Welding Part 1
Welding Part 1
Welding Part 1
<:/Welding is a ma.terials-joining process that produces coalescence* of materials by heating
t.bem to the welding temperature with or without the application of pressure or by the
application of pressure alone, and with or without the use of filler metal. It is used to make
welds. A weld is "a localized coalescence of metals or non-metals produced either by
heating materials to the welding temperature, with or without the application of pressure, or
by the application of pressure alone and with or without the use of filler metal."
All metals can be joined by one welding process or another. There is a saying. '1f it's
metal, weld it," and it is certainly true. This should be .qualified by stating that all metals
commercially employed for structural or strength parts are weldable. Some metals are easy
to weld, and others are difficult to weld. The metals that are easily weldable can be welded
in thickness from the very thinnest, about the thickness of this paper page, to the thickest
or heaviest produced. The difficult-to-weld metals require special procedures and techniques
that must be developed for specific applications. Some metals may never be welded or
joined. For example, mercury is n liquid nt room temperature and cannot be welded, while
sodium and potassium melt just below the temperature of boiling water and are of no use as
a strength member and cannot be welded. In general, metnls that have a low melting
point or low strength would not be welded. Some metals are so scarce or expensive that
they would not be used where welding would be required. The physical and mechanical
properties (such as melting temperature, density, thermal conductivity, tensile strength,
ductility etc.), availability, and price all help in determining if a metal will be used in
applications where welding is required.
/ Importance of Welding. Welding is the most efficient way to join metals. It is the
only wny to join two or more pieces of metal to make them act as one piece. Welding is
widely employed to manufacture or repair all products made of metal. Look around, almost
every thing made of metal is welded; the world's tallest building, moon rocket engines,
nuclear reactors, home appliances, and automobiles barely start the list.
The use of welding is still increasing. If a joint is welded, it is permanent joint.
Obviously, if the joint must be disassembled occasionally, it should not be welded. Thus we
should change our statement to "welding is the most economical method to permanently join
metal parts." To join two members by bolting or riveting equires holes in the parts to
accommodate the bolts or rivets. These holes reduce the x-sect1onal area of the members t:J
be joined by upto 10 percent. The joint m?y als_orequire the useof ne or two gusset plates,
thus increasing the weight of mntennl required and the cost. This expense can be
eliminated by
• Coalcaconeo· rnea.oe tho growing toguthcr or irowtb int.o one body of the mnt.<?rinls being w<?lded.
ElfeJrl-0 Weldi'n1 281
tbe use of a weJ;d. The greatest eCDnomy of a we-Med design will be obtained j{ the s•
ional area of e entirestr.uctural member is reduced by the amount of the bGlt
h"l.es. 'l'h.is can be dome since t.he entirecroa sec-tion of a m.embcr of a welded daign it
eoncept ap hes toJOtmng plates used to build a ship o.r a co·ntain r. In view of this
m.atenal savings, s?1?s and stora e tanks are no longer riveted.
Pipes Jomed by welding offer similar economies The wall thickness of a pipe should be
heavy .enough t? c.arry he required load. Howe·ver, if the pipe joined by screw ·threa.ch
heavier wall tckn.ea 18 used to allow for cutting away a portion of the thickness fo.r e
threads. A thinner pipe wall thickness is used for the entire welded pipe syi;tem. Tb15
reduces the amount of metal required and the cost. The inside surface of the weld.ed joint
is smoother. Large-dillmeter pipes are no longer connected toiether with screw thre uu
and pipe fittings.
Converting castings to weldments allo•Ns the designer to reduce weight by reducing metal
thickness. Welding is a design concept which allows freedom and flexibility not possible with
east construetion. Heavy plates can be used where strength is required and thin ones can
be used where possible. The uniform thickne s rule and minimum tbiek.ness required fur
foundry praetice are not neees ry for weld.ments. Addition.ally, high-strength materials
can be employed in specific areas, while normal-strength materials are used where
required. Welding is the best way to protect and conserve materials by proteeting their
surf.ace with special metal overlays. Corrosion and wear of metals att.OUnt for losses
running into billions of dollars annually. Together they ue responsible for an untold loss
of lives. Waste Crom both of these destructive forces can be largely reduced by welding.
Special alloys are weld.deposited on base metals to provide corrosion-resistance
surfaces. Hard surfacing overlays can be made by welding to provide special alloys with
wear-resistant surfaces. A typical application is the resurfacing of a cinder crusher roll
with hard weld metal. Weld
surfacing is used to reduce the costly abrasive and corrosive wear o( machinery.
