A Study On Ideals of Kabir Das and His Contributio
A Study On Ideals of Kabir Das and His Contributio
A Study On Ideals of Kabir Das and His Contributio
Abstract: Famous as a pioneer of the liberal social system, Saint Kabir Das was one of the major
indices of the medieval Bhakti movement. Although permanent evidence is not available, according
to most beliefs, the poet Kabir Das was born in Kashi (Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh) in the mid-15th
century. The details of Kabir's life is still unknown till date. As far as recorded, there are stories of
Kabir's birth mystery has a similar trail found in Biblical texts. Among his most famous writings are
his Doha or couplets and poems that sometimes refer the Sikh scripture Guru Granth Sahib. Kabir
was deeply focused on his spiritual knowledge. In Davistan in Mosinfani and Aineakbari in Abu'l-
Fazur, he is called "Muwahid" or "Believer of God." He criticized both Hinduism and Islam, the
former as per him being misinterpretation of the Vedas. He frequently questioned meaningless
rituals such as sacred threads and circumcision. Kabir is a brave pioneer, a great pioneer in the
unification of the Hindu and Muslim communities of India, an apostle of human faith, and taught
that God has been revealed to all of humanity. Although his life is a mystery and lesser known, his
contribution as a social and religious reformer has become a promoter of social progress and laid a
solid foundation for modern society. However, the implementation of Kabir's philosophy is still
incomplete and uninterpreted. With the inspiration of this gap, the current review of Kabir Das's
ideals and contributions to human unity takes into account the legendary saint's theory and view of
human unity as an important element of a stable and constructive society.
Keywords: ideals of kabir das, kabir's ideals on human unity, 15th century bhakti movement, kabir’s
named Niru from Banaras discovered him and principles, he was opposed to the caste
took him home. His wife raised the youngster structure imposed by the Hindu community,
as if he were her own son. Kabir was the as well as the idea of worshipping divine
name given to the child. idols. In against, he promoted Vedantic Atman
He had gone to Meghar near the end of his notions. He was a supporter of the Sufi's
life, despite the fact that he lived in Kashi, to simple lifestyle. Check out his poems and
dispute the traditional notion that "to die in two-line lines known as Dohas, which speak
Kashi would deserve admittance to heaven to his mind and spirit, to get a good sense of
and to die in Meghar would lead to hell." sant Kabir's philosophy.
Kabir lacked a scientific education but was a
revolutionary with wise ideas. He aspired to 1.3 Bhakti Movement and Role played
become a chela (disciple) of Ramananda, a by Kabir Das
well-known saint in Varanasi, to satisfy his
spiritual thirst. According to Khajinat al- The Bhakti movement was where the vast
Asafiya, Kabir was taught by a Sufi pir named Vedantic vision's full ramifications were
Shaikh Taqqi. Kabir's teaching and clearly revealed. The basic message of this
philosophy are heavily influenced by Sufism. massive religious movement was twofold:
In Varanasi, there is a neighbourhood called first, caste (and group) issues are
Kabir Chaura that is thought to be where he meaningless; whoever is devoted to God is
grew up [15]. God's blessed. Second, it was unanimously
His ideas were both practical and affirmed that pure selfless devotion (bhakti),
unconventional. He was a saint, poet, mystic, not ceremonies or knowledge (jnana), is the
profound thinker, social reformer, and other true religion or path to God [13].
things all rolled into one [12]. He was a In his role in the Bhakti Movement of the
common man who spoke the common man's 15th century, Kabir taught to follow the road
dialect, walked with them, taught them, and of equality and harmony. Kabir raised
lived like them. His occupation was weaving, awareness about the need to eliminate
and his life aim was to weave the human discrimination in society. Mahatma Gandhi,
civilization into a "well-knit human network" Deen Dayal Upadhyay, Dr. Bhim Rao
in all of its dimensions. Ambedkar, Ram Manohar Lohia are among
others [11], all followed the same beliefs.
1.2 Philosophies and Teachings of Kabir Kabir pushed for syncretism (the mixing of
Das religions), which he believes will assist to
alleviate societal inequity. Love, honesty,
Kabir's poetry reflects his personal truth, faith in oneself, fostering reflection, and
philosophy on life. His writings were mostly other simple characteristics were emphasised
concerned with reincarnation and karma [11]. by Kabir. He campaigned against socio-
He was a firm believer in living a simple life. economic injustice.
