Trial - PTK005 - Extended QCI 128 - 20220406 - v.2

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TemplateType: Parameter

ManagedElementType: ITBBU
Product: ALL
Template Name: RANCM-Custom-template
Reference model (Mim
Type:Mim Version): ITRAN-PNF:V5.35.30.20P45

M: required when adding, not required when

modifying or deleting;
R: read only data, unchangeable parameters;
R-C: const data, unchangeable parameters;
R-I: create configurable, unchangeable parameters;
Primary key: primary key, mandatory parameters,
unchangeable parameters, multiple fields might act
as a primary key;
Field type: --: general parameters, readable and writable.
Template description:

If this field is null, it indicates the following two

cases: When the operation instruction is M, it means
that the user will not modify it; when the operation
instruction is A, if there is a default value, the default
Supplementary rules: value will be supplemented.
MOC Index

GlobalQoSLTE GlobalQoSLTE

QoSServiceClassLTE QoSServiceClassLTE




ENBServicePriorLTE ENBServicePriorLTE

ServiceDrxFDDLTE ServiceDrxFDDLTE

ServiceDrxTDDLTE ServiceDrxTDDLTE

GlobalSwitch GlobalSwitch






Global QoS Parameter

QoS Service Class

QCI and DSCP Mapping

QCI and PBR Mapping

QoS Basic Priority

Service Prior

FDD Service DRX

TDD Service DRX

Global Switch





PDCP Parameters
MOC path
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

P ITBBU 2106 278005
NE_Name ldn moId arpSegNum

NE Name LDN MO ID ARP Segment Number

This parameter sets the The parameter is the
model default: 1 long:[1..15]
unique ID of the managed number of ARP segment.
string string:length[0..200] example: 1 model default: 3
object. It is of the By The parameter, eNB
container type and is can map ARP and QCI to
NE Name LDN fixedly set to 1. other priority

R -- --
arpThresh gbrDelaySegNum gbrDelayTh ngbrDelaySegNum
The number Number
of NGBRof
The Segment
The threshold of ARP The Number of Threshold Threshold for GBR Delay service PDB's
Threshold forsegment,
ARP By threshold,
Segment The
Threshold for number
Traffic Delay for Traffic Class (ms) The Service
number Delay
longArray:[1..15] longArray:[0..65535]
eNB can divide ARP to service PDB segment, For The threshold of GBR service PDB segment, For
model default: 5;10 long:[1..15] model default: 50;100;150 long:[1..15]
some segments for GBR bearer, the PDB is service PDB, according to NGBR bearer, the PDB is
example: 5;10 model default: 4 example: 50;100;150 model default: 3
mapping priority, e.g. segmented according to ucGBRDelaySegNum, segmented according to
basic QoS priority and ucGBRDelaySegNum and eNB can get basic service ucNGBRDelaySegNum
application priority. awGBRDelayTh. priority by The parameter and awNGBRDelayTh.

-- -- -- --
5;10 4 50;100;150 3
ngbrDelayTh pktLsRtThrd4NGBR
The parameter determine preSchonQCISwch preSchQCINum
The Threshold for NGBR whether source
Packet Losscell set 'dl Switch for Pre-schedule
Rate Number of Pre-Scheduled
Traffic Delay (ms) forwarding' indication.If
Threshold Base on QCI QCIs
longArray:[0..65535] Open[1]
packet loss rate threshold This parameter indicates
model default: 100;300 double:[0..1] long:[0..20]
The threshold of NGBR of service is less than this This Parameter is used to the number of QCIs to be
example: 100;300 model default: 0.000001 model default: 0 model default: 1
service PDB. eNB can get threshold,source cell enable or close the pre-scheduled when the
service basic prior by The doesn't set 'dl forwarding' function of pre-schedule ucPreSchonQCISwch
parameter. indication base on QCI. parameter is set to Open.

-- -- -- --
100;300 0.000001 Open[1] 2
RRC connected users'
number threshold,when
the switch of downlink
small packet delay
scheduling is open,we can The parameter is the The parameter is the
The parameter is the SE adjust whether the packet Accumulated high Accumulated low
threshold of downlink rrcNum4SmallPacketAcc
can be scheduled by smallPacketAccumHighT
threshold of downlink smallPacketAccumLowT
threshold of downlink
The Accumulated High The Accumulated Low
small um the hresh delay hresh delay
The SEpacket delayof
Threshold configuring small packet
Threshold of Downlink small packet
Threshold of Downlink
Downlink the
Small Packet Theparameter,when the
Cell RRC Connected scheduled BSR,when
Small Packet Delaythe scheduled BSR, when
Small Packet Delaythe
switch of downlink
Delay Scheduledsmall switch
Users' of uplink
Number small
Threshold switch of downlink
Scheduled BSRsmall switch of downlink
Scheduled BSRsmall
long:[0..20000] long:[0..20000]
packet delay scheduling is packet delay scheduling is packet delay scheduling is packet delay scheduling is
long:[0..6000] long:[0..2000] model default: 2481 model default: 1239
open,we can adjust open,we can adjust open,we can adjust open,we can adjust
model default: 1476 model default: 600 units: byte units: byte
whether the packet can be whether the packet can be whether the packet can be whether the packet can be
scheduled by configuring scheduled by configuring scheduled by configuring scheduled by configuring
the parameter. the parameter. the parameter. the parameter.

-- -- -- --
1476 600 2481 1239
smallPacketAccumEnable smallPacketAccumQCIN
The Swch um specUETModeP1 specUETModeP2
Delaythe The Downlink Small The Transmission Mode The Transmission Mode
utilization rate for
Scheduling of PRB
The by Packet Delay Scheduled Switch Parameter1 of Switch Parameter2 of
Downlink the scheduling
Small Packet QCI Number Special UE Special UE
of the downlink small This parameter is the This parameter is the
long:[0..5] long:[0..28] long:[0..29]
packet.if the switch transmission mode switch transmission mode switch
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 12 model default: 12
open,the downlink small The parameter is the QCI parameter1 of special parameter2 of special
packet will be delayed of downlink small packet UE,which is used to 8 UE,which is used to 8
scheduled. delay scheduled number. antenna. antenna.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 0 12 12
dscpRecogSwch dscpVideoSwch dscpVideoType dscpHTTPSwch
enum: enum: enum:
The Master Switch for The Switch for DSCP The Type of DSCP Video The Switch for DSCP
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
DSCP Identify TheVideo
is used for Identify HTTP Identify
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
controlling DSCP video The switch is used for
identify,It is valid only controlling DSCP HTTP
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 26 model default: 0
under the condition of identify. It is valid only
Master switch for DSCP ucDSCPRecogSwch the value of DSCP for under the condition of
Identify. open. Video identify. dscpRecogSwch open.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] 26 Close[0]
dscpHTTPType dscpImSwch dscpImType blackIPSwch
enum: enum:
The Type of DSCP HTTP The Switch for DSCP IM The Type of DSCP IM The Switch for IP
Close[0] Close[0]
Identify Identify Identify Blacklist Configration
Open[1] Open[1]
The switch is used for
long:[0..63] long:[0..63]
controlling DSCP IM
model default: 14 model default: 0 model default: 18 model default: 0
identify. It is valid only
the value of DSCP for under the condition of The value of DSCP for The switch for IP blacklist
HTTP identify. dscpRecogSwch open. IM identify. configration.

-- -- -- --
14 Close[0] 18 Close[0]
blackListIP blackListMask type1RBSaveRatioDl fFVIP
Ratio of Saved RB for The Scheduling Weight
union:[ipv4-address, ipv6-
IP Blacklist The Mask for IP Blacklist Type1 Allocation for VIP User
This parameter sets the
unionArray:[ipv4-address, model default: long:[0..100] long:[1..65535]
This parameter indicates scheduling weight of a
ipv6-address] model default: 15 model default: 1
the ratio of saved RB VIP user. It can be used
resources for Type1 for calculating the priority
IP Blacklist Mask for IP blacklist. allocation. of the same EMLP.

-- -- -- -- 10 1
EMLP index
corresponding to the QCI
for a VIP user. From the
first member of the one-
dimensional array, each
member respectively
denotes the corresponding pdcchUsedRatioNonSimu
The Downlink PDCCH
EMLP index in the pDCCHUsedRatioFDDUl lDl pDCCHUsedRatioTDDDl
Used Ratio in
of Different The Ratio of Uplink The parameter sets the
Nonsimultaneous The Ratio of Downlink
model default:
for VIP UserQCI4, PDCCH for FDD downlink PDCCH usage
Subframe PDCCH for TDD
QCI5, QCI6, QCI7, QCI8, ratio in non-simultaneous
example: long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
and QCI9. The value of subframes. It indicates the
2;4;3;5;1;6;7;8;9 model default: 25 model default: 60 model default: 40
each integer array This parameter sets the downlink PDCCH usage The parameter sets the
member ranges from 1 to ratio of uplink PDCCH ratio in the subframes of downlink PDCCH usage
16. for FDD. downlink transmission. ratio for TDD.

-- -- -- --
2;4;3;5;1;6;7;8;9 15 60 40
This parameter sets the
smallPackAccumDelThre sINR4SmallPacketAccum
SINR threshold for
pDCCHUsedRatioTDDUl pDCCHUsedRatioFDDDl shUl delayed Ul
The SINRscheduling
The Ratio of Uplink The Ratio of Downlink Delay of Uplink Small uplink small
Uplink packets.
Small This
PDCCH for TDD PDCCH for FDD This parameter
Packet sets the
Scheduling(ms) parameter is used to
Delay Scheduled
delay threshold for control the range of UEs
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..2000] long:[-20..40]
delayed scheduling of for which delayed
model default: 60 model default: 50 model default: 80 model default: 13
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the uplink small packets. In scheduling of uplink
uplink PDCCH usage ratio of downlink PDCCH this time the eNB cannot small packets can be
ratio for TDD. for FDD. schedule data packets. performed.

-- -- -- --
60 50 80 13
This parameter indicates
the ratio of PDCCH This parameter sets the
power sharing. The prefix length of an IPv6
actually available shared address on the blacklist. If
smallPackAccumSwch4U This parameter indicates PDCCH power is the IP address of the
ThisSwitch l
parameter is the arpCfgforEMC
the ARP of emergency pdcchDeltaPowerRadio
calculated based on the blackListIpv6PrefixLen
server matches this IP
The of Delayed
enum: enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
switch of for
Scheduling delayed
Uplink ARPcalls configured by
of Emergency Calls shared Power
Sharing address
Prefix and meets
Length the
of an IPv6
Close[0] 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
scheduling of uplink
Small Packets operators. By
Configured If the ARP
Operators obtained from
Ratiothe CCM IPv6 prefix
Address on the length
Open[1] 13, 14, 15]
small packets. If the value of a service for a multiplied by this requirement, the packets
model default: 0;0 double:[0..1] long:[1..128]
switch is turned on, UE is equal to this parameter. The shared of the concerned service
model default: 0 example: 0;0 model default: 0.5 model default: 128
uplink small packets will parameter value, the PDCCH power (in dB) is are discarded according to
be delayed to be service is an emergency transmitted to the the rules configured by
scheduled. call. baseband. the IP blacklist.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 0;0 0.5 128
This parameter sets the
ratio of the blacklisted
packets to be discarded. blackListDiscardPktMinL blackListDiscardPktMaxL
blackListDiscardIpMode blackListDiscardRate en en
The packets whose IP Minimum Length of the Maximum Length of the
This parameter
Type sets the Ratio
of the Blacklisted addresses
of the are on the
Blacklisted This parameter
Blacklisted setstothe
Packets Be This parameter
Blacklisted setstothe
Packets Be
type of to
Packets theBeblacklisted blacklisttoare
Discarded Packets Be randomly
Discarded minimum length of the
Discarded maximum length of the
packets to be discarded. discarded by this ratio. blacklisted packet to be blacklisted packet to be
long:[1..20] long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535]
The packets whose IP For example, if this discarded. The packets discarded. The packets
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 65535
addresses are on the parameter is set to x, one whose IP addresses are on whose IP addresses are on
blacklist are discarded by packet out of x packets is the blacklist are discarded the blacklist are discarded
discard type. discarded. by packet length. by packet length.

