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RADIATION PHYSICS operates a 120kvp 100MA and 0.

WAG IKALAT (2019) sec ? =200RAD
1. What type of radiation is 11. what level does the Visible
emitted from an orbital light most readily ? =Molecular
electron? level
-X-ray 12. what unit has the Least
voltage rippe ? = 3 phase 12
2. What power rating in C-Arm
xray unit with a noted capacity
of 120 kVp, 100 mA at 0.1s? - 13. Variable transformer used to
12kW select kVp in xray circuit;
3. What is electrostatics? - autotransformer
-concerns resting electric 14. The larger focal spot is
charge larger than small focal spot by:
4.Which can NOT be determined by 50%
a H & D curve of processor
quality graph? 15. How many pulses of xray you
expected to see in a time sets
- Recorded Detail 0.2s in a half wave xray
5. What is the purpose of adding
blue dye to the base of an xray -12
16.) What is the first HVL of an
- Reduces Glaring in viewing the 80 kVp x-ray machine?
— 2-4 mm Al
6. Which photon interaction
would MOST likely to occur at 18 17.) What can be done to x-ray
KeV photon incident for a fatty radiation?
breast tissue? — Attenuated
- Photoelectric 18.) Where is the filament of
7. Given a 50KW and 100 KW x-ray the x-ray tube located?
photons, the 100KW x-ray -has a — Cathode
higher frequency
19. What energy produce by
8. A fluoroscope operates at characteristic xray? - atomic
95kvp and 2mA, what is the power number target.
consumption? -190Watts
20. Which is not true when xray
9. The anode and cathode are pass through matter?- cannot
respectively charged as - produce characteristic xray.
positive and negative
21. What will be the xray output
10. what is the heat unit used at 50mr, if the xray output is
for 3 phase 12 pulse that 10mr at 10 mas?- 50 mR
22. This is NOT characteristic 35. If the measurement or xray
of an xray beam. scatter is 0.5mR at 1m from the
patient, the estimated primary
-Mono Energetic beam is? (Scatter xray is 0.1%
23. Which is NOT needed to of primary xray)
produce xrays? * 0.5R
- Filter 36. Which tissue has the highest
24. Which type of sensitivity?
electromagnetic radiation with * gonads
matter and like a particle.
37.) What is the LEAST abundance
- Gamma rays of molecule in biological
25.What give the "Highest system?
Intensity" to the x-ray beam Ans. Nuclear Acid
Ans- 1.5 mm al 38.) Which is associated in
26. What happens to the x-ray studies of radiation induced
intensity if the distance from a cancer of radiation therapy of
point source is tripled? ankylosing spondylitis

Ans- one ninth Ans. Leukemia

27. What will be the x-ray 39.) Which is NOT one of the 3
intensity at 1 meter, if the types of risk estimates used in
measured x-ray intensity at 2 radiation
meters is 100 mR?
Ans. Epidimiological
-400 mR 40. what dose needed to cause
31. What graph shows allowable sterility in human? -200RAD
exposure factor for kvp, mAs, 41. what is the reduction
and time produce in x-ray tube incidence xray if one half value
● Radiographic Rating Chart later of thickness is used? -1/4

32. What will nuclear magnetic 42. who will assist and hold the
dipole possess? patient during radiographic
examination? -COMPANION OF THE
● Magnetic Spin PATIENT
33. Where is the positive 46. When should gonadal shield
electrode side of x-ray tube? be use?
● Anode - When gonads are near the
34. What is the mAs of an xray organs of interest
machine if it is set 200A and 47. Which can be the significant
1/4 seconds? cause of gonadal radiation
* 150 exposure?
- When gonads are in the primary 59. What would be the radiation
beam dose reduction expected if the
patient will be using a 400 film
48. Which will give the highest speed instead of 100 film speed?
radiation exposure for patient
thickness? -25%
- 30 cm 60.Which is the unit of LET?
49. This material can readily -kEv/um
absorb all transmitted xrays?
61. A pregnant woman has a low
—radioparent back pain is scheduled for xray
examination. As she is pregnant,
50. What follows a nonlinear, she ask the radiographer if it
threshold dose response? will affect her pregnancy. What
— death should radiographer do?

51. Which would be a principle Ans. Seek advice to the

of air in ionization? radiologist before proceeding.

— Geiger Counter 62. What will reduce xray

scatter reaching the film.
52. What is the wall of xray
room hit by both leakage and Ans. Increase patient-film
scatter? distance

-Secondary wall 63 what is the unit of

radiographic workload?
53. What principally determines
the response of tissue Ans. mA min/wk
irradiation? 64. Which is considered as
-tissue type radiation acute syndrome?

54. Sensitivity speck on silver answer: malignancies

halide crystals serves as
65. Which has the highest LET?
-focus center for xrays answer: Alpha particles
55. The nucleus does NOT contain
this part. RNA
66. Which is the exposure
56. Inverse square law is a
received by a person arising
result of? Divergence from his job?
57. Where are quenching gases answer: Occupational
used? GM counter
67) Which is the most
58. Which LEAST likely to affect radiosensitive?
patient exposure rate in
fluoroscopy? Ans: Bone Marrow
68) What is not a model of 78. What is a relay in X ray
radiation damage of human machine? -An electromagnetic
chromosomes? Switch
Ans : Normal Abberation 79. What is this material used
as the output phosphor of the
69)What is the occupational dose intensifying screen? -Nal
average for 5 years?
80.What is associated with the
Ans:20msv plotting film response of the x-
70. Who has the reproductive ray exposure?
organ of an ovary? -reciprocating curve
- woman 81. Adequate drying is necessary
71. Which x-ray generator will to: -reduce artifact
give the highest x-ray tube 81. Which will be greater in
output? green light compared with red?:
- Constant potential x-ray ENERGY
machine 82. The darkroom safelight
72. This part of x-ray equipment required is 20 watts at 4 ft. If
used to amplify the brightness the safelight is moved to 2 ft.
of image during fluoroscopy. only, what is the required
safelight wattage to produce the
- Image intensifier same intesity?: 5 WATTS
73. Which is NOT a version of 83. What is the required value
mAs timer? kVp test for x-ray imaging
- analogue type system? 5% OF SET kVp

74. Which tank in the processing 85.Which of the followinf is NOT

tank is the most important for an advantage of using proper
replenishment? screen film combination.