Thus in short we can say, "today, the science and art of welding encompasses a wide
rnnge of processes and procedures applicable to materials of any thickness and shape- from
tiny electronic components to mammoth machines and struetures. Welding has opened up
prospects for radical improvements in the manufacture of a large variety of machines,
devices nnd structures. It has promoted mechanization and automation in their
manufa.c.ture. The use of automatic, semi.automatic and mechanized welding equipment
has relieved a large number of workers for employment elsewhere in the national economy.
Welding is now-a-days extensively used in automobile industry, air craft machine frames,
structural work, tanks, machine repair work, ship-building, pipe•line fabrication in
thermal power pl and refineries, fabrication of metal structures."
_f'l.2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Welding. Some of the advantages of welding are
given below :
1. Welding is the lowest-cost joining method.._ . .
2. It affords lighter weight through better utilisation of materials.
3. It joins all commercial metals.
4. It can be used anywhere.
5. It provides design flexibility.
'rho limitations of welding are:
l, Some welding depends on the human factor.
2. It oft.on needs interm1l inspection.
Mostof these limitotions cnn be overcome by means of good controls and supervision.
282 Utilization a( Electric Pow r
In resistance welding a heavy current (above 100 A) at O low voltage is passed directly
through the.work piece and heat deyeloped by the resistance to the flow of current, given
by the exp_resaion 1 2 R. <t where I is the current in amperes, R is the resistance in ohms
and t
is the time or duration of flow of current in seconds) is utilised. The beat developed at the
contact area between the pieces to be welded reduces the metal to a plastic state; the pieces
are en pressed to.gether_to c mplete the weld. In this process, preferably two copper
electrodes , are incorporated m a c1rcwt of low resistance and the metal• to be welded
are preued between the el c.trodes. The electrical voltage required ranges from 4 to 12
volts depending on the composition, area, thickness etc. of the metal pieces to be welded.
The amount of power supplied to the weld usually ranges from about 60 watts to 180
watts for each sq. mm of area. Altern.atin.g cu.rren.t is fou.11.d to be most suitable for
resista,i.ce weldi11,g as it can. prouide an.y desired combination. of curre11.t an.d voltage by
mea,u of a suitable tra,uformer.
In order to avoid the surface distortion, the portion of the metal adjacent to the weld or
joint should not be allowed to be overheated.
Resistance to the flow of current is made of (i) resistance of the current path in the
work (ii} resistance between the contact surfaces of the parts being welded and (iii)
resistance between the electrodes and the surface of the parts being welded. In order to
develop higher temperature between the interfaces of the work to be welded rather than at
the surface of the work in contact with the electrodes it is necessary to keep the resistance
between the electrodes and the surface of the body being welded to minimum.
In order to obtain a good weld it is necessary to maintain the contact resistance uniform
which depends upon the surface condition.
For welding thin materials the resistance of the current path in the work is kept
minimum. For welding thick materials of low conductivity the resistance of the current path
have a comparatively greater value and the control of contact resistance is not necessary. For
welding thick materials of high conductivity either reduced pressure or high resistance
electrodes having melting point higher than that of metal to be welded, can be used. For
welding two dissimilar metals having different conductivity, low conductivity electrodes on
high conductivity metal side and vice-versa are used in order to prevent overheating on the
low conductivity metal and to develop sufficient heat to melt high conductivity metal side.
The pressure which is to be applied on the weld is also an important factor. At high
pressure, low temperature plastic welds can be obtained and where as if the pressure is
lowered the resistance to the welding current is to be increased. There is a limit upto which
the resistance can be increased and after that there will be surface burning. The pressure
necessary to effect the weld varies from 2.5-5.5 kgf/mm2•
The magnitude of current is controlled by varying either the primary voltage of the
welding transformer (by using auto-transf rmer between supply a n_dt h e welding
tranaformer) or changing the primary turns of the we ding transformer. Alte t1ve method
of controlling the current to weld is to vary the magnitude and wave of the pnmary as well
as secondary current by using Thyratron or I nitron tub s in the primaryircuit..
In resistance welding, the time for which current flows 18 very important. Usually
automatic arrangements are devised which switch off the supply after a predetermined
time from applying of pressure (startin of weld). The pres_sur may be applied manually,
by air pressure, by springs or by bydr ubc means. After sw1t<:hmg o f the supply, the
preHure is maintained on the electrodes until the weld c ls. Inmachines which are operated
continuously, the electrodes are cooled by water irculatmg hro gh holl w electrodes.