-- -- -- --
ALL[0] 1 0 65535
This parameter enables or
This parameter enables or disables smart
Disables Pre-scheduling
disables pre-scheduling optimization pre-
For All the Users[0]
and determines the target scheduling. It is used to
Enables Pre-scheduling
of pre-scheduling. extQCIMapOfNGBR extQCIMapOfGBR
This parameter indicates preScheSwitch4SMT
control the pre-scheduling
Switch for Smart
Only for SPID Users[1] enum:
Target0: User
Pre-pre- This parameter
Extended indicates
QCI Mapping that whenQCI
Extended the extended
Mapping of the Type6 UEs Pre-
Optimization with the
Enables Pre-scheduling Close[0]
Schedulingfor all the
Switch thatofwhen
extended QCI of
of the
GBRGBR bearer is
Bearer general QoS. If this
For All the Users[2] Open[1]
users. 1: enables pre- QCI of the NGBR is not not configured on the parameter is set to Open,
long:[5..9] long:[1..4]
scheduling only for SPID configured on the UME, UME, the extended QCI the user perception can be
model default: 0 model default: 9 model default: 4 model default: 0
users. 2: enables pre- the extended QCI will be will be processed improved. If it is set to
scheduling for all the processed according to the according to the Close, it does not work on
users. configured standard QCI. configured standard QCI. the user perception.

-- -- -- --
Enables Pre-scheduling F9 4 Open[1]
optimization pre- Type6 UEs with the do not enter sleeping
scheduling. It determines general QoS. If it is not state. (1) It increase UL
how often a Type6 UE necessary to allocate more scheduling opportunities, This parameter sets the
with the general QoS is virtual BSR resources to thus improving the byte size of the virtual
scheduled. If this this type of UE, this PDCCH utilization, UL BSR set for DRX
Close Preschedule[0]
parameter is set to a parameter is set to a AMC convergence offloading optimization.
Open Preschedule and
smaller value, the smaller value. If it is accuracy, and neighbor To make UEs report a
preScheIntval4SMT preScheBSR4SMT Take BSR as Special
preScheSwitch4DRX preScheBSR4DRX
requirements of this type necessary to allocate more cell NI. (2) It reduces the packet of PUSCH data,
of UEOptimization
Smart can be met inPre-
a virtualOptimization
Smart BSR resources to time
Pre- during
DRX which UEs
Offloading set this
DRX parameter to 9. If
Open Preschedule and
more timelyInterval
scheduling manner.(ms)
If it this type of UE,
scheduling this
Size are in DRX sleeping state,
Optimization there are special
Optimization BSR
long:[2..9422] Take BSR as Real BSR[2] long:[9..255]
is not necessary to meet parameter is set to a larger thus increasing the power requirements and more
long:[1..20] model default: 4 model default: 9
the requirements of this value. In this case, consumption of UEs. (3) resources need to be
model default: 10 units: Byte model default: 0 units: Byte
type of UE immediately, however, less BSR It may increase the allocated to UEs, you can
this parameter can be set resources can be allocated number of active UEs in set this parameter to a
to a larger value. to the UEs of other types. the cell. greater value.

-- -- -- --
5 100 Close Preschedule[0] 9
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

P ITBBU 2106 278005
This parameter is used to
determine whether intra-
eNodeB handover is
needed or not. When the
switch is set to Open, it is
allowed for UE to
NE_Name ldn moId swicthForHoPartCac
handover to target cell if
there is one
Partial service offorUE
NE Name LDN MO ID is accepted. When
Intra-eNodeB the
string:length[1] Open[1]
This parameter sets the switch is set to Close, it is
model default: 1
unique ID of the managed allows for UE to handover
string string:length[0..200] example: 1 model default: 0
object. It is of the to target call only all the
container type and is services of UE is
NE Name LDN fixedly set to 1. accepted.

R -- --
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-11 Close[0]
value Close shows that
ICIC for uplink is close
and base stations use the
same frequency for
networking, the value
Static shows that ICIC for
uplink is statical and the
division of frequency
Base Station Uplink TheswichForCpuAC
parameter indicates switchForUserInactivity etwsSwitch
Static[1] enum: enum: enum:
resource is Division
Frequency decided whether open CPU
CPU Usage usage
Dynamic[2] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
statically, the value
Selection rateControl
based admission
Switch User-Inactivity Enabled Switch of ETWS
Reserved[3] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
Dynamic shows that ICIC control or not. close: The
for uplink is dynamic and CPU usage rate based The parameter is used to
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 1
the division of frequency admission is closed; open: determine whether or not
resource is decided The CPU usage rate based to enable UE inactivity
dynamically. admission is open function Switch of ETWS

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Open[1] Open[1]
enablePaIVDA cnUbFtpEnable cnUbFtpAddr ueRecordIdSwitch
enum: enum: enum:
The parameter
Enable PA Inputindicates
Voltage FTP Enable of CN UBAS FTP Address of CN UE Call Record ID
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Dynamic or Adjustment
not to enable Server UBAS Server Switch
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
RU PA input voltage The parameter indicates
union:[ipv4-address, ipv6-
dynamic adjust. If it is set The parameter is the whether or not to enable
model default: 0 model default: 0 address] model default: 0
to Open, the funtion falls function switch of FTP UE call record ID
into SON energy saving from eNodeB to CN The parameter is the IP transfering in handover
funtion UBAS. address of CN UBAS. process.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Open[1]
cmasSwch periodicANRSwitch manageBasedMdtSwch signalBasedMdtSwch
Support Management
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Based MDT Function Support Signaling Based
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
CMAS Sending Switch the switch
Switch of periodic
of Periodic ANR Switch MDT Function Switch
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
ANR. If it is set to Open,
the periodic ANR is The parameter indicates The parameter indicates
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
The parameter is applied enabled, if it is set to whether or not to support whether or not to support
to forbidden the CMAS Close, the periodic ANR enable Management enable Signaling Based
function . is disabled. Based MDT function MDT function

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
erabSwitch cCOSwitch glPsHoSwitch clPsHoSwitch
enum: enum: enum: enum:
The Switch of 8 DRB for
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
a UE CCO Function Switch GL PS Handover Switch CL PS Handover Switch
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
The parameter is the
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 1
The parameter is the switch of PS handover The parameter is the
switch of 8 DRB for a The parameter is the between GERAN and switch of PS handover
UE. switch of CCO. LTE. between CDMA and LTE.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
spidSwitch fddTddHoSwitch utranSrvccSwitch gsmSrvccSwitch
enum: enum: enum: enum:
FDD and TDD Handover
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
SPID Strategy Switch Switch UL SRVCC Switch GL SRVCC Switch
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
The parameter is the The parameter is the
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 1
The parameter is the switch of SRVCC switch of SRVCC
The parameter is the switch of PS handover between LTE and between LTE and
switch of SPID Strategy. between FDD and TDD. UTRAN GERAN

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
cdmaSrvccSwitch gsmCsfbSwitch cdmCsfbSwitch utranLBSwch
enum: enum: enum: enum:
UL Load Balancing
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
CL SRVCC Switch GL CSFB Switch CL CSFB Switch Switch
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
The parameter is the
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 0
The parameter is the The parameter is the The parameter is the switch of Load Balancing
switch of SRVCC switch of CSFB between switch of CSFB between between LTE and
between LTE and CDMA LTE and GERAN. LTE and CDMA UTRAN

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Close[0]
gsmLBSwch extendedQCISwitch tcpOrderEnable tcpFluidCtrlSwch
enum: enum: enum: enum:
GL Load Balancing
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Switch Extended QCI Switch TCP Reordering Switch TCP Fluid Control Switch
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
After enable the function,
The parameter is the reorder the tcp packets by
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 0
switch of Load Balancing the seq-num. The function
between LTE and The parameter is the will affect the cpu Whether open the eNB
GERAN switch of Extended QCI. utilization ratio a few. TCP flow control function

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Open[1] Open[1] Close[0]
disables MTC access
restriction. If it is set to
The switch of reporting Open, (1) the access of an
PCI conflict or confusion MTC terminal is restricted
alarm. If this switch is based on the overload
open, when the PCI indication of the MME;
conflict or confusion is (2) the eNodeB sends an
detected, the eNB will enableMroAlarm swchOfMtcACRest
extendedWaitTime field macro2SmallPingPSwch
enum: enum: enum: enum:
report PCI
Reporting PCIconflict or or
Conflict This
The parameter
Switch is the
of Reporting toSwitch
the MTC terminal
of MTC ACin Macro and Small Cell
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Confusion alarm Switch
to the switchMRO
of reporting
Alarm MRO the case of admission
Restriction Pingpong Restrain Switch
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
OMC.After the PCI alarms. If this parameter failures or MME
conflict or confusion is sets as Open, when an overload, instructing the This parameter is used to
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
resolved, the eNB will MRO fault is detected, the terminal to send NAS indicate whether open
report alarm removal eNodeB will report the signaling after a period of pingpong detect between
information to the OMC. MRO alarm to the OMC. time. Macro and small cell

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
controlling CC board
CPU load running in safe
range.Switch Off: the CC
Open: Discarded coming board not handle the call
warning message, but traffic control in high
send response message to traffic. It may cause CPU
Using the Mode of RRC
MME.,when overload, causing the base
interPlmnHOSwch compJESwchUL etwsRepetitionCheck Control and Monitoring
SerialNumber and station to restart the cell
enum: enum: enum: Tools Control[1]
Switch of Inter PLMN MessageIdentifier
Repetition Check out of service
Switch of CPUandLoad
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Using the Mode of RRC
HO UL COMP JE Switch coming Switch
Write-Replace anomalies.Switch
Control On: CC
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Control Only[2]
Switch of Inter-PLMN Warning Request the plate handling calls by
HO. If this switch is set to same as broadcasting controlling the volume of
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1
Open, Inter-PLMN HO is nowClose: Always business to achieve the
allowed, else Inter-PLMN broadcast new coming CPU load control in a safe
HO is not allowed. UL COMP JE Switch message range.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Using the Mode of RRC C
CDMA2000 can be
performed.3)Select This parameter enables or
asynchronousSystemTime disables RAN sharing. If
, which means, if there is it is set to 0, RAN sharing
some drift in the timing is disabled. If it is set to 1,
enum: RAN Sharing Carrier
between E UTRA and RAN sharing is enabled
Close[0] Mode[1]
CDMA2000,the service of and common wireless
Synchronous System
sib8SysTimeSwch RANranSharSwch
Dedicated Carrier userStateTransSwch ulCOMPCloudIrcSwch
handover, cell re- carriers are shared. If it is
Time[1] Mode[2] enum: enum:
Switch UE Time set to 2, RAN sharing is
for System Switch for User State UL COMP CloudIrc
Asynchronous System RAN Mixed Carrier Close[0] Close[0]
measurement based
Sending in SIB8 enabled and dedicated
RAN Sharing Switch Transfer Switch
Time[2] Mode[3] Open[1] Open[1]
redirection and enhanced wireless carriers are
1xRTT CS fallback from shared. If it is set to 3,
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
E-UTRAN to RAN sharing is enabled
CDMA2000 can be and hybrid wireless Switch for User State UL COMP CloudIrc
performed. carriers are shared. Transfer, 0: close 1: open Switch

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
If the switch is set to
open, after eNB receive
X2 configuration update
message, eNB will update
If the indication is Open, neighbor information
x2PassProcSwch tmsiCodecSwch utranCsfbSwch x2UpdateOMCSwch
TheThe passive
Switch of X2eNB
Self- which stored in eNB and
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Setupprocesses TNL
TNL Interactive The parameter
Track Codec notifyof
Switch OMC update
Notify OMC
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
requestment for X2 self- Codec control
Control Switch Switch, UL CSFB Switch neighbor
Based on information
X2 Updateby
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
setup. If the indication is Tracking for TMSI, messages. If the switch is
Close, The passive eNB During TMSI tracking set to close, eNB will only
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0
doesn't process TNL configuration. TMSI The parameter is the update the neighbor
requestment for X2 self- tracking configuration is switch of CSFB between information stored in
setup open, Otherwise Close. LTE and UTRAN. eNB.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Close[0] Open[1] Close[0]
The parameter is the
ZTE inter-eNB
switch for RLF KPI E-
RAB Drop Report, and is
uldlFtpSwch Context Fetch[2]
interEnbReestabSwch rlfKpiReportSwch psHoSwchUL
Switch for Up-ftp and The parameter is the used to Open/Close the
enum: Context Fetch Compatible enum:
Down-ftp Transmitting at switch for Inter-eNB RRC SRS stubfor
Switch card,
Close[0] with ZTE inter-eNB Close[0]
The Same Time Reestablishment
Switch feature,
for Context Fetch FAIL,RAB DLDrop
HARQ FAIL, UL PS Handover Switch
Open[1] Reestablishment[3] enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 4, 8] Open[1]
and is used to Open/Close MSG0 no response E-
model default: 1;2;4;8
the Inter-eNB RRC RAB Drop KPI Report.0 The parameter is the
model default: 1 model default: 1 example: 1;2;4;8 model default: 1
Switch for Up-ftp and Reestablishment feature is used to close all, if 0 is switch of PS Handover
Down-ftp transmitting at of the eNB according to configed, can't config between LTE and
the same time the demand of operator. others UTRAN.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Context Fetch Compatibl1;2;4;8 Open[1]
different PLMNs; when frequency in 'Frequency
ucPriBasedPLMNSwch is Priority Based
Close, the QoS Basic PLMN'(Downlink Center
Priority, ARP factor, Carrier Frequency in
UL/DL service priory 'Frequency Priority Based
level and UL/DL service PLMN'), the new
factor for all UE not Switch for access/handover-in user
according to PLMN The mfbiSwchis the
parameter hoBaseFreqPriSwch
will be handover tcpProxySwch
Switch for QoS MFBI(Multiple Handover Switch to the
enum: enum: enum: enum:
taken as switch for MFBI
Frequency Band high priority
Frequency frequency
Priority with Switch for TCP Proxy
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
QoS Basic Priority,ARP (MultipleIndicator)
PLMN Frequency Band according
PLMNto the Function
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
factor, UL/DL service Indicator) feature, and is configurataion based
priory level and UL/DL used to Open/Close the PLMN(Downlink Center
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0
service factor MFBI feature of the eNB Carrier Frequency in
corresponding to the according to the demand 'Frequency Priority Based Switch for TCP Proxy
global PLMN. of operator. PLMN'). Function

