®ghanaian Language
®ghanaian Language
®ghanaian Language
The Director-General
National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA)
Ministry of Education
P. O. Box CT PMB 77
Cantonments Accra
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.nacca.gov.gh
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from the Ministry of Education, Ghana.
Ministry of Education
The Ministry of Education, acting through the National Council for Curriculum have been integrated into the CCP as part of a comprehensive assessment
and Assessment (NaCCA) has, in recent times, been working on curriculum programme, including assessment of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values
and assessment reforms to improve the quality and relevance of learning that mainly emphasise what learners can do. It is hoped that the content
experiences in pre-tertiary schools in Ghana. This curriculum, known as the of this curriculum will promote better high school education that meets
Common Core Programme (CCP), is a sequel to the Kindergarten-Primary the varied learning needs of the young people in the country and addresses
standards-based school curriculum, the implementation of which commenced the shortfalls in the current school curriculum in relation to learning and
with the 2019/2020 academic year. The CCP is carefully designed for learners assessment.
in Basic 7 to Basic 10 (JHS 1 – SHS 1) as part of a holistic learning experience
that prepares them for post-secondary education, the world of work or both.
The Ministry of Education is committed to ensuring that our schools
The curriculum focuses on building character and nurturing values, in addition
develop globally competitive high school graduates who have the requisite
to ensuring a seamless progression for all learners from JHS to SHS and
employable skills and workplace ethos. The CCP curriculum will, therefore,
creates clear pathways for academic and career-related programmes from
play an important role in this regard. The Ministry will support the effective
Basic 11 to Basic 12 (SHS2 - SHS3).
implementation of the CCP to include capacity development of all teachers to
ensure improved learning experiences and outcomes for our young people.
In the twenty-first century, memorisation of facts and figures is no longer a
sufficient learner attribute. Therefore, the CCP focuses on the acquisition of
the 4Rs (Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic and cReativity) and core competencies Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh (MP)
to afford learners the ability to apply knowledge innovatively to solve everyday The Honourable Minister of Education
problems. Personal projects, community projects and community service
BASIC 8 25 BASIC 9 43
SUB-STRAND 1: B8.1.1Rites of Passage: Puberty Rites 26 SUB-STRAND 1: B9.1.1 Rites of Passage: Marriage 44
SUB-STRAND 2: B8.1.2 Naming Systems: Family Names, Kinship SUB-STRAND 2: B9.1.2 Naming Systems: Circumstantial,
Terms, Proverbial and Insinuation Names 28 Reincarnation, Deity Names 45
SUB-STRAND 3: B8.1.3 The Clan System 32 SUB-STRAND 3: B9.1.3 The Clan System 47
SUB-STRAND 4: B8.1.4 Chieftaincy: Destoolment 33 SUB-STRAND 4: B9.1.4 Chieftaincy: Traditional Government 47
SUB-STRAND 1: B8.2.1: Conversation/Everyday Discourse 35 SUB-STRAND 1: B9.2.1: Conversation/Everyday Discourse 48
SUB-STRAND 2: B8.2.2 Listening Comprehension 35 SUB-STRAND 2: B9.2.2: Listening Comprehension 50
SUB-STRAND 3: B8.2.4 Tone 36 SUB-STRAND 4: B9.2.4 Tones 51
SUB-STRAND 4: B8.2.6 PRESENTATION: Everyday Experience 36 SUB-STRAND 4:B9.2.6 PRESENTATION: Everyday Experiences 51
SUB-STRAND 1: B8.4.2 Integrating Grammar in Written SUB-STRAND 1: B9.4.2 Integrating Grammar in Written Language
Language (Use of Nouns, Pronouns and Adjectives) 38 (Nouns, Adjectives) 53
SUB-STRAND 2: B8.4.3 Integrating Grammar in Written Language SUB-STRAND 2: B9.4.3 Integrating Grammar in Written Language
(Verbs, Adverbs, Conjunctions) 39 (Verbs, Adverbs) 54
BASIC 10 57
In the first four years of high school education, learners are expected to take a 4Rs CORE COMPETENCIES
The 4Rs refer to Reading, Describe the relevant global skills for
Common Core Programme (CCP) that emphasises a set of high, internationally- wRiting, aRithmetic and learning that the
cReativity, in which all learners CCP helps learners to
benchmarked career and tertiary education readiness standards. Learners must become develop in addition
need to acquire these for post-secondary education, the workplace or both. proficient. CO
to the 4Rs.
and be able to do by focusing on their social, emotional, cognitive and physical
development. The CCP runs from Basic 7 through Basic 10.
The common core attributes of the learner, which describe the essential ATTRIBUTES
outcomes in the three domains of learning (i.e. cognitive, psychomotor and
affective), are at the centre of the CCP (see Figure 1). Inspired by the values
which are important to the Ghanaian society, the CCP provides an education APPROACHES AREAS
The CCP emphasises PP IN
RO RN The CCP comprises of
of the heart, mind and hands in relation to the learner’s lifetime values, well- creative and inclusive AC H
the following subject areas:
pedagogies that are anchored 1. Languages (English Language,
being, physical development, metacognition and problem-solving abilities. on authentic and enquiry-based Ghanaian Languages, French, Arabic)
Ultimately, this will produce character-minded learners who can play active learning, collaborative and 2. Mathematics 3. Science
cooperative learning, differentiated 4. Creative Arts & Design 5. Career
roles in dealing with the increasing challenges facing Ghana and the global and holistic learning as well as cross Technology 6. Social Studies
disciplinary learning. 7. Computing 8. RME 9. PHE.
The features that shape the common core programme are shown in Figure
Figure 1: CCP learner attributes
1. These are:
• learning and teaching approaches – the core competencies, pedagogical Learning and Teaching Approaches
approaches and 4Rs
• The core competencies: The core competencies describe the relevant
• learning context – engagement, service and projects global skills for learning that the CCP helps learners to develop in
• learning areas – mathematics, science, computing, languages (English, addition to the 4Rs. The global skills for learning allow learners to
Ghanaian Language, French and Arabic), career technology, social become critical thinkers, problem-solvers, creators, innovators, good
studies, physical and health education, creative arts and design, and communicators, collaborators, digitally literate, and culturally and
religious and moral education. globally sensitive citizens who are lifelong learners with a keen interest
in their personal development.
• Pedagogical approaches: The CCP emphasises creative and inclusive
pedagogies that are anchored on authentic and enquiry-based learning,
collaborative and cooperative learning, differentiated learning, and
holistic learning as well as cross disciplinary learning.
2. Mathematics In addition, research has proven that learners who are very good in their first
language are able to learn a second language faster and better.This implies that
3. Science
emphasis must be put on the teaching and learning of Ghanaian Languages to
4. Creative Arts and Design(CAD) serve as a foundation to the effective learning of English as a second language.
5. Career Technology This will therefore make learners bilingual, which is crucial in the current
global world.
6. Social Studies
7. Computing
8. Religious and Moral Education (RME)
9. Physical and Health Education (PHE)
In teaching language and culture, the dimension to learning that this curriculum
adopts is that reading and writing are active processes of constructing meaning
from print. This is because children have in-built potentials to develop and
acquire new language while approximating grammatical structures as they
learn to speak. They invent names for the objects in their world from the
beginning but gradually as they interact, they learn the appropriate language
of the community
Therefore, this view holds that in teaching language and culture, teachers
must use the favourite phrase “meaning making” to describe how active the
learner is in learning a first language and comprehending what they read or
hear. In this way, the teacher serves as a guide and a facilitator to enhance
the learners’ ability to decode text and support them to engage and make
sense of what they read. This is to ensure that good readers constantly make
hypothesis and predictions and modify them as they read along.
Similarly, being able to develop, defend, etc., means that the learner can “apply”
the knowledge acquired in some new context. Each of the indicators in the
curriculum contains an “action verb” that describes behaviour the learners are
expected to demonstrate after a period of teaching and learning. “Knowing”,
“applying knowledge” etc., are dimensions that should be the prime focus of
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What do we assess?
Emphasis in assessment in the CCP is on the Common Core Learner
Attributes, which are essential outcomes in the three domains of learning (i.e.
cognitive, psychomotor, and affective).
Knowledge and skills with emphasis on the 4Rs in the learning areas.
5: Emerging (E) 39% and Learner is emerging with The CCP emphasises creative and inclusive pedagogies that are anchored on
below minimal understanding in authentic and enquiry-based learning, collaborative and cooperative learning,
terms of knowledge, skills, and differentiated learning, holistic learning, cross-disciplinary learning (i.e. the 4Rs
values but needs a lot of help. across the Curriculum) as well as developing the core competencies. This
section describes some of the creative pedagogical approaches required for
The grading system presented shows the letter grade system and equivalent the CCP.
grade boundaries. In assigning grades to pupils’ test results, or any form of
evaluation, the above grade boundaries and the descriptors may be applied.The
descriptors (Highly Proficient [HP], Proficient [P], Approaching Proficiency Pedagogical Approaches
[AP], Developing [D], Emerging [E], indicate the meaning of each grade. These include the approaches, methods and strategies for ensuring that
every learner benefits from appropriate and relevant teaching and learning
In addition to the school-based assessment (SBA), a national standards
episodes, which are timely, assessed, and feedback provided to the learner
assessment test is conducted in Basic 8 to provide national level indicators
and other stakeholders such as parents and education authorities. It includes
on learners’ achievement
the type and use of appropriate and relevant teaching and learning resources
to ensure that all learners attain the expected level of learning outcomes.The
Suggested Time Allocation curriculum emphasises:
Three periods a week, consisting of fifty minutes each, is allocated to the • the creation of learning-centred classrooms through the use of creative
teaching of Ghanaian Language at the B7-B10 level. approaches to teaching and learning as strategies to ensuring learner
empowerment and independent learning.
• the positioning of inclusion and equity at the centre of quality teaching
and learning.
• the use of differentiation and scaffolding as teaching and learning
strategies for ensuring that no learner is left behind.
• the use of Information Communications Technology (ICT) as a
pedagogical tool.
• the identification of subject specific instructional expectations needed
for making learning in the subject relevant to learners.
