101-Article Text-485-2-10-20210511

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VOLUME: 1 Number: 1 Page: 20-27


Monica Tambunan
English Department of FKIP HKBP Nommensen University
[email protected]


The objectives of this study are to find out the suitability of impressionistic and in-depth analysis in the
textbook entitles "Interactive English” used for the seventh grade of Junior High School. This research
is conducted by applying descriptive qualitative. The data was collected by documenting the content
materials on the textbook and it was analyzed by using Cunningsworth's theory. The result showed that
an English textbook entitle “Interactive English" fulfilled the criteria proposed in Cunningsworth's
theory concerning the impressionistic textbook analysis with score 96% and in-depth textbook analysis
with the summative score 87%. From those summative scores, the textbook was categorized as a good
enough textbook and suitable enough to use as media in teaching and learning process.
Keywords: Content Analysis, Textbook,2013 Curriculum.

Introduction school level-based curriculum in 2006, which

includes competency of attitude, knowledge, and
Language is tool of communication, skills integrated which is aimed to create students
without language people can’t build
who became intellectual generations who possess
communication with other persons in our social noble characters, independent, democratic,
environment. When we use language, we can responsible.
deliver our personal opinion and create a The use of English textbooks needs to be
meaningful communication with all peoples in our developed related to the 2013 curriculum to present
social environment as well as the cultural beliefs students with the suitable materials. English
and practices of the communities of which we are textbooks have an important role in teaching and
a part: our family, social groups, and other
learning process. In addition to providing
knowledge and skills information, textbooks also
In Indonesia, English is used as a first consist of guiding learning in the form of activities
foreign language of communication and it is also
that guide students to achieve competencies set in
learned at school as subject by the students since the 2013 curriculum.
elementary school. By making English as a According to Sheldon (1968 :23) textbook
subject since Elementary school until university
can be referred as a published material specially
level, it is expected that Indonesian people can designed to help language learners to improve their
comprehend English language written and oral so linguistic and communicative abilities. In ESL
that they can communicate with other people in learning, books are the most important component
the world. Today, English subject continues take because it can be used in certain contexts and help
an important place in our educational curriculum, students to think carefully. In teaching and learning
it means English is one the subject that must be process, an English teacher can’t teach the students
mastered by the learner. without a textbook because the use of textbook can
Since the changes of Curriculum KTSP help teacher in giving instruction at when the
have implemented, The Ministry of Education and learning process is running. It is not only the
Culture of Indonesia decided that education in teacher but also the students who use the textbook.
Indonesia must apply the new 2013 curriculum. Teacher can teach the material well if there are
The 2013 curriculum is the result from the appropriate textbook guiding the teaching-learning
development of previous curriculum. It is a further process, not only inside but also on the outside
step of competency based on curriculum (extracurricular class of the classroom). Teachers
development that was initiated in 2004 and the
and students can build and develop their therefore be analyzed with such use in their mind.
communicative competence in better way if they analyzing text in the contexts of their uses
use qualified textbooks which provide and support distinguish in content analysis from other method of
the material needed. inquiry.
Either local publisher or foreign publisher Content analysis is document analysis. The
have been published many English textbooks that documents that are analyzed include texts, images,
is separated around the areas of Indonesia. When and expression in written. Content analysis is
the government declared that the new curriculum appropriate to be technique of the textbook analysis.
must be applied in all the educational system in The writer uses a textbook entitle “Interactive
Indonesia, there must be lots of new English English” In the content of the textbook, there are
textbooks because the goal of the study will be texts, images, and expression in written. All of that
based on the new curriculum, too. is analyzed by the writer using content analysis
There are so many English textbooks that technique.
easy to find on the market with colorful cover, Textbook is a form of published printed material
beautiful layout and attractive artwork but a most commonly used as teaching and learning
countless number of textbooks itself makes a media in schools or any educational institution. It is
teacher confused to choose the good one. Teacher one of the most important media as a source and
must be careful in making decision to buy a guideline of material which both students and
textbook. The important thing of what teacher will teacher can used in teaching and learning process
teach and learner will learn is influenced by the so. According to Richards (2001:251) Instructional
content of English textbook. If the textbook is too material serve as the basis for much of the language
advanced or too simple for the students, teacher input since learners receive and the language
will certainly be faced with problems. The content practice in the classroom. In addition, Tarigan
of the textbook might not be of the kind that (1986:13) states that textbooks are books of lesson
students can relate to. in certain field of study as a standard book arranged
Beside the main textbook published by by the experts of field for instructional purposes and
Kemendikbud that have been used in the teaching compiled by harmonious teaching media and easy
and learning activity in all schools in Indonesia, understood by the user in schools and colleges to
there are also many textbooks that easy to find receive teaching program.