He was a firm believer in the concept of Kabir was an outspoken opponent of caste.
God's oneness. He was a proponent of the He emphasised that everyone was created
'Koi bole Ram Ram Koi Khudai' concept. The equal in God's creation. He counselled his
primary goal was to transmit the word that followers to abandon unnatural habits such as
there is only one God who created this untouchability, high and low sentiments, and
beautiful universe, regardless of whether you so forth. He was also against idol prayers, as
shout the name of a Hindu God or a Muslim well as the worship of various gods and
God. When it came to Kabir Das' views and goddesses, as well as religious rituals and
International Journal For Global Academic & Scientific Research (IJGASR)
Volume 1, Issue No. 1, 2022 ISSN Number: 2583-3081
Frequency: Quarterly Doi: https://doi.org/10.55938/ijgasr.v1i1.8
condensed the essence of the entire world. His included the Kabir's principles of unity to be
words are both enlightening and encouraging. the constructive base of the society
eliminating conflicts or unrest. The great
2. Objective Bhakti saint identified discrimination as the
key factor of weak violent society.
The review article on Kabir's ideal on Human Alternately, Kabir taught love, integrity and
Unity is conceived and worked out equality of every mankind as the true spirit of
accordingly to provide sufficient insight on stable human community.
the relevance and validity of his guidelines
when judged with current day's societal Rajnandini Das (2016) [2] made a
conditions. The author expects the review to comparative study of Sankaradeva and Kabir
support for the necessary societal Das, the two the greatest reformers of India.
development programs that His research analysed the context of the
incorporate/correct the existing difficulties, Bhakti movement in terms of the ideals
such as, poverty, racial/gender/religious preached by Sankara Deva and Kabir Das.
discrimination, injustice, etc. The study's main focus was their core outlook
of India's social life during the era, which had
clearly taken on a new dimension. Both of
3. Methodology
these great personalities, according to the
author, produced a steady idealism in society
The present review article on Ideals of Kabir
by erasing caste, religion, and community
Das and His Contribution in Human Unity is
divides and creating a united society. In
entirely composed based on the existing
Assam, Sankara Deva preached the Bhakti
authentic management and industrial
ideology to the people, teaching them the
governance updates and articles that are
principles of 'Love,' 'Tolerance,' and
published in acknowledged online
eventually Bhakti or 'devotion' towards the
portals/publications. Genuine facts and
Almighty God, according to the academics.
informations are gathered from trusted web
Sankara Deva wished to transform the
libraries and institute portals are thoroughly
Assamese society at the time in the spirit of
studied, sorted and selected based on their
Vaishnava Dharma, with Bhakti as the central
preoccupation. Kabir Das, like many other
Vaishnavites, was a Vaishnavite. Nirguna
4. Literature Review Bhakti had a profound influence on him, and
he had a great faith and reverence for the truth
Suneet Varma (2014) [1] composed a Case beyond worldly affairs. Kabir Das defined his
Study on the influence of the Sant Kabir Das God as Nirguna, according to the author. He
who played a distinct role in 15th century attempted to prove Bhakti's superiority as the
Bhakti Movement of India. The author stated road to attaining Supreme Being.
the life and teachings of Kabir to follow
liberal ideals beyond the boundaries between In his paper, K. Shah (2017) [3] identified
various religious and caste groups. He was a Saint (Sant) Kabir Das as the most important
sharp protestant of sectarianism. Kabir, and notable poet of the Bhakti and Sufi
according to the author helped us realize the movements in North India. According to the
fissures in our own mind, the violence (gross study, he was the first Indian saint to bring
or subtle) and the dishonesties that we Hinduism and Islam together by providing a
commit and defend our ego. In his article he global way that was acceptable to both
International Journal For Global Academic & Scientific Research (IJGASR)
Volume 1, Issue No. 1, 2022 ISSN Number: 2583-3081
Frequency: Quarterly Doi: https://doi.org/10.55938/ijgasr.v1i1.8
religions. The author mentions Kabir as a achieved through his teachings in the
reformer and critic who passionately opposes religious views, social discriminations and
ritualistic and austere approaches of belief in the existence of God as observed in
redemption. With his straightforward current days. Foremost vital ideals that
approach to all facets of human existence, he according to the author were most needed
publicly questioned all faiths and gave Indian even in today's world were protest against
philosophy a new path. caste system, sharing of love to every
mankind and religious integrity.