• the integration of assessment for learning, as learning and of learn ing
into the teaching and learning process and as an accountability strategy.
• use questioning techniques that promote and deepen learning
It involves breaking up the learning episode, experience or concepts into • improved inclusive education practices by addressing inequalities in
smaller parts and then providing learners with the support they need to learn gender, language, ability.
Curriculum Reference Numbers Sub-strands are the sub-divisions of the broad learning areas or strands.
The curriculum has been structured into four columns which are Strands, Sub- Content standard refers to the pre-determined level of knowledge, skill
strands, Content standards, Indicators and exemplars. A unique annotation is and/or attitude that a learner attains by a set stage of education.
used for numbering the learning indicators in the curriculum for the purpose
Indicators are clear outcomes or milestones that learners have to exhibit in
of easy referencing. The notation is indicated in Table 2.
each year to meet the content standard expectation.The indicators represent
Example: B7. the minimum expected standard in a year.
4 Strand Number
2 Sub-Strand Number
B7.1.1.1 Demonstrate B7. Identify the processes involved in naming a child. Communication and Collaboration (CC)
knowledge and understanding
of the childhood rites of his/her Exemplars: CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills of
culture and compare with other working towards group goals
1. Discuss the outdooring and the naming process of a child in their community.
Ghanaian cultures. CC 7.5: Identify and analyse different points of
• E.g. outdooring/ushering the baby, invitation of ancestors, giving the baby a name, views of speaker
blessing, presentation of gifts (father, person child was named after, family, community),
and so on.
2. Identify the items used in the naming process and write them. E.g.: basket, bucket, beads,
basin, mat, powder, lantern, clothes (baby and mother)
3. Explain the significance of the items used for the naming ceremony.
In some communities the outdooring and the naming process are two different things and in
other communities the two processes are in one ceremony.
B7.1.1.1 Demonstrate B7. Identify the processes involved in naming a child. Communication and Collaboration
knowledge and Exemplars: (CC)
understanding of the CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills of
1. Discuss the outdooring and the naming process of a child in their
childhood rites of their working towards group goals.
culture and compare
CC 7.5: Identify and analyse different points
with other Ghanaian • E.g. outdooring/ushering the baby, invitation of ancestors, giving the
of views of a speaker.
cultures baby a name, blessing, presentation of gifts (father, person child was
named after, family, community), and so on.
2. Identify the items used in the naming process and write them. E.g.: basket,
bucket, beads, basin, mat, powder, lantern, clothes (baby and mother)
3. Explain the significance of the items used for the naming ceremony.
• In some communities the outdooring and the naming process are
two different things and in other communities the two processes are
in one ceremony.
B7. Discuss the significance of the processes in naming a Communication and Collaboration
child. (CC)
Exemplars: CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills of
1. Read a one hundred and fifty words passage on naming ceremony in working towards group goals.
their culture. CC 7.5: Identify and analyse different points
of view of speaker.
2. Discuss the significance of the processes involved in naming a child as
raised in the passage. E.g.
• Welcomes the child into the family and community.
• The child gets an identity.
3. Discuss a libation text used during naming ceremony.
4. Write the three main parts of a libation text.
B7.1.1.1 Demonstrate B7. Compare and contrast the naming processes in their Communication and Collaboration
knowledge and culture to other Ghanaian cultures. (CC)
understanding of the Exemplars:
childhood rites of their
1. Discuss the naming process of one other culture of Ghana and compare CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with
culture and compare
with the naming process of their people. relevant detail, using correct construction
with other Ghanaian
and structure of speech.
cultures 2. Write about commonalities and differences among the cultures.
B7. Compare and contrast the traditional naming process to Communication and Collaboration
the contemporary naming process. (CC)
1. Discuss the contemporary naming processes and compare it with the CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with
traditional naming processes in Ghana. relevant detail, using correct construction
and structure of speech.
2. Show the similarities and differences.
• Similarities: e.g.
• It is organised
• Family members are involved.
• Presentation of gifts, etc.
• Differences: e.g.
• Organised in the family house but now organised at other places,
e.g. church, in front of houses, event places, etc.
• Items used are different from the contemporary process.
• Baby named eight days after birth (but these days it is not always
the case), etc.
B7.1.1.1 Demonstrate B7. Role play a naming ceremony session in their culture. Communication and Collaboration
knowledge and Exemplars: (CC)
understanding of the CC 9.7: Effectively perform multiple roles
1. Role play a naming ceremony among their people.
childhood rites of their within the group.
culture and compare 2. Discuss the role play and what they have learnt from it.
CC 8.1: Speak clearly and explain ideas.
with other Ghanaian
Share a narrative or an extended answer
while speaking to a group.
© NaCCA, Ministry of Education | 3
B7.1.2.1 Exhibit B7. State the names of the days of the week and relate their Communication and Collaboration
understanding of day- names to the days. (CC)
born names and order of Exemplars: CC 7.3: Provide feedback in areas of
birth names and relate ideas, organisation, voice, word choice and
1. State the names of the days of the week and important occasion (e.g.
the names to the days sentence fluency in communication
festival) months of the year in the Ghanaian language of study.
and order of birth
2. Relate the names of the days of the week or months of the year to
human names.
B7.1.2.1 Exhibit an B7. State the order of birth (i.e. first, second, and so on.) and Communication and Collaboration
understanding of day relate the names accordingly. (CC)
names and order of Exemplars: CC 7.4: Identify underlying themes,
birth names and relate implications and issues when listening
1. State the order of birth of their culture.
the names to the days
and order • E.g. first born, second born, and so on.
2. Relate the names to the order of birth.
• E.g.:
B7. Compare and contrast the day names and order of birth Communication and Collaboration
names in their culture to other cultures in Ghana. (CC)
Exemplars: CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills of
1. Compare the day names and order of birth names in their culture with working towards group goals
those of other cultures in Ghana.
2. Discuss the similarities and differences.
• Similarities:
• E.g.: Both are done in order, etc.
• Differences:
• E.g.: Same names for both sexes in some cultures but not same in
other cultures, etc.
B7.1.3.1 Demonstrate B7. Describe the clan system and state some clans in their Communication and Collaboration
an understanding of the ethnic community. (CC)
clan system among their Exemplars: CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with
people relevant detail, using correct construction
1. Explain what a clan is.
and structure of speech.
2. State some clans you know.
• Akan: Aduana, Agona, etc.
• Dangme: Dangmebiawɛ, Piɛngua, Kabubiawɛ, Jebiam, etc.
• Ewe (Aŋlɔ): Bateawo, Adzɔviawo, etc.
• Ga: Lante Dzan We, Klɔnaa We, Frimpɔŋ We, etc.
• Gonja: Nsuwa, Ngbanyabia, etc.
• Dagaare: Emoala/Ewaala, Kusiele, etc.
B7. Discuss the features of the clan system in relation to Communication and Collaboration
their community. (CC)
Exemplars: CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills of
1. Discuss the features of their clan system. working towards group goals.
• E.g. symbols, taboos, totems, names, etc.
2. Relate their clan system to another clan system.
3. Read a passage on a clan system.
4. Write the main ideas in the passage read in their own words.
B7.1.4.1 Demonstrate B7. Discuss how chiefs and queenmothers are selected in Communication and Collaboration
knowledge in and their ethnic community. (CC)
an understanding Exemplars: CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills of
of how chiefs and working towards group goals.
1. Read a passage of about three to four paragraphs on how chiefs and
queenmothers are
queenmothers are selected in their community.
selected, enstooled/
enskinned and compare 2. Identify the traditional leaders mentioned in the passage. E.g. chiefs, sub-
their duties and chiefs, and so on.
responsibilities 3. Relate how chiefs and queenmothers are selected among their people to
the passage read.
B7. Discuss the duties and responsibilities of chiefs and Communication and Collaboration
queenmothers among their people. (CC)
1. Identify the duties of a chief and queenmother in their community. CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills of
working towards group goals.
2. Evaluate the duties of a chief and queenmother among your people.
B7.1.4.1 Demonstrate B7. Discuss and compare modern trends affecting the Communication and Collaboration
knowledge in and enstoolment/enskinement of chiefs and queenmothers. (CC)
an understanding Exemplars:
of how chiefs and
1. Discuss some modern trends affecting the enstoolment/enskinement CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills of
queenmothers are
of chiefs/queenmothers among your people. E.g. Monetary influence, working towards group goals.
selected, enstooled/
political influence, etc.
enskinned and compare
their duties and 2. Explain how the trends mentioned affect the chieftaincy institution.
responsibilities 3. Compare the modern ways of enstooling/enskinning chiefs/
queenmothers with the traditional ways of enstooling/enskinning chiefs/
B7.2.1.1 Demonstrate B7. Use appropriate register in everyday communication Communication and Collaboration
use of appropriate (informal and formal) with diverse partners on grade-level topics/ (CC)
language orally in texts/issues CC 7.3: Provide feedback in areas of
specific situations Exemplars: ideas, organisation, voice, word choice and
1. Identify formal situations. E.g. interactions between strangers on varied sentence fluency in communication.
themes, announcements, standard for work, school and public gathering CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with
and offices, at the palace and business settings, and hospitals. relevant detail, using correct construction
and structure of speech.
2. Use appropriate language to participate in formal interactions. e.g. no
slang/jargon, no contracted forms.
3. Identify informal situations: E.g. casual or intimate relationship between
friends and acquaintances, family and team mates, etc.
4. Use appropriate language to participate in conversations in the following
situations: Greetings,requests, encouragements, partings, etc.
(Examples of informal language include slang words, jargons, contracted
forms, non-verbal communication)
B7. Ask questions that elicit elaboration and respond to Communication and Collaboration
others’ questions in a conversation (CC)
1. Identify words that can help give elaborate responses to questions in CC 7.4: Identify underlying themes,
conversation (e.g. why, how, for what reason). implications and issues when listening.
2. Engage in conversation using these words to elicit elaboration. E.g.
Ama: Do you think babies should talk?
Ama: Why do you think so?