from different publishers. The writer interest to From those definitions about textbook, it
evaluate a textbook from infamous publisher can be concluded that a textbook is a material which
because there are many textbooks which is not has a function as a guideline or reference used by
meet the criteria of a good textbook. In fact, its the teacher and learners to support the teaching and
publishers only think about their profit and ignore learning activity in the classroom. It makes sense if
the quality of the textbook itself. In this study, the a textbook takes an important role as an
reasons of the writer choosing the book entitle instructional material used by teacher and learner to
“Interactive English” is this book based on the achieve the goal of teaching and learning process.
curriculum 2013 which is published by Yudistira The textbook has the function for the
and it is not used by the schools in the teaching teacher and learner. Textbook is handling book of
and learning process but it might be used as the learner as a source and guidance because teacher
material to learn at home or as an adding guideline can’t explain all the material completely, the
textbook that use in private lesson. The writer learners need textbook which present a complete
wants to know if the textbook is suitable to use as material and it is also used as teaching media for the
a teaching material for the learners to support their teacher, it helps teacher to master all the materials
need in learning activity and to know whether the before explain it to the learner. It can be concluded
publisher of the textbook just publish it only to get that textbook is also called as teaching matter,
many profits or not. textbook and reference book of learning activity for
Content analysis is a method of analyzing the students.
written, verbal or visual communication messages. Textbook can become the instrument of
It is known as a method of analyzing documents. teaching. Textbook is usually used together with
Krippendorff (2004: 13) defines that content some of learning source like: workbook, reference
analysis is potentially one of the most important book of teacher or proponent text. Hutchinson and
research techniques in the social sciences. The Torres (1994: 318) explained that textbook is
content analysis views data of representation not framework or guide that helps students to organize
of physical events but of the texts, images and their learning both outside and inside the classroom
expression that are created to be seen, read, during discussions in lessons, while doing activities
interpreted and acted for their meanings and must and exercises, doing homework and preparing for
the tests. A textbook enables them to learn better, visuals, how attractive and clear the layout is, what
faster, clearer, easier and more. Textbook helps to the whole course package is made up of, how the
find the answer of problem when they follow the items included in the coursebook are sequenced, etc.
course. The teacher sees textbook as the In the analysis of impressionistic criteria, it was
instrument on the management of class to done by observing the cover of the textbook then it
communicate between he or she with his or her was continued by finding out the weakness and the
students. Textbook helps to economize the time, strengths of the textbook. By doing impressionistic
gives the guideline of course and discussion, analysis, it can show the first impression to the
pushes to give homework or another interesting quality of the design and structure of textbook
assignment, directs to do interaction through the supplemental materials and sequence of the content
activity that provided in the book and increases of the book. In other words, impressionistic analysis
the confident and safety feeling. Muslich (2010: is also called as the textbook package analysis.
15) decides that textbook has position and Analysis the impressionistic of a textbook
function as the main source of teaching activity. includes cover and content design of a textbook.
Textbook contains of units of teaching material Analysis the cover of a textbook includes the
that have to be followed by the students through a condition of book layout, typography and
series of activity and exercise like reading text, illustration. In content design analysis include the
analyzing text, discussing the content of the text consistency of layout element, the harmonious of
and reflecting. layout element and the completeness of the layout
As the teaching matter, according to element.
Depdiknas (2008: 12) textbook has three In-depth analysis is the analysis that obtains detailed
functions. First, textbook is the orientation for the information on the various items in textbooks, such
teacher to direct learning activity and reference of as syllabus outlines with the needs of learners. This
competence that have to be learned to the analysis can be done by selecting four chapters in
students. Second, textbook is the orientation for textbooks and analyze the appropriateness Aims and
the students to decide learning activity and the Approach, Language and Content, Skill, Topic, and
substance of competence that learned. Third, Methodology in four chapters.
