This document lists 57 PC/computer games along with their size in gigabytes and status (whether it is a repack or not). The price for installation and downloads varies based on the size of the game - games between 10-20GB cost Rp. 85,000, those 20GB or more cost Rp. 135,000, and repack status games cost Rp. 95,000. An additional Rp. 20,000 is charged for installation. Some of the largest games listed include Call of Duty Black Ops III at 46GB and Final Fantasy XV at 50GB.
This document lists 57 PC/computer games along with their size in gigabytes and status (whether it is a repack or not). The price for installation and downloads varies based on the size of the game - games between 10-20GB cost Rp. 85,000, those 20GB or more cost Rp. 135,000, and repack status games cost Rp. 95,000. An additional Rp. 20,000 is charged for installation. Some of the largest games listed include Call of Duty Black Ops III at 46GB and Final Fantasy XV at 50GB.
This document lists 57 PC/computer games along with their size in gigabytes and status (whether it is a repack or not). The price for installation and downloads varies based on the size of the game - games between 10-20GB cost Rp. 85,000, those 20GB or more cost Rp. 135,000, and repack status games cost Rp. 95,000. An additional Rp. 20,000 is charged for installation. Some of the largest games listed include Call of Duty Black Ops III at 46GB and Final Fantasy XV at 50GB.
This document lists 57 PC/computer games along with their size in gigabytes and status (whether it is a repack or not). The price for installation and downloads varies based on the size of the game - games between 10-20GB cost Rp. 85,000, those 20GB or more cost Rp. 135,000, and repack status games cost Rp. 95,000. An additional Rp. 20,000 is charged for installation. Some of the largest games listed include Call of Duty Black Ops III at 46GB and Final Fantasy XV at 50GB.