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Advanced Java

Book1-WCD(Web Component Developer)

40hrs (20days)

Adv Java Book2

Module:Hibernate & Spring Frameworks[Adv Java Book2]
Duration:40 hrs (20 days)
Today we starting with module Hibernate

Hibernate-20hrs(10 days)
Spring-20hrs(10 days)
Spring Boot-20hrs (10 days)

Hibernate is a Framework??
Framework is semi-developed code which can be customized to develop our application

we dont to develop our application from scratch

we acheive RAD[Rapid Application Development]

****Hibernate is a Database Framework

It saves an object into DB
Employee emp=new Employee(101,'Robert',23000);
Here emp object is stored in heap(temporarily stored)

Object Persistence
we want to store object state permanently
Employee emp=new Employee(101,"RObert",78900);
we are trying save an object in to the database

**Hibernate is a Framework used for Object Persistence in the database.

transient object--->in memory

persistent object--->permenantly stored

Hibernate saves an object into the database

Problem statement:-SAve Employee information???

JDBC,Serialization,XML,EJB-Entity Bean

Object Persistence Mechanisms

application connects to the db via DriverManager/
DataSource[Connection Pooling]

appln fires query using Statement,PreparedStatement, CallableStatement(stored

To retrive data ResultSet/RowSet is used

simple to code

-repeated coding
-transaction & concurrency needs to be done manually
-caching & dynamic update require extra efforts

Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection
Here conn object will be created & then returned

con.close();//here conn object gets destroyed

DataSource ds=ctx.lookup("myds");
Connection con=ds.getConnection();
Here precreated conn object is returned
con.close();//here conn is object is added back to the free pool

1)simpler syntax for dynamic query

PS executes dynamic query(query which accepts runtime input )
with a simpler syntax
insert into emp values (?,?,?) --->placeholder

2)PreparedStatement executes precompiled queries

frequently required static query is compiled only once & native code is cached &
reused.Hence PS offer better performance than statement

Statement-->compiled 100 times

PS--->compiled once & reused

"select * from emp"(query)---->native db lang


To fetch data frm ResultSet--->3 objects


To fetch data using RowSet--->only Rowset(conn,fire query,data retrive data)

1)3-in-1(conn,fire query,data retrive data)
2)Scrollable and updatable is by default
3)also supports disconnected architecture(works on offline data)

Rowset 2 types --->JdbcRowSet (connected architecture)

CachedRowSet(disconnected architecture)

DAO Design Pattern[Data Access Object]

A-->main-->accept empid-->fetch(empid)
print output using rowset

B--->rowset fetch(eid){fetch data thro rowset}


Serialization is process of converting object state into a bytestream.
This bytestream can then be stored into file/transfer across network

automated object peristence in a file
we just need to pass object to a method writeObject()
class need to implements Serializable
object--(oos)-->bytestream--(fos)-->file [slow]
hence not suitable for large scale data

//Marker or Tagging interface

public class Employee implements Serializable{
int empId;
String empName;
double salary;
Address resAddr;

public class Address implements Serializable{
String street,city,state,country;

Employee emp=new Employee(101,"RObert",78900,new Address(...));

FileOutputStream fos=new FileOutputStream("emp.txt");
ObjectOutputStream oos=new ObjectOutputStream(fos);

What is a marker/tagging interface?

It is an empty interface,which does not have any method
whenever any class implements it,the class need not impl any method
MI is used to grant a special permission/feature to its implementing class

3)XML:- Extensible Markup language

we can store an object in to an xml file using XMLStreamWriter

file---->sequential manner
db------>tabular manner
xml----->structured manner

101 Robert 78900......


stores structured data in a text format[hence best suited for transferring data
between heterogeneous systems]

Not good for large scale data
save a product object into an xml document using XMLStreamWriter

Java Bean -reusable business component

holds the business logic of web application
it can be used again and again within the same application

4)EJB - Entity Bean (manages object persistence automatically)