textbook is the instrument of evaluation on the Cunningsworth (1995: 5) states that a sound
accomplishment of the teaching result. way to approach the selection of textbook is firstly
Textbook analysis is the process to to identify the aims and objectives of teaching
evaluate all material in a textbook in order to programmer and secondly to analyze the
describe if the textbook has a good quality or not learning/teaching situation in which the material
and is it suitable to use as the material in teaching will be used. This will give a profile of the context
and learning process. A good textbook should for which teacher are selecting the teaching
fulfill all of the criteria of good textbook. By materials and some of the requirements that the
doing textbook analysis the reader was able to material will have to meet.
choose the best one to use according to their According to Cunningsworth (1995: 31)
needs. Cunningsworth (1995:5) said that selecting language content can then be compared with what
textbook or textbook involves matching the the students need to learn and expect to learn, in
material against the context in which it is going to order to evaluate the suitability of the material so far
be used. There is no perfect textbook that as its language content is concerned.
beenreleased, there is also the strength and Themes, topics, communicative strategies, cultural
weakness from every textbook but the readers issues and the actual items of language taught-
should find the best possible that fit the potential grammar, vocabulary and phonology – form the
to achieved the real knowledge. According to foundation of everything else that contributes to the
Cunningsworth (1995: 5), he classified how to complex process of language teaching.
analyzing textbook into two kinds; impressionistic There are four skills in general textbook
analysis and in-depth analysis. like; listening, speaking, writing and reading.
Cunningsworth (1995: 1) state that we can According to Cunningsworth (1995: 64) said that
form a general impression of a coursebook fairly we need to check if the textbook deals adequately
quickly, just by looking through it and getting an with all four skills, taking the level and overall aims
overview of its possibilities and its strengths and into account, and if there is a suitable balance
weaknesses, noting significant features which between the skills. We might note here that in-depth
stand out. This is what most of us would do when and balanced treatment of all four skills is not
sample copies of a new course land on our desk. necessary for all teaching situations. Extensive
We can soon see what various features of the reading, for example, would not be desirable in a
coursebook are like, such as the quality of the textbook designed to be used by native speaker
teachers in Japan, who would want the emphasis According to Sri Wahyuni (2016) the national
to be on listening and speaking. educational curriculum has experienced changes in
Cunningsworth (1995:85) state that Topic the year 1947, 1952, 1968, 1975, 1984, 1994, 2004,
deals with material with various kind, subject 2006, and latest is 2013. The entire national
matter selected and how it treat in a textbook. curriculum is designed on the same basis, the
There is also cultural setting used such as the Pancasila and 1945 Constitution; the different
image of life presented, the attitude conveyed and emphasis on basic education goals and
social cultural values in communication. implementation approach.
Methodology is a system of method used The arrangement of new curriculum or K13
in particular area of study or activity. According that has been implemented in June 2013 is one of
to Cunningsworth (1995:67) Methodology can be the targets that must be completed in accordance
defines as the way material is organized and the with the National Rencana Pembangunan
kinds of activity promotes can have a profound JangkaMenengah (RPJMN) in the education sector.
influences on what happened in the classroom. The Changes in the curriculum are carried out to
According to UU No. 20 Tahun 2003 answer the challenges of the changing times so that
about the National Education system stated students are able to compete in the future.Another
that“Kurikulumrencana reason for the changes of curriculum is that the
danpengaturanmengenaitujuan, isi, dan previous or KTSP curriculum made the students
bahanpelajaransertacara burdened because of too much learning materials
yangdigunakansebagaipedomanpenyelenggaraan that must be learned by students. It also looks at the
kegiatan pembelajaranuntuk mencapaitujuan conditions that have existed for several years.
Pendidikan tertentu.” Based on the explanation KTSP, which gives flexibility to teachers to make
above it can be conclude that curriculum is the curriculum independently for each school did not
guidance and reference in plan of educational run well.
system include the goal, learning material and The latest curriculum 2013 which is finally
how to implement the teaching and learning released in July 2013 Curriculum in Indonesia is
activity. Moreover Alberty (1968:45) said that developed by the Ministry of Education and Culture
curriculum is all of the activities that are provided of Indonesia. As we know that the recent curriculum
for the students by the school. So, curriculum is decided by the ministry is the 2013 Curriculum. The
not only limiting on the activity in the class, but 2013 Curriculum includes competency of attitude,
also it includes the activities of the students in knowledge, and skills integrated. Therefore, the
outside class. design of curriculum is also changed from teacher-
Basically, curriculum has function as centered to student-centered.
