Plotting +the+Twists+&+Turns
Plotting +the+Twists+&+Turns
Plotting +the+Twists+&+Turns
The Twists & Turns
Once you have an understanding of structure and the purpose of
each section of the story, you can begin to think of the actual
step-by-step plan for constructing the plot. Structure gives you
the basic plan, the framework, but plotting is the real nuts and
bolts construction of your story. It orchestrates the action and
conflict, designs the sequences, and creates the story line so that
the progression of events makes sense, builds suspense and
moves your audience.
Constructing a believable, exciting plot is never easy. Plot
isn't a complex structure that drops complete from thin air to the
writer and then is handed over to a group of characters to act out.
Plot develops as you turn the general theme and the characters
into specific details- actions, dialogue, circumstances, time and
place. Good plot evolves organically from the reaction of a partic-
ular character in a particular situation.
The plot of your story depends on the protagonist pushing the
action forward, whether from her own design or as a reaction to
the situation.
If the protagonist isn't committed to the drama, the
audience can't commit to the story. If the plot is a mere natural
sequence of incidents, with no real orchestrated rising action, it'll
Writing Short Films
Plotting The Twists & Turns
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Wniting Short Films Plotting TheTwists
& Tuns
effort: the climax. Both should grOw from the character's CONFLICT
nature and situation.
Hhould be obvious by now that contlict is integral to narrative
Now focus on the active moments in your material, driven filmmaking. ACtion in drama and fiction depends on it.
moments of conflict, change, growth, and discoverv page (or screen) static, immo-
without conflict a story sits on the
moments are usually the most dramatically significant. or viewer) goes along for a little
A clear bile and the audience (reader
understanding of them will help organize the material
uhile but finally gives up on it because it hasn't kept their atten-
points which will be the most etfective to emphasize. These are tHan
Conflict engages the audience's initial interest by getting
the moments that should be prolonged within the drama. can
It them to wonder
what happens next with this problem? A film
be helpful to list possible scenes, but an actual scene-by-scene of true love, but unless it empha-
might be about the selflessness
outline can be done later. isn't
sizes a strong conflict for the characters to face, the audience
Think of your film in terms of broad blocks of movement. For care.
really going to
example: The role conflict plays in dramatizing a great story is not lim-
Abalanced situation (main exposition)
ited to engaging your audience's interest.
Conflict plays a key role
Some force unbalances the situation (inciting incident) audience. As we mentioned in
in revealing your character to the
The character's reaction (or his decision to act) Chapter 3, a character reveals his true nature under the stress of
Consequences ofthe character's action's (obstacles choose between the easy and the hard,
& conflict. It forces him to
complications) is shown.
and in his response his essential nature In Lijfe Lessons,
Re-establishment ofbalance (main
climax & resolution) each time Lionel faces a conflict with Paulette over another man,
or any
his actions show him as desperate and capable of almost
NewBalance thing. In Election Night, Peter stands up to the racist tirades even
though it gets him no closer to his ultimate goal. In The Powder
Degeneration into chaos
Keg, Harvey, tacing death, admits to regrets about his life. Conflict
brings the characters face to face with reality and makes them
Determine which scenes
fall into which categories. Scenes show themselves.
that have to do
with the initial conflict belong
Scenes that dramatize near thebeginning Conflict also forces emotion out into the open. Again, from
the protagonist's struggle probably
in the middle. Scenes belong Lije Lessons, Lionel's passions animate each scene, from one to
that show growth or change
ter will most likely go in the charac- the next making them rich and expressive. In Election Night,
in the second half Peter's emotional responses motivate reactions that push the
dramatic crisis
point undoubtedly
of the story. The most
then result in relates to the climax that will story toward its climax. In The Powder Keg, both Harvey and the
either the re-establishment
ation of a new balance of balance or the cre driver respond to the looming threat with powerful emotions.
or chaos.
This is only a These scenes come alive, becoming more intense and interesting
general plan from
afraid to change, which to work. Don't be When characters express emotional reactions, the audience gen-
reorganize or even
anead. Once a delete scenes as you mov erally feels them too, creating a deeper connection between
general plan is
Scene-by-scene laid out, creating a more specinc
outline of the them. This strengthens the effect of the work as well as making
betweenthese plot will provide
broad story the connections for stronger scenes.
acters need beats. Change
to be shown. and growth in tne ar-
have to be incorporated Complications, obstacles,
always keep into the line surpi Positive& Negative Conflict Development
the conflict of action. Remember in order for conflict to really be effective, it has to develop and
front and
center in your mind.
aiiect the protagonist and other characters. This means conflict
Failure as Teacher Conflict can arise from an external situation or inner problems.
But when conflict develops between a protagonist and antagonist
Negative outcomes do something else in addition to creating
suspense and hiding the ending. They set up incidents of failure. it works best when the characters are locked together with no
Failure can be a terrific teacher for your protagonist, just as it is compromise possible between them. We refer to characters
locked in a zero sum game as the unity of opposites. Such unity
for real-life characters. (Even business magazines like Fortune
quite obviously helps create a strong rising conflict. The charac-
and Forbes sing the praises of those who successfully manage
ters have purpose and strong convictions, and will fight for what
failure and learn from it.) Failure demands examination. If we're
committed to our goals, but have trouble reaching them, we
Writing Short
Writing Short Films
Plotting The Twists & Turns
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