--> It is a sub class of Hashtable which is an implementation class of Map
--> Properties class object is used to represent a list of values in the form
key and value where key is String type and value is also String type.
--> In Properties class object we can also store and retrieve key-value pairs by
reading from properties file.
properties file :
--> a file which ends with .properties extension is called as properties file.
--> here key is String type and value is also String type.
--> using jdbc api we can develop a java program to communicate or interact
with database server.
--> communicating with database server means from java program sending sql queries
to database server.
AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) --> Graphical User Interface stand-alone or desktop
Swings applications
java.awt package
javax.swings package
--> before databases we use files to store and manage the data.
what is a database?
--> a place where we store and manage collection of data is called as database.
--> we can perform operations like retrieve, update, delete, insert on database.
eno ename gender salary
1 ravi m 1000.0 ----> record
2 susan f 2000.0
3 smith m 3000.0
--> all rdbms softwares support one query language called as SQL.