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of Analysis

Name and description of product: 300476 sANDwlcH Blsculrs vANtLLA 250G

lnvoice: 5000935126

Lotcode: 115 cartons x D20268F ( 24.09.2020 / exp date 27.03.20221

PacUs and Weiqhts: 250 g x 24 rolls per carton

lnqredients: % (Based on finished product, average values)

wheat flour 46,9 %
sugar (white) 34,0 %
vegetable fat (palm) 11,9 %
glucose syrup 3,3 %
salt (plain, foodgrade) 0,5 %
emulsifier: E322 0,5 %
(sunflower lecithins)
emulsifier: E433 <0,01 9/o*
(polysorbate B0)*
skimmed milk powder 0,4 oÁ

raising agent E503 <0,1o/o

(ammonium hydrogen carbonate E503ii, conform ECl 1 29/201 1: ammonium carbonates E503)
natural flavouring < 0,1 o/o

water content approx. 2,5 %

(*ta = technical aid; not declarable)

Nutritional values per í00Gr: (Average values pack)

energy 447 kcall1883 kJ

fat (total) 12,9 g
saturated fat 5,8 g
trans fatty acids <0,1 g
carbohydrates 76,7 g
sugars 36,7 g
protein 5,2 s
cholesterol <0,019
mineral(ash) 1,0 g
salt 0,5 g

Humidity <7,0 0/o

Acidity n.a.
Ph 7
Density 0,03% - 0,05%
Peroxide value < 0,25%
Arsenic <0,2 mg/kg
Lead <0,1 mg/kg

Page 1 of 2

Conlinenlol BokeÍies (Housl) B.V. - ChombeÍ oÍ commerce 24047120 - stolutory seoÍ in DoÍdÍêcht - pieter zeemonweg I 7 - 331ó Gz DoÍdÍecht
P.O. Box 3001 - 3301 DA Dordrecht - The NeÍherlonds - Phone +31 78 ó53 7ó53 - .A
Poplor van
vmntmolda hcrtomal
FSC{ C0í í820

Microbioloqical test / report:

Total plate count <5000 cfu/g

Yeast & mould count <200 cfu/g
Entrobacteriaceae <10 cfu/g
Staphylococcus Aureus <10 cfu/g
Salmonellae absent in 259
Faecal coli form <100 cfu/g
Sulphite reducing anaerobes <100 cfu/g
Clostridium perfringens <100 cfu/g
Fungal flora <100 cfu/g

Shelf life: '12 months

Allersen information: Contains: wheat (gluten), milk. Made in a factory also using: rye, barley (gluten),

Siqnature: (by Quality department) Date: December 30,2020


Page 2 oí 2

Conlinentol BokeÍies (Houst) B,V. - Chomber of CommeÍce 24047120 - Stolulory seot in DordÍecht - PieÍer zeemonweg l7 - 331ó Gz DordÍechl
P.O. Box 3001 - 3301 DA Dordrechl - ïhe Nelhellonds - Phone +31 78 ó53 7ó53 - www.conllnentolbokerÍ .A
Paplor van
vmntw@rdo ha*omlt
FSCo C0í í820
Gertifi of Analysis

Name and description of product: 310690 SANDWICH BISCUITS CHOCO 250G

lnvoice: 5000935126

Lotcode: 285 cartons x D20283F ( 09.10.2020 / exp date 11.04.20221

PacUs and Weiqhts: 250 g x 24 rolls per carton

Inqredients: % (Based on finished product, average values)

wheat flour 43,2To
sugar (white) 28,0 Yo
vegetable fat (palm) 13,4 Yo
fat reduced cocoa powder 5,9 %
glucose syrup 3,0 %
rye flour 0,9 o/o
barley flour 0,9 o/o
whole milk powder 0,8 %o
emulsifier: E322 0,4 0/o
(sunflower lecithins)
emulsifier: E433 <0,01 %*
(polysorbate B0)*
whey powder 0,4 0/o
salt (plain, food grade) 0,4 %
flavouring 0,2 0Á
raising agent E503 <0,1 0/o
(ammonium hydrogen carbonate E503ii, conform EC1 1 29/201 1: ammonium carbonates 8503)
water content approx. 2,5 Yo

(*ta = technical aid; not declarable)

Nutritional per 100Gr: (Average values pack)

