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IESVE Plug-in for Google SketchUp

Version 3 User Guide


International Sustainability Consulting Developers of the IES <Virtual Environment>
Date: July 2010


Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 4 IESVE Toolbar ..................................................................................................................................... 5 Thin Walls and Thick Walls .................................................................................................................. 5 Set Building Properties: .................................................................................................................... 7 Set data for the entire building.......................................................................................................... 7 Select Groups: ................................................................................................................................ 13 Define the attributes of group(s): .................................................................................................... 13 Identify Rooms & Set Room Properties: ......................................................................................... 14 Identify Rooms ............................................................................................................................ 14 Set Room Properties................................................................................................................... 14 Select a Room: ............................................................................................................................... 15 Display Properties Room: <Room Name> .................................................................................. 15 Toggle all Room names visibility ................................................................................................. 16 Toggle View of Shading Surfaces Only....................................................................................... 16 Toggle VE Model shading ........................................................................................................... 17 Toggle X Ray .............................................................................................................................. 18 Highlight Disconnected Edges .................................................................................................... 18 Highlighted Disconnected Surfaces ............................................................................................ 18 Clear Highlights........................................................................................................................... 18 Show or Hide Unselected Faces ................................................................................................. 18 IESVE Menu....................................................................................................................................... 19 Set Building Properties, Select Groups etc..................................................................................... 19 Identify Rooms in Selected Faces Only .......................................................................................... 19 Set VE Rooms Analysis Options..................................................................................................... 20 Tidy up Model ................................................................................................................................. 20 Access Virtual Environment suite tools........................................................................................... 21 VE-Ware ..................................................................................................................................... 21 VE-Toolkits.................................................................................................................................. 21 VE-Gaia/VE-Pro .......................................................................................................................... 21 Help / IES VE Website:.................................................................................................................. 21 Definitions Floors, roofs, walls: ....................................................................................................... 21 Definitions Windows / holes / doors: ............................................................................................... 21 Using Google Earth to set location and Terrain:................................................................................. 22 Common drawing issues: ................................................................................................................... 24
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IESVE Plug-in for Google SketchUp

User Guide

Not all of my zones/buildings have been identified [Part 1 Simple Cube]: ................................... 24 Not all of my zones/buildings have been identified [Part 2 Google Warehouse models]: ............ 25

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IESVE Plug-in for Google SketchUp

User Guide

Welcome to the IES <Virtual Environment> plug-in to Google SketchUp. This plug-in links SketchUp 6, 7 and SketchUp Pro 6, 7 to the <Virtual Environment> suite of tools: VE-Ware, VE-Toolkits, VE-Gaia and VE-Pro. This document is intended as a brief introduction to the plug-in to let you get started. More detailed videos, how tos, help, forums and tutorials can all be found on SketchUp Plug-in




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IESVE Plug-in for Google SketchUp

Version 3 User Guide

IESVE Toolbar
IESVE Toolbar
The plug-in appears as a toolbar in SketchUp. The toolbar has 11 features which will be described in more detail below:

Thin Walls and Thick Walls

The IESVE plug-in for SketchUp can be used with models that have been drawn using either a Thick Walls or Thin Walls method. Thin Walls Available in both SketchUp Free and SketchUp Pro, this is the most basic way of drawing models where a single surface represents a floor, wall, roof element.

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IESVE Plug-in for Google SketchUp

Version 3 User Guide

IESVE Toolbar
Thick Walls Available only for SketchUp Pro users, this mode allows realistic buidling models to be analysed using the plug-in where floors, walls and roofs have been modelled with a thickness as in the real-life building.

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IESVE Plug-in for Google SketchUp

Version 3 User Guide

Set Building Properties

Set Building Properties:
Set data for the entire building

Location is important for building performance analysis because location and climate dictate the performance of the building. Set the location by clicking Select Location from the dialog. This opens the <VE> Location Browser:

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IESVE Plug-in for Google SketchUp

Version 3 User Guide

Set Building Properties

The <VE> Location browser allows you to choose major cities throughout the world. The browser has three levels: Continent [Africa, Antarctica, Asia etc]; Country / State / Territory [UK, Arizona, Manitoba etc]; then City [London, Phoenix, Winnipeg etc]. Select a location closest to your project. The local carbon fuel mix and weather data is derived by selecting the location. The resource fuel mix translates into the carbon emissions factor per fuel type for the project that is used to determine the carbon footprint. Once the location is selected, the latitude and longitude will be updated automatically, if you would like a more exact latitude and longitude, you can use Google Earth (It will be explained later in the guide). Within the Set Building Properties dialog, you will also need to set the Buildings Constructions, Building Type and Building HVAC Service.

