Korean Level 3
Korean Level 3
Korean Level 3
Korean Level 3
How long does the course last?
45 hours of tuition - 3 parts of 15 hours each
Part 1: 15 hours
Part 2: 16-30 hours
Part 3: 31-45 hours
The length of each part depends on the type of language course.
Evening Language Courses: Lessons take place once a week over 10 weeks and last 1.5 hours each.
Intensive Evening Language Courses: Lessons take place once a week over 5 weeks and last 3 hours each.
Saturday Language Courses & Evening Fast-track Language Courses: Lessons take place once a week over 5
weeks and last 3 hours each.
Summer Fast-track Language Courses: Lessons take place twice a week over 2.5 weeks and last 3 hours each.
Summer Intensive Language Courses: Lessons take place 5 times a week and last 3 hours each.
Course outline
Part 1
Daily habits
Korean life
An interview with a Korean teacher
Meeting someone by chance
Asking for a favour
Giving reasons for being unavailable
Talking about past activities
Describing feelings (fear, enjoyment etc.)
Discussing past events
Expressing one’s intentions: Verb S. + (으) 게요 / 가르쳐 드릴게요
Part 2
Travel & transport / traffic jams
Korean table manners
The noun modifying form [verb – 는] + Noun
To promise to do something – 기로 했다
Part 3
Shopping: colours –clothes / shoes
An opening ceremony – the rice cake ceremony
Taking a message
Describing incidents
Naming articles of clothing
Leaving and taking messages
Reporting what she /he says / said
Describing taste – bland, spicy, oily, sour, bitter
The honorific marker (으) 시 + 겠어요?
Indirect speech - verbs: Future, Present, Past tenses
Indirect speech - adjectives
Counting – 첫번째, 두번째, 마지막으로
Using the expression “about/regarding”
Providing background information using + 은데/는데
Students are expected to purchase their own textbook. An exercise book may also be recommended. The teacher
will supply additional material, both tailor-made and taken from other sources (textbooks, newspapers and new
Independent study
Research indicates that successful language learners revise new material and review their progress on a regular
basis. The Language Resources Centre (LRC), situated in room K-1.072 in level minus one of the Strand
Building, houses a wide collection of learning material including text and grammar books, magazines and
newspapers, CDs, DVDs, and self-access e-learning language programmes.
During term time the LRC facilitates free speaking practice sessions as well as a range of workshops on language
learning. For a list of topics and all dates and times, including the opening hours of the LRC, please go to the
website: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/study/modern-language-centre/language-resources-centre.aspx#ad-image-0