6
accumulative times N. α is the scale parameter, which is the x
value corresponding to the failure probability is 63.1%. α is L4 Samples with 300 impulses 12.8
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1584 C. Zhang et al.: Repeated Impulse Aging of Oil-Polypropylene Insulation
and gathered together, and the “black pits” were also getting
(a) New film deeper and gathered together. The whole OPF surface was
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IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 26, No. 5; October 2019 1585
Table 3. The roughness of each sample after suffering different times impulses.
0 100 200 300 400
Ra /nm 9.0462 9.8078 13.8602 21.5641 23.6052
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1586 C. Zhang et al.: Repeated Impulse Aging of Oil-Polypropylene Insulation
The heat is also inevitable which generated by the electric increased dramatically with suffering the repeated impulses.
field and PD process. The film used in the power capacitor is The roughness increased by 8.42, 53.22, 138.38 and 160.94%
polypropylene double-sided coarse film with the thickness of times for OPF samples subjected to 100, 200, 300 and 400
just more than ten microns. The film will swell and the bulges impulses, respectively, compared with the roughness of virgin
emerge by local overheating. This may be another reason for sample.
the test results shown in Figure 3. For the OIP insulation, it is For the DGA, the dissolved gas contents changed along
found that the space charges were detected in the process of with the impulse accumulation aging. Among the possible
accumulation. For the OPF, the same process is believed also gases, CH4, CO2 and the total hydrocarbon had a positive
existed. As the surface morphology changed, more trap correlation with the aging degree.
appeared and trapping more space charge, which leads to the
increase of bulk charge density. The trapped space charge will To make a fully understanding of the accumulation effect
cause the local electric field intensity concentration. When the for OPF insulation, the effect of space charge and thermal
space charges accumulate to a certain degree, the local electric need further investigation.
field enhance which lead to the reduce of the partial discharge
inception voltage (PDIV) as well as the breakdown voltage. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
The accumulation effect is a complex phenomenon which is This work was supported by Sichuan Electric Power
affected by many factors. To our knowledge, partial discharge, Company Post-Doctor Research Project “Research on
space charge and thermal effect can be the main factors Insulation Condition Assessment and Detection Methods for
contribute to the phenomenon. The possible aging process Surge Capacitors” (421811970069).
might be described as follows: the tiny defects in the film and
impurities in the oil lead to the PD during the impulses. The REFERENCES
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