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Properties :

--> It is a sub class of Hashtable which is an implementation class of Map

--> Properties class object is used to represent a list of values in the form
key and value where key is String type and value is also String type.

--> In Properties class object we can also store and retrieve key-value pairs by
reading from properties file.

properties file :
--> a file which ends with .properties extension is called as properties file.

--> in properties file we store data in the following manner :


--> here key is String type and value is also String type.

here property means one key-value pair

properties means multiple key and value pairs

Date, Calendar, SimpleDateFormat

JEE (Advance Java)


JDBC : (Java Database Connectivity)

What is jdbc?
--> jdbc is an api given by sun microsystems.

--> using jdbc api we can develop a java program to communicate or interact
with database server.

--> communicating with database server means from java program sending sql queries
to database server.

AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) --> Graphical User Interface stand-alone or desktop
Swings applications

java.awt package
javax.swings package

--> before databases we use files to store and manage the data.

--> files are also called as flat files.

disadvantages of files :
1. no security
2. data redundancy (duplicate data)
3. data inconsistency
4. limited data
5. no query language
6. data recovery

what is a database?
--> a place where we store and manage collection of data is called as database.

--> we can perform operations like retrieve, update, delete, insert on database.

dbms (database management system)

|- dbms is a software which allows to create and manage database.
|- in dbms the data is stored in files.

rdbms (relational database management system)

|- rdbms is also a software which is an advance version of dbms which also allows
to create and manage database.
|- in rdbms the data is stored in the form tables and tables contains set of

eno ename gender salary
1 ravi m 1000.0 ----> record
2 susan f 2000.0
3 smith m 3000.0

--> relational database management system (rdbms) softwares

ex: oracle, mysql, sybase, db2, sql server, ms access etc

--> all rdbms softwares support one query language called as SQL.

SQL (Structure Query Language)

|- it is a language or query language.
|- if we want to communicate with database software we use SQL.

SQL is divided into 5 sub types

1. DDL (Data definition language)

ex: CREATE, DROP, ALTER, TRUNCATE, RENAME --- ddl commands

2. DML (Data manipulation language)

ex: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE --- dml commands

3. DQL/DRL (Data query/retrieval language)

ex: SELECT --- dql command

4. DCL (Data control language)

ex: GRANT, REVOKE --- dcl commands

5. TCL (Transaction control language)

ex: SAVEPOINT, COMMIT, ROLLBACK --- tcl commands

--> Database vendors develop and release database softwares.

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