B7.2.1.1 Demonstrate B7. Use appropriate language orally to describe experiences Communication and Collaboration
use of appropriate about oneself and others (CC)
language orally in Exemplars: CC 7.3: Provide feedback in areas of
specific situations ideas, organisation, voice, word choice and
1. Use appropriate language: tense structures, variety of sentences,
figurative expressions, etc. sentence fluency in communication.
2. Use appropriate vocabulary: nouns, adjectives, adverbs, etc. to talk about
one’s experiences and those of others in specific situations e.g. at the
hospital, shopping in a market/supermarket, at a bus terminal/station, etc.
B7. Listen to and give accurate directions to familiar places Communication and Collaboration
Exemplars: (CC)
1. Use appropriate language (e.g. opposite, adjacent, a few metres away, CC 7.3: Provide feedback in areas of
ten minute-walk /drive, turn left/right) and landmarks (church, mosque, ideas, organisation, voice, word choice and
hospital, filling station etc.) to show direction. sentence fluency in communication.
CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with
2. Direct people using a range of these vocabulary and expressions
relevant detail, using correct construction
appropriately to given locations.
and structure of speech.
B7.2.2.1 Demonstrate B7. Listen to a level-appropriate text attentively and identify Communication and Collaboration
the ability to listen to key information. (CC)
extended reading and Exemplars:
identify key information
1. Identify key points: CC 7.3: Provide feedback in areas of
ideas, organisation, voice, word choice and
• Intent or purpose of the message (e.g. to inform, persuade, instruct).
sentence fluency in communication.
• Assess the speaker’s enthusiasm and passion for the topic.
• Identify main ideas and supporting points in the text.
2. Read out and cross check the information written.
B7. Listen to, discuss ideas and share opinions from a level- Communication and Collaboration
appropriate text. (CC)
1. Listen to and write key points from texts/speeches/presentations. CC 7.5: Identify and analyse different points
of views of speaker.
2. Discuss key points identified and share opinions with peers.
B7.2.3.1 Recognise B7. Identify and produce the vowels in their language. Communication and Collaboration
and sound vowels and Exemplars: (CC)
consonants and read one CC7.1: Identify words or sentences in
1 Identify vowels in words.
syllable words of their context appropriately.
linguistic community 2 Produce the vowel sounds of your language. e.g. /a/, /e/, /ɛ/. etc.
3 Record the vowel sounds of your language.
4 Pronounce vowel sounds correctly in connected speech.
B7. Identify and produce the consonants in their language. Communication and Collaboration
Exemplars: (CC)
1. Identify consonants in words. CC 7.1: Identify words or sentences in
context appropriately.
2. Produce the conso.nant sounds of your language. E.g. /b/, /f/, /g/. etc.
3. Record the consonant sounds of your language.
4. Pronounce consonant sounds correctly and fluently in connected speech.
B7. Identify and produce one to four syllable words of the Communication and Collaboration
language of study. (CC)
Exemplars: CC 7.1: Identify words or sentences in
1. Read one syllable words. context appropriately.
• E.g.:
Akan: Kɔ, ba, tu, etc.
Dagaare: Kɔ, ba, tu, etc.
Dangme: Kɔ, ba, tu, etc.
Ewe: Kɔ, ba, tu, etc.
Ga: Kɔ, ba, tu, etc.
Gonja: Kɔ, ba, tu, etc.
B7.2.3.1 (CONTINUED): 2. Read two to three syllable words. CC 7.1: Identify words or sentences in
Recognise and sound context appropriately.
vowels and consonants
and read one syllable Akan/Nzema: bɛ + fa = bɛfa, ku + be = kube, etc.
words of their linguistic n + su + wa = nsuwa, a + ku + tu = akutu, etc.
community Dagaare: ba + ma = bama, dɔ + bɔ = dɔbɔ, etc.
tu + gi + ta = tugita, bi + bi + le =bibile
Dangme: du + mi = dumi, bi + yo = biyo, etc.
ko + ko + te = kokote, a + gbe +li = agbeli
Ewe: fe + tu = fetu, ga + li = gali, etc.
ko + to + ku= kotoku, a + ɖi + ba= aɖiba, etc.
Ga: ka + ko = kako, ta + ko = tako, etc.
to + ko + ta = tokota, a + de + ka = adeka, etc.
Gonja: ka + bɛ = kabɛ, ku + lɔ = kulɔ
be + ni + mu = benimu, ka + se + so = kaseso, etc
3. Read four syllable words
4. Pronounce polysyllabic words correctly and fluently in connected speech.
B7.2.4.1 Recognise the B7. Identify and produce the basic tones in their language. Communication and Collaboration
basic tones in their Exemplars: (CC)
language CC 7.1: Identify words or sentences in
1. Identify the tones on syllables in their language. E.g.: low, high, and mid.
context appropriately.
2. Pronounce words with tones correctly and fluently in connected speech.
3. Use the knowledge of tone to pronounce same words that have different
tones in context.
B7.2.5.1 Exhibit B7. Identify and produce words in the home and school Communication and Collaboration
an understanding environments and use them to form meaningful sentences. (CC)
of recognising and Exemplars: CC 7.1: Identify words or sentences in
producing words and context appropriately.
1. Identify vocabulary items in relation to the home.
using them in sentences
• E.g. dining, cooking, bathing, etc.
2. Identify vocabulary items in relation to the school.
• E.g. classroom, headteacher’s office, school compound, etc.
3. Use the vocabularies identified to form meaningful sentences.
B7.2.6.1 Present B7. Describe daily activities using appropriate register, Communication and Collaboration
information effectively structure and gestures for the contest being presented. (CC)
on familiar topics using Exemplars: CC 8.1: Speak clearly and explain ideas.
appropriate language Share a narrative or extended answer while
1. Outline some activities that you do on a daily basis.
speaking to a group.
2. Narrate with gestures what you do in the morning before school, at
school and after school.
3. Develop a daily activity calendar.
4. Converse with others about daily activities.
5. Make a presentation on other familiar topics, e.g. family, school, holidays,
weather, hobbies, animals, hometown or village, favourite time of the year
and festival.
B7.3.1.1 Understand B7. Read and understand main ideas and supporting points Communication and Collaboration
the main ideas and in a range of texts on familiar and unfamiliar topics. (CC)
supporting points in Exemplars: CC 8.3: Apply appropriate diction and
texts structure sentences correctly for narrative,
1. Skim a given passage of about one hundred and fifty words and state the
main ideas. persuasive, imaginative and expository
2. Identify the supporting ideas in texts on themes from other subject
areas. (E.g. Social Studies, Science, Religious and Moral Education, Physical
Education, ICT, etc.)
3. Explain the relationship between the main ideas and supporting ideas.
4. Answer recall and inferential questions concerning the text read.
B7. Read to understand and summarise the main ideas in a Communication and Collaboration
given grade level passage. (CC)
Exemplars: CC8.5: Vary the level of detail and the
1. Identify and write main ideas in passages read from a range of subject language used when presenting to make it
areas. appropriate to the audience.
2. List the ideas identified in the order in which they occur in a passage.
3. Summarise a passage of about one hundred and fifty words in fifty words
using your own words.
B7.3.2.1 Demonstrate B7. Translate words and phrases in his/her language. Communication and Collaboration
knowledge of translating Exemplars: (CC)
words. Phrases and
1. Translate given words and simple phrases from the source language to a
simple sentences
target language. CC 8.3: Apply appropriate diction and
structure sentences correctly for narrative,
2. Translate phrases simple sentences from the source language of study to
persuasive, imaginative and expository
a target language.
3. Translate simple sentences from the source language to a target language.
B7.4.1.1 Demonstrate B7. Discuss the components of sentences. Communication and Collaboration
knowledge and Exemplars: (CC)
understanding of
1. Explain what a sentence is.
the components of
CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
sentences 2. Give examples of sentences and their component parts in their language.
with relevant detail, using construction and
3. Discuss the components of a sentence in their language. structure of speech.
B7. Discuss the types of sentence structure (simple, Communication and Collaboration
compound and complex). (CC)
Exemplars: CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
1. Identify the components of a simple sentence in their language and give with relevant detail, using construction and
examples. structure of speech.
2. Identify the components of a compound sentence in their language and
give examples.
3. Identify the components of a complex sentence in your language and give
B7.4.2.1 Demonstrate B7. Categorise nouns under common, proper and collective Communication and Collaboration
knowledge of identifying and use them correctly in speech and in texts. (CC)
and using the various Exemplars: CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
forms of nouns with relevant detail, using construction and
1. Identify nouns in a passages.
(common, proper, structure of speech
collective), pronouns and 2. Classify the nouns identified into common, proper and collective nouns.
adjectives in sentences 3. Pronounce the nouns and use them correctly in speech and texts.
and passages
4. Construct simple and compound sentences(orally and in written forms)
with the types of nouns identified.
B7. Categorise pronouns according to their types and Communication and Collaboration
construct sentences with them. (CC)
Exemplars: CC 8.3: Apply appropriate diction and
1. Identify pronouns in a passage. structure sentences correctly for narrative,
persuasive, imaginative and expository
2. Classify the pronouns into their types. purposes
3. Construct sentences with the types of pronouns in speaking and writing
individually and in mixed ability groups.
4. Replace nouns with the appropriate pronoun in a passage.
B7. Categorise adjectives into their types and construct Communication and Collaboration
simple sentences with them. (CC)
Exemplars. CC 8.3: Apply appropriate diction and
1. Identify adjectives from passages. structure sentences correctly for narrative,
persuasive, imaginative and expository
2. Classify the adjectives into their types. purposes
3. Use the adjectives to form simple and compound sentences in speaking
and writing.
B7.4.3.1 Recognise B7. Identify and classify verbs into their types. Communication and Collaboration
the use of verbs, Exemplars: (CC)
adverbs, conjunctions CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
1. Identify and use verbs appropriately and correctly in passages and in
and postpositions/ with relevant detail, using construction and
speaking and writing.
Prepositions in structure of speech.
sentences 2. Categorise the verbs into types and use them to construct simple and
compound sentences.