guidance or reference. In doing teaching and The 2013 Curriculum adopts scientific
learning process, teacher uses curriculum as approach. As conveyed in PermendikbudNo. 81a
guidance to deliver the material in order that goal (2013) scientific approach is a learning process that
of teaching process can be achieved. It also occurs is designed to make students construct concept and
to the headmaster and supervisor, they need principle actively through some steps: (1) observing;
curriculum in doing supervise. Not only education (2) questioning; (3) collecting information and
area, curriculum also has a function for the parents concluding, (4) associating, and (5) communicating.
as a guidance to control their children to study at Mendikbudsaid in Modul Bahasa Inggristhat the
home and for the students itself, curriculum has content of the 2013 Curriculum is formed core
function as a learning guidance. competencies of class and followed by the basic
The development of curriculum has a competence of subjects. Core competence is the
wide and complicated process. The process quality thatmust be owned by pupils in the class
included determining the students’ needs, arrange through basic competence which is organized in
and developing aims or objective for a program of pupils` learning process. Basic competence is
students’ needs to determine an appropriate competence that must be learned by the pupils. This
syllabus, course structure, teaching methods, and basic competence will be the reference for teacher to
materials, and to carry out an evaluation of the write the syllabus and teaching-learning process.
language program that results from these The latest Curriculum 2013 is perhaps the
processes. The changes of curriculum reformed and advanced version of KTSP because
development are relative according to the many aspects in the Curriculum 2013 are adapted
necessities of educational system. The most from KTSP. The KD (Kompetensi Dasar) are still
important things that need to be focus on the used in the Curriculum 2013. It also still uses the
curriculum development is technology and KTSP curriculum frameworks as the basis, yet in
knowledge and also the attitude of social society. Curriculum 2013 introduced new curriculum
variable which is KI (Kompetensi Inti). editing.
The main aspect that has been optimized METHOD
in Curriculum 2013 compared to KTSP is that in The research design in this study is
Curriculum 2013 the contents are not only based descriptive qualitative research. According to
on student accomplishment on the indicator and Maxwell (1996: 17) the strength as qualitative
standards, but also the student comprehension in research derives primarily from its inductive
applying the value of honestly, self-discipline, approach, it is focused on specific situation or
responsibility, cooperation, tolerance, polite, people, and its emphasis on words rather the
responsibility, and proactive. The idea of numbers.
Curriculum 2013 is to provide all indicators in KD The writer used textbook entitle “Interactive
(Kompetensi Dasar) and KI (Kompetensi Inti) English” for Seventh Grade of Junior High School”
with religious value, believes, and social peace and it was analyzed by using the criteria of textbook
and relate all those values into every single lesson evaluation from Chunningsworth’s theory about in-
that will be taught. depth analysis of textbook as a guideline in
In the process of teaching and learning analyzing and interpreting the data. The checklist
English, there are four basic skill that the students was designed to produce a score for the textbook
must know. Those skills are divided in to two, analysis. The checklist scale used to evaluate all the
they are receptive skill (Listening and reading) criteria of impressionistic and in-depth analysis is
and productive skill (Speaking and Writing). the scale 0-1 where 0= No and 1= Yes.
Speaking is the communication between For the procedures of analysis, these steps
at least two people to express an idea or feeling. were taken in the study:
Basically, speaking is used as a means of 1. Read and comprehended the criteria of a textbook
communication among people in society in order evaluation based on Chunningsworth’s theory
to keep relationship going on well. Nunan with Junior high school textbook. These would
(2004:48) stated that speaking is the productive be the main guideline to determine the
oral skills that consist of producing systematic compatibility ofEnglish textbooks “Interactive
verbal utterance to convey meaning. When the English” with the 2013 curriculum.
brain has an idea, it encodes the idea and sent to 2. Observed and scanned through the content of
the mouth by using articulation system then mouth material in the textbook “Interactive English”
produces the spoken text. 3. The data was obtained from the textbook then
Reading is what happens when people categorized and arranged in detailed information
look at a text and assign meaning to the written was analyzed based on the criteria of a textbook
symbols in the text. Eskey and Dubin (1986: 12) evaluation.
state that reading is a receptive language process. The analysis was done by using these
There is a process in which readers try to get more following steps:
information from what is encoded by the author in 1. Comparing the presentation of the textbook with
the text in order to construct meaning from the the impressionistic analysis.
text they read. Then, it can be understood that 2. Evaluating textbook’s presentation by giving
there is an interaction between a reader and a text score in respected category listed in the rubric
in that reading process. assessment.