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Open[1] Close[0] Open[1]
PLMN in RAN Share In
Dedicated Carrier Mode.
When the switch is open,
if the PLMN of ECGI that
reported by UE is
included in
aucRanSharMCC and
Switch for Replacing
tcpAckSplitSwch h
aucRanSharMNC, eNB uRIMGetLBInfoSwch fairSchdSwch
PLMN in RAN Share Switch for Getting Load
enum: enum: enum: enum:
will replace
Switch for DL Tcp Ack Area the PLMN
In Dedicated of
Carrier Information by UTRAN Switch of CA Fair
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Split ECGI with the primary
Mode RIM Schedule
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
PLMN of eNB. The new
ECGI is used to identify This parameter indicates If this switch is opened,
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
neighbor cell. When the whether support getting CA UE use fair
Switch for DL Tcp Ack switch is close, eNB won't load information by scheduling,else use
Split. replace the PLMN. UTRAN RIM. Differentiation scheduling

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
tempNBRKpiRptSwch reserved2 reserved3 reserved4
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
SON Reserved 1 SON Reserved 2 SON Reserved 3 SON Reserved 4
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]

model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0

SON Reserved Switch1 SON Reserved Switch2 SON Reserved Switch3 SON Reserved Switch4

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
ICS module. If it is set to
Support MagicRadio DBE
Support MagicRadio
Through CSON[1] enum:
GLCSS, spectrum is
Support MagicRadio DBE No delete[0]
shared between GSM and
Through iCS[2] Delete Only When Private
LTE systems. If it is set to
Support MagicRadio IE Indicates
Support MagicRadio UL
CSS[3] Configuration Deleted[1]
DCE, carrier frequencies Switch for Neighbour Cell
reserved5 Support MagicRadio UL
magicRadioModeSwch rtpOrderEnable Delete When Private IE
are automatically Deleting When X2
enum: DCE[4] enum: Indicates Configuration
expanded between GSM Switch The download RTP
of Rtp Ordering Update Message Includes
Close[0] Support MagicRadio Close[0] Deleted or Private IE Not
SON Reserved 5 and LTE systems.
MagicRadio If it is
Switch packetFunction
may be out of The parameter
Served indicates
Cell Deleted
Open[1] ULCSS[5] Open[1] Exist[2]
set to Support order because the CN, this whether delete the
MagicRadio ULCSS, will cause the MOS neighbour cell when
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 1
spectrum is shared decreased, so the eNB can receives X2 update
between UMTS and LTE do some reordering message including served
SON Reserved Switch5 systems. function. cell delete

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Open[1] Delete Only When Private
The parameter represents
the switch for Uplink
Compression(UDC), interFHOBaseVOIPSwch fddTddCaSwch interBandCaSwch
enum: enum: enum: enum:
and is used
Switch fortoUplink
Data Handover Switch Base Switch for CA between This parameter
Switch for Inter isBand
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
the Uplink Data
Compression(UDC) If the switch open, eNodB
VOIP FDD and TDD switch for
2CC theCA
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
Compression(UDC) will consider adjacent cell 2-carrier CA function. It
function of the eNB VOIP capacity when Intra needs to be set to Open
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1
according to the demand frequency or Inter This parameter is switch when it is required to
of operator. frequency handover for CA between FDD and perform 2-carrier CA
Effective when Cell Reset happen. TDD. among different bands.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
This parameter is the inBandInContCaSwch
This parameter is the potentialCOMPUserSwch tcpMssModifySwch
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Band switch
Band The Switch of Potential this parameter
Switch for TCPisMSS
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Continuous 2-carrier
2CC CA CA incontinuous
Incontinuous 2-carrier
2CC CA CA User for Comp switch to open
Modify or close
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
function. It needs to be set function. It needs to be set TCP MSS modify
to Open when it is to Open when it is This parameter is used to function. Open this switch
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0
required to perform required to perform compare the comp to avoid to fragment for
continuous 2-carrier CA incontinuous 2-carrier CA performance when comp tcp data sent to SGW by
within the same band. within the same band. off eNodeB

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Open[1] Close[0] Open[1]
The parameter represents Open, uplink SDMA is
the switch for eNB flow enabled for all the super
control reject setup cells in the eNodeB and
specified ERABs. If the SDMA pairing can be
eNB S1 transport performed on the primary
bandwidth is very limited and secondary UEs for
The Switch controls the The parameter represents (for example, satellite uplink scheduling. If it is
X2 x2RebuildSwch
connection rebuild thes1TansBackPressureSwch
switch for S1for
The Switch transport
The Switch for eNBtoFlow
set to Close, uplink
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Switch forIfX2
switch is Transport
back pressure flow
Back Pressure guarantee the important
Control Reject Setup SDMA
UL SDMA for all
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
open, X2Rebuild
connection will control. If the
Flow parameter service
Control communication,
Specified ERABs the super
Enabling in cells in the
a Super Cell
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
be rebuild after peer eNB set 'Open', then the eNB the Operator could set the eNodeB and SDMA
IP changed. If the switch shall back pressure the parameter 'Open', the eNB pairing is not performed
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1
is close, X2 connenction Uplink Uu bandwidth shall only allowed setup on the primary or
rebuild function won't when the UL S1 transport specified dedicated secondary UEs for uplink
work. bandwidth is limited. ERABs. scheduling.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Open[1]
is enabled for all the super spectrum for the same
cells in the eNodeB and RRU does not affect the
Not use guard band[0]
PDSCH SDMA pairing peak flow rate of the cell.
Use partial guard
can be performed on the 2: The overlapping partial
band(performance no
primary and secondary protective band on
UEs for downlink multiple L carrier
Use all guard compMicroAndMacroSw
scheduling. If it is set to spectrum for the same
SCSdmaSwchDl band(performance
freqSpaceCfgMode compSelMergeSwch ch
Switchdownlink PDSCH
for DL PDSCH RRU affects
Frequency the
enum: impaired)[2] enum: enum:
SDMA is Enabling
disabled for
in aall theoretical
flow rate
for ULComp Selected Merge Comp for Micro and
Close[0] Use in-band Close[0] Close[0]
the super
Cellin the of the cell. 3:Carriers
Multiple There are Switch TheMacro
parameter is used
Open[1] frequencies[3] Open[1] Open[1]
eNodeB and PDSCH overlapping effective data when one of the comp
SDMA pairing is not bands (non-standard The X2 delay between the related enodeB is Micro
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0
performed on the primary bandwidth) on multiple L enodeB is very large , use and another one is macro,
or secondary UEs for carrier spectrum for the this switch to control the use the switch to control
downlink scheduling. same RRU. Comp function. the comp function.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Use partial guard band( Close[0] Close[0]
When this switch is This parameter is the
opened, the target cell If this switch is open,CA Switch of CA band
choose appropriate SCells UE would be removed priority. When this switch
after received SCell when number of is opened, If UE access a
HandoverRequest Ues in the Cell is reach carrier which belongs to
message, and configurate caMonitorSwch
If this switch is open,CA caBackOffSwch
Threshold of CA UE caBandPrioritySwch
different overlapping
enum: UE enum:
would be enum: enum:
these SCellsoftoCA
Switch UE; When
User Back Off;If this switch is frequency
Switch of, itCA
could be to
Close[0] Close[0] if the
monitored,only Close[0] Close[0]
this switch isWith
Handover closed,
Scellall Switch of CA UE Monitor close,none
Switch of CAof UE
the CA UE
Backoff enforce the UE to
Open[1] Open[1]
suitable UE could be Open[1] Open[1]
the SCells of source cell would be removed Scell transform from main
are deleted. Scells of configured Scell;If this when number of UEs in Band to compatible band
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
target cell will be added switch is close,CA UE the Cell is reach through intra-cell
Until handover procedure would not be monitored Threshold of CA UE handover before
completed. before configuring Scell. Back Off. configuring Scell.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter is CSFB
Fasten switch in VoLTE
If it is open, the mainband The parameter is RN-UE's The parameter is RN-UE's for WCP. If this switch is
of SIB1 filled as the jugeMMERelayIndSwch prmtEpcInDenbRnSwch csfbFastenInVoLTESwch
Switch forisNon-Standard MME selection judging SwitchMME for selection judging
Permitting RN Open,eNodeb will
enum: enum: enum: enum:
earliest bandBand
Frequency in the switch,for
Switch if Juging
it's open,eNB
MME's switch, if it's
Accessing open,eNB
DeNB with response
CSFB to In
Fasten MME a
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
compatible bands, to
Compatibility only select
Relay Relay-Support
Support Indicator only select Relay-Support
EPC-In-DeNB Mode special value
Switchif VoLTE
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
allow the earliest UE MME for RN-UE, MME for RN- measurement havn't report
access. If it is close, the otherwise eNB will select UE,otherwise eNB will to eNodeb, so that MME
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0
mainband of SIB1 is filled MME whether MME select MME whether will trigger CSFB
according to the cell support Relay or not, MME support Relay or immediately and CSFB
configuration. regard RN-UE not,regard RN-UE. will be fasten.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
No Limit[0]
1 minute[1]
5 minutes[2]
10 minutes[3]
30 minutes[4]
1 hour[5]
Whether to choose CA This parameter is the
cgiMeasSelectCAUeSwch 2 hours[6]
mrMaxOnlineTimeMode caMIMOAdptSwch x2AlarmSwch
Whether CGI CA
Choose Switch
Switch of CA adaption
for Adaptive
enum: 4 hours[7] enum: enum:
Users for When
CGI the Maximum Time Duration based on MIMO
Configuration layer.
Based on
No[0] 12 hours[8] Close[0] Close[0]
parameter is set to no, CA
Measurement Theof parameter indicates
UE Measurement When
MIMO the switch
Layer is Switch of X2 Link Alarm
Yes[1] 24 hours[9] Open[1] Open[1]
UE can not be used for whether limit ue report opened, eNB choose The parameter is the
CGI measurement; When measurement-report time, SCCs for users based on switch of the X2 link
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
the parameter is set to yes, 0 is no time limit, other frequency of neighbour alarm. When it is opened,
CA UE can be used for value indicate the cells and MIMO the alarm will be reported
CGI measurement. corresponding time. capability of UE. to OMC