Prabira Sethy (2017) [4] attempted to
recreate Kabir's story by looking at where he Dr. R. Das (2018) [7] presented life, works
was born, who his family were, and other and Saint Kabir Das's role in I5th century
unknown information about his early life and Bhakti Movement of India. The study
development. This article covered Kabir's mentioned Ramananda as the fore-figure who
main philosophies about syncretism by provided the doctrines of Bhakti. However, it
melding the disparity of wealth, higher and was Kabir Das and his followers who
lower castes, Hindus and Muslims, and enhanced the movement actually. The
Hindus and Muslims by his statement to research discussed on Kabirdas's religious
maintain equality, love, compassion, and inclination as a prominent
coexistence to one another in place of enmity, Vaishnavite. Nirguna Bhakti had a profound
jealousy, egotism, fragmentation, and has influence on him, and he had a great faith and
shown the way for human beings to reverence for the truth beyond worldly affairs.
appreciate for one another. Kabir Das was referred to as a Bhakti Dharma
advocate. Pomposity and ego, he believed,
K. C. Sharma et al. (2017) [5] presented a were impediments on the way to union with
summarized comparison of Kabir, the eminent the Divine Soul. His teachings influenced
saint and contributor of North India's Bhakti both the Haves and the Have-Nots in society.
Movement with the influence of Sufi Certainly, the traditional society of his time
Movement, Nanak's teachings (Founder of presented him with difficulties. Kabir Das'
Sikhism) and life and philosophy of Shaikh teachings, on the other hand, had a universal
Noor-ud Din – the introductor of Rishi humanistic appeal, and he was able to bridge
Movement. Referring to the contemporary the Hindu-Muslim divide. His preachings and
historic backdrop where all these religious teachings brought a sense of peace to North
philosophies sprouted and spread in various India at a time when communities were
parts of India the authors inferred that the sole furious over societal give-and-take. Kabir Sas
concept of each of these ideals indicate was a devotee who regarded Rama' as a friend
towards integrated humanity, God as an and promoted Bhakti and a secular religion
unipotent entity and the vitality of love as a throughout society. He wished to improve
founding element of a constructive society. society through the Bhakti religion, which he
Further, the article described the philosophies believed could be agreeable to people of all
as inspired from their master that the disciples faiths.
of Kabir Das had developed and spread
afterwards. Himanshu Roy (2019) [8] gave an analysis
of the political context around Kabir's beliefs,
N. Dabhade (2018) [6] elaborated the which was a rhetoric of an alternative society
significance of Kabir Das's philosophies in at the time. Kabir's critique of the state,
the era when he lived and the reforms particularly judicial and revenue
International Journal For Global Academic & Scientific Research (IJGASR)
Volume 1, Issue No. 1, 2022 ISSN Number: 2583-3081
Frequency: Quarterly Doi: https://doi.org/10.55938/ijgasr.v1i1.8
administration, his utopia of Begumpura, an Kabir's rebellious voice and disregard for the
ideal village polity free of privately owned Brahmins' intellectual authority and
land, taxation, and unfairness, his secularism knowledge system, which was exceedingly
based on monotheism and syncretism with no exclusive in character, the religious
critique of patriarchy, or his idea of gender authorities were challenged to operationalize
parity were all discussed extensively. Along caste hierarchies. The author had linked
with his praxis in the private and public Kanwal Bharti's remarks, which stated that
domains, which were integrated rather than religious authority, like Kabir, were an issue
separate, were covered. for Ambedkar.
International Journal For Global Academic & Scientific Research (IJGASR)
Volume 1, Issue No. 1, 2022 ISSN Number: 2583-3081
Frequency: Quarterly Doi: https://doi.org/10.55938/ijgasr.v1i1.8