B7. Identify and classify adverbs into their various types. Communication and Collaboration
Exemplars: (CC)
1. Identify and use adverbs appropriately and correctly in simple sentences CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
in speaking and writing. with relevant detail, using construction and
structure of speech.
2. Categorise the verb into types and use them to construct simple and
compound sentences in speaking and writing individually and in mixed
ability groups.
B7. Identify and classify conjunctions and use them Communication and Collaboration
appropriately in a range of texts. (CC)
Exemplars: CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
1. Identify and use conjunctions appropriately and correctly in simple and with relevant detail, using construction and
compound sentences in speaking and writing. structure of speech.
2. Categorise the conjunctions into types and use them to construct simple
and compound sentences.
B7.4.4.1 Demonstrate B7. Use vocabulary appropriately and correctly in writing Communication and Collaboration
knowledge and Exemplars: (CC)
understanding of CC 7.1: Identify words or sentences in
1. Identify and write vocabulary related to home and school.
vocabulary, spelling and context appropriately.
punctuations in writing 2. Use the vocabulary of identified items to construct appropriate and
correct sentences.
B7. Spell words related to home and school correctly. Communication and Collaboration
Exemplars: (CC)
3. Write down vocabulary items related to home and school dictated CC 7.1: Identify words or sentences in
correctly. context appropriately.
4. Construct sentences with the vocabulary items written down.
B7. Identify and use punctuations appropriately and Communication and Collaboration
correctly in writing. (CC)
Exemplars: CC 7.1: Identify words or sentences in
1. Use punctuation marks appropriately in about a fifty-word paragraph. context appropriately.
B7.5.1.1 Demonstrate B7. Discuss the features of a paragraph. Communication and Collaboration
knowledge and Exemplars: (CC)
understanding of the CC 8.3: Apply appropriate diction and
1. Ability to write the topic and supporting sentences of a paragraph.
features of a paragraph structure sentences correctly for narrative,
and the various text 2. Develop the skills of expressing and organising ideas in paragraphs. persuasive, imaginative and expository
types (narrative, 3. Identify the salient points/ideas in a given paragraph. purposes
descriptive, creative/free
writing) 4. Write a paragraph of about fifty words on a given topic taking into
consideration the features and skills of paragraph writing.
B7. Develop a three-paragraph essay using the features of a Communication and Collaboration
given text type. (CC)
Exemplars: CC 8.3: Apply appropriate diction and
1. Discuss the features of narrative, descriptive, creative/free writing. structure sentences correctly for narrative,
persuasive, imaginative and expository
2. Write a three-paragraph essay on a topic on the text types above. purposes
B7.5.1.1 Demonstrate B7. Discuss the components of literature. Communication and Collaboration
the knowledge and Exemplars: (CC)
understanding of CC 9.4: Help group work on relevant
1. Discuss the characteristics of literature.
literature (Oral and activities.
Written) 2. Classify literature into types.
3. Give examples and relate to the types
4. Develop the skills of appreciating and analysing literary texts.
B7. Discuss the components of oral literature (folktales and Communication and Collaboration
songs-lullabies and play songs). (CC)
Exemplars: CC 8.5: Vary the level of detail and the
1. Explain what oral literature is. language used when presenting to make it
appropriate to the audience.
2. Describe the structure of a folktale and a song.
3. Analyse a folktale and a song.
4. Appreciate the significance of a folktale and a song.
B7. Discuss the components of written literature (prose, Communication and Collaboration
drama and poetry). (CC)
Exemplars: CC 8.5: Vary the level of detail and the
1. Discuss the structure of the various genres of written literature. language used when presenting to make it
appropriate to the audience.
2. Discuss how characters are created in a range of prose, poetry and
drama texts.
3. Explore ways that writers use literary devices, mood and tone in a range
of prose, poetry and drama texts.
B8.1.1.1 Demonstrate B8. Identify the processes involved in performing puberty Communication and Collaboration
understanding of how rites in your culture. (CC), Cultural Identity and Global
puberty rites are Exemplars: Citizen (CG)
performed in their CC 7.4: Identify underlying themes,
1. Explain what puberty rites are.
linguistic community, implications and issues when listening.
its significance and 2. Talk about the items needed for the performance of puberty rites among
CG 5.1: Show a strong sense of
compare with other their people and their significance.
belongingness to one’s culture.
cultures of Ghana 3. Discuss the processes involved in performing puberty rites for boys/girls
among their people.
4. Read and discuss a two-hundred-word passage on puberty rites.
5. Explain the significance of puberty rites.
6. Role play a puberty rite activity.
B8. Compare and contrast the processes involved in Communication and Collaboration
performing puberty rites in their culture to other cultures of (CC), Cultural Identity and Global
Ghana. Citizen (CG)
Exemplars: CC 7.4: Identify underlying themes,
1. Discuss the similarities in the performance of puberty rites among their implications and issues when listening.
people and those of other Ghanaian cultures. CG 5.3: Develop and express respect,
recognition and appreciation of others’
2. Discuss the differences in the performance of puberty rites among their
people and those of other Ghanaian cultures.
3. Write the summary of the similarities and differences.
B8.1.1.1 Demonstrate B8. Discuss the changes that has occurred in puberty rites Communication and Collaboration
understanding of how performance over time. (CC), Cultural Identity and Global
puberty rites are Exemplars: Citizen (CG)
performed in their CC 7.4: Identify underlying themes,
1. Assess the current ways puberty rites are performed among his/her
linguistic community, implications and issues when listening.
its significance and
CG 5.5: Adjust to the demands of customs,
compare with other 2. Compare the contemporary ways to the traditional ways by which your
traditions, values and attitudes of society.
cultures of Ghana people were performing puberty rites.
i. It is now done by the church.
ii. Duration for the rites has changed.
iii. Done for all ages.
3. Identify the threats to puberty rites in contemporary times.
E.g.: technology, migration, education and religion
B8.1.2.1 Recognise B8. Discuss the sources of family names in your language Communication and Collaboration
and understand family and use them appropriately. (CC), Cultural Identity and Global
names, kinship terms Exemplars: Citizen (CG)
and proverbial and CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills of
1. Read a text on names and their sources.
insinuation names. working towards group goals.
2. Mention family names and their sources. E.g. clan, grand and great-grand
CG 5.4: Develop and exhibit the sense of
parents, etc.
cultural identity.
3. Discuss the importance of family names.
4. Make a documentation on family names for male and female and indicate
their sources.
B8.1.2.1 Recognise B8. Examine kinship terms in their community. Communication and Collaboration
and understand family Exemplars: (CC), Cultural Identity and Global
names, kinship terms Citizen (CG)
1. Read a passage (200 words) on kinship terms.
and proverbial and CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills of
insinuation names. 2. Cite the kinship terms that are used to address your family members. working towards group goals.
E. g. father, mother, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, grandparents, etc. CG 5.4: Develop and exhibit the sense of
3. Discuss and document the importance of kinship terms. cultural identity.
B8. State and discuss the effects of the modern trends of Communication and Collaboration
naming on family names and kinship terms. (CC), Cultural Identity and Global
Exemplars: Citizen (CG)
1. Identify and talk about modern ways of naming babies among your CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills of
people. working towards group goals.
CG 5.5: Adjust to the demands of customs,
traditions, values and attitudes of society.
i. Naming is done after anybody instead of from the family line/
ii. Naming from other cultures.
iii. Giving Christian/Muslim names instead of names from the family
lineage, etc.
2. Explain how the modern ways of naming affect the family names among
your people.
i. loss of identity.
ii. belittling the indigenous culture.
B8.1.2.1 Recognise B8. Discuss proverbial and insinuation names. Communication and Collaboration
and understand family Exemplars: (CC), Cultural Identity and Global
names, kinship terms Citizen (CG)
1. Explain proverbial and insinuation names.
and proverbial and CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills of
insinuation names. 2. Discuss the characteristics of proverbial and insinuation names. working towards group goals.
E..g. They are one-word names that represent whole sentences. CG 5.5: Adjust to the demands of customs,
3. Identify situations that lead to proverbial and insinuation names. traditions, values and attitudes of society.
E..g. To cast insinuations.
To show appreciation
B8.1.2.1 Recognise 4. Give examples of proverbial and insinuation names used among your
and understand family people. E.g.:
names, kinship terms
• Akan: Obimpɛ, Obinim.
and proverbial and
insinuation names • Gonja: Dukulubi, Ndefoso.
• Dagaare: Dɔmɔnaaŋmene, Kannyiri
• Dangme: Koodimɛ, Zogbemɛ
• Ga: Ayeayeefɛɛ, Kaajɛmi.
• Ewe: Akpeleasi, Aɖukonu, Dɔmelevo.
• Nzema: Bɛzenɛ, Ɛkpɔlɛgyɛne
• Dagbani: Mbaŋba, Bɛjema.
• Kasem: Ayerjoa, Ajoawora.
B8. Explore and discuss appellations that go with names. Communication and Collaboration
Exemplars: (CC), Cultural Identity and Global
Citizen (CG)
1. Explain appellation.
CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills of
2. Give examples of day names and their appellations. working towards group goals.
• E.g. CG 5.5: Adjust to the demands of customs,
traditions, values and attitudes of society.
People Day Name/ Appellation
Male Female
• Akan • Kwadwo - Okoto, • Adwoa - Badwo
• Nzema • Kodwo - Asɛla, • Adwoba - Mɔlɛsa
• Dangme • Kueku, Aku - Nyumu • Ajoyo - Ajo
• Ga • Kojo - Okuŋtswa • Ajoa - Ajo
• Ewe • Kɔmla - Dzamfosu • Akua - Sabia (Peki)
B8.1.2.1 Recognise 3. Identify and discuss appellations that go with family and other names
and understand family where applicable.
names, kinship terms
• E.g.
and proverbial and
insinuation names
People Name Appellation
• Akan: • Asante: • Korɔbea
• Dangme • Tɛtɛ • Ogbetee
• Ewe: • Xɔɖasi • Menyeametɔ o
• Gonja • Awari • Janjina
• Ga: • Lante • Okuŋka
• Dagbani: • Andani • Dandani
• Nzema • Awɔkɛ • Ɛkyelebenle
B8.1.3.1 Exhibit B8. Discuss the importance and threats to the clan system. Communication and Collaboration
knowledge of the clan Exemplars: (CC), Cultural Identity and Global
system in their locality Citizen (CG)
1. Read and discuss a passage on clan system of their culture.
by discussing the CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills of
importance and threats 2. Discuss and write the importance of the clan system of their culture. working towards group goals.
to the clan systems 3. Discuss the threats to the clan system. CG 5.4: Develop and exhibit the sense of
cultural identity.