EJB- Enterprise Java Bean
3 types of EJB
1)Session Bean [only BL]
2)Entity Bean[persistence code/data access code]
3)Message Driven Bean[message passing]

Entity Bean has 2 types

BMP-BEan managed persistence [persistence code is written by programmer]

CMP-Container Managed Persistence [persistence code is autogenerated]

Pros:- Automated Object Persistence in database

[we dont need to connect to db,fire query]

i)developing EJB is overcomplex[need to implement specific interfaces]
ii)requires Managed Environment [requires Application Server eg:-
iii)Not portable[dependent on server]

Employee e1=new Employee(101,"John",89000);

Employee e2=new Employee(102,"Robert",89000);
ejb.save(e1); --->table will be autogenerated/connect to the db/insert
ejb.save(e2);--->connect to the db/insert query(datastored)

Employee e=ejb.load(101);--->db connect,select query

we want

Simple as JDBC
Automated persistence like Serialization,EJB
Pluggable like XML
ORM - Object Relational Mapping
refers to automated object persistence
of Java object into relational db
based on metadata that describes the mapping between
Java object & relational table

maps object to the relational db

metadata we provide using xml/annotation

1)Better System Architecture
2)Reduces Coding Time
3)Caching & Transaction mgt is inbuilt

ORM implementations
Hibernate,TopLink,EJB Entity Bean,IBatis/MyBatis

POJO stands for Plain OLd Java Object

POJO is a Java class which is not dependent on any JAR,Server,API

1)Employee(POJO)---->empId,empName,empSal(POJO Properties)

2)metadata xml/anno

3)//client code
Employee emp=new Employee(101,"Robert",89876);
db table created,insert query auto generated,data will be fetched frm the object &
saved into the table

-Hibernate is a ORM framework which maps java object to relational db based
on the metadata we provide using xml/annotation

-open source
[go to the website--->download jar files free of cost]

-developed by Gavin King

-non-invasive framework-POJO based[Plain Old Java Object]

POJO is a class which is not dependent any API,Architecture,Server.It is unit
testable & pluggable

-Hibernate can be used with any type of application


-Hibernate is purely used for persistence


Factory Design Pattern

class A{
public void mymethod(){S.O.P("Hello");}

Factory class:-used to provide objects of class A

class B{
public static Object getObject(){return new A();}

class Client{
public static void main(String[] args){
//client code
A ob1=B.getObject();
A ob2=B.getObject();
A ob3=B.getObject();

Hibernate is
ORM Framework
maps java object to relational db
open source
invented by Gavin King
POJO based
purely used for persistence
can be integrated with any type of application

Hibernate Architecture(various objects)

entry point
holds metadata
used to build a SessionFactory

heavy weight ,immutable
responsible to provide session objects
typically there is one sessionfactory per db

-light weight
-represents conversation between java application & db
-wraps db connection object
-one appln can open multiple sessions with db
-every session must be associated with transaction
-used to invoke hibernate CRUD[create/read/update/delete] methods

allows the application to define units of work-txn

Employee e=new Employee(101,"Robert",89000); //transient object(memory)

Transaction txn=session.beginTransaction();
session.save(e); //persistent object(db)

Transaction txn=session.beginTransaction();

DTD-Document Type defination
It holds structural details of xml file

steps to develop Hibernate Application

1)open Eclipse--->select workspace --->select Java perspective----> create a Java

2)Add hibernate jar files

[go to the website http://www.hibernate.org
download jar files]
[Rt click Project-->Build path-->configure build path-->
Libraries-->Add external jars-->select jar files-->OK]

3)create the POJO class[com.hibernate.model package]

POJO properties,ctors,getter-setter,toString

4)Do the mapping in xml files[keep in src folder]

i)hibernate.cfg.xml [Hibernate Configuration file]
DB driver,url,user,pass
connection pool size,show_sql,dialect
name of the class table mapping file

ii)**.hbm.xml [hbm-Hibernate mapping file]

