Open Class X - Holiday Homework 2
Open Class X - Holiday Homework 2
Open Class X - Holiday Homework 2
We wish you a happy Summer Vacation with your children. Do encourage them to embark on a
journey of fun and adventure through activities like reading, exercising, meditating, and channelising
their energy positively. We look forward to welcoming all students back to school on July 1st, 2024.
Stay Safe, Stay Healthy!
“Building Sustainable Cities and communities is not just an option; it is an imperative for the well-being
of current and future generations.”
General instructions
1. Make a project file using coloured A4 size sheets including the following tasks.
2. The cover page should be made creatively representing the theme.
3. The file should be spiral bound.
Task 1 - Explore and discuss two cities globally that exemplify resilience, environmental sustainability, and
social inclusivity in their urban development. Describe their unique features and initiatives in a 200-300
word essay, accompanied by illustrations.
Task 2 - “Transforming our cities into sustainable hubs isn’t just a choice; it’s the blueprint for our
collective future, where environmental harmony and human prosperity converge.” Write a letter to the
editor of a national daily raising awareness about the need to create sustainable cities in 100-120 words.
Task 3 - Use vibrant colours and dynamic compositions to create a collage on an A3 size sheet to convey the
message of harmony between human activities and the natural environment.
Task 4 - Worksheet (to be done and pasted in the English Register).
आज शहरीकरण की धूम चारों ओर छाई ई है | भले ही कोई गाँ व हो या छोटा सा कोई क़ ा , हर ओर से नाग रकों की
भारी भीड़ शहरों की चकाचौंध की ओर उमड़ी जान पड़ती है | आँ कड़ों के अनुसार सन 2050 तक दे श की लगभग दो -
ितहाई आबादी शहरों की ओर पलायन करे गी और यह ित अित िव ोटक होगी ोंिक इतनी भारी जनसं ा की
दै िनक आव कताओं की पूित जैसे िक रोज़गार के अवसर , रहने के िलए घर , ापार और वािण (Trade and
Commerce) , सावजिनक प रवहन व ा , िव ालय . उ ान , सामुदाियक क तथा अ ताल आिद की ापना िन य
की एक बड़ी चुनौती होगी|
इस चुनौती के िवषय म आप ा सोचते ह ? आप इसका ा समाधान दे सकते ह ? इसी िवषय को आधार मानते ए
आपके िति त चािलत समाचार प के एक कॉलम के िलए A 4 आकार की शीट का योग करते ए 4 से 6 पृ ों
की सिच " डॉ ूमटी " तैयार कीिजए | " डॉ ूमटी " को भावशाली , मौिलक एवं िवषयानु प बनाने के िलए आप
इं टरने ट से साम ी ा कर सकते ह | मन चाहे रं गों से इसे सजा सकते ह और हाँ अपनी इस मौिलक " डॉ ूमटी " को
एक शीषक अव दीिजएगा |
Around the world, cities are innovating to help tackle challenges such as climate change. Students need to be
aware of these environmental challenges and must explore innovative ideas for their mitigation. Make a project
on any one of the topics.
1. Innovative ways of parking vehicles.
2. Role of Maths in planning rainwater harvesting system
3. Role of Maths in planning greening of urban spaces.
General instructions
Make a project file using coloured A4 size sheets.
File should be spiral bound.
Use illustrations, pictures and graphs in your work.
The project should be neat and creative.
1. Create an album that showcases how Science is employed to develop sustainable building materials for
urban infrastructure. Include examples such as bricks made from ash or recycled waste. Provide detailed
explanations of their composition, usage, and manufacturing processes, supplemented with photographs.
2. Prepare a coloured poster on an A-3 size sheet on any one of the following topics. (Use any medium of
colour. The poster should be fully coloured and aesthetically).
(i) World Ozone Day (ii) Sustainability and wildlife preservation
iii) Solutions for reducing air and water pollution in cities.
2.a) Using things available at home make a Model of a Smart City where garbage is well disposed of, water,
electricity and fuel are conserved, recycled, etc. and it is safe for elderly people and children. You may see
the following links for ideas. Your city must show at least 5 ideas and some of them must be working.
As per the CBSE Curriculum, every student is required to compulsorily undertake any one project on the
following topics:
Consumer Awareness: "Inclusive Marketing - A Path to Diverse Consumer Engagement"
Objective: To explore how brands and companies incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion in their
marketing strategies and how this affects consumer behaviour and brand loyalty.
Social Issues: "The Role of Education in Promoting Equity and Inclusion"
Objective: To investigate how educational policies and practices can help build a more equitable and
inclusive society.
Sustainable Development: "Diverse Workforces as a Key to Sustainable Business Practices"
Objective: To assess how embracing diversity in the workforce contributes to better business sustainability
Die Schülerinnen und Schüler entwerfen eigene Lebenspläne und beschreiben persönliche Projekte unter
Gesichtspunkten der Nachhaltigkeit.
Urban Agriculture Program: Erstellen Sie ein Projekt zur Förderung der urbanen Landwirtschaft und der
Ernährungssicherheit in Städten oder Gemeinden. Dabei kann es sich um Initiativen wie
Gemeinschaftsgärten, vertikale Landwirtschaft, Hydrokultur oder essbare Landschaftsgestaltung handeln.
Erkunden Sie die potenziellen Vorteile in Bezug auf Lebensmittelproduktion, Ernährung, Schaffung von
Arbeitsplätzen und Gemeinschaftsbildung.
Smart-City-Technologien: Untersuchen Sie den Einsatz intelligenter Technologien zur Verbesserung der
Effizienz, Nachhaltigkeit und Widerstandsfähigkeit von Städten und Gemeinden. Dazu können Projekte im
Zusammenhang mit intelligenten Netzen, Wassermanagementsystemen, Verkehrsleitsystemen,
Abfallüberwachung oder energieeffizienten Gebäuden gehören.
Los alumnos elaboran sus propios planes de vida y describen proyectos personales desde el punto de vista de
la sostenibilidad.
A) Explorar el uso de tecnologías inteligentes para mejorar la eficiencia, la sostenibilidad y la resiliencia de
las ciudades y comunidades. Estos pueden incluir proyectos relacionados con redes inteligentes, sistemas de
gestión del agua, sistemas de gestión del tráfico, control de residuos o edificios energéticamente eficientes.
B) Tecnologías de ciudades inteligentes: Explore el uso de tecnologías inteligentes para mejorar la
eficiencia, la sostenibilidad y la resiliencia de las ciudades y comunidades. Estos pueden incluir proyectos
relacionados con redes inteligentes, sistemas de gestión del agua, sistemas de gestión del tráfico, control de
residuos o edificios energéticamente eficientes.
Les élèves élaborent leurs propres projets de vie et décrivent leurs projets personnels du point de vue de la
A) Explorez l’utilisation des technologies intelligentes pour améliorer l’efficacité, la durabilité et la
résilience des villes et des communautés. Il peut s’agir de projets liés aux réseaux intelligents, aux systèmes
de gestion de l’eau, aux systèmes de gestion de la circulation, au contrôle des déchets ou aux bâtiments
économes en énergie.
B) Technologies des villes intelligentes : Explorez l’utilisation des technologies intelligentes pour améliorer
l’efficacité, la durabilité et la résilience des villes et des communautés. Il peut s’agir de projets liés aux
réseaux intelligents, aux systèmes de gestion de l’eau, aux systèmes de gestion de la circulation, au contrôle
des déchets ou aux bâtiments économes en énergie.