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quantitative methods.
This qualitative study answers the two gaps mentioned above through the
essays in English?
2) What are the perceptions of EFL students regarding learning to write English
1) To find out the problems that occur with EFL students in writing English
argumentative essays
and other instructors understand the ability to write argumentative essays so that
problems in general and researchers' times This study will focus on abilities,
problems, and reasons why EFL students still have difficulty in compiling
findings help researchers to find out more about the level of English students'
writing skills and the factors that influence them to examine the problems of
EFL students in writing argumentative essays. So that researchers can know the
the results can provide information regarding the problems of EFL students in
researchers doing the same or different things. The results provide an overview
improving writing skills, the paradigm of teaching and learning English will
better English learning experience. In addition, the results help English teachers
to identify their level of writing skills and identify the factors that motivate them
semester students are involved as subjects, researchers will limit the number of
participants. 8 students were selected from the English department for this study.
In the end, the instruments used in this study were several questions
find out what mistakes were made in the argumentative essay writing skills of
EFL students.
for the Seventh Grade Students of Junior High School. Journal of English
Muhammadiyah Malang.
Peng, S. (2019). A Study of the Differences between EFL and ESL for English
Rosdakarya Bandung.
Srinawati, W., & Alwi, R. (2020). Critical thinking ability in EFL students'
Therefore, the ability to speak English is one of the competencies that must be
Language) students must have good writing skills, but there are still many
mistakes made by EFL students in writing, especially in writing argumentative
Indonesia, and many more. These studies conclude that these studies seek to
(kesulitan apa yang Anda alami dalam memilih bahasa yang tepat untuk
menulis esai ? )
menulis esai ?
menulis esai?)
( kesulitan apa yang anda alami dalam membuat kesimpulan ketika menulis