- developer -Low KVP

75. What happened to the x-ray 86. A Chest xray will likely
output if kvp is increased by use___
15% while SID and mAs remained Ans. 500 ma
the same?
86. The area of anode struck by
- double electrons during xray
76. X ray tube output would production___
increase the most when Ans. Actual focal spot.
increasing the? -XRAY TUBE
VOLTAGE 88.)What type of colored filter
used in darkroom processing of
77. What is the likely most most types of new modality
common tube current(mA)? -100 screen films?
Red 98. Which material is used in
the construction of entrance
89.)Using of Grid in diagnostic roller?
xray imaging ________ patient
dose *Rubberized plastic
Increased 100.) Which has been shown by
producing diagnostic x-ray
90.)What is considered as xray
imaging diagnostic imaging -lifespan shortening
101.) This has known a breakdown
Mammography of macromolecules into water and
carbon dioxide
91. What part is located between
developer and fixer tank? ANS. -catabolism
Crossover rack
102.) Which will be least like
92. Which of the following affecting patient exposure
should increase to reduce during fluoroscopy
radiographic noise ? ANS. mAs
-grid ratio
93. What device controls the
103. If the measured scatter
replenishment processor? ANS.
Float valve xray was 5mR what is the primary
x ray output if he asaumes that
94. What will be the intensity the scatter xrays is 0.1 % of
at 8ft of darkroom safelight the primary xray at 100 cm from
with intensity at 20 watts of the source?
- 5W
104which does not contribute to
95. How many pulses in one scatter x-ray.
second are given by a full wave
- film
rectified x-ray machine?
105 in mobile/ward radiography,
- 120
the operator should stay away
96. This type of chart describes _____ from the px.
what technical factors are safe
-8 ft
and unsafe tube equation
106.what will be the dose
- Tube rating chart
reduction in percentage for
97. What is the function of the radiographer who will be
OIL in a high voltage section in standing 2m away from the ptx
an X ray Imaging? instead of 1m
*Electric Insulation -25%
98. Which is not an x ray grid 107. what is the intensity if
specification? the xray beam at table top will
not be exceeded for fluoroscopic
*Automatic Interlock
system with automatic brightness 121. What stage has the LEAST
stabilization? non-lethal radiation hazard to
an embryo? •During Third
- 10 R/min Trimester
108. what will be emitted by TLD 122. Which is NOT a radiation
when heated? damage model of human
-visible light chromosome? •Normal Aberration

112. What is the LEAST abundant 123. Which will have the highest
molecule in the biological entrance dose for patient
system? thickness? •20 in

- Nucleic Acid 124.) How much time a day the

radiologic technologist can work
113. Which factor has no in the nuclear medicine
influence on response to laboratory, if the daily dose
radiation exposure? rate is 0.04mSv and his action
- Occupation level is only 0.02 mSv a day

114. Which will reduce the dose -5 HOURS

of the gonads if the gonads are 125.) What is the LEAST
in the outside of primary x-ray sensitive to radiation?
- Reduce field size
126.)These biological effects
115.reduction of dose of occurs in the offspring of an
radiologist from 1m to 2m? 1/4 irradiated person?
116.atomic that is composition - GENETIC
in the body? nitrogen
127. Which will indicate the
117.rate at which energy is wide error bar on graphic data
transfer to tissue ? LET point?
118. What unit is used for LET? *Little confidence
- Kev/um
128. Where are quenching gases
119. What is the new mAs if the used?
existing output at 10 mR at 30
mAs is to be changed to 20 mR - *G-M counter
60 mAs 129. Which is considered the
120. A radiographer received an MOST abundant macromolecule in
annual dose of 20 mSv, but is human body?
only working 8 months a year. *Protein
What is the expected exposure if
he works 12 months a year - 30 130. Which will reduce the dose
mSv of gonads if the gonads are
outside the primary xray beam.
* Reduce Field Size apron used by the radtech during
diagnostic exposure: 0.25
131. What stage is considered as
the most sensitive to radiation. 139. Which of the following Will
affect both radiographic speed,
* In Ureti and intensifying screen
131. The atomic number of an speed?ans.
element is represented by a Thickness of phosphor layer and
letter: Z type of phosphor used
132. The unit of Radiographic 140. What will cause an
Workload unexposed but processed film
* mA min/wk will appear cloudy? scatter xray
141. Marks on the focal track of
132. Aluminum has atomic number the anode will cause bombardment
of 13, how many protonsdoes it of electrons ans. Pitting
have?: 13
140. Dose limit for general
133. What principally determines public
the responses of irradiated
tissue? Tissue type -1mSv /yr 100Mrem /yr

133. Identical elements which 142. Which of the following has

exist at different energy state: the greatest effect of density
ISOMER on radiograph.

