Adobe Scan 20-Dec-2023
Adobe Scan 20-Dec-2023
Adobe Scan 20-Dec-2023
and Social
arial Sratification
5. Sex Disparity : There is wide sex disparity in India. Here girl's edr
not given the same encouragement as boys. Education of backward classest
SC and ST and economically backward sections is not at par with tht de
communities or classes. Women were made to stay behind the four walls ofthe
and manage household chores rather than avail educational opportunities.
6. Inheritance : More emphasis has been laid on inheritance than talent. Elge
is a major component of social class, both directly and indirectly. Directly, indvib
from higher social classes are more likely to have the means to attend more prestg.
schools, and are therefore more likely to receive higher education. Indirectly, indivi
who benefit from such higher education are more likely to land prestigious jobs,
in turn, higher salaries. Just as education and social class are closely intertw
stratification in education contributes to stratification in social class.
7. Thwarted desires : Religion, caste and class has suppressed people's tes
to improve their social status by attaining higher education.
8. Maintenance of power : The desire of the power class to control and cont
to have power, limit the operation of equality of opportunity. These restrici
due to the tendency of those persons after gaining the most highly rewarded pes
attempt to maintain them in future and wish to transmit them to their ofispring
they want to monopolize educational opportunities.
reinforced )
9. Legacy admission : Such educational inequality is further applicans
legacy admission, the preference given by educational institutions to
are related to alumni of that institution.
Thus a typical situation exists in Indian society, On one hand efforts
made to cut barriers of stratification along caste lines. On the other, more stra
on class lines is being inculcated through a class conscious educational syste
Social Mobility commonly to &
Social mobility is shifting from one social statuS to another. becomesa profe
that is either higher or lower. For example, a child of a laborer whoo
achieves upward social mobility. In sociology, social mobility explains castt
than cs
lack thereof) in social status. Societies organized by social class, achieveahighc
usually allow greater social mobility: in such societies, one's ability toD
social status can depend on factors such as social connections, wealth.sociologis
education c Gender and race can limit
upward social mobility, and many opportunitio
believe social mobility depends more on social
structures -such as the
offered to different groups of people -rather than individual efforts.
economic and political power, he may move
with his position and conar.
Downward Mobility : When one loses a higher
is called downward mobility e.g. an engineer cauph s
lower position it members of the society
jail. He may be ostracized by the
sentenced to
moved downwards.
factor is an important
Inter-Generational Social Mobility : Timeinvolved in social mohile
time factor
social mobility, On the basis of the
inter-generational mobility. It is a change in status from thu
another type of
within the parents' household to that of the child upon reachingalo%
child began family members from one
change in the status of
It refers toa becoming an officer. I is important because the e:
For example, a farmer's son
tells us to what extent inequalities are passed on ftr
of this mobility in a society peek
to the next. Inequality is clearly deeply built into the society for
generation mobiliy :
being determined at the moment of birth. When there is a
chances are regardles e
able to achieve new statuses through their own efforts,
are clearly
circumstances of their birth.
to Sorokin, the rate of social mobility between generati
affected by : taln
between parents and children : Children may be more
less capable than their parents. mobulity
Population change : Population increase can lead to greater
lower middle levels.
: With changing times, many
in occupational structure
" Changes importance.
their social
have been upgraded or downgraded as per taking place in personal erts
Intra-Generational Mobility : Mobility
intra-generational mobility. It recn
same person is called
the lifespan of the lifetime. It my
advancement in one's social level during the course of one's u
as a change in social status, which occurs within a person S
understood becomes its assiaia
example, a person working as a supervisor in a factory
after getting promotion.
changes in society can c
Structural Mobility : Major upheavalsupandthe social ladde. at the sane
numbers of people's opportunities to mobility. Industrialization, advan
structural of pe
form of mobility is termed computerization have allowed largeegroups group
education and postindustrial
jobs than did their
improve their social status and find higher level
Characteristics of Social Mobility
characteristics of social moom
Bergel (1962) refers to the following degree
" There is always a social mobility in both
directions, but the
trends for different strala.
to changes and there can be different
Casial Suratification and Social Mobiliry 139
Social mobility has been defined by many scholars in various ways :
Sorokin was the first sociologist who wrote a book on mobility, "Social and
ulural Mobility." He was of the opinion that there is no society which is closed,
en the Indian society with its rigid caste system and no
en though it may be based on the class system. He further
society is
completely open
contended that no two
oncieties are exactly the same with respect to the amount of
movement allowed or
Aiecouraged. Further, the speed of movement or change may differ from one period of
time to another. The rate of change depends upon the level of modernization of a
given society.
As defined by Barber, social mobility refers to "movement, either upward or
downward, between higher or lower social classes; or more precisely, movement
hetween one relatively full time, functionally significant social role and
valuated as either higher or lower. This movement is to be conceived as a another that is
occurring over time, with individuals moving from one role and social position to
another because of what has happened to them in various kinds of social
Aldridge (2003) defines social mobility as "the movement or
movement between different social classes or occupational groups." opportunities for
According to Wallace and Wallace:"social mobility is the movement of a person
or persons from one social status to another."
Horton and Hunt define social mobility as "Social mobility refers to
up or down in social status."
According to Goldhamer"Social mobility is the movement of individuals, family,
groups from one social position to another."
W.B. Scott," Social mobility refers to the movement of an
individual or group
Irom one social position or class or social stratum to another"
From the above account and definitions of social mobility, it is clear that social
mobility is a situation in which we change our current class, occupation and area and
move to another class. occupation and area. When we move to another class,
2nda occupation
dea, our social position may increase or decrease or remain unchanged.
Types of Social Mobility
ndividual mobility and Group Mobility : When individuals get into seats of
sbt position; acquire money and exert influence over others because of their new
s, Like the individuals. even the groups attain high social mobility. The Jews as
a iay in America, and Parsis as a group in India, for example, have been able to
relatively high position in their respective societies.
but no Orzontal
mobility : It involves a change in position, especially in occupation,
a change
in mobility." An example would be
social I class. It is called *horizontal
In person n who
moves from a managerial position in one company toa similar position
another. It involves moving within the same status category.
innobility involves achange in social class; it is called "vertical mobility"
either "upward mobility" or "downward mobility."