B8.1.4.1 Discuss the B8. Examine some behaviours that can lead to the Communication and Collaboration
processes involved in the destoolment/deskinment of chiefs and queenmothers. (CC), Cultural Identity and Global
destooling/deskining of a Exemplars: Citizen (CG)
chief or queenmother. CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills of
1. Read and discuss a text on destoolment/deskinment in their traditional
area. working towards group goals.
CG 5.4: Develop and exhibit the sense of
2. Examine and write behaviours that lead to the destoolment/deskinment
cultural identity.
of a chief or queenmother among their people.
• E.g.
i. Misuse of property of the people.
ii. Disrespect for kingmakers and subjects.
iii. Neglect/abuse of tradition.
B8. Discuss the B8. Discuss the processes involved in the destoolment/ Communication and Collaboration
processes involved in the deskinment of a chief or a queenmother. (CC), Cultural Identity and Global
destooling/deskining of a Exemplars: Citizen (CG)
chief or queenmother CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills of
1. Examine and write the process of destooling/deskining a chief and
queenmother among their people. working towards group goals.
CG 5.5: Adjust to the demands of customs,
• E.g.
traditions, values and attitudes of society.
i. Complaints by subjects
ii. Cautioning by kingmaker
iii. Summoning the chief/queenmother for arbitration, etc.
NB:The processes involved differ from culture to culture.
2. Write the advantages and disadvantages of destoolment/deskinment.
3. Role play destoolment/deskinment of a chief among their people.
B8.2.1.1 Demonstrate B8. Develop and modify their language in narrating some Communication and
knowledge of selected daily activities. collaboration (CC)
presentational skills in Exemplars: CC 8.1: Speak clearly and
listening, following daily explain ideas. Share a narrative or
1. Narrate what you do at home every Saturday.
conversation, speaking extended answer while speaking to
clearly and explaining 2. Describe what you saw on your last visit to a market. a group.
ideas 3. Draw and discuss a scenery on a given topic (e.g.: fishing, farming, weaving, etc.).
4. Describe a visit to a hospital.
5. Describe a scene at a lorry station.
B8.2.2.1 Demonstrate B8. Listen to a level-appropriate dialogue attentively and Communication and Collaboration
the ability to listen to identify key information (CC)
extended reading and 1. Listen to and note important issues in a dialogue e.g. message, mood, CC 7.4: Identify underlying themes,
identify key information tone. implications and issues when listening.
2. Listen and compare the issues noted in the dialogue with peers.
B8. Listen to and discuss the ideas and share opinions from Communication and Collaboration
a level-appropriate text (CC)
1. Listen and write down key information from texts/talk shows/news. CC 7.4: Identify underlying themes,
implications and issues when listening.
2. Discuss the key information from texts and add opinions.
B8.2.4.1 Recognise B8. Establish the meaning of words when the tone on the Communication and Collaboration
changes in meaning due syllables in a word changes. (CC)
to tone contrast Exemplars:
1. Pronounce words with high tone. CC 7.4: Identify underlying themes,
implications and issues when listening.
2. Pronounce words with mid-tone (where applicable).
3. Pronounce words with low tone.
CC 7.1: Identify words or sentences in
4. Read same words with different tone in context. context appropriately.
5. State the differences of those words as used in context.
B8.2.6.1 B8. Develop and modify their language in narrating some Communication and collaboration
Demonstrate knowledge selected daily activities. (CC)
of presentational skills in Exemplars:
listening, following daily 1. Narrate what you do at home every Saturday. CC 8.1: Speak clearly and explain ideas.
conversation, speaking Share a narrative or extended answer while
clearly and explaining 2. Describe what you saw on your last visit to a market.
speaking to a group.
ideas 3. Draw and discuss a scenery on a given topic (e.g.: fishing, farming,
weaving, etc.).
4. Describe a visit to the hospital.
5. Describe a scene at a lorry station.
B8.3.1.1 Understand B8. Understand the main ideas and supporting points in a Communication and Collaboration
the main ideas and range of extended texts on familiar and unfamiliar topics. (CC)
supporting points in Exemplar:
1. Read a three-paragraph passage from different subject areas (Science, CC 8.3: Apply appropriate diction and
Social Studies, RME, ICT, etc.) and answer questions to identify specific structure sentences correctly for narrative,
information and details. persuasive, imaginative and expository
B8.3.2.1 Demonstrate B8. Establish the meaning of words, phrases and sentences Communication and Collaboration
knowledge of translating in their various languages. (CC)
words, phrases and Exemplars: CC 8.3: Apply appropriate diction and
sentences. structure sentences correctly for narrative,
1. Translate given words, phrases and sentences from source language to
target language. persuasive, imaginative and expository
B8.4.2.1 Demonstrate B8. Explore the use of nouns and pronouns in an increasing Communication and Collaboration
knowledge and range of texts and classify them. (CC)
understanding of nouns, Exemplars: CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with
pronouns and adjectives. relevant detail, using correct construction
1. Write down different types of nouns and pronouns in their language.
and structure of speech.
2. Classify nouns under the various types (abstract, concrete, countable and
3. Construct compound sentences with nouns and pronouns in speech and
in texts.
4. Replace nouns with the appropriate pronouns in a given text.
B8. Determine and categorise adjectives under size, colour, Communication and Collaboration
shape, quantity, etc. in their language. (CC)
Exemplars: CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with
1. Determine the role of an adjective in a variety of texts. relevant detail, using correct construction
and structure of speech.
2. Identify and classify adjectives in a given text.
B8.4.3.1 Demonstrate B8. Recognise and use the tense and aspectual (habitual, Communication and Collaboration
knowledge and progressive, future) forms of verbs in sentences. (CC)
understanding of verbs, Exemplars: CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with
adverb, conjunctions. relevant detail, using correct construction
1. Identify the types of tense and aspectual forms in their language.
and structure of speech.
2. Form sentences with the various types of tense and aspectual forms.
B8. Identify and use adverbs appropriately in sentences. Communication and Collaboration
Exemplars: (CC)
1. Determine the functions of adverbs in sentences. CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with
relevant detail, using correct construction
2. Identify and classify adverbs in a given text. and structure of speech.
3. Construct compound sentences using adverbs.
B8. Identify and use conjunctions in an increasing range of Communication and Collaboration
texts appropriately and correctly. (CC)
Exemplars: CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with
1. Use appropriate conjunctions to link simple and compound sentences in relevant detail, using correct construction
texts. and structure of speech.
B8.5.1.1 Demonstrate B8. Develop coherent essays using the features of given text Communication and Collaboration
knowledge and types. (CC)
understanding in Exemplars:
the ability to write
1. Discuss the features of persuasive/argumentative writing, informative/ CC 8.3: Apply appropriate diction and
meaningful compositions
academic/expository and letter writing. structure sentences correctly for narrative,
on the various text
persuasive, imaginative and expository
types (persuasive/ 2. Write a composition on a topic on the text types above.
argumentative writing,
informative/ academic/
expository andletter
B8.6.1.1 Demonstrate B8. Discuss the features of proverbs and idioms Communication and Collaboration
knowledge and Exemplars: (CC), Cultural Identity and Global
understanding of Citizen (CG)
1. Describe the features of proverbs and idioms and give examples of each.
proverbs and idioms. CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills of
2. Identify and interpret proverbs and idioms in your language. working towards group goals.
3. State the occasions and situations in which the given proverbs and CG 5.5: Adjust to the demands of customs,
idioms are used. traditions, values and attitudes of society.
4. State the importance of proverbs and idioms.
B8.6.1.2 Demonstrate B8. how writers use language to create effect in Communication and Collaboration
knowledge and prose, poetry and drama. (CC), Cultural Identity and Global
understanding in theuse Exemplars: Citizen (CG)
of language in a prose, CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills of
1. Discuss how writers use language to create character in prose, poetry
poetry and drama texts working towards group goals.
and drama texts, giving examples from the text.
CG 5.5: Adjust to the demands of customs,
2. Explore ways in which writers use a wide range of literary devices
traditions, values and attitudes of society.
(simile, metaphor, repetition, idioms and proverbs) in a range of prose,
poetry and drama texts.
3. Discuss the ways writers use language to create settings for different
effects in prose, poetry and drama.
4. Discuss how writers use language to create mood and tone in prose,
poetry and drama
5. Discuss the ways writers structure texts in prose, poetry and drama.
B9.1.1.1 Demonstrate B9. Discuss the processes involved in performing marriage Communication and Collaboration
an understanding of rites in their culture. (CC), Cultural Identity and Global
marriage of their culture Exemplars: Citizenship (CG)
and compare with other CC 7.3: Provide feedback in areas of
1. Explain what marriage is.
cultures of Ghana ideas, organisation, voice, word choice and
2. Read and discuss a text on marriage. sentence fluency in communication.
3. Identify types of marriage. CG 5.4: Develop and exhibit the sense of
4. Identify some of the marriage rites in their culture and write them. cultural identity.
B9. Compare and contrast the marriage rites in their Communication and Collaboration
culture to other cultures in Ghana. (CC), Cultural Identity and Global
Exemplar: Citizenship (CG)
1. Present marriage rites among their people. CC 7.3: Provide feedback in areas of
ideas, organisation, voice, word choice and
2. Relate the marriage rites of their culture to those of other Ghanaian sentence fluency in communication.
CG 5.5: Adjust to the demands of customs,
traditions, values and attitudes of society.