-- -- -- --
No[0] No Limit[0] Close[0] Close[0]
that the signaling of QCI5
is encrypted and the
eNodeB blindly identifies
the signaling of QCI5. If
this parameter is set to un-
encryption, it indicates
that the signaling of QCI5
sipIdentifySwch enum:
ipsecStatus relScellOnDelaySwch fddTdd3ccCaSwch
is non-encrypted and the Switch of Del Scell Based
enum: un-encryption[0] enum: enum:
SIP Signaling Identify eNodeB normally Transmission Delay Switch for 3CC CA
Close[0] encryption[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Switch identifies the signaling
IPSec Encryption of
Status When switchthe
Between is eNBs
open,the Between FDD and TDD
Open[1] adaptive[2] Open[1] Open[1]
QCI5. If this parameter is scell of UE is released if
If ucSipIdentifySwch is set to adaptive, the the transmission delay
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
equal to Open, the eNB eNodeB identifies the SIP between eNBs exceed the This parameter is switch
will try to identify the SIP encryption status in an value of for 3CC CA between
signaling of QCI5. adaptive way. rossEnbDelayThr. FDD and TDD.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] un-encryption[0] Close[0] Open[1]
fddTdd4ccCaSwch fddTdd5ccCaSwch interEnbCaSwch dedctRANSharingSwch
enum: enum: enum: enum:
This parameter
Switch for 4CCisCA
the This parameter
Switch for 5CCisCA
the Switch of Co-Building
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
switch forFDD
between the FDD+TDD
and TDD switch forFDD
between the FDD+TDD
and TDD Switch for Inter eNB CA and Sharing
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
4CC CA function. It 5CC CA function. It
needs to be set to Open needs to be set to Open This parameter indicates
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
when it is required to when it is required to whether to support co-
perform FDD+TDD 4CC perform FDD+TDD 5CC This parameter is switch building and sharing
CA. CA. for inter eNB CA. mode RAN sharing.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
If this switch is open and
ucCAMonitorSwch is
open,before monitor
enabled,CA UE would be
configured a Scell;If this
switch is close and
ucCAMonitorSwch sip100tryingSizeHighThr sip100tryingSizeLowThr sipInviteSizeThr
Switch of Fast is
open,CA UE would
Configuration CA Base be When
SIP 100eNB blindSize
Trying identify
High When
SIP eNB blind identify
100 Trying Size When eNB blind identify
on Service if the SIP signal 100trying
Threshold SIP signal
Lower 100trying
Threshold SIP signal invite
Invitesize which
suitable UE could be which from IMS, need the which from IMS, need the from IMS, need the invite
long:[0..2000] long:[0..1000] long:[0..5000]
configured Scell;If 100trying signaling size 100trying signaling size signaling size threshold,
model default: 0 model default: 650 model default: 200 model default: 1500
ucCAMonitorSwch is scope,When is within the scope,When is within the when is greater than the
close,this switch would scope of this blind scope of this blind threshold, blind
not be open. identification for MO identification for MO. identification to be MT

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 650 200 1500
This parameter indicates
the period for detecting
unidirection in a session.
It belongs to the
unidirection detecting
unidireDetectEnableSwch function.
If RTP packet unidireThreUl unidireThreDl
Switch for Unidirection loss reaches theDetection
Unidirection threshold UL PLR Threshold Value DL PLR Threshold Value
Detecting specified
Period by
(s)the Packet
forloss rate threshold
Unidirection Packet
forloss rate threshold
Open[1] long:[10..100] long:[10..100]
algorithm, the eNodeB value for Uplink, if the value for Downlink, if the
double:[0.4..60] model default: 70 model default: 70
A switch to control determines that packet loss rate is more packet loss rate is more
model default: 0 model default: 1.0 units: % units: %
whether enable unidirection occurs and than the value can than the value can
unidirection detection or triggers the corresponding determine a suspected determine a suspected
not. counter. unidirection. unidirection.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 1.0 70 70
This parameter indicates
the Magic Radio user
migrate strategy. When it
is config to 0, eNodeb
will migrate the VoLTE
user based
measurement,and migrate
unidireRecoverySwch loadControlSwch egybased blind
the Data user lwaSwch
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Switch for Unidire The Switch of Load redirection. When
Magic Radio it is
Close[0] Close[0] Based Measurement[0] Close[0]
Recovery Control config to 1, eNodeb
Migrate Strategywill Switch for LWA
Open[1] Open[1] Based Blind[1] Open[1]
The Switch of Load migrate the VoLTE user
Control, 1 means open based blind handover or
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
A switch to control load control and 0 means blind redirection,and
whether enable unidire close the load control. The migrate the Data user
recovery or not. default value is 0. based blind redirection. Switch for LWA.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Based Measurement[0] Close[0]
The switch is to control
the construction of
caFullConfigSwch snTransOptSwch
SnInfo,when the switch is mccMaxRetranQueNum tempNBRLBSwch
Switch of Load Balance
enum: enum: enum:
Switch of FullConfig open,the
Switch SnInfo
of HO is
SnTrans Max Number of PDCP to Temporary Neighbor
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
When CA Enabled constructed when
Optimization Retransmission Queue Relation Cell
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
This parameter is used to downlink reestablishment This parameter is used to
configurate fullconfig for is finished, when the support 3cc plan,3cc has a This parameter is the
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 6000 model default: 0
UE in handover when CA swith is closed, the SnInfo high bit rate,so the switch of Load balance to
enabled, but the tunnel of is constructed retransmission queue temporary neighbor
data forward creat failed. immediately. number should be bigger. relation cell.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Open[1] 6000 Close[0]
Switch UL Service–
determines whether threeCC2fourCCthr fourCC2threeCCthr oneCC2twoCCthr
Based Handover of
Temporary measurement
Neighbor Threshold of 3CC Switch Threshold of 4CC Switch Threshold of 1CC Switch
results can be reported
Cells to 4CC to 3CC to 2CC
based on uplink BSRs
long:[1..100] long:[1..100] long:[1..100]
when only temporary
model default: 0 model default: 90 model default: 90 model default: 90
neighbor cells are
available for the The threshold of 3CC The threshold of 4CC The threshold of 1CC
corresponding frequency. switch to 4CC. switch to 3CC. switch to 2CC.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 90 90 90
The parameter is the
switch of handover to
OSG cells for QCI1
services. If this parameter
is set to Open, an OSG This parameter is the
twoCC2oneCCthr cont3ccCaSwch hoToOSGForQCI1Swch
cell can be selected as the hoToOSGSwch
switch of handover to
enum: enum: enum:
Threshold of 2CC Switch This parameter
Switch is Band
for Intra switch target
The cell for
Switch of handover
Handover open
SwitchFemto cells. If this
of Handover to
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
to 1CC forContinuous
intra band continuous
3CC CA for QCI1
to OSG services. If this
for QCI1 parameter is set to
Open Femto Open,
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
3cc CA, which is need to parameter is set to Close, handover to open Femto
be opened when no OSG cell can be cells is permitted. If this
model default: 90 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
configutate 3CC(the CCs selected as the target cell parameter is set to Close,
The threshold of 2CC are in the same band and for handover for QCI1 handover to open Femto
switch to 1CC. continuous). services. cells is not permitted.

-- -- -- --
90 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter sets This parameter sets
This parameter is the sigMdtUtranPrdMeasSwc
whether to enable sigMdtCdmaPrdMeasSwc
whether to enable
requested band function loadBalanceMode
This parameter sets the h
signalling-based MDT h
signalling-based MDT
Signaling-Based Signaling-Based
enum: enum: enum: enum:
switch. If this
Requested parameter
Band Switchis load balancing
Mobility Loadmode. If it
Balance UTRAN
Period CDMA
Close[0] Independent[0] Close[0] Close[0]
set to Open,
for when
CA the UE is set to Independent,
Mode load measurement.
Measurement If it is set to measurement.
Switch Measurement If it is set to
Open[1] Enhanced[1] Open[1] Open[1]
reports radio capability balancing is implemented Close, it indicates that the Close, it indicates that the
information, it also in independence mode. If measurement is disabled. measurement is disabled.
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
reports CA capability it is set to Enhanced, load If it is set to Open, it If it is set to Open, it
related to the band set balancing is implemented indicates that the indicates that the
configured for the eNB. in enhancement mode. measurement is enabled. measurement is enabled.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Independent[0] Close[0] Close[0]
handover preparation
stage;When the Switch is
Close, the handover
source eNB does not carry
the RSRP of handover
This parameter sets This parameter sets target cell in the handover
whether to enable whether to enable request message ,and the
sigMdtGsmPrdMeasSwch enum:
signalling-based MDT sigMdtInterPrdMeasSwch
Signaling-Based signalling-based
Signaling Based MDT
magRaDataUserMigMode eMTCHOCeLevelSwch
eMTChandover target eNBCE
UE Handover
enum: enum: Blind Redirection[0] enum:
Period inter-frequency
Period This parameter
Magic setsUser
Radio Data the Level
determines the CE
Determine level
Close[0] Close[0] Based Blind[1] Close[0]
Measurement If it is set to measurement.
Switch Measurement If it is set to Magic
Switch Radio data
Migration Modeuser of the UE in handover
Open[1] Open[1] Base Measurement[2] Open[1]
Close, it indicates that the Close, it indicates that the migration mode, which target cell according to
measurement is disabled. measurement is disabled. can be blind-redirection- InitialCElevel configured
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1
If it is set to Open, it If it is set to Open, it based mode, blind-based on OMC when the
indicates that the indicates that the mode, or measurement- handover preparation
measurement is enabled. measurement is enabled. based mode. stage.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Blind Redirection[0] Open[1]
the system processes the
coverage-based handover
measurement reports:>
This parameter sets When this parameter is set
whether to select QCI1 to Open: If the state of the
The switch of udc users for ECGI neighbor cell is
protection function. When measurement for the ANR unavailable, the UE is
the switch is open, after cgiMeasSelQCI1UeSwch
function. When the hOBasedNbrStatSwch
redirected to for
the HO
neighbor cloudReliaSwch
The Switch of The The Switch of Choosing Switch Switch for The Cloud
enum: enum: enum: enum:
process ofAfter
Udcudc parameter
QCI1 Usersis set
Close, Determination
cell; if the state of theon
Based Reliability Algorithm in
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
reset signal to ue, if the
Reset QCI1 UEs can not be neighbor
Measurement The Neighborcell isCell
State Software Upgrade
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
eNB doesn't receive 101 selected for ECGI the UE is handed over to This parameter enables or
packet with in 5 seconds, measurement. When the the neighbor cell. > When disables strategic
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
the corresponding erab parameter is set to Open, this parameter is set to migration of online UEs
should be released by QCI1 UEs can be selected Close, the UE is handed during system software
eNB. for ECGI measurement. over to the neighbor cell. upgrade.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
potentialDmimoUserSwc osgEcgiMeasGapRelSwc
This parameter noLogMdtTkReqLogData This parameter is the
Switch for Gapindicates
h the switch h
gap release Swch tcpAckSplitSwchUl
switch for the UL TCP
The Switch of Potential During Switch for Request
enum: enum: enum: enum:
User for Inter-Cell during ECGI
Measurement of Open Logged Data When No ACK SwitchSplit
for function. If the
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
DMIMO measurement of open
Femto Cells Task switch is Split
turned on, the
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
This parameter is the Femto cells. If it is set to This parameter is the UL TCP ACK Split
switch of counting Open, the eNodeB switch of requesting to function is enabled. If the
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0
potential DMIMO users releases gaps during report logged MDT data switch is turned off, the
when inter-cell DMIMO ECGI measurement of when there are no logged UL TCP ACK Split
is disabled. open Femto cells. MDT tasks. function is disabled.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Open[1] Open[1]
when selecting an MME
for the initially accessed
UEs and does not support
This parameter enables or This parameter enables or S1 rerouting. If it is set to
disables the handover disables the handover Open, the eNodeB selects
control of temporary control of temporary an MME for the initially
This parameter enables or UTRAN neighbor cells. If GERAN neighbor cells. If accessed UEs based on
disables massive itutranTempNbrHoSwch
is set tofor
Open, UEs can itgsmTempNbrHoSwch
is set tofor
Open, UEs can decorSwch
the DCN configuration
Switch Temporary Switch Temporary
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Switch for If it is set to
Massive be handed
UTRAN over to Cell
Neighbor an be handed
GERAN over to Cell
Neighbor an and supports S1 rerouting.
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Open, more than 16
Collaboration inter-RAT
Control inter-RAT
Control This parameter
Switch for DECOR is
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
collaborative neighbor UTRAN neighbor cell. If GERAN neighbor cell. If immediately effective,
cells are supported. If it is it is set to Close, UEs it is set to Close, UEs which means that it takes
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0
set to Close, at most 16 cannot be handed over to cannot be handed over to effect immediately only
collaborative neighbor an inter-RAT temporary an inter-RAT temporary on the initially accessed
cells are supported. UTRAN neighbor cell. GERAN neighbor cell. UEs.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
an initially accessed LTE MME belonging to the
UE. If it is set to Prior default DCN for the UE.
Non-DCN, the eNodeB If
preferentially selects the ucMMESelec4RerouteFai
MME from the non-DCNs l is set to Reroute Request
for an initially accessed MME, the eNodeB still
LTE UE and selects the selects the MME that
mMESelec4LteUE mMESelec4RerouteFail macroMicroCaSwch dsDsFuncSwch
MME from the Method
Selection default sends a REROUTE NAS Switch for CA Between
Only Non-DCN[0] enum: enum: enum:
the selection
UEs When fails. REQUEST message
MME Selection to the Macro Cells and Micro
Only Default DCN[1] Default DCN[0] Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter
Is Enabled eNodeB.
When UE This parameter
Rerouting Fails Cells Switch for DsDs
Prior Non-DCN[2] Reroute Request MME[1] Open[1] Open[1]
immediately effective, is immediately effective, This parameter enables or
which means that it takes which means that it takes This parameter enables or disables the Dual-SIM
model default: 2 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0
effect immediately only effect immediately only disables CA between Dual-Standby (DsDs)
on the initially accessed on the initially accessed macro cells and micro function of the eNodeB as
UEs. UEs. cells. required by operators.