Energy 452 kcal/1900 kJ

fat (total) 15,2 g
saturated fat 7,0 g
trans fatty acids <0,1 g
carbohydrates 70,4 g
sugars 31,3 g
protein 6,5 g
cholesterol <0,01 g
mineral(ash) 1,3 g
salt 0,5 g

Humidity <7,0 yo
Acidity n.a.
Ph 7
Density 0,03% - 0,05%
Peroxide value < 0,25%
Arsenic <0,2 mg/kg
Lead <0,1 mg/kg
Page 1 of 2

Conllnenlol BokeÍiês (Housl) B,V, - chombeÍ of CommeÍce 24047120 - slolutory seol in DoÍdrechl - pieler zeemonweg I 7 - 33 1 ó Gz Dordrechl
P.O. Box 3001 - 3301 DA Dordrechl - The NetheÍlonds - Phone +3] 78 ó53 7ó53 - www.conlinentolbokeÍ .A
Paplor van
vffinfuootdo h€rkomd
FSC. Coí í829
Microbioloqical test / report:

Total plate count <5000 cfu/g

Yeast & mould count <200 cfu/g
Entrobacteriaceae <10 cfu/g
Staphylococcus Aureus <10 cfu/g
Salmonellae absent in 259
Faecal coli form <100 cfuig
Sulphite reducing anaerobes <100 cfuig
Clostridium perfringens <100 cÍu/g
Fungal flora <100 cfu/g

Shelf life: 12 months

Allergen information: Contains: wheat, rye, barley (gluten), milk. Made in a factory also using: nuts

Siqnature: (by Quality department) Date: December30,2020


Page2 of 2

Conlinenlol BokeÍles (Housl) B,V. - chombeÍ of commerce 24047120 - Slolulory seoÍ ln DordÍecht - pieleÍ zeemonweg t 7 - 331ó Gz DoÍdÍechi
P.O. Box 300'l - 330] DA Dordrechl - The NelheÍlonds - Phone +31 78 ó53 7ó53 - www.conlÍ .A
vmnfu@de he*omlt
FSCo C0íí829
Certifica of Analysis

Name and description of product: 312314 SHORT CAKE BISCUITS 150G

Invoice: 5000935126

Lotcode: 350 cartons x E20í968 ( 14.07.2020 / exp date 14.01.20221

Paclds and Weiqhts: 150 g x 16 rolls per carton

lnqredients: % (Based on finished product, average values)

wheat flour 43,8 o/o

vegetable fat (palm) 30,1%

sugar (white) 20,8 %
wheat starch 0,8 %
salt (plain, food grade) 0,6 %
flavouring 0,2 oÁ

whole barn egg powder %<0,1

raising agent E503 %<0,1
(ammonium hydrogen carbonate E503ii, conform ECI 129/201 1: ammonium cahonates E503)
water content approx. 3,5 o/o

(*ta = technical aid; not declarable)

Nutritional values per í00Gr: (Average values pack)

Energy 533 kcall2227 kJ

fat (total) 30,8 g
saturated fat 16,4 g
trans fatty acids 0,2 g
carbohydrates 58,1 g
sugars 21,2 g
protein 5,2 s
cholesterol <0,019
mineral(ash) 0,7 g
salt 0,6 g

Humidity <7,0 %
Acidity n.a.
Ph 7
Density 0,03% - 0,05%
Peroxide value < 0,250/o
Arsenic <0,2 mg/kg
Lead <0,1 mg/kg

Page 1 of 2

Conlinenlol Bokeiles (Houst) LV. - Chomber oÍ CommeÍce 24047120 - SloÍulory seol in DoÍdrechl - Pieler zeemonweg I 7 - 331ó Gz Dordrechl
P.O. Box 3001 - 3301 DA DoÍdrechl - The NelheÍlonds - Phone +31 78 ó53 7ó53 - www.conlinenlolbokeriê .A
PEplea von
vmn*@de horkomrl
FSCo G01í829
Microbioloqical test / report:

Total plate count <5000 cÍu/g

Yeast & mould count <200 cfu/g
Entrobacteriaceae <10 cfu/g
Staphylococcus Aureus <10 cfu/g
Salmonellae absent in 25 g
Faecal coli form <'100 cfu/g
Sulphite reducing anaerobes <100 cfu/g
Clostridium perfringens <100 cfu/g
Fungalflora <100 cfu/g

Shelf life: 10 months

Allerqen information: Contains: wheat (gluten), egg. Made in a factory also using: milk, nuts