134. Which is the exposure -200mA, 250ms, 36 SID , 76Kvp

received by a person arising 143. Which is TRUE on normal
from his job? Occupational radiographic set-up?
134. The atomic number of - Longer FFD reduces
molybdenum is 42 and the atomic Magnification
number is 98. What is the number
of neutron?: 56 144. What is the equivalent unit
of 1 rem?
135. Which malignancy has the
shortest latent period? Thyroid -10mSv
145: Which is NOT used for
136.) This is the rate at which measurement of the focal spot
radiation energy is transferred size?
from radiation to tissue: LET
Ans: AEC
137.) What is the radiation
146: The range of focal spot
doses for those who will assist
size use in mammography xray
the patient during the conduct
of radiation medical exposure:
1mSv Ans: 1 - 0.6mm
138.) What is the minimum lead 147: Which will NOT affect the
equivalence in mm of the leaf x-ray quality?
Ans: mAs 157. This is where the filament
of the xray tube is located
148. How many rectifiers are
used in a full wave rectified x- -cathode
ray unit
158. Which part of the xray
ans: 4 equipement is used to amplify
the brightess of the image
149. Which type of Kv meter will during fluoroscopy
register the kVp even though
xray exposure is not being made -image intensifier
ans: pre reading volt meter 159. This device is used to
measure focal spot size
150. what area in the anode
material is struck by electrons -star pattern
during xray production
160. What is the primary purpose
ans: Actual focal Spot of filtration- hardens beam xray
151.whay part of the x-ray
equipment is used to amplify the 161. Adequate drying is
brigthness of an image during necessary to- strengthen the
fluoroscopy? base
Image intensifier 162. The material used in the
input phosphor of the image
152.what type of graph shows intensifier- Csl
allowable exposure factors
mA,kvp, time combination for an 163. Which of the ff that
x-ray tube? determines the safety of a
single xray exposure?
Radiographic rating chart
153.what will result in the
widest exposure latitude? 164. At what level will visible
light interacts most readily?
High kvp contrast film, high
grid ratio *MOLECULAR
154. What happens to the xray 165.A material that has an
quantity if mAs is doubled? - attenuation power of 25%. If 100
doubled is an incident, what will be the
transmitted xray?
155. This is the part of image
intensifier that converts * 75
electron energy to visible
166. What interaction MOST
light. - output phosphor
likely occurs in 18kev photon
156. Which material is used in incident for a fatty breast
the construction of entrance tissue?
-Rubberized plastic
167. What is NOT true regarding 177. A transformer has 200 turns
Xray tube power rating on the primary and 100 turns in
the secondary side. It has 10A
-Full wave and half wave in the primary, what is the
rectified xray tube have the ampere for the secondary side?
same rating
168. What is the unit of
electric potential? –Volt 178. Which of the following
statements about energy is true?
169. Which of the ff is the
longest wavelight ANS. - it is ability to do work
179. The addition of its
170. At 80kvp tube voltage, what particle to an atom creates new
is the highest electron energy one
ANS. 80kev
- proton
171. Radiation emitted the
180. Relative to the primary
radiationbroadcast ANS.
input voltage, the output of
Electromagnetic radiation
step up transformer has
172. There are 100 turns in
primary side and 200 turns on - higher voltage
the secondary side, if the 181. Which of the ff .is about
primary voltage is 110 volts, the photon interaction is true-
the secondary voltage must be? lead radiopaque
Ans 220 volts 182. Unit for power
173.The required safelight for a Watt
darkroom is 20W in 4ft. If the
safelight is move 2ft only. What 183.not attracted to magnet?
is the wattage needed to produce Nonmagnetic
the same intensity? -5W
184. A large focal spot most
174. Which is not produced likely % larger to small focal
during ionization? spot? Ans. 100
-Neutron 185. A characteristic x-ray
175. What is the maximum volume
across the xray tube during
complete wavelength? Ans.
*KVP decreases with atomic number of
target decreases
176. An increase in mAs has a
__in xray quantity and __ in 186. What will be most likely to
optical density increase the energy of xray
scatter in a compton process?
* electron density
187. Term CCD for TV Camera 199. This known as dreaking down
stands for ? of macro molecules into water
and carbon dioxide
*Charge Coupled Device
- catabolism
188. Two or More elements of
different atoms combined form ? 200. Which will least likely
affects patient exposure during
189. Which does not apply to
- grid ratio
201. If the measured xray
REFLECTION scatter is 5mr, what is the
190. What power unit in xray primary xray output if he assume
rated 100 Kv and 700 mA that primary scatter 0.1% of the
primary xray at 100cm from the
- 70 Kw source?
191. What power unit in xray - 5R
draws 30 A and 220 V
202 which does not contribute to
-6.6 watts scatter x-ray. Ans film
192. What is not particular xray 203 in mobile/ward radiography,
radiation? the operator should stay away
-gamma _____ from the px. Ans 8 ft

193. What will happened to x-ray 204. What is the dose reduction
output if the kvp increase 15% in percent for radiographer if
and the SIDand mAs remain the standing 2 m away from px if it
same? - DOUBLED is 1 m only. Ans 25

194.At the samer peak voltage, 205. what is the intensity if

which generator likely deposit (of) the x-ray beam at the table
the highest energy into anode? - top that should not be exceeded
CONSTANT POTENTIAL for fluoroscopic system equipped
with automatic brightness
195. Which has the unit of s? stabilization?
Ans. 10 R/min
196.) This is NOT considered a
fundamental particle of atom? 206. which is emitted by TLD's
Answer: Photon when it is heated?

197.) Which will likely have the Ans. Visible light

LARGEST voltage ripple? Answer: 207. Which of the ff is true for
Single Phase tenth value layer (TVL)?
198.) Which has been to be Ans. The shielding efficiency to
produced by diagnostic x-ray? reduce the radiation exposure to
Answer: Lifespan Shortening 1/10.
08. For the following tissue. What is the expected exposure if
Which is the highest weighting he works 12 months a year - 30
factor? mSv
Ans. GONADS 219. What stage has the LEAST
non-lethal radiation hazard to
209. For the same radiographic an embryo?
factors. The greatest xray
scatter will be for? -During Third Trimester
Ans. 10X10 INCHES 220. Which is not a radiation
damage model of human
210. What is the LEAST abundant chromosomes * normal aberration
molecule on biological system?
221. Which will be the highest
Ans. NUCLEIC ACID entrance dose for patient
211. Which has no influence on thickness * 20inches
radiation exposure -OCCUPATIONAL 222. How much time a day the
212. which can reduce radiation radiologic technologist can work
exposure to gonads if gonads are in the nuclear medicine
outside the primary beam. - laboratory, if the daily dose
REDUCE FIELD SIZE rate is 0.04mSv and his action
level is only 0.02 mSv a day -5
213. What will reduce radiation HOURS
exposure to radiologist to in
fluoroscopy if the distance is 223. Which will the least
increased from 1m to 2m -1/4 sensitive to radiation