[Class-Table Mapping file] here we give table structure
table,class,mapping metadata between object & db cols

client code [com.hibernate.client package]
-create Configuration object holding xml inf
-using Configuration object create a SessionFactory
-using SessionFactory obtain Session object
-begin transaction
-create POJO object
-using Session object invoke hibernate API methods [save/load/update/delete]
-commit the transaction

<class> tag is used to map POJO class DB Table

<id> tag is used to map POJO identity with primary key
<property>tag is used to map POJO properties with db columns

Hibernate CRUD methods---->save/load/update/delete

**To retrieve record

i)load method but it throws Exception if record not found
ii)use get method[returns null if record not found]

Store Product information
write 4 clients
client1--->save 4 records
client2---> get product data based on code
client3--->update (give discount on product) accept code & disc in %
client4--->delete based on code

**create a package com.hibernate.util --->HibernateUtil---> static method

public static SessionFactory obtainSessionFactory(){
return factory;
In All clients
SessionFactory factory=HibernateUtil.obtainSessionFactory();

**Accessing multiple databases using hibernate

By default name of hibernate configuration file is
we can change it
multiple db
here we will create 2 configuration files

//client code
Configuration config1=new Configuration().configure("oracle.cfg.xml");
SessionFactory factory1=config1.buildSessionFactory();

Configuration config2=new Configuration().configure("mysql.cfg.xml");

SessionFactory factory2=config2.buildSessionFactory();
Session session1=factory1.getCurrentSession();
Session session2=factory2.getCurrentSession();
**********challenge assignment(optional)
save book record in 2 different databases eg:-oracle & mysql

**Generator classes
generator class is used to autogenerate the values for POJO identity/PK
1)assigned -programmer will supply the value
eg:-<generator class="assigned"/>
when we do not provide the gc its by default assigned

Here hibernate will auto generate the value not programmer

2)increment -auto generate start from 1 increment by 1
eg:-<generator class="increment"/>

3)sequence-auto start with x & increment by y

<generator class="sequence">
<param name="sequence">mysequnc</param>
<param name="parameters">START WITH 1000 INCREMENT BY 2</param>

4)identity-unique integer values

5)uuid.hex-unique hexadecimal values

6)uuid.string-unique string values

7)native-let hibernate decide how to generate the values


8)hilo-auto unique values but always new value wud be greater than old value
1222 1250 1263 1289

9)seqhilo-auto values just like hilo + sequence

1222 1224 1226.....

**use generator class increment/sequence to auto generate bookCode
**create console-based clients
client1--->save 4 records(no userinput)
client2--->accept code & print book information

***Create HibernateUtil class to obtain SessionFactory


2 ways to provide metadata

A)XML Approach [Hibernate version 3]
-POJO/Entity class
-Client code
-hibernate.cfg.xml [db configurations]
-pojo.hbm.xml [class-table mapping inf/table structure]
B)Annotation Approach [Hibernate version4 onwards]
-POJO/Entity class with annotations[replace hbm file]
-Client code
-hibernate.cfg.xml [db configurations]

-starts with @symbol

-used to associate metadata about some programming element like


-used to hold metadata along with the java code & so must be used for fixed stuff

-Annotations are inside the java code [not external like xml] & so if changed java
code needs to rebuild

DB COnfigurations will keep on changing -[hibernate.cfg.xml]
Table structure remain same-[use annotation]

Basic Annotations
@Entity--->marks a class as a Entity/POJO class
@Table-->specific table name
@Id--->specific PK column
@Column--->specify non PK columns

steps for Hibernate-Annotation Application
1)open eclipse
2)create java project & add hibernate+db jar files

3)create pojo class[com.hibernate.model] with annotations


4)mapping in hibernate.cfg.xml last line

<mapping class="pojo class name" />

5)create client class[com.hibernate.client]


Lab1)Hibernate with Annotations

create Customer class-->

create a console-based clients & use Scanner to accept input

client1--->save 3 records
client2---> load data based on custId
client3--->update contactno
client4--->delete a record
**use Utility class to obtain SessionFactory


How to map has a kind of class relationship (Containment)

MyDate publDate,
Address publAddress

****Component Mapping
How to map has a kind of Class relationship[Containment]
when a class member is an object of some class.