Siqnature: (by Quality department) Date: December30,2020


Page 2 of 2

Conlinenlol Bokeries (Houst) B.V. - ChombeÍ oÍ commerce 24047120 - Slolulory seol in Dordrecht - PieÍer Zeemonweg l7 - 331ó Gz Dordrecht
P.O. Box 3001 - 3301 DA Dordrechl - The NelheÍlonds - Phone +31 78 ó53 7ó53 - www.conlinenlolbokeÍ .A
vmntw@rdo heRon.t
FSC. COíí829
Certifi of Analysis

Name and description of product: 311923 SHORT CAKE BISCUITS milk choc 250G

lnvoice: 5000935126

Lotcode: 17 cartons xÊ202628 ( 18.09.2020 / exp date 19.06.2021)

58 cartons x E202698 ( 25.09.2020 / exp date 26.06.20211

Pack/s and Weishts: 400 g x 20 rolls per carton

Ingredients: % (Based on finished product, average values)

wheat flour 34,1 %
vegetable fat (palm) 24,1 o/o
milk chocolate 20,0 o/o
sugar (white) 17,5 %
wheat starch 0,6 o/o
salt (plain, food grade) 0,5 To
flavouring 0,2 %
whole barn egg powder <0,1 o/o
raising agent E503 <0,1 o/o
(ammonium hydrogen carbonate E503ii, conform ECl 1 29/201 1: ammonium carbonates E503)
water content approx. 3,5 Yo

(*ta = technical aid; not declarable)

Nutritional values per 100Gr: (Average values pack)

Energy 535 kcal/2233 kJ

fat (total) 30,8 g
saturated fat 16,9 g
trans fatty acids 0,1 g
carbohydrates 58,2 g
sugars 29j g
protein 5,3 g
cholesterol <0,019
mineral(ash) 0,9 s
salt 0,5 g

Humidity <7,0 0/o

Acidity n.a.
Ph 7
Density 0,03o/o - 0,05%
Peroxide value < 0,250/0
Arsenic <0,2 mg/kg
Lead <0,1 mg/kg

Page 1 of 2

Conlinenlol Bokelies (Houst) B.V, - Chomber oÍ Commerce 24047120 - Stolulory seol in Dordrecht - PieleÍ Zeemonweg l7 - 331ó GZ Dordrecht
P.O. Box 3001 - 3301 DA Dordrecht - ïhe NelheÍlonds - Phone +3'l 78 ó53 7ó53 - www.conlinenlolbokeÍlê .A
Poplor van
vmntw@tda harkorol
FSC{ C0í í829
Microbioloqical test / report:

Total plate count <5000 cfu/g

Yeast & mould count <200 cfu/g
Entrobacteriaceae <10 cfu/g
Staphylococcus Aureus <10 cfu/g
Salmonellae absent in 25 g
Faecal coli form <í00 cfu/g
Sulphite reducing anaerobes <100 cfu/g
Clostridium perfringens <100 cfu/g
Fungal flora <100 cfu/g

Shelf life: 10 months

Allergen information: Contains: wheat (gluten), egg. Made in a factory also using: milk, nuts.

Signature: (by Quality department) Date: December 30, 2020


Page 2 oÍ 2

Conlinenlol Bokerles (Houst) B.V, - Chomber oÍ CommeÍce 24047120 - SÍolulory seol in Dordrechl - pieter zeemonweg l7 - 331ó GZ DordÍechÍ
P.O. Box 3001 - 3301 DA Dordrechl - The NelheÍlonds - Phone +31 78 ó53 7ó53 - www.conlinenlolbokeÍiê .A
FSC. C01 í829
Certifi of Analysis

Name and description of product: 306956 SANDWICH BISCUITS VANTLLA 300G

Invoice: 5000935126

Lotcode: 125 cartons x D20286G ( 12.10.2020 / exp date 13J0.20211

Paclds and Weiqhts: 300 g x 24 rolls per carton

lngredients: % (Based on finished product, average values)

wheat flour 46,9 %

sugar (white) 34,0 %
vegetable fat (palm) 11,9 %
glucose syrup 3,3 o/o
salt (plain, food grade) 0,5 %
emulsifier: E322 0,5 o/o
(sunflower lecithins)
emulsifier: E433 <0,01 %o*
(polysorbate B0)*
skimmed milk powder 0,4 oÁ

raising agent E503 <0,1o/o

(ammonium hydrogen carbonate E503ii, conform ECl 1 29/201 1 : ammonium carbonates E503)
natural flavouring < 0,1 o/o

water content approx. 2,5 o/o

(*ta = technical aid; not declarable)

