Chemical Pollution: Lec: (9-10) 2019-2020 Dr. Mahmoud S. Muter
Chemical Pollution: Lec: (9-10) 2019-2020 Dr. Mahmoud S. Muter
Chemical Pollution: Lec: (9-10) 2019-2020 Dr. Mahmoud S. Muter
environmental educational experiences helps to broaden learners'
perceptions, and increases their knowledge of how to deal with the
environment . The issue of pollution is one of the most important study
topics included or that must include environmental educational
concepts, which one must acquire and adhere to.
Chemical pollution is defined as the presence or increase in our
environment of chemical pollutants that are not naturally present there
or are found in amounts higher than their natural background values.
Most of the chemicals that pollute the environment are man-made,
resulted from the various activities in which toxic chemicals are used for
various purposes.
healthy Environment
The chemicals in their gaseous, liquid, and solid states that are
characterized by their efficacy, toxicity, or explosive potential, or to
corrosive events, or that have other characteristics that could result in a
risk to the environment and public health, whether alone or when
related to other materials. There is no doubt that the industry is one of
the most important sources that produce chemical pollutants in our
world today due to the multiplicity of industries and the tremendous
progress in the industrial application of modern science, which is known
as technology and is considered the most chemical pollutants resulting
from industry have the ability to accumulate in the body of living things
It reaches toxic degree.
Sources of pollution
pollution is divided into two types:
natural pollution and industrial pollution.
Natural pollution : pollution is the source whose source is due to natural
phenomena that occur from time to time, such as volcanoes,
thunderbolts, and storms that may carry huge amounts of sand and
dust, and damage crops, so natural pollution is therefore sources of
natural origin, and there is no income for man in it.
Chemical substances effects of human healthy
The severity of industrial pollution depends on several factors,
MAIN TYPES OF CHEMICAL POLLUTION: These chemicals can react with
tissues in the body and change the structure and function of the organ,
cause abnormal growth and development of the individual, or bind with
the genetic material of cells and cause cancer. One of the central tenets
of the study of such effects (toxicology) is that the dose of a chemical
determines its overall effects and that most chemicals can be dangerous
at high exposure
1. Inorganic pollutants: Inorganic pollutants are released into
the environment due to activities of mining, industry,
transportation and urban activities. Environmental risks
associated with inorganic pollutants vary widely due to
several complex interactions at both intracellular and
extracellular levels. Toxic heavy metals and metalloids interact
quite strongly with soil constituents as compared to salts of
alkali metals, rate of which however, depend on the element and
their speciation.
2. Organic pollutants: More of organic compounds used in industry
and medical field there are we exposure in daily life, They’re used
for drugs and cleaning applications and as solvents in a wide range
of products such as fuels, paints, inks, preservatives and pesticides
, therefore causes more pollutions, So can have serious impacts of
human health. and many can be absorbed through intact skin and
absorbed into the bloodstream; and may be have more major
route of entry into the body.
3. Nuclear (Radiation) pollutants:
Radiation warning symbol
(nuclear power plants)
radioactive contamination may occur from natural sources such as
radiation from outer space and gases Radioactive mounting from
the cortex Z, or from industrial sources of nuclear power stations
of atomic reactors and radioactive isotopes used in industry,
agriculture, medicine or other.
Radioactivity is toxic because it forms ions when it reacts with
biological molecules. These ions can form free radicals, which
damage proteins, membranes, and nucleic acids. Radioactivity can
damage DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) by destroying individual
bases (particularly thymine), by breaking single strands, by
breaking double strands, by cross-linking different DNA strands,
and by cross-linking DNA and proteins. Damage to DNA can lead
to cancers, birth defects, and even death.
4. Biological pollutants: Biological or biological pollution is
considered one of the oldest forms of pollution known to man,
and this pollution arises as a result of the presence of visible or
invisible living organisms such as bacteria, fungi and others in the
environmental medium such as water, air or soil, so the mixing of
disease-causing organisms with food that The person eats it, the
water he drinks, or the air that he inhales causes biological
pollution, which leads to disease.
The effect of chemical pollutants on human health There is no doubt
that the human body is poisoned by chemical pollutants if exposed to it,
and poisoning is the occurrence of a demolition in the biological
composition of some parts of the body and acute poisoning occurs as a
result of exposure to toxic gases for twenty-four hours, while chronic
poisoning occurs as a result of exposure to pollutants for a long period of
time intermittent. Man can control solid or liquid chemical pollutants for
easy identification, collection and disposal in remote places. As for gas
chemical pollutants, they are rapidly spreading and some cannot be
seen, which is difficult to collect if they are spread. There are three ways
by which gas pollutants enter the human body and are:
Most important organs of the body affected by toxic pollutants are the
kidneys and liver, where pollutants accumulate, as the skin and eye
sensitivity are a sign of the presence of substances with an unhealthy
effect in the atmosphere, and the fear of the effect of chemical
pollutants on human health is not limited to the surrounding pollutants
but rather leads to fear of using Chemicals in the various products that a
person uses daily and that are included in food and drink items such as
preservatives and flavors added to food. The World Health Organization
issues lists of these materials to stop use in the food industry in the
countries of the world.
4. It leads to a hole in the ozone layer, which leads to an increase in the
harmful UV rays reaching the earth, which affects human life.
Gases pollutants such oxides of salver, carbon, and nitrogen as well
as the chloroflurocarbon compounds are broken by UV radiation
releasing chlorine and fluorine free radical those react woth ozone of
stratosphere cause decomposed it:
SO2 + O3 → SO3 + O2 , NO + O3 → NO2 + O2
CF2Cl2 → Cl• + C•F2Cl , Cl• + O3 → ClO• + O2
5. Acid rain causes corrosion various impacts and buildings due to the
rise in the proportions of some gases.
SO2 +H2O2 → H2SO4
4NO2 + O2 + 2H2O → 4HNO3
CO2 + H2O → H2CO3
The Effects of Chemical Pollution
Pesticide risk of the health and environmental
pesticides have been commonly used to control pests causing release the
pesticides component into the environment.
The released pesticides into the environment and their impacts of the
ecosystem and human health, such DDT, dieldrin, and other toxic
have more affected of the healthy, because transfer to the humans by the
foods of animals and plants.
Methods of prevention of environmental pollution
PRTR system: This system is for the control of chemical substances that
are harmful to human health or the ecosystem. Under this system,
businesses ascertain the amounts of harmful chemical substances they
have released into the atmosphere, water, or soil, or transferred to
locations outside of their business facilities, and report this data to the
national government. The national government then uses this data and
estimates to summarize and disclose volumes of chemical substances
released or transferred.
Symbols of Handling, Releases, and Transfers of PRTR Substances
Chromium and
87 178,801 0 28,294
chromium(III) compounds
Amount Amount Amount
No. Substance
Used (kg) Released (kg) Transferred (kg)
Polyoxyethylene =
407 5,882 5,746 80
Amount Amount Amount
No. Substance
Used (kg) Released (kg) Transferred (kg)
Common Substances
Pesticide Chemicals
- Environmental chemistry
- Emerging pollutants
- Chemical pollutants
- Environmental health