@Entity @Table
class Employee{


Address resAddress;
class Address{
//Here do not create a seperate table for class Address

-Here we use 2 annotations

@Embedded specifies not to create a new table for that property

@Embeddable applied to some class which wud be embedded in other class

Create Hibernate Application with Annotations
1)Create Java Project -->Add hibernate jar files
2)POJO Class with Annotations(@Entity,@Table,@Id,@Column-Table structure)
3)hibernate.cfg.xml (DB Configurations)
4)Client Code

@Entity -marks a class as a POJO Class
Save Product Information(code,name,price) in the db
write 2 clients
Client1--->save data
Client2--->get data

Save Customer Information in the db
class Customer{
int custId;
String custName;
Address resAddr;
class Address{
String street,city,state,country;
long pinCode;
write 2 clients
Client1--->save data
Client2--->get data

Save Profile Information of a Person
class Profile{
int profileId;
Date creationDate;
PersonalDetails perInfo;
EducationDetails eduInfo;
class PersonalDetails{
String firstName,lastName,email;
Date birthDate;
Address resAddr;
class EducationDetails{
String qualification,result;
int yearPassing;
class Address{
String street,city,state,country;
long pinCode;
Client1-->save 5 records(do not use Scanner)
Client2 -->Swing Frame to load data


public class Car extends Vehicle{

Engine eng; //has a kind of class relationship

How to map is a kind of class relationship(Inheritance)

Hibernate Inheritance Mapping

-Inheritance is the property by the virtue of which one object acquires
features of other object.

//super class
class Player{playerId,playerName,country,numMatches}

//sub class1
class Batsman extends Player{numRuns}

//sub class2
class Bowler extends Player{numWickets}

-To implement inheritance mapping in hibernate there are 3 ways

1)Table per Hierarchy
2)Table per concrete class
3)Table per subclass

In each strategy,table structure will change

1)Table per Hierarchy

-Entire class hierarchy is mapped to a single table

-An extra column [known as discriminator column] is added to the table

to identify the type of record

-It will hold discriminator value which is different for each subclass

-Annotations used

@DiscriminatorColumn(name="empType", discriminatorType=DiscriminatorType.STRING,
length = 20)
@DiscriminatorValue( value = "temp")
Total no of columns=summation of columns of super & subclasses + 1 extra column
[discriminator column]

String street,city,country,zip
int playerId
String playerName
int numMatches
Address resAddr
2 subclasses

write 2 clients
client1--->save 2 batsman & 2 bowler objects
client2--->accept playerId & print player details
**use Utility class to obtain sessionfactory

Inheritance Mapping continued

1)Table per class hierarchy we already learnt

we cannot apply not null constraints on the table

2)Table per concrete class

-A seperate table is created for each class
-subclass table has super class columns +its own columns

super class columns repeat in the sub class table
hence duplicate columns
-Annotations used
@MappedSuperClass instead of @Entity for the superclass
This annotation allows the super class column names to be changed in subclass table

3)Table per subclass

-There is a seperate super class table having supr class columns
-subclass tables are related with the super class table using foreign key[specified
@PrimaryKeyJoinColumn applied in the subclass]
-Annotations used

Lab1)solve player assignment using strategy2 for practice(optional)

Lab2)table per subclass using strategy3(table per subclass)

String street,city,state,country,zip

int rollno
String studentName
Date admissionDate
Address perAddr
2 subclasses
String grade

float percentage

client1---->save 2 objects (ps & ss)

client2--->accept rollno & print student details


SQL-Structured Query Language

it is a language used to access any db
it works on tables & columns
eg:-select * from emp;