Building Constructions

Constructions: Building Type: HVAC Service:

What constructions are used in your building? What glazing types do you wish to use? What is the principle function of the building you are designing? How is you building heated and cooled?

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IESVE Plug-in for Google SketchUp

Version 3 User Guide

Set Building Properties

Building Type

HVAC Service

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IESVE Plug-in for Google SketchUp

Version 3 User Guide

Push Through Doors and Windows

Push Through Doors and Windows (SketchUp Pro Thick Walls only)
When a model has been constructed in Thick Walls mode windows and doors can be added as Groups or Components. Ensure the Group/Component has the correct category definition using the IESVE Toolbar Select Groups or Select Components button to define them (see later) then place the Groups/Components on the outer surface of walls. With the Window or Door Group/Component selected then select the Push Through button and the Group/Component will be pushed through to the inner surface of the wall and will be correctly recognised by the plug-in when rooms are identified.

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IESVE Plug-in for Google SketchUp

Version 3 User Guide

Build a Storey from a Floor Plan

Build a Storey from a Floor Plan (SketchUp Pro Thick Walls only)
Use the Build a Storey tool to extrude any 2-dimensional floor plan (for example a DXF floor plan) into a full height 3dimensional Thick Walls model.

Step 1 Start with a 2-D floor plan (this can be a dxf, dwg or simply a 2-D sketch).

Step 2 Select the floor plan then click the Build a Storey from a Floor Plan button on the IESVE Toolbar. The Build a Storey settings dialog will be displayed.

Enter the Height of each Storey, the Ceiling/Slab Thickness and Number of Storeys then click Go.

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IESVE Plug-in for Google SketchUp

Version 3 User Guide

Build a Storey from a Floor Plan

Step 3 The building will be extruded as defined by the settings.

Each Storey has room layout as specified in the original floor plan and the number of storeys, storey height and slab thickness (thick walls) are as defined in the settings dialog. Note: the user settings dialog has an option to use the current settings as default, tick this to use these values as default the next time the Build a Storey tool is used.

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IESVE Plug-in for Google SketchUp

Version 3 User Guide

Select Groups
Select Groups:
Define the attributes of group(s):

When you have components or groups in your model, you need to go into the Select Components or Select Groups. You need to identify if the specific group(s) or component(s) will be analyzed as room surfaces, whole rooms, shade, door, window, or excluded. Room: Surfaces defined as room will form part of room boundaries. Rooms define the analysis model that is exported to <VE>. Room surfaces is used when the Group contains surfaces that form only part of a room shell. Whole room(s) is used when the Group contains all the surfaces that bound the room (or set of rooms). It is advised to use whole room(s) wherever possible when modelling to achieve the best results when using the IESVE plug-in for SketchUp. This will allow rooms to be quickly found by the plug-in and gives the best quality geometry export to <VE>. Shade: Objects defined as Shade are treated as shading surfaces within the model and therefore taken into account for shading analysis, not for thermal analysis. Door: Group or component will be translated as a door in the <VE> analysis model. Window: Group or component will be translated as a window in the <VE> analysis model. Note that the group or component will need to have a material opacity between 1-99 in order to translate as window in VE-Pro. Excluded: All Groups and Components are per default excluded from export and will not appear within the analysis model. Note: Groups/Components defined as Door or Window can be placed on Thick Walls buildings using the Push Through tool (as described in previous section).

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IESVE Plug-in for Google SketchUp

Version 3 User Guide

Identify Rooms & Set Room Properties

Identify Rooms & Set Room Properties: Find all rooms in the model & set data for individual rooms

Identify Rooms
Identify rooms is used to find all the bounded rooms in the model. Bounded rooms are geometrical surfaces that fully enclose a space or volume. The simplest form of this would be that a cube needs six sides to fully enclose the room. A non-bounded box (or selected surfaces) will be treated as Shading Surfaces. Note: Shading devices will be used by the VE to shade the building. Examples of shading devices are overhangs or brise soleil. Surrounding buildings will also shade your building. When rooms have been identified the IES<VE> Analytical model is displayed (in X-ray mode by default) and the <VE> Room Properties list is displayed showing details of all rooms that have been identified.

Set Room Properties

Set room properties; this dialog helps you set the constructions, type of use and HVAC system for the room(s) that you have selected. (Rooms can be selected from the list or by using the Select a Room button) Use the SAVE Icon to save Room Names. Sort rooms and floors by clicking on the Level and Room column headings. If construction set or HVAC service are not defined, it will inherit the constructions and HVAC system from the building properties that was previously defined.