Electrical circuit diagram for re11atance weldm is ah wn m fig. 6.1. The machine
employed for reeiatance welding contains a transformer provided with necessary taps. a
clampine device
284 Utilization of El ctrlc Pow r
the pieces, to be welded,
to complete the weld. WORK
Resistance welding has the ELECTRODES :=cl '2"' PIECES
advantage of producing a I.erge
volugu: of work at high speeds F EDARM'---------1
-tli'i«a.Fe reproouc16ie with high
•li'Y. Resistance welds are
made very quickly; however, each Electrical Circuit For Resutance Welding
process has its own time cvcle. Fig. 6.1 •
Resistance welding operations are automatic. Good-quality welds do not depend on welding
operator skill but more on proper setup and adjustment of the equipment and adherence
to weld schedules.
Resistance welding is employed mainly for mass production. It is easily adapted to those
components which can be moved to the machine and axe light. The operation is extremely
rapid and simple. This is the only process where heat can be controlled and which permits
a pressure action at the weld.:Metals of medium and high resistance, such as steel, stainless
steel, monel metal and silicon bronze are easy to weld. Special control gear is required,
however, in the case of high-carbon steels and special equipment providing very high
current impulses (stored energy welding) is used in case of materials of low electrical
The automotive industry is the major user followed by the appliance industry. It is used
by many industries manufactuxing a variety of products made of thinner-gauge metals and
{or manufacturing pipes, tubing, and smaller structuxal sections.
When specifying the material intended to be resistance welded, consideration must be
given to the state in which this to be supplied to the welding shop. Whilst slight rust, mill
scale etc., on the material may not affect the efficiency of arc welds to a considerable degree,
Jack of cleanliness will be fatal to resistance welded joints. Pickling or shot-blasting immediately
prior to the resistance welding operation is essentiaffor making this latter method a success.
· Material upto 5 mm thickness which is to be used on resistance•welded jobs is usually
purchased in a pick.led and slightly oiled condition, and should be carefully stored in order
to keep it clean. It can then be used without removing the oil film provided that the oil is
clean. Material above 5 mm thickness should be shot-blasted before being taken to the
resistance-welding machines. No long delay should occur between the shot blasting and the
welding, in order to avoid new corrosion which might eliminate the advantage gained by the
former. Sand-blasting is not recommended, as particles of the siliceous material may be
embedded in the steel surface and influence its electrical resistance.
u \\·e ,vei two pieces of metal togeth r '\\ith a butt weld can be
carried "- 1'f difra-ent -ta.Dee welJ.ing pro.., SeS. The butt"·dJ consists cl joining of
two pieces J I U\ the.r e1 el" en fa.ce N o.n edge.. It i of two t name!. (a)
upset butt wcldin
r,i! bu.it-wekb.n-s, ypes J
Upsrt &U H lding.. It is a resi "'e welding h
Fl t produ coal o,•er the entire - ----
--ti.faying surfa
· I .
. oi-P.rro ly al abu••
joCt &!' me eatoh:,amed from the resk.-tance to the _
D 5!:
. ..-,L-,
-- - -"O Cl.a..P'-.., V,S.l) Cl,\YP
L !:J
o:rrenthro th-e area \\'here those .....
are in contact.. It can be used only if the , ot-T- --- --- ,- "'-
putstnbe welded are equ in - . ·onal area.
End to end wel h i p" · e l and butt wel ·
mcbded- The fa.:es of the metal pieces to be joined
are pre-pa.red for e ·en contact. The metal pieces to o---!l---1
lie joined are fixed in cl.amP3 and butted squarely CONW::.TC:R
11p.msl, each other. as shown in ftg. 6.2 and be!l
em. In 1 . 4 . U S case
. - thro··..l. lh i. L : - h l'fpsd UF'di,gJin6.g.;,Pron!...
cmtel1 i IS pa:s :,IC"U
is obtained by the contact resistance of the metals · ...
tD be welded.. \'\'"hen St1f'Iicient heat is de,'cloi>e"L the pieces are rammed by force to
complete the ...eLt. -u:re isappliedeiUiet ruano.ally or Wl.ili toggle
mechanism. 'lhepressure applied upsets or forges the parts together. The joint is cooled
under pressure.. •.\fter cooling tlle fan:e is :-elea..;;:al and the weld is completed. Upset buU
"'elding.,vhich has the advantage afcreating no flash spatte.T and a smooth and symmetrical
ups isused principally on non• feuous1113.terials for welding ha rods. wire. tubing
formed parts etc. The ,-oltage required far selding is 2-8 ,'Olts and current varies Crom 50 A
to se,•eral hundred ampe depending upon the material and the area tobe •elded at a
time. The curren pressure and time may he rnao:ual or automatic controlled. The latter
method is preferred in production machines.