214- which of the following has answer: insects

the least composition in the 224. these biological effects
human body occurs in the offsprings of
*Nitrogen irradiated person

215- measure of the rate at answer: Genetic

which radiation is transferred 225. Which indicate a wide error
from radiation to tissue bar on graphic data point.
*LET answer: little confidence
216- Unit of LET
226. Where are quenching gasses
*kEv/um used? -GM counter

217. What is the new mAs if the 227. Which is the MOST abundant
existing output at 10 mR at 30 macromolecule in the human body?
mAs is to be changed to 20 mR - -Protein
60 mAs
228. Which will reduce the dose
218. A radiographer received an of gonads if the gonads are
annual dose of 20 mSv, but is outside the primary xray beam.
only working 8 months a year.
-Reduce Field Size 240. Which is the greatest
radiographic density:
229. What stage is considered
the most sensitive to radiation? - 200 mA; 250ms;36 in SID; 76
- in uteri
241. Which is true for normal
230. What is the unit for radiographic image:
radiographic workload?
- Increased FFD decreased
-mAs min/wk
231. What principally determines 242. The equivalent unit of 1
the responses of irradiated rem
tissue?-Tissue type
- 10 mSv
232. Which is the exposure
received by a person arising 243.) Which device will NOT
from his job? -occupational measure focal spot size?
233. Which malignancy has the — AEC
shortest latent period? -Thyroid
244.) What is the range of focal
spot size used in Mammography x-
234. This is the measure of the ray tube?
rate at which radiation energy
— 1 to 0.6mm
is transferred from radiation to
tissue? –LET 245.) Which will NOT affect
235. What is the radiation doses
for those who will assist the — mAs
patient during the conduct of
radiation medical exposure: = 246.) How many rectifiers are
1mSv used in a full wave rectified x-
ray unit?
236.What is the minimum lead
equivalence in mm of the leaf — 4
apron used by the radtech during 247. What volt meter measures
diagnostic exposure: = 0.25 the exposure even the xray is
237.Which will affect the speed not being made? - pre reading
and screen receptor ? volt meter.

- phosphor thickness 248. what area of anode which is

stuck by electrons during
- type of phosphor used exposure? - actual focal spot.
239. Marks in the focal track of 248. The diagnostic range of
the anode resulting from xray energy is ___
bombardment of electrons:
- 30-150 kVp
249. Type of equipment use to
amplify the brightness during
fluoroscopy? - image 257. When a device is used to
intensifier. measure a focal spot size?
249. The energy in a photon is Ans- Star Pattern
directly proportional to its
258. What is the primary purpose
of filtration?
- Frequency
Ans-Hardens beam x-ray imaging
250. graph use to determine the
259. Adequate drying is
exposure factors of kv,ma and
exposure time? - radiographic necessary to
rating chart -Strenghten the base
250. Photons tend to interact 260. It is the material used as
with matter ___ their wavelength input phosphors for the image
- Equal in size to intensifiers
251. Which will result in the
widest exposure latitude. 261. Which of this is must be
reffered to determined the
- high Kvp contrast film, high
safety of single xray exposure.
grid ratio
252. What happens to the -Tube chart rating
Quantity ,if mAs is doubled? 262.What level is the visible
light intercact most readily
253. This is part of the image
intensifier that convert the 261. Which is referred to
electron energy to visible determined the single x ray
light? exposure?
- Output Phosphor *Tube rating chart
254. Which material used in the 262. At what level, will visible
contsruction of entrance roller? light most readily?
- Rubberized plastic *Molecular
255. Where is the filament of 263. At power rating of 25%. If
the x-ray tube located? the invident x ray is 100. What
will be the transmitted x ray?
Ans- Cathode
256. Which part of the x-ray *75
equipment is used to simplify 267. Which has the longest
the brightness of the image wavelength?
during fluoroscopy?
* radiofrequency
Ans- Image Intensifier
268. At an 80 kVp tube voltage, 276. Which of the following
what is the highest electron statements about energy is true?
energy that will hit the anode? - IT IS THE ABILITY TO DO WORK
* 80 keV 277. The addition of its
particle to an atom creates new
269. Radiation that is emitted one -PROTON
by standard radio broadcast
antenna 278. Relative to the primary
input voltage, the output of
* is electromagnetic radiation step up transformer haS -HIGHER
270. The primary side of a VOLTAGE
transformer has 100 turns, while 283. The energy of
there are 200 turns on the characteristic xray is emitted
secondary side. If the primary
voltage is 110 kVp, what will be - Decreases as the atomic number
the secondary voltage? of target material decreases
* 220 kVp 284. What will be most likely to
increase the energy of scatter
271.) The required safelight is xray in a Compton process
20W at 4ft, if the safelight is
move into 2ft only what is the - Electron Density
safelight required in order to
285. What term CCD for TV camera
maintain the same density
stands for?
Ans. 5W
- Charged Couple Device
272.) Which of the ff is NOT
produce in ionizing of matter? 286. What is formed when two or
more atoms of different elements
Ans. Neutron combined?
273.) What is the maximum - Chemical Compound
voltage if the xray tube crosses
287. This does not apply on
during a complete wavelength
Ans. KVP
274.) As Mas increases, _____
288. What is the Power Rating in
xray quantity and _____ OD
an xray unit in rates of 100 kvp
Ans. Increase,Increase and 700 mA?
275. A transformer has 200 turns — 70 KW
on the primary and 100 turns in
289. What is the power in an
the secondary side. It has 10A
xray unit that draw 30A and
in the primary, what is the
ampere for the secondary side? -
5A — 6.6W
290. This is NOT a particular
type of radiation?
— Gamma -KINETIC
291. What will happen to the 302. An __________ is the
xray output if the kvp is removal of an electron in the
increased by 15%, the SID and orbital shell?
mAs remains the same?
303. Ionization is capable of
292. At the same peak voltage, removing ____from atom as it
which generator will most likely passes through matter.
to deposit the highest energy
Ans. Electrons
into an anode?
304. An energy of xray is.
-Constant potential
Ans. Electromagnetic