B9.1.1.1 B9. Compare and contrast the traditional marriage rites to Communication and Collaboration
Demonstrate an the contemporary marriage rites and dramatise both. (CC), Cultural Identity and Global
understanding of Exemplars: Citizenship (CG)
marriage of their culture 1. Explain some of the contemporary marriage rites in their culture. CC 7.3: Provide feedback in areas of
and compare with other ideas, organisation, voice, word choice and
cultures of Ghana 2. Compare and contrast the traditional to the contemporary marriage sentence fluency in communication.
CG 5.5: Adjust to the demands of customs,
3. Dramatise marriage rites session of their culture. traditions, values and attitudes of society.
B9.1.2.1. Exhibit B9. Identify and discuss circumstances that result in naming Communication and Collaboration,
knowledge of the children in their community. Cultural Identity and Global
understanding Exemplars: Citizenship (CG)
and application CC 7.3: Provide feedback in areas of
1. Explain circumstances that lead to circumstantial names.
of circumstantial, ideas, organisation, voice, word choice and
reincarnation and deity 2. Write some of the names and relate them to the circumstances. sentence fluency in communication.
names 3. Discuss the significance of circumstantial names. CG 5.5: Adjust to the demands of customs,
traditions, values and attitudes of society.
B9. Discuss reincarnation names and their meanings. Communication and Collaboration,
Exemplars: Cultural Identity and Global
Citizenship (CG)
1. Identify reincarnation names and discuss their meanings.
CC 7.3: Provide feedback in areas of
2. Discuss the significance of reincarnation names. ideas, organisation, voice, word choice and
sentence fluency in communication.
CG 5.5: Adjust to the demands of customs,
traditions, values and attitudes of society.
B9.1.2.1. Exhibit B9. Identify and discuss deity names. Communication and Collaboration,
knowledge of the Exemplars: Cultural Identity and Global
understanding Citizenship (CG)
1. Explain circumstances that lead to giving new borns deity names.
and application CC 7.3: Provide feedback in areas of
of circumstantial, E.g. ideas, organisation, voice, word choice and
reincarnation and deity • Akan: Tutu, Antoa, etc sentence fluency in communication.
• Dagaare: Gyebuni, Kala CG 5.5: Adjust to the demands of customs,
• Dagbani:Yabdoo, Tidoo traditions, values and attitudes of society.
• Dangme: Agbee, Nadu
• Ewe: Afram, Klu
• Ga: Nai, Dzan
• Gonja: Kipo, Lansa
• Nzema: Tanoɛ, Botokule
• Kasem: Kukula
2. Discuss the significance of deity names.
B9.1.3.1 B9. Discuss trends affecting the clan system. Communication and Collaboration,
Demonstrate Exemplars: Cultural Identity and Global
understanding and Citizenship (CG)
1. Identify and discuss the trends affecting the clan system.
knowledge of the factors CC 7.3: Provide feedback in areas of
that militate against the 2. Discuss ways by which the clan system can be strengthened. ideas, organisation, voice, word choice and
clan system 3. Discuss the similarities and differences between the various clan systems sentence fluency in communication.
in their locality. CG 5.5: Adjust to the demands of customs,
traditions, values and attitudes of society.
B9.1.4.1 Exhibit B9. Explore the traditional governing structure of their Communication and Collaboration,
knowledge and community and discuss the duties of the functionaries. Cultural Identity and Global
understanding of the Exemplars: Citizenship (CG)
traditional governing CC 7.3: Provide feedback in areas of
1. Read and discuss a text on traditional governance.
structure (chief/ ideas, organisation, voice, word choice and
queenmother, chief 2. Identify the traditional governing structure of their community. sentence fluency in communication.
priest, traditional 3. Discuss and write down the duties of the functionaries. CG 5.5: Adjust to the demands of customs,
military, sub chiefs, king
4. Discuss and write the importance of the functionaries. traditions, values and attitudes of society.
makers) of their society
and their duties.
B9.2.1.1 Demonstrate B9. Use appropriate register in everyday communication Communication and Collaboration
use of appropriate (informal and formal) with diverse partners on grade-level topics/ (CC)
language orally in texts/issues.
specific situations Exemplars: CC 7.4: Identify underlying themes,
1. Identify some slang words and jargons accepted locally and implications and issues when listening.
2. Use everyday, informal topics and situations that are more appropriate
for the use of slang and jargon e.g. going out with friends, talking about
music, hobbies, sport, and so on.
3. Create and act scenes on texts/issues/topics using both formal and
informal register to distinguish characters.
B9. Ask questions that link the ideas of several speakers and Communication and Collaboration
respond to others’ questions in a discussion (CC)
1. Use open ended questions to enable speaker link ideas of other speakers CC 7.4: Identify underlying themes,
on topics/issues e.g. In your opinion what are the views of people on implications and issues when listening
bush fires, corruption, sanitation, energy conservation, ‘galamsey’, etc.?
2. Listen attentively to view points on topics/issues in a conversation and
respond appropriately.
3. Engage in conversations on topics/issues with several speakers and
respond to different views.
B9.2.1.1 Demonstrate B9. Use appropriate language orally to discuss grade-level Communication and Collaboration
use of appropriate national issues fluently (CC)
language orally in Exemplars:
specific situations
1. Identify grade-level national issues (the youth in agriculture, sanitation, CC 7.4: Identify underlying themes,
life style diseases, free SHS, etc.) implications and issues when listening.
2. Discuss grade-level national issues in detail using appropriate register.
B9. Express opinions and advice on a range of everyday Communication and Collaboration
issues and situations clearly. (CC)
1. Identify a range of everyday issues e.g. road/domestic accidents, domestic CC 7.4: Identify underlying themes,
violence, child abuse. implications and issues when listening.
2. Engage in conversations on these issues giving your opinion and advice.
B9. Demonstrate appropriate turn taking and use Communication and Collaboration
techniques for effective argument (debate). (CC)
1. Identify interesting topics/issues appropriate for argument and debate CC 7.4: Identify underlying themes,
e.g. ‘Children should be allowed to take decisions on matters concerning implications and issues when listening.
2. Observe and use the skills of turn taking in arguments and debates.
B9.2.2.1: Demonstrate B9. Listen to a more natural level-appropriate interactions Communication and Collaboration
the ability to listen to with multiple speakers for example,TV shows, dramas, films, etc. (CC)
extended reading and Exemplars:
identify key information
1. Discuss and write key information e.g. message, theme, tone, mood in CC 7.4: Identify underlying themes,
level appropriate texts/speeches. implications and issues when listening.
2. Listen to and compare information written from texts/speeches.
B9. Initiate and participate in meaningful and collaborative Communication and Collaboration
discussions on texts and related materials building on others’ ideas (CC)
and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
Exemplars: CC 7.4: Identify underlying themes,
1. Listen to and identify key issues in level appropriate texts/speeches/ implications and issues when listening.
dialogues e.g. argumentative texts, news, presentations.
2. Initiate discussions on ideas and share opinions on level appropriate
texts/ speeches/dialogues
3. Engage in conferences to discuss ideas noted from texts/speeches/
dialogues and express their own clearly and persuasively
B9.2.4.1 Demonstrate B9. Apply the idea of tones correctly when speaking and Communication and Collaboration
knowledge and reading in contexts. (CC)
understanding in the Exemplars:
use of the basic tones
1. Engage in a conversation on a given topic using the basic tones correctly. CC 7.4: Identify underlying themes,
correctly in speaking and
implications and issues when listening.
reading. 2. Read sentences using the correct tones.
3. Read a passage using the correct tone patterns to depict the right
B9.2.6.1 Describe their B9. Discuss complex topics related to everyday activities. Communication and Collaboration
everyday experiences Exemplars: (CC)
on more complex .
1. Read a text on deforestation in Ghana, same sex marriage, insecurity, etc.
topics using appropriate
CC 7.4: Identify underlying themes,
presentational skills. 2. Discuss some of the everyday activities in the factory, traditional
implications and issues when listening.
occupational shops, settlement of cases at the palace, etc.
B9. Compose their own group report on some topical issues. Communication and Collaboration
Exemplars: (CC)
1. Develop their own report on a range of suitable familiar and unfamiliar, CC 7.4: Identify underlying themes,
concrete and abstract topics. Examples, pollution in Ghana, food implications and issues when listening.
production in Ghana, main industries in Ghana.
2. Make a presentation on the topics above to the class for discussion.
B9.3.1.1 Read longer B9. Locate the main and subsidiary points in a range of texts Communication and Collaboration
passages silently, and rewrite logically with accuracy in their own words. (CC)
identify main ideas, Exemplars: CC 7.4: Identify underlying themes,
answer questions and implications and issues when listening.
1. Read and understand a passage of between 200-250 words from
summarise the passage.
different subject areas silently. CC 7.2: Interpret correctly and respond to
non- verbal communication such as facial
2. Identify the main ideas in the passage.
expressions, cues and gestures.
3. Rewrite the ideas logically in their own words.
4. Answer recall, meaning and inferential questions based on the passage.
B9. Summarise passages read in given number of sentences. Communication and Collaboration
Exemplars: (CC)
1. Arrange the main ideas in a range of passages logically and coherently. CC 7.4: Identify underlying themes,
implications and issues when listening.
2. Summarise a passage of two hundred words in fifty words.
CC 7.2: Interpret correctly and respond to
non- verbal communication such as facial
expressions, cues and gestures.
B9.3.2.1 Demonstrate B9. Decode the meaning of texts and translate from source Communication and Collaboration
knowledge of translating to target language. (CC)
texts from source Exemplars: CC 8.3: Apply appropriate diction and
language to the target structure sentences correctly for narrative,
1. Translate texts of about one hundred words from source to a target
language. persuasive, imaginative and expository
2. Read and discuss the translated text.
B9.4.2.1 Demonstrate B9. Discuss nouns under singular and plural forms in an Communication and Collaboration
knowledge of the use increasing and abstract range of texts. (CC)
of singular and plural Exemplars: CC 7.4: Identify underlying themes,
nouns in sentences and implications and issues when listening.
1. Identify and classify nouns in a passage according to their singular and
plural forms.
2. Construct simple and compound sentences with the singular and plural
nouns in speech and in writing.