Nutritional values per 100Gr: (Average values pack)

energy 447 kcal/1883 kJ

fat (total) 12,9 g
saturated fat 5,8 g
trans fatty acids .0,1 g
carbohydrates 76,7 g
sugars 36,7 g
protein 5,2 g
cholesterol <0,019
mineral(ash) 1,0 g
salt 0,5 s

Humidity <7,0 0/o

Acidity n.a.
Ph 7
Density 0,03% - 0,05%
Peroxide value < 0,250/o
Arsenic <0,2 mg/kg
Lead <0,1 mg/kg

Page I of2

Conlinenlol Bokerles (Housl) B,V, - chombeÍ oÍ commeÍce 24047120 - sÍolulory seot in Dordrechl - Pietêr zeemonweg I7 - 33t ó cz Dordrecht
P.O. Box 300I - 3301 DA DoldÍechÍ - The Nelherlonds - Phone +31 78 ó53 7ó53 - www.conlinenlolbokeÍ


Microbioloqical test / report:

Total plate count <5000 cfu/g

Yeast & mould count <200 cfu/g
Entrobacteriaceae <10 cfu/g
Staphylococcus Aureus <10 cfu/g
Salmonellae absent in 259
Faecal coli form <100 cfu/g
Sulphite reducing anaerobes <100 cfu/g
Clostridium perfrin gens <100 cÍu/g
Fungal flora <100 cfu/g

Shelf life: 12 months

Allerqen information: Contains: wheat (gluten), milk. Made in a factory also using: rye, barley (gluten),

Siqnature: (by Quality department) Date: December 30,2020


Page 2 oÍ 2

Conllnenlol Bokellês (Houst) B,V. - Chomber of Commerce 24047120 - Stolulory seol in DordÍecht - Pieler Zeemonweg t 7 - 331ó cZ DoÍdÍechl
P.O. Box 3001 - 3301 DA Dordrechl - The NelheÍlonds - Phone +31 78 ó53 7ó53 - www.conlinenlolbokeÍ .A
Paplor ven
vhnlwoodo heRorul
FSC{ C0í1829

Gertifica of Analysis

Name and description of product: 300493 SANDWICH BISCUITS CHOCO 250G

Invoice: 5000935126

Lotcode: 400 cartons xD20281F ( 07.'10.2020 / exp date 09.04.20221

PacUs and Weiqhts: 250 g x 24 rolls per carton

lnqredients: % (Based on finished product, average values)

wheat flour 46,9 %

sugar (white) 30,3 %
vegetable fat (palm) 11,6 o/o

fat reduced cocoa powder 3,9 o/o

glucose syrup 3,3 o/o

salt (plain, foodgrade) 0,5 %

emulsifier:E322 0,5%
(sunflower lecithins)
emulsifier:E433 <0,01 %o*
(polysorbate 80)*
skimmed milk powder 0,4 o/o

raising agent E503 <0,1 o/o

(ammonium hydrogen carbonate E503ii, conform 8C1129/2011: ammonium carbonates E503)

water content approx. 2,5 %

(*ta = technical aid; not declarable)

Nutritional values per 100Gr: (Average values pack)

Energy 443 kcal/1866 kJ

fat (total) '13,1 g
saturated fat 5,9 g
trans fatty acids <0,1 g
carbohydrates 73,8 g
sugars 33,1 g
protein 6,1 g
cholesterol <0,01 g
mineral(ash) 1,2 g
salt 0,5 g

Humidity <7,0 0/o

Acidity n.a.
Ph 7
Density 0,03% - 0,05%
Peroxide value < 0,250/o
Arsenic <0,2 mg/kg
Lead <0,1 mg/kg

Page 1 of2

Conllnenlol Bokelles (Housl) B,V, - Chomber oÍ Commerce 24047120 - SÍolulory seoÍ in Dordrecht - Pieier Zeemonwêg l7 - 331ó GZ Dordrechl
P.O. Box 3001 - 3301 DA Dordrechl - The NelheÍlonds - Phone +31 78 ó53 7ó53 - .A Mtx
vmnlw@rdo ho*orot
n*g FsC{ C0í1829
Microbioloqical test / repoÉ:

Total plate count <5000 cfu/g

Yeast & mould count <200 cfu/g
Entrobacteriaceae <10 cfu/g
Staphylococcus Aureus <10 cfu/g
Salmonellae absent in 259
Faecal coli form <100 cÍu/g
Sulphite reducing anaerobes <100 cfu/g
Clostridium perfringens <'100 cfu/g
Fungal Ílora <100 cfu/g

Shelf life: 12 months

Allersen information: Contains: wheat (gluten), milk. Made in a factory also using: rye, barley (gluten),

Siqnature: (by Quality department) Date: December 30, 2020


Page 2 of 2

Conlinenlol Bokelies (Houst) B.V. - chombeÍ oÍ commerce 24047120 - slolulory seot in DoÍdÍecht - pieter zêemonweg l7 - 331ó Gz Dordrecht
P.O. Box 3001 - 3301 DA Dotdrechi - The NelheÍlonds - Phone +31 78 ó53 7ó53 - www.conlinenlolbokêÍlê .A
Papl$ ven
vmntw@de hertond
FSC. C0í í829
Gertifica of Analysis

Name and description of product: 300427 SHORT CAKE BISCUITS 400G

lnvoice: 5000935126

Lotcode: 738 cartons xE20279C ( 05.10.2020 / exp date 07.04.20221

62 cartons x E20280C ( 06.10.2020 / exp date 08.04.20221

PacUs and Weiqhts: 400 g x 20 rolls per carton

lnqredients: % (Based on finished product, average values)

wheat Ílour 42,6 o/o

vegetable fat (palm) 30,1 o/o
sugar (white) 21,9 o/o
wheat starch 0,8 o/o
salt (plain, food grade) 0,6 %
flavouring 0,2 oÀ
whole barn egg powder <0,1 o/o
raising agent E503 <0,1%
(ammonium hydrogen carbonate E503ii, conform EC|129/2011: ammonium carbonates E503)
water content approx. 3,5 o/o

(*ta = technical aid; not declarable)

Nutritional values per í00Gr: (Average values pack)

Energy 534 kcall2232 kJ

fat (total) 30,9 g
saturated fat 16,4 g
trans fatty acids 0,2 g
carbohydrates 58,1 g
sugars 22,2 g
protein 5,0 g
cholesterol <0,019
mineral(ash) 0,7 g
salt 0,6 g

Humidity <7,0 o/o

Acidity n.a.
Ph 7
Density 0,03% - 0,05%
Peroxide value < 0,250/o
Arsenic <0,2 mg/kg
Lead <0,'1 mg/kg

Page 1 of 2

Continentol Bokeiles (Housl) B.V, - chomber oÍ commerce 24047120 - Slolulory seol Ín DordrechÍ - PleleÍ zeemonweg I 7 - 331ó Gz Dordrecht
P.O. Box 3001 - 3301 DA Dordrecht - The Nelherlonds - Phone +31 78 ó53 7ó53 - .A
Peglor van
vmng@rde hs*omll
FSC{ C0íí829

Microbiological test / report:

Total plate count <5000 cfu/g

Yeast & mould count <200 cfu/g
Entrobacteriaceae <10 cfu/g
Staphylococcus Aureus <10 cfu/g
Salmonellae absent in 25 g
Faecal coli form <100 cfu/g
Sulphite reducing anaerobes <100 cfu/g
Clostrid ium perfrin gens <100 cfu/g
Fungalflora <100 cfu/g

Shelf life: 10 months

Allerqen information: Contains: wheat (gluten), egg. Made in a factory also using: milk, nuts.

Siqnature: (by Quality department) Date: December30,2020


Page2 oÍ 2

ConÍinenlol Bokeries(Houst) B,V, -chomberof commerce24147120-sloluloryseolinDordrecht - Pielerzeemonweg'l 7-331óGz DoÍdíecht

P.O. Box 3001 - 3301 DA Dordrechl - The NeÍherlonds - Phone +31 78 ó53 7ó53 - www.conlinênlolbokê .A
vtrnfu@ds he*ofrrl
FSC$ C0íí829
Certifi of Analysis