293. Which has the unit of s? 305. The basic quantities is

measured in mechanics are.
Ans. Mass,length,time
294. Which is not a fundamental
306. An example of derived
property of an atom?
quantities in mechanical physics
-Photon is.
295. Which is more likely to Ans. Volume
have the largest voltage ripple?
307. What is equation of
single pulse
296. Matter is measured in?
answer: V=d/t
297. Energy is measured in 308. Newtons Second law is
written mathematically as
Joules or Electron volts.
answer: F=ma
B or C
309. What is the formula of
298. Atoms and molecules are kinetic?
fundamental building blocks of?
Matter. answer: KE=1/2mv2

299.The equation Emc2 has led 310. What is the mass of 1000
cm3 ofwater at 4C is equal to
the development of
answer: kilograms
300. Radiowaves, light and xray 311) Velocity of light is
written as?
energy is an example of
Ans: 3x10^8
312) What is the formula of
301. An object in motion has
_________ energy?
W=Fd 322. An atom that has the same
number of protons and electrons
313) What is the unit of work? have an electrical charge of ___
Ans: Joules - zero
314)____ is the kinetic energy 323. Binding energies of the
of random motion of molecules? electrons represents their? -
Ans: Heat SHELL

315. An x-ray tube cools 324. Atom that has the same
primarily through the process proton number but different
of: neutron number? -ISOTOPE

- Radiation 325. An atom that has combined

with various elements? -MOLECULE
316. Thermal radiation is the
transfer of heat through the 326. Atom that loses or gains
emission of: one or more electrons is called?
- Infrared Radiation
327.The maximum number of
317. The smallest particles that electron that can exist in the
has all the properties of an electron shell can be calculated
element is an: with the formula:
- Atom -2n2 (2n *to the power of 2)
318. Rutherford’s experiment in 328. The neutral atom has same
1911 show that atom is composed number of _______ and protons.
- Nucleus with electron cloud
329. The innermost shell
319. A positively charged electron is symbolized by
neutron surrounded by negatively letter___.
charged electrons in a well
defined orbits is the ____ model -K
of the atom. 330. The shell number electron
- Bohr is also called:

320. What are the fundamental -Principal Quantum number

particles of an atom? 335. During beta emission, atom
- proton, electorn, neutron releases ____

321. The chemical element is Ans. Electron

determined by the number of ____ 336. The only difference between
in the atom. xray and gamma ray
- protons Ans. Origin
337. The least penetrating type 351. Photons with higher
of ionizing radiation frequency has the:
Ans. Alpha particles *Shortest wavelength
338. The smallest particle of 352. Electrification is when
all types of electromagnetic there is movement of:
*Electrons Only
Ans. Photon
353. Like charges____, Unlike
339.)The velocity of all charges_____.
electromagnetic radiation
*Repel, attract
3x10^4 m/s
354. Electrostatic force is ___
340.Four types of photons proportional to the distance
properties between like charges and
______to the product of the
Wavelength, Velocity, Frequency, charges.
*Inversely, directly
342.) the rate of rise and fall
of a sine wave is 355.) The charges of
electrification object are
Ans. Frequency distributed
343. The ____ of electromagnetic -evenly throughout the object
radiation is constant ANS.
Velocity 356.) On the surface of
electrification object the
344. If the wavelength of the charges concentrates
electromagnetic radiation is
increases by a factor of 2, then -on sharpest curvature
the frequency is ANS. Decreases
357.) A _____ is a source of
by half
direct current
345. The radiation intensity is
____in _____ proportion of the
square of the distance of the 358.) What is unit of electric
object from the source. ANS. potential
Decreases, inverse
359. An electric potential
346. The reduction of intensity applied to a conductor produces
is due to absorption and
scattering is called______. -both a and b

ANS. Attenuation. 360. Alternating current is

represented by a ________ line
347. The intensity of radiation
on an object is reduced with -sinusoidal line
distance because the radiation
361. An alternating current is - Autotransformer
produced by a
372. The autotransformer has
-Generator _________ winding(s).
362. What is Ohms Law? - One
- V=IR 373. The ______ circuit provides
electron for the x-ray tube
363. a charged particle in current.
motion can produce
- Filament
-magnetic field
374. Thermionic emission at the
364. the unit for magnetic Power filament determines the
is _________ across the x-ray tube
-watts during an exposure.