-- -- -- --
Prior Non-DCN[2] Default DCN[0] Open[1] Close[0]
compress the header of
uplink packets, this This parameter is the
parameter is set to Open, switch of whether
and the value of the management-based MDT
Whether Profile6 for uses a non-standard MDT
Uplink Only ROHC PLMN list. If the
Supported parameter is set parameter is set to Open,
dsDsMacCeAckTimer onlyRohcSwchUl mdtPlmnListSwch lbtEnableSwch
to Yes for the management-based MDT
40[3] enum: enum: enum:
DsDs MAC CE ACK corresponding
Switch bearer;
for Uplink Only uses a non-standard
Switch of Using TheMDT
60[4] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
This timer
Timeris started
(ms) after otherwise,ROHC
this parameter PLMNPLMN
MDT list. IfList
the LBT Switch
80[5] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
a UE sends a DSDS MAC is set to Close. If the value parameter is set to Close,
CE to the eNodeB. It is of this parameter changes, management-based MDT This parameter is the
model default: 5 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
stopped when a DSDS all the cells in the eNodeB supports MDT PLMN switch of the Licensed
MAC CE ACK message are reset. lists for standard Assisted Access (LAA)
is received. Effective when Cell Reset interfaces only. LBT function.

-- -- -- --
80[5] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
whether the LTE network of different inter-
reports NR traffic. When frequency measurement
the LTE network receives indications for voice and
If an FS board is faulty, an NR traffic report, it data users. If it is set to
this parameter is set to sends the report to the Close, voice and data
Open to disable the MME if this parameter is usersSwitch
can be for
configuration of intra- set to Open; if this interFMeasIndDif4VTDT
only with the same This parameter controls
Configuration of Different
eNodeB inter-board secRatRptSwch
parameter is set to Close, measurementSwchindication RIMplmnRouteSwch
routing. If it is set to
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Switch or SCell
Decision the Switch
LTE network
for LTEdoesNRnot for inter-frequency
Measurement Indications LTE 1, the eNodeB
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
in If anof
The Case FSFSboard is
Faults send the report
Traffic to the
Reporting measurement;
for Voice/Data otherwise,
Users communicates with the
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
faulty, this parameter is MME. When the core voice and data users can core network of the
set to Open to allow to network needs to charge be configured with specified PLMN.
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
delete intra-eNodeB inter- users for 5G traffic, this different measurement Otherwise, it
board SCells or inter- parameter needs to be set indications for inter- communicates with all the
eNodeB SCells. to Open. frequency measurement. connected core networks.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
mecsQcellPosiSwitch tddFddCaSwch tddFdd3ccCaSwch tddFdd4ccCaSwch
enum: enum: enum: enum:
MECS parameter enables or
Qcell Positioning Switch for CA Between Switch for 3CC CA Switch for 4CC CA
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
indoor QCell TDD and FDD Between TDD and FDD Between TDD and FDD
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
positioning according to This parameter enables or This parameter enables or This parameter enables or
the China Mobile 4G disables CA between disables 3CC CA between disables 4CC CA between
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
Edge Computing Platform TDD and FDD carriers TDD and FDD carriers TDD and FDD carriers
and eNodeB Data when the TDD carrier is when the TDD carrier is when the TDD carrier is
Transmission Interface. the PCell. the PCell. the PCell.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter enables or service. It is customized
disables DRX for Cell C, South Africa.
configuration validation If it is set to Close, the
for ordinary UEs during eNodeB
Switch out-of-service
of eNodeB Out-of-
handover. If it is set to alarm Alarm
Service is not reported
Close, the DRX when
Whenall Allthethe
cells areAre
Cells out
configurations of the ofof
Switch of DRX Out ServiceNote: This
tddFdd5ccCaSwch cOMPUserOptSwch
This parameter enables or target cellSwch
are transmitted enbWarnSwch
parameter does not work
Configuration Validation S1 Disconnection, CC
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Switch for 5CC CA disables
CoMP UserCoMP user
Optimization in the handover
for Ordinary UEs During on theand
Fault, eNodeB
Clock out-of-
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Between TDD and FDD optimization. If it is set to
Switch command. If it is set to
Handover serviceSyncalarm triggered by
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
This parameter enables or Open, CoMP users are Open, the DRX release the following faults: S1
disables 5CC CA between optimized to balance user message is transmitted in disconnection, CC faults,
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
TDD and FDD carriers resources and reduce the the handover command to and clock out-of-
when the TDD carrier is occupancy of neighbor disable DRX and DRX is synchronization. It is
the PCell. resources. closed in the target cell. configured as required.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
nLPsHoSwch reserved6 lteBlackNbrDbsSwch blackNbrSynPrd
Switch for Saving Interval for Saving
enum: enum: enum:
Reserved Mobility Switch Blacklisted Neighbor Blacklisted Neighbor
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
NL PS Handover Switch 6 Cells Cells (day)
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
This parameter
This parameter enables or determines whether to This parameter sets the
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 7
disables the PS handover This parameter indicates statically save the interval for saving the
between LTE and NR reserved mobility switch blacklisted LTE neighbor neighbor cells that are in
systems. 6. cells. the black list, in days.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 7
specified number of intra-band non-contiguous combinations to the eNodeB configurations. If
carriers can be reported. If CA band combinations. If eNodeB. If it is set to it is set to Open, the
it is set to Close, the UE it is set to Close, the UE Close, the UE capability counter reports whether
capability request capability request request message sent by the UE has the LAA
message sent by the message sent by the the eNodeB does not capability based on the
eNodeB does not carry eNodeB does not carry carry the configurations of the
the requestedMaxCCsDL- caReduceNonContCombS caSkipFallBackCombSwc caLAAKpiOfEnbCfgSwc
Switch for Specifying the Switch forthe Intra-Band skipFallbackCombination eNodeB.
Switch for If CA
it is LAA
set to
or wch h h
Maximum of requestReducedIntNonCo
Non-contiguous s-r13
Switch for and
Fallback Close,
counter reports
enum: enum: enum: enum:
requestedMaxCCsUL-r13 ntComb-r13 Reduction
Carriers for CA Band Combination IE. When ain supportedBandCombinati
Combination Reporting whether on the UE has the
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
IE. When a UE reports its
Combinations UECAreports its radio
Scenarios onReduced-r13 IEs. When
Skip in CA Scenarios LAAConfigurations
capability based on
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
radio capability, all the capability, it does not a UE reports its radio only UE capability
CA band combinations reduce the CA capability capability, it reports information without
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1
can be reported without a based on intra-band non- fallback band considering the
restriction on the number contiguous CA band combinations to the configurations of the
of carriers. combinations. eNodeB. eNodeB.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Open[1]
capability differences to determines whether
the eNodeB in CA redirection or reselection
scenarios. When this information is carried. If
parameter is set to Open, this parameter is set to
the Switch for Fallback Open, during the access
Combination Reporting
Switch for Reporting procedure of a UE, no
Skip in CA Scenarios redirection or reselection
Fallback Combinations
deflateUDCSwch fddTddCaSwchUL parameter h be set to
must redirectwithSecuritySwch
with Capability Switch forisCarrying
carried in
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Switch for Deflate-Based Switch for ULCA Open. When a UE
Differences reports
in CA the UE
Secure release
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter
UDC enables or Between FDD and TDD radioScenarios
capability, no information when the UE
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
disables Deflate-based fallback band is released before security
Uplink Data Compression This parameter enables or combination except those authentication. If this
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
(UDC) on eNodeBs as disables uplink CA with different radio parameter is set to Close,
required by operators. between FDD and TDD capability is reported to redirection or reselection
Effective when Cell Reset carriers. the eNodeB. information is carried.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
anchor cells. In the
procedure for UE access
in an NSA scenario or
This parameter enables or inter-site incoming
disables the eDECOR handover to anchor cells
function. It is used to in an NSA scenario, if this
intraEnbInterPlmnHOSwc optimize the selection of eNDCEnhcedAchorpolyS
parameter is set to Open,
h eDecorSwch
the routes to the DCN for theSwitch
non-MCGwch bearers of ThisnrMeasGapSwch
parameter enables or
for EN-DC
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Switch for Inter-PLMN UEs and decrease the load Anchor the NSAEnhancement
terminal are disables
Switch forNR
NRgap Gap
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Intra-eNodeB Handover on the default DCN.
eDECOR SwitchIt can established on the PCE. If measurement.
Policy If it is set to
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
be set to Open if the the parameter is set to Open, NR gap
default DCN is Close, the non-MCG measurement is enabled.
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1
This parameter enables or overloaded or the operator bearers of the NSA If it is set to Close, NR
disables inter-PLMN wants to optimize the terminal are established gap measurement is
intra-eNodeB handover. DECOR function. on the NR PDCP. disabled.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Open[1]
update NR neighbor cell
information after
receiving an EN-DC X2 This parameter sets the
setup request, an EN-DC mode in which UEs are
X2 setup response, or an migrated. How a UE is
EN-DC X2 configuration migrated depends on the
update message if the NR operator's requirements. If
neighbor ch configured
cell cgiSpecUeSwch movUe4CellBlockSwch thismod4MovingUE
parameter is set to
Switch for OMC Switch for Filtering
enum: enum: enum: enum:
on the OMC isBased
Notification different
on This parameter
Special UEs Duringenables
CGIor Switch for Migrating UEs Measure, UEs are
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Base on Measurement[0]
EN-DCthat carried
X2 Updatein the disables the filtering of
Measurement After Cell Shutdown migrated based Mode
UE Migration on the
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Base on Blind[1]
EN-DC X2 message. If it specific UEs during CGI measurement
is set to Close, the measurement. If it is set to This parameter configurations. If it is set
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0
eNodeB does not send an Open, specific UEs determines whether to to Blind, UEs are
NR neighbor cell update cannot be used to measure migrate UEs after the cell migrated based on blind
message to the OMC. the CGI. is shut down. handover or redirection.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Open[1] Base on Measurement[0
sharing for MagicRadio
CSS. If this parameter is
set to Open, static CSS
spectrum sharing is
enabled. If this parameter
is set to Close, both
dynamic and static This parameter enables or This parameter enables or enDcPerQCIMeasWhrScg
Whether Consider SCG
MagicRadio CSS enDcGlPsHoSwitch
disables the inter-RAT enDcULPsHoSwch
disables the inter-RAT determinesBear
Bearers inwhether
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Static Sharingsharing arefor
Switch handover of EN-DC
GL PS Handover UEs
Switch handover of EN-DC
UL Handover SwitchUEs
for consider SCGfor
Measurement bearers
EN-DC in
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] No[0]
enabled. In this case,
MagicRadio CSSif an between LTEUEs
for EN-DC and between
UEsand PerQCI measurement
UEs for
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Yes[1]
LTE cell is not configured GERAN systems. If it is UTRAN systems. If it is EN-DC UEs. If it is set to
with a GSM neighbor cell set to Open, EN-DC UEs set to Open, EN-DC UEs Yes, SCG bearers need to
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 1
that supports CSS, CSS can be handed over from can be handed over from be considered in PerQCI
can be implemented in an LTE system to a an LTE system to a measurement for EN-DC
full bandwidth. GERAN system. UTRAN system. UEs.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Open[1] Open[1] Yes[1]
This parameter sets the
period for the eNodeB to
This parameter sets the rFFInterFInfoReportPerio
report inter-frequency RF
period d algGlobalRsved1 sMTCWarnSwch
the eNodeB to fingerprint information
Inter-frequency RF to
report RF fingerprint
Information Reporting the fingerprint
Fingerprint database. Service Global Reserved
Information This parameter
information to the
Period (s) RF fingerprint
Reporting Period (s) Parameter 1 determines
SMTC Alarm whether
fingerprint database. RF information includes the report an alarm when
long:[0..255] long:[0..255] long:[0..4294967295]
fingerprint information information about inter- SMTC parameters are not
model default: 3 model default: 5 model default: 0 model default: 0
includes the information frequency UE correctly configured. If it
about UE measurement measurement reports and Service Global Reserved is set to Open, alarms (if
reports and handover. handover. Parameter 1 any) are reported.

