Door 1 221026 200415
Door 1 221026 200415
Door 1 221026 200415
WAG IKALAT (2019) sec ? =200RAD
1. What type of radiation is 11. what level does the Visible
emitted from an orbital light most readily ? =Molecular
electron? level
-X-ray 12. what unit has the Least
voltage rippe ? = 3 phase 12
2. What power rating in C-Arm
xray unit with a noted capacity
of 120 kVp, 100 mA at 0.1s? - 13. Variable transformer used to
12kW select kVp in xray circuit;
3. What is electrostatics? - autotransformer
-concerns resting electric 14. The larger focal spot is
charge larger than small focal spot by:
4.Which can NOT be determined by 50%
a H & D curve of processor
quality graph? 15. How many pulses of xray you
expected to see in a time sets
- Recorded Detail 0.2s in a half wave xray
5. What is the purpose of adding
blue dye to the base of an xray -12
16.) What is the first HVL of an
- Reduces Glaring in viewing the 80 kVp x-ray machine?
— 2-4 mm Al
6. Which photon interaction
would MOST likely to occur at 18 17.) What can be done to x-ray
KeV photon incident for a fatty radiation?
breast tissue? — Attenuated
- Photoelectric 18.) Where is the filament of
7. Given a 50KW and 100 KW x-ray the x-ray tube located?
photons, the 100KW x-ray -has a — Cathode
higher frequency
19. What energy produce by
8. A fluoroscope operates at characteristic xray? - atomic
95kvp and 2mA, what is the power number target.
consumption? -190Watts
20. Which is not true when xray
9. The anode and cathode are pass through matter?- cannot
respectively charged as - produce characteristic xray.
positive and negative
21. What will be the xray output
10. what is the heat unit used at 50mr, if the xray output is
for 3 phase 12 pulse that 10mr at 10 mas?- 50 mR
22. This is NOT characteristic 35. If the measurement or xray
of an xray beam. scatter is 0.5mR at 1m from the
patient, the estimated primary
-Mono Energetic beam is? (Scatter xray is 0.1%
23. Which is NOT needed to of primary xray)
produce xrays? * 0.5R
- Filter 36. Which tissue has the highest
24. Which type of sensitivity?
electromagnetic radiation with * gonads
matter and like a particle.
37.) What is the LEAST abundance
- Gamma rays of molecule in biological
25.What give the "Highest system?
Intensity" to the x-ray beam Ans. Nuclear Acid
Ans- 1.5 mm al 38.) Which is associated in
26. What happens to the x-ray studies of radiation induced
intensity if the distance from a cancer of radiation therapy of
point source is tripled? ankylosing spondylitis
27. What will be the x-ray 39.) Which is NOT one of the 3
intensity at 1 meter, if the types of risk estimates used in
measured x-ray intensity at 2 radiation
meters is 100 mR?
Ans. Epidimiological
-400 mR 40. what dose needed to cause
31. What graph shows allowable sterility in human? -200RAD
exposure factor for kvp, mAs, 41. what is the reduction
and time produce in x-ray tube incidence xray if one half value
● Radiographic Rating Chart later of thickness is used? -1/4
32. What will nuclear magnetic 42. who will assist and hold the
dipole possess? patient during radiographic
examination? -COMPANION OF THE
● Magnetic Spin PATIENT
33. Where is the positive 46. When should gonadal shield
electrode side of x-ray tube? be use?
● Anode - When gonads are near the
34. What is the mAs of an xray organs of interest
machine if it is set 200A and 47. Which can be the significant
1/4 seconds? cause of gonadal radiation
* 150 exposure?
- When gonads are in the primary 59. What would be the radiation
beam dose reduction expected if the
patient will be using a 400 film
48. Which will give the highest speed instead of 100 film speed?
radiation exposure for patient
thickness? -25%
- 30 cm 60.Which is the unit of LET?
49. This material can readily -kEv/um
absorb all transmitted xrays?
61. A pregnant woman has a low
—radioparent back pain is scheduled for xray
examination. As she is pregnant,
50. What follows a nonlinear, she ask the radiographer if it
threshold dose response? will affect her pregnancy. What
— death should radiographer do?
75. What happened to the x-ray 86. A Chest xray will likely
output if kvp is increased by use___
15% while SID and mAs remained Ans. 500 ma
the same?
86. The area of anode struck by
- double electrons during xray
76. X ray tube output would production___
increase the most when Ans. Actual focal spot.
increasing the? -XRAY TUBE
VOLTAGE 88.)What type of colored filter
used in darkroom processing of
77. What is the likely most most types of new modality
common tube current(mA)? -100 screen films?