365. rubber and glass are - Milliamperage

-insulators 375.step down transformer is

located at ? filament
366. the SI unit used for transformer
magnetic field strength
376. The most accurate type of
-tesla timer is ___ timer
367. What type of material that -Electronic
can be made magnet when placed
in an external magnetic field? 377.AEC terminates at? if
sufficient radiation is absorbed
378. step up transformer
368. The main parts if an X-ray produces voltage? 500-1000
imaging system. X-ray tube,
_______ and________. 379. A diode allows electrons to
flow from - cathode to anode
*Operating Console and High
Voltage Generator. 380. A high frequency generator
contains a high voltage
369. Operation console contains transformer - filament
circuit that are transformer and rectifier
*Low Voltage only 381. The difference of waveform
370. Variations in power between the primary and
distribution to the x-ray secondary side of the high
machine are corrected by voltage transformer is the -
*Line Voltage Compensator
382. In modern imaging systems,
371. The first component to the component for rectification
receive the power in x-ray is - solid state semiconductor
circuit is:
383. With half wave 389.)The x-ray generator with
rectification system, the the lowest power rating is
current will flow through the _____imaging system
xray tube during _____ cycle.
390.)The external structure of
384. Voltage in x-ray tube unit
the x-ray tube includes support
is most constant with ______.
structure,protective housing and
•High frequency generators.
385. Most mammography units
operate with _____ generator.
•High frequency 391. As a tube ages, the inside
becomes coated with tungsten
385. What is the dose limit for
embryo and fetus? which cause ______ of the tube?
Ans. .5 mm
386. A voltage ripple of single
phase units: •100% 392. The negative side of the x-
ray tube holds the _____.
386.) The bucky slot opening at
the side of the table must be *Filament
automatically covered with
___mmPb during fluoroscopy 393. The MOST common cause of
tube failure.
*Tungsten vaporization
386. It is most critical to
avoid radiation exposure of the 394. Filament is made of _____.
fetus during ______ of *Tungsten
395.Thermionic emission at the
Ans. 2nd to 10th week. filament creates
387.) The x-ray beam quantity * Space change
generated by the circuit has a
______ voltage ripple 396. The rotating anode was
____quantity turned by
LOWEST,HIGHEST * magnetic field
387. The pregnant women can be 397. The electrons bombard the
radiographed ? target. ___% of its kinetic
energy is converted to heat.
Ans. When it is known and
documented. * 99

388.)The principle disadvantage 398. The target if rotating

of three phase equipment is ___? anode was coated by _____ alloy.
COST * tungsten
399. The _________ is the source -Electron cloud excitation
of radiation in the xray tube.
414. Approximately ___ of
Focal spot
kinetic energy of projectile
400. Because the line focus electron converts X-RAY at the
principle the effective focal target.
spot decreases with a decreasing
_________. Target angle
415: Electron interaction in the
401. High capacity tube rotors
revolve at: 10000rpm inner shell of the target atom
can produce ______ radiation.
402. The intensity of xray is
Ans: Characteristic
low in the anode side of the
xray tube because of: Anode heel 416: The useful characteristic
403.) Cathode side of the tube x-ray form in tungsten targer
are _____ xray?
should be directed to_______part
of the patient Ans: K-shell
: THICKER 417: The most xray produce in
target are ______?
404.) What is the formula for
heat units of 3phase, 5 pulse Ans: Bremsstrahlung
xray machine: 1.35xkvpvmAxS
418: At 55kVp ______ of the xray
405.) Tube failure can occur on: produce are bremsstrahlung.
Ans: 100%
406. the filament in an xray
tube is about____length: 1-2cm 419. Bremsstrahlung xrays are
605. Skin cancer in the produced by____ at the target
radiotherapy patient has ans: slowing electrons
420. characteristic xrays are
*threshold dose response produced by
412. The xray efficiency____ ans: released binding energy
tube current
421. the number of xrays in the
ans: no affected by useful beam defines xray__
411. Projectile electron travel ans: quantity
422. a low quality beam would
-Cathode to anode also have low ___
412.The efficiency of xray ans: penetrability
production____ by tube currnt.
423. Beam quality Affected by?
-is not affected
Kvp and filtration
413. The Most of HEAT generated
to the target is due to.
424.the HVL od the x ray beam is 433. Most radiosensitive target
measurement of beam ? molecule of the human cell is
the ____
425.the 2 primary form of x ray
interaction in the daignostoc 434. DNA is located at the ____
range? of the cell
Compton scattering and -nucleus
435. The principal molecule of
426.the incident xray the body which is a simple
interaction with an atom without molecule is a _____ molecule. -
ionization during Water
Coherent scattering 436. All hereditary information
about a cell is contained in a
427. An outer shell electron is _____ cell
ejected and atom is ionized
437. The two major parts of a
-Compton interaction cell are nucleus and ___ -
428. Attenuation is caused by cytoplasm

-Absorption 438. Any chromosome damage

induced by radiation could be
-Scattering seen during. - metaphase
429. High kVp techniques reduces 439. Tissue in the ____ is more
-patient dose radiosensitive than the
-differential absorption
430. The ____ is the basic
functional unit of all plants 440. The lowest amount of
and animals radioactivity to whch the most
highly radiosensitivity tissue
-cell will respond is
431. The human body is composed * 200 RAD
of about 80%
441. Before cells mature they
-water are called ____ cells
432. The ___ in the cell are A. Stem
nucleic acids
B. Precursor
C. Undifferentiated
-both A and B
442. One of the most
radiosensitive tissue in the
body is
443. The law of ____ states that
the radiosentivity of the living
tissue is a function of 454. Studies of effects of
radiation show that the low dose
metabolism and maturatio. Of
-Bergonie and Tribondeau
444. Tissues that are ___ with a
___ metabolic rate are more *STIMULATE HORMONAL RESPONSE
455. Possible beneficial effect
-immature, high of small radiation dose is
445. ____ is the measure of the called?
rate that energy is transferred *HORMESIS
from ionizing radiation to soft
tissue. -LET 456. A ________ response to
radiation is directly
446. As LET___ the RBE___ proportional to the dose
-increases, increases
447. Protracted radiation is - linear
457. If a response to radiation
ANS. Over a long period of time
is expected, no matter how small
448. A 1000 rads is given in a the dose, then the doe response
patient with 200rads per day. is ________.
ANS. Fractionation
- nonthreshold
449. A LET of diagnostic xray is
458. Radiation induced Genetic
ANS. 3.0 ke
damage response is __ dose
450. What is the RBE of xray response relationship.
Ans. 1 kev/um - linear-nonthreshold
451. Tissue is _____ 459.dose response relationship
radiosensitive under high oxygen of segmoid curved
conditions and _____
-nonlinear threshold
radiosensitve under hypoxic
conditions. 460.human dose response
Ans. More , Less relationship at low ranges of
radiation is measured by
452. The most radiosensitive
-extrapolation for high ranges
stage is:
461.macromolecules ----breakdown
Ans. Fetal Stage
into smaller molecules
453. The human application of
radioprotective agents could __ -main chain scission
465.Disassociation of water is during the _______? Answer:
molecules ff. irradiation is The Trimester
termed ?
475.) Health Physics is
*RADIOLYSIS considered with minimizing
radiation dose to ______?
466.Two OH free radicals can
join to form _________ molecules A. Radiation Physicist
*HYDROGEN PEROXIDE B. Radiation Workers
467. Free Radicals can be C. The Public
damaging because they are
Answer: All of the above
476.) The three cardinal
B.*HIGHLY REACTIVE principles of radiation
protection is involved ______?
Both A and B
Answer: Time, Distance and
468. What target molecule that Shielding
is ____ always cause cell death
477. If the technologist exposed
-Inactivated at 4mr/hr at 45 mins of
469. The lethal dose to human is flouroscopy exam. What is her
____ rads to whole body total exposure