If intimate conta isnotobtained because oI improper joint preparauon. the weld will
l>e def'ectiv
fC') Flad& Butt H lding. E,·en thou&h it is not
high spots continues until the whole of the surfaces ore heated to the weldingtemperature.
Some additional heat may be creoted by the combustion of molten pa clcs, e fo_rce
bleaction· of which is probably due to the pressure of metallic vopour. The flashing action
i,suded by nn oscillating movement or one or thecomponents. As soon as the whole or the
su_rfaces to be welded reach forging tempcroture, the pressure is opplied, and the power
supply 1s cutoff.
Flash butt welding creates a joint which hos practically the full strength of the parent
metal under static loading conditions and a strength slightly less thon thnt of the parent
metal under dynamic lo ds. The shope and area or the two components must be identical at
the point to be joined, and a suitoble upset allowance must be made.
Flash butt welding can be used on most metals (low carbon steels, tool steels,
stainless steels, aluminium alloys with thickness exceedmg 1.25 mm, copper alloys with
high zmc content, magnesium alloys, molybdenum alloys, nickel alloys, titanium alloys,
medium strength and high strength low olloy steels) le&ving cost iron. lead. zinc, antimony
alloys and bismuth.
Flash butt welding is considered superior to upset butt welding on the following accounts.
(,) Many dissimilar metals with different melting temperatures con be flash welded.
· (u)_ F1ash weld provides a smoller upset.
(iil.) Flash welding is foster than other methods.
(ic:) All the foreign metals appearing on the butting surfaces is burnt due to first few
flashes preceding application of welding pressure. Thus clean and pure weld is obtained.
(v) Power requirement is less.
(v,.) Flash welding can be used for the welding of those highly alloyed steels which
cannot be welded satisfactorily by any other process. 'l'his is because, in flash
welding, under correctly controlled conditions, the heating is not only even but
extremely local; so that the cooling stresses are maintained at a minimum; this
avoids hardening and cracking in highly alloyed steels.
Flash welding have some limitations and drawbacks a1so. as enumerated below:
(i) The most undesirable feature o( flash welding is the flashing operation during
which it is impossible to protect the welding machine and the surroundmg area
from these particles, which can burn into side-way bearings, insulation etc. This
necessitates more frequent maintenance.
(i,.) The process presents a consideraLle fire hazards. Operators need to be protected from
flying particles.
(iii) Metal is lost during flashing and upsetting.
(iu) Concentricity and straightness of the work pieces during welding process is often
difficult to maintain.
Application• of Flash JVeldlng. (i) Flash welding is applied primarily in the butt
welding of metal sheets, tubing, bars, rods, forgings, fittings etc.
(i,.) Flash welding finds applications in automotive and air-craft products, household
appliances, refrigerators and farm implements.
(ii&) The process is also used for welding the band saw blades into continuous loops,
and joining of tool steel drill, top and reamer bodies to low carbon steel and alloy
steel ahanks.
(w) sh welding is used to produce assemblies that otherwise would require more costly
orgings or costings.
1//e nce B twe n Fla•h Weldln1 and Upsd Butt lVeldina. (r.) In upset butt welding
rcinl(hence flashing) occurs between the surfaces being joined. Heat is produced solely by
die electrical resistance at the abutting sw:facca-to the assage of an electric current.
. .
lj&) In flash welding, unlike upset butt ,vclding, the movable platen keeps on moving
constantly to,vard the stationary platen..
(ju) Flash welding consumes much less \\'C}ding current than consumed by upset butt
welding process; the time allowed for ,...,eld to be completed is, ho\vevcr. more..
(iv) In flash \Velding heat application precedes the pressure,,,here a_sin u se
,velding constant pressure is applied during the heating process ,vh1ch eliminates
only used assemblies for electric contacts. •
ia \&Nd in makin1fusion welda. When additional metal ia required, filler _roda are mel
in.to the joinL Due to the clecarbonizina character of the weldin& Oanie (w1tb the
lormat1on of hydrocarbona) the filler rod material should have a carbon content higher
than tbat of the material to be welded. if the finished weld metal is to have the aame carbon
content the parent material. Owinc to the concentrated heat, hich welding speeds
may be obta ed k nadistortion 11aalL Further more hydrogen excludes all ox gen •
other gases which micht combine with the molten·metal to Corm oxides and other
impt.mties. It also removes oxidu from the surface of the work. Thus this proceaa is capable
of producing smooth, uniform. strong, and ductile welds. Automa equipment for this process
has been developed.
the hydrogen being fed through a water-cooled nozzle block. . .