HQL-Hibernate Query Language

it is a language used to access POJO's
it works on POJO & properties
eg:-from Employee e;//alias
from Employee e where e.empSal>5000;

various ways to retrive data

1)using get/load method we can retrieve only single record
Employee emp=session.get(Employee.class,POJO identity);

what if we want to retrieve bulk data[more than one records]

eg:-all emps whose salary > 5000
all emps who belong to 'Sales' department
solution:-HQL [Hibernate Query Language]

2)HQL we can retrieve bulk data/multiple records

Query q=session.createQuery("from Employee e");
List<Employee> lst=q.list();
//HQL-->SQL-->fire on db--->return multiple records in a list

Iterator<Employee> itr=lst.iterator();
Employee emp=itr.next();

HQL[Hibernate Query Language]
HQL is Hibernate's own query language

also known as object oriented form of SQL queries

it works on POJO & properties

we can easily translate SQL into HQL by replacing

Table name---->POJO class name
db column name--->POJO property/variable names

At runtime hibernate will convert HQL---->SQL according to the db


SQL----> select * from emp;
HQL----> from Employee e; here e is a alias

SQL----> select * from emp where esal>5000;

HQL----> from Employee e where e.empSal>5000;

SQL--->select * from emp where esal between 5000 and 50000

HQL--->from Employee e where w.empSal between 5000 and 50000

SQL-->select * from emp order by esal desc

HQL-->from Employee e order by e.empSal desc

1)select * from emp ---->from clause

2)select name from emp ---->select clause

Using HQL we can divide select operations in 2 types

1)Reading Complete Entity/All columns(*) using from clause
In From clause ,the entire row is wrapped into an Employee object which is then
added to the List.
Here each List element is an Employee object.

SQL- select * from emp

HQL- from Employee e [here e is a alias]

SQL- select * from emp where sal>5000

HQL- from Employee e where e.salary >5000

Query q=session.createQuery(�from Employee e�);

List<Employee> lst=q.list();
Iterator<Employee> itr=lst.iterator();
Employee emp=itr.next();

2)Reading Partial Entity/specific columns using select clause

In Select clause ,the individual column is wrapped into an object which is then
added to the List.
Here each List element is an array of objects[Object[]]
SQL- select eid,ename from emp
HQL- select e.empId,e.empName from Employee e

SQL- select eid,esal from emp where esal>5000

HQL- select e.empId,e.empSal from Employee e where e.empSal>5000

SQL- select count(*),min(esal),max(esal) from emp

HQL- select count(*),min(e.empSal),max(e.empSal) from Employee e

Query q=session.createQuery(�select e.id,e.salary from Employee e�);
List lst=q.list();
Iterator itr=lst.iterator();
Object[] obj=(Object[])itr.next();


//runtime Parameter binding using positional parameters start from zero

Query q=session.createQuery("from Book b where b.price between ? and ?");
q.setParameter(0, min);
q.setParameter(1, max);

//runtime Parameter binding using named parameters using colon :

Query q=session.createQuery("from Book b where b.price between :p1 and :p2");
q.setParameter("p1", min);
q.setParameter("p2", max);

category eg:-Electronics,Toys,Accessories,HealthCare,etc

client-1)save 10 records

***using from clause

client-2)print all gifts
client-3)all gifts belonging to some category
[input category]
[use positional parameter]
client-4)print gifts in a particular range
[input minAmt & maxAmt]
[use named parameter]

**using select clause

client-5)print all giftname & price
client-6)print cheapest & most expensive price & total no of gifts
client-7)print giftname & price in a particular range
[input minAmt & maxAmt]
[use positional parameter]
client-8)create a swing frame having
2textboxes-min & max price
on click of show button display gift inf in a JTable in that price range

client-9)create a swing frame having

dropdown holding category names fetched frm db
on click of show button display gift inf in a JTable belonging to that category
selected frm dropdown

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