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IESVE Plug-in for Google SketchUp

Version 3 User Guide

Identify Rooms & Set Room Properties

Select a Room:
Left click when the <VE> Room properties dialog is open to select rooms you want to edit.

Right click to get further options:

Display Properties Room: <Room Name>

Selection of this menu item opens the room properties menu for the selected room:

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IESVE Plug-in for Google SketchUp

Version 3 User Guide

Identify Rooms & Set Room Properties

Insert Floors
Insert floors is useful to split a single massing volume into single or multiple floors. One floor is drawn as a default to start, click on Identify Rooms, after the room has been found, right-click on the room, select Insert Floors. Select Check to insert as many Storeys as will fit, floors will be inserted based on the overall height of the volume automatically.

Toggle all Room names visibility

Selection of this menu item toggles the display of the room names on and off:

Toggle View of Shading Surfaces Only

Select this option to display or hide all shading surfaces on the analytical model.

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IESVE Plug-in for Google SketchUp

Version 3 User Guide

Identify Rooms & Set Room Properties

Toggle VE Model shading
The <Virtual Environment> has a convention to describe zones that will be modelled as thermal zones, and surfaces that will be modelled as shading surfaces. Thermal zones are enclosed volumes, traditionally coloured blue in the <Virtual Environment>. Shaded surfaces are non-enclosed volumes, or single surfaces, traditionally coloured yellow in the <Virtual Environment> To be able to identify these entities in SketchUp the Toggle VE Model shading menu shows the SketchUp Model in the traditional colours of a VE Model:

The blue zones are thermal zones; these will be included in the energy calculations; the yellow zones are shading elements (obstructions). The two types shown on this drawing are the parapet walls and the adjacent building. The parapet is created as a single surface, the adjacent building has no floor (shown below):

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IESVE Plug-in for Google SketchUp

Version 3 User Guide

Identify Rooms & Set Room Properties

Toggle X Ray
Select this option to display the IES<VE> analytical model with all surfaces in X-ray mode or not.

Highlight Disconnected Edges

Use this tool to help troubleshoot rooms that were not found by the plug-in. Any edges that are not connected are highlighted blue.

Highlighted Disconnected Surfaces

Use this tool to help troubleshoot rooms that were not found by the plug-in. Any surfaces that are not connected are highlighted red.

Clear Highlights
Select this option to remove the highlighting on any disconnected surfaces or edges.

Show or Hide Unselected Faces

This option allows the model to be hidden with only faces selected by the user left to assist with any further modelling the user wishes to do.

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IESVE Plug-in for Google SketchUp

Version 3 User Guide

To access the IESVE Menu commands select Tools >> IES.

Set Building Properties, Select Groups etc

These menu options perform the same functions as the toolbar buttons documented in earlier sections of this user guide.

Identify Rooms in Selected Faces Only

Use this tool to run the room finding algorithm on a reduce set of faces. Select the faces that bound the rooms you want to analyse then select his option. Note: this tool can be most useful when troubleshooting sections of the geometry that do not find rooms as expected.

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IESVE Plug-in for Google SketchUp

Version 3 User Guide

Set VE Rooms Analysis Options
This opens the <VE> Analysis Settings dialog.

Analysis Type Select Thin Walls or Thick Walls depending on how the model has been drawn. Analyse Visible Layers only when ticked the Room Finding algorithm will only consider rooms on layers that are set to visible in the SketchUp Layer Settings. Maximum Wall Thickness when in Thick Walls mode this value will treat any space with thickness lower than this value as a wall volume. Vertical-Horizontal Transition Angle the angle that defines whether a sloped surface is a Wall (vertical) or a (roof). Minimum Room Height when identifying rooms any space lower than this height is ignored. Minimum Floor Area when identifying rooms any space with a floor area lower than this value is ignored.

Tidy up Model
The Tidy Model options allow the user to remove superfluous lines that may slow down or inhibit the room identification process, ensuring a faster and higher quality model transfer to <VE>. Delete Detached Lines Delete any lines in the model that do not form part of a surface boundary. Delete Polygons with a Single Face Removes any closed loops within a surface. Delete all Text (exc. Room Names) Deletes all extra text from the SketchUp model (leaves room names as identified by the IESVE plug-in)

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IESVE Plug-in for Google SketchUp

Version 3 User Guide

Access Virtual Environment Suite Tools

Access Virtual Environment suite tools
Click these buttons to link to VE-Ware, VE-Toolkits, VE-Gaia or VE-Pro.

