Ict 9 Unit Test
Ict 9 Unit Test
Ict 9 Unit Test
1. What shortcut key talks about the exposure sheet on which frame numbers, dialog and drawings numbers are written?
a. Dial b. Dope Sheet c. BG d. TP
2. A shortcut key used for dialog?
a. Reg b. BG c. Dial d. T/B
3. It talks about the "balance", whatever is not indicated by a separate chart?
a. Reg b. BG c. Dial d. Bal
4. T/B is a shortcut in a drawing traced back from the previous one.
a. Reg b. BG c. traceback d. seps
5. What is rough animation drawing called?
a. Reg b. ruff c. dial d. seps
6. What shortcut key is used to register the character to the background or other animation drawings?
a. Reg b. ruff c. dial d. traceback
7. BG is to background: TP is to __________
a. Reg b. ruff c. dial d. Top Pegged
8. It talks about the color separations for ink and paint tone mattes, rough on cheeks.
a. seps b. BG c. traceback d. sips
9. These appliances add details to the background when your setting is in the kitchen.
A. Classroom b. Household c. Restroom d. Living area
10. What does the objects and environment that surrounds your character help enhance?
a. story b. scene c. both d. none of the above
11. They are very popular cartoon characters that make up the cartoon world.
a. Appliances b. Trees and Fruits c. Things d. Animals
12. It is a technique used by artists to create the illusion of depth and space, using a group of objects' relative size and position.
a. Atmospherical b. Aerial perspective c. Linear perspective d. Front and rear Perspective
13. Which of the following does not belong?
a. Orthogonals b. Diagonals c. Vanishing point d. Horizon line
14. This point of view derives its name from the fact that it uses a single point of flight.
a. 1-point b. 2-point c. 3-point d. 4-point
15. It is defined as the line separating the earth from the sky.
a. horizon line b. vanishing pointc. linear line d. orthogonals
16. This dot can best be viewed as the location from which objects begin to disappear due to distance.
a. Vanishing point b. Orthogonals c. Diagonals d. Horizon line
17. If the basic shape of the object is described, lines are added from each corner of the object that recede back to the vanishing point.
Such diagonal lines are denominated with what we call _______________.
a. Horizon line b. Orthogonals c. Vanishing point d. Vertical line
18. Two point perspective makes use of how many points on the horizon line?
a. three b. one c. two d. four
19. These stretch from either end of the form and coincide with the opposite vanishing point. The position of the occurring intersection
determines the cube's back corner, which is drawn using a vertical line.
a. Horizon line b. Vanishing point c. Linear line d. Orthogonals
20. If the view is extreme, from above or below, then _____________ perspective might be the best option.
a. 1-point b. 2-point c. 3-point d. 4-point
21. The type of linear perspective the artist uses largely depends on what point?
a. viewer’s eyes b. viewer's vantage c. viewer’s sight d. viewer’s decision
22. If the view of most of the geometric shapes in the scene is "square," then the better option may be is _____?
a. 1-point b. 2-point c. 3-point d. 4-point
23. If the corners of artifacts are predominant then the best solution could be _____?
a. 1-point b. 2-point c. 3-point d. 4-point
24. In this case the audience now can see the bottom portion of the shape. The bottom portion is identified by extending lines to the
opposite vanishing point from each end of the cube.
a. Frontside the horizon line c. Above the horizon line
b. Rearside the horizon line d. Below the horizon line
25. The top of the shape will not be clear. That means the orthogonal lines that stretch from each end to the opposite vanishing point
should describe the top portion of the form.
a. Frontside the horizon line c. Above the horizon line
b. Rearside the horizon line d. Below the horizon line
26. What should be avoided when unintended shapes make the eyes being fooled and individual shapes also tend to blend into one
a. tangents b. parallels c. ambiguity d. sawtooth effect
27. When creating a strong silhouette, the "sorta,” “kinda,”, “maybe" that makes areas mushy and uncertain talks about the ________ of
the drawing.