-- -- -- --
3 5 0 Close[0]
inter-RAT measurement
configurations to NSA
UEs and the NSA UEs
can perform inter-
This parameter sets the frequency and inter-RAT
RAN Sharing Carrier
sharing mode of 5G measurement. If it is set to
Mode[1] nsaInterPeriodMeasSwitc
networks. If it is set to 0, Close, the eNodeB does
Dedicated Carrier reserved7 tcpProxyNSASwch h
RAN sharing is disabled. not send inter-frequency
Inter-frequency Periodic
Mode[2] enum: enum: enum:
If it is set to 1, RAN Reserved Mobility Switch This
TCP parameter enables
Proxy Switch foror Measurement
or inter-RAT
Switch for
Rsv1[3] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
sharing is enabled
5G Sharing Modeand 7 disables TCPUEs
NSA proxy for measurement
Rsv2[4] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
common carriers are NSA UEs in an NR PDCP configurations to NSA
shared. If it is set to 2, scenario. If it is set to UEs and the NSA UEs do
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 1
RAN sharing is enabled This parameter indicates Open, the downlink TCP not perform inter-
and dedicated carriers are reserved mobility switch data rate of UEs can be frequency or inter-RAT
shared. 7. increased. measurement.

-- -- -- --
RAN Sharing Carrier ModOpen[1] Close[0] Open[1]
received UE capability if
the UE capability is
reported by the air This parameter enables or
interface. If the UE disables anchor attribute
capability is received update for LTE neighbor
from the core network and cells. If it is set to Open,
there is no UE capability eNDCAnchorAttriUpdate
the anchor attributes are
information on the nrPciAlarmSwch updatedSwchbased on the gummeiRouteCompSwch
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Switch forthe eNodeB
Forced UE Switch for Reporting NR information
EN-DC Anchor exchanged on
Attribute GUMMEI Routing
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
the UE capability.
Saving If PCI Confusion Alarms the X2 interface.
Update SwitchIf this This parameter
Compatibility Switch
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
there is UE capability parameter is set to Close, determines whether only
information on the This parameter the anchor attributes are the PLMN and MME
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0
eNodeB, the eNodeB determines whether an updated based on the code need to be matched
discards the UE NR PCI confusion alarm configurations on the in UE routing through the
capability. is reported. EMS. GUMMEI.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Open[1] Close[0]
This parameter sets the
IPSec operator certificate
for EN-DC X2 links. It is
used to configure the
This parameter sets the IPSec certificate for
type of IPSec certificate establishing EN-DC X2
for EN-DC X2 links. It is links together with IPSec
eNDCX2AlarmSwch enum:
enDcX2CertType refOperatorCert
used to configure IPSec channels
Operator between LTE
Certificate for
enum: Follow S1[0]
Switch for Reporting EN- Type for EN-DC
of IPSec X2
Certificate and NR
IPSec cells. IfofitEN-
Channels is
Close[0] Vendor Certificate[1]
DC X2 Link Alarms links betweenX2
for EN-DC LTE and
Links required
DC X2toLinks
use the
Open[1] Operator Certificate[2]
NR cells. It can be set to operator certificate as the
This parameter the same as that of the S1, IPSec certificate, this
model default: 0 model default: 0 string:length[0..400]
determines whether to to the vendor certificate, parameter is set to the
report EN-DC X2 link or to the operator operator certificate;
alarms. certificate. otherwise, it is left empty.

-- -- --
Close[0] Follow S1[0]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

A ITBBU 2106 278005
A ITBBU 2106 278005
A ITBBU 2106 278005
through QCIs. The
standard QoS
Classification Identifiers
(QCIs) represent QoS
attributes, such as packet
scheduling, the delay, and
the packet loss rate. The
NE_Name ldn moId transmissionqCIof standard
QCI parameters among
NE Name LDN MO ID different
an EPS
This parameter sets the helps the interconnection
unique ID of the managed of the equipment from
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 long:[0..256]
object. It is of the string different vendors and
type and can be flexible configuration by
NE Name LDN configured as planned. operators.

R Primary Key M
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-136 128
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-135 128
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-134 128
This parameter sets the
service priority. Each QCI
(for GBR and non-GBR
This parameter sets the bearers) is associated with
QoS Packet Loss Rate a priority level. A smaller
(PLR); that is the upper value indicates a higher
srvPacketDelay limit srvPacketLoss
of the SDU PLR if srvClassName srvPrior
priority. A priority can be
Service Packet QoS Delay there is no network used to differentiate SDF
This parameter
(ms) sets the congestion.
QoS PacketIt Loss
reflects the
Rate Service Type Name aggregates
Service of the same
long:[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
packet QoS delay (in ms) performance of correct UE or different UEs based
long:[0..65535] double:[0..1] 9, 10..256] double:[0..256]
that is defined by the transmission on the sender This parameter sets the on the QCI and SDF
model default: 100 model default: 0.000001 model default: 1 model default: 0.2
3GPP TS23 protocols. It and correct demodulation name of a service type. It aggregates associated
is used only for reference and receiving on the corresponds to the QCI of with the priority and
and cannot be modified. receiver. the example service. PDB.

-- -- -- --
100 0.000001 128 6.0
100 0.000001 128 6.0
100 0.000001 128 6.0
This parameter sets the
enum: enum:
This parameter sets the downlink path loss change
sf10[0] sf0[0]
interval for prohibiting threshold for PHR
sf20[1] sf10[1]
PHR sending. When the sending. When the
sf50[2] sf20[2]
prohibitPHR-Timer timer prohibitPHR-Timer timer
sf100[3] sf50[3] enum:
expires, and the change in expires, and the change in
srvBearerType sf200[4]
prdPhrTimer sf100[4]
phtPhrTimer dB1[0]
the path loss is more than the DLpath
Pathloss is more
Loss than
enum: sf500[5] sf200[5] dB3[1]
Service Bearer Type Interval for Periodic PHR dl-PathlossChange (in dB) dl-PathlossChange
Interval for Prohibiting Threshold for PHR (in dB)
GBR[0] sf1000[6] sf500[6] dB6[2]
(GBR/Non-GBR) Sending since the
PHR last sending of a since theSending
Sending last sending of a
Non-GBR[1] Infinity[7] sf1000[7] Infinity[3]
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the PHR when there are PHR when there are
type of service bearer interval for periodically uplink resources available uplink resources available
model default: 0 model default: 6 model default: 1 model default: 1
(including GBR bearers sending PHRs. When the for a UE for a new for a UE for a new
and non-GBR bearers) timer expires, a PHR is transmission, a PHR is transmission, a PHR is
corresponding to a QCI. sent. sent. sent.

-- -- -- --
Non-GBR[1] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
Non-GBR[1] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
Non-GBR[1] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
rlcMode factorForQCI enum:
sequenNumLenth sequenceNumType
Acknowledged Mode[1] 7bit[0] enum:
RLC Sequence Number
Unacknowledged 12bit[1] 5bit[0]
RLCparameter sets the
Bearer Type Service QCI Factor PDCP SN Length Type
Mode[2] 18bit[2] 10bit[1]
RLC bearer type: This parameter sets the
Acknowledged Mode This parameter indicates This parameter sets the SN length range of the
model default: 1 model default: 64 model default: 1 model default: 1
(AM) and the service QCI factor for size of the bits occupied UM mode for the RLC
Unacknowledged Mode priority calculation of by the PDCP PDU layer. It can be set to 5bit
(UM). QoS sorting. sequence number. and 10bit.

-- -- -- --
Acknowledged Mode[1] 1 18bit[2] 10bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 1 12bit[1] 10bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 100 12bit[1] 10bit[1]
uplink Semi-Persistent downlink Semi-Persistent
80[5] 10[0]
Scheduling (SPS) period Scheduling (SPS) period
128[6] 20[1] enum:
and is used for uplink and is used for downlink
160[7] 32[2] 50[0]
SPS. It is configured SPS. It is configured
320[8] 40[3] 100[1]
during uplink SPS during downlink SPS
640[9] 64[4] 150[2]
reconfiguration. The reconfiguration. The This parameter sets the
1[10] 80[5] 300[3]
parameter value is related parameter value is related duration for discarding
meaGRPsets the 2[11]
spsIntervalUL 128[6]
spsIntervalDL 500[4]
This parameter to the packet arrival rules to the packet arrival rules PDCP SDUs. Upon
enum: 3[12] 160[7] 750[5]
period of
Measurement GapthePeriod for
ULthe QCI services
Semi-persistent for
DLthe QCI services
Semi-persistent receiving
40[0] 4[13] 320[8] 1500[6]
measurement (ms)gap. If this configured
Schedulingwith SPS.
Period For
(ms) configured
Schedulingwith SPS.
Period For
(ms) the upper layer,
Time the PDCP
80[1] 5[14] 640[9] infinity[7]
parameter is set to 40, the example, if packets example, if packets layer starts the timer. If no
measurement gap period periodically arrive every periodically arrive every indication is received
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 1
is 40 ms. If it is set to 40, 20 ms, it is recommended 20 ms, it is recommended from the RLC layer when
the measurement gap that this parameter be set that this parameter be set the timer expires, the
period is 80 ms. to 20 ms. to 20 ms. SDU is discarded.

-- -- -- --
80[1] 20[1] 40[3] 500[4]
80[1] 20[1] 40[3] 500[4]
80[1] 20[1] 40[3] 500[4]
enum: enum: enum:
50[0] 50[0] 50[0]
100[1] 100[1] 100[1]
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
150[2] 150[2] 150[2]
This parameter sets the duration for discarding duration for discarding
300[3] 300[3] 300[3]
duration for discarding PDCP SDUs from the PDCP SDUs from the
discardTimerTdd 500[4]
disCardTimerForEnbFdd 500[4]
disCardTimerForEnbTdd ueRATType
PDCP SDUs. Upon eNodeB. Upon receiving eNodeB. Upon receiving
750[5] 750[5] 750[5]
from FDD
an SDU
PDCP from
upper TDDan SDU
PDCP from
1500[6] 1500[6] 1500[6] enum:
the upper layer,
Time the PDCP Time
(ms) layer,
eNodeB layer layer,
(ms) Time forthe
(ms) UE Type
infinity[7] infinity[7] infinity[7] LTE[0]
layer starts the timer. If no starts the timer. If no starts the timer. If no
indication is received confirmation is received confirmation is received
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 1 eMTC[2]
from the RLC layer when from the RLC layer when from the RLC layer when This parameter sets the
the timer expires, the the timer expires, the the timer expires, the UE type: LTE, NSA, and
SDU is discarded. PDCP SDU is discarded. PDCP SDU is discarded. eMTC.

-- -- -- M
300[3] 500[4] infinity[7] NSA[1]
300[3] 500[4] infinity[7] eMTC[2]
300[3] 500[4] infinity[7] LTE[0]
The Bucket Size Duration
(BSD) refers to the period
of time before a logical
channel buffers the upper
layer data
Bucket based
Size on the
Prioritized Bit Rate (PBR)
of the logical channel.
model default: 4
Total buffer capacity is
the product of the PBR
and the BSD.

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

A ITBBU 2106 278005
A ITBBU 2106 278005
A ITBBU 2106 278005
A ITBBU 2106 278005
A ITBBU 2106 278005
A ITBBU 2106 278005
specific parameters that
control packet forwarding
treatment (e.g. scheduling
weights, admission
thresholds, queue
management thresholds,
link layer protocol
NE_Name ldn moId qCI etc.), that
have been pre-configured
NE Name LDN MO ID by the
Index at a
This parameter sets the specific node(s) (e.g.
unique ID of the managed eNodeB).Configuration
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 long:[5..256]
object. It is of the string PBR parameter according
type and can be to QCI , QCI is the main
NE Name LDN configured as planned. key.

R Primary Key M
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-31 128
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-33 128
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-35 128
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-32 128
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-34 128
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-36 128
arpSegID lchDirection
Logical Channel pbrValue
Direction, There are
Logical Channel
ARP Segment uplink and downlink two
Direction Prioritised Bit Rate
enum: long:[0..10000000]
ARP is devided into direction, used to PBR is used for logical
Uplink[0] model default: 32
serval segment to map determine the channel resource
long:[1..15] Downlink[1] units: kbps
different priority. configuration of PBR scheduling by MAC layer,
ARPSegID is the ID of gave uplink or downlink and reflects the demand of
the segments. direction bearer to resource.