Listening is an active, purposeful of 3. The data was gained from the process of
making sense of what people hear. According to evaluation.
Rost (2002:279) Listening is the mental process of 4. Summing up the compatibility percentage of the
constructing meaning from spoken input. In textbook’s presentation.
listening, oral text or spoken text is received by 5. Comparing the material presented in the textbook
ears and sent to the brain and it can decode and with the category of required
search for the meaning. characteristic of an English textbook by using
According to Sitorus and Sipayung (2018: rubric assessment from Cunningsworth.
82) writing is a complex process of decision 6. Evaluating materials in the textbook by giving
making-of selecting, deleting, and rearranging score in respected category listed in the rubric
material. In addition, Harmer (2001:79) writing is assessment.
a form of communication to deliver throughout or 7. The data was from the process of evaluation.
to express feeling through written form. Writing is 8. Summing up the compatibility percentage of the
the final product of several separate acts that are textbook content. The writer used the following
hugely challenging to learn simultaneously. formula to present the data forms in numbers.
Among these separable acts are note taking,
identifying a central idea, outlining, drafting and 𝐹
P =𝑁 x100%
P = Percentage of the aspect of the standard requirements in
F = Frequency of fulfilled aspect criteria impressionistic analysis the quality of the textbook
N = The total of criteria in each aspect proposed by Cunningsworth and categorized as
Table 1 good. The result was summing up with this
The Conversion of Fulfilment following formula:
P=30 x100% =96%
80% - 100% Good In-Depth Analysis
60% - 79% Fair In-depth analysis is the analysis that obtains
50% - 59% Sufficient
detailed information on the various items in
0% - 50% Poor
textbooks, such as syllabus outlines with the needs
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION of learners. This analysis can be done by selecting
The writer analyzed the quality of a one until four chapters in textbooks and analyze the
textbook by using theory from Cunningsworth. appropriateness of skills and learning activities in
According to Cunningsworth’ theory, there are four units/chapters. The aspects were analyzed are;
two kinds for textbook analysis they are aims and approach, language and content, language
impressionistic and in-depth analysis. The writer skills, topic and methodology.
was focused on both impressionistic and in-depth
analysis to analyze all the component of the Table 3
textbook. The book which has been analyzed in Unit 1 Result of In-depth Analysis
No Rated Aspects/ Total Frequency
this research is a textbook entitle “Interactive Criteria Criteria
English” published by Yudistira. 1 Aims and 4 4
Impressionistic Analysis approaches
Impressionistic analysis was done by 2 Language content 7 6
observing the cover of the book in order to find 3 Skills 5 4
out strengths and weaknesses of the book. The 4 Topic 6 5
impressionistic analysis can quickly give the 5 Methodology 7 5
impression to the design and structure of Total 29 22
textbooks, supplemental materials and sequence Percentage 75%
of the content of the book. There were some
aspects that would be analyzed they are included Table 4
cover and content design of a textbook; analysis Unit 2 Result of In-depth Analysis
the cover of a textbook included the condition of No Rated Aspects/ Total Frequency
Criteria Criteria
book layout, typography and illustration. In 1 Aims and 4 4
content design analysis included the consistency approaches
of layout element, the harmonious of layout 2 Language content 7 7
element and the completeness of the layout 3 Skills 5 4
element. In the process of evaluation, the checklist 4 Topic 6 4
would be given in the process of evaluation 5 Methodology 7 7
proposed by Cunningsworth theory of Total 29 26
impressionistic criteria based on the data gained. Percentage89%
Table 2
Finding of Impressionistic Analysis Table 5
No Rated Aspects/ Total Frequency Unit 3 Result of In-depth Analysis
Criteria Criteria No Rated Aspects/ Total Frequency
1 Book layout 9 9 Criteria Criteria
2 Typography 6 5 1 Aims and approaches 4 4
3 Illustration 3 3 2 Language content 7 7
4 Consistency of the 3 3 3 Skills 5 4
Layout Element 4 Topic 6 5
5 Harmonious of 4 4 5 Methodology 7 7
Layout Element
6 Completeness of the 5 5 Total 29 27
Layout elements Percentage 93%
Total 30 29
Percentage 96% Table 6
All the data which has been gained from Unit 4 Result of In-depth Analysis
the process of evaluation showed that the textbook No Rated Aspects/ Total Frequency
Criteria Criteria
entitle “Interactive English” was 96% fulfilled all 1 Aims and approaches 4 4
2 Language content 7 7 Grade English Textbook.
3 Skills 5 4 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia: Bandung.
4 Topic 6 5 Cunningsworth, Alan. 1995.Choosing your
5 Methodology 7 6 Coursebook. New York: Macmillan.
Darrin, Abu 2014. An Analysis of English Textbook for
Total 29 26
First Grade of Senior High School Published
Percentage 89%
by Putra Nugraha. Universitas Pendidikan
Indonesia: Bandung.