Arc currents Upto 150 A can be used and the power supply arrangements are similar
to those for ordinary ac arc welding e,xcept that the transformer voltages are
gher, b ing
about 300 V on open-circuit for striking the arc and between 80 and 100 V while
Thia method is very flexible-practically any metal or alloy, ferrous and non-ferrous,
can be welded. Its greatest usefulness is for the fusion welding of certain special ferrous
alloys, such aa, chrome ]Jickel steels. aluminium, and duralumin, but it must use flux to
weld some of these materials. Welding of thin sheets, production of tubing, and the repairing
of exl?ensive tools d dies are some of the common uses of this method. -
8. . Inert GaaMetal Arc Welding. It is a gas shielded. metal-arc welding process which
• the intense·-heat of an electric arc between a continuously fed, consumable electrode
wire and the material to be welded. A consumable bare electrode wire producing the filler
metal ia automatically fed from a reel on to the job through a welding gun which also
carries a nozzle. Through this nozzle helium or argon is blown around the arc and on to the
weld. Because of low arc voltage for a given welding current argon is suitable for thin
materials u tendency to burn through is redu.ced. Because of low arc voltage and low power
for given welding current in case of argon gas welding tend.ency for metal fusion and metal
sag or run is reduced and, therefore, it is preferred for inposition welding. On the other
hand, because of high arc voltage and high power in case of helium gas welding, it is used for
welding of thick materials and metals with high heat conductivity. Mixture of the two
gases is useful to get intermediate characteristics. AC and de both can be used. This type of
welding has the following advantages : . · .
(a) In this method concentration of heat is possible and thus distortion is minimised.
_ (b) In·this method no flux is required since atmosphere is inert and air does not
come in contact with the molten metal.
This process is particularly employed for welding light alloys, stainless steel and
non• fenoua metals such as copper, olumini1Jm and their alloys. For welding aluminium
and aluminiu alloys ac supply and argon gas is used where as for welding magnesium
and maenesiwn alloys either ac supply and argon gas or de supply. reversed polarity and
either argon 01 helium gas is used. For the welding of stainless steel, mild steel, copper
and coppei; alloys, de and either argon 1 helium or ac high frequency stabilized with
argon or
heliwn used. I •
Jlltrasonic welding is a solid-state welding CLM,tPtNO FORCE
process that produces coalescence or
materials by the local application or high- TO WELDER FRAME
frequency (20-
60 kHz) vibratory energy as the work pieces
are held together under p'ressure. No flux or
filler metals arc used. no electrical current J.--t-.:.-.:.-:..-.:.-_-_-,--.
fiows through the weld metal, and usually no TRANSDUCER
heat is applied Since vibratory action in
ultrasonic welding breaks up and disperses
moisture, oxide and other (e.g., insulation)
coatings, normally, degreasing may be the
·cleaningrequired before welding (especially with Ult,·a&0nic Welding
aluminium). · Fig. 6.14
Welding occurs when the ultrasonic tip or'electrode, the energy coupling device, is
clamped against the work pieces and is made to oscillate in a plane parallel to the weld
interface. The combined clamping pressure and oscillating forces introduce dynamic stresses
in the base metal,This produces minute deformations which create a moderate
temperature rise 1n the base metal at the weld zone. This coupled with the clamping
pressure provides for coalescence across the interface to produce the weld.* Ultrasonic
energy will aid in cleaning the weld area by breaking up oxide films and causing them to be
carried away. The vibratory energy that produces the minute deformation comes from a
transducer which
·converts high-frequency alternating electrical energy into mechanical energy. The transducer
ii coupled to the work by various types of tooling which can range from tips similar to
resistance welding tips to resistance roll welding electrode wheels.
_The temperature at the weld is not raised to the melting point and, therefore, there is
no nugget similar to resistance welding. Weld strength is equal to the strength of the
base metal. Most ductile metals can be welded together and there are many combinations
of dissimilar metals that can be welded. The process is restricted to relatively thin
materials normally in tho foil or extremely thin gauge thicknesses. The maximum
thickness by these
p a1e1 ultras nically may ary rom 0.38 to 2.? mm depending upon the metal. .
11tial process 18 used extensively 1n the electronics. aerospace, and instrument
industnes. It ii alao used for producing packages and containers and for sealing them. The
process can allo be employed for joining plastics and is finding wider use in this field
than in joining
1 1y1tem and weldin1 t.ip Corm • unit callocl a 1onotrod1.
Electric Weldin6 307