M M --
1 Downlink[1] 1000
2 Downlink[1] 1000
3 Downlink[1] 1000
1 Uplink[0] 512
2 Uplink[0] 512
3 Uplink[0] 512
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

ITBBU 2106 278005
ITBBU 2106 278005
ITBBU 2106 278005
ITBBU 2106 278005
ITBBU 2106 278005
ITBBU 2106 278005
ITBBU 2106 278005
ITBBU 2106 278005
ITBBU 2106 278005
ITBBU 2106 278005
ITBBU 2106 278005
ITBBU 2106 278005
ITBBU 2106 278005
ITBBU 2106 278005
ITBBU 2106 278005
ITBBU 2106 278005
ITBBU 2106 278005
ITBBU 2106 278005
ITBBU 2106 278005
ITBBU 2106 278005
ITBBU 2106 278005
ITBBU 2106 278005
ITBBU 2106 278005
ITBBU 2106 278005
NE_Name ldn moId arpSegID

NE Name LDN MO ID ARP Segment

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 long:[1..15]
object. It is of the string ID of ARP's segment, its
type and can be value is from 1 to
NE Name LDN configured as planned. ARPSegNum

R Primary Key M
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-20 2
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-10 1
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-21 3
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-13 1
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-24 3
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-14 2
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-11 2
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-22 1
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-12 3
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-23 2
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-17 2
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-18 3
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-15 3
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-16 1
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-19 1
(NGBRDelayTh[0] <
(NGBRDelayTh[1] <
delay≤NGBRDelayTh[2]) qosBasicPrio mcc mnc
…i+j: NGBRi Broadcast Mobile
QoS Service Class QoS Basic Priority Mobile Country Code Network Code
elaySegNum-2] < delay ≤
long:[0, 1..30] model default: 15 string:length[3] string:length[2..3]
laySegNum-1])I =
GBRDelaySegNum, j = Basic prior based ARP Broadcast Mobile
NGBRDelaySegNum and service class Mobile Country Code Network Code

M -- M M
6 2 510 10
3 8 510 10
6 2 510 10
4 5 510 10
7 0 510 10
4 5 510 10
3 7 510 10
7 1 510 10
3 6 510 10
7 0 510 10
1 11 510 10
1 10 510 10
1 9 510 10
2 14 510 10
2 13 510 10
2 12 510 10
5 4 510 10
5 4 510 10
4 5 510 10
5 5 510 10
0 14 510 10
6 3 510 10
0 14 510 10
0 14 510 10
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

A ITBBU 2106 278005
A ITBBU 2106 278005
A ITBBU 2106 278005
parameters that control
packet forwarding
treatment (e.g. scheduling
weights, admission
thresholds, queue
management thresholds,
link layer protocol
NE_Name ldn moId qCI etc.), that
Labelbeen pre-configured
Number of Service
NE Name LDN MO ID by the operator
Class at a
This parameter sets the specific node(s) (e.g.
unique ID of the managed eNodeB).Configuration
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 long:[1..256]
object. It is of the string DSCP parameter
type and can be according to QCI , QCI is
NE Name LDN configured as planned. the main key.

R Primary Key M
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-28 128
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-29 128
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-30 128
arpSegID mcc mnc dscpValue

ARP Segment Mobile Country Code Mobile Network Code DSCP ID

ARP is devided into
serval segment to map The parameter is DSCP's
long:[1..15] string:length[3] string:length[2..3] model default: 46
different priority. ID, when processing
ARPSegID is the ID of mapping between QCI
the segments. Mobile Country Code Mobile Network Code and ARP.

M M M --
1 510 10 32
2 510 10 32
3 510 10 32
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

P ITBBU 2106 278005
NE_Name ldn moId qci
Label Number of Service
NE Name LDN MO ID The parameter
Class is QCI in
This parameter sets the SAE Bearer Info. eNB
unique ID of the managed can find service's QoS
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 long:[0..256]
object. It is of the string parameters and
type and can be application's parameters
NE Name LDN configured as planned. with QCI.

R Primary Key M
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-11 0
arp mcc mnc srvPriLvDl
Allocation and Retention The parameter
Downlink is service
Service Priory
The parameter
Priorityis ARP in Mobile Country Code Mobile Network Code priority Level
level of SAE
SAE Bearer Info. eNB Bearer Info. eNB can find
can find service's QoS service's QoS parameters
long:[1..15] string:length[3] string:length[2..3] model default: 16
parameters and and application's
application's parameters parameters with ARP and
with ARP. Mobile Country Code Mobile Network Code QCI.

M M M --
1 510 10 16
The parameter
Uplink Serviceis Priory
priority Level
level of SAE
Bearer Info. eNB can find
service's QoS parameters
model default: 16
and application's
parameters with ARP and

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

P ITBBU 2106 278005
P ITBBU 2106 278005
P ITBBU 2106 278005
P ITBBU 2106 278005
P ITBBU 2106 278005
P ITBBU 2106 278005
P ITBBU 2106 278005
P ITBBU 2106 278005
P ITBBU 2106 278005
NE_Name ldn moId mcc

NE Name LDN MO ID Mobile Country Code

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[3]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Mobile Country Code

R Primary Key M
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-1 510
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-1 510
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-1 510
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-1 510
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-1 510
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-1 510
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-1 510
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-1 510
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-1 510
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535]
This parameter sets ARP weight of the services weight of the services
mnc model default:
weightARP model default:
weightSRVDl model default:
scheduling weights. It is with different priorities. It with different priorities. It
64;64;64;64;64;16;16;16; 1000;100;40;30;25;21;17; 1000;100;40;30;25;21;17;
used for priority is used Weight
Scheduling by the for is used Weight
Scheduling by the for
16;16;4;4;4;4;4 14;10;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 14;10;1;1;1;1;1;1;1
Mobile Network Code ARPcalculation.
SchedulingAn Weight
array wDlSrvPriLv
DL Servicefield in the
Levels wUlSrvPriLv
UL Servicefield in the
example: example: example:
subscript plus 1 R_QOS table to index the R_QOS table to index the
64;64;64;64;64;16;16;16; 1000;100;40;30;25;21;17; 1000;100;40;30;25;21;17;
corresponds to an ARP corresponding priority corresponding priority
string:length[2..3] 16;16;4;4;4;4;4 14;10;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 14;10;1;1;1;1;1;1;1
level; that is, array weight value. A lager weight value. A lager
element 0 corresponds to parameter value indicates parameter value indicates
Mobile Network Code the weight of ARP 1. a higher priority. a higher priority.

M -- -- --
10 64;64;64;64;64;16;16;161000;100;40;30;25;21;171000;100;40;30;25;21;17
10 64;64;64;64;64;16;16;161000;100;40;30;25;21;171000;100;40;30;25;21;17
10 64;64;64;64;64;16;16;161000;100;40;30;25;21;171000;100;40;30;25;21;17
10 64;64;64;64;64;16;16;161000;100;40;30;25;21;171000;100;40;30;25;21;17
10 64;64;64;64;64;16;16;161000;100;40;30;25;21;171000;100;40;30;25;21;17
10 64;64;64;64;64;16;16;161000;100;40;30;25;21;171000;100;40;30;25;21;17
10 64;64;64;64;64;16;16;161000;100;40;30;25;21;171000;100;40;30;25;21;17
10 64;64;64;64;64;16;16;161000;100;40;30;25;21;171000;100;40;30;25;21;17
10 64;64;64;64;64;16;16;161000;100;40;30;25;21;171000;100;40;30;25;21;17
This parameter indicates This parameter sets the
the EPF scheduling factor EPF scheduling factor for
for eachfFSPID
SPID. When nonSpidFFSPID
non-SPID UEs. If the
SPID weighing of the SPID
Factorofforthe EPF
EPF algorithm
Service Factor is
SPIDs algorithm is enabled,
SPID UEs it is
a larger SPID factor value used to adjust the
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1; long:[1..65535]
indicates a higher priority scheduling priority of a
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 model default: 1
of the UE corresponding UE. A larger SPID factor
to the SPID and more value indicates a higher
chances for scheduling. priority of the UE.

-- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

M ITBBU 2106 278005
M ITBBU 2106 278005
M ITBBU 2106 278005
M ITBBU 2106 278005
M ITBBU 2106 278005
M ITBBU 2106 278005
M ITBBU 2106 278005
M ITBBU 2106 278005
M ITBBU 2106 278005
M ITBBU 2106 278005
M ITBBU 2106 278005
M ITBBU 2106 278005
M ITBBU 2106 278005
M ITBBU 2106 278005
M ITBBU 2106 278005
M ITBBU 2106 278005
M ITBBU 2106 278005
M ITBBU 2106 278005

NE Name


NE Name





moId eMLPIndex lchDirection qCINum
The Number of QCI
Logical Channel Corresponds to the Given
MO ID EMLP Index Direction EMLP
This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] Uplink[0] long:[0..10]
unique ID of the managed
example: 10001 long:[1..256] Downlink[1] model default: 1
object. It is of the string Evolved MLP, multi-CQI
type and can be can be mapped to one Logical Channel The number of QCI
configured as planned. eMLP Direction mapping to one MLP

Primary Key M M --
15 6 Uplink[0] 5
15 6 Uplink[0] 5
6 6 Downlink[1] 5
6 6 Downlink[1] 5
6 6 Downlink[1] 5
6 6 Downlink[1] 5
15 6 Uplink[0] 5
6 6 Downlink[1] 5
15 6 Uplink[0] 5
6 6 Downlink[1] 5
6 6 Downlink[1] 5
6 6 Downlink[1] 5
6 6 Downlink[1] 5
15 6 Uplink[0] 5
15 6 Uplink[0] 5
15 6 Uplink[0] 5
15 6 Uplink[0] 5
15 6 Uplink[0] 5
This parameter indicates
qCiQueue enum:
schedulerAlg alpha beta of the PF
the coefficient
longArray:[0..255] EPF[0]
weight in the EPF sorting
model default: RR[1]
QCI Mapping for EMLP Scheduler Algorithm Alpha Factor algorithm
Betafor the EMLP.
1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 SPS[2]
It is used to control the
example: double:[0..1] double:[0..1]
impact of historical traffic
1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 model default: 0 model default: 1.0 model default: 0.01
on the scheduling priority.
This parameter is used for The scheduler algorithm α factor for numerator of A larger parameter value
mapping QCI to eMLP for the eMLP. PF sub-fair factor indicates a greater impact.

-- -- -- --
6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0] 1.0 0.3
6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0] 1.0 1.0
6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0] 1.0 0.0
6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0] 1.0 0.5
6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0] 1.0 0.3
6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0] 1.0 0.1
6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0] 1.0 1.0
6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0] 1.0 0.5
6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0] 1.0 1.0
6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0] 1.0 0.3
6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0] 1.0 0.1
6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0] 1.0 0.0
6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0] 1.0 0.0
6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0] 1.0 0.3
6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0] 1.0 0.3
6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0] 1.0 1.0
6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0] 1.0 1.0
6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0] 1.0 1.0
pFWeight gBRWeight aMBRWeight delayRWeight

PF Weight Factor GBR Weight Factor AMBR Weight Factor Delay Weight Factor
double:[0..1] double:[0..1] double:[0..1] double:[0..1]
model default: 0.5 model default: 0.5 model default: 0.5 model default: 0.5
The weight of PF sub-fair The weight of GBR sub- The weight of AMBR The weight of Delay sub-
factor used for priority fair factor used for sub-fair factor used for fair factor used for
calculation priority calculation priority calculation priority calculation

-- -- -- --
1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
The EPF algorithm needs
new SPID factors. This
parameter determines
whether an SPID is valid
and sets the effective
aRPWeight qCIWeight serviceWeight weightsPIDWeight
value. A larger
Scheduling Weight Factor Scheduling Weight Factor parameter value
Scheduling indicates
Weight Factor
for All ARP for All QCIs Service Weight Factor a larger SPID
for All weight
value and a better
double:[0..1] double:[0..1] double:[0..1] double:[0..1]
reflection of the
model default: 0.5 model default: 0.5 model default: 0.0 model default: 0.0
The weight of ARP sub- The weight of QCI sub- The weight of service difference in scheduling
fair factor used for fair factor used for sub-fair factor used for guarantee for different
priority calculation priority calculation priority calculation SPIDs.