B9.4.2.2 Demonstrate B9. Discuss how adjectives follow each other in a sentence. Communication and Collaboration
knowledge of how Exemplars: (CC)
adjectives are combined CC 7.1: Identify words or sentences in
1. Identify adjectives in texts.
in a sentence. context appropriately.
2. Form sentences with two or three adjectives.
B9.4.3.1 Exhibit B9. Discuss auxiliary verbs in sentences. Communication and Collaboration
knowledge and Exemplars: (CC)
understanding of the use CC 7.4: Identify underlying themes,
1. Identify types of verbs in a recorded/read passage.
of auxiliary verbs. implications and issues when listening.
2. Discuss auxiliary verbs (where applicable).
3. Construct sentences with auxiliary verbs.
B9.4.3.2 Demonstrate B9. Discuss how adverbs follow each other in a sentence. Communication and Collaboration
knowledge of how Exemplars: (CC)
adverbs are combined in CC 7.1: Identify words or sentences in
1. Identify adverbs in texts.
a sentence. context appropriately.
2. Construct sentences with two or three adverbs correctly.
B9.5.1.1 Demonstrate B9. Plan and structure a range of extended texts using Communication and Collaboration
knowledge and paragraphs to show progression from one idea to the next and (CC), Critical thinking and Problem
understanding of the linking paragraphs using cohesive language. solving (CP)
features of the various Exemplar: CC 7.4: Identify underlying themes,
text types discussed and implications and issues when listening.
1. Write a coherent essay on any of the text types (e.g. narrative,
use the knowledge to
descriptive, creative, academic, and argumentative and letter writing) on a CP 5.2: Analyse and make distinct
write a coherent essay
given topic. judgement about viewpoints expressed in an
on the text types.
2. Identify and write the topic and supporting sentences in the paragraphs.
B9.6.1.1 Demonstrate an B9. Explore drum language/appellations and war songs Cultural identity and Global
understanding of drum respectively. Citizenship(CG)
language, appellations Exemplars: CG 5.1: Show a strong sense of
and war songs. belongingness to one’s culture.
1. Describe the features of drum language/appellation.
CG 6.1: Understanding of influences of
2. Discuss drum language/appellation.
globalisation on traditions, languages and
3. Discuss the occasions/situations on/in which drum language/appellation is cultures.
4. State the importance of drum language/appellation.
5. Appreciate war songs in your language.
6. Discuss the importance of war songs.
B9.6.1.2 Demonstrate B9. Discuss how writers use language to create effect in an Communication and Collaboration
knowledge and increasing range of prose, poetry and drama. (CC)
understanding in the Exemplars: CC 7.4: Identify underlying themes,
writer’s use of language implications and issues when listening.
1. Discuss characterisation in relation to prose, poetry and drama texts and
in a prose, poetry and
give examples from texts.
drama texts.
2. Explore ways that writers use a wide range of literary devices
(personification, alliteration, assonance) in a range of prose, poetry and
drama texts.
3. Discuss how writers use settings to create different effects in a range of
prose, poetry and drama.
4. Discuss how writers use language to create mood and tone in an
increasing range of prose, poetry and drama
5. Discuss the ways writers structure texts in a range of prose, poetry and
drama texts.
B10.1.1.1 Demonstrate B10. Discuss the types and causes of death in your culture. Cultural identity and Global
understanding of issues Exemplars: Citizenship (CG)
relating to death and CG 5.1: Show a strong sense of
1. Read and discuss a text on death.
funeral rites of their belongingness to one’s culture.
culture and compare 2. Discuss and write the types of death
with other cultures of 3. Explore the causes of the different types of death.
4. Examine the effects of unnatural death in their culture.
5. Compose a piece on ways of curbing unnatural death.
B10. Discuss how natural and unnatural death funeral rites Cultural identity and Global
are performed in their culture. Citizenship(CG)
Exemplars: CG 5.1: Show a strong sense of
1. Examine the funeral rites of a natural and unnatural death in their belongingness to one’s culture.
B10. Compare and contrast the funeral rites of an ordinary Cultural identity and Global
citizen and that of the chief/queenmother in their culture. Citizenship(CG)
Exemplars: CG 5.1: Show a strong sense of
1. Discuss the funeral rites of the ordinary citizen in their culture. belongingness to one’s culture.
CG 6.1: Understanding of influences of
2. Discuss the burial and funeral rites of the chief/queenmother in their
globalisation on traditions, languages and
3. Discuss and write the similarities and differences between the burial and
funeral rites of an ordinary citizen and that of the chief/queenmother.
B10.1.2.1 Exhibit B10. Discuss the origin of nicknames. Cultural identity and Global
knowledge and Exemplars: Citizenship(CG)
understanding of the CG 5.1: Show a strong sense of
1. Explore how nicknames originated in their culture.
origin and importance of belongingness to one’s culture.
nicknames 2. Discuss and write the effects of nicknames.
CG 6.1: Understanding of influences of
globalisation on traditions, languages and
B10.1.4.1 Demonstrate B10. Enumerate the processes that are involved in settling Cultural identity and Global
knowledge in the disputes in the traditional judiciary system. Citizenship (CG)
traditional judicial Exemplars: CG 5.1: Show a strong sense of
system in settling belongingness to one’s culture.
1. Discuss a video or a passage on traditional dispute resolution at a chief’s
disputes in their
court. CG 6.1: Understanding of influences of
globalisation on traditions, languages and
2. Discuss when and where disputes are settled in the traditional judiciary
3. Discuss the procedure for settling disputes in the traditional judiciary
B10. Examine the contemporary judiciary system. Cultural identity and Global
Exemplars: Citizenship (CG)
1. Discuss the types of courts in the contemporary judiciary system. CG 5.1: Show a strong sense of
belongingness to one’s culture.
2. Discuss the processes involved in the contemporary judiciary system.
CG 6.1: Understanding of influences of
globalisation on traditions, languages and
B10. Analyse the interconnection between contemporary Cultural identity and Global
and traditional judiciary systems. Citizenship (CG)
Exemplar: CG 5.1: Show a strong sense of
1. Compare and contrast the functions of the contemporary and the belongingness to one’s culture.
traditional judiciary system. CG 6.1: Understanding of influences of
globalisation on traditions, languages and
B10.2.1.1 Demonstrate B10. Use appropriate register in everyday communication Communication and Collaboration
use of appropriate (informal and formal) with diverse partners on grade-level topics/ (CC)
language orally in texts/issues CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills of
specific situations Exemplars: working towards group goals.
1. Listen to a range of level appropriate texts/speeches /issues and identify
the register (formal and informal) used in them.
2. Create texts/ dialogues/ skits using a combination of formal and informal
3. Present or act texts/ dialogues /skits containing appropriate register.
4. Use natural Ghanaian language accurately and appropriately in
spontaneous conversation.
B10. Ask questions that link the ideas of several speakers Cultural identity and Global
and respond to others’ questions and comments in a discussion Citizenship (CG)
Exemplars: CG 5.1: Show a strong sense of
1. Use a range of open-ended question types to conduct oral interviews on belongingness to one’s culture.
level appropriate topics/issues. CG 6.1: Understanding of influences of
globalisation on traditions, languages and
2. Initiate and use increasingly complex questions to get people to respond
to, and comment on, level-appropriate issues/topics accurately and
B10. Use appropriate language orally to discuss current Cultural identity and
grade-level global issues fluently. Global Citizenship (CG)
Exemplars: CG 5.1: Show a strong sense of
1. Identify grade-level global issues e.g. violence, kidnapping belongingness to one’s culture.
2. Discuss orally, grade-level global issues/ topics, using appropriate language CG 6.1: Understanding of influences of
e.g. globalisation on traditions, languages and
• vocabulary, phrasal verbs, idioms cultures.
B10.2.2.1 Demonstrate B10. Listen to and discuss a level appropriate text Communication and Collaboration
the ability to listen to attentively and share opinions on key information. (CC)
extended reading and Exemplars: CC 8.5: Vary the level of detail and the
identify key information language used when presenting to make it
1. Listen to recorded texts /speeches/ news / announcements and write the
important ideas. appropriate to the audience.
2. Initiate a discussion and share opinions ideas from texts/ speeches/ news/
announcements relating them to personal experiences.
3. Compare ideas written to texts/ speeches/ news/announcements and
add details.
B10.2.3.1 Demonstrate B10. Discuss the description of vowels. Communication and Collaboration
knowledge and Exemplars: (CC), Personal Development and
understanding of Leadership (PL)
1. Discuss the four-term label of vowels (tongue height, part of the tongue,
vowels and consonant CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills of
lip posture and ATR-Advance Tongue Root).
description working towards group goals.
2. Describe vowels using the four-term label.
PL 6.2: Division of tasks into solvable units
and assign group members to task units.
B10.2.6.1 Describe their B10. Discuss abstract and unfamiliar topics related to Communication and Collaboration
everyday experiences on everyday activities. (CC)
abstract and unfamiliar Exemplars: CC 7.4: Identify underlying themes,
topics using appropriate implications and issues when listening.
1. Read a text on a disability in Ghana, inclusivity in education, greenhouse
presentational skills
farming, etc.
2. Discuss some of the everyday activities, e.g. the issue of the coronavirus,
impeachment of presidents worldwide e.g. USA; Boko Haram, ISIS, etc.
B10. Compose individual report on an assigned daily activity Communication and Collaboration
and make a presentation on it. (CC)
1. Narrate a daily activity performed to the class. CC 7.4: Identify underlying themes,
implications and issues when listening.
2. Write a report on a daily activity and read it to the class.
B10.3.1.1 Demonstrate B10. Explore skimming and scanning for ideas in a text. Communication and Collaboration
knowledge and Exemplars: (CC)
understanding of
1. Skim and scan for main ideas in a text.
skimming and scanning
CC 7.4: Identify underlying themes,
for information in a text. 2. Discuss the main ideas in the text.
implications and issues when listening.
B10.3.2.1 Demonstrate B10. Determine the core ideas in a passage. Communication and Collaboration
knowledge of identifying Exemplars: (CC)
the core ideas in a
1. Identify core ideas in a passage.
passage and use the
CC 7.4: Identify underlying themes,
basic rules of translation 2. Arrange core ideas in the passage sequentially.
implications and issues when listening
(appropriate register,
appropriate structure B10. Establish the meaning of passages in their language. Communication and Collaboration
and understanding of (CC)
the text) to translate
passages 1. Determine the meaning of the core ideas in a passage in their language.
