I declare that this report is my original work and has never been presented in any other university
for an award of degree.
This report has been submitted for examination with my approval as the university supervisor.
DBMS-database management
Student Mess Management System is a combination of systems and processes that enables the
user to easily carry out services to customers without really straining. Many catering
departments, in this case, the mess are choosing the Student Mess Management System to handle
all their customers electronically. Having a great SMMS has numerous benefits. In the end
productive levels tend to increase as a result of choosing the right SMMS. When a catering
department takes care to reduce the manual workload the department performs, they choose to
replace those processes with various levels of SMMS. The staff within the Student Mess
Department either rely on internal Information Technology (IT) experts or third-party vendors to
develop and implement an integrated system. Each module in the system performs a separate
function within the SMMS. In the current system, there is no customer registration. There is also
no immediate report generation and update of information takes longer time; this makes the
record maintenance tedious. The existing system leads to many errors such as data redundancy
and data inconsistency. Keeping this in mind, I will develop a software named Student Mess
Management System (SMMS) which is very user friendly and makes records of data easier than
the current system. The main aim of the project is to develop a Student Mess Management
System for the LPU University Student Mess.
Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the study........................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem statement.................................................................................................................2
1.3 Objectives..............................................................................................................................3
1.3.1 General Objectives..........................................................................................................3
1.3.2 Specific Objectives.........................................................................................................3
1.4 Scope.....................................................................................................................................3
1.5 Justification............................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................5
3.1 System analysis and Design tools........................................................................................11
3.1.1 Entity Relationship diagram.........................................................................................12
3.2 System Implementation Tools.............................................................................................12
3.3 System Testing and Validation............................................................................................13
3.3.1 Unit Testing..................................................................................................................13
3.3.2 System Testing.............................................................................................................13
3.3.3 Acceptance Testing.......................................................................................................13
CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................................................14
4.0.1 Hardware & Software requirements.............................................................................15
SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION, TESTING & VALIDATION..............................................22
5.1 Screenshots..........................................................................................................................22
CHAPTER SIX..............................................................................................................................27
6.0 SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.......................................27
6.1 SUMMARY.......................................................................................................................27
6.2 CONCLUSIONS...............................................................................................................27
6.3 RECOMMENDATIONS...................................................................................................27
1.2 Problem statement
Currently, the Student Mess Management System falls short of controlling the financial records
and also payment is done in cash which sometimes leads to money insecurity. Money calculation
and report generation is quite unreliable; it takes so much of time to compose expenditure of all
customers and generate reports concerning the amount of money realized. The current system
also cannot keep track of the stock in store; neither does it prompt the administrator on the
amount of stock left, this may promote theft of stock items in store. Monitoring of employees’
attendance is also an issue that needs to be addressed in the current system, that is some
employees report to work late without the knowledge of the supervisor. This system will help a
great deal in monitoring the employee’s attendance and on time. The other main problem is lack
of proper communication between the person giving out the order receipts and the cooks in the
kitchen. Finally, the current Student Mess Management System lacks customers service history
since there is no platform for customers to register, hence promoting false records. According to
the background information of the Mess Management System, we find that time which is a factor
of production is wasted when there are many customers to be attended to since currently the mess
is managed by only one cashier. The administrator also cannot be able to retrieve information
about a specific customer since the current system does not have a platform from which the
customer can be registered by the admin or he/she to register themselves. In other words, the
Student Mess encompasses a whole lot of problems that need to solved with immediate effects so
as to be on track with the ever changing world of technology
1.3 Objectives
The main objective of the study was to develop a system to keep, maintain, retrieve and track
information about the entire Student Mess operations.
i. To analyze the current system to help derive and understand user specifications and system
ii. To design a Mess Management System that computerizes the department.
iii. To develop the proposed system according to the user specifications.
iv. To test and validate the proposed system to ensure that all the modules are working correctly
as individual or as integrated.
1.4 Scope
The study used LPU University Student Mess as a case study for the project. This Application
work in Multiple PC’s installed but sharing same database by which users of different
department can use it sitting at different locations simultaneously. The Student Mess
Management System generally provide some combination of customers personal records and
also the employees(staff) records. The system will only cover the Student mess to help in work
efficiency and accuracy to better services offered to customers.