Click this button to launch VE-Ware [more info: VE-Ware] VE-Ware is free building energy and carbon assessment software, also contains Free VE-SBEM for UK regulation compliance.

Click this button to launch VE-Toolkits [more info: VE-Toolkits] VE-Toolkits offer early stage analysis for quick iterative assessments covered by a range of Toolkits including Sustainability, LEED, Green Star and more.

Click this button to launch VE with access to VE-Gaia and VE-Pro [more info: VE-Pro, VE-Gaia] VE-Gaia offers a step-by-step workflow analysis, iteration and reporting interface which weaves a clear route through the VE engine. VE-Pro is our most powerful, flexible and most in-depth suite of building performance analysis tools.

Help / IES VE Website:

Click to access the Help files, or to access the IES website [www.iesve.com]

Definitions Floors, roofs, walls:

Ground Floor Slab: horizontal surface that is not in contact with a room below Roof: horizontal surface that is not in contact with any room above Upper floors: horizontal surface that is in contact with a room above Exterior Wall: vertical surface that is not in contact with any adjacent room Interior Wall: vertical surface that is in contact with an adjacent room Exterior Window: a window on an exterior wall Interior Window: a window on an interior wall or floor Skylights: a window on a roof

Definitions Windows / holes / doors:

Door: a face drawn on another surface; opacity 100. Window: a face drawn on another surface with an opacity setting less than 1-99. Hole: a face cut-out or deleted from another surface; or an opacity of 0 NOTE: Exterior holes are treated as windows by the <Virtual Environment> suite of tools.

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IESVE Plug-in for Google SketchUp

Version 3 User Guide

Using Google Earth to Set Location & Terrain

Using Google Earth to set location and Terrain:
Google Earth can be used to set the Latitude and Longitude of the SketchUp model, as well as using the terrain as part of your topographical surface for analysis. Firstly you need to install the Google Earth plug-in into SketchUp. (http://www.SketchUp.com/index.php?id=408) Once installed follow the steps below! Step 1: Open Google Earth Step 2: Navigate to the building location

Step 3: Get the current view from SketchUp.

Step 4: Open Set Building properties [Latitude and Longitude will have updated]

Note: you will need to add the City name.

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IESVE Plug-in for Google SketchUp

Version 3 User Guide

Using Google Earth to Set Location & Terrain

Step 5: If you would like to translate your terrain as part of the topographical surface. In the Layers dialog, turn on the Layer Google Earth Terrain and turn off Google Earth Snapshot, you will should see the actual terrain. Step 6: Go to the Select Groups dialog, and select Shade with the Google Earth Terrain.

Step 7: Click on Identify Rooms, and your terrain will translate as shading surfaces for your model.

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IESVE Plug-in for Google SketchUp

Version 3 User Guide

Common Drawing Issues

Common drawing issues:
Not all of my zones/buildings have been identified [Part 1 Simple Cube]:
More often than not the cause of this is the surfaces that make up your building or room have not bounded the space. Lets explain this using the simplest of room shapes the cube. Lets approach the drawing in two ways and *forget* to completely enclose the cube: Step 1: Draw a rectangle Step 2: Use Push/Pull to create a cube

Step 3: Identify Rooms: SUCCESS!!

Diagnosis: Blue surfaces indicate zones [In the <Virtual Environment> or via Toggle VE Shading]

Step 1: Draw a rectangle

Step 2: Use Push/Pull to create walls (but delete roof)

Step 3: Identify Rooms: FAILURE!!

Diagnosis Yellow surfaces indicate shading surfaces [In the <Virtual Environment> or via Toggle VE Shading]

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IESVE Plug-in for Google SketchUp

Version 3 User Guide

Common Drawing Issues

Not all of my zones/buildings have been identified [Part 2 Google Warehouse models]:
Again more often than not the cause of this is the surfaces that make up your building or room have not bounded the space. Lets explain this time by using some Google Warehouse models and then using the <Virtual Environment> to diagnose the problem. Step 1: Open Google Warehouse model Step 2: Identify Rooms: Partial Success!!

Step 3: Open VE or select or via Toogle VE Shading, blue is a zone yellow a shading device

Diagnosis: Spin the model and look at the base there is no face here bounding the building

NOTE: if all you need to model is the lower building and the tall building is only required for shading than this approach is correct!! No rooms in model: If a user only creates non-bounded rooms it is possible that no rooms will be created, the user will see the message and advice below:

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IESVE Plug-in for Google SketchUp

Version 3 User Guide

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