CC 7.4: Identify underlying themes,
2. Apply the basic rules in translation to translate texts from source
implications and issues when listening
language to a target language.
3. Apply the basic rules in translation to translate texts from source
language to a target language.
B10.4.2.1 Demonstrate B10. Indicator: Explore the use of affixes in the language. Communication and Collaboration
knowledge and Exemplars: (CC), Cultural Identity and Global
understanding of affixes Citizen (CG)
1. Discuss affixation and how affixes are used in the formation of new
words in the language. CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills of
working towards group goals
2. Form new words with the affixes.
CG 5.4: Develop and exhibit the sense of
3. Use the new words formed correctly in texts. cultural identity.
B10.4.3.1 Demonstrate B10. Determine and discuss what serial verb construction is. Communication and Collaboration
understanding of serial Exemplars: (CC)
verb constructions CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills of
1. Discuss serial verb construction.
and identify the working towards group goals.
characteristics of serial 2. Examine the characteristics of serial verb construction.
verb constructions in 3. Identify serial verbs in sentences.
their language and use
them in sentences 4. Construct sentences using serial verbs.
B10.5.1.1 Exhibit B10. Explore the features of the various text types (dialogue, Communication and Collaboration
knowledge and speech, report and articles). (CC)
understanding of writing Exemplars:
dialogue, speech, report
1. Discuss the features of the various text types. CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills of
and articles
working towards group goals.
2. Develop a dialogue on a given topic (e.g. energy conservation, inclusivity
in education, etc.).These issues are also raised in other subject areas like
Social Studies, Science, etc.
3. Develop a speech on a given topic (climate change, teenage pregnancy,
misuse of social media, etc.). More information on these issues can be
found in other subject areas like the subjects listed in exemplar 2 above.
4. Write a report on a given topic (a visit to a tourist site, demonstration,
traditional adjudication, etc.).
5. Write an article on a given topic (coronavirus, Ebola, Boko Haram, etc.).
B10.6.1.1 Demonstrate B10. Explore the structure and significance of libation and Communication and Collaboration
an understanding of oral dirges. (CC), Cultural Identity and Global
and written literature Exemplars: citizenship (CG)
(libation, dirges, prose, CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills of
1. Appreciate a text on libation and dirges.
poetry and drama) working towards group goals.
2. Examine the structure of libation and dirges.
CG 5.2: Develop and exhibit ability to
3. Discuss the performance of libation and dirges. defend one’s cultural beliefs, practices and
4. Discuss the significance of libation and dirges. norms.
B10. Discuss how to appreciate literary work in relation to Communication and Collaboration
meaning. (CC)
Exemplars: CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills of
1. Discuss how writers create meaning using literary devices. working towards group goals.
2. Explore ways of extracting meaning through the use of literary devices in
a range of prose, poetry and drama texts.
3. Analyse language effect in a range of prose, poetry and drama.
4. Discuss how writers use language to create characters, mood, setting
and tone in an increasing range of prose, poetry and drama.
CC7.1: Identify words or sentences in context CC8.1: Speak clearly and explain ideas. Share a CC9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills of
appropriately narrative or extended answer while speaking to a working towards group goals
CC7.2: Interpret correctly and respond to non- CC8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with relevant CC9.2: Understand and use interpersonal skills
verbal communication such as facial expressions, detail, using correct construction and structure of
cues and gestures speech
CC7.3: Provide feedback in areas of ideas, CC8.3: Apply appropriate diction, and structure CC9.3: Understand roles during group activities
organisation, voice, word choice and sentence sentences correctly for narrative, persuasive,
fluency in communication imaginative and expository purposes
CC7.4: Identify underlying themes, implications CC8.4: Anticipate different responses from the CC9.4: Help group work on relevant activities
and issues when listening audience and plan for them
CC7.5: Identify and analyse different points of CC8.5:Vary the level of detail and the language CC9.5: Appreciate the importance of including
views of speaker used when presenting to make it appropriate to all team members in discussions and actively
the audience encourage contributions from them
CC9.6: Ability to work with all group members to
complete a task successfully
CC9.7: Effectively perform multiple roles within
the group
CC9.8: Demonstrate an awareness of the wider
team dynamics and work to minimise conflicts in
the team
CP 5.1: Ability to combine information and ideas from several sources to CP 6.1: Ability to effectively define goals towards solving a problem
reach a conclusion
CP 5.2: Analyse and make distinct judgement about viewpoints expressed in CP 6.2: Ability to explain plans for attaining goals
an argument
CP 5.3: Create simple logic trees to think through problems CP 6.3: Identify important and appropriate alternatives
CP 5.4: Generate hypothesis to help answer complex problems CP 6.4: Ability to identify important and appropriate criteria and use them
to evaluate available alternatives
CP 5.5:Effectively evaluate the success of solutions used in an attempt to CP 6.5: Ability to select alternative(s) that adequately meet selected criteria
solve a complex problem
CP 5.6: Demonstrate a thorough understanding of a generalised concept CP 6.6: Preparedness to recognise and explain results after implementation
and facts specific to task or situation of plans
CP 5.7:Provide new insight into controversial situation or task CP 6.7: Implement strategies with accuracy
CP 5.8: Identify and prove misconceptions about a generalised concept or
fact specific to a task or situation
CP 5.9: Identify and explain a confusion, uncertainty, or a contradiction
surrounding an event
CP 5.10: Develop and defend a logical plausible resolution to a confusion,
uncertainty or contradiction surrounding an event
PL5.1:Understanding oneself (strengths, weaknesses, goals and PL6.1: Ability to serve group members effectively
aspirations),in reacting and adjusting to novel situations
PL5.2: Demonstrate a sense of belongingness to a group PL6.2: Division of tasks into solvable units and assigning group members to
task units
PL5.3: Recognise one’s emotional state and their preparedness to apply PL6.3: Ability to manage time effectively
emotional intelligence
PL5.4: Ability to understand one’s personality traits PL6.4: Ability to manage and resolve conflicts
PL5.5: Desire to accept one’s true self and overcome weaknesses PL6.5: Ability to monitor team members to ascertain progress
PL5.6: Ability to set and maintain personal standards and values PL6.6: Ability to mentor peers
PL6.7: Actively promote effective group interaction and the expression of
ideas and opinions in a way that is sensitive to the feelings and background of
PL6.8: Actively assist group identify changes or modifications necessary in
the group activities and work towards carrying out those changes
CG5.1:Show a strong sense of belongingness to one’s culture CG6.1:Understanding of influences of globalisation on traditions, languages
and cultures
CG5.2:Develop and exhibit ability to defend one’s cultural beliefs, practices CG6.2:Recognise resistance to global practices that are inimical to our
and norms culture
CG5.3:Develop and express respect, recognition and appreciation of others’ CG6.3:Know the global discourse about the roles of males and females
CG5.4:Develop and exhibit a sense of cultural identity CG6.4:Exhibit a sense of nationality and global identity
CG5.5:Adjust to the demands of customs, traditions, values and attitudes of
CI 5.1:Examine alternatives in creating new things CI 6.1: Exhibit strong memory, intuitive thinking, and respond appropriately
CI 5.2: Ability to merge simple/complex ideas to create novel situations or CI 6.2: Ability to reflect on approaches to creative tasks and evaluate the
things effectiveness of tools used
CI 5.3: Identification of requirements of a given situation and justification of CI 6.3: Ability to select the most effective creative tools for work, and give
more than one creative tool that will be suitable reasons for the choice
CI 5.4: Ability to visualise alternatives, see possibilities, and identify problems CI 6.4: Imagining and seeing things in a different way
and challenges
CI 5.5: Ability to try new alternatives and different approaches CI 6.5: Anticipate and overcome difficulties relating totaking initiatives
CI 5.6: Understand and use analogies and metaphors CI 6.6: Being open-minded, adapting and modifying ideas to achieve creative
CI 5.7: Putting forward constructive comments, ideas, explanations and new CI 6.7: Look and think about things differently and from different
ways of doing things perspectives
CI 6.8: Recognise and generalise information and experience; search for
trends and patterns
CI 6.9: Interpret and apply learning in new contexts
CI 6.10: Reflect on work and explore the thinking behind thoughts and
DL5.1:Ability to ascertain when information is needed and be able to DL 6.1: Understand the sociological and emotional aspects of cyberspace
identify, locate, evaluate and effectively use it to solve a problem
DL5.2:Ability to recognise and avoid traps in cyberspace DL 6.2: Create a meaningful and original piece of work, or its interpretation
by integrating existing information
DL5.3:Ability to find and utilise digital content DL6.3:Use digital tools to create novel things
DL5.4:Ability to construct knowledge from a non-linear hyper-textual DL6.4:Adhere to behavioural protocols that prevail in cyberspace
DL5.5:Evaluate the quality and validity of information DL6.5:Recognition of societal issues emanating from the use of digital
DL5.6:Preparedness to make better decisions using available information DL6.6:Knowledge and recognition of ethical use of information
The core competencies outlined in this document must be assessed taking into
consideration learners with special needs (physical disabilities, learning disabilities, etc.).
Consider the use of realia for visual and visually challenged learners.
1. Boyle, B. & Marie, C. (2016). Curriculum development: A guide for educators. SAGE
2. Ghana Education Service (2019). Ghanaian language curriculum for primary schools. Accra: NaCCA
3. Glatthom, A. A. (1994). Developing a quality curriculum. Waveland Press
4. Jacobs, H. H. (2010). Curriculum 21: Essential education for a changing world. ASCD
5. Owu-Ewie, C. (2012). Language teaching skills. Vision Xpress Service
6. Pinar, W. (2013). International handbook of curriculum research. Taylor & Francis
7. Richards, J. C. (2017). Curriculum development in language teaching. Cambridge University Press
8. Wiles, J. (2008). Leading curriculum development. Corwin Press