a. sawtooth effect b. ambiguity c. tangents d. parallels
28. Avoid the ____________ and monotonous lines which pertains to the length of lines in clothing Vary clumps of hair, skin folds etc.
a. parallels b. ambiguity c. sawtooth effect d. tangents
29. What do you call the term wherein you spend the most time and energy in the drawing areas?
a. traces b. perspectives c. ruff d. focus
30. Know where to put your money is one of the most important things to consider when animating. You can fast-acting scenes but take
your time on slow-acting _________.
a. scenes b. traces c. both d. none of the above
31. One model artist had the easiest viewpoint lesson around by following the line of horizon from what 's above it is up and what 's below
it is down.
a. focus b. perspective c. ruff d. arcs
32. What should be avoided which creates twinning, stiff, and flat drawings?
a. parallels b. tangents c. sawtooth effect d. ambiguity
33. Action lines talks about finding the basic action line and building your drawing around it, when creating or recreating a
a. ruff b. arcs c. focus d. parallels
34. It talks about the rolling the section you are getting, then flipping the drawings when you are in between, is important for good
drawings. a. Flip, flip, flip b. Dialog c. Don’t re-inventd. Volumes
35. What should you watch when plotting unfolds in red or blue until the hero roars out?
a. status b. arcs c. add-ons d. subtractions
36. Another approach to effective in-betweens is volumes retention. You can squash or stretch a shape but the region cannot "breathe"
unless the volume of the shape is kept constant.
a. status b. arcs c. volumes d. dialog
37. When staying organized in working out a system, what should you always know of your scenes?
a. arcs b. volumes c. communicationd. status
38. Don’t re-invent the character and stick with the assistant keys and the pattern sheets. If in case, it creates holes in the animation and we
call these as _____________.
a. add-ons b. subtractions c. both d. none of the above
39. One key in cleaning-up a drawing is by asking questions and listening to answers.
a. Dialog b. Communication c. Volume d. Arcs
40. Sometimes it is "on frame" and sometimes it’s a frame ahead. Check the keys against the X Sheet and it should be always given close
a. Dialog b. Communication c. Volume d. Arcs
41. In using of top and bottom lights, choose not only one or the other but both at your own discretion. What best results for low light
a. Red b. Blue c. Black d. Yellow
42. In using of top and bottom lights, choose not only one or the other but both at your own discretion. What best results for top light
a. Black b. Red c. Blue d. Green
43. These types of details should be watched such as whiskers, sep lines, and costume details.
a. fixed b. lost c. parallels d. verticals
44. Follow thru or Secondary action areas-often marked on the keys or ruffs with separate maps, that is why you should watch always for
a. drop b. paste c. drag d. copy
45. "Think Shape not line!" - means you should think of yourself as a sculptor, sculpt your form and define it with a clean, clear,
consistent line when you lay down your line. What should you use to prevent "crawling" or "popping" against the drawings that
surround it?
a. vertical line b. horizontal line c. oblique line d. straight line
46. What lead of pencil is the most preferable type in cleaning up a drawing?
a. 0.3 b. 0.05 c. 0.03 d. 0.5
47. A built drawing will appear flat and using the top and bottom lights help avoid them. Where do Lazy Lines usually seen?
a. drag and drop b. tracebacks c. copy and paste d. sketch
48. In digital ink and paint systems the pigment actually leaks out. Make the job easier with ink and paints and search your sketches for
a. Connect all lines! b. Varied lines c. Dope sheet d. Straight against curve
49. Use straight lines for tension, power, rough areas such as knees and elbows.
a. Connect all lines b. Varied lines c. Straight against curve d. Dial
50. If you have mastered a straight line then you will seek to darken the lines slightly on objects that are nearest to the audience in order to
move them forward.
a. Varied Lines b. Dial c. Bal d. Ruff