Name and description of product: 306032 Mini butter SB cacao 27% 187,59

lnvoice: 5000935126

Lotcode: 26 cartons x D201608 ( 08.06.2020 / exp date 09.06.2021

24 cartons x D202808 ( 06.10.2020 / exp date 07.10.2021

Paclds and Weiqhts: 187,5 g x 18 rolls per carton

lnqredients: % (Based on finished product, average values)

wheat flour 46,7 %
sugar (white) 29,2o/o
vegetable fat (palm) 7,4 Yo
butter 3,6 o/o

fat reduced cocoa powder 3,5 o/o

glucose syrup 2,6 %

barley flour 0,9 %
rye flour 0,9 o/o

whole milk powder 0,9 %

whey powder 0,5 %
salt (plain, food grade) 0,5 To
emulsifier: E322 0,3 o/o

(sunflower lecithins)
flavouring 0,1 oÁ
emulsifier: E433 <0,01 %o*
(polysorbate 80)*
skimmed milk powder 0,4 %
raising agent E503 <0,1 o/o
(ammonium hydrogen carbonate E503ii, conform EC1129/2011: ammonium carbonates E503)
water content approx. 2,5 Yo

(*ta = technical aid; not declarable)

Nutritional values per 100Gr: (Average values pack)

Energy 439 kcal/1850 kJ

Íat (total) 12,4 g
saturated Íat 6,5 g
trans fatty acids <0,1 g
carbohydrates 74,0 g
sugars 32,6 g
protein 6,5 g
cholesterol <0,0'l g
mineral(ash) 1,3 g
salt 0,5 s

Humidity <7,0 0/o

Acidity n.a

Page I of2

Conlinenlol Bokedes (Housl) B.V. - chomber oÍ commeÍce 24047120 - slolulory seot in DoÍdÍecht - pieleÍ zeemonweg I 7 - 33,|ó Gz DoÍdrechl
P.O. Box 300'| - 3301 DA DordÍecht - The NelheÍlonds - Phone +31 78 ó53 7ó53 - .A
Paplor van
vmnlw@rdo he*omat
FSCo C0íí829
Ph 7
Density 0,037o - 0,05%
Peroxide value < 0,25%
Arsenic <0,2 mg/kg
Lead <0,1 mg/kg

Microbioloqical test / report:

Total plate count <5000 cfu/g

Yeast & mould count <200 cfu/g
Entrobacteriaceae <10 cfu/g
Staphylococcus Aureus <10 cfu/g
Salmonellae absent in 259
Faecal coli form <100 cfu/g
Sulphite reducing anaerobes <100 cfu/g
Clostridium perfringens <100 cfu/g
Fungal flora <100 cfu/g

Shelf life: 12 months

Allerqen information: Contains: wheat, rye, barley, (gluten), milk. Made in a Íactory also using: nuts.

Siqnature: (by Quality department) Date: December30,2020


Page 2 of 2

Continenlol Bokelies(Housl)B.V. -ChomberoÍCommerce24047120-SloluloryseolinDoÍdrechl - PielerZeemonwegI7-33tóeZ DordÍecht

P.O. Box 3001 - 3301 DA Dordrechi - The Nelherlonds - Phone +31 78 ó53 7ó53 - www.conlinenlolbokeÍ

Certifi of Analysis

Name and description of product: SANDWICH BISCUITS CHOCO 300G

Invoice: 5000935126

Lotcode: 250 cartons D203í7C ( 12.11.2020 / exp date 13.11.20211

Pack/s a Weiqhts: 300 g x 24 rolls per carton

lngredients: % (Based on finished product, average values)

biscuit (71%) Íilling (27oA)
Wheat flour 47,9 oÁ 66,1 To
sugar (white) 29,5 To 18,2 o/o 59,4 o/o

vegetable fat (palm) 11,7 % 5,8 To 27 ,2 o/o

fat reduced cocoa powder 3,5 % 12,9 o/o

glucose syrup 3,4 % 4,7 oÁ

salt (plain, food grade) 0,5 % 0,7 %
emulsifier: E322 0,5 oÀ 0,5 % 0,5 o/o

(sunflower lecithins)
emulsifier: E433 <0,01 %* <0,01 %
polysorbate 80
skimmed milk powder 0,4% 0,6Yo
raising agent E503 <0,1 o/o <0,1 o/o

(ammonium hydrogen carbonate E503ii, conform EC1129/2011: ammonium carbonates E503)

water content approx. 2,5 %

(*ta = technical aid; not declarable)

Nutritional values per 100Gr: (Average values pack)

Energy 443 kcall1867 kJ

fat (total) 13,0 g
saturated fat 7,1 g
trans fatty acids .1,0 g
carbohydrates 74,0 g
sugars 32,4 g
protein 6,1 g
cholesterol <0,01 g
mineral(ash) '1,3 g
salt 0,5 g