-200 - 3mr

470. During the latent image, 478. If the technologist

the radiation exposure victims recieves 200mr/hr standing at
1feet from the pt during
-well being flouroscopy exam, what is hi
471.The LD 50/60 is the dose exposure rate when he steps back
radiation of the whole body, at distance of 2foot from the pt
that will result Death, within? - 50mr/hr
•60 days, 50% of population 479. Tenth value layer is equal
472.____ are among the most to ___ half value layer
radiosensitive species? - 3.3
•Cockcroaches 480. If HVL of radiology dept.
473. The theory of radiation Is 0.25 mm Pb, how thick should
hormesis, suggest that below 10 the shield be to reduce the
rad is? technologist exp to one fourth
the incident scatter? Ans 0.5 mm
•Beneficial Pb
474.) The MOST radiosensitive 481. The dose limit is based on
period during pregnancy for ____ dose response relationship
induced congenital abnormalities on radation
Ans linear non-threshold xray equipment operating above
70 kvp
482. What is the annual
effective dose limit recommended *2.5mm al
for occupational exp
493- the operating intensity of
Ans 5 mm reproduced exposure should not
vary more than ___%
582. The SSD Must not be less
than _____cm for stationary *5%
fluoroscopes ans. 38
494- measurement of output
483. What is the total dose intensity for adjacent mA
limit of fetus and embryo? Ans station is a test of
0.5 mm
486. When a technologist get
pregnant she should? 498. The bucky slot opening in
the side of the table must
Ans. BE ISSUED A SECOND automatically covered with
*0.25 mm Pb in fluorosopy
499. Cumulative timer is
487. The recommended dose limit designed
for pregnant technologist is
____ mrem/month
500. Primary radiation is
Ans. 0.5
*useful beam
488. The concept of effective
501. The intensity of scatter
dose accounts for?
radiation 1meter from the
Ans. - DIFFERENT TYPE OF patient is approximately ___of
RADIATION AND RBE the intensity of incident beam
at the patient- 0.1% 502. At the
- RELATIVE RADIOSENSITIVITY OF level of the tabletop, the
VARIOUS TISSUES AND ORGANS intensity of the fluoroscopic
489. Reasonable safeguard beam should not exceed___for
against accident irradiation to each mA of operation at 80 kVp.
pregnant patient -TO POST -2.1 R/min
503. A controlled area is one
490. leakage radiation to X-ray occupied primarily by
tube must be less than _____at A. Radiology Personnel
1m from tube housing -100mR/hr
B. Patient
491. Positive beam must be
accurate within ___% of the SID BOTH A and B
-2 504. A Secondary Barrier is
designed to absord _______
492- what is the minimum radiation.
requirement of filtration for an
A.Leakage B. Ensure quality patient care
B. Scatter C. To receive money from
insurance carriers
BOTH A and B
505. A quantity that reflects
both dose and volume of tissue 513. Acceptance testing should
irradiated is the___. not be done by? -manufacturers
-Dose area product
514. Quality control of
506. Devices designed to measure radiation equipment should be
total accumulation of radiation done?- annually
intensity are called___.
515. All general purpose xray
-Dosimeters units must have a minimum of
507. A quality assurance is used _______ mm Al filtration
to monitors : A * 2.5
508. A quality control is used 516. Filtration is measured with
in _______ measurement
- FILM PROCESSOR * half value layer
- CT SCANNER 517.) The collimator must
- XRAY TUBE coincide within the _____ of SID