Red 98. Which material is used in
the construction of entrance
89.)Using of Grid in diagnostic roller?
xray imaging ________ patient
dose *Rubberized plastic
Increased 100.) Which has been shown by
producing diagnostic x-ray
90.)What is considered as xray
imaging diagnostic imaging -lifespan shortening
101.) This has known a breakdown
Mammography of macromolecules into water and
carbon dioxide
91. What part is located between
developer and fixer tank? ANS. -catabolism
Crossover rack
102.) Which will be least like
92. Which of the following affecting patient exposure
should increase to reduce during fluoroscopy
radiographic noise ? ANS. mAs
-grid ratio
93. What device controls the
103. If the measured scatter
replenishment processor? ANS.
Float valve xray was 5mR what is the primary
x ray output if he asaumes that
94. What will be the intensity the scatter xrays is 0.1 % of
at 8ft of darkroom safelight the primary xray at 100 cm from
with intensity at 20 watts of the source?
- 5W
104which does not contribute to
95. How many pulses in one scatter x-ray.
second are given by a full wave
- film
rectified x-ray machine?
105 in mobile/ward radiography,
- 120
the operator should stay away
96. This type of chart describes _____ from the px.
what technical factors are safe
-8 ft
and unsafe tube equation
106.what will be the dose
- Tube rating chart
reduction in percentage for
97. What is the function of the radiographer who will be
OIL in a high voltage section in standing 2m away from the ptx
an X ray Imaging? instead of 1m
*Electric Insulation -25%
98. Which is not an x ray grid 107. what is the intensity if
specification? the xray beam at table top will
not be exceeded for fluoroscopic
*Automatic Interlock
system with automatic brightness 121. What stage has the LEAST
stabilization? non-lethal radiation hazard to
an embryo? •During Third
- 10 R/min Trimester
108. what will be emitted by TLD 122. Which is NOT a radiation
when heated? damage model of human
-visible light chromosome? •Normal Aberration
112. What is the LEAST abundant 123. Which will have the highest
molecule in the biological entrance dose for patient
system? thickness? •20 in
193. What will happened to x-ray 204. What is the dose reduction
output if the kvp increase 15% in percent for radiographer if
and the SIDand mAs remain the standing 2 m away from px if it
same? - DOUBLED is 1 m only. Ans 25
217. What is the new mAs if the 227. Which is the MOST abundant
existing output at 10 mR at 30 macromolecule in the human body?
mAs is to be changed to 20 mR - -Protein
60 mAs
228. Which will reduce the dose
218. A radiographer received an of gonads if the gonads are
annual dose of 20 mSv, but is outside the primary xray beam.
only working 8 months a year.
-Reduce Field Size 240. Which is the greatest
radiographic density:
229. What stage is considered
the most sensitive to radiation? - 200 mA; 250ms;36 in SID; 76
- in uteri
241. Which is true for normal
230. What is the unit for radiographic image:
radiographic workload?
- Increased FFD decreased
-mAs min/wk
231. What principally determines 242. The equivalent unit of 1
the responses of irradiated rem
tissue?-Tissue type
- 10 mSv
232. Which is the exposure
received by a person arising 243.) Which device will NOT
from his job? -occupational measure focal spot size?
233. Which malignancy has the — AEC
shortest latent period? -Thyroid
244.) What is the range of focal
spot size used in Mammography x-
234. This is the measure of the ray tube?
rate at which radiation energy
— 1 to 0.6mm
is transferred from radiation to
tissue? –LET 245.) Which will NOT affect
235. What is the radiation doses
for those who will assist the — mAs
patient during the conduct of
radiation medical exposure: = 246.) How many rectifiers are
1mSv used in a full wave rectified x-
ray unit?
236.What is the minimum lead
equivalence in mm of the leaf — 4
apron used by the radtech during 247. What volt meter measures
diagnostic exposure: = 0.25 the exposure even the xray is
237.Which will affect the speed not being made? - pre reading
and screen receptor ? volt meter.
299.The equation Emc2 has led 310. What is the mass of 1000
cm3 ofwater at 4C is equal to
the development of
answer: kilograms
300. Radiowaves, light and xray 311) Velocity of light is
written as?
energy is an example of
Ans: 3x10^8
312) What is the formula of
301. An object in motion has
_________ energy?
W=Fd 322. An atom that has the same
number of protons and electrons
313) What is the unit of work? have an electrical charge of ___
Ans: Joules - zero
314)____ is the kinetic energy 323. Binding energies of the
of random motion of molecules? electrons represents their? -
Ans: Heat SHELL
315. An x-ray tube cools 324. Atom that has the same
primarily through the process proton number but different
of: neutron number? -ISOTOPE
-200 - 3mr