Humidity <7,0 vo
Acidity n.a.
Ph 7
Density 0,05%
Peroxide value < 0,250/o
Arsenic <0,2 mg/kg
Lead <0,1 mg/kg

Page 1 of 2

Conllnentol BokeÍies (Houst) B.V, - chomber oÍ commerce 24047120 - slotutory seol in DoÍdÍecht - pieieÍ zeemonweg I7 - 331ó Gz Dordrechi
P.O. Box 300I - 3301 DA DoÍdrecht - The NelheÍlonds - Phone +31 78 ó53 7ó53 - .A
Papl$ ven
vdntu@de h.ftohlt
FSC{ C0í1829
Microbiological test / report:

Total plate count <5000 cfu/g

Yeast & mould count <200 cfu/g
Entrobacteriaceae <10 cfu/g
Staphylococcus Aureus 0 cfu/g<'1
Salmonellae absent in 259
Faecal coli Íorm <1 cfu/g
Sulphite reducing anaerobes <1 cfu/g
Clostridium perfringens <1 cfu/g
Fungalflora <100 cfu/g
Total coliforms at 30c during 48h 0 cfu/g

Shelf life: 12 months

Allerqen information: Contains: wheat (gluten), milk. Made in a factory also using: rye, barley (gluten),

Siqnature: (by Quality department) Date: December 30,2020


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Conllnenlol Bokelies (Houst) B.V. - chomber oÍ Commerce 24047120 - Slolutory seot in DoÍdrechl - pieter zeemonweg I 7 - 331ó cz DoÍdÍechi
P.O. Box 3001 - 3301 DA DoÍdrechl - The Nelherlonds - Phone +31 78 ó53 7ó53 - www.conÍ .A
Paplor van
vffintu@do hc*omrl
FSC{ Co11829
Certificate of Analys is

Name and description of product: 3t2473 DELISANA CRUNCHY CHOCOLATE CHIPS 130G

lnvoice: 5000935126

Lotcode: 50 cartons x294M2 ( 28.10.2020 / exp date 23J0.20211

Pack/s Weiqhts: 130 g x 14 rolls per carton

lngredients: % (Based on finished product, average values)

Wheat flour 43,20À
Palm fat 18,3%
chocolate drops 17,1%
[sugar, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, emulsifier (lecithins)
Sugar 15,2To
Milk chocolate drops 3,0Yo
[sugar, whole milk powder, cocoa butter, cocoa mass, /acÍose (from milk), skimmed milk
powder, e m ul sifier (lecith i ns)
Pasteurized egg mass 3p%
Glucose-fructosesyrup 1,8o/o
Skimmed milk powder 1,8o/o
Wheat starch 0,9oÁ
Raising agents 0,6%
(sodium carbonates, ammonium carbonates)
Salt <0,2o/o
Flavouring <0,2o/o
water content approx. 2,5 %

(*ta = technical aid; not declarable)

Nutritional values per í00Gr: (Average values pack)

Energy 490 kcal/205'l kJ

fat (total) 26g
saturated fat 11g
trans fatty acids <0,1 g
carbohydrates 589
sugars 27g
protein 5,9 g
cholesterol <0,01 g
mineral(ash) 1,3 g
salt 0,40 g

Humidity <7,0 0/o

Acidity n.a.
Ph 7
Density 0,03% - 0,05%
Peroxide value < 0,250/o
Arsenic <0,2 mglkg
Lead <0,1 mg/kg

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Conlinenlol Bokeiles (Housï) B.V. - chombeÍ of commerce 24047120 - Slolulory sêot in DoÍdrechÍ - pieter zeemonweg t 7 - 331ó Gz DordÍecht
P.O. Box 3001 - 3301 DA Dordrechl - The Nelherlqnds - Phone +31 78 ó53 7ó53 - www.conllnenlolbokeÍ ./} MIX
Paplor ven
vmntwoordo hcftomrt
FSC{ C01 í829
Microbioloqical test / report:

Total plate count <5000 cfu/g

Yeast & mould count <200 cfu/g
Entrobacteriaceae <10 cfu/g
Staphylococcus Aureus <10 cfu/g
Salmonellae absent in 259
Faecal coli form <100 cfu/g
Sulphite reducing anaerobes <100 cfu/g
Clostridium perfringens <100 cfu/g
Fungal flora <100 cfu/g

Shelf life: 12 months

Allergen information: Contains: wheat (gluten), milk, egg. Made in a factory also using: peanuts, soy,
other nuts and sesame seeds.