509. The determination of how Ans. 2%

consistently the radiologists 518.) The focal spot size are
read the radiographic image that measured in I.Pinhole camera
match the patient's diagnosis:
II.Star pattern
- Outcome analysis
III.Slit Camera
510. The QC program should
include ___ routine performance Ans.All of the above
monitoring and maintenance:
519. It is acceptable to perform
- Acceptance Testing a _____ instead of measuring
focal spot size. -LINE PAIR
511.) First step in QA
recommended by Joint Commission 520. The measured KVP should be
on Accreditation of Healthcare within _____% of thw kVp
Organizations (JCAHO) indicated on the console. -5
— Assign responsibility 521. Comparing the exposure
output of 50 mA and  0.2,
512.) Medical facilities have QC 100 ma and 0.1, 200 ma and 0.05
programs in place in order to is a test for?
A. Have JCAHO approval and
522. What measuring tool is used 533. The lens of the eye should
to test the cassette screen film never received more than ______
contact? per year
*wire mesh answer 150 msv(15rem)
523. When light in viewbox is 534. Dose limit are described as
answer: Effective dose
- All bulb in the viewbox must
536) Tissue that has more value
be replaced
on tissue weighting factor is?
525. Unlimited ESE is permitted
Ans: more radiosensitive
by the Federal Law during
_________. 537. For nursing personnel
—Cineradiography present during mobile x-ray
imaging, personnel monitoring
526. Quality Control testing in device is required ________.
Computed Tomography is performed
- Not at all
538. The dose limits to
A. Daily and Weekly
extremities is ________.
B. Monthly
- 500 mSv/yr (50 rem/yr)
C. Annually
539. The lowest occupational
• A, B, C exposure of diagnostic x-ray
personnel occurs during___.
527. ___ is used to test for
noise and uniformity on CT A. CT
imaging system
B. Mammography
- a water bath
Ans. Both A and B
528. Processor crossover rack
541.) The only way to reduce
should be cleaned on a ___ basis
occupational exposure of the
-daily technologist is to follow the
principle of
529. Processors should be
monitored everyday for? A. I.ALARA
Sensitometric Measurements. B.
II.Time and Distance
Water and Chemical temperatures.
C. Replenishment tank levels. III.Shielding
Ans. I,II & III
530. Following a good processor
QC program reduces need for 542.) Technologist working on
________ maintenance. fluoroscopy should use the
Unscheduled. radiologist as shielding in
addtion of apron and curtain
543. Occupational radiation 556. A skin effect to radiation
monitoring is require of has been reported in _____
individual that may get a _____ procedure.
recommended a dose limit.
*AngioInterventional Procedure
answer: 10=%
557. for an average fluoroscopic
544. OSL monitoring is superior exam, the ESE is
to the TLD that may
answer:More sensitive to low
exposure 558. an estimation of patient
dose is reported as
547. Prefered way to hold
patients who cannot support
themselves during xray exposure. -gonadal dose
Ans. Restraining device -bone marrow dose
548. The dose limit for 559. Bone marrow dose is
technologist during pregnancy. determined
Ans. 0.5 mSv/mo (50 rem/mo) *An estimate from ESE
549.) Radiologic department 570. The important variable in
should have possible radiation determining x-ray dose are
safety program include.
I. Receptor speed
II. X-ray production Efficiency
550.) There is no circumstance
that the technologist will be *I and III
allowed to take a leave of 561. The simplest way to measure
absent due to pregnancy. the patient dose is to measure
TRUE the ________.

551. Patient dose is usually - Entrance Skin Exposure

estimated by conducting 562. The radiation dose monitor
simulated xray examination with that is frequently used to
ANS. Human phantom and test measure the patient exposure is
object the _______.
552. The frequency of xray - Thermoluminescent Dosimeter
examination is increasing in all
age group ANS. True 563. If the output intensity of
the xray machine is 6.4mR/mas at
555. A radiographic Technique 80 kvp, what is the patient's
for KUB call for 40 mAs. What is ESE for an exam done at 20 mAs,
the ESE if the intensity value 80 kvp?
is 7.5 mR/mAs?
-128 mR
*300 mR
564. What is the approximate II.PA Projection
average of ESE to the population
III.Lead shielding
in the United States?
- 100 mR/yr Answer; II and III
575. Leakage radiation limit the
565. The genetic significant
x-ray tube less than ______ at 2
dose is important for the
meters from tube housing.
general public because of the
risk of - effects on the gene Ans- 100mR/hr
576. The xray panel will show -
566. What are the only Beam on time
acceptable techniques in
mammography? 578.) A possitive beam
limitation must be accurate
i. screen/film within ____ % of the SID •i&ii -answer: 2%
567. Glandular dose from 579. Maximun requirement for
mammography is approximately __ filtration of an xray equipment
% of the ESE. operating above 70 kvp
* 15 -2.5 mm Al equivalent
568. Digital mammography has 580. The output intensities of
lower doses compared than reproduced exposure should not
screen/film mammography. True vary more than ____ % from each
569.) CT is considered a low
dose procedure: FALSE *5
570. The period of major 581: Measuring the relationship
organogenesis happens in the between the output intensity of
____ of pregnancy the adjacent mA station is test
of _____?
ans. second to tenth week
571. Performing routine xray Ans: Linearity
exams without indication is 583.the ______ is the primary
acceptable for - none of the protective barrier for
above fluoroscopy?
572. What does NOT have the Image intensifier
highest repeat rate in exposure
- Chest Xray 584. A fluoroscopy with
automatic collimation must
573. Patient dose are reduced by provide unexposed border around
-fast screen -higher kvp the image at ___ above the
574. Breast dose from scoliosis table.
exam can be reduced by using -all heights
585. A fluoroscopic exposure 596. A(n)___effect increases in
control switch is always a (n) incidence but not severity as
______ type. the dose increase.
*DEADMAN •Stochastic
587. A primary radiation is. 598: chronic low dose of
radiation have __ effect of
Ans. The useful beam. fertility
588. Intensity of scatter
- no
radiation at 1m through the
patient is approximately ______ 599. Studies of A-bomb survivors
to the intensity of incident indicates that leukemia is a
beam to the patient _____ dose response relationship
to radiation. Ans linear
Ans. 0.1% nonthreshold
589. A controlled area is 600. The radiation induced
occupied primarily by leukemia has a latent period of?
-radiology personnel Ans. 4-7 years
-patients 602. People who had radiation
590. The secondary barrier is treatment at thymus gland as
used to absorb ___ radiation children has later excess risk
603- people employed painting
*SCATTERED radium watch dials showed an
591. The design of an excess risk for ___ cancer
uncontrolled area in radiology *bone
is based on NCRP recommended
________ mrem/year for the 604. Observed risk is:
public. Effective cases/Relative cases
- 100
592.precise calibration of
output intensity in xray tube
Ion chamber
594. Radiation Exposure Dose are
based on ?
*Late Effect
595. ______ is the late effect
of radiation exposure

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