-- -- -- --
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
This parameter enables or
disables short-interval
SPS. If sPSSwch
it is set to Close, nrQCIQueue
enum: longArray:[0..255]
short-interval SPS QCI mapping of NR
Close[0] model default:
corresponding to the QCI
SPS Switch eMLP
Short SPS-Interval[1] 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
is disabled. If it is set to
Short SPS-Interval, short-
model default: 0 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
interval SPS This parameter is used for
corresponding to the QCI QCI mapping of NR
is enabled. eMLP.

-- --
Close[0] 6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Close[0] 6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Close[0] 6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Close[0] 6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Close[0] 6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Close[0] 6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Close[0] 6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Close[0] 6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Close[0] 6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Close[0] 6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Close[0] 6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Close[0] 6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Close[0] 6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Close[0] 6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Close[0] 6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Close[0] 6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Close[0] 6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Close[0] 6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

A ITBBU 2106 278005
A ITBBU 2106 278005
represent QoS attributes,
DRX config for UTRAN-
such as packet scheduling,
TDD ANR[260]
delays, and packet loss
DRX config for GERAN
rate. The transmission of
standard QCI parameters
DRX config for
among different NEs in an
EPS helps the
NE_Name ldn moId ANR[262]
qCI of the
DRX config for
Label fromofdifferent
Number Service
NE Name LDN MO ID vendorsClass
and flexible
This parameter sets the operator configuration.
string:length[1..255] DRX config for NR
unique ID of the managed Nonstandard IDs are used
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 ANR[264]
object. It is of the string for some special
type and can be functions, such as ANR
NE Name LDN configured as planned. and TTI bundling.

R Primary Key M
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-125 128[128]
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-126 128[128]
identifies UE short DRX
160[7] 40[7]
capacity to select
256[8] 64[8]
configuration, is a
320[9] 80[9]
complete set of
512[10] 128[10]
configuration of the
640[11] 160[11]
primary key, on the basis
1024[12] 256[12]
of the UE capacity
shortDrxCycInd 1280[13]
longDrxCyc 320[13]
shortDrxCyc shortDrxCycT
UE Shortcorresponding
DRX Cycle
2048[14] 512[14]
DRX configuration
Capacity Configuration
2560[15] 640[15]
parameters, when UE able
Indicator Long DRX Cycle Short DRX
Short DRX Cycle
cycle DRX Short Cycle Timer
to support short DRX, this A long DRX cycle is the Specifies the periodic
No[0] model default: 9 model default: 7 long:[1..16]
parameter choice for True periodic repetition of the repetition of the On Specifies the number of
Yes[1] units: sf units: sf model default: 4
configuration. Otherwise On Duration period and Duration followed by a consecutive subframe(s)
this parameter choice for the following period when possible period of the UE shall follow the
False configuration. inactivity may occur. inactivity, Short DRX cycle

M -- -- --
No[0] 80[5] 40[7] 4
Yes[1] 20[1] 10[3] 2
10[7] 100[14] enum:
20[8] 200[15] 1[0]
30[9] 300[16] 2[1]
40[10] 500[17] 4[2]
This parameter indicates
50[11] 750[18] 6[3]
the number of consecutive
60[12] 1280[19] 8[4]
PDCCH sub-frames after
onDuratTimer 1920[20]
drxInactTimer 16[5]
drxRetranTimer srvPriLv4DRX
On Duration Timer for a successful decoding of a
100[14] 2560[21] 24[6]
This parameterinindicates
UE Wake-Up a DRX PDCCH indicating initial DRX Retransmission Service Priority Level for
200[15] 0[22] 33[7]
the numberCycle
of consecutive DRX UL or DL userTimer
Inactivity data SpecifiesTimer
the maximum DRX
PDCCH sub-frames at the transmission for a UE. number of consecutive
model default: 8 model default: 10 model default: 4 long:[0..255]
beginning of a DRX The UE needs to PDCCH-subframe(s) for
units: psf units: psf units: psf model default: 0
cycle, during which the continuously monitor the as soon as a DL The parameter indicates
UE monitors the PDCCH number of PDCCH sub- retransmission is expected priority of DRX
in PDCCH sub-frames. frames. by the UE. parameter inter QCI.

-- -- -- --
8[6] 60[12] 8[4] 0
5[4] 10[7] 8[4] 0
DRX Switch for Each

model default: 0
This parameter enables or
disables DRX for each

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

A ITBBU 2106 278005
A ITBBU 2106 278005
specific parameters that
DRX config for UTRAN-
control packet forwarding
TDD ANR[260]
treatment (e.g. scheduling
DRX config for GERAN
weights, admission
thresholds, queue
DRX config for
management thresholds,
link layer protocol
NE_Name ldn moId ANR[262]
qCI etc.), that
DRX config for
Labelbeen pre-configured
Number of Service
NE Name LDN MO ID by the operator
Class at a
This parameter sets the specific node(s) (e.g.
string:length[1..255] DRX config for NR
unique ID of the managed eNodeB);Non-standard
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 ANR[264]
object. It is of the string identification for some
type and can be special functions ANR,
NE Name LDN configured as planned. TTI bundling.

R Primary Key M
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-125 128[128]
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510-126 128[128]
identifies UE short DRX
160[7] 40[7]
capacity to select
256[8] 64[8]
configuration, is a
320[9] 80[9]
complete set of
512[10] 128[10]
configuration of the
640[11] 160[11]
primary key, on the basis
1024[12] 256[12]
of the UE capacity
shortDrxCycInd 1280[13]
longDrxCyc 320[13]
shortDrxCyc shortDrxCycT
UE Shortcorresponding
DRX Cycle
2048[14] 512[14]
DRX configuration
Capacity Configuration
2560[15] 640[15]
parameters, when UE able
Indicator Long DRX Cycle Short DRX
Short DRX Cycle
cycle DRX Short Cycle Timer
to support short DRX, this A long DRX cycle is the Specifies the periodic
No[0] model default: 9 model default: 7 long:[1..16]
parameter choice for True periodic repetition of the repetition of the On Specifies the number of
Yes[1] units: sf units: sf model default: 4
configuration. Otherwise On Duration period and Duration followed by a consecutive subframe(s)
this parameter choice for the following period when possible period of the UE shall follow the
False configuration. inactivity may occur. inactivity, Short DRX cycle

M -- -- --
No[0] 80[5] 40[7] 4
Yes[1] 20[1] 10[3] 2
10[7] 100[14] enum:
20[8] 200[15] 1[0]
30[9] 300[16] 2[1]
40[10] 500[17] 4[2]
This parameter indicates
50[11] 750[18] 6[3]
the number of consecutive
60[12] 1280[19] 8[4]
PDCCH sub-frames after
onDuratTimer 1920[20]
drxInactTimer 16[5]
drxRetranTimer srvPriLv4DRX
On Duration Timer for a successful decoding of a
100[14] 2560[21] 24[6]
This parameterinindicates
UE Wake-Up a DRX PDCCH indicating initial DRX Retransmission Service Priority Level for
200[15] 0[22] 33[7]
the numberCycle
of consecutive DRX UL or DL userTimer
Inactivity data SpecifiesTimer
the maximum DRX
PDCCH sub-frames at the transmission for a UE. number of consecutive
model default: 8 model default: 10 model default: 4 long:[0..255]
beginning of a DRX The UE needs to PDCCH-subframe(s) for
units: psf units: psf units: psf model default: 0
cycle, during which the continuously monitor the as soon as a DL The parameter indicates
UE monitors the PDCCH number of PDCCH sub- retransmission is expected priority of DRX
in PDCCH sub-frames. frames. by the UE. parameter inter QCI.

-- -- -- --
10[7] 20[8] 8[4] 0
5[4] 10[7] 8[4] 0
DRX Switch for Each

model default: 0
This parameter enables or
disables DRX for each

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

A ITBBU 2106 278005
may be implemented in
the access network by the
QCI referencing node
specific parameters that
control packet forwarding
treatment (e.g. scheduling
weights, admission
NE_Name ldn moId qCI queue
Label Numberthresholds,
of Service
NE Name LDN MO ID link layer protocol
This parameter sets the configuration, etc.), that
unique ID of the managed have been pre-configured
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 long:[0..256]
object. It is of the string by the operator at a
type and can be specific node(s) (e.g.
NE Name LDN configured as planned. eNodeB).

R Primary Key M
PTK005_GUBERNURAN ENBCUCPFunction=510- 12 128
pdcpStatRptInd profile1 profile2 profile4
enum: enum: enum: enum:
PDCP Status Report
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
parameter is used to
Indicator ROHC Profile0x0001 ROHC Profile0x0002 ROHC Profile0x0004
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1]
determine whether or not
to send status report to the The parameter is used to The parameter is used to The parameter is used to
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
peer when upper layers determine whether ROHC determine whether ROHC determine whether ROHC
request a PDCP re- 0x0001 profiles is allowed 0x0002 profiles is allowed 0x0004 profiles is allowed
establishment. to be used or not to be used or not to be used or not

-- -- -- --
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
The parameter represents
the switch for Uplink
This parameter is the Data Compression(UDC)
switch of the ROHC This is the maximum CID of Radio Bearer with the
Profile0x0101 function. If value that can be used QCI, and is used to
the switch is turned on, it when ROHC is open. CID Open/Close the Uplink
profile6 indicatesprofile257
that the eNodeB maxCid
is indicated which context ulDataCompSupport
Data Compression(UDC)
enum: enum: enum:
supports the ROHC that Enb or
Maximum CIDue of
used function of Radio
Is Support UplinkBearer
No[0] No[0] Close[0]
ROHC Profile0x0006 Profile0x0101 function. If
ROHC Profile0x0101 when ROHC
compress or with the QCI.eNB dosn't
Yes[1] Yes[1] Open[1]
the switch is turned off, it decompress. Maximum support simultaneously
The parameter is used to indicates that the eNodeB CID is used to limit the open ROHC and UDC,
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 15 model default: 0
determine whether ROHC does not support the value of CID. This is and only the Radio Bearer
0x0006profiles is allowed ROHC Profile0x0101 configured before ue with RLC AM could open
to be used or not function. attach. UDC.

-- -- -- --
No[0] No[0] 15 Close[0]
This parameter indicates This parameter enables or
the maximum value of the disables Deflate-based
Context ID (CID) Uplink Data Compression
supported by the eNodeB (UDC) for the service
The parameter represents when Uplink Only ROHC bearers of a QCI type. An
the eNB supported is enabled. The CID eNodeB does not support
eMax profile6Ul
eNB UDCMaximum
Supported context Whether to Support indicatesmaxCidUl
the context used deflateUDCSupport
enabling ROHC, uplink
twoKB[0] enum: enum:
memory size per
UDC Context bearer. Profile6 for Uplink Only Maximum
Memory by the eNodeB
CID or
of UE for
Uplink header compression,
Whether to Supportand
fourKB[1] No[0] No[0]
The eNBSize could determine
per Bearer ROHC compression
Only ROHCor Deflate-based
Deflate-BasedUDCUDCon a
eightKB[2] Yes[1] Yes[1]
the UDC context memory This parameter indicates decompression. It is used service bearer at the same
size for bearer based on whether the Profile6 to limit the maximum time, and Deflate-based
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 15 model default: 0
this parameter value and algorithm for Uplink Only value of the CID. This UDC can be enabled on
the UE supported ROHC is supported by the parameter is configured only the service bearers in
maximum value. QCI. before UE access. RLC AM mode.

-- -- -- --
fourKB[1] No[0] 15 No[0]
This parameter sets the
maximum memory for This parameter
Deflate-based UDC determines whether to use
context per bearer. If the standard dictionary for
deflateUDCCtxtMemSize spare05[59]
Deflate-based Uplink Deflate-based Deflate-
Max deflateUDCStandardDic spare04[60]
Data Compression
Maximum Memory (UDC)
for based Uplink
Whether Data
twoKB[0] enum: spare03[61]
bearers is enabled,
UDCthe UDCCompression
Supports(UDC) for
Standard This parameter
Reordering sets the
Duration for
fourKB[1] No[0] spare02[62]
eNodeB canper
Context determine
Bearer the the service bearers of a
Dictionary duration of the reordering
eightKB[2] Yes[1] spare01[63]
memory value for bearers QCI type. The eNodeB timer for PDCP. The
based on this parameter determines whether to use value range should be the
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 19
value and the maximum this function based on this same as that specified in
value supported by UE parameter value and UE the protobuf description
capability. capability. file.

-- -- --
fourKB[1] No[0] ms200[19]

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