Siqnature: (by Quality department) Date: January 08,2021


keries (Haust) B.V

Zeernanweg 17
6 GZ Dordrecht

Page2 oÍ 2

Conllnenlol Bokeries (Houst) B,V. - Chomber of CommeÍce 24047121 - Slolulory seot in DordrechÍ - Pieter zeemonweg l T- 331ó cz DoÍdÍecht
P,O. Box 3001 - 3301 DA DordÍecht - The NeiheÍlonds - Phone +31 78 ó53 7ó53 - .A
vdnt*@Íde hotkomll
FSC. C0í 1829

Gertificate of Analys is

Name and description of product: 3L2474 DELISANA CRUNCHY MltK CHOCO & HAZELNUT
lnvoice: 5000935126

Lotcode: 50 caÉons x294M2 ( 28.10.2020 / exp date 23.10.20211

PacUs and Weiqhts: 130 g x 14 rolls per carton

lnqredients: % (Based on finished product, average values)

Wheat 40,9o/o
Palm 25,2Yo
Sugar 19,2o/o
Milk chocolate drops 2,7o/o
[sugar, whole milk powder, cocoa butter, cocoa masg /acÍose (from milk), skimmed milk
powd er, em ul sifier ( lecithi n s)
Roasted chopped 2,7%
Skimmed milk 2,7Yo
Glucose-fructose 2,7o/o
Pasteurized egg 2,4o/o
Oatflakes 2,2o/o
Cornflakes 2,2o/o
(corn grits, sugar, barley malt extract, salt)
Wheat starch 1,2%
Fat-reduced cocoa 0,3%
Raisingagents 0,6%
(sodium carbonates, ammonium carbonates, diphosphates)
Salt <0,3%
Flavouring <0,2%
water content 2,5 o/o

(*ta = technical aid; not declarable)

Nutritional values per í00Gr: (Average values pack)

Energy 513 kcall2144 kJ

fat (total) 29g
saturated fat 11 g
trans fatty acids <0,1 g
carbohydrates 56g
sugars 24g
protein 5,7 g
cholesterol <0,01 g
mineral(ash) 1,3 g
salt 0,64 s

Humidity <7,0 o/o

Acidity n.a.
Ph 7

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Conlinênlol Bokeries(Housl) B.V. -chombeÍof commerce24o47l2o-slotuloryseoÍinDordrecht - PieteÍzeemonwegtT-331óez DordÍecht

P.O. Box 3001 - 3301 DA DoÍdrecht - The Nelherlonds - Phone +31 78 ó53 7ó53 - www.continenlolbokeÍ .A FSC
vmntw@rdo ho*omlt
FSC! C0í1829

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Conllnenlol Bokeiles (Housl) B.V. - ChombeÍ of Commerce 24047120 - Stolulory seoÍ in Dordrechl - Pieter Zeemonweg I7 - 331ó GZ DordÍecht
P.O. Box 3001 - 330'l DA DoÍdrechl - The NelheÍlonds - Phone +31 78 ó53 7ó53 - www.conlinenlolbokeÍ .A
Pepl$ van
vffinfu@da ha*omrl
FSG{ C0í í829
Microbioloqical test / report:

Total plate count <5000 cfu/g

Yeast & mould count <200 cfu/g
Entrobacteriaceae <'10 cfu/g
Staphylococcus Aureus <10 cfu/g
Salmonellae absent in 259
Faecal coli form <100 cfu/g
Sulphite reducing anaerobes <100 cfu/g
Clostridium perfrin gens <100 cfu/g
Fungalflora <100 cfu/g

Shelf life: 12 months

Allerqen information: Contains: wheat, oat, barley (gluten), milk, egg, hazelnut. Made in a factory also
using: peanuts, soy, other nuts and sesame seeds.

Siqnature: (by Quality department) pglg January 08,2021


Bakeries (Haust) B.V

rZeemanweg 17
6 GZ Dordrecht

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Conllnentol Bokelles (Houst) B,V, - ChombêÍ of CommeÍce 24047120 - Slolutory seot in DoÍdrechl - PieleÍ Zeemonweg 17 - 33]ó cZ Dordrecht
P.O. Box 3001 - 3301 DA DoÍdÍecht - The Nelherlonds - Phone +31 78 ó53 7ó53 - www.conlinentolbokeÍ

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