Table 7 Depdiknas. 2008. PengembanganKurikulumPada
Finding of Summative Score on In-Depth Analysis Pendidikan Kesetaraan. Jakarta:
No Unit Score BalaiPengembangan Pendidikan Non-Formal
1 Unit 1 How Are You? 75%
dan Informal.
2 Unit 2 Getting to Know Others 89%
3 Unit 3 My Birthday is in March 93%
Fraida,Dubin & David,Eskey. 1986.Theoretical
4 Unit 4 Things Around Me 89% Foundation in Teaching Reading for Academic
From the total 116 categories being purpose. Massachusetts:Addison-Wesley
Publishing Company.
analyzed in 4 chapters, there are 101 categories
Harmer, Jeremy. 2001. The Practice of English
fulfilled in-depth criteria of textbook analysis Language Teaching. London: Longman.
showed that unit 1 until unit 4 fulfilled 87% the Hutchinson, T.,&Torres, E.1994. The Textbook
criteria from Cunningsworth standard requirement as Agent of Change. ELT Journal.
and categorized as good which means that the Krippendorff, Klaus. 2004. Content Analysis, an
textbook was suitable enough to be used for media Introduction to Its Methodology. University of
in teaching learning process for the seventh grade Pennsylvania: Sage Publications, Inc.
student of Junior High School. Maxwell, Joseph. 1996.Qualitative Research Design, An
CONCLUSION Interactive a Hal Roach. California: Sage
Publication, Inc.
Based on the result from data analysis, it
Muslich, Mansur. 2010.Textbook Writing. Jakarta: Ar-
can be concluded that the textbook “Interactive Ruzz Media
English” for seventh grade of Junior High School Nunan, Davis. 2004.Task-Based Language Teaching.
is fulfill the criteria of good textbook proposed by New York: Cambridge University Press.
Alan Cunningswortnamely impressionistic Prasojo, Arif. 2014. The Analysis of English Textbook
analysis and in-depth analysis. Pathway to English. Universitas Islam Negeri
1. The textbook fulfill 96% for the Jakarta: Jakarta.
impressionistic criteria and categorized as Richards, Jack. C. 2001. Curriculum Development in
good to be used as a teaching material. Language Teaching. Cambrige: Cambridge
2. The texttbookalso fulfill 87% for the in-depth University Press.
Rost, Michael. 2002.Teaching and Researching
criteria and categorized as good to be used as
Listening. Great Britain: Personal Education
a teaching material. Limited.
It can be conclude, both of the result of Sari, Trisyana. 2015. An Analysis of the Relevance of
impressionistic and in-depth analysis from the English Material in a Textbook Entitled Bright
result of textbook evaluation can be categorized for Junior High School Grade VII Published by
as good and the textbook mostly lack in the Erlangga. Universitas Negeri Surabaya:
aspects of topic especially in the cultural context Surabaya.
that less presented which most of material doesn’t Setiawati, Dian. 2015. Content Analysis of Student
show up many local and national culture of Book “When English Rings a Bell”.
Indonesia in the textbook but overall the result of Universitas Negeri Semarang: Semarang.
Sheldon, Leslie. 1968. Evaluating ELT Textbook and
a textbook analysis proves that the textbook has a
Material. ELT Journal. Oxford University
good quality Press.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Sitorus, G., & Sipayung, K. (2018). An Error Analysis
The writer would like to thank and convey of Using Phrases in Writing Recount Text at
Tenth Grade in SMA Parulian 2 Medan. Celt: A
the deepest gratitude to KammerSipayung as the
Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching
first consultant and also to NenniSinaga as the & Literature, 18(1), 79 - 88.
second consultant for their contribusion and doi:https://doi.org/10.24167/celt.v18i1.562
guideline to complete this article. Tarigan,Henry.G.1986. TelaahBukuTeks Bahasa
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