2.3. The drawbacks/Weaknesses to be solved by the proposed system
The case studies showed that there was still a whole lot of gaps to be filled by the proposed
system. These weaknesses were:
The proposed system provides detailed general information about the customers along with
personal details. It enhances the user in adding, viewing and updating customer’s details and
generates various reports regarding customers.
i. The Proposed system helps in the maintenance of clear records on daily, monthly and
even annual basis about consumption. There’s also proper cooks-student communication.
ii. The system keeps track of stock ensuring data consistency, accuracy and even security of
data and money since payment will be via Mpesa.
iii. The proposed system provides a platform for students to book mess services such as
organizing parties and also a platform for presenting their complains.
iv. Students and working staff records are easy and fast to search and maintain since all the
data are safely stored in a database and in an organized manner.
v. The proposed system keeps Staff Mess workers on toes since their attendance is
monitored by the system; hence enhancing time consciousness among workers.
vi. This system can be installed on multiple machine but sharing a centralized database, hence
the customers can even interact with the system by just loging in as a member.
The existing system and other related case studies had a whole lot of loop-holes such as
Data insecurity, data inconsistency and inaccuracy, time wastage among others which need to be
filled. All these draw-backs are solved by the proposed system to ensure a conducive working
environment within the Student Mess.
can contain many tables at once and store thousands of individual records.
4.0.1 Non-functional requirements
These mainly places constraints on how the proposed system is to perfume its purpose. They
Hardware Requirements
Processor : Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium IV or higher; 2GHZ or higher Speed.
4.1 System Design/ Architecture
different platform:
ii. Data processing layer. This is the middle tier that runs on a server and is usually called
the application server. One application server is designed to serve multiple clients.
iii. A Database Management System(DBMS), which stores the data required by the middle tier
- Login and password is used for identification of user and there is no facility
for guest.
4.2 Context Diagram
This is a high level diagram that represents all the external entities that may interact with the
system and its main objective is to focus attention on external factors and event that should be
4.3 Flow charts
Enter Username
and Password Log in Again
4.4 Database Design
4.4.1Physical Design
4.4.2 Sample Table
Student_Details table
5.1 Screenshots
Log in Panel
String sql = "INSERT INTO admin_logs (User_Id,Time) VALUES ('" + admin + "','" + timestamp
+ "') ";
String sql = "INSERT INTO staff_log (StaffNo,Time) VALUES ('" + staff + "','" + timestamp +
"') ";
String sql = "INSERT INTO student_log (Reg_No,Time) VALUES ('" + reg + "','" + timestamp
+ "') ";
Main Frame
String sql = "INSERT INTO `student_reg`(`S_Name`, `F_Name`, `M_Name`, `Reg_No`, `Id_No`,
`Course`, `Faculty`, `Phone_No`,"
+ "'" + id + "','" + cos + "','" + faculty + "','" + phoneNo + "','" + email + "','" + gender
+ "','" + doa + "',"
+ "'" + dog + "','" + date + "','" + time + "','" + balance + "','" + pswd + "')";
Food Ordering Panel
"+total+"','"+day+"'," + "'"+month+"','"+year+"')" ;
Stock in and stock out Panel
Reports sample
The project has achieved a whole lot of important functionalities making it easier for the
management of the student Mess to run smoothly and more efficiently. Students and staff
(workers) are able to be registered into the system, stock record tracking is done more efficiently,
reports can now be generated in a clearer manner, staff attendance can now be monitored
properly and also the system provides a platform where students can post their complains and
suggestions. Furthermore, students can make payments in advance via M-pesa and also the
system allows confirmatory messages to be sent to the registered students upon services like
registration, money deposition in the student mess account, expenditure and even the balance left
in the account.
The main objective has finally been achieved and the system is secure since a user can modify
the information only after proper authentication. It provides a big leap forward over the existing
inefficient system of mess management. Chances of errors are also eliminated to a large extent.
Computerization and automation of the whole system helps in easy and fast access to the
required information. It is highly user friendly as appropriate messages are provided to guide the
user logged in.
I highly recommend the system for adoption by Kisii University Student Mess since within it
their is a bunch of quality and attractive features that are targeted to overcome the challenges
present in stock and student record collection, storage and retrieval for effective service delivery.