101-Article Text-485-2-10-20210511
101-Article Text-485-2-10-20210511
101-Article Text-485-2-10-20210511
The objectives of this study are to find out the suitability of impressionistic and in-depth analysis in the
textbook entitles "Interactive English” used for the seventh grade of Junior High School. This research
is conducted by applying descriptive qualitative. The data was collected by documenting the content
materials on the textbook and it was analyzed by using Cunningsworth's theory. The result showed that
an English textbook entitle “Interactive English" fulfilled the criteria proposed in Cunningsworth's
theory concerning the impressionistic textbook analysis with score 96% and in-depth textbook analysis
with the summative score 87%. From those summative scores, the textbook was categorized as a good
enough textbook and suitable enough to use as media in teaching and learning process.
Keywords: Content Analysis